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THE FARMVILLE HERALD O HONOR VOE 'MIK PAflT, HELP POR THE PRKHENT, HOPE POR THE PUTURE. t^ffas'slB'B'S-B'S-B'S-B'S-B'S-B BS,SBwrB,BTB,BSs'BBTBB,B,BBTBBTBBTBSSSSSSSBSS TOWN DIRECTORY. . rvjMTV ni^'CT SCHOOL DIRECTORY. M M ? I W. ' xv \l rORM \ M LAH .' ?inti itt Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, J- M. CRUTE, at La*. LUKINS & BROCK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, / i S WING. \ I LAW, i Bay, Prince Edward Cornily, ?a. ml Federal, ^y C FRANKLIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PAM \yHITL A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, li. C.BItlSJOW FARMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. V I -In: nail joli R. C. BRISTOW. BRICKS! BRICKS! - fm louudalioiis and^Buildiiij's, ' IIIIIS. \. ROI.I.IM.. t_, Farniviile Her AM) 1 : Thrice-a-week New York World, President's Message - ? ? up tbe Ul in llit> ? - cnn uni. eminent : liv lin I ? The l ! nf the ? i iiiniii ? ? I iiiCirtii r wilie!) tuibjecta ? - ? ' lint resolutely |iei I ? ? ie law 1 nil timi 1 such ii. monwealtb atMllcnting tim power if has ? i nilly in t: . ? RAILB riON. Aa I i Illili ll).Kt 1 i^i tin. eunctment nf the governi tattoo ? ?? of tin- countrj n inter I siiiiiinniil.v . ni' un? just or tii.i'' " iim^t include puttl p to re pe and form. This |iuvvi-r i ? .ti", like nil - ..vcr the business world, with model I ? s,, il cnn Itt- , wlidi tin- ll. In my Judgment, the must Important ? i which sutii law abo i . ? iv tlie power brought ii given rntt- pre ity o railroad is- reasonatile rind jost, m. uni tn be n; nltlc nnil unjust then, utter full invest! liilillt, tn pi tim limit nf rate beyond whlcti lawful tn go f ? u n reasonable time mui t.> fruin thence onward, sui l,.v th.Hits ?nt. lint : Ile ls fit,, high, I'Ut t' ii rate. In such case tin :.,illinium rntc ns the in H ly ni.r t tin- eumur nf tin- j.r.; your attention tn thc fact that my pro power tn Initiate in emily, \ nu nnl ' i in Un- matt ? ?rbether ?ntc fur ' ? All pi shulllil I I'Ut lillie! ' ? ? illar body sc 1 A rc . i thc nc | should I-- provided ? mtanta, If tbej hui prop? er direction and pr 'di in preventing willful viola li Mil.ITV LAW. lu my annual message to the l itv eighth . I ? ii-mli-tt the ' nit ? the 1'isirni ..f ri in our mu | inundation in my ? iid further - ed tlie ap|H>lutment of a commit make a comprefaenatve atnd) ? m es tu the en , wisc unit ciiiistiiutinnal ibject, applicable to all Industries within tbe scope of the federal power. I hone thnt such n law prepared and cnn. ? ? ?fii demand fur depriving courts of tlie power to Issue Injunctions in lnltt.i timi of tl.c equity powers of mir courts would lu- most unwise lt is true thal smnc .j, i thia power, imt this ii.ics , denial of tbs ? iii nu Improper ex : Ike by n ider would justify the denial of remedy ls tu lure hy requiring tba to the adverse . granting the writ, tbe ; ?? .f tic adverse il appear al the tims and rtered. What is due notice must upon tin- facts of tbe i it ii..11 nt law or the ji" property. Of course this would not ? ag of n rder or injunction in any which it is not already author -lim: btw. nr the recommendation I made In my inst annual ? r nu In ; ..ii liv the department '.?tr of general labor condl ; attention tn be : ditlons nf chilli lllhur lind chilli ? ' .