Newspaper Page Text
THE FABMTIIJaE HERALD Cl HONOR FOB lill PaAST, HELP FOR mi, I'I. Ks KM. HOPE FOR lil K Kl VOL XV KA KM VILLK. VA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. \o. :,... ITY DIRECTORY. t COUNTY OI-tCCTORY. SCHOOL DIRECTORY. V\ ll I Ii ? ' ? W ' xv i:m\ vi I tn Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, J* M CRUTE, Attorney at Law, WATKINS, WATKINS! ..KOCK. CORNEYS AT LAW. ? WING, M'HHiM'i -ii LA m Bay, Prince Edward County, Va Federal. \\ C FRANKLIN \ 1 LAW, W'HITE tV CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, Westminster School, Richmond, Va. Faculty Miss CAMPBELL, Principal. H. C, BRISTOW, FARMVILLE. VA , HO! \d SIGN [Tenter;] PAPER HANGER ID INTERIOR DKCORATOK. R G. BRISTOW CAN'T READ OR WRITE. Ml '-I Un, , I ? OKI V\ ??Ililli. ' ' ' I . Ink sui pe : tn bli ? l ' ? pxplnln ; where a AGAINST PEACE AGREEMENT. ?lap**, ? "li? lle,Ml,, I.u\ ern mr iii, ' nd dan ? ? fore ! ? . I will be bro nut will re In ? ? thc lui - till mid Imperial iti their i.lll Wil? ier ttatsura mab ' ? ? - coiinrlj lt I** inn; ly muk BAKU GETTING WORSE. V.ilmc li. Hep.>ns Kerrit .tl In St, I't-lrrslmrit. s|,t |-_. ??!?, - from Baku ? ? ie etnbbon - amt thnt ? ., ? plundering in the into a nil uk ".ng un annuli pro? ne! mid ' tweet loan s ? at would be un ?me In bush IO I'm '.it it it lui ' ' ' ' i sk foi ' Iii.'. spenklnu or li.? \\ ASliiM.i' ?N, i? Bepl ll Out Bl .in of Bound mind ? ?' morsel of food, il' 1- I" ills ini will Ixl - I \ i.ii.ii-iiuiifd < are Par Piles. Itiiiii Pro* if I'AJK) * >i N ? Hiding, .. Illi>'Il mv If your i ! it viii . trouble. ' ? CRASH OHLEVATH ded Uar Pl un ires Int -.' York Stn. TWELVE UK Mi AND FORT! INJURE 1 (Ulit Ol,, rs ? , ||?,ll, ll,,, t ||ia Ute, lr, Ll kel] lo Ul.?I rilli. Wi.. "i ll Heil \\ lille lt,,,,,,il,e. ll I lilli I. ll. M.W TORK, Sept. 12 I .vivi' pru ? .: : mortsll; ? i more limn f,.i iv Injured yes ll ?I thc elevated railroad In titi ?ter wa the tuive ni thc Junction ol Um Mull ? ;,th ave .1 meet One explanation given I- tlint tin ' I till' BWttd] -et Vt I'olii umi that seeing his mistake when th. i, lilli the list trihi "i tin bad taken tl hu! tin other trucki continued il ".vu tbe Ninth ? - i ere j' iked on to Um Trainmen ? vcr. thnt l w "uli hr ii physical Impossibility foi huve changed Qm tbe I ar bsd struct thc cm inning nesrly flfteci ii hour nnd the momentum iluni i r in a somersault off th( structure to the ntl tn rti end up. The third cur balanced "i, tin i rescuing to tbe well ol ? in the Iii liurlisl rruggllng heap In the omi Bet lill Ullin: by thc full Into tb. ? on tof Thc bodlct I were fright fully mntilated. 1 ? "ii ihe nearby - were turned out (o lum '1 which gathered. A iniini ' . from evety i wen taken ' -tenth street stntion. it,ur boura after the dunster resumed on both Htiee. C|ill<is| Itv ' . Ineompetei Heliman In thc tower ut Uk.' turn started tn thc Ninth avenue tiela to inc .venue Had ho, i Ilia; mist,ike. ? rt ta great damage would have been wept to bbl reputation ai ful employee Hu' bsd doi''' he swung thc sw itch quickly, mid in a second the enan hud Tim first mr of thc train tuc1, over the Sixth avenue track und the motorman was slowing down, know? ing Ihiit an error had been made, when ?v tho switch beeb Thc first truck of thc second cu: around thc curve, hut thc snood truck continued in a straight lin" on to thc '. until tho coupling md the