Newspaper Page Text
THE FAKMV1L1.E HERALD HONOR FOB TH! PaUbT, HELP lok THE PRE8KMT, HoVk POB THI FUTURE. yoi \> FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1905. Su s ??-1 '' ? TOWN DIRECTORY. ? ORV. w. Lee & Thompson, Att" tt Law, ? ? J- M. CRUTE, itssriej at La*. UATK1NS & BROCK. RNEVSoTLAW, , j . WING. W, Bay, Prloce Edward Counlj, Ya. i N C FRANKLIN VTTORNEY-AT-LAVV, ^y HITL 4. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, R. C. BRISJOW FARMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AM) SIGN (SiNlED PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. R. C. BRISTOW. Farmville Herald Thrice-a-week New York World. Ummniivtcalth til Virgina, ' STOCKS BONDS THE ROPER COMMISSION CO., 22.3 Park A. Lynchburg, Ma. .. VKDS $2.1. ? ORA] .mi. Pri vu te wires Pot the prompi exe lin .iiiil cotton. Drop us I with your name anti we will lu- pleased to ? ??.if daily tri ?u tin- Mame 'lay spondent i - ? REFERENCES'. Lynchburg, Va. GRAIN COTTON I APainle^s Cure of Curable Pain 1 r resign yourself to suffer pain. Women's I I pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous I I conditions of the female organs which should be I I promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. | Vbe&iW IT COMES TO WOMAN'S relief whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and weakening palra, lt not only compels the p'.ins to stop, but lt fellows up and drives out the cause of the | prevents them from coming back, lt makes you well Try IL everywhere In $1.00 bottle*. WRITE US A LETTER "WITHOUT A TAM, Ivs*** writes Mary Shelton, of Poplar . and Eluff, Mo., " I t_n do sty housework, ? .vice although, before taking CAkDU, two -? to do.tors had dune ms no good. I can cure ti ? rs truthfully say I was cured by Csrdul t *pt.. - ^m. , I want every suffering lady to know of Chatu. this wcnJerful meJldiis." TAR WAREHOUSE. FARMVILLE, VA. I Iii \(IU. Largest and Best Arranged. in -i market prices G. W. REDD, P. A. GRIGG, IL S. ll INSPKCrollH OFFICERS Vi . I.. < lark, W. M. 0, Ramon, \l.i ? I>r. W. K. Vmlersoti, J. IL Martin. Kscretary Hint W. T. DOYNE, UNDERTAKER AND LICENSED EMBALMER. Metallic and all Styles Wood Collins ON HAM). IMIOXI i \i;mvii 1.1:. v v A Large and Complete LINE OF FURNITURE AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU. Baby Carriages and Gc Carts Marked Down. ?'... to DOYNE'S. Dr / t. WHIU H. E. WAU. V Pretf. I. ff. MARTIN. Ste. 6 Treat The Farmville Bail Iinji & Trust Co., FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. ? LOW and 8 fer nut allowsd. Wt Gilt Edge security '" deposi t,.r-. VV rite I till IhS .-T'l'tlllV :n .1 Ti tu-u i t-i for full particular*. Morey Loaned on Real Estate and Other Good Collateral. A VACATION SERMON Dr. Talmage Preaches About the Rocks and Trees. n.ierini imm I,, u,r mbi,i, ,,f h. V ..?ruiltr Nailer -ott \rl llSSlatl l'nr_ im ll.r l.miil nree hiiiI t. rm I ri ree ut I.oil B] liri.I IBB, b> I .bull Kl.'p LOU ANGELO, Cul.. June :;.. lu : III.Ul, suited tl) tile t lle.lti'lll BBB Mm. the pnacbai takes for bis pulpit a lofty peak ovsrlooklng tin- VoseuiKa rslley and for hu tbeute tin- rlvid im s awakened by kia inspiring sajronndings Hit- test is Psalm xiv. i ?Tin- streagtk of tin- bills is bis." lin- wont "Mk'' H absolutely BpprO liriste uktUI applied to tb.