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REPAIR WORK. sinr i W. T. Opiician. i!\i;n;o(ii-'iM;. VSBFXn>SU(H>FlN<*. - Sash Doors Blinds * Building Materials, FAKHV1LLE MTG. CO. Leave Your Order at BARROW'S - MARKET HOUSE - - Pt iR V< iTJK ICE. k. ar i lured just i Price no more than for the poor quality, nnd de? livered at ymir door. Anderson Drug ( Farmville. Va. thc uni pcopli countrv and 'ivtiii l'.iim Brushes, and i ri First-class Drug Store. W tn pc tent clerks. Von will receiveprompt and polite al dso right Wc will Ik- pl< fill lin- prescription! thc . country and surrounding com ? Addi Anderson Drug Co, FARMVJ: | A. LEVY, THE TAILOR. - made to and emir. tion V and fit GUARANTEED. Kt: and tutti bk pi Shop in n Baptist church, M ille. A- LEVY. Farmville Commercial Cu., | Commission Merchants General Merchandize. U K rd Heavy Groceries, Dry.Goods and Hardware. Made an Goods BooKht in Lar?c Quaniities. THE FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL CO., rAlvMVi. LJAVjjbYOI RPBIHTIHt KA.UMVJ! . 00 MILES AWAY. . W K ll ' Blur 1 a bard ' lay tho unable ? arni it ? ? - i.alr. ? i at thr ss. Ky: i irn?" An.I in r" I f A Slauph' Along with I as fellows fi I Mary C. PRIEST A BURNT OFFERING ftexicin Fanatic Sacrifices Himself or. the Altar for Sins of His Par, mpara'i ' foi thr irto, th offered hlm t th., altar of . to tbs tat he? rn and, with ' r of lire, he kid any h. anrf fina': ??? llnR to ? ? ' walkin- Dd civ? ile ? will-known ? elec .')<?' tlln : Cross When lag was D k v u For the li must up-to-date workmanship PLUMBING ription, Jteam Pipe Fitting md General Repairs, Appl N. M. GILL, Main St., Fakmyili.i , \.\. Of Courae. Bubtlbs? I il jrly brOBS n ? shoveling tin' snow off my p I thing Bummer isn't lit rv Suljiil's SIS von i wlnt'T . er you'd have to -now nn.l rut tl Tully Explained. tliat In iliRl. ; 1 ?** ? . "(J! t '>n mi', i tablet i Pi In the Palace. N V Sun. Kare Distinction. r lat art exhibit)?Why arc ? around, that plc tun-? I don't see anything ? ut lt. The Other ? salt! to be that didn't get a rnoilal of honor at the world's fair.? ? . Trllmno. Simplicity Legend. Jefferson bad bitched hu horse to tor Wagner will knock your lirand of simplicity out of Biicht:'" nlyK tin- lark of a patent, .'. uh the lt. tiou.?N. Y. Sun. The Secret Engagement ! with a fond ?Bills, "But why, dear?'' he asked. Illy boy, if lt were marte public, people woulil think I nally In? man) yon."?Tlt-Blts. Comforting. . tbs floor all ni?ht with tl.' 'i you think of anythlni; worse thai. ? i night have mar aland, when the nichts an- six months long Yonkers ?ian. ENOUGH FOR DESSERT. 'Just : mo sntirely apl' "Come, come, my <:tar! Yon ejaR | Tht re ls quite enough of you left."