OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, December 08, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1905-12-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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JIM IT A miKll.
Il \ \ lOBt
"tir Line
U.S. Li
nv Hie,
Farmville Herald
Thrice-a-week New
York World.
! I "NAIeS.
Mr. W home
; ti-i Hill.
niiii; tn
ire kt-]ti
l>r. WilliainRoii, of Boydtou,
i ll 1. p.
? nr more
itt' and Jun
Kel .J. I). Hank, who tis
me tnnf, ini>
itt home.
Mr. lt..l.t. K. Brock, ul the linn ?>!
Watkins ,v Brock, a York
ls one
?ni 1 Ult- tn Itt' f..nml in
ither," nml mut
' .muni
by |uittiii
ly dry cell ii l
? i hy a vote
I K. W,
? uteiiant Beach, rt
I l.tVV
li will tin yi
mui will patieut.
will have ?
lt- nt tin- Methodist 1'.;.
lilt- lad
fin tn
tin- lit ? nf Mr. Henry
? Armory fur tin
inplied vv ith choice
reading matti
? .
: bound,
tn.in 1.'?:'-. A. M. Ul ' 3 V M.: No.
bound, ti-nu I:'. I A. M. in I:?'?"
A. M e nil the c
Our Rural Friends.
ninl tight, ainl iln they i
? with chick*
hatched in nu incubator is tin
.linn !
? it- l.nv- 3
? iii. Death j
i wink di
Unit they
nf milk
nf hui:.i ? I tn the rs
tal yield last year was
' ; UUIlds.
. stimated by the United
Igrlculture to
in all the gold we
i amounts i"
come. Look
nut that the chintin
ni ii ii ry tillie. A handful of -ult in
e will help put out tbe liri' in
Grit ls (ju
- tm the chicks
-t way i" supply them with
put it in tin- drinking water.
They llk< n>r it.
ni your chimney.'
Look out fm them. Winter
time to be burned out of l.
if uni too bad, have thi
poluted up. If too
aney down i
? W. ll tn ?
tn tin Unit Ulan tn itiiiltl anew house.
When the unknown bo i
ymir house, tell him you i
him. rhat'i
ti Philadelphia ? market
t land,
plant to
tbe value to him tram the
tftl right tin
wliitii surrounds
but, with the successful keep
dried appk sample,
.i learn imw to drj
?? the saan
i trade Iii eannsd sweet
Not a Skej tic.
? pewrltei
I ? ?
Love Not Blind.
? r's wife.
ton. "I
lt wou!'. ike and
plve the iiilnltsttr a little) atora than a
? wading fas?"?Yonkers suu-s
Accidentally Shut,
i Lill.m.i. lilli. -..I, ni Mi. W .
M. (minim, it well k.ittvv i) i.i
Biding h."ii i mv i-, iii tins Bounty,
dentally -li.it Inst Sunday
morning by his broths! sferet r. tat
tn., ehlldren usn bIoub nt boobs
while their psrsnts wiri' visiting
pleksd u|t iiinfatii
Dcbeater rifls anti belfsn um it
tn be unloaded pulled the trigger. The
ball passed through Ute bi
Walter ami through tlie wall of the
little fellow fell ti tbs
i Merest realizing what hail
happened hurried fur neighbors' aid.
In tin- mean time the wounded boy
had iinw lei| tn a bsd ami lay Qpoo it
"hen :i- .-nt.. .\ physician
was lummoned an.I minlatered tn the
little tufTerer. li was aacertalned that
the Imll had penetrated a lung, ami at
tirst it .. i would i
hui we aro glad lo rei/nrl that last ae
oounta . ile to the little boy's
Blanton Harrower.
At 10:30 A. M. W eil.itsday. NoVSB>
th, a beautiful autumn wad?
ding took place at Mispah Methodist
; al church, King ami Queen
county, win ii Mi-s Kathryn Pendle?
ton Harrower, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander Gray Harrower,
the bride of Mr. Bsmuel
Blanton, of Farmvllli
a. Hnii performed the eers
monysnd Mr-, j. Douglas Mitchell
I Bl the organ. The churtii
I iii wbltC ami the ileeo
reM ni pink bi
ihe bride was gowned In a white
. w itli tulle \eil. mid ear
Miss Anne Turn
Nl vv | ml Ntvvs. OOUaln Of the
v as maid of honor, she wore
white peau de sole and a bouquet <>f
pink carnations. Tbs bridesmaids
< itily gowned in white iiiiill
over pink, pink girdles, white gloves
and slippers, ami carried maidenhair
?is folio wa: Miss
Annie Pendleton, of Blchmond; Mut
Klla Fleet, of Bruington; Miss Maria
I ? !' i _? i ..., :, Miss Ed
? ik, nf Klug William
i ruily Uwathmey Ry
Nannie < 'rump, Mus Lina
ii Vam and Miss
Janet Vam, all .tl Walkerton. Mr.