whee] nangee giving ? i\ti li ft thc -.' following ihn wreck wea thc most borrlbte teat has como tn New York since thc Plo. um disaster. gi ra In thc crowded ear 'ung into a smothering, i lng honji, where they wero Brushed bj filling Umbers mid Iron. Iron coming s 1th the third rall set oft a sf detonations and spreed white arid tic ; Same ic structure The olin erv nf the elevated railroad wore busy trying to flt th" blame for tho disaster, Tho police and coroner -rollo, too, and four iv ore mode The smirch was still being kept up for Tani Kelly, thc n of thc train, who di? ed after tbe neej,lent Th'' BOB uiii!"i arrest were Cornalloa a .luck son, tho switchman nt the cnn Ousrd Timothy Hickuiun of /Jo West i u,> Hundred sud Port] Sci "iii Cuard Iiornnrd Clare mid Third (Juiird Waller Berry When Jackson was taken te the Weet Forty-seventh Street station he snli to Detective Glennon: "Yes. 1 turned thnt SWltCB. Sly duty ended there. When vent the right way thnt emled my duty. Ii th" whole Structure Went down sud a thousand Were killed I would not ho responsible." Superintendent Hedley admitted that ho far as could he Juigod from fact* known ho would look largely to tic motorman to explain the cause of Hie accident, it would not he fair to either tower ; motorman," said Mr Hedley, "to ss tho reapooaibtUty .tot." {switchman Jackson told Cop! .if the w leventh ? ? the following story: i n ithing hut Sixth nrsnue sig I .ci tin- train. N'.'t only were t! I ip of the n I ?;. avenue, bul tbs alga vt huh hanns on thc platform ralltng Bis ttl ivonne alga ' for Sixth aveline, and tl lill I w to do It isn't my - to attend to the signal Bg lt Isn't ll|t to mei it's up I -ll..1.1 Ml llnl'i f" 1 Um. 11 Will v by until 1 check my hnggage'r" i.llg wo Millan owen In the w.ilt iil'tn station. Mrs i (wen . 'lie ut? ile woman hurried away she i returned, [lliln'l liar In l'n|..t 1 "ilnnr. Ii.av i:\vvt ii i ii. Ran . Sept-IX. - inmate of the Leavenworth ? - . - Infantry, i centit foll be ? by the death iicle* in Holland, died suddenly of heart attests In a hotel here. v Laxative rough sirup. A cold or cough nearly alway* pro? ust ipa thl wstet all runs . 1 throat iii-tead of ul f the system tlirougli the ? I kidneys. For the want of moisture tbe bowels bsoosoB dry and Kcnnt-dv s Lasatlva Hooey anil Tar ia tbs original Laxative Cough .'I , ..netts (j ?mg as a | I pea all . coughs, hooping ("Ugh, I,h -s,.i,| bj BJ |; NELSON'S VICTORY OVER BRITT Ihf 11,-fmt of III. t, la llullleelilli il,milli (leverl, Ilene SAN IKAMisi'u, Sept 11 li, n Ogat that hud many novel features lt.iitling Nelsen "f Chl< Marti Itrltt In tbe cliihtccrith m. . arroundlngs, th. crowd, the bl! of the men I tin- un. . there would be a tight st all ap t" within a quarter of an hour I tinily began, togethei with thi BATTLING M.I.SUN. tlgllt "I.i .cl endurance two boxers, made th Interest to fol (httng. It wa- the lucceaa ot ti ttrong endur .ter agalnal a ck I boxer the Hist of tbe light until Referee 'iii- N>i-'in forced th" lighting suffering ninny braising blowa oe the fees iind body mid being at til. tired, Nelson never gave ground ll lilllie I'lnii after cicry attack hy Britt always lead-. ? tin- rushing, forcing tactic* ?f Nelson, Itrltt could Snd no oft counter. The Californian tried everj blow known to him t<> atop hb opponent. In every way Itrltt failed, although h" punished Ne koocklng lim down