Newspaper Page Text
rw^ -THE FARMVILLE HERALD ?? lln.N'il. - S I H-'I'K id. THE FUTURE. VOL W KARMVILL KRIDAY SEPTEMBER *2, CITY DIRECTORY. - - tm, ll. K l.t' Kif '?' ? vi h n-art. COUNTY DIRECTORY. s SCHOOL DIRECTORY. Karin \V ll lt I-'. 1> liam. Morton, \V A 1 ll V. - I) Jones, I lian inm..' 1' KatifiuH \V lt Cbairiiian, 1! ' lark < lerk, vii I.. Iff LAM \-l 1 ll \l tiillM \ \l I 1*1 . ('"lilts ii given pi'unpt al Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, nu ii wc Ciiiw r. Va. J* M CRUTE, Attorney at Law. - i fATU&WATUl-SI BROCK, -MTORNKYSAT LAW. I- VltMV ll.1.1 rt, I'lllli ? t niiri ul Kli'liliiiinil it . WING. AITokMA Al LAW Green Bay, Prince Edward Count;, Va. WCuruis ml Federal, ^y c franklin ATTORaNEY-AT-LAW, PAMI ? .mri ol W'HITL A CO.. DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, I- VII*., Villi. \ I Westminster School, Richmond, Va. ' .".ills. i nulty I for catalogue. Miss CAMPBELL, Principal. I C. BRISTOW. FARMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTIMD PAPER HANGER A.N INTERIOR DECORATOR. I small p.l. Ml work il .1 m. R C. BRISTOW. ttif nr.M. mmi call 1 ' 1<*1 teitr: ? Thm Arl , ? . i. . Truth ?? ,- p<n , Bul afti . u- Whai i rn tr.lnB, Arv >i?t before u? lt) nacc sit ttl ? Why Angelo Jones jj Gave Up Art ?*Q ) VOL rlon't know whj attributing ? 'Well, ii i the old man of thin-' shrewd, brutal aches on!) a I . callous enough to think ot "Youl rr took kindly to the Idea "f the ronni coming a painter?'daubing for a living* .. it Hut hi .' ? ri His . up tin lion-' ' .inri the villa generally The children ami tl rs i'-ft to Baeden ? vapor] thing who lived nuder the de? li rou 1 The girls Bil took after da and ti'-eAinf golfers Hut Angela was ,'a boy; he though! I I I hi I him ti ptead lt out L "The- old nc I and ridiculed, hut. naturally, ti mer. convh soul eon! ? nee tba! it ? hit) to stick out against him And they did. Angelo rit-eni up a studio cosy (tyla, In thc top floor front of the ? Academy of DealgB. bought a v? liri cont and an objectionable pip grow long and Jun ; lng life "This ls where old Hamburg You knew Hamburg. Yon knew bil seedy coat and hts collar, which he al? or long hair, his tbln. leathi ry face, M sunkcri eye and his peony nose Maybe you don't know, however, thnt he had a touch of genius In him "It's a very sad story. Re was a beek* - lor They *ay he waa vt) hard lilt In a lot. affair and 1, t go his hold on hope. I don't ki.ow about tlie io,i' affair, bnl Iff- all true lihou! thc hoi*- end of lt. lit failure, lt eras se fault ol kl Hi worked. Hegot hlapletaresahowa it" sold a good many lint he sever had any business Instinct, He never seemed to td of the game 1! fighting poverty and di M li? lli actual wajit. "After awhile th" struggle wore him out Dtscoaragement crushed him and he beean I be Sled. "Vet Im was a most charming fellow 1 femes bet see to my i.fflci. I was a bachelor then snd pTBSCrlb ck pallor of S fur? nished boese He ssked me if i had sortie hot water and 1 paid I had a gan atove and a kettle Then he hauled out of one iHicket of his long met) over? coat two beautiful SggS and out i.l tin other a bottle of bourbon wt, borrowed a tumbler of milk from the landlady and be brewed ? iiml the Ingredients ? i ly that lt ainu *T brought tears to my eyes to Bee bim du lt. 