Blanton, of Parmville, uss
ls ul mini, ami the ushers were Messrs.
William 1 lan..vt. r, ol Kaitlin..
t .irk; Walter
Burton and Watson t h ertou,of l-'arin
? Uiver Drain, Pavor, Va.; Don
kIbhh Harrower, Waltei Wilson ami
William Walker, of Walkertmi, and
! Hill, ul King William.
Irene Mctleorge and Ksther
? . the little ribbon u'irls.
eremony there waa an
de luncheon at the bride's
lu I'arinv ille,
where lie and his bride will make their
At tireen Bay, Wednesday,
i, |.:istiir of the <
Church, at Salem, Va., ami Mis
Ninnie Kt bel Berry, daughter of Kev.
I?'. \\ . Berry, wire united in mitr
i n. <? B. Sears, officiating,
Farmville Local News Thirty two Years
We kain that the young gentlemen
pursuing their studies at Hampden
inifeat much interest
tubjecl of personal religion, ami
that the friend-nf this venerable ami
ny of learning are rejoie
:d iii the college.
\ \-l\ iMiittN. We have
bad the pleasure of aeelng sum.
: ladles of color B bo nursed the
"Father of his t ountry," bul until last
M..n.lay hud never lind the pleasure
of looking upon the "Ural In war, lirst
Last Monday, however, he left his
? foi a suit of clothes with Zim?
merman. Considering that he wan
.om in 1732, anil is consequently
miller old than others Ise he was ii?ik
n.ii kal Iv well.
Mr. Zimmerman was somewhatsur
a hen his customer said bs waa
Washington, but controlled his
fin..!.tin- very well, only charging him
ita i.f than bc vvniild have
i an vi .nt Iv ?
A hundred and fifty summers have
miiewhat darkened Mr. (.. W's, com?
plexion, but ins appetite,
unimpaired, ami h. much
my nther niau.
Mr.?;. W., is now engaged in coal
mining (ur Mr. Dalby.
- county trsasuror
elect, qualified on tbe Zstb sits by
,; . ami execut?
ing bond, in the penalty ol I
with C. H. Biles, A Hurd. A. Addle
man, lt. s. Hooper, U. Bugs;, H. H.
Dyson, W. Card wall, il i;. Hooper,
?..weil, securities. Hie seeuri
oath, testllied that they were
jointly wort
w Artist. Als* White, of eon.
ilderable color, now leading ? retired
life in the enmity jail fur besting hi*
wife instead of his imither-iii
turu of mind. He has
ited his cell in an BUtOjUC ind
ile manlier with Bhssp WOOd
eiits. from Harpers and Leslie
hes, nhl almanacs and atreus bills.
- n rhiin ami fla?
tly playetfa upon Ute bsnjo.
What Of the sfheuie nf
adding to mir cami
will the i itv Pstbera toke
their venerable Steps from Mun street
I.i the warehouses, nml especially
down the walking thoroughfare from
Hooper's store.' The tax on shoe
nun, would go far
to tusking the Improvement Lei it
: I onaeript Fathers.
Lsd ic skirts st reduced prleei bow
In H.nl ( BUSS,
? ii i his.- after
I iti'ine of taddnun lo
another, when, if they w.mid only eat
?I. and keep their bowels regs
D l?t Kine's Ne* Life Pills,
- would all jtass away.
Prompt relief and quick cure for liver
and stomach trouble, 26c at White i
Death of Aged Citizen.
Mi Ki.hui.I 1', Allin, the old vet?
eran nf two B I aw itv \.
-ith, after a short illness, resulting
from a fall. He was in bis82ndyeal
i soldier and eill/en had -el I
ed hi- cmnitry faithfully.
Fur many years he wa- a iiiairis
trato In Hampden Dletriet and ruled
wisely and well. His pride vt ,
that BS 1'ieferred to live in his bumble
home rather than accept the |
that could have bees gotten only by
Signing what he deemed, a pauper
pspsr,gotten up by the government
for tbe indigent soldiers of the Mexi?
can war.