once and lng bini sen.nil tli. KEEP REPORT ISSUED. II.i ell alu ki- I'nlilie rrlntiiir ? illlee lioinli. OTSTBB HAY. N V s. pt. 11. msde public Ot of tin- Keep . on ml ut Lnveattg il thc government printing Washington. The Inquiry wai hy special direction of the i on account of n protea! which be had receive! kihi of the thaler Typesetting Mm hine company iitnilntt the sword of a cootrsct by Public Printer Frank Bf [-elmer to tbs I.nnston Monotyi.i ipaoy for '? two inii'iilnos of its niuko. Dy order of ths nreetdent the with the leniston company s np until an Investigation could ' with a view of ascertaining Whether the charges of favoritism snd corrup tlon In the letting of tho substantially founded. As heretofore chronicled In these dis patches, the president decided, after an exnhitnutlon of the Ki ep thnt the cOBtract for the Lanaton ma chines should .stand. Tie Rt mission reported thal If the contd lie set nslde "such a course would t-e dcslrablu," although the i sion Btnfos expressly that "ne corrupt consideration, payment or , passed from thc Lanston M.type company to the public printer or to nny person In th" foverni Bi ' It was developed hy tbe invastiga tlon, however, thnt two hnport slstauts of the public printer were in directly Interested in the I pany, "tlmlr wives being stockholders therein " The roniinlssloii sh' n fair and Impartial test of tl ston and Mergenthalor mn. hi not made mid reports thst the pur chase of so larg" n somber of 1 machines was "Improvident" and in dicnteil "great partiality and h ttie part of the public printri " The commission regards the pnrcl "maladministration." i itiM wini i sr* iiemi*. CALUMET, Mit b . Sept ll. one ol nature's prodigies. Wilton Thomas Rowe, n hahy with two bends, vvus re vealed to tho public Ute other d the sad of tlie right elbow instead of ii forearm and h.uni ls n little heed, perfectly formed, with nose, mouth lind eye SOCbetS, bet BO ''Vis On the left hand are a thumb and two the Begets grow n t ii;.'th. I tli ll joints Instead of i?*ing on the the hand uro ou the pata suit the hand doses OUtS ll li" Where the right leg shouM bc i*- only B stump, iiml protruding from tin- ki ? ? foot with three toes The child. which i- nine month* old. ls bright, tntelll gent mid sthet elsi norms!. Mnrle.n 111,- In I'.itt.l.r villi. FAiK'HAN'i Pa. Sept u The Rand Powder milla, ?U miles south of [IplontOWB, tuiV" teen entirely wiped out by nn explosion, of the thirty two men who went to work tn Hu- mills nineteen are known to t... Seed of those thirteen hove boen ii Score* of people In the town af Fair chance, within half a mlle of the pow der mills, were more or tees painfully Injured. In (iire a (,i|d in Due Day. IiAXATIVK BaOMO WlIMM tablets All druggists refund tlie ncnicy if it fail*- to I ure. K W < signature i-oii ea.ii twx. light Hays on Ills Bad hikI enrtd willi two I of Dials ..." Ii I- lt will ? ' Richmond. Virginia, itn,l Hiine l.lnlii "k bim! nnd it i chianti. Kl my b*ek and could not move awl after two I him now out aud to '-iily your., lit ii.iiiKj,, North View. Va. vt,, Urns I ". MINERS ARE UNITING Mitchell's Call For War Is Being Answered. AITHRACITE DIMIS MLLING UP. Vii ir?l? r>l,l|, ni ttl I ormiiil/n ttuiis (.enlim siriiim.r- lleeOKnl lliin ul Bt*k??Muc-s V.ii lite I. RIIAMOKIN.ra .Sept 12 inn wlilrl wiiKi campaign through thc anthracite John Mlteh.ll. president of the 1 iitl'-.l Mine Worker- ,,f Am gctttng his followers into linc In an? ticipation of th.