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THE FARMVILLE HERALD ? PAST, 111.1.1' lui. HIL I'KL.-LM IHU'L FOB THE Ll ll UK vol \\ lRMVILLK, VA. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER l 19 Sit ir ORV i COUNTY DIRECTORY. SCHOOL DIRF.CTORY. ? ? ? i. w \| HIIIM \ ll LAW - Lee & Thompson, Attc it Law, V \ J- M CRUTE. Atturiiev at La*. Ml KINS. UU KINNA BRUCK. .PINEYS AT LAW, ? 11. w I County, Va. '-' \\ C I "ANHLIN wv, \\ HITL A, CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, Weslminster School, Richmond, Va Miss CAMPBELL, Principal. Ml NORMAL SCHOOL, ? ? Hod i qnlpBU nf ' riS A So.' ? JAPANS NEW TERMS Rondy With ti Propol Toddy's Conference. ll IA1 REMOVE LIS1 OBSTACLE, ?'r.'l.linn ti. Ile sui,ii,Ht. ,| ll -Inn I li, ,,. s I , ti, eli il lu III Sm Inline ????[???situ,ii lu. aaiinl h r. ,,. , s, im. ,, ' 111 \ ll lil K ' ? ever, tl i,, the soil Ute ? ' - * ? ahtiudant honor In titi be ' iv ithout ? . :ui in -Heh 0 Ba ron Romura will tend, today, lt tim lu- ramemli pan ill.l ?? under ms even In ber original il. "She spoko of Telnihumemont,' lt ls true, runt sim is still speaking ol it She xxiii on.b opportunity of BStlsfylng her d without making lt appear thal tl pu ld Oil' ? Ito me reit, lt la behalf of Jnpnn, to waive nit i Indemnity or Belniliurwenienl foi the tho war and to .khalin . nf ths none tn the arbitrntlo inlxrtl OM nil's Statement " ititi tn h. Kits-Inn emperor through ti. .un ami in md ? reply waa "partial)] n to bellera that this lon un behalf of Japan wi y nt Bl ?,f the n-.rt of Jitprtn to oi.fnii y under ths guise of pul ... I Sakhalin. aca conference is lik. di lylwr mun kopt ni ? Trial Without \!..r.l NOBLEdVILLE, Ind. Anir 20 - A tin! fur asssult without a vinni hoing puheu waa tried ts I of the ? wns (J with Kins md wife. Ali Oin if iiiid Tho with- were adiuli ti writing hui! ul! question* nnd an* ?re in writing. Some of the notions In answer to qu that there could be no Maier ?f Mci hearne) Bria Kn * NEW VuKi liz--it ut thi ? ld itt the Li ? mi pa ny pul ' * ?vhs thu buy. ut tilly by Lampllfl ls Ma ' ny tilly by Bowling Brook Cntlitirlne Blew h.i. i Bale (it- ?? T ONO BRANCH, N i ltd here lind tte. nth anil some Jewel telina. I'r.rt slttm-i NLW 0RLEAN8, Vug tining mi'ic: :*-i Prince I onia ill I Tl .HOMO, Alli* . Batts In .liv hull irk Tho prince replied bib liv ? l.t n's Ci I ral.rr IIhIiiIiu.. Klnatt-il. MANILA, Aux* 28 iiHlnbow wai -successfully flout here. TARIFF WEAPON AGAIN8T U8. ? l*r..?.,.?? ll, l.| ?,.t ll|,|; l'art if I ..nv rn.I,mill lint,-. ' 'illili i nevi I boat. iud | i. iita-riu ' ' ' ' - ' 'lill P | nit lim ' elllllieilt Tc- ; tho alni ibottld be I opinion i j Will be til vx i APPEAL TO ROCKEFELLER Parla V. ?>|ia|i. r Bl**al? Oil Klan tl.ui Help Baaala PAIll Japan I an Indemnity land, i. i aniounl I whether a not liol Vi ami cou hands, es |h<- I ' such ai. I HUMAN CHAIN FINDS A BOY. Ulta Min ll'.lil lliin.l. tutti XX ti,I. t i i ? . u Ifler a limn alan. GLOYEH8VILJ I ..'