'I w.Hillend what the meaning of the treat was and I wasn't much wiser when me that lt was thinner. | be bud Just mai'.' |200 He dh inclined te explain and I wondered vaguely whither he had med my mug for a model In BOOM lecture he 1 He put ths subject out of my bead by beginning to talk about art, and when ed about art no one could do any? thing bnl ll ? "I found nut later how I had helped him. lt sui hi ed luck, I About ii month earllt r, as I recall. I had advised, hit? or his I as Junes, whom ha | ! often In IBM bet his ra fnll of promise, nnd who, being reallj i utaHon as a beyei . n should hu lie tMiopht "Well, after hesitating for nearly a month, old Bambers at lest found him? self tn a (Je.ajK rat( hol( Kxfrcuilly gave him courage. H>* tacked B couple of nis BkatChes under "als arm and down to Wal! Stn ? t literally. 1 have kc*.ii the things inaiiv atltneslnoe. They I are actually In : Old Hain ever did ? d him aaka consulted a t)P' wrltt i Th) young wnm BrOBSBB. up BO Jem S* pll retary. The pi l p the very sli Hi" :t fell hat. the long, rusty .!. 'tu uiov.:.-? heads, blue with IBBtBg thl pictures tied face to - it win-ti be exchanged a few words with the queer visitor he derMed He 'Mille t ? a surprised fait, and ushered Hamtuiraj late n leery of Thi I l Hamburg, deprecatingly. ? -d-mornlng. Mr Hamb ? Joined June*, righi cheerily. " Mr. Juries,/ *e< ? ? irg, al | i>u *o. Vou have BM) '. bave genliia, and i baie projected ni eanvaacti nf) IpslfBlflrBBl parti-t tin-be-t that is in on.' He tuiiiKd iain hand first upon li. ' Will you ex villi i."t -lr .1 ... Mliln-n ol i; - file : I amt tm ? Hit ii. Mm-.-I! ,,. Ilth | lingered Ilks "J"ln. ' and wi ? the tnt took lt I I ' talltv : I "Join s Lit I vi rink: the benda still bl : " 'Would you .lo mi burg' fa "I'.illl:1 " 'I will ask you, t go direct from thl on Plftl to my ion. I In! I .'it tie with th produced them ii. '?In tbe '?'. buri.' di I turee ti ? ? thl-: " 'If) pictures beceuei i derfully good l burg, who painted 11 ' ? brok* r and i eotnan eho no ii delusion thnt I believe, I an arti Sun CUBANS PITY AMERICANS. Sympathize with Us Ti tr-- ; the I1 "Hone--!," said a Cuban doti In a lower Btv B N< S York Sun i In Havel with the people oi New of the i - have for us Kv on up. before the woi proven. condition, w, . mate SS myself wouldn't H. ld bedp lt and I tell you I would niue!, : low fever thai ??( if course, ths fever witt something mighty hard on t< : oaes I know un bi some position iii H . prominent As nth"r functions and als r over cart-full) ally as If sizing them up ti of '?-?lilli they woul.I h." ... t'-i Al Bsed to -Ile Itt dr.c. undertaker 0 often, loo, to .'. hom only B fCS I wei I.i before be had grasped by the hand. Amerle the < lt . .'.te to lt. At t ' but f.eis very much ti.. pneumonia as you N yellow I- yon win tu "? sa) to som. om wi," la :.' this port: 'Look on' f"i ii ? ? ? Tin y dread ll |sck " Then He Quit, los l- ll thai k ont the d )i.ur shopping? Lady-Uh. 1 don'! suppose ll i- ' fur na te blow in om mt ney.?