- . Sn. li nu Investigation should take Into account the various problems with ? in of child labor ls ? i. In sm li n republic ns nins ilford to lem of tun a. Thc future of thc nu - ii|,.iii the citlsenshlp of to come. The children 'f t.Mhit ,vho tomorrow will ihnpe thc destiny of mir land, and wi ? em. The lei: ? ? recommended government provide ure fur thc protec : , hlldren mui dumb throughout the United Btatea. yon fnr what I trust vviii be your favorable c ' WOMEN WHO WORK The rj i commerce and In iuld also make a thorough hives . nf the conditions of women In '.mm American wo _'.sl In (.'nilli i ni almost complete dearth of data upon which to bass any - reg Tils n inbject ns Important ns it ls vnst and complicated, Tbs Introduction of wo? men Into Industry is working nnd dhrtnrbsncB In tbs domestic ami social life nf thc tuition. The tlccrense iii marriage, nnd espedally In tbe hirth rate, hus been coincident with lt. Wa must fi . : ? and the atljusti i.lititiiis imist be made, bal surely it cnn bs niade with lt BBB harmful cf? it family lifo than ls now tbs whola matter in reality forms one of the g ena of oar I question "f thc first Importance, "f fur Minn any merely po roomie question cnn he in nny great labor toturbance imt only are employer nnd employee inter? ested, hut nis.i n third party thc gen? eral public, i lerable labor difficulty in which bitarstate commerce is Involved slmuld he Investigated by the government nnd tho facts officially -i tu thc public. tNSURAN' ? ?t-nt Insurance companies afford examples of corporations ?- oded so fnr : thc Jurisdiction of thc stiitcs i thea ns to preclude ? aforcetnent of sspaiTudos nnd ? n hy the parent states, in my -?? I recommended "tba! t ? iiy consider : the power of thc luircilll of ? ..ns cannot eonstrtutionBlly bs tnterstate b ?: insurance." Recent events ted thc Importance "f nu msideratJon of tber it is nut ttl furnish better safeguards ive Be**! 111,le lu fur: IptlOB nf the ' kimi which hus 1,. en exposed. - i.n miiy ti>o clearly shown f thc tuen nt thc bead of ns take 1 the ethical distinction between . mui dbibonesty. They drsw ie nf mny be called ww honesty, thc kimi nf honesty lt ? ti nv.iid fulling Into of tbe lnw. Of coarse the implete remedy fnr this condi? tion iini-t be foand In nu nmtisiil pub e of ethical ? in tic community al Hrga nnd ly among buaineaa men and In ri of the law, nnd In ptrtt which < indeasa all dishonesty, whether In rich mun or in poor man, whether it takes tbe shiite of bril* .. kundi. Bot iniicli cnn be ittiie I > i which ls not only drastic bot practical. There ls need of a fur stricter and more mil form regulation of the vnst tasurance United ibould In this respect follow the policy of nthcr mitiniis hy providing adequate national aupervUuoo of com I interests which mc clearly na ti.iiinl in cban 1 repost my previous recommenda? tion thnt the mould consider whether thc federal gorenunsal luis - nny duty with r*> transactions In in? surance of an Interstate ch | lins proved In adequate is general, Til!-. RKVXNT I ttablUty than of tin- attempt to attain bb Ideal per? ts] nUHSf rcv k mid strniii ta the M certain to attend nny ? grave reason, ii *s not possible to lay dovvu any general rule by whick ts do rermine me momem wnen tne rt for will outweigh the rcns.iiis against such a chango, No change cnn he nin.le mt lines hcnel'iiiiil t.) ur i hy nile Section OT BOS state only. Tin re most he somathlng like n general agree lllent BntOllg the citizens nf tim ".at thc chum;.- ls Deeded lind desired in thc interest nf the people as a whole, nnd there should then I ? cere, Intelligent nnd disinterested ef? fort tn make it Iii sinh ahape combine, so fur ns poselble, thc maxi? mum nf unod to the |.pie nt large with thc minimum of neceaaarj gard fnr thc special interests nf local! Classes, Imt In time of the revenue must, un tbe taking a series nf years together, equal thc expenditures or ilse the revenue* must he itu reused, I.nst year there v. sa i 'I- Bett tiiless mir expenditures can he kept within the revenues then mir revenue laws must he