- conrcnUoo tu be held iu Shaiiiokln next In.inlier The re? sult of the convention will be of tho Importance, a- the delegates what demands shall be in ttie -pring Then, is |,ul,, doubt that tiny will -I. f'ir the r.gnltioii nf their -" thal they niiiy obtain formal contracts regulating their dealings with the mil:. [| i- also likely y win demand n reduction in Work and an Itu i In t",' i.\ department of work. Mitchell -poke nt MOOnt liil'inel Irt-t and at New rhiladelphla HS i herc laid 1 tired, hut plumper and stronger In appear .nd his brown mapping with energy and conti? ne win make this h .linnie; .:ng to iring town- ? snd rs* .: al night "What i- th,, present condition of the liuti-i Mine Worker-' organisation in - 'ii':" Mr Mitchell .'iv Ktrong," wns tbe emphatic reply. "Om organisation baa main* ii tic tin,i from BOOOO t" 80,. inmi paid up ineiiil,. Hiding w nh the national body. I re n large nuuibei of men who keep np with theil locals, but who ure ii (ron at beedqastl tbe time my tour cl.* I hope to have fully 100,000 men m the district and ! unions umi perhaps p. ihe we could got would be 134,000 or 129,000 rc only counted as oin* member. in the strike of ll*"--" we demanded ?inion of the sliding * rue bs* minimum - .-tautly t"li that the pried ?vhs going down, ami they had line the booka Now. nuder the new nu t, tl rough tbe commis? sion, there is a minimum, snd the booka Inspected by members of the Union at Washington " "\\ nat are the -, ices of the men m the anthracite region.'" main thing here thst demands lent ls the time of labot inmeiitnl i-ucstlon ol trades un? ions all our the world, as the demand Ij 1- uni\ .-i bituminous miners wtirk eight hours a day; tl ? millers w.irk niuo riiei might continue t" do so ix other workers did no! have eight hour this difference exists tentmen! " shin l M><- O, rr. St R WI i i.V, l'a , Sept ta OB ac? count of tbe Inability "i Pi I Mit. hell of the United Mine Workers to be pi"si ut the celebrated si In which the constitutionality sf the ct ts attacked, went over until the ic vt term of cu rt. Should the operators succeed in annal* ? :t would linke lt ; | -..Ines in casf i labor, which wider the present conditions is unpoo sibie. ' v miner n l arm"! vviii thnt be hue veins' experience lu the min.-s anti ls competent t" h.mile ,.\i i . WARNS AGAINST DRINK. .llillll ll ll.iel.i I. li. r lilllie*,rs Ililli* I III.* ..ll ll. l.t ll. <ii:\ BLAND, I'. Sept 12 Don't be a gOOd fellow," said John Ii RockO* t.v the null's Ribla ; the Euclid Baptist church 'I love my fellow man, and I tnk. I ? in i m. i' "it be cont I ii pit.h in and be ens of rd. Be moderate Bs rory ite Don't ht go-fl fellowship li.tlil mi iou If you do v you, but your progeny, th" families of gen? erations to come There I l trouble it he ll g"...l fellow. I have not taken my first drink yet. 4 my friends think that I take '?ut i dont i bera :l. I love my fellow man, nnd I have stuii.-d him carefully lt is my iii' ? iifall ls traceable, direct? ly or indirectly, to tho victim fellow-! ! cheer muong his bo coi go. We have i ' : lb mis our asy? lum*. ? ?nrbousss nn.l the him and dont bc u good fellow " ttiiiiilinu nf Kn- ll?.< null I lah*. VV Til ' XV I. IT SP 128 Bl vi . ? S? .SMI ... 