Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD ? HONOR FOR NH'. I'A-I Hil.I' ron lill-- PRESENT, HOPE FOR THR H V()L \\i. KA KM VILLK. VA. FRIDAY Ol K)BER 6, NO. 1 CITY DIRECTORY. i .inl-erl. I . - VV. UK ? I*, ll. ( Klee COUNTY DIRECTORY. ? i ? SCHOOL DIRECTORY. I'iiiin W. IL I linn,, K Morion, w \ Mot'raw, - \\ Paulett, i i: narnia , Farm* ''.?lins, < lerk, ? ( lt rk. - . Lice, W ' VN' ITTOKM \ vt LAW . ('oiirls lia | > t at* ? Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, Farmville vm> Crew p., Va. J* M. CRUTE, Attorney at Law, V1K w MKiNS. w vIKINlS & BROCK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1 1 KM VILLI a, I'tiiii ? Munni!, Iii bunk WING. A ITuUN KV AT I, WV, Bay, Prince Edward County, Va. tte .iml Fcdernl. VV. C FRANKLIN ATTukNKY AT-IAW, I'AVtl'I.IN tl IV. VA. glenie lour! o \Y HITt &. CO.. DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, (? vin.iv ii.i.i Wesimiiisler School, Richmond, Va. school lor girls I'.itilltV Sentl foi ' ntnlogue Miss CAMPBELL, Principal I (.. BRISTOW. FARMVILLE, VA., Holm- and SIGI\ wter: PAPER HANGER AM? INTERIOR DECORATOR. ikiii ju io.IC I, R. C. BRISTOW. ? a mil. HUNTING INSURANCE GRAFT. V- ? York l'n.tor to llrlnn s?|, \t-iiln.l I'r.-.lileiil Mel nil. N:v* ."KK. 0 ' asllenl rough! out at the Insurant* in .??ti heming imed to maintain ? itloaal Interest arouses] bj Um ..table'* ? te partlclpai "'?bb- Winthrop, financial ? icty. ri.-, Jared thal the expert sccoeetanta at work hud fallen absolstet* ty toa say entry 01 hiitever In tbe b etite prouts unaccounted for which to tni up to date ?no,ow. Wno got tba afrontlng Rx iiiiiiinr Ungi Jacob H. Bcblff, tbe bnukei membac of Kuhn, L"*b 4 Ce. and for UltT Conspicuous flgllle In tilt*'lifll ile Lits Assonate society, apoke frankly while ou tbs witness -ttniid. He declared that directors in Kew York corporation* srS practically ess s-.hle quantity- mut thnt ern an* sup: dlrectla v uud ooaree of bus! IL stated p. Iiitodly that tba* EqnttS Me prior te reorganisation was rtrtoal ly nt the rosny of one mun It wns all Hyde nnd Alexander Insurance ctuunilsHloiierri r -tates have net bars and rakoa -ti-i's to t'.-c-in tivlay a sean hltin inves? tigation on tti.-ir own account into the 1 the Nen* York Life, their pur iel. te 1'iy bur** In dlvlduul pt>ocu(llllos or .nst(/.i i In the interests of their roBueoewealtbs such defects n< mora may ts la tbs vs system ReprssentattTss of the state commie siom-rs visited Mr. McCall and ar wlth him to begin tbs laqulry Immediately sen are rt B I'oik of Tenneaeeet Henry lt. Prnett of Kentucky, Zen.. M ii .-t ??* vvisctnsin. Tbomaa ix O'nricn ? t Mia Jobn L Pierce of N ni vv i ti iv of ; lt ls now sti.ti-d that Her. in. A. Lin M .tr of th. Klvt-rslde Baptist ebnrcb, ls going to begin lentil lobb A McCall and Qi Porkies, fo force tbs resignation! of tba nv., officers of the New York j.ife lu snrsnee '-"tupnny nnd to compel tbeni to return tho fluO.uOO coutiibut'*d tc ihi; Itepubllrun natlotntl campalgu funds are to be Immediately Instituted bylaw;. ting I'r M...,ru and hundreds of other pol!. J "I cnn control a largo Bomber "i rotes of the polk*, holders by proxy." siiya I>r. Moore. "oud 1 ihull enter (hil ftght with thc bebe! thnt lt I- fha Loiil'B work audi should be pi with a mlis'lisT vigor. "Johu A. Mci'all lins pim lit ally ito ion rait suma from tho froa-ar,: vy?money that belongs f" tu polity holders, and If he fails t" return these moneys he aboald bs arrested it to Jail. "I shall inakti n dans ed apoa bot! M'*<"atl fltid Porkies to rsstpi hen Uv Ww York Life and Bhnll also