A larire BoneouIBS nf relati. i
fi lends attended his hurial which was
at the old home burying ground near
his home. A BUBBbSI of the old fami
uits attended; some of them
had played with bimas a boy.
He leaves a widnw, his second wife,
ami tWO daughters hy Ins lirst wife,
Who was Mi-s Lli/a Allen Mrs. .lim.
H. Hines, of ( rewe, ami Mrs. Samuel
Allen, nf Leiden.
Sorority Annual Convention.
The Alpha Si^ma Alpha Snmrity
hei. I Ita annual eon vent iou on Thanks?
giving Day at the Hotel Richmond.
lhere were present represeiitnti..
from Virginia, West Virginia, South
? iiroliua, TBnnSBBBB anti the District
of Columbia
After the business meetings which
were a perfect success, the young ladles
attended the font-hall came between
v. p. i., sud v. M. I. in the evening
they were given a box Berty Ht the
Academy, after which theif wa- n
magnificent banquet given hy tbe
Alpha Chapter tn the visit.
ters. The han.|uet-hall was tastefully
deenrated in Alpha Sigma Alpha pen?
nants Hud the Fraternity col>.rs, crim?
son and silver. The table was beauti?
ful lintier its weigh! nf White e:i nil?
li.ms and American beauties. The
Souvenirs were Alpha Bigina Alpha
stick pm* niade in the Fraternity
et di irs.
Mr. EugeneU. Adams.of Blchmond,
presided as toast-master, ami tn a few
well-chosen words Introduced linn.
W. V. Thraves, who trave an appro?
priate tiia-t to Alpha Bigina Alpha,
which was responded to byMlaaAlma
Thraves, of the Alpha Chapter,
Miss Bessie Ferguson nave a bi
toast to the visiting si-teis which WBI
charmingly responded tn hy Miss
Scott, of Women's < ollege, Columbia,
- .
Among th.ise present were Miss(
-\iinie Thraves in white IBO)
satin, Bessie Ferguson in black net
overtafleta; HontasTinsley in white
organdy over tafleta; Qeorgic New i.v.
hlflon over taffeta; Juliette
Hundley, hine elution over lanette;
Hattie I'aulett, pink silk: Hattie Kt?:
ly, hine silk; Lucy Daniel, pink crept
ile chene; Louise lox, white Bl
tafleta; Alma I hraves, while silk; Vir?
ginia lloyd, hand painted organdy;
-??ott, cteani eiSpS de chem .
Martha Wilson, lavendar flowered
orgahdy over talleta; Prue <
pink chillon nver talleta. Jane llirthi
sell, green crepe tie chene; Siuaime
Handel, hine crepe tte ch len; Julia
Williams, white silk; Louise Pries,
hine silk mull: liessie Herri I
BOOOldlSn plaited silk.
The guests were Dre. Frank I
M. B. Kuti.I, H M. (rowe, Macon
Hobson. Messrs, Eugene (J. Adams
Plank McCarthy, A. Preston Scott,
Ashby T. Kagland, A. B. Quigon, V.
P. 1.; J. Coleman Motley, Clarence
Miles, V. P. L, W. V. Ihrave-.
.Ism.-, V. M. |.,C B. Thraves, V. M.
I., Ned Morris, V. P. I., Jack Chris?
tum. V. P. L, Carroll Noell, V. M. I..
Frank Hobson and ll. T. Wini. V
P. I.
Through Mr. Adams, a- toastmas?
ter, the Camma Chapter at Woman's
College, Columbia, 8. ( .extended an
invitation to all present to attend the
next annual banquet to he held
Thanksgiving at Colombia.
A Good Show Coming.
The Edwin Younir big stock com?
pany will open their mgsgement nt
the opera House bfoudsy evening,
11.-erml.er lilli in a repertoire of high
eJSBfl dramatic productions and polite
modern vaudeville. Tbeopeoingbill,
a ilramati/atiiiii of Joaquin Miller's
Idyl of the Mountains "In the Heart
of the Sierras." Hkffa class vsudevilli
to lill in the interval between the sets,
will make a continuous performance.