- tuite.! ?tates, HiK un. wi- iii geographical area. Individually, many nf tbe Bora pen mooarcbiea could ba placed Inaida of mir state of Texsa, ami yet there wohm be enough, it-ft to bm np in gov. emmental business a BoJgarls "i n Portugal oe i ?tritserland, besides I?; i \ inn to tpare s from vsn) susi i van! Isrxe enongli fm tbe kingdom or ii print? nf Monte Carlo H n in natural resources, No harvest fields an.i ? plantations greater than ours v.. area of t"oal uu.l iron beda Hint gobi .uni silt.i uni eo).per mines greater 'nan our-. Big sre ive in the i on. I'piioii-* of mir people. Tbe might? iest railroads, the largest tiiunels, the mightiest Bt|Ueducts, tbe mightiest bridges are here, Hit; sre ire lu the nu mtiers of our Inhabitants, lit<*itles liebig hlg in mir tray of doing things, 1: ,. ,- ii vt..iii which run Im- applied lo lin- fulled States, lilli Illili Wolli "big" .-p.'.-inlh .un lie applied to her natural wonders of NUgari falls and Yellowstone puru snd the Grand 'Hu ton of Alisons, hikI. shore nil. to amer ...lert'lll VlMUltt talley, U Iii. ll, i- ii VMiiiili-rliuiil. luis uot Ita niipt'lioi iii :tll die world. The Brat time 1 view eil ii waa un.lei specially favor ii.le tircumatancss. IVs left Ike uni road in tin- emly hours of the morn? ing for a long, seventy two mik! iii ive io ilii* wonderful pim,- u wai ii day passing description sind crowdeil wi tit mi memories Hontetimes, dur nu Hint liing, twelti- boars' rnle, we .?mi:,I p. k whole bouquets i Hie dora nf a luiuriant ?ne wat liltttlliig iis welcome. linn tbs storm clouds shut us lu ami .lu; tun dtsappsarsd Then, as sra ?lluilietl up Mitti lip tbe heights of the sierra Nevadan, we sblversd sad snook, Int lu ii rainstorm, again lu u halt .turin tmtl then lu n Minding snout itorui. t)ur illulia bscBBts so cramped hut circulation wm almoat stopped,bnl ju iiml on and OB sra went until it drew thi.- evening hour. Then the -tnt lu cleared itvvuy. (Jud llftnl the eur :?lii!i of the clouds, ami suddenly the rrandeat ritu erst panoramasd before ju.i tal eyes wa* silue. ? iihih," hui.I the driver, i- \"-eiu ite valley :" ? Then," said I. "OBS nf the dreams of my life lt fulfilled." Hut though I h.'ne drOSmsd um ny SToadsT 'u; dranma, though i lune seea many jf tbs wonder scones of the world, I ..'?mt dreamed of or miw a sight like 'hut. Chao! and BBBmOB, love Bud hutt', jeuuty aud revolting BMSOUSUSSS, sum net mid winter, hoary beaded moun tulns with their nowcaps nf tpotless tvblte nnd with their lliuhs lined kin's iBBp la wild flowers; appalling preci? pice snd lotert' rotreats; roaring, -ustiing cataracts, with their "spirits if the evil winds." alni rslnbov. .ug amid the mitts, mid BS pa ssl lill ll it-ries coloring the nether robes of the iiffert'ut full-, rsfHBjsssBS sad ; lions all seemed t" lu- tluie Tiny tran ?batching out then Bands toward me aud culling, "fonie, brother, COOM uiil sit ut my fest. COOM, and 1 will hurl thee from yonder cliffs amt BpOO .liv poor wsngled body I trill let the rulturas and the win beasts banqneL ollie, anti I will show thee Bights Hurt irondsrs "f wbi> b thoo bust sever con SetvOd. Come,COmeT Ami.I ten thou simd different vstcts In one gi us, ''ollie, ililli!', lilllie!" they ki-pt eal! lng, And the echoing moontalni ntr la ii distance threw pack the CS Ila ai fruin great sounding boards "Come! louie! futile!" BjIOB today in il iiun