demand that McCall refund tho $180,00 watchwt.rd shall be, 'Prlve McCall oul ur institute criminal prosecution?" Ml**, lliiiiaei ell', ll,,nin in . WASHINGTON, Oct fl. William II Tuft, socretnry ol war, and the part] which nccotiipnnled him through tin t han*nt-iired at tba capita! Members of the retnrnlnot party suv thst the roiunnco of MM reit and representative Nicholii-* I,ong wortli of Olito seems likely to find lt! antere! canctastee st the altar at nf distant day, when, they predict. Mis? ?lt will become Mr* I/"IiB worth. Professor William C. Cart, win wm with tbs Tefl patty, confirmed j of Mis* BoOSOTplt'l dive Inti the Meecberle's awtmmmg tank, bel said lt Wai 'dared ' Miss Roosevelt*! eegagemenl to Mr Ixminvorth, lit.lessor i'arl sold, seem ed to be taken as an socepted feel nniong the Taft party. Mis*- lt I br tbs foretgneri arbor Prineeei Allie" Btaadlnic ol th* Unt>*-lutll t lui... NATIONAL LBAI vv I. Vi I ( ll 7" i BS 6$ .Bf. Ctncltinati . 74 72 JO sj . U I vv I. P.C Philadelphia - . Tl .1 K ' i H Boston . i i VV(isrili, . i i Boiler linea l>rn-l. HUDSON, N i*., Oct I rbs balle med in waebing ant the tend In .-lean lng ti" led ins night, killing Benjamin Hermans, tb engineer, and Patrick Mangan nm Ulfoubtirgh, luborers, and bad ly Injuring fin unknown Italian Sev? eral other men were less seriously hurl Theft were eighteen or twenty men sit . r v\ altli'.': ? work aban tbs explosion occurred Mr*. Loeb Serlos-la 111 WASHINGTON, Oct S B Metcalf of the dopa rt iu en t of con meroe and labor, who lins bose 111 wit an affection of tho stomach, ls reporte ?ooaewhel Improved Senator Heybse of Idaho, who hss boon 111 for -om - ? ? improve The coi ditton of Mr* Loeb, the wife of th iy to the president, re; I ls still -*eriously 111 Titra Verala l*re*tS*at Fonnd Ors*] HOUSTON, Tait Dr Ma rjrwtti i "?? ll'.u.toti tur: i-erate, pitalflael ot the beard sf Behm trusU'?s aud Itfpubtlcati reedldatalB congrt*s, was found da-ad at his offlc bera early In ths morning vii Kinds ofPilcs. To draw Ute tire mit of a hum, heal out leaving a fear, ur to eui ma ami all ski H Wit'- Wile -i \ specific for hlinr *, itching anti protruding pl!ei lie palu Instaully and cure- pei ? genuine. Sold i. all drugi ? lt g Bunine CIikhI I l ms of a i.rribl na raul all "v.-r tin- hods I hi Mtsa Julia Kili'iidi'i ? urnweil, (omi. TAFT'S RECORD TRIP Secretary of War and Tourist Party at Capital. FILIPINOS IAIE ABLE LECISUTOBS Ame ri. tn, (rm.ular Sen I,.- In Ord-nl Need. WoM lni|.rmi .nt ?Hitter I'ay ami l'rn|ier I..,ul,.m. tit Adi nt ti ntl. WASHINGTON, Oct 8 After si absencs of rimr,. than tbrse montbi Secretary ol V Wsahingt | r,om,. ward trip a record rion, I Washington ol fourteen days nnd ar riving two ,i,iv - snead of ?cheduled time. Of the original members of 1 gicssiiumi party only one ^"|; I ti i i Lon Hana, returned to Washing ton artd r mom hers went boms b rotes ot stopped on the wsj tid only i I . i his lill medlste party snired witt him. In discussing briefly his tri* I the liiii tpptnes bars reached tbe patel when ?n participate In legislation with profit te ? thal it wm tn a good education fi i be added, n lufBclent number well .inulllied tO con,],.- ? legislative b ' <tng of tho Cblna, he said he hud m.nie no Hate meat sin.