readjusted. It ls Impossible tn outline what such n readjustment ahouldftake, fur ?riv to say whether there will he Deed fnr lt. lt BOOUld I*? considered whether lt ls imt desirable that the tariff laws shniild proi applying as against or in favor nf nny other nation maximum and minimum tariff rides established hy th. so ns tn secure a certain recipro treatment between niher BStloi ourselves, ?MV IN BXPENDITl I neatly recommend tn tl tbS need nf ccullulliy llll'l, tn this end, of a rigid scrutiny nf a pp linns. All nnneceassry offices should he abolished. In thc public print;n_r .ilsn n large savinc nf money can be ninth-. There ls n constantly growing tendency to publish mashes of unim? portant Information nt which no human lu lng ever lunka. Vet. in speaking of economy, I must in nowise lu- anderstood ns ai thc false economy which ls In the end thc wurst extravagance, i'n cut down in thc navy would lu- n crime the nation. Tn fail tn piwh font wurk oil the Panama canal would he aa great a fully. CURRBNCT. Every consideration nf prudence de mauds the addition nf Hie clement nf elasticity to mir currency system. The evil dues nut c.insist In mi inadequate volume nf lumley, hilt In the rigidity nf this volume, which dues DOt i as it Should to the varying Bl communities Bod of seasons. Inflation most be avoided, bot some pt should be Beads that will Insure a lamer volume of m.tiny during thc fall nml winter months than In tim nf thc year, sn that thc currency will contract against specula tinn nml will expand fnr the ii.1- "i At present die treasury department is nt Irregularly recurring Intervals obliged in thc inter? cut of the business world that ls, in thc interests of tim American public? to try to avert financial criaea hy pro? viding n remedy which should he pro? vided hy congressional action. BUSINESS METHODS IN DEPART? MENTS. At v.'irltius timi's I Imve Instituted In? vestigations into tin- organisation ami conduct of thc business nf tb* Uv* departments while nm.f these Inquiries hsve yt pi ?nonah to warrant Anal conclusions, Uley hilve lilre.-iiy cuiitiriiie.1 uni .iii phaslzed tho genera! Impression that the organisation nf tim departments is Often faulty tn principle nml l in results, while ninny of their husim'ss methods arc antiquated mid Inefficient i recommend that the congress consider Ihissn' lERAL ELECTIONS. lu my inst annual message I "The power of thc government tn protst t tim '.ii- rrj Ity nf the elections nf its own officials ls Inherent and has been recognized nnd affirmed hy re pt ati-d declarations of tin- supreme court. There ls nu enemy nf | eminent mure dangerous mid none BO insidious hs the corruption of the elect orate. No one defends or ruptlon, mid lt would seem to follow that ii,inc aroota opp obs v Isxtroe ures tn eradicate it. I recommend thc eiinctini nt of n law directed against bribery and corruption in federal else tloiis. Thc details of such a Invv iiinv be saft-iy left tu tin- wise discretion "f the congress, hut it Should g'1 ns fur as iiinler the constitution ll |s possible tn l'.i nml shook! Include seven- penalties ? him wim gives or receives ? bribe Intended to tnflut i opinion ns mi SeSCtOt nml prOVUHOOS fm thc pabHCatiOB imt "lily nf tho expel),I itures fur nominntlons and el? | nil candidates, hut akto nf nil eontrihn timis received ami expendlturt hy political <-i .Ililli it * ? I dealrs h. repeat this recommends tloii. All contrihutlons by eorporstiOBS t,, any political commlti.V for atiy )?i litical porpose shoold tte forbidden bj law, directors should nut he permitted stiM-kiii.iders' money i |,urpuses.mnl.mortsivcr, a prohibition of this kind would he, ns far as lt went lill effective nmthnd nf Stopping tin cv iis aimed