The repertoire emlirnce- besides the
opening play, "In the Heart .if the
Sierras,'' indiana Folks," 'Kip Van
W i ii kit-," "Lt.st ami Won," 'i onfoss
ions of a Wife," Lucie Josh Whit?
comb," "ihe Burgtar," and "Bob, the
Little Orphan." Popular, prices will
prevail vi/.: 16,25 and 36 OBO ts, and SBBtS
can he secured at Crate's I'run store
Without extra charge, The BUgSgS
incut is for one week. Ladies will he
admitted free Monday ni^ht 0U the
usual conditions,
Card of Thanks
The Committee from the Woman's
Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. wishes
to thank the members of the Faculty
Of the Normal School, the ladi- -
Uemen sod little girts of the town Rn
their efficient help ls making such a
Boecees of tbe production of "I
given last week under the direction of
Mr. J. S. Atkinson, of Raleigh, N. Cf,
"Kjhoss" wss given 1st the beoefll
of the V. M. C. A. ami the -iini m!
Isad, which exceeded Un
of every one, will very nearlv
UM outstanding deli. Therefore the
AoxUisry dares hope that before loni:
a iiuski hume can BS provided for the
.tion sud lo this end i
int; its elforts.
Attention Farmers.
Mr. Jim. 15. Allen, Bi
w ill address the tohac.-o growers sod
-- men of this vicinity at Pros?
pect mi Saturday, iK-ceinher nth, ll
o'clock A. M.
Mr. Allen ls the active OtSBjuiSBTOf
the Dark Tohacco (.rowers
timi of Kentucky and Tent
is thoroughly informed on the BSboeOO
situation. Having Keen a Confederate
soldier fnr four years, ne Bl not afraid
to state facts lin s.,.(Tl.tary gffjrsj
County Association will he pn
i urgaiiuitq? a DtBtrlSt Club, if
it is the desire of the losdiog tobSOBD
Herald aud N. Y. Wt.rld, fl.SU
The County Paper .ind thc County Schools.
Hi rough tin- courtesy and liberality
iltur ot the Herald, thia col?
umn is to be -et apart ?
educational newt ami notices and to
- iisslon of the educational In?
ti ths peo| .ninty.
in the great awakening of the people
to the | arammiut Importance of the
ed nea tl rn of tbe children ami the
i for heit r schools, no
uni can
do more than thc editors, and I desire
thus publicly to express my apprecia?
tion ot what Mi. Hart has done in the
past for the muse of education, and to
thank him on the part of nil inti
ii tbe advancement of mir public
s.i.ls Im furnishing free of cost each
. t- iii his paper ns
may he needed to keep tins great
? pie of this ami ad?
joining cou:;:
I feel sure that this liberal contribu?
tion to the public school interests will
bt more than repaid hy the liberal
rapport of the Herald by the patrons
ichera In mir public schools.
Kev j. ii Da
Supt. of Schools.
The Lynchburg Educational Conference.
Aiming the many conferences and
conventions held during the past
month none. 1 dare say, vt as mure
Interest rig and instructive and more
potent for good than the Conference
held hy Ihe Cooperative Kducatioli
Commission of Virginia at Lynch?
burg, on November 29th and 30th and
December i-t.
- of county superintendents
ind hundreds of teachers,
il.lg them twelve of the pllhlie
school teacher! Of Prince Kdvvard anti
i of the teaching force of tbe
Normal School.
The i ' inim of the First
Baptist church where the meetings
were held waa filled, sometimes pink?
ed, with segei and interest d I lal
. ii vt a- not only one ol
It-rest ami attractiveness, hut
for tbs improvement of tbe Min Mils nf
? i.t.|iient reference to Vlr
nd candid criticism
of it-pre-cut, hut the key-nule of the
meeting was thal word ol hope and
inly "I (IBM
III this article I can only tmich
upon simie ol the must important
Dr. E. a. Alderman's addri
- .flung was listened to
.vdctl hmisf. ami the courtly
? Mitchell, of Rich?
mond, no doubt vt. tinieiit
I one who heard it vv hen bs
said at it- conclusion "lt tins <lonfer
race wi os all trouble ami
expense would have been well
nnd the Conference a notablesu
Dr. Alderman I
na to do in such atl
ty of trained
citlzena to tlie stability and prosperity
of n Di
lay morning
illy attractive by
talks from the platform by several of
? i nml eames) women who are
I In the move?
ment tor improved educational ad
? - for the children of mir State.