I caa h-'.ir Lttosa strange, weird, conflicting voices calling bm Oh, tba iiihuv emotion- thal surged through my heart and soul when 1 tir-<t looked town from "Inspiration bright" unil Icm eluted Into the farther valley As lbs rocks snd Um riiffs began to doss ta sround me I foll as did Dante with virgil bf bis side thin I was descend lng Into bell. At the BOX! BtomOBt 1'e<l to fee! that BBgeilc companions tren hy my sids amt thal the para iiMarMi gates "f pearl sra.pening for my eetesflal entnnce. Michael Aa /eio puiuteti both beaven amt bell in me picture Yosemite v.. I llllglllellt " Bveryurhltber I turned )oj and sar .?. pearn ami anguish, bapptBi ?nor. .^lesiiai Usbtiels ami demoniac rsukenstelas, white winged hope-mui it en garmented sinai Hgt rt "f da *? . ??? a- eUS dwellers, "?ii. iiiiiitiiittiiK the .lark caverns of - ... w.if naring In m.- from '.?Ighis. or tri tinter those tent-, nf slum mn .. in enchanted palai e* far | et a ullin the rant;" nf my won those stem ? inuits.-" ?liv?.'|l Theil I W.illlil ll ile .se .ire nm BtStm CloUils. llio-w me coronation robes, for 1 see Pum a itheilrals and over Asama - io i* boldlag those Bajmoati '. ? h.le listening to the B !. , witiuu at praysr ami saying, tu, 0 treoptag nior . noa us your earth M nnd you shall I 'weil willi Christ fan Hen ths rix ks seemed to lie great a va lan rhos of snow or overtopplug gls r,era nf iee ready to luinhle dowu upon tis nutt crush us; tbere tbey seemeti la bs wh..le cities lu ruins, at though ten IhiilltObd, YeSUV iuset bsd belehetl rurtn meir fires ami nsmoiisBoa mern uni then Hie demons had exhumed these broken walla and destiny ed bOUSe*, just In SfajOW Wliitt BWfUl liir Mtge pandemonium had nrroughl Here then ->?' Ililli t0 Im' bilge IllnllU! In twain willi tin- other hu I vet thrown mtu spa..', lhere they looked bk- worlds Just started sad then left In S formative slate, us though tbe Divine Cmatof. had gone off and forgot? ten all about them Here they eeasssd tu bs unscalable heights ei.ted sa traill about u huge prison for l"-t SOUkaj while thara, nguiu, as la Sen? tinel rot k, they seamed ta bi statlniis lifting themselves high uImivc ths eioiitts to put us iii touch witii other trorkts Bad with Ood. Thus these walis nf rock, than furU<sen nf rock, these mighty obelisks Slid pyramids nf in. k. than - st nek apon arhseh God iiml re gt sta nd the histories of tba . object lessons lt though th* Creator bad opened bis tnasun rsnlta just a little that we might peer In ami sis- in- Bnlimlted re sources. a- ihe evening bonn settled into tit** night the last thought inspired hy suck sublime surroundings mon ami mure tunk [snaeeesloB nf my -..ul. 'there as I hiv upiui my pillow iiinler the shad OW of Sentinel ru. k uml gazed ut KI ''upital: alni Washingbiii roluinn ami Hull I lonii. :iii.| QrlSXlj peak amt while listening to tin- evening lullaby of ihe Y.mlle fall- I -:ii.I to inv-elf 'if <;...