69 SI .S04 ... IO IO S-0 . ? ir .a uhtngtcin . SI i ?i rn Sm ti ssful. When ludlgi Kodol Dyspepsia (. ure mil cur. ., and ail troubles resulting therefrom, tim- pre vt cling ?terrta , | the Monaco. Di .rough, of League. W. Vs mitering from Indtgratlon or I w. uld -ay there ls BO better remedy than Kodol Dj llai'll lt for i . Ki tl"l lu-i-1 sie Cure you eel the Mom* I Soldi'} Vt CONDENSEO DISPATCHES. V.lilllie Karilla ur thc Work llrlcflf < The reatta! stock of th.- Alan Dals*. ? ioiii fields company wns h from 12,000,000 to tf-'i """.'??' Warrants have bi for four : ishurg state Normal school of pennsylvania on thc charge of furnJahtes supplies to an in stltution receiving state aid, iii viola ..ti int of thc assembly. Correct Oguree msde public on th* Britt aud Nelson eeatSBt nt San I'ran tbs! tin; total receipts were ?fis,.'li; Th*| amount was djTtded ns follows xhe winner, Ni i iiiniiagcinent. 110,904 The Kev. Jacob F. Kuri/., ai. trie preacher of York. Pa . is on bia way to Washington, whare In- hopes p he able t" deliver ii "mi" mm. mon" to President Booeerelt ii he will say nothing to the president ex cept thc words of his sermon uni vrtll theo retire quickly. Very many employees of the i pnrlineiit In Washington and in the va nous navy yalda will bc affected bj the adoptiOB nf ii rit-vv policy by the ile pertinent respecting promotions, whan thc in- try heretofore ban been paid out of the lump fund for ln ? f thc navy, riivsiiinus arc BmSBfld at th-' ex ira "iillnory action nf thc inlutl of Roy It.uley, n child six years oki of Port land, Me., who fell about two month ago and Injured his brain. Everything i When asked t" speii his nome or other words in- spells kiviird, letter for letter. One of thc must reiniirkab!' aver treated nt the wills Bys hospital in Phllsdelpbla ls that of WtUtsn Har ? nc of whose ..yes hail been cut in two by a piece of glass, re-a the destruction of its power of ristoa, and who ha- had the uso of th slmoat completely restored by an aper at lt >u which Included tlie sewing to .' "f tin' cornell, the outer portion of the eye that resembles glass, with ?: M..nillir. Sept, 11. i"Ut Palms has been anani nooaly renominated by the Moderate party eooventioe as ii candid the presidency of Cuba Tour persons srere drowned ta the . river st Dover, N. II, ns tho result "f two accidents. Iii eic?: ono of the victims met death In trying to save another. r my that Amalgamated Copper earnings arc over fldrOOOiOOO for the eurie, The Kolas Cootra!*! annual report shows ni Barning! of nearly ? OOO. Thirteen members of tho family of Abraham Crt| Gannan citizen ..'. ; ? mtv, Indianapolis, Iiid. have met violent deaths within the BOSBOry of pen 'Bl hiing near by mer*! borne, Alleging thnt be has been dsmsged r00,000 by the fail? ure of Thoa n "f Boston ? sn agreement with him, Lela ii Kahn of Unique, Mexico, entered suit against Mr. Lawson In the su? preme court for that amoBOt Band Powder milla, six miles south of Cnlontown. Pa , have 1.n entirely wiped out by au ezplos the thirty two men who went to work in the niils nineteen are known to ho dead. Of these thirteen ban identified. Scores "f people In H of I'alrcliance, within half a mlle of the powder mills, were morq or ins painfully Injured. Benjamin Taylor, seventy years old, of Colebrook, Wanstead, Conn, former? ly i preacher and who bsd beei ly blind for several years, regained bis sight His Joy was s.i great thnt it nn bn In need his minti He