; tor the moraine,
sion was ?'Citizen Associationi
A itt i n thoughtful and helpful ad
v the Kev. w. p,. Beauchamp,
mts un the
formation and operation ol
(iti/eii As-nciatio: tl Im?
provement Leagues wen- made by
ii ami Munford, of
Richmond; Mrs. King, of Staunton,
and Mi-- Margaret King, of Norfolk.
All who beard must have
convinced that the most potent ami
most p. rmanent irousing
i| le and securing I
is the organising of the i
? i li 00.niiiity into a
pledged to the betterment of
the schools of thal community.
Let me say just here that already
tu.i ol these Local i
tums have been organised in this
county, one it Kice and the othei at
; roposed to
i/e three or (mir mme in the different
school dish .
A pul.he meeting will be held at
tireen Baj on Friday, sn, fbi the
purp"-. ig such an a
timi for the Leigh I nstii.i.
Mr. Jus. s. Thomas, of Lynchburg,
tenden! In tins work.
Ha will also address ? meeting of
in the inti
edu.ntl..li Bl the colored Baptist
Church, in Farmville, on Saturday,
at ll n. m.
Smne further account of tht i
burg Conference will appear in thi*
column next week. J H. i
Judge Hann a Candidate.
William Hodges Minn, who
was one .ii th*
gust primary for the suberaatorisl n?
minalton on the Democratic ticket,
: hours in ti ?
lg en unite fiom his
it Houston, when
? mi a hiisiii, -
When leen by a representative ol
The N. innii stated
lidiite for the gil
tiiiiuatioii mi the litiu
ocrstic luke! foin J Whilt
Jndge Mann did imt stat)
IkUtB for this h.moi
BSjBjn, he Brads ii very plain thal
such w n, and
that he would certainly ne acatulidau
t thing not expected nos
should happen in the meantime.
Judge Mann dei ts tin
beet of health, anti he ehattc
quite a number <>f friends at the I iiioi
- . ting fd
i, winch left a:
over the Durham division of the Nor?
folk anti Western.
I rsaYftd I.it.
It is a fearful fate to have to emlurt
the teirihle torture of Piles. "I CSI
truthfu I
Mit-ttiiviiie, U . "that fm Blind, Bleed
lng. [tching and Protruding Pllei
made. for cuts, bul
- 25c at White A Co's., Drug
I few childien's cloal
II them cheap W 1 Clsrk.
-fems to have heeii 110 letter
frmn mir village in your paper for sev?
eral weeks.
We are glad to report Mr. (ieorge
Wood convalescing after an attack of
We are also glad to report Mr. Dal?
ton unproved after a severe illne-s
Miss Mary Dupuy was home from
the Normal for Thanksgiving. She
bsd With her, her friend, Mis- Cr**.
mini, of Clarks County. They wen
entertained one night by Mils Mar?
garet Hurt.
Kr. Hugh Hart, of Painpliii, was
home last week for several days mi a
hunting trip. He reported birds to Li?
very scarce.
Miss Alice Hart is visiting relatives
in P.aitiinore.
Miss Muries and Miss Sallie Dick
insou attended the F.locational <'.in?
vention in Lynchburg last week.
Mis, Jane Dupuy has been Visiting
Monda ni Chatham for several weeks
and is now mi a visit in Koanoke.
Miss Molly Dupuy bsa been visiting
at her brother's, Mr. K. L. Dupuy.
Bbc expects to return to Mr. (ieorge
Redd's this week.
Tbe Farmers'Club held a meeting
here Saturday.
lhere WM a marriage in our village
some ten days ago, hut I have seen
imt of it in your paper. The
contracting parties were Miss Ketty
Baldwin,of WonhSffl, ami Mr. Man?
ly Watkins, of Charlotte County. Dr.
Murray performed the cere?
Mrs. Kile JeffrOBS is v isiting relatives |
in Richmond.
Misses Pearle and Mattie Jenkins,
. and Mr. Warren Strum, of
Crewe, were among the pleasant
guests ai Mr. P.. IL French's last Sun?
Mr. Sam Harding, of Lunenhlirg,
spent one night last week with Mr.
ii Barnwell.
tars. H. \. stoke- ami Willie At?
kinson, of thia neighborhood, attend?
ed the farmers' meeting which Waa
held at Worsham last Saturday.
Mr. Pennell Redd, of Briery, -pent
Inst Friday night willi Mr. Add Cal?
Mr. Krnest French ami wife, ofKice,
spent last Friday with his home peti?