-,, p. ching thlh countrj which he menut to be oonstrui reflectioe upon tbs personnel of tin conenlar sonico and declared that it iiny such Impression had bees b lestred that it v .n consuls, he explained, arc p.voriy paid, Inadequately equipped with clerical help nnd occupy buildings not tn keeping with the dignity of the country they represent One Kw-penn country, hi had ten tlinoa as runny men In theil onnsular service '.: un. It ts n wonder, he added, thst this country ls able I able nnd capable men ns lt tins In thi consular s?r* I nt, 1 are working hard and when they are pa Li III pointed out thal mi sm! received but 117,800, wbere it eosti bim ?->t\o*0-i to the Mr. Taft said pn> vision should be made for bitter pay of officers In th" tnry Ts ft dined with lie-'..lent nnd Mr* Bl White Itou-i last night :y syeiit ttl evening Ll totalled to tl dent the results of tbe party'! lour ol llpptnea snd tbe orient. ilso dined at tli. White n :.!i.'ht, as did alsi several of the president's friends, In cloding Commissioner of Corporstioni WILL BRAVE PLAGUE ALONE. President HiHiaeiill lin. Il, i I,I,-,l in % lilt Net* Orien n*. WASHINGTON, Oe! dent has determined to ' ? ?? fever and go to New on. It ts officially announced that ne Wll leave here Oct is, ge to various saith ern points nnd roach, tbs Louisiana nie tropolls on the -^'iih He will apend i day tjicre snd will then lake I Colorado ty pe and return t' Washington, arriving here on Oct BO Hs will thus avoid any Infringement ot the oniirnntlne lawi ol ' No cabinet member will mnke rfu trip, nor will Mrs. Boosevelt aecompa ny her bosband Tbe "in. lal p irty vvti dlSbSttd at Little Kock, and only Sc rotary Loeb will iro witt the i to thc L'Ulf. Moat ( uti li Ulm Kirai. HOUSTON, Tex . Od I bean ci wini murdered Mrs Oondltt, on th. public square al Bda u baan surroeadad eigiit tulles i tout) in I'evils pocket H H Bealle} brother of Mrs Oondltt, tbe murderei woman, stated that lt WU thc reijue* of his luther ubi mother that the mei led with ii"t to binn i until they arrived, and they wanted ai the citizens of Rdi n cona ly t" be scoorded tte prlvlieg ma lt. _ Secretory Shaw at lt Icltniiinil, \a, B1CHMOND, Vs , Od of tbe Treasury Sbnw li, BspubUean mass meeting In t: emf of Muslo In this city la ?ed tariff ISSUBS, declared tba all that the pnrty elslins foi any tari! law 1* that tts principle is perfect Uta lt will be amended In d ? that tte principle wni aever be amend isl uinler a Itfpuhlicnii admlnll I, I. lewis, th- Bepnbllcnn nomine araor, presided nt tte i Wea* York i.linii. Win I'enniinl. CINCINNATI, Od I Bj tim first game af tbs double besde from tbe tiniiiinritls In tbs tenth li liing here the Giants clinched ihe Ni tiona I lenguc championship pennas f.,r IMS Kwinir's arildneaa ipon?lble for the defeat BltbougJ Msrtes tbs teeth Inning hy making one of tli ensattonsl catches the local ground*. Dr.aalr III, lull Not I'?rult,eil KL PASO, i.v od - Alexander Howie und puny ol have arrtvi-j ' Ite io tbe prc ny nt TsBMnltpsi Meal' " Members nf tte psi iMiviu has b Witt primly sis, ns reported, but admit 0 til He wat* locked In hw pr all day. nnd al! in-iulivr* wen admission. Boat Humm Trouble. lt i- a bad habit to borrow anvtbinf but tbs wurst thing .vu can . borrow is doable \\ hen al heavy, weary and worn-out by tl . bilioui uilar it li-.rder-. .loni -it down an brood orer your symptoms, bnl By r< rt inf I" Electric Hitter-. Here you wi lind -ure and | ctinaneiil Ihrgl of all ymir troubles, am! voiir bode vt uni ls' burdened by ft load "f debi du Xl Willie .v. Io's drilL' -dir Or Uuarenli CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Notable Itt tnt. t.l lite Merl. llrlrllT I Ur.oil.lcd. ' ' i a bill granting a in- Firth Aloin:. York, which Plait i .Ugh!, wirti tl I i tbiotvii In w BS held al Sauta Monica, 'iii Tb .t ot gore Ibero wai i ' until they were twice their nat' " ?'it'd the . lable to kin " well in hu aatl ag to ?t?tis:. ?' ; six montha ol WOfi gain con ? the first . vt..i.,lm ti. t a: ; William ' puny. I'hllftdelphlil sor wai Mt M Paul, Mh i ? ll i rofl of Minneapolis wi ? ..uncut In 111 ? rt r, Patrick, now condemned ti .