nt in corrupt pi THE RAOTJE CONTERKNCK Thc first conference nf nations ndd nt Thc Hague in USS, |?.n;g ,, ? nf all thc buelnaas before it. recumilleliih i ' ieratinll Ililli scttleiiient of n number nf Important questions hy another conference tu he called aubsequently and nt nu curly data, These questions were the follow? ing: (li Thc rights and duties of nen trals; (^i the lltnltatinn nf thc ii lniiil mid sen nnd nf military budgets; (8) thc use nf new t; ; calihcrs nf military and naval | tim in \ ti >i:i till it v of private property at sen In times nf war; (B) the bombard? ment of porta, cities nnd villages hy na? val forces in i i.-t..lier, r.Hti. nt the in -.f tile InterpHrliniiiciitni ? 1 issn,si Invitations to nil thc powers sign.'itnry tn 'Ihe llnguc convention tn send ti ?uch a eosference mui siiggesttHl thnt lt he again I Tho Hngiio. Pron nil tho powers acceptance was 1. coupled In sonio cases with tlie condition that we should walt until I of the tvnr then waging BS i mid Japnn. The . nf Kussin, Immediately after tl. of peuce which so happily termlnnted this nar, In a note presented to the t on Sept. 13 tonk the Initiative In rocommonding that the conference be now culled. The United pin' eminent In response expressed Its cor? dial acquiescence and stated that lt w uuid as s matur of course take Dart iii tue i nee una earn furtbei flint nil civilised governments will support the ? nt uni that the confen imvv an . iniuent - power tn se? cure I!.. '?? iii tim cause of Inten 1 win. Mt 'NIP IE DOCTRINE lenttal points . be forgotti be lit-st .1 mnlie it ev? ident that we do not Intend to treat lt lu any shape ur way as an excuse fur ii/.ciiicnt on mir part iii I of the repnl rath. But we n.ust make it ev iden! do Dot Inti ml to permit tbe Mm any nation on this rontim l tu protect it from ? i The Monroe doctrine ? nt the pm ip ul 'imt the punishment doe* [?ali.m .. difficult when it refers to a cm:' uiintry would cer taiiii.t decline tn go tu war tn pi nnient from bt nu tim uther linn,I. it is very Inadvisable t" permit nnj power i rarity, nt tim custom house* of an ' rr such I ghi turu inin .iv' es cape !? any tillie he that we must mils,ives iimiit hy which s,, mu, h a Just obligation shall lu- paid. Tu tl- the default : tu pay debt impropt . Hitler duress, while iDSUreS hui.' - nf the republic from being passed by in tbe bonest or .. for tlie United stnt"s ? !?? only wuy ni insuring dash c. ? ill tile hil . tic- interest ut Jus BANTO DOMI.N ii,.nie an np i not "lily every principle lom, hm every generous instinct i tu tlie ap? peal, i li number of from lmil tn worse until a year ago all n tlie verge of dissolution. fortunately just at tins time i ruler -u whit, with ? threat? ening their country ami appealed tn tim friendship of the only neighbor who ? i tim putter and tim will to help them. There was imminent dan Un Intervention. Tin- pa - bad become exhausted, and nt lt linus were un the point of int' i anti were only prevented hy the unoffl ernment that it WOUld itself strive tn lld;. . in Imr hmir nf i dingly, tim executive .Hitler Which we ari' ti lui], tl,. might ell mit i i Ms Henty ls pending before thi In tho inry arm:, t r which tim Dom In ii-nn government hus appointed Amcr ? . all the Imp ?.nils In ??. ami tlmy : lllection nf the rev? enues, turning over 46 per cent tu tim government fnr running e thc uther .Vt per i tait Into a snfc depositary fnr equitable d the treaty snail he among the various - chether European or I Under the ty and nd all the benefit* ger nf foreign Intervention b ?I tlmre is at Inst a pres luatJce, ll the arrange? ment i- '? bj thc fal ' i follow, and or later this . | may he in loos ililli.