?Journal Ams Harald snd World jlJO. Furious llirlitinir. vtlitt- lil.. Vf, -Jalliiian, of Harper, \\ anti., "I *had a .ttit-, with I'lirmiic-toniai-liantl ivt r trouble, Imt Bl lai-t I won, anil un il in j tin DBS "f Bise ile Bit tars, I unhesitatingly reooo iientl tliciii to all, an.I don't Intend iii ba future to be without them In tbs miine. Tbsjrsre certainly a wonder ul medicine, to bare cured mich a l>a<i am as mine" Bold, under guaranty i do tbe tame for yon, by White At So., lUKgistS, nt 50c it bottle. Try tlirni AN OPPORTUNITY. Wc want a wide-awake mau n this locality to actively rep reseal us In promoting thc salts af thc Wheeler & Wilson sewing machins. This machine is backed by fifty "ight years of success; some of he early machines built by this :ompany are giving faithful ser? vice to-day. We can offer exceptional in lucements to some one in this ocality who can command a iorse and wagon and devote his ime to advancing the sales of mr product Energetic men will find our iroposition a money maker, cap hie of development into a per? manent and profitable business. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. Vhesler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Factory and Head Office, RIDGEPORT. CONNECTICUT. U. S. A. HOLLISTER'S [ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medinina for Bciy People. jjlJra Health tad Renewal Vigor. Mvp LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CURES AFTER THE DOCTORS HAVE FAILED. RHEUMACIDE has cured thousands of cases of Rheumatism after all the doctors and all other means had failed. Rheumacide cured John F. Eline and others, of Baltimore, after the famous specialists of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the greatest hospital in the world, had failed. Rheumacide cured Austin Percelle, of Salem, Va., and D. H Olmstead, the Norfolk, Va., contractor, after they had spent large sums on other remedies and the doctors had given up hope. Rheumacide cured Mrs. Mary Welborn, of High Point, N. C., of rheumatism she had endured for 20 years. Rheumacide cured W. R. Hughes, of Atkins, Va., after the most famous New York specialists failed. There is a reason why it cures: Rheumacide is the latest discovery of medi? cal science, and while powerful enough to sweep all germs and poisons out of the blocd, it operates by purely natural methods, does not injure the most delicate stomach, and builds up the entire system. Almost a Miracle in This Case. P. Bobbitt Chemir-il Cnmpan ?nen ?In Se| matism in a vt-rr bsd I month after tl. my worl: li ? until mr anni ami I iliavtn in mw h io i My leia wera drawn my hi pt I lt montht. The nun were hartl anil stir,, many tum/t our V. I' hum* ol I me lon - . ' : to eel i ? [tleleiy i health has b had no symon ' ind Ile further ? I after I I ant of rrutr! . body, and went Lick i i Yours truly. ll S WII.KKS. SWEEPS ALL POISONS OUT OF THE BLOOD. A purely vegetable remedy that goes right to the seat of ths disease and cures by removing the cause. Your druggist sells and recommends Rheumacide. Sample bottle and booklet Iras if you send five cents for postage to BOBBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY. Proprietors. Baltimore. CURES Rheumatism. Sciatica. Lumbago. Rheumatic Gout, Indigestion. Constipation, Liver Trouble, Kidney Trouble, Le Grippe. All Blood Disease e. NOTICE! K. FRANCENE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT The ti 00 bodia contalna 2*4 Bates IS* trial Hu. whick Min for 40 cant*, riiruin omv at thi ..asoka roar or aV C. DsWITT Sa COMPANY. CHICAGO. IXJL lt is (tiie.if.liii- KI* - in Hu lOUUl, Ker.UurM.nt Ol i - Bil Hie yeltl rt Half-sbell, i ? Fry, SO cants Half-fry, SQ Stew, l"i OBDtS BOd I Hum itini iv. I'Tll-rlnillr-l- Steit.. Everything in se i ?05, 907 E. Broad St.. Half block fruin Hie City Hall, _ lin IiiiiiiIhI. Va. IIAVK YOUR PRINTING DONK Al I'll K Hi- KAI 1) UH flB'KH'K Kv Ul I |, iv The Largest And Best ipped plant in thc State Charl s Miller Walsh . iiifntiiriT, ~Vli l-l.uri.'