-?.I minder tor l?a vii lt lilli ll upon th I* W II'. 1- lill R In New Tort I In tin ieut. Sntitr.lnv. -,.,,( ;?,,. nmnndlng officer of tl port il!. 1 i Altin, .f tte olden! .'icm Hy" is In Ni . and down tl building ut th< sllgbtosl ' ind vviii .I., li If any one makes lt worth hi John Garrick, ano well known steeple Jack ? i phoon in the Island ..f I.nzon nnd the omit' I great : ? lal.Hid ' ird i utter I.'-.v te |* ,, , wreck nnd (?leven A 1 tw.-n ty-foiir drowned I'rlility, Sepl. BO. ;t daughter of thirteen and thi? rroul *ix to t found murdered tn cold blood al theil home ne ir I Premier Bouvier nnd Print Ilndoiin, the ftsrman an Paris, ilgned tho Praneo-German rn cord conournlns the Moi ?hus definitely tel ' Tho wreck of rbi Hntish steamei Chatham, with h'-r cnn*., of nlnct.v tons of dynf* i down up In ihe Boes canal h.v nilnes distributed Broun I her hull . ?ut five . ina!. Bunning al full ipeed Into tbe bulb heiid ui g Into her beith al N( the Trinidad steamship <. ed into tts structure, lujured i num ber "f men. om- fatal!) . rn! the plei bulkhead Into kindling and I i and w.u Upon those who v ? hail ant make tl I menin* greeal I i : alni CO out of rangs Al ' Ila w Ij I be w iii keep Infill lug lilli .' "Ut Iltur.dna, s, ,,, _?*. :. Wllliai v ? oourt Anio; . Manchuria, ? ' lulu, were WI)laun ' ' Ister t" ' M \v ? : mperoi William, -I'dit tbe night at Hie ito minion hunting I and Pr nrg brough! I slnn si ' los at 'lr.. Prossla p- . rood i'i' i. ttl* . itv of Coiot has !?? plats dc*true tlon. At 0:29 nt night when inure thai half the people of tte etty wars a fire brok* out wt ?' u eon aldHrable portion of thc bus:: rasldonee sections of Ooloo, ls practically al! tbs 1 ? rntuvn building*. William T Bryan hr.s anrittea anoth er letter to P ??remit i rd. Voi | i all tb gunsi Tea i eiiient in thc Etspebtkea pun must load it ur suitei the UuuiiUuUo: VV . a - i 27. i pisnl ? ted Brit ' llage in ? Feb L ' Ii i 'ottaba ' ? ? ling tbi ' TROUBLE AT COLON. lt, li.,,,, tl,,rail,I,,?, |? I',,,,|e tn .-r Baaltarj t oadltlaa* in Mnr French ' ' ? i b. tie ? I i I | ttl*' lilld f I . 1 ? ? I I'.ibil FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. t I...lim si.., i. ?(?,,,inti. ?I " ; ii, ' *?<-ia loria Mint., i. I I j llA t S ? ? < I 1 ' 'i H"l'.- ? I I ' ' tn. s,,,, u Harket*. i \ i I I J .: i *, r ? r i I | ?os OCTOBER 'os Sil_ Mo. Til We. Th. _Fr. St I 2 34 5, 6, 7 8 9 IO ll 12 1314 15161(18192021 22 232125 26 J7 28 29 30 31. The Symptoms. firs! ! - No. W ' Achievements Summa "It's flinn;. con If: r: "Cont 'Why, WI cousin clear thl inlp."? v Serious Blunder. Tlc- i to tl court I ?aid tba "Wi "Wi ' fut enamel have spnki'ii of the beaaUfn HAY FAVORED LOOMIS President States That Bowen's Charges Were Untrue. UTI SECIETAll GOIKHEO HIM. PapSia Vlade I'nlillr I.a.I Multi on Account nf VV ldc. it rend Ml.iipprr hen.ltin i>( VSMta li. troaera>. WASHINGTON, ", r I Ii 1 fell und Assistant Secretary ' night. ? m that Becretsi ? i with billi .nt even the mild ensure" of Mr, Loomti in thc rafi re port on the IsieetIga!lilli ol the , brought by Mr Bowen, th.- former min leta to V'eoesuela, and mids ti. rotary Hay very itrongl) condemned Mr, Howell's course. i"s Ml li';, 'luring that most of the chitin. really against hlmaeif (Mr ll s'tlnst Mr I inn! 