-ulties vt nh fur eign got sr the Islan I maj i ?? forced itself to Intervene in tbe island in some uni' ""? ARMY A.\i> NAVY. I <|t, not believe mst any army In tho World has a better aver.: ? a Inlier tv pe nf Junior officer, hut tim army should !>?? trained tn act effectively in should !.? hy sofflctent spproi Meal kind. I,, fur the pro inrluus ninnies nml fur the retirement nf nil men who have r. ? without get? ting lu;. . rank. There should he an increase in Hu; ? can he In some degree nf thc medical department nf tnt in both ' i.'l navy Hi. ling fm duty Tin' importance nf l ni mid the Rut ? wars, i !? of the i tbe Jap aerially worthy of st inly. Our d the na ( other nat greater size than our army. We have ?ilitllllli-d fur ll D', i up mir ? hus nOO minni nf efficiency. univ he maintained, lint 11 r, how? ever, t' Hie Immediate fun: rood ? ' units. What i ? Orient units ? ? ? Probably the result would be ; hy adding to mir i or outworn ? up or broken NATTJRAUZAT] On thai i of naturali? zation, tu if ? a tim depart? ment Of nml labor 1 ministration of tim natti raiizauoti laws nun io receive returns of naturalizations pending and BCCOaB pllshed. Se.-olid.. Uniformity nf nnturnllzatlnn certiflcstsB, fees to be charged, and procedsre. Third. Mure BXSCtlBg qualifications fur citizenship. Fourth.- The preliminary declaration of iiit?'iitii>ii tu ba sbollOSBd and no allen to bs BStmsllsed until at Issst ninety days after the tiling of I. timi. I'iftli. ? .lurisdietion to naturalize allens to bo confined to United states ? courts mid tu such state cmirts ns have Jurisdiction In civil nctiuns in which tim amount In controversy Is un limited; In cities of over 100,000 lidia b .t.iiiis the lintel States district courts tu have exrioslve Jurlsillctlnn in the naturalization of the ullefi resi.lents of -ni li eil t'KIMINAI. LAWS. Ill my last BMSSafB I asked tin llt tentlon of the congress ts tbs urgent i.'1 of action tu make our criminal law more effective, and I most ear? nestly request that yon pay hetti to tim report of the attorney general es ihis subject There seems to i- te of the United Statis which provides for tho punishment of a I'lilted States BttSC ney or other officer of tho government vvlm corruptly agnes to wmngfully do ur wrongfully refrain from tining any act when tho consideration for such corrupt sgreement ls other than one money raino. This ought to he remedied by iippruprlate legislation. J.egislatluii shook! ulso he enacted tn inver explicitly, nnoqulvocally Bad be? yond question breach of trust In tho thane of prematurely divulging official set-rets by an officer or employee of tho ' - and to provide U suitable liena I ty therefor. MERCHANT marine. To thc spread of our trude In peace ami the defense of our ting in war a great mid ptrOSpetOOS merchant marine is indispensable. We should hilve ships of mir own mid seamen of our own tn convey our goods to neutral markets .md in case nf nis'ii to re-enforce mir battle Hue. It cannot but be a source nf regret ntnl uneasiness to us Hint tho lines of communication with our sister republics of Booth America should bo chiefly uinlcr foreign control, lt ls not ' thing that American merchants and manufacturers should BOTS ' their gnods mid litters to Sout'. : Europa If they wish security nml dispatch. Even ?<\ tho Pacific, where our ships have held Uieir own better than on thc Atlantic, our mer thant ting ls now threatened through Hie libera! nhl bestowed hy other gov? ernments on their own steam lines. I ask your earnest consideration of the report with Which the merchant mn has followed ita long uni careful Impiiry. It ls a matter of unmixed sntlsfae imn mice more to call attention to tho ??v.-client work of the pension bureau, for the vetersna of tin- civil srar have *.