< i Halli Jinn ii il Difficult Blowhard Do you think yoi move thal ?th I'll try. bm ? bard Job thar lb si (ur ( hildreii. If others, lie careful of the health "i your ' liildreii I.k ..nt fol Coughs, (ititi-. Croup ami Win Stop I hem in linn < nie MiniileCoiigh Cute i- tin- best remedy. Harmless ?,ml pleasant. Contain- tm Sold liv W, H. Agnew (moil advice to women, li j ii beautiful complexion, 'har skin, linell! eyes, rei] lip-, good health take ..?ky Mounts l ? ? is nothing like it K rents, Tablets Winston Drug (Sa lu I ure a (nhl in One Hal 'lake Lav ii ivi- BBOMO Qt? HO Xl Tablets All druggists refund the mone*/ if ll fail-1" cure. I '* signature la on each box light lbi)s Du m. Bast and cured with two i .f Dtxll Kl-' ia. 'nen: 1 have Mini Bon, ? . fl.HTlll. lor . 11.1:1 '1" ? i.iv i,i,i-k anti I ion now nu ?? sold by While a lo and Wlualtm I n uki n ELECTRIC SANITATION. t Sewage Pi Talked Of. - tl i ' TO MAKE A WATER LEVEL. All Tl. whb'h J and. If i ' nat, if ? another i You car, ARMORED MITTEN. This Is Not Inteadad for Warfare But 'he Peaceable Pursuit I'arming. It is and arms ha' caught era ann '.rough Inattention or ti tency, tho 0] reach the rollers, nt hand and arm ls al eruiaht'd, H Bi or a hard a ? Niebuhr, cf ! ' of the rn tlon and aaa! thumb ar" | shells, tin* (I and a III the mitt. wtth serra! I to afTm I body nf ? ? ptng rn torlty. while at tb< metal tl kind rio . - hard - LIVED iH 8! ROBBING PEOPLE PRINCELY RAFFLES WRITES A STORY OF HIS LIFE HE HAS DECIDED TO REFORM ' BS? ' ' ' ' ? - ' ? ' ? I . ? f - .t te ? i ot Italy i i I ? i s I \ merlca, ' ted of a ' hy the ?I I ' . ? imnlstefl I rt bis - n tn Herlln un ..ry. and * him la not be easily ? ( maa with a largs ? him to i rlln ' I half a ti Posed a* a Man f inoiit ha, - ' kl ?.inn as a dalry ? harged ? ' ? ? I ' it pill pleas m -f all bib - ?xii the Test ot 25 Year* ' . - thougl FEED ALFALFA FOR CRAIN. Two Years' Experiments Bring Out fact That Material Ia O-ood for the Cows. Fur ' .erlments ha carried | -ie value of alfalfa, wheat bran, cowpess and iseed oil as best for milk cows. - v. Imenta arc carefully on most valuable ' lng that the coat nf milk can be greatly reduced by replacing a part of 'he dally iallen nf rich In ? illa or i ow pe a hay, It ls an advantage to feed a dry mugh !"tl to repla" of th' In a ration with . ail ? alura A ton of alfalfa or p-ea hay can I ? .I from li b f ?incut | f pea hay and from t alfalfa ran be ob "f land, hence fher? tn the utilization of ll the plac of wheat I.ran. The substitution of a roughness rich will enable the dairyman tu make milk and butter a' | aud will thus In substituting alfalfa hay for wheat tirari lt will ts- heat to allow 1*4 pounds of alfalfa lo each pound of wheat bran. likely to pi"-. ' rv If the alfalfa la fed la a U condition. Indicate thal with alfalfa |10 a toii and wheat bran at |2o by substituting al ' bras won] t butter and ls s .'?nts for every 100 pounds of milk Tbe farm- r could thus afford to sell his milk for 19.1 cents a hundred leas than BB and his butter for about. impsred vi itt; :,, When alfalfa teas fad under the mos' la conditions a gallon of milk UUaed fur .". 7 easts and a pound Sta, When pea hay i a galton of milk w , ,uid of a [mund of . ralltlee wh Hitit ead to re? ljona where alfalfa can bs grown this crop can be bay with ssl non. LATENT FERTILITY. of Experiment on Forty-Nine Different Soils of United States Are Telling An a . results of 49 analy? ses of the typical -"Hs "f the United b. -vi eil per niie for tlie gist eight f surfii. e 1,000 pounds of nltm unds of phosphoric acid inti 13,400 pounds of potash. The av leld of wheat In thc ('upi 1 States iii he ' eek a crop will ::. 