'lr nowen knew that. Mr loomis addressed the p hs foi: * time pnst there tn in various n Inclml h.n mom of the Joni usia published in .k, Btsteasenta mora or less rti re t to the effect thnt grave dlfTeien. es of opinion existed between yourself iti.'i the lute secretary of stat". Mi arning both myself nini tte action to bs taken by you upon tte buding-, and report of li ia 'I.- mutter of ttie ch - iiibiiust me by Vlr Bowen, x former liilb-d States minuter to Venezuela. I vv ill cite a ruse lu point long ago a responsible New Yuk paper, to wht. .lily In? formed upon tin- best of authority Mr Bowen hus been freely offal-*- . terlnl for use, printed the following paragraphs; " 'Prsctieslly the inst oin.-isi net of Mr. Uni to rlsll the White for the purpose of urging tin* president U"t to dismiss Bowen anti to dismiss Loomis, hut learning that the BresMcnfa mind wns matte up i. away with his messnga- unspoken "lt may Interest you to know thal nt Mr. Hny's request I -petit at hil what prored to bi. practically tl boos "f his life la Washington li lng upon that occasion indicated to me fully and lucidly sk was bia what he wished my two col. and niyielf to da In the linen of de? partmental lotion nnd policy to be .ur rlod out during hi* absence, he referred to tlie then recent Bowan episode with much feeling Among athel things be *tild tbSl Lu.- Wit* .ilsuustud With Howell . "xprcaslou, thut vanity appear od to be ft dlseitse with him nntl that tm was both disloyal and untruthful ld been trent bet ms not "(dy to bim (Mr. Hay), but te tte country. in view of ttl!--* coovereatioa, to which I have ml . i ted In tte poaalbla manner,lt ls ditlicuit for mo to that there ls sny truth Lt of tte foreg'dug paragraphs which i lOOtad or any otters which have BOM priuted ot similar Import The presidents reply I "In answer te poor letter of Bepl .!.'> I desire to state in the broadest and minite rio manner that the state meiit you quote as appearing in eer tain newspapers, and especially In cer tam New York newspapers, as to the : opinion be i'.yscit sad tbs late secretary of state Hr Hay, in respect to the nctlon taken by me reganll Iiowr-u in connection with the charges tl merely without foundation in fact, but is tts direct ravens of the truth "Ton were appointed secretary of state upon Mr. Il I on and . to un' about you ssi ? t and . redial ap . ! Were rendering; and tv te me very grout regret (tint you wir. tit leers Hie I arvid and stated thnt he I tbs! ? would -I,., lotta in he did mid that he Would And lt difficult to get ail) Hie In ytir place aid like so much. i ut Mr B stronger language of condem? nation than 1 have ever heard bim use in who had under him. But this was pot all Mr ?u did what he very rarely ill d Ha esprsssed bia strong <n setit from the nctlon I had tak'-n In ag Mr. Tuft's report as ? even t: rare of you whl. h it ?' itlng that lie d Oth Mr Taft and myself on I felt that Voil Welt' lu no Bl able and that the only action that bi lied for w?< the dlsnii<*nl Of Mr Howell and a entire vin ii " 1.... sul.-1.lea at Paiera.m Hotel. PATKBUON, \ committed mickle by Jumping from a window and a wi | led eui her life tu- taking ?iltan hotel . I- In n indltlon al I Zimmer, i fannel off, jumped from the window ked np live i . - fata! Jump v ' stopping at tte hotel, ran Into the ' driver i had taken po - tflatern leta I BBS! al Vli-k.hurif,. VJt Ksnii!',. Ml- - llr+n ?r and "ne death occurred al ney hospital, . .?(tis, 14; under treatment. 