I" now a rev* lng maniac The probate court oom milted lilm to UM State Hospital I'.tr the Insane, and ho was taken to tho asylum In Middletown by Sheriff C C. MM.ll. brooks Sm tirrill , , air-*f. 0. ?ari Loeb luis written the may or of Montgomery, Ala , steting that len! Roosevelt will be In Moot ' t ,'.i for three boars Charis! I, Neill sf Washington wns unanimously sleeted president of the Association of Otflciuls of Bun i.itbor BtstMtcs of a morice >i .1 Mc f Lansing*, Mich , was el member of the ssecutive eoauulttss : .Hit I Jell, lal A von lt..gus lawskl, well reputed as n military writer SUMS his retirement In 1MX1 and an officer whose opinions wore often QBOtsd during the BOSBO JspOOSSS vvar. is dead at Bat Ito He waa serreaty-one years old Keir Admirnl Charles J. Barclay wns pla.isl OB the retired list of the navy on oeeouut of ag" after forty Ave c.intuitions sin |,o Admirnl ? ls a native of Pennaytvsnlfl nnd w as appointed to thc naval nomi piny of that state In September, USO, Charged with larceey, three women tstody lu <'hlciigo. mid In their iirr.-t tlie pollen declare they bs lured tho women members of ii band svtiritllers who In the garb of tullis and priests have vtctlBBlssd ninny residents by soliciting oontnbutl ' 1 orphan asylum. Ashton Holmes, a segre banged in Ihe Jail nt Clinton, N. 0 . for criminally ismitilting a young negro girl last Mny, ? tl great calmness While stand? ing on the gallows With the ropi tils heck ||,. said he Wll- hllllgrT Sad iskei for norm* hard boll. ! left in his ceb -ht and md by tbe mea sri Immediately afterward hanged Trl'lnt, ?,p?. a. Joseph Holdobler BOd wife ,,f War tieltl, N>b . ??* :"hiesgo anal sent to the Punning nsy nra. They arrived In Chicago n few jriTt tigo anti were wandering about wi'li their two (luldnn v/BSB ph'k td up. The government of Australia has *" prohibit the American listisetSi trust doing business In New firs rand. The premier hus replied that this ls Impossible, but somethlntr. mny tie done if local manufacturers agree After working three hour* and walk ng to his hm; ted while suf? fering from a fractured skull Benjamin a, gchooley of Chicago, forty-seven Nix which I from " lld fell on :. ibo : f|?. put! dliisi"iis ,,f Hiihtdetpbli ' about (Maa, beta i' --? ? report Bleat names on the list, but th. without Outhit pr,...' | tho**, removed will be pot on in other dis ' I lill, s.l? , s, ,,, 7 -J "-?l fol* til' of thc Kiissian weended. Albert T. Hiker. ' sh,,t anti killed himself Ht his -i ive in rerir.v. lilia.h" Ol' I' .,f the bureen of animal industry in ti cultural department ed his tlon, and If his I.n a It ls ann.nm.i in a dispatch from :k that for: i ton B. Parker I . ..illus counsel for the Brooklyi Transit company nt un annual salary it 1100,000. Lord Charil ommaudlng ihf Britlah Mediterranean Beet, han rested a sensation in thc beet by or '..ii of an c touiaiander because tin* machinery of i new offense In naval court martial, ihe University of Pennsylvania re ?eiv.-i from thees! te Pro Usxwsll Sommerville * Philadelphia dis|i.itch. Dr, Som ? held n professorship lu the irchneolngleal department of the uni reraity and died In Europe on May 5. it*' i vv .a ni-s.iu,. Be oe, ?'.. ('.ipr'. ?: lui!) Ill Ulai Belfast denies that be has tiny ntontton of challenging foi Un lea's cup, as reported from Mool .io-ph m.; Bonni Holly, V. J., is deni as th, . tug hit iii tbe bead by a baseball 'luring a mme. M 'i lillie level ill t anal at Randall, N V ?y Hoods, which filled ii .ic.