| w .ll- | will try tn tell In ruy peo? ple the wonders nf yosemite tulley I .till try tn abotl them Hutt the Strength ? if tin- hills there revealed is tin' tym* tm! ni Ihe divine strength" Tbe pasha lat's words, spoken thousand- > ugo, were my words in the tisrkneut of Ihat Hight, mui they are nu words nott. Ihe strength of the hills" or. as tin- ret i-tsi renton pms it. "The heights of thi> hills .'tn. In, ' i- Yosemite valley! Ona! la . !it-. great its depths, great Ifs lengths alni its breinlllis. Hut. great - Vn-eiiiile tulley, tun inusi iv member that the same heights .tint depth* iiiul lengths and breadths of rocks Hie lillis liv Hilder yuin l-'et Ililli mine, although we e.mimi . them. Iliey are here to hold us up lust as uni. li as ihe foundation stones of mir i-bUreh are mulei lie.llb ..III feel lu beur ihe .linn b np. They ure here inst as Ililli ll as a s.lliil Col lielslulie llit'l In be placed al Ihe base nf Washington tnoll iiiiiciiI iii our national raphal <?? us the foundation stones wen placed under the iibiilin.'iils of ||?. Brook!) li bridge or th.- solid roch \> un,lei Kl ff ri lower ii Paris \- l . limbed th.- :i w fni. dissy heights of mie nf the Sierra Nltudus. by the eili;.. nf an appalling pre' ipice to Claeler point, this on., thought vvas uppermost In my mimi. lien.I w'liding we go. lp ami up the sure r.Miteii boasts csrry us. higher and atm higher, 'linn the na ks hy the ?i,li- #f the preelplee grow deeper and deeper ut each rms. At last tte au- at the t'>p. after a long five mile pull Then, by holding on to a railing, ymi i .ni look straight duwil 8?S0 feet. At this al? titude of nearly two-thirds nf ii mlle 1 looked straight dow n and MW the Mer Ci'd river, lt was not I silvii lliresd bending um! winding among the many trees in the valley, lt was a groan ssiikc. beautiful, but Breen, its surface retie, l.-d Beery simile of green, from tbs darkes! green, dsrk as Emerald P'S'!, to ths lightest ahadel of u.pia .i lui ehiy suphrusi- YoSOOlttS rail-' whits garments slons bat ? of it,0UU fret, or imariy one-half nf t mlle, 'llieii, while I kept looking down into that awful pu. ipi... luokiug down u palisads s.. asap that i ssemsd tu be braking into spure itself a -lill, small v..,.i. teemed tn mik to ma Winn 'Ind cullisl tu lemuel, he called at night in me. standing then upon the pulpit of lillirie!' point, it seemed that he fulled ill the daytime That tube was so reit! tu my imagination 1 tmt I turned to my wife aud u-ked, Were you ? peaking'-" ?No: did you lie,ir any one talking'.'" she replied "Tea," i answered; "I though) I bnrd a roka Hud Unit ii must be the rotes nf th.' Lord." Thea thc myslarlous ?.s sn med t?> address me in these words: "When you go bark to your pulpit you will walk the -i. streets of a great ettj Fob tv iii climb lhasa, thc beautiful moos taill? from the tops nf w billi yog inn "fe the sun setting BBMUg the hMting wave- ni tlie western r.uirle To the ea-t yon '-un see the sunbeum- of lin? early morning barning themselves into lon nuggets of immy mange or chards. You run beat the Blowing ma lighting their way through the hart .st Ileitis at ymir feat Hut re? member underneath you i- the same Foch, thc same depths of rock, the same Immensities ..f rock yon now see fruin Quieter point in fosemltS ? Be.mber, ii man, thal I put those rocks underneath thee 'but the waters of til- Padfc Bight be nu aquarium fur il. and that the fields might feed ties- sm! thal thy linnie might imt lie bulli iipiiii the -inking mada Brea in the anson neks I am et,-i near thee, i iii inc, sustaining snd lng my children " Ibis Toiee of the unseen rocks speak lo ymi of fJod'S Int e. as ,m Hie panoramic rocha aeeu from <;iscier polut lt to speak to me of the divine love when 1 stood in old ltut the heights of the hills and tbe depths of the vsllejs nf Y..