. \\ ? t t il just na Un- eniplo] tory wen- lea ring their noon hnnr. i k and foi ii quarter ..f a mlle 11 The men bold b mil Wilded th. tinnily pped on tho lindy of tbe lad, and it a the sui fa.f. Knos les, ' tit-en lu tin' vt ? :ould not Drina neil aa ll nalia n -I I ' I if ll ll, if Helen J-ixle Joli. n the I .Ittle Itck ba lii-l A telegram In ion of tho death ff her b ? , f?w minutes ( it ii it eil ll.hater 1'iilsiiii. Mn,.. A8BUR1 KALK N ' sting canned fest a ? ? mid fmir i if lobster. Tl alfred Morris of I'.; wo children were also p ? it finally rc null linallie, licit i i, > KIHI Al'LLKlIIA. AtlS . f and 1" Il St i nu ii tbs Schuylkill river OS. WI" ii SS ir Kl,? I lu hull lunged Into ths water ? h ; and torc tl T wea ll Besleaas Killel MAZATLAN, Mei. Ans c Injured by the preinnh ie Port worki at Minimi Um of those killed ly mutinied. I ...,r Ivlll. Liri am! Ulm-, ll HUNTINGTON, v 'iiiiam Barbour al totitly - love affair. '? lliself rued from the fun. The* Terrible Wretch. "\Vh> ir?' cried tbs t> int'll br) reit BM all alsnit it thing, dariteg What hu ths brets ?on doini;?" "When I araated him to lork fha Indowa les! Bight t.ld tba foi bnrglsi ?iv itu uv alni bl mid 1 J Her., With the Minstrels. Mr Hones -V.'hat am d<* dltt"renee cnn? Mr Midilleiiii I don't know, Mr. " ? un sad ss 'A tn r. 'i man Kita std '*. de scram I de scram I am all ll '.irago i-iipplied dcvnliiin lp Ihe flltt'l li? lt' fro thi tun ? i. i?, tu I MOB LYNCHES NEGRO. Taken I i.,in Barth I ur..Hub Uaaki ii Maa, ' ' ? I; I - ' HE PAWNED HIS LEG. tn. Ka*** Imll .1.Un,-t.rock, Xl I ll ll . ix mil- ll Un. I. Ile - If Jot i Alder: 1 forw ? , lathi Hun. li ic ern meet. i*lit hoi nder Ita s in tba il ? imod I iBjunctlnn v | atlon ol u llr.t XX Mt., lint... . 1,11,1 li. WAPir hlto H '? I,..ninia >laa Bellaqalal ' ? lo ll (.,.1,1 lilliput ni \ I fur Ormnn.hile XX Ins I iilnrll. n thc I ut all ' chu'. tl.II la III. I I ne ts 1 of . M fr lu lt Hu I'll tlc vv! iff f..r I her for rail ami it by ad M I. a pun \ I ..v.Urn I nii.'ti tt rup. rum ? id of rlgtnal Lan ? rup. ? I- from -in system and cu Li W H W will ber CONDENSED DISPATCHES. lataale BveaU nt lin \x.-.u Hrlr-fl ? i,. li .1 -i and lice ', ul lin- In ted Stn ti-a aiplisb ? iv ii re . 113 i" mien John \v Bogers, who k. Al ? s a "ld. Ill ' J Kl. tended ) with President H nins tn : uko* railway, In Chins Hie Ililli "I 1 K .tinis the i thc depart.nt ol \ Peckham : .\evi Vnik un a ?ul the . preuistnrelj dirnlKlni depurtiuent . 1 Washington ii .: np mi Sat ? ll Jills, Hie A . lin- citast ol ?:,.? - rea of I Hie ship ??nunns u illili the 11 Italian ami ? nred the lit''." it .ind di..ill BOOB ? ?? i -ii from I'l.ll ti,m.I,,,, ii latter .bibil Williams, tinily einbi Ins death ll Al Iud . who Igtl Ills Hld lilli them," lll.iile il ? ron? ni pay hat they though! food wm worth i iHlnlpb ill Mmtlltalrj ?urned ihf m. ? thal tin* st< ? 1 bound bl- bands to Ima u 11 thf . well kunu li tm f Ly ?I llttl thirty tints lu jail iilitl a tine I. nipt. ? :i tile a in the divorce sn!! brought ..Idell. the Nea York flub nf tin- Nations) lumber band and thu bunin .it of Indiana foi niiiced lt hf :, '"ttii pUtm is' u III lc, elie $4 "tn u ?i 'lb. si.lin,I,,,, Inn |B ? -tutti c ? : '?Mi, : fur thc 1 tliruwn fr.,ii, stand iliout John Atll fork, who hurled ? throe of -ti made hy himself la-it iib 11. 1 fi 1111 binni, -lill.'lld. -tiff nf .. :itv \ I , and lld he ni In Virginia In I nu thor! tic! Hied by wire, nnd Informstion wsi line I that ti reward had I . llll'e. ! the sweetheart nf had imt raes ? itopped in the ? 