Newspaper Page Text
FARMVI VLD, " ? - ? to ' ictor ti iiiuvc into ir ? ? Hf a gell? and in hinisell When ? I ? ? ? ut would lt ls a of the ? l ? Intle ich be mattel ? tl ? I . il He I I , . veland, ? . num. I tu tll Ihns, ted by the lat ? ad to thean utemporarie* have i.iinii nf lom ,l lliceummis idguieut are lt Wolli may be in Col nf the m.tilths -pciity. ? ? ?iuit life .ate re I in mir iii pe ? ?tu the y that i made tn re , roduct that is cv il is at Hie OOOl' j dint to ? iiiinis lusions. fl, rt uilty tn - teni i has : Uhniise i nf h.Hising ly has i aurer ul and -.'ell will be tempo 11 ? ? 11 u11 ni 11 ie in ' illtllllllti Pith MESSAGE, in iii raid will be Mtge tn and Interest ll tin Its Ili? lli tbe ,i nu < orporatious, Tlie ni is the all-ab pilllliC int n. ipplied; lill Hs I may be a long nd thc lavgelj . ting a bribe ii a i ardon. The prto* 1'icr was sent tu jail I stratton, but il. ll t iii her three dill' ? vernor, but t. Thu pr; approached nm timidly n el said, if ynu let my The ile huskily: "All i shall ta tine with ymi." linlip i io are he newspapers thal g.. tinu nericon ewspaper* a ill imt banu them. Light ml trut! I ll,lill,,11 of tlie tlepart 11 Dec. iple ii all -t ? IU a paper called ?iti-rs a Take ? - ? liisur ' put it in the bank 1 <ln this hs tr premiums ami j j "ii are now u rance ? ?Ina in the 1,0011 vvurtli ' ..tiler mat making counter It lim: ? i by order ilmcnt. Tl : l lorin , .lier. O. D. -t church, nf up in I ,(limit i lr. King's \, ,v 1 -ii-um! ' my Cough, :, " A IIS nf ? '1 $1.00, uiaran \ I i lillk I Virginia I Minister Tells the Truth. familial l.tpericn.i ul Ai;cd and sell hcloitd 1'rcacher. hoi mui ni tbe oommunlly is -it ueil-ls'luvi il "i Whnao wiinls have -inii weight aa tho iii i ti i-U-r, wilt lins devoted his life tn the service nf mun ku tl. lu Marj land one of tim most Methodist minister* inti -'iii red severely Willi rlieillliat I -111 Ht found im relief until a friend re , minimi,h.I Killi MAiiDK. He delighted with the reaalts that fm tin- benefit of othei ?uflei >i duty tn msukind, be trite bUexperieoee in the following lettei: "Ketsterstt wn, Md., February 27tb. ! was taken with Inflammatory Rheumatism in my left band anti fool ni the beginning nf this winter and *utiered gn-iuiv. A gentlemen In who had tutti KHKIM \ CIDEfor Rheumatism reoomntended it tn nu- l secured three bottle* ami timk it in (mallei doses than prescribed, .nd am now entirely cured. Can USS both hand and foot without tl, 't tars iwpoctfally, "J. H., terstnwn M. H. Church." Ymir druggist sells and recommends Killi MACIDK \l T. A. JAMES* New Jewelry Store, maa. Va. N nu will lind tlie largest and most \! M-: lt-. STl ICK in the South, at prices below com? petition. Eyes examined and in? ti.I scientifically. Repairing of all kinds dune by the most skillful workmen. In buying XMAS i.t ii iDScoineearly before the rush. COME ON Yes, Come Arning Or Winter Will Overtake Yon. Now is the time to buy your stn es. Our celebrated Wilson Coal and Wood Burners sre benn sndj undoubtedly theJ*uioHl economical heaters on Hie mai kit. \\ c handle ail stj lee ami pat uni of the latest improve? ment (live us a trial. S. W. Paulet] & Sod, fancy < illina, t tc. Main rtl . Karmi ille, Va. YOUNG & BRO, Successors tn J. J. (iii1 i DEALERS IN FRESH MEATS ofallkintli .... Country Produce, Farmville Flour ?ni? Shipstuff. Highest market price paid I'd linn.