. \ 'i MONLTMI \ I i POM RH, i.UAVK rj deacriptloD. tarmvl l Dtm.o* Early Risers Tho famous little pills. STAR WAREHOUSE, FARMVILLE, VA. Will i un; \c< o. Largest and Best Arranged. riiinfi.ri.'iiili- .|ii:irii'i- fm mi sud the his; ' prices guaranteed. Pry us, G. W. REDD, P. A. GRIGO, 1.8. ll nml l;.., (.. mun.. < lei IN-I'l.t lul'.S. OFFICERS Prssidsat H. A. Htokes. Director* W. Ia. (lark, W. M. O. Hanson, M. (,'. Richardson, Dr. W I . Andei on, J li iry anti li. saan i W H '? W. T. DOYNE, UNDERTAKER AND LICENSED EMBALMER. Metallic and all Styles Wood Collins ON HAND, PMONKH; rttnrarsl lt> i l'.\ i;\l Y I l.l.i:. VA. \ Large and Complete LINE OF FURNITURE AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU. Baby Carriages and Go Carts Marked Down. ?tn- time to hay. < - POYNE'S. told and N. Y. World 1.60 The Acknowledged HEADQUARTERS j For Matt IS AT RICHARDSON & ORALLE'S, Thc Leading Clothiers and Dry Goods Dealers. I. B. QAVIQSOK. 1 G, CLAPHAM. Mi I LOUS, J, L BUGS, President. Vice-president. Jut Cashier. UNITED STATUS DEPOSITORY, The First National Bank of Farmville, SAVE YOUR MONEY! (inf wat you cnn do this is hy opening nn ne with the PIRSTNATIONAL BANK. Receives Deposits in nny amount. Allows interest on time deposits. WHAT DOES IT MEAN ?aanBararaawnnaTesnnrs^ to let dividends AtX'UMI L-ATKona Life Insurance I'oliey? In many companies it means nothing more than an agreement ou tbe psrl of Un policy-holder to do vv ithout dil Idendu for lifteen or twenty jresrs snd liieii take btIi i ads the company may be Brining lo give; ?hould yoa die or lapse the policy during the aecumulated perlotl, nil divkl.*nda s i,.ii. iii.I Dividends sra declared KVKRYyeai In the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. and the policy-holders use them to help pay their premiums, or tn buy wi insurance or to convert their policy into an endow nu nt IT w < ?i KU Ki: iii your ad ? ire Insuring ; E. SCOTT MARTIN. JNO- D- WATKINS C M BASS PLANTERS WAREHOUSE S. W. PAULET! PRESIDENT. NO. R.MARTIN WU TREAS. DIRCCTORS. ll. I . vt v i i, B. w . I' vi 1.1:1 i vv. h. mv Kunu i.. h. ja ii. v. -1. if. n. I I. v. PHILLIPA W. ll. lin ll tKDSOS h. ii. r vi ii ri v, . ii. KWI.NO FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. Leaf Tobacco Sold and Stored. ?Tana Malls uni Largs Sheds, t Bmhirtiilile l.nilirlinr IJimhhs. Warehouse otters tn tin- rarmera every racillty lor telling tbsli tobacco n the best advents e our personal attention to all tobacco en ti n us, nml promise Hu- highest market prices ala bj -. ll Uhl>s | ItlNs. -i ? Il ll. Warriner, J. C. (lamett, Clerks. li. W. Puqua,Solicitor. EvSTABLISIIED 1867. Planters Bank of Farmville I FARMVILLE, VA. CAPITAL, $43,425.