7 poonda of nitrogen, 9 5 f pl I ric acid and 13.7 of potash if all the potential nitrogen, potSSk ( mid be ed av allalile tin re ls present In M. b .h. Int eight ? n.muli nitrogen to last 90. enough phosphoric acid fur 500 and enough potash for l.nno years. !. uh.n is mosut by potential <oll fertility, and yet su(h a soil, po* th'- same high potential fertil? ity, may BBdsr 'irtain conditions, be -o initially barren of resulta to the fanner as te lead him to believe lt ab oliilely devoid of plant food lt at HothaiDHtead. K vt lilt h has been successively cropped i ithout Mn addition if manui. . and which consequently had ?specially In avail able [di i still contai "tal of IJttO pounds of the latter per acre In Ihe first foot of .1-pth Delaware AN IMPROVISED ROLLER. Writer Declares That He Has Ingen Derlce Constructed Through Necessity. lleing N mlle* from timber and pushed for time, I found I had to tiavt- a roller of nome kind, says a .triter In the Farm and Homo. I took 'he runners uf au old sled and borod '.nc half inch holei. In erich end, two from the bottom. Then got a .Ipile eight Inches I' 1'"1.1.KR .brough, sawed two pieces six feet long, and bored three eighths Inch holes In th" end.. I toon a one half nch round iron, six or eight Inches ?mg, and drove lt through the holee n runners Info tin ends of logs, nailed on top of sled and I bad a roller aa good, if not better. han a single roller. I put an uJ4 ?oowing machine seat rm the roller, as Ul tho Ctlt. Don't Slight the Com. .arrowing for corn Examine ike -"il le ase if it has been uniformly pulverised and all particles tintlgulty. There ?es who ran plow well, te one who has cangai the real knack of har? rowing. To Catch the Lightning. Ground your wirt fences with a wtre and iron rod so lightning will go down Thousands of dollars' worth of ( H it ed every summer by these wire fencea I \ BareessfhL When uni-- bionic ll Kodol Dyspepsia ( ure will cm. :i ami all troubles ng therefrom, thus preventing ? lliaell. I>! I.rough, of I-eagiie, VV. Va - ..- I -uttering frmii indifBrStion "r lld say there loiter remedy than K"I?I Dy tribed it for a num. Kodol Djrsriepsis Cure digests what 'Ul- SfOSBSeh -Wee! Boldby W B.RBBW, FROM FOREIGN FIELDS. The i are born. ' ?' per am? is the li I ? ship bed - Rsasla. ? . ' lng a t, .? : ' feet of ' Iteavv ? trian army. .' lng to i carrying a qulck-firii | The London fire .1 : experimenting Wi! "quick-:.: with lt. One rim.; can now hitch up lo three to four .-? Tbel: : :i-uiore lion. ? .in and R ? Keasts 11 has a staff ui. I ii tu the people ii I; with an .mtlui of t l OOO aler. INVENTION AND INDUSTRY. furnish!! competition ls Injin The number of labor, rs In the iudus ' rk. in Qennai midday, and women with cares may claim a:. boer. The Bl poru that t: make are drtvli are radium, th auto Salad . troleum Australia. Ot ? ?rated. ti. cr ol Italy, has ' NS tbe -cr X* the result, ol bl Invention of I tsurlng ? ly lung dis' i night. J. li. I fully a. n of a he h ab in He lives Lillian I A nm Birmingham u out rs nalia an hour. This ls said to bs sheet three s fast tu any can do, Ckronli ie, "la cei talnly i - usual n CHURCH AND SCHOOL NOTES. Nearly one