Mis. Alfred Barber is at home again
after Spending some with her mother
ni < inn!.elland.
Mr. Joe Postal wits so unfortunate
-to lose one of his Let horses on
I ue-ilay of last week. He was haul?
ing unod anl the horse stepped in a
stump hole, breaking lier leg. Mr,
Foster thought it Impossible for her
to get well so he had her shot to short?
en her sullerings.
Among tbs most enjoyable of all the
-ocial functions given around herethis
winter, was the dance at the
home of Mm. Nathan Scott last Fri?
day night in honor of Miss Ida, who
-pent Thanksgiving at linnie. Danc?
ing was kept up until a late hour.
Iii.i-e dancing were: Misses Annie
Bidgood, Louise Owen, Ida Scott,
Mary farrell and Mil.inst Tucker, of
the Normal Behool, Mi?es Mary
McCbeeney, Ruby Ranaoo, Dsls]
shackleton, Estelle and Virgie Kan
s.ni and Misses Allen. Messrs. Jim
Shackleton, Werner Redd, Tom Redd,
Fletcher Dance, Clifton Owen, John?
ston Wootton, Venable owen, Wilie
(tray, Frank Kansoii, John Allen, and
Belle and Phillmwer, of
Messrs. Norman Reason ami Col?
bert Cunningham returned to their
home in Hampton Friday, after spend
lng ten days with Mr. C. H. Hanson,
hunting. They carried hack I'iii hirds
and three turkeys.
Miss Kuliy Hanson entertained bet
pupils Friday evening after school by
hav lng a few of their friends aud play?
ing gaines, and making chocolatecaro
mels etc
Mityme Mci'raw spent Thurs?
day and Friday in Lynchburg attend?
ing the Fdiu-atioiial Conference.
I t-rrell anti Tucker, of the
Normal Behool, spent tl iel r Than ksgiv ?
mg holiday with Miss Antychs Allen.
Allen enteitained Saturday
evening in their honor.
Mr. John Henry Allen,of Hampden
Sidney college, had two of his friends
BO spend the Thanksgiving holiday,
Kelle and Philh..|
Mr. Willie Oray spent a few days
sk al Mr. N. W. Scott's.
From indications apparent at this
Writing riane was commit?
ted in this neiglilsirhood a night or
two ago.
Martha Crump, a young, negro wo?
man lately in service iii New York,
was found eerty one morning es the
lc near New Store in sn un?
conscious condition severely bruised
ami suffering. She was brought to
ber mother's house in a buggy by a
"good Samaritan,' amt on being
somewhat restored, abe told a tale of
cruel and inhuman treatment which
-?? punishment. She had
attended a fair and dance and was
being escorted home by a man, who
Anding his pro|tosals along a certain
line were rejected ami repulsed, sought
to take by force what had lieen de?
nied him peaceably. He beat her into
?iity, -tamped on her body
until it was a mass of bruises, ami one
of her arms i- apparently dislocated
at the shoulder. Bhe is raving with
Isslily pain and unable to move in
bed. Dr. Lightfoot Morris liss beCD
called lo ascertain the extent of hei
injuries. I have not learned the nairn
of her assailant as yet. He will doubt
lesa be arrested soon.
' Ilse ?1UB met lu the BSSBB Bl
?lilli Davis Friday night. Thi
following members were present
Messrs. Alvin sud Irving Kennedy
Rtsl Uarnett, Herbert denn, Boh Le<
Borum, Willie Morris, Kdwin (arter
Willie Farley sud W. H.Csrter; Miss
es Annie and Mabel Uleno, Edith
Dav is, Mattie < arter and Otic I
'The evening wa- very pleasantly
spent ill gaines nml liiiniseineiil- Ihe
club will meet Wednesday night,
December 18th, in the hmne of Mr. W.
K. Carter.
I'.eriiice Koriiiu -| tnt frmn
Friday until Sunday vith relatives
in Farmville
Mr. William Farley, one of the oili?
est and most highly e-leeined citl/eiis
of our county, ls now sighty yean
old and is as CsSSI of inind and active
as a sch.ml boy. Mr. Farley is enjoy?
ing spleiulii 1 health. May his useful
and Christian career continue on
through many years is the -
Wish of Ins numerous friends.
Messrs. John 15. Krdrieh, A K.
Weut/el, "Tony" Hartman. ( A.
Haferand Harry liurghei Of Phila?
delphia, arrived at the home of Mr.