11 Kimo, ? iy thousands of dol* ? > ;' ' tm er of ? th baring ! a! alni Ilk . tj SII1T1T Wsltace ?farlane, ' milling rem* lotigkong ny tito Cblnose boycott imscicsn gooda baa paralyzed tbs ? --lui. bronte K ?1 . -; ? . it and all trimbles liing therefrom, ll 1 c mitering I iy there is nu V tllHll Rod. IL I it for a num ttf HIV patielll- With k"'"tl - lol Dyspepsia Von b tweet. new. flour tnde between Pactflc Mest jsirt and China. Twenty Mexican laborers wen* kilhsl nnd a nurutsT Injured by the pismsluie ? xj kialoa ui i ii milty of dynamite at the Kurt wurki ut Mansanlllo ' mstskhag in-- thlrtssa year-otd broth er in law fm ii burglar, Prent Hunty of Unit,,n, \. i'.. s|?,t aed Ulled Wsda Robinson, u sun of Engineer J i let' : r the Beeboerd Air line. Hasty ?bc otber buy in uu adjoining ? ! his pistol ami Bred The vlftltn dbsj In seven boon Hun capitalists, willi Auieri (?sus, project a tinlby line from Tort Erle tn Knint Abinn. n v a capital Of $1,000,000 ls s?jj tn be aviillable nuil the mw cniifiiii propoasd tn take ? ncr (!.? e i..-tu cen Muir.ll.I ami Port Lib- us vt ell ns fhn sinai steam railroad that runs fi'-iiii Knit Lite about four miles along the cans dian s! a masting ut Atlantic City, N .1, nt the New -fermi eight boar osmmittm nf the International Tjpsgiapiihsl un inn roted to tender Ita ssststsncs to atti labor lindie*, in the state, fiillti lld inc fur tlie sight hour working day. Alini Krill ?f Jersey city, who aral mads chairman, seined a sosamlttei of three to in t in conjunction witta thc New Jersey Federation of [abm in fur. lng Ihe eight hnnr 1 Tbnr.tlav, Alf. Bi. Twentj pei' were seriously lu Jill isl lu ii collision bel weeli two triilus ,u Coney Island, New York. The big breaker of tho Uresnougb ? a i'oui company ut Mbamofelu, Ka, nus destroyed by tut- Jiu- break it a As thc result of tho tragic death of BlmOfl libel. U tt-liel lillie resident of Brooklyn, under tho wheels of a trolley In Manhattan avenue the motorman of the cur went ersay. lin- Rev. ?'burles Thatcher Pfeiffer, aged thirty, formerly rector of the Church ot the Hooss nf Prayer, rtiila . was msrrled io Min Alice la 'b I-.nt Hali ut Qeimsntowa, aged ut teen. Thc Mist results of the New York state CeOSUI takeu lust JOBS were mods public by Secretary of Stale O'Brien They islets eely to the etty Of Albany and Show Its popnlatiou bi a Jins ls mi Increase of I,lill mer tim federal ceuaua of 1000, Goldie Mohr Wood, (ho former show girl, reai bed a settlement with tba chil? dren nf her late husband. Ainu W Wood, the Pittsburg steel millionaire. by which she ls to receive one ipnu tel nf the SState. Mr. Wo'sl's estate hus unfited ut from |n,ooo,ooo t" ,<lll,l?s - XX'?.lnr?ilri>, tua. aa. 'Ihe ii : ul sale nf Impm ted stock on tin- Hiitinuii- estate of Qeotga W, Vanderbilt asa held at Asheville, 112,000 being realised, in mi tittv eight besd of Jersey cattle were sold, srsrsging B201 ... ta The atesmer Atbos, seventeen days late, willi Bight passengers and a car go of rotted bananas and with tin boam of half eaten shnrks on b Indicate tho peril- nf her tOJOfO, ar? rived ut New York from Jamaica. Surrounded hy aridences of porer ty .uni with only her eight pet cuts kSSP lng vigil, but with $30,000 In bank BOtm beneath In-r pillow, Mrs Mary Tull, seventy-four yt-nrs old, wai found deni lu bsd In her linnie uf tWO small room lu n New York tenement Th,innis V, Wagganinii, lute llBSSmST of the Catholic University lu Washing toa and whose di.uncial difficulties have been tuld, was Indicted I1}' (he ? of Columbia federal grand Ju iv for embesslement In connection witta his management us trnstes of SS S'Stiltf FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. t In.Ina SlonU Unolallnn.. on tall -nady at J pur tani, ex ? ' - MMUU (.'looma l>rb??: I ie r .. *S N Y Cent!. Atsatson. MU N"rf. 0 West... K,% ll. IO. UM puna KU ... 