- ami li ks ut'.ill kinds. A share of public patronage is solicited. Third St.,fnear Main, Farmvillb, . . . Virginia. iei Stock Raisins, Currants, Figs, Citron and NIXED NUTS -at Chappell's. N'tiit have often In-iii told that certain wagons rut I' - | \v i.i ii ,|, ,-(< Michell Wagons. Don'l 1'uv thc "just as good"kind. Burs Mitchell. A car load just received. 'aulett & Bus^. D SADDLES, Sample SADDLES AT 25 Per Cent less than regular price. C. M. Walker & Sods. Greatest Sale DRESS GOODS Ever known in Farmville. Vim kiiuvv v? hal ive you last w 11 i, in ' f \\ e sold more dre* than ever I'timc In lota we purchased i slid have enough ? I Billilli! I H : i new lol ol 1, MUI H I I." \:.- . Il VI'S Which We Will sell al eival y reduced Wt- .vt ant v. ci Ul dill -t i roi.. KOHEN'S, Nevi lu I'M 1.1 I I a lil (Hi H iAi;\|\ ill.:. \'.\. FOR THE BEST him I- oi i-i-.i;i ii i\ CLOTHING lil v Kirschbaum's Suits Kirschbaum's Great Coat IB. Davidson, i'.mimvili.i:, vim.ima hoot Peters Ideal SHELLS, Sold by UVALL, SON & CO. ch H. E. BARROW & CO., Commission Merchants -AND DEALERS IN: Farming Implements, Hardware and Henry Goodsol Every Def, cription. Best Grades of Fertilisers, [fyonwant the hes! buy the Owensboro Wagons and Buggies. WY have on hand a large stock of Wood Heaters, Give ns fl c.,II. Our PRICES are RIGHT. k nt Horse Blankets and Buggy Robes that in make interesting for von. Tour of all Mexicol VIA B. & O. SW. RAILROAD. Under personal Escort, The American Tourisl Assot m. Selected Clientele, Umited. All exclusive privilcg j-j independent travel. Special Pullman Vestibuled Train, ?4* ir, Drawing Rooms, Compartments, Libn ' ... I Music kouiiis, with the largest Dining Carin the world, v. i thc famous open-top Observation Car, Chilihtli. :ti Tickets Including All Expenses Everywhere. Leaves January 30, 1906. >4? Foritinerary nml complete information call on your sj ricket Agent, or address t\ C. Se KINNEAR, | T. P. A. B. & O. SW R. R., 213 Eighth Street, Lynchburg, Va, - THIS IS WHAT Ripberger Wants to Know. 11. .-ul such a place liefore as ItlPHKROKR'H in Farm If not, and you think lt la the right place, now ia tlie tune to prove it. Come in snd let us convince you thst we have the Roods, quality and tn suit Ihe old ami young. Christmas Gifts From lc to $15.00. ?l.nn pi I pound. Fruit cake- /c j ci pound. per pound, ami niall) ..Hu i;- l.mi numerous to mention. iiuri.i -tm KANT ls always well supplied with the freshest and RIPBERGER, - THE PLACE FOR Cooli THINGS, Cor. Third nnd Main Streets, Parmville, Va. READ THIS It will pay you to exchange ninney for Vulcanite Hoofing, and you get tbe Itest of the bargain st that. Remember the bad weather ere had last winter. Now i- the lune to Inok tn vm.r rniif. Vulcanite in iiiultiiili eilly thc lust ronfnii the market. Lnvv in price. Ililli ni quality. We stand i-aek nf every roll. J. F. Walton & Co. Mince Meat Plum Pudding, BIN KWHEAT FLOUR. MAPLE SYRUP. l~i.j" Canned vegetables of all kinds. r-^T .r tty canned soap? Boa L'raoberrv Sauce. CHAS. BUGG& SON, Family Ur i tealon In I lards arc PRICE^l CENT! THE SUN Halt inure Mi. villi SI tis FOI 1 < IM. AMI MN lil li Ml III lil l!