A. t. Dav is Bundey io spend i
bantingqSSil anti deer. They were]
met at Jetersv ille by their old friends,
Messrs. Nat (arter, Peter Parker, WU-I
lie Farley, Jim Farley, Seth Kell, John f
Morris and A. T. Dav le.
The entertainnieiit at Mrs. Walker
Blanton's for the benefit of Brown's
church last Friday night was a per?
fect success. The disirs opened wide
promptly at seven o'clock to
the public. Inviting music lilied
the room with melody Boon there
were groups gathered iii gay converse,
couples were interspersed at intervals,
either on divans <>r promenading,
seemingly indulging in 'sly tiirtat
nirts." Kinitsofmarried lattic?
ed the doors with much anxiety, as
the night was bitterly cold for fear
there would not be a large crowd,
planning how best to dispose of the
lng supper. The table was beautifully
tleeoratetl with flowers, ami the sup?
per served iii true old Virginia Style.
Some one suggested that they put up
the cakes for Hie pretty girls and let
the boys Iud on them. Of Bourse
every one was interested. M ?
tie Crowder, a very charming young
lady dressed in a bright crimson
wsist and dark shirt, with her cava?
lier, Mr. Mat Steger, was cal!,
he bought her cake for one dollar.
Then Miss Kell Planton dressed In the
softest of white goisls reminded one of
Hei..-carrying a crystal vase in her
hand, was culled next The bids 00
her cake ran high being bought by
Mr. Sidney Anderson for one dollar
silas Hattie Crow?
der wm then called who looked benn
tiful with her wealth of dark curls
floating in wavy masses over her
shoulders, unadorned save hy a piece
of ribbon. Mr. Ligon Blanton bought
her cake at eighty cents. Other eata?
bles were sold at high |.es. Flow?
ers and pot lei I plants brought good
Altogether il was tl.
enjoyable adair of tbe season.
Many of the young people who were
otTstBehool returned for Thanksgiving,
among them being Miss Camille!
Kedinger am! her friends, Mba
garitte and Susie Davie, Miss Fellini
Crawley and her friend. Dr. Charin
Blanton and two sons were at his
country home for Thanksgiv ing.
Prof. K. L. Blanton, also Mi- K
W, Baldwin spent Thanksgiving iii
the ueighborli.sHl.
N. & W Earnings
The report of the Norfolk amt West- |
ern railway of its earnings and opt r
ating expenses for the month of Oc?
tober shows the IJ'Steill to be enjoy?
ing Considerable prosperity, the earn?
ings, when oompeied erith Um
period of the previous year, show sn
increase of ,'..I,TTti.M?, while the net
increase was 1141,782.22, which is 17
per cent.
The ligures for Octol I
Passenger, mail end
ol'KUA I I M.
Maintenance of way ami
structures. | 101,481 M
Mslntensnee of equipment
Coiiducting transportati.c
Oeneral BXpenses ll
Total expense
Net earnings
Deduct fixed charges and
54,640 OD1
Proportion of expenses' te
earnings, .'si per cent.
Reduced kates to All Winter Retorts via
Seaboard Air Line, The Florida Short
I In- Seaboard begs to BSnounCB thal
they now have mi sale round trip tick?
ets lo all Southern re-orts at greaily
nsdneed rates. t?wodally tran -
out change of mrs, and each train
having Cafe car, Pullman sleeping
car, ami the Sealstard's exceptionally
comfortable high back conches. This
is the shortest hue to Florida tty many
miles. For Winter Tourist Usik,
schedules, or any information, call or
write to any Seaboard Agent or,
H. S. Leard, W. M. Taylor,
D. P.A. < . T A.
.-I Main street, Rlchmoi
lbw sic ul Ointment* fur Catarrh thal
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell aud completely derange
the wintle system when entering it
through the muooiis surfaces
articles should never be used ex.
prescriptions from reputable physicians.
as the damage they will do is ten fold
tu the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall*! Catarrh
manufactured by F. J. Cheney
Medo, 0., Contains DO mercury, sud
is taken internally, acting directly up?
on the til.std ami mucous surfaces of
Hie system. In buying Hall's ' tturrh
('ure Isa sure you get the genuine [i
is taken Internally and made iii ?
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi?
monial* free.