1?U Ilronkl} n lt T T94. RssdiBg 11?% vticl. WU Booh Island ... ?'? Ches &OI1I0. i ml . unit ? ithw. 271 Houttn-rn 1'ao.. *?*,? Haili.CO Southern Kv V\ Mouth Ky. 1 i 1?2?4 fbi?ar . 141*. iii Castra! ..IT7 Tenta F.icin BU Lsekawsaas lr/ Union Pact! I Narai.. Batt D. B Sn-tl ? k Manhattan ... KW U H Htea>l pf.. w\\ Utan....tai Waal tlatoa w Ml.-ouii I ?ar York Market.. FLOUR Dall Md Bsrsli iralahfs Ali,'ir r-xtrul, I KSdB Bi winter ? H fcftt ."? \\ ll KAT ? tip-Hi. d easy under good 1 I,iv*>rP""l < ables, vv..,K teM In the noitli-t'errt mel liberal ? la; than ralllad "n ct?vili? fi uni- r pr,.?p?. ts of ln iiiyv?m"nt and tl. Hilda! lop. Sap '. ? CORN- Low r under Liverpool oables ind In sympathy with a nial; Dseambei TALLOw1 Steadr; ettf, i'ir ; country, shipping. *)c ; FTHAW M\..k. lona rv* fJVJ.iV. lt-'l kl(lll(> common to ' ?n. extra western , s &' off, i^ at murk. w?si?rn if m; New TorU full o,. Mt ? IStlf ? V - UlSf . MY Kum: fowl.? ? Illy: . ,1 f.ilr to ffoo.1, !?VTU . old 1 V ; nearby che kt' - iffl ? lestern ehlokena, choteav 1* bl. k.ns, fair to etoo lira Slock Marketa. ?.Hr ma'ks' I I ??H. market active. t??vv ?* 'li-J-O, mud'j'Utt h-*avy " Vtrs. !tC?l ;ji ?ppjrj. tarket ?l9Wj- jprlwa, wathf-rl. aaaaea, Nu I llpleasailt KlTei I*. If vu ever Ional DsWitl - Little ".arly Kiser- fur bilk iistipa uii ymi know what pill pleasure is. hese famniis little pill- flesnse the ver sad rid the IJStsm of all bile nthniit prodocieg unpleasant ..ld by W. B. Agnew. llf-1 for ( Inbiri 11. Motbsrs, be cersfUl sf Uss hesith of Idren I^sik mit fur Coughs, olds, Croup ami '' ' tough. Hop thein in Uses I 'ne Minute Cough -?niedy. Harmleee Beat Cnittaiii- im ..pistes. " sold by W li. Agte '< rk' re. I ?'*" ? Hs SiiLET* AMD l.AMPd -Bupi -* slow- prtui IJajl.M, ?prteg Urabi, boys lom; france Yonkers Lad's Stupor d Puzgle to Medlcdl Men. HE STHIXK IHE RICI lil HIS HEAD Thea I crr-hrti lailaal M. nlnu ll I. II. t .lulled and Since Hint lim. liluht ) ear-..ia I hnrle. iim,|,l Ila. Xdi xi,,, . a lM.MxLl'S, N Y. Aug tctsnttsts throughout Ihe cooa! lind their utteutlmi dire '"1 I uiurkuble essa of catalepsj lu . where Chsrica lull lieen tn mi uubrnkeii ti sloop for mers than font i ll probable a cons . Nts. lu nervous til-. . thia city will be eulie! ? According to the mother of tl bs was apparentlj I ??ii Apt ll 0 iSSt, when he went Into the \\ lilia whirling around a lampp. dizzy, fell to the gi beeb sf hts bead Ha * .1 to re rarer, however, ami nothing unusual developed until two days tata bs treat into n held near his l pick asms early spring flower* for his mother. Betumhuj io ihe boura I ed of pains In the heed und within a few minutes lap-cd Into a irate of un consciousness, frmn which bs sweksnsd. Dr. ? l Doff) pronounced the aliment i i al meningitis and in tbs weeks tl ngnosls was proved ? the soutsaetfoa of tue muielei in Hie convulsions of tin has never morai aa sysisata When the hui f|| flrtf -?' .j In- fa flier, yosepfa Cnnepl. Jr. I well csalrsctor, icut to one of tbe t there to enan go two Boreel Menin gltll was then at Itt height, .ind the auth.Titles told him be a obtain the service stther tu Yonkers ur Nee I ?neb dtiBcelty this was d. or the otlnr of the attendants I, at tin- childe bedside eonstantly, marking every change In tb. ; raters and puiastion Bugs of lee were I to keep down the tempera tun even these BMBSttn to hold it below tbs danger point. A utile while before tl ?v eight pounds, bin