\ (ill Mill HIMn: Ai.IM OK M Il? illi! \l HIM FIN I. ? ? ? \ ? THE SON AT ONE CENT j The Cheapest High-Class Paper In The United States. . sml in THE FARMERS TAPER. lill. s(WAVS PAPER. By Mail the Daily Sun, VI a year; in iding the Sunday Sun, $4. The Sun y Sun alone, $1 a year. ' A. S ABELL COMPANY BALTIMORE, MU. Stop That (murri >?iii testify, ii l on esu-ilt. Lane hollies th ceuU st ? tte A Co. sod Wluatou Dru*: Co. Hemova This space is occu? pied bv tbe Winston Drug Co. to inform the public that they have remov? ed to the new store op? posite the Courthouse. I nf Powhatan un the J7lh IT, snd u eueh ailm'rt.i I I er its pub cation. A copy J as. A. Tilka* lank ins Hobson, p. rj. tlec 1 lt.. I.i (trippe ('murri of pure ny. Beal mg trim 11U al Whit. lld Wini,Uni Urus i <? STOCKS Bell ?phont BONDS THE ROPER COMMISSION CO., 2213 Park Avenue, Lynchburg, Va. STOCKS?10 SHARES AND UPWARDS $20.00. COTTON-50 BALKS AND UPWARDS 150.00. CRAIN 1.000 BU. AND UPWARD6 $20.00. Privnte wins tu New York and Chicago for the prompt exe? cution of orderi in stocks, li mils, grain and cotton. Drop ns a postal with jroor name and we will be pleased tn mail ymi free, tyar tinily quotation list, reaching yon the mom dav on No. l. Correspondence solicited, REFERENCES'. Pint Nfltioni,J ,,:mk? Lyi-diliafg, Va, GRAIN COTTON THAT Magazine Subscription Weean place it for ron and Bnve you money. Some "I oar offers; TWO $1.00 MAGAZINES FOR $1.50; THREE $1.00 MAGAZINES FOR $2 00; FOI TR $1.00 MAGAZINES POE $2 50; TWo $3.00 MAGAZINES FOR $3.75. Hundreds of other combination! equally as good. Call nnd wc will show them. H. C. CRUTE & CO., PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, stman Kodak Company. Blind Headache "About a year ago," writes Mrs. Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried WINE OF CARDU! Woman's Relief \ I Immediately commenced to improve, and now I feel like a new woman, and wish to recommend it to all sick women, for I WRITE ^ know it will cure them, as it did me." US \. Cardui is pure, medicinal extract of FREELY ^v vegetable herbs, which relieves anti crinkly, describing ^^ female pains, regulates female ^l,*ymrtoas- ^T1!! ^v functions.toncsuptheorgans consider your case and give ^vX . .r _ ? , . you ire* advice (in piam stiled ^\s. to a proper state of health. !S1'- ^ he8,,tatf; *u!,^ Try it for your trouble. write tolay. Address: Ladles* Ad- >X ? J Vlsory Dept., The Chatt?nio(r.a Medl- ^^ Every druggist SellS it dna co., ciuttanoog t. ^ In $ 1.00 bottles. It I. L. WHITE, Prtst- H. E. WALL. V. Prtst. I R. MARTIN, Ste. blTrtis Tlie Farmville Building & Trust Co., FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. \\. iitivv l'ivo n iiiiiiiiitti'lliiit Itniiih rill mature in ? ds I ii tte tiiiii- nu t-n Our ti mi rt verj lilit-rnl nml iii. LOW s other mooey loan? ing Insulations. t ll>ll I. tl':. .1 ..ii ileposll nml 1'i'iil .'illiivvt-il. WS Kl ve Gilt Edge security ta daposi t SB, M iii l.tnri'sll lill tilt' Sirlilm.l Mini Trsssarsf lat full (iiirlnii!I Money Loaned on Real Estate and Other Good Collateral If You Want GOOD cheese try some of our Full Cream. Best on the market Stokes & Davidson. B. ROBERTSON. D. R. GRIFFITH. ROBERTSON & GRIFFITH, NO. 20, BAST BROAD STRI I RICHMOND. VA. -1-. LARGES1 STOCK of old blended nnd straight Ryt L I (.) U O K S? rn ^ M. x^ - ' ^ . *x v , . . ' of any retail house in the etty. Send na n trial order for our -.lil "KENTUCKY BLEND" ni $2.00 per gallon, orfit il "STRAIGHT RYE" at$2.25 per gallon. 0 CHARGE POE JU08 OR PACKING, ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPTLY. Furniture! Furniture! We hare just gotten in some rery handsome bed-room suites. Tl.. than wo haw em shown left tte. COME IN ami look nt them. Lots "t i coming in for thc fall trade. Y_ - C. C. COWAN, Furniture Dealer nnd Undertaker.