-.-mite tea.-b more ihiin (BS ever present, sustaining rare of a IHvlne Father. TboM meka me libraries of tbs past MB .ml of ths millenniums. You and 1 have read alioiit ths fa IB QM - of ancient Alexandria aud Nineveh and Babylon We have beard tbut these ancient books wera lo many thal iii Alexandria alone lt took six BMUthS to destroy part of them when those par. hmeiita and manuscripts ? ??d for common fuel to light tlie Cres of the 4,000 bathrooms of that grest city. But I wsnt to tell you thsl when a man rides through Yosemite valley snd climbs Its dizzy heights he Bg upon the historic page* of der than the oldest tablets of thinned from Staid the ruins nf au am mut Troy, ile ls looking st S : beary than ni! Hie hooksof Nin? eveh, Babyhm or Alexandria combined, llnre lie is looking upon the million! Of open ??? of nek written BBSM by Ihe pru of but one Auth that pea ia the (Inger of God." ir the recorded pages "f iii., hooks of nek fmind among tbs shelves of rack sud upou the noon v>f rock sad i/iug o|ien upon tue lames, or rm-i 01 tS valley do not tea. h us rimt God as an author bas lieen liebig .en tiiri.'S upon itnturies and millenniums upon millenniums agn and that he will also lite .iud wm k thrungli the can furies sud tba iriilti-nii in ms to e.,me. then I say t|?. Yosemite roeka -tra. h us nothing " Then wt have eyes tu aee and we will not see. inti we hsve ear* to hear and we will not hear. Beery step you take, every mote you make, linnie the one truth that the ?'reub.r of this region ls sternal lu Ina own life and eternsl In his pm; MsrtpSM grove, wfclck gums |u-t outside of thia valley and practically under tin- sim,|,nv of Kl rspitan. as living oiitluis lea. h the eternal pm-. poses anti wm Wings nf the Divine Fa ther. \ty, what bigpnathsii thej snl About tint of them grow near together, ai though they were usliunn-1 "I shea big girths .m.i ashaased baeauM Saul, they raise their huge bsd tea imt nilly lieud ami shoulders I ho VS .iii nib er trees, hut becBUM Ih.'t make other tTSM look like pygmies beside them. "Ortssly It.'sr," roliinibin. ' linter ford Mm ;?"-1 "Watrona," "Call foraia," "Telescope,' The Threa Onces,1 anssssoof the modern aamsls given in HMM faniuHs ii... - them are mer IBO feel tall One i- HM feet iii elmira taranto ami ;;:; feet front -ide tu side, line i- .ut in the middle al the base ami bM I BqttSn CM "lit of it so large Milli a gleat, tiller ? stagecoach with top lovering, drawn by four horses, .au la' driven through il lins lr..,, iras on Ilia right nf us. ll was to Ihe left nf us. it was Shove ns. il was underneath us. One ..f lin- tame kind of liees lu a neighboring giote was i ul donn a f.-tv years ago thai Hs stump might Im- used as a floor hy visiting tourists go huge, sn gigantic i- "ld Qrissly" that it bas one brunell one right ann alon,, tuen ty fe.i in circumference. 'Ihe lie-s of Mariposa grot... grund nhl ure they! No oilier liv? ing warriors have fmignt so ninny bat wli.ii mighty tornadoes haw they dened: What strength ..r t thou saud Mi null--.-- I- iii those imii ba. k Ihiiu's! What unconquerable heights have they' What forest Brea have they endured! Mut. after all, the nmst Impressive fad to bm about tb. - is not their gnat girth bot their gnat height, but thai limy are living trees. They .ne nut mummified trees found among the i-euietertes nf demi trees "What i- Hie greatest fact that inl? ine-,..