fifth ot ihe students at Swiss unlvei : eelebra" his consecration. The United ? schools, or more than half the I ? Alfred Hell's offer to found S | sorahlp slty ot Oxford baa tx The Bible class over whit h J lier, Jr. presides bow numbers growing. Vasse, i Frof. Bracq. from t f pub? lic Instruction at I ? art. OM the boys as well >. ? ors or colo:.' of tbe Johns Hopkins -uni ? . Presl llOC, of Harvard, that lt la a waste of a year to di | cars to acquire a et ion. Miner, a graduate of Obertin tn th. ?? ind for many years a mission ax; kss been mada executive head of the Bridgman school for girls In Pekh . Berlin University h-'u* D than any oth-r ?7.770 at present attending lee noticeable feature at tho Berlin and < . decline In the number of thl SBaBSfBBI .ind Worth ? Kver. ' ti newitt .V ( . . ol I fruin U For blind, i ? ? lng amt iiuriis, . Salve ha- di I I Sold by W. H. Agt ? ] QUARTERLY REVIEW Sunday School LeisoalorSeat.24.1905 Srm-Ullr Pr?f*v*d for Thl* Piper ? ? -, . . . Lord la thjr , |a*g TRUTH.-"Ha th?t kssf. neither I.ES8 lars *<-att*i*d thrc-iKt. *-.?r* book* al sses: I ' ta ii v . ?astern: A**yr1* jeniasUe uart.r. 3ome of the Truths of the Lessons. :t 1 - The Loni ! Lesson 2 - Th" I?r.l ready to help Lesson 3 : Hms IBll lind mc" : iy of life. Lea?vSo LeSBOS row. Leeson ll to alt. heart Review Methods. One method of r Quarter: "Tl. Every k I this great truth: Lessee I Ki a great peril Inva? sion ) Lesses ii K-vt bi tl of dan th. (li SOB III. Kel- ? . rifle*. ii of the Messtab ) Lea son IV Kent nd plenty-. (Isaiah - V. Kept thr'.iijh prayer. (Manasseh) Lassse VI. Kept?through obedience and reform (Josiah ) Lannes vu Kept through ... wa VIII. I>>Jt through acorn of Word. (Jeholakl.i IX Kupt?In a dun; Imprisonment i Lsssss Xl ?aptly BBSS XII. ? waler of life. (E.* XII. Kept--lt. tlon. (Han: A not!, by the aid sf names of the char;' one name for ( card may be tis, d for the n.v the Hebrew kl r other persons Thsn h*t the sr each draw a card and b ll ail about tl i has drawn. For coe von! the kings of Judah, tlont-d and oth. i -. Hebrew Kr, sob. Arnon, Josiah. Jokes akim, Joholachtn, Zedekiah Prophets? I*a1ah. kiel. Daniel. Other- Tl." Hat>. -hakeh. Hllki.ih, Hull;,!., ilinieb. N Still another method nf review may be found In Ike pp paring of papers on the four ma: who fiann: so prominent!) aons of the q-. . Some Bisview Question*. Qeasrsl Q . ''? Where were God's ebonee p>* | the opening ot the usart i ? Jehovah been their What does ea. teeek shoat I power? ((Subtitles) -At what date did A Invade Judah? What wa.* I finding the Hook Sf Hie I of th.- Bel * ' .salem. I ?'? of the Law found.' In I ' Judah at the date nf r Assyria? Who waa king of Judah? ?lan Rahs i slab? What did ks foi Jesus Christ? Nam- :gs "f Judah we have seen in t! . 'A kings. Whet carrlitd out gi I king became chain" d ls What h ont w h ?' | ropl etess 1 salem at this time? Whit kia to get rid of (Io 1 II-* Word? What propc ? during I what nation wan J - Who was Judah'* Ram's Horn Blasts. (.Wing ls the ???< I/ing They Him Hs Will I Little nips make ? Love lifts the Un Character must - ? The sins of thc 1.. ,t all stn. The man elk m has to fa> ? a world of ? working for Christ church. ? from .Iv-i -ireiigrli ami vigor, and I Hitters, Wbl nally mad. uni healthy. ' ? them, etsi i