61. A >|.lcii'li(l I'h.i. A new Idea in a Uoufb ByrU| Lxative Hooey ami tar Besides containing Pins Tar, Honey aud other valuabis remo that its . rompt and efficientevscu i nervous system, and .ure- all coughs, .up, whooping cough. ? . and the hoi ? Ij on ev. I the' Iriglli.'i . .j, -Kennedy's Laxative , ideal rein, cbildrel praise it. ll for ali. Hold by andrus ROBBKD TO WIN A BET. Harri I e..n.,ni, Who Stole * Make. I.ib|u. I,,,.|,,n NEW YORK, ti ard. twenty-four .tens old libed tte National City hans , | leers, on Wis! i ead He ?.,? bold bj '??ill fur examination and takes tieck to headquarters. On going out hr ?alii to a ' "I ' ' theft Just to abos tva. to fool the National City Both Captain M< I ? if the theft, but lat ken t? hesdqusrtert tviih tl 1 making bil laratioo that ! the one and only j 'iovt easy 'tv. . things In Wall ? Park Commit tuc to sf Henry Leonard, Um roung Wall street clerk to the theft "f ?*'?" ?unties from thc N ? bank I.e.,nani lins b.-cii paving attention to Hiller's duugltt. r, Lulu. fief Wi,, 1. tbotit (he case said: "There ts uo en | Leonard and my daughter Lulu ls I know, but he culled !.? v i belle*.?! bs i> 'ti -i mghlj uni will aid him In any way l i ! believe that he did this thing ivith the least thought of I s-hrador was very positive ,,i d'l Innocence of any ci Intent tn obtaining tl i DESERVED LIFE SENTENCE. ScmiIiIiiu. Word* trout .In.lae lu Carlton, the lilian.? NEW TORE, Oct I There Irnniittlc scene lu Judge Asplnall's court Brooklyn, when Carlton was isntsnesd Sears In Sing g -. appeared v*er made a strong pion : Beelaring that tte fertng from diabetes sud that ids four ti'iuls wore rushed through tn i a thing - sent.'liv 'will mean senten : t Adorne) ? n history of (iirlt -ai.! he tried t" mard Judge Asptaall in pus. mentioned the dlsn;, - vv Iv BB, on "? hud collet ted |e\000 in teat the judge 'v?eie either done SgTSy vvlth or left tO the BOld '? vt ..[lil ll 1 were nb|e I would -i-uil this ninn to the (?Icu I' chair I believe ba | Schwab, tho vlctlru vv' nnd am coBTlnced that only the lu' bin) " og to Carlton, ti. You ate s ijllnln, sud it would be I .rood thing ft ste I dent eire vvh. tl have diabetes or what yon have Th. community Should I you for marrying impend i ls order to give you tile full limit on the other throe Indi, tn "On the s?. oinl, for mart) lug Mary r. In Simr SI "(iii the third, for grsi d years In Ping Sing "On the fourth, for t Kittvnng. four years In Sing - only ngiet is thnt l cannot make lt ? irs " ring to an officer, the Judge then ss ld: "iii!<e him SWSJ " Victor*/ Tor Hlattln* In I oiinectlrot, NEW liv > ih. little town rdeetioni in Connecticut ?tote voting "ii ti,. Hun ol iinieiidnieiiti and ot rd con gresslolinl district iii H Bran ii Maj tod I'nlt(sl by th.- gell. T Instant o Ldwin W ii - - lawyei of Norwich, Kepubltci ? to congress over Cb artes V Thayer mayor of Um : iHjorlty with u few ? LSI"' lei. t(,|||oi, (.ut Kmiii ll... kefrller NEW i'iHK ' ler gii' ? : " ? as mntle la ? ? the bonr.t the cbs - rirat Mella, of tooti.all. EXETER, N II. Oct metnbl of th" lisss of 1901 at Philtl -??? hospital as lbs result of Intel nal Lnjurlei prsctb e (rocker, whs was a rund date for the scsdemy sloven, was bm while the boys were prscriclnf on ga ardej Kxtrad of 'lea-ant '" take. kidney and md a t'lghin ?.alli abd g'.si i ,: res l DANIEL IN THE LIONS' DEN Sunday School Lesson lor Od. 8,19*3 I lt) 3. Mern* - n-a. Th* ange! ot tbs . . m thal ' ,.ts, within a year ot tay* lesson. li-A' ? m of the cap* 11 i rr tart --I'la. 17 1 7. ... ll; Uv ?o a ? 31; JTov. lil S. ??. l?. l ?'? Mi Jas. l.U. Rei I ami 3, ll*?. 