-k over xl,it h ti. I I.i au ati'io lint, washing aw a inpportlng iii.- aqut ii;. I ither du I'uring the performance "i "Fighting in i i,m,,s" at the Pittsburg sxpoel ion Mba . twenty rs old, a Vililib'V Ult pei ' t i her death from n win low ihiity feet above tin- stage Tbs iccldeut was witne at ii-." ; lu a little i mt i... p Tu cutt bundled d atsed for cbarltsbl by an nit tlon tn tho abattoir of the New fork Dressed Beef company, buted ' beef trust lin tighes! bulli, -. Learnt for a mirna I which ordinarily wonk! mark : annal opening "f the ? abllahiueot, which is now in full work FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. l I..slim ,|?i-li l|in? Ililli,nm. ?litre ii ' \ Nerf A YVrnt -.Vj 3. a') irooklyn It i ..111% ... SJ ?he* A (Hilo .. M St Paul .. thl O Nott hw.. Ut South-m Vno... tiH* V. O II. ni Ky... 38*4 . Booth Ky. ri Sugai i il f. i,it .1 .out*. A Nu*h. leil* V fl Steel . SSH lantiaf ? i .11)8 ... rt% '. New York Mnrkrl*. Fl.Ot H .'* de? nts, !' a.ttir*, ? WM KA 1 Ruled Maher In th* I ? ?uriah cables, good I Mk - ountrr, shipping. So&tiOc ; good to ' Bl HAM gul*! ? I . lt lirm. V; ti I h'Kh?r; *?tra ic *rl>y ri nt*, tlc. -' off, murk. ' , i.i vi: | ?? rm; fr?"h kill ns. i hi oort, 11 ?? I la. sn,, u Marla*!* rATTT.K lUceipt* fair, m'irk.i innrlr; . wal ilv * ? ' , fair irvrket **>?????> >mmnn. UWuSSO, pprlng Umba, KSflK Nunn rou- .uni Wort li I Everything te le the nsBM winn it Witch Ha/el Salve. eWltl 4 Co., ot ( inc '.'iii- Bgn lew t" make . oin Witch Haxel that is ?? soding, it'd intruding Piles, e. /emu. n <l .ill -kin liva lui? se to Miine; -k f..r DsWItt'a the genuine, id by W. I; DiptlMria, bots throat, cn ?lief, permanent cure hr i 1 ul. At any drug - No I Ii|.b.l*.lll1 I I If ymi ever tonk DeWltl'S Little arly Ki-t-rs for bil:. on you know what pill plea- I - I rid tlie sjstiin of all tile ithout producing unpleasant ? i'd by W 1'. A. Hat Stood the Tett ot 2i Years The old, original QRO< , u know v*.'. re tebin > ami quinii DANIEL IN BABYLON Saadiy School Leuos lor Sept. 17,1915 Sp*cl*'i-r Prepare', I ;r TM* I'apar. 1.ES80N TEXT - vera-.* i? \J tia heart that l -Daniel IS. TIME-Soon after the .itt.-wk of N* buchadnezi-ir upon Jehalaklm, king of Judah. U. C. Sufi, wi i .a made oaptlve. t Tlon. on thi scnti'Ti'KAi. kkfkiu . ?ncaa la Daniel In Bask ll ll. ?; a J; refer? ence* t TU, 14 with M M (k 14 'i-i I.uko UM; a Bj Kev. 14 H. As Sgt Chi th* relation between Dart, ti- v l li with Dna I IIB wit! Si v l ;; wiri . Vt; K. v | ll with J.un 7 '. ?, II. v. | Dan. l-ai; iii. Keir. ?.ia w:;h Pin 1 ii. i . exile. Comment and Suggestive Thought. V. 8. "But:" Although, as see 'ling waa done to make th" captives forget their land and th'lr Coi "Hauli 1." Ile waa about ll years old at this time. '"Pur n his heart .1 firm resolution. Illa three friends shared In the purpose. "Weald BOt defile MB iBBg looked upon food from the table of the king of Babylon as deft!1- | 1) It would most probably Include some ar tlclea of food prohibiii I hy Cod's law (Lev. li). (2) Tba Bsbyloalsas did not oonforni to tbe Jewish law* In regard to killing animals to ha used for food, hence they would he unclean to the Jew. (3) It was th,* i SStSBI of the heathen then, as in Paul's time, to odor a portion of the food of each meal to their