- tun aliiiil Ihe big Ire.".'.'" I aaked u gentleman Thai ihej are line." he answered Yes. (hst i- the overwhelming foci annul Munpn-.i grove. Ile>-e big trees are nine jn-l is ur are alive Inn eau gu and -tami DJ -. "I theni and see Ile wrinkled and seansi like ihe md.mia tloni iipnii the chees; of the sphinx of ? be Kgyptlsn rle seri bul yon mb feel that they ure nine You ian see when some of their siilrs hate lieen limned by foreel fires in the Haverford Ina Ihe wood burnell out of un.' si.I. I,. left a .iitity lurg.' enough Ut -In-Iter twenty hms.,, or head ol cattle from the winter storms, yet Hi'' llsverford litre l h.- gresl Triest-ope tree h:ul forest rir.-s mi into Its sale* ami tunnel their way min Its renter snd then from the renter bun np until von inn -lund at the bottom of tb'' Her illld look up through il nnd -'?<? Hie blue sky nf the beavan abut.. y,.u Yet th. '..>? lire is alive and still grow lag The -is hundred trees nf Mari POM gruie ure cmphnti.'ully nlite. A thousand years in ttod'a sight are but a- yesterday, or a- i watch la Hie night If Hie tree- nf Mariposa leaih u- Hu- hutt mu. li inure inii-l the libraries nf roch smong the ihelvn ? \f Yosemite hills teach the same les eona. We look with womlein.! upon sollie of the tasrs ol ihe hmis.-linlil pottery used hy ths Amelina or Met; lean Sborigbsea You My, They were healed iii lue- lllnii-aiiil- of J ''.ni ugo " Yes. bill lin i e you et er stopped lo flunk when Hie ti .ilitct by lbs hands nf Uod which hardened yonder roeks? Have you eier stflUpSd to reckon bow old mimi hove been pencils of iee whieh wrote yonder 'bapleis Upon those hillsides nnd wini h. millenniums ago, n? (teeters, poli-bed those walls until today they retie, i tbs light of the rising sun ss mirror*': If tlMM rocka teach ns thal thonsanda sud millions "f rm QotTl tight me as bul n second of lime, do mu not believe we .un trust lo Ins ellie tlie frit teni- we ure Upon lli!< planet': If llod nt nse the - playthings, may tte mu be taftsfled to let him do with us as be will fur Ihe short span ?.f ti. ? ? in snd ten, man's a Hotted spss upon earth 1 Man's I nies-soBshlcn. -s is often ss great as woinsn's. Hut TttM 8 Austin, Mgr. of ths "Republican,' of Leven worth, Ind., was not unreason ible, when he refused to allow Ihadoe 'ors to operate un h's wife, for female 'rouble, "Instead," he lays, "we hid ?ludetl to try Klectric Hitters. My ?nfc was then so sick, she could hard? ly leave ber bed, and live ,?"> physicians hsd failed to relieve her. After taking Klectric Hitters, she was.perfectly cured, and can now perform all her house 'mill duties." Uurtrsntecd; liv White A Co., drugsists. BBBBBJj Ni. matter how long you hsve bad i lie BOUgb; if lt hssu't already develo|?