-r t laiiii npon us Hum any other f our dthens. To them first of ail among oar people honor ls due. IMMIGRATION. Al I said In my last BUSBSBga tn tile congress, we cannot have too much Immigration of the right sort, and wo siiuuiii have notts whatever of the wrong ns arising In connection willi Chinese Immigration stand by lim conditions in ellina ne siuii that the entire Uiluese eooly ? . tho class of Chinese la I,mers, skilled mid unskilled ? legltl inntcly cullie under the head of untie alt-able Immigrants to this country. But in the effort to carry ont thc pol Icy of excluding Chinese laborers, cid .lies, grave Injustice and wrmig hive been done hy this iiatiun to the people of Ohma ami therefore u'.' ly to this BSttOn Itself. CeXhaOBS stu dents, business and professional tuen "f nil kinds, not only merchants, but bankers, doctoral manufacturers, pro* I, fiav tiers and the like, sh.mid i.nconraged to come here ant] trest et| un precisely the snine finding that t students, buslmss men. trav? ail the like of other Battons people we have tnlkod much Of tim open tlnnr in China, mid wc nnd quite rluiitly Intend to Insist upon. being Shown us hy tim Chinese. lim aro cannot expect tn receive equity unless we tin equity. THE CIVIL SERVICE. Heads of executive depiirtllle:lt .tubers of the commission linve call? ed my nttentimi tn the fact that the iuirlng a tiling of charges and 11vs' notice before an employee COOM be separated from Hie sen i -. t.| im good pur DOSS whatever. Experience has shown that the rule is wholly Ineffective to save any man If a superior for Im? proper rcast,; j , remove him use lt some :vice in i.t men Bot guilty of BpedflC wrongdoing. Having these facts In view, tho rule has bOOB amended by providing that where the laefBcV a Hun the personal ? el nf a department the rent made without no? tice, the reasons therefor ticing flied nnd made a rectril nf tho department. The ebsolata right of rexsoval rests where lt always hus rested, with the Bead nf u depnrtmeiit. The chango ls merely one nf procedure, lt was much and it is producing g suits. PHILIPPINES AND OTHER IS? LA : During the Inst year tbs Philippine Isimnis have been slowly recovering fruin tie sueters which since Americas occupation have greatly re? duced tin- iiiimiiiit nf ngrleulturnl prod tvv what was produced In Span? ish times. The agricultural cniiilitimis of thc Is Bforce soars strongly than ever .mu,cut in favor of reducing tho tariff on the prodBCtB of tho Philippine Islands ontering tim Tic ? >? recommend that tbe tariff BOW imposed by the Dingley till upon the products of the philippine Islnnds he entirely removed, except the tariff ir mid tobacco, and that that tariff tte rodoced t" Ss pet cent of the rates limier the Dingley act; that after July 1. MOS, the tariff ujion ? pfrsdoesd In the Phlllpp be entirely removed .Iinl that free trade between Hm islands anti the United States In Hie pn-lncts . country then be provided for Make Your Grocer Give You Guaranteed Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Alum Baking Pow? ders interfere with digestion and are un? healthful. Avoid the alum. by law, iii my Judgment, Immediate should be taken fur the fort Hawaii. Tills ls the must Important point in the rm Hie to fortify lo order -??