13-17. ' Beted Cod: Abra . . Ab*! ' "n (Act* - . .. tl. ll. Comment and Suggestive Thought. INTRODUCTORY.?Daniel, it., man, after many years of unn private ? again brought Into polltli al prom .mn guiding Prov 1.lenee. Three great cabinet officers were placed over iii an exile he had itty. He had maintained his rattgloa and hil In ? ..'nih hi attedla him to higher honors and nrnietl Ms religion. In bia Integrity ami In hts couran higher one tba tit n ?> r thostora, and I felt thdr full fores (U Ile was a Jew, tires, who mt of his na milty and at rom, to bl ?vr them? Kt:vv was "sharper than a serpents tooth." (1) Daniell character was... I They ? [hearing ?? benian ? ? the Just, slmi hs was weary of hearing bim eal! | 1) ll* ls the way of their dishonest gains. Such officers In th denys made their poettloa a ? ilth. V i" "Now" better "And" "when Daniel knew that the writ tug wits signed" mule permanent as an effie!al d* ciniisnt. {Daniell. was walking amid "many a pitfall, many a snare." "And his wlr. open In hil chem -inil mon ex? actly now he had tn his roof-d open windows fronting Jerusalem. Ths n'helical, and describes teat and habitual arrangement of Dalliers window (.--Prof. Driver, his knees:" A fitting at? titude for humble prayer, favoring thl spirit of devotion. "Three times aday:" Like the psalmist (Pia. 65:17). V ll "Thci ? who had plant to know the fi*. ly, ami maka >'hc pro I V 12. 'The law of the Msdsa and Persians which altereth not:" In thli two principles are : ?, thl tied law or rule h> which the king himself, theoretically at jany rate, ts hound, and which h. .sion, undei this law or rule, of the Irrevocability ol a myal decree, sc V. 14. "The king . . . was sore Md . . , labored till | 'lng down of the sun to deliver him:" Bu' he failed on account of the ai Ivs. V. 16 him Into the den of lions:" This waa ac? cording ? lng of the same day. The story of ths den of lions ls strictly tn keeping with Babylonian usages. 'Thy God . . He will " The kin,- '? ? lo much of what Ood had done for Dan? iel In the past, that he encouraged him* eelf and Daniel hy the hope of deliver? ance. V. 17. "Stone . . . laid ut I the den:" The mouth was tts. which tba animals w*r| seated it with hi own Bigest:" "If the aoceaa to the lions den was arranged like that of a sepul a hsr would be fixed acron th! front of th* stone, fastened tu elthei side of the doorway by toonga, the knot ting of which wan Staled with waa stamped with a ilgnet"?-Tristram. "And with the signet of his lords:" Hq that neither party could tamper wl'h lt V. 19. "The king aron*, rsry early:" Literally In the dawn. In the first glim* mering of light, V. IO. "Cried with a lamcntabla voice:" Full of grief and anxiety. V. 22. "My Cod hath sent His a Ai one like the Sun of God was in the Iflery furnace with the thne whom r bsd cait into the ?flamei. 23. "And no manner of hurt wr* upon bli bs b?Mf-T*d" (had -ho trust In Him. Two Ways of Deliverance. ie ls sometimes immediate re net from psrssaatfoi -ute the case of Daniel, and the three | the fiery furnace, and Peter In prison In a, and Paul sod bliss In Phil? ippi. 2. On ' I har I and, equally good * ay? a long of prophets, many of tho apostles, John ths Baptist, ste? phen, and area ?iirl-tt Hlmielf. ' too, and flori* (irmly, because their death wrought more rei than ai igeg . have doust lull - from J H -iiini. uk wita; might I . , ;f he ? taken thc medicine cough Uiatdi-turl-ed my night thing, bul nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King erv f?r OonsampUoo. Coughs I-. winch i BM In-tantly rei ? oeotly cures all throat and lung At White A Co'-, druggists; gnome* and fi Ob,