-il nto consumption Dr. Wt nd's Norway Pine Myrup will cure it. ;Hive-are a terrible torment to the little folks, and tn some older mies. Easily cured. Donn's Ointment never fails. Instant relief, permanent cine. At any drug store, '?"rents '. r.?cr) Uunre Yon Kat. Every ounce of food you eat that fails '"digest di*s a |Kiuud of harm. Jt turns the entire meal into poison. Tins not only deprives tin- blood of tbe ne? cessary tissue-building material, but Mt poisons it. It digests the food regard ,-s of the condition nf the stomach. It allows Hist organ la rest aud get strong again. Relieves Belching. Heart Hum, Boar Stomach, Indigestion, Palpitation ..f the heart, etc 'Ililli by all druggists. Hundretis ol iivoat saved every year hy lisvmg Dr. Thomas' Selectric Oil in the bouse just when it is needed. Cures croup, heals burns, inls, wounds nf e erv -ort. >stare Needs Hut Little. Nature needs onlv a Little Karly Riser now aud then to keepthe bowels. dean, the liver active, and the lystan free ftom bile, hoadachas, ronati patton, I he famous little pills "Karly Ki-ers" are pleasant in effect sud |*-r fett ni action They never grit* or sicken, but tone and strengthen tbe liver and kidneys. Sold by all drug Abstinence for the Sake of Others Sunday School Letton lor Nov Specie i Pre;. - verses. Sl-33. OOLDEN 'li t ?th he . TIMI. Oorlntl .1 lr ard Comment snd Sui thine* pertaii such a enjoynient in pleasure. Thi ? be. the - "Not * way of are la vt ful ru i i*lf or to another. erslly, "do not I tbemMlves las I il tear down rs arter, the Chi sider what should toward !!..-? ? V ti woman | lt his own bu - ter in I Ish In ii. V ZS. ' av. hal bles." a sbai food; thi bas been slain thus, and li public market ? eat, "askint; BO fret hu: how the animal wa tome ot nf the Mit, If thi been pro pu'.- ; be wholesome, thal know need have no > the ma V. M, "FOI and the fulln. was ofti before n Int i) what fisid tbs ' market for li tied, thi ond, one needing I . of food | "Thal I ? to a fe.' house. as to claim that Cl idol-temple, but Tani bad ? against thi* (10:lt I be an actual ? etc. If any,.! | or Christian i. Jew lhere, for | tiles, if anyoi then ths another light BOfthsBnifl to a heathen di sake." His qui ? the Idol to whom pal' Of tlan hie' own:" ? the meat. A - ly sho" and food rn- .. Improved p tn ii ' i: it ..? ? of tbs othei ? question. To him harm if your ealing I Idolatry vu* noi "Wbj is my lil.eri j Judged kai h demne I gnothei swer must be: lb judging and I to ihs ? *n rs pm fering form. V at fron heart. If not andi'' ! | Him for food nnd V. ll, tbler, HOW ' appear In Hil ; solemn i Qod la glorified the trivial acta of I! V. Z2. willfully aa so M ' srlenre of BB) ir tn his Cl riflie p avoid hurting snv. v. n. Paul Btu' Chap. I ? V. 13, Tbs ? man.?John ? V. 8. A law the Ctn - 1 4 V. 28 sons! |??: sake, of helping a: carele ?Ri; ra. 14:13. \ PisBitroai i .ii.iniitt. lt Madias i heal th. be aiid OODStipati' I. bi. ? Prompt relief caa bs Kew Life P dizziness, coll (iusranteel at W B ? Energy all gn Stoiuai li '. it of torpid liver lim I will mske a mw ? you. Royal Baking Powder ude of Grape rn of Tartar. . /VP./. s the fe ne ll iei Stat Raisins, Currants, Figs, Citron and MIXED NUTS at ChappelTs. YOUNG & BRO. lill A -oh DEALERS IN FRESH MEATS Country Produce, linville Flour nd Shipstutt'. Hilliest market pria paid l?>i IIiiiks and Fi rs of all kinds. ?I public p.itron iof . . Thi t Main, Virginia. Greatest Sale DRESS GOODS ! il mvillc. *_"*, olorod drest goods, inch dress goods for !??'??. ods ISSI week irjre snd ws - oller ailing VVs ? lot iii I. \1111 i ' I." VKHaud HATH ? ttl] raduoad Ul OOttM and v.. offer. KOHEN'S, 'AU! KAI VA. COME ON k>. dune..Uiiniiing Or Winier Will Overtake Yon. ted '?' J iin-i 11 kel S. W, Paulett & Sod, Va. Vii l? K. ?