[?vc thc interests nf this eulin try. It would bc hard tn overstate tin ImpOrtSBCeof this Bead. Hawaii is tiMt heavily taxed. Laws sh.mid he enact eil setting aside for a ! twenty years T-" per cent nf the Internal revenue nml customs receipts (? Wnll ns a Special fund tn bc expended in the Islands. I earnestly Hilvue.ite the adop legislation which will explicitly confei American citizenship un all cit Porto lticn. I wish also tn call thc BttSOtiOB ol the congress tn mm question which af fists mir insular possessions genera 11] ? namely, the need nf mi Increased lib eraiity lu the treatment of the whole franchise qOOStiOfl In these Ninnis 1 SSJrSOStly ask that Alaska ! I an Bastille delegate, ADMISSION i'n BTATEHi l recommend in.linn Territory ami Oklahoma he admitted as ooo state nnd that New Mexico and Ali/.,na be admitted ns QOS state. THE PANAMA CANAL. Active wurk lu ennui construction, mainly preparatory, bbb bobo in prog : I,-s ti,.,1, I, v.,ir m. : Daring that period two points tim canal have ceased p. l?. debate, First, the goos doa "i s.uni, the Qjaeetioa of feasibility, lin point which remains unsettled ls trbetb er the canal shall be mic nf locks BDOVS sea level or at n willi il single tide lock. Oil tl, i hope to lay before the congress at sa Baily day the lindings nf Hie . boord "f Americas ami European eu gamers. in addition tn sanitating thc isthmus. satisfactory quai tara ere being ed for employes mid mi adc,pi tem nf supplying them with who fotst at reasonable prices has i ? ated. Hospitals h.. ibltsbsd anti equipped that are without superi ? irs nf their kind itiiyvvli. re. [Hutu* tin' past year a large portion plant with which Hie wurk is tu 1? done lins been ordered. It is cinideiit ly believed that by the middle nf Hm approaching year ? ra Bsd aol proper ? this plant will hnve been In stalled to enable us tn resume Hie wurk of excavation on a large - What ls Seeded now anti without tlc <ii appropriation by tho congress to meet the current mid BCCTB on, 'Jiu' tirst appropriation of 110,000,000 out of the 1188,000,000 authorised liv the Spooner act wns made ton it i Boarty exhausted, t'niess the . aban appropriate hrfuro thnt t work most ? . (In cmiiiusiiiii the presi,hut recom mends un Increase io flic diplomatic and consuls! eqosts compensation sf its meosbetsj TESTS PATIENCE. The Most Patient Farmville Citizen] Most Show Annoyance at Times. Nothing spoil* a gund disposition, Nothing taxes a mao's patience, lake any Itchiness of the skin Itching Piles slmostdrivsyou eraay All day it makes ymi miserable, All night it keeps ynu | Itch. Ittii. Itch. With im ni Just the same with Ee/eiui lan hardly keep from scratching il. Vmi would 'In s,, i,ut ynu I-. makes it B/of Such miseries are daily People are learning they can be cored Learning thc ineii "! 1 ? incut. Plenty nf proof that Donn's Oint? ment will cine Jib - r any I* of the skin. ltead tlie testimuiiy nt a I arno lilt citizen. VV. P. Wright, the well-known re? tired farmer, living ne ir the i town, Who has lived in Karmville fur "Dona's Ointment is without a doubt a wonderful and dues all that la clniniisl fur it. Pot suiiie time I va asanimyetl with l which although not a very - nature, yet it was h soulos of great an Doyanco. Seeing I loan's Ointment rccniimieiidt'd bm sin h ailment* a Itnx at H. < i TUtS i ' store. 1*00 gtsfl ctlcct wi nt itiice anti it only required a few ap pllestions to bring it about. I am too to recommend Doon'* Oint? ment to my friends amt ai'iiiai; as a remedy they can rely upon:" Pol sale try all deal. cents. ruster-Milbiirii <'o., Huflalo -nie agents for Hie (tuted Remember tbe name -Doan's?anti take no substitute. l Liquid t ? M ( ure. Croup. I'migli-, i olds, Wbooping fiugli, etc., have DO terrors for child? ren or sdults who evacuate the Ixiwels With Kennedy's Laxative liniiey ami Tsr?the Original Laxative I Syrup snd Liquid Cold Cure, This re uiislv ex'iels all BOM from the ? sud strengthens the tlimat, lui bmncliial tabSB, Tbe motlier -favorite and children's safeguard. S,,ld Bf ail druggists. Reading and Obeying (he Law Sunday School Letton lor Dec. 10.1905 Specify Prepared for TSils