Clear thinking, .lt" i-ive action, vim
and vigor of body and mimi, the spark?
le of life, comes to all who use Hollis
ter'- Becks Mountain Te I
Tea or Tablets. Winston Drug I
Eight Dais On His Hack
saSsarsB sith two sppitcstions of linn
Nerve and Hone l.iiiirneiii. lt will care yon
Owens A Minor Urns
Richmond. Virgil.!",
Wenllemeni ? 1 hsve boen ti-ini your.Nt rv.
and Hone Liniment on my back snd find 1
sets like a charm. Kor eight days 1 hat
been on my back snd could not move sat
after two applications 1 sm dow om sud ti
Vary truly yours,
k. ' ts.io ia rn. Vs.
Hold by White a Co. and Winston Urns t n
Herald and N. Y. World, %l.V)
Superintendent Eggletton Interviewed.
Stab J D.
-id through Kich
nioml today on bis return to Prince
Bdwsrd from I two w.
Asheville. \ ( I . ,11 was
taken down with au attack of grip
s.sui after reaching
bs enjoyed the rest, though lt I
the kimi he would have chosen.
I if he would outline 1. -
rational ? r the public, he
? . -sarv fol
the wei' . hsiI children will
require With mn
r, i already
alluded lo in my announcement made
last Mareh. i of Virginia
are Its.king hopefully for such
by the next general assembly as will
result in definite amt | .
timi, and not mei. ;
"I have full cuitidence that they
will not be disappointed. Ihe univ
nie- from t
doney In some quarters t.
cational ran.;
I have the u,
results from the fact that the .
and abiding interest in pull
timi. I do not think I nm betraying
confidence whan I say that he rtstsd
to me in private cou venation that he
boped to make ; tritton
memorable in tht .1 annals
of the State
"Did v forth < nr
oluia schis.:
'?< Inly at Ashes iib lu Bod
'High to know Unit North
Carolina fat making wonderful strides
nally ami i
In tins connection lt bj.
marked that Mr. Kgglestoll ! ll
some time Leen making a careful stu?
dy of the pull -.. ms ,,f Hie
m..rt pi d (hat he
w i.l j n
iii the Virgil . taking the
best that he can lind and altering
thant ra ra to conform to the require
I .e (dd Do?
minion, the whole to make in
for the I. ! Un
public schools.
"Ky the vvav Mr. 1
ioi Montague made au sd*
siimiay afternoon ami raptured the
city. Il -i- pronounced om
of the best ever heard H..
. i..i Prince
H- C. Crute & Co.
Tell Why They Endorse Vinol So Highlj.
v nit'l contains In a concen?
trated lorin all ol the .Iicinnl
Dents "t cd liver oil, actually
taken fri ls1 livers, but w nh
OUt a drop of ml to I up?
set the stomach, nnd retard il- work,
led esl liver
oil or emulsions will do good, Vinol
will do far moif good
: Because Vinol is not i
tent or s. ic, it contains no
injurious drug*- to react upon tin
tem, ami ymi know just what v
taking, as everything it conto
ii the back label of every Bot?
-t up
bealthy Bo?
ones up the
purifies ami enriches the li.sid, and in
a natural manner health i- restored
and stn ttetl.
Fourth .: Vinol mi
the market our admiration for it has
steadily rarely
disappoints a customer, In fact we cnn
truthful ? | ti sold a
ci ne more isi i ?t:ict. .ry to ci en lt -trength
for old |
and children, nursing mothers ami to
build up strength efl
Again Vinol Isendorsed by'emlnent
ami guaranteed by over
two tim leadiug du.
of this country ol
. in Vinol
iii i
f "Karly Kia
lear Un give Nature full
nie pills ntl the
i li and bowels of all putrid iniil
BOVing thc cau-es of ht i I
ache, constipation, aallow complexion,
Dewitt's l.itti.
never gri|s- or lit .. as
ant, perfect pill. Bold byalldruggl
Monday, December ll,
Ill big: 'ninnis
and polite modern
?In the Heirt of tbe Sierras."
Cu'u' 15.25,35
rici* CENTS..
?ii sale at < i
will admit a Indy and gentleman or
40 Broadtrmj New York,
McAlpin Dti. Kim. Co.:
I Sirs:?Will ynu Jw-nd ns
Minn as possible tn abort
dress a bottle nf ymir ilysjH'|??m
remedy?any wa. tts get
it quick.
Why don't you put it on Nt w
York mat;
McAlpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co
Ftratllle, Vf.

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