today bs ls alni'tst a ikelx-ton, and ouly his wonderful vitality bru his |in ultimate re carary. At erst Ls ti,ma nf lltjuld food, but when the lirsi ru rages of in- i. hu threat resumed it- awsllowlng functions liquids wire ponied Into til? mouth In Maali qnantiti. life. Disci ern! phislfiuus said catalepsj hus been n puzzling Btndy. lt ls sup posed to be caused by itiddi bet no orgaeic i haegm Ls U ? tiaro ever been ?uiily account fur tba! it first taaalfmta ttsstf by i sudden losi of t'onseloiuuesi, when tbs tniv iniisclci become rigid, but In I llttl'i whllij this rigidity ls rspi a waxllko condition, lu which llstnneo ls BmdS to mn position In which the limbs may bc i All -?usihiiity li lost, although ftsvl placed tn the mom' slow iv swallowed. The general vitalll a low ebb, th ind the temperature boca uni. In most cain the rlctln tii-'iily passive existence, .ind that ls entirely dopendont for lt' pu striation upon tho efforts of (hose In attend? ance Itaailln* of the Oa.eliall t I NATIONAL ' York ra 9 ? htlabil PhlutdplpKlii ?. Il I N . B.iat'.it . Brooklyn AM! KI' AN .. i'lilladelphla . .'hi. ago .... I ?.'cw Tort . . LVashlnatori . . I .a Time to Die. Ile Wrele PHILADELPHIA, tag -"' J J.Bod ly, fifty years old, a Bisoibsr inn of Parker ic Buddy, maaafactnr ng Jewa-lnrs, dropped dead ..n nit street, ts ths mater sf Ut t mite written by himself wa? found n his pocket In wt, 'hat I? viii time for bim to db' It ' hnt only bis brother-la law and an un lertaker ba permitted to s, ||.,VMi,IMVt I nplltll I't lr.HI, a linet BUFFALO, Aug Ite-Csi aiists. with Americana proje. 11 ? Ino from Fort Erle to Point A' apttal of 11,000,000 ls said tO be aval! . BkS over the f, ny Ml luffalo and I mall itenm rollroad thnt rans from * shout four mik 'a nadia n shores Slapa Calla Mnllraeai'e I a-Ulfr '-. KAI.I.S. S l>. Aug 20 Mrs iVnllaee DUttOB iianche Chesbroegb Molineux, tl if Unbind B Molineux, ' in engagement with I Ile house at a salary of i "ck and lins left to bx Inf "Jet erl, Mille Ott ncr llrntvaed. ME MIS. Ml'h . Aug 21 In he life of her dug Ni II line year old daughter of Mr si ,'homaj Htdnorg of thia vllluir. nitantly killed by s Pore M" -asiiugf-r train. Thl dog wai nain med. I lamsrem sad tfertelesi Everything i- In lbs aaa Witch Haast dales ieWltt B Co., ut Lilies.: irs agu bow lo make , uni Witch Ha/el tl Hm Fur binni, bleeding, Itch intruding Pl ' ind all -km d-e-t-. - I ?? ?Ive lias un K'lial. Tin- bm se to numerous worth Issi oountar tsk fur DsWItl - 'he genuine nld by \V. I!. Agnew. Dinthsria, amethroet,ci ?lief, |?ennaiiei)t euri- Dr, 1 I electric Oil. At any drug THE CAPTIVITY OF JUDAH A A Sundiy SchiolLeuoa tor Sept. 3,1*15 M--ti ' TIM! ' . ParalUI ? ' 1 ll j ; r, who would surely > for htn ? ? Jehovah t, SS lt 1 - - la bia V. ll threes n.-lgh forlng ig aid .-at 1 | V. ll is now 'ilsesas t II waa Israel and pen i have been t!. came th ?lt liiai ? tin- Ullin ol . bloselng | .ylng to re? veal His . . Hts messenger!." Tho name "mse iint always, Tidah'i He bad -inmui!, Elijah. Elisha, an 1 more re esetly ? boen mn I sOllfltt ' rnoefced hr a ? ? Huianlah ?earning gi the prop: ways ? ] ? many - v. 11 what ba brought . . . ( The army ?arno tu Jehovah wits Bod of ali pies, am' : pun COIll ' 25:1317. it tho t, | way, and ' meta a-< ? f court at ?'i of MUiOS e. ii mar KbSrs, I y ion tnlah ?n of 'Until ' I vii' ting In leif arv tors or V 17 ? n man ' .rposee ' V. 21 : which sta >rtnga here ft' hat. af' .. '?