Piper. KT - M. rr ? ? "- Lust ? wai completed sbou? li c. in Tts about the first day . * water gate, jer itk ol tl Umpli ,!? i Ta* . n square al i K ' -s 2J;S>-H 2S At I - iJ, ?tc , 1?. Ut; Isa. Si IO; Ur Malt loka 6.39; ft).31; ll. m. 15:4; lin, Comment and Suggestive Thought. V. 8. ?'They;" Esra anil 13 i. whom he had 1 with him. li I 7) K/ra read from tho book of the law, tho people stand? ing while he road to shu -v BBSS for the book. Ths,n. after a por i. ? Levltea gath? ered little companies and Mi them to un ; ag." V. 9. '?Tirshatha:" A Persies Otk rorsor. "l'ula day i> lt was a feast day (Lbs BBS more aprpopi: .' joy than those ot grief. . . words of the law;" Doubt less some passage portraying G. illgnatlmi against sin, ani the blttei fruits of unri bsd Jut the : A pro verblal Lett th* day be one of rejoicing I UM poor par of vour Joy. "Joy . . . th. "Joy of the I>ord" I not only the Joy of . and reconciliation with Qed, but alsc own Joy (John 11:11). V. ll. "Stilled the people:" Tht passed among them comfort? ing and chet ling timm. "Netti re irk red:" While it u pm, us to lament sin, when we have con it we are to allow lt to be cast behind our lacks, as Oorl does (Isa. 38:17), and go forward to ? V. li ' VV. nt t':.. ir way:" T eerably now broke Bf for the day. "Mirth:" On "llec-aus* sam* book of the law had turned their son row to Joy. The BO ti out - also of the love ami mercy V. 13. "Chief of the fal hers:" Th* secular I I ?> understand," oi "to give attention to:" There 8oemt to have been a voluntary gathering ol the people, this I and a re> I more to them from the law of God. V. ll. "They found OnTtttM:" Prob ably Levin | to them. "Dwelt In booti. asl or Tabernacles waa celt i.r.'it. .1 hy tht people dwelling in tabernaci, bootha, made of bran. It was the gnat national thanksgiving V. 15, Tal Uah ami proclaim:" Whenever lt wa., fleslrable to cali th* courtiers OOM pent ? Mit! land telling the for whhh they were BBS blp, anti Inviting ? TBS mount:" The bl a 1 BbSSt Hetti I in Revision, "Branches sf vrlld oiiv fur their thick foliage, hence would bl val? uable for erecting the bootha In whlct, pla lived ii i treal, V. 11. "Upon the roof," Bte : Tht flat roofs of the houses afforded con? venient places for the erection of thest booths. Others sd thea*. 'i[> In tht COSrtS of their hfl : others laymen as well as priests and Levtl ip In the courts af pie or open spares In tlie cit. of the water-gate:" The broad. <: spar.- ? the temple ami tbs walls, In which the people lathers! law on the first day, la meant (See v. 1). V. 17. "C naas nut Bf ' ti'ivlty:" Ii I* quite probable that I | ex b>8k the len . ivement snd especially enjov 'al oe easton. "Since the daya of Joshua.. not done so:" Tho meaning seems tt be that, since the time of Israel's finn nts Canaan BSsler Joshua this feast had Bj to great rejoicing. ty hy day ... he Ezra ami his Le? the i I of the h daya of the feast Wa I innot find U this was required by law, and n | t was a tokfn of the h ??[. Interest snd glticere desire of tho people to knos God's will for them. "Kighth day . . solemn assembly?" A fl flvai wat . that day. "ord I r,, ttsal Points. V 8 Kaili should read the Bib** with ; ' SfsOl him to understand lt. 'ihoiit Joy and a goo il. ii 12. As wo ' bl and lives wll.' - 16. VII As fast a- '.e will 1st us do lt.?Ja V. 15. We are r,c- whole duty unless we ; i her* th* Hst they, too, may do lt. Hom. 10.15. MTS lour Mniii.u li a Hist. Nothing will cure indigestion that .md itself, and | Hist a weak stomach will regain ile in the full work that a rou ld n't ex : tn do a tu! day of tbe w, ii... food regardless of tbe condit your itomacb. Rel Belching, Sour Stomach, and all Sold by all druggists.