gods, and eating of this food would lie looked upon as partiee pating rn Idolatrous worship. (4) Pampering the body with luxurioini food weakens one's moral purpose, renders bim morn liable to stn. V. 9. "Into favor:" Ood Influenced the hiiarl of thc eunuch, uni of I favor Daniel Ifndoubt. illy Me did this by making Daniel ph-asing In hts character and manner*), lt was alt the harder for the capt hw to oppose a master who was kind to them. V. 10. "I fear . . . the king" The eunuch waa willing to grant Han lei's strange request, but hesitated last tho ptain food might have a bad effect upon the health tit hit* char | II | entertain.'.1 the en. Idea, still held by many, that wine waa good for the health af bed* and mind. Alt experience protea that lt In? jures both, v. li. "Mallar' Bet v. r, the steward." The one who attend'-d per? sonally to the distribution of fool. The eunuch"! name- was Ashponaz. "Daniel, Hsesalah, Mlehset, A-.arl;th " These Bl youths. On coming to Babylon tiny . Barned l Shad rach, Meeheeh and Absdai V. 12. "Provo thy (live us a trial to teal tba matter. "Pules." The seeds of certain leguminous plants, much like Nans; or, vegetable food of any sort may be Included In this term. V. 13. "As thou BBSSt:" Ile could then note what offc I I Hst had upon their physical constitution. V. 14. "Consented to them;'' tall them have such food as they I V. ll .[ices . . . fair? er and fatter." Tia resoB of lbs trial was most gratifying. V. 18. "Took away the portion:" The Hebrews were no longer ssl eat sf the defiling fool NStS i dat the lon fra ti-tl ales this: "Took away their dainties:" Think of the heroism on the part of grow? ing hoys In voluntarily depriving themselves of dalt/ V 17 "(tod gave them knowk ? :al en? dowments and attainments are again and again ascrlb-d to dod. Some nf theae, like the visions, came ll from God; hut others, like tho knowl '.'lolled, Were bestowed ' upon the young BtedeatS through their own faithful rtudy. V. IS. "At the end of ? Their training eOBtteeof three years. "Bring them In " Winn they appear before the king for their ex? amination. V. ll. "Communed with t I their attainments In knowl? edge. "Among them all." In all tho I ? rSOStvtBg this physical and il training. V. 20. "Mattera of Inf flcult questions concerning which tho king consulted the I I nnii of his court. "Magicians." A priest ly class, skillet In ? mys? tic writings. "'As'' Men who alu?!. omy, and the superstitions of a-ttrol ?igy, which at that time : to the etudy sf tbs heavenly ? Han t ','ie'l in the j,'!1 ic service of of Babylon for about TU . aa now, tea lng was conducive to lon?- life Practical Points. V. 8. "Dare to be a Da to have a purpose tr. make lt known.*'?Acts 11:23. V. 8. Sinful Indulgence eedles !x>th body and soul?1 Cor. 3 17. V. 8 Polite and courteous ment of others ls a ('dr.-flan duty. *L0V? as brethren, be pit | teous." i ne sure way of winning true bj to show the spirit of Christ "A mau that hath friends must show himself friendly; snd there ls a friend that stlcketh cloner than s brother."-? Prov. 18:24._ Iles! for Children. Moth. i ii "f I,.M,k out lor Cough-, ,,iil- Croup sod Win oping c..ugh. ?Hop them In tiru.- One Min ite.Cougli Boody Harmless mid [ileta-sunt Contains m. opiates. W B. Agnew. ? duce to women. I! y..u want .ir?r -kin red bps, afc**! health, take ? un tain Tea i ber* [ablets, Winston Drug Co. I