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. '.ul W. Vi shier. W. P. ViNMii.K, A -int-mt (iwliit-r. niiiliii't.s a (ii'imnil Bunking; Buhu; ' Account Solicited. .1 .1 VI , Ji Interest Allowed on Time Dcfosii UlRICTjORS: J. M. Catt K. J \ A. I'. ' I'.AI.f.R w I . Cl V, lilli ii 11 H&wmmihn Sch-tJule in Elset lu im 11 rt,- '.-. | LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. NIIKTII A.NH KA HT. No.l. Ula. SB. ioma. m. ?.:? p. v 1 ll AMI WKHT. , m. ump. m. I Bi ?!..!. bum late, : wir. ? . li ro il Memphis, (nu. ? ilt.tlf.irrt, Kristal. ? . . h mtv v ille. milman shh int Has I ll. t III. lill,Hil i . uk., sud inter llit lirni.nd, Norfolk. I'll Itt 1111' 1. 11. <..; 11 Mud i i. ..url mis. iiiiinsa . ..ik. nra nml idti.i.,1 ? Ni ii.,i. itt imai ress ra Miihttoovts rsa i ind Western Railroad CHI>. MM QUICKrST UNt " , I .... I ,1.1. S, lr . ll. M ll. x i ri: U . i i > ' . I .m.VIII.', V H., ? ii i.. u. r. i 'I Mtv. Kass. AkI. "Itt-, \ a SEABOARD Am Lim; Railway - hu I iiiii- lo |-rlnri|.iii rn tm of I lit. Mould Hill Soil" '.., I lll.:i Hli.l ll) ii-.un-, i.i.aii. Kn hm..M. viAi.t. steam -.ii taat-. Dai MUKKI IK IN Kl IKi I Al'llll, IK, llWk 'Hi A, M. ? Koeal fi.i Norllna, I Hun,li I ni il liiarlolle. Mall OawMaatt oi I'lilliinin sh i s-1.._; earl 1., At - iva . uni Jeafessa. viii.-: H. I natta ? i.rr. nre Opentl.-.lilli IimIii, liny maintained ai the iiigiit->.'i degree ot t-vi-i in ii.-. , s|?o larg* day roache* nm ii l nu vt 11 lion I il,m ni; i-1..Kl. lt i du. Il BS P. M. Bi aboard Ksprw - dst) .-oui-li.-, .-ni.- rmi. ..n.l Tull. lunn Biropen it Atlanta, s.ivim niili. lin ikaOOV I'la nml 1 mui j,. KiiinitiiK i > florida willi,.ni I'luUIKf. Thain* Amma at Kn iiMonr>- lun.r. I, AiiMiita timi Un' Soul N i i-m.iii i lerida Alisma Ml..I lin- holli lt M at, - .tm li ral ihiiiiU. Kor all inroiii aa u, rstaa -.i.ttiuit. Ill fl.- "PP') '" an) Ni ul.. r lo W. M. Tatiak. O.T. A. ll M. I.KAMI, ll l\ A. - ... ' I I.-lu..omi. I lionrtWi t. m. k. i au rn i i.. I., mi ?aaaajer, MU-HAIKK V Vi I MMIN KAII.KiMIt I .lt..i, May ll. ISM, lliivtn-ii rinniMlle .inti i Bowira ni ii. it. ..nit .-un. .?? .Mon. station*. I.v. Ar. i- vi t raratvliMi i ? i .i " IS lt.. i i . Daua I... . ii . i antila .1" vi.-Kn... |aj ISSI i uiitU rianil .t-itlf i. ni Ul n l.ti.a.-.nvillr ' "' i" .; Ki.iii.viii. If.iona -i fti Vl.t.oii I' n ?-? ro vrin 1 t. ; m. I- I;,I K.? k. I | 7 21 , ..- i ? ir. Kn nm il Iv.-. I. ?? - ' n Vt mit r|M.rk nnil Kiri,,I -? .nilli rn daliwuy.i lUin. Blat ? Ha Bests. I.v. Arr. C M. '..?rn j ai f kl liq i lu Itt'. I SI ? iii,, rn Kv. lt lr h mond Iva. I.'.tl and Ki.i.mund and lUd Alianlli i .... KmlroHil. ? ? ? |'l I'Kll | vu.,-: -muons in. lt. Arr A.M. |.o. k il 17 bore ii mi Min,mit lu .va Perdue luifftjtJ rru. I.v IO SAKI I lil I I 'si ur I. Usrabora lt. ar. Klchmood ive ?Will Wini iii i li.-I. i until H.t.'. a. BL foe . li Hom Kiiiilnoini. Between Bermuda nml i limier. iwinnev 7...J H. 111. K. Hil lilli* I. HM' M. I lilli,IS S.M p. m., arrive I hester shops 7.Un p. m. Ittslli . All triuii* slop al K. A K M..-ti io K>. X intf. r. BUR I Al.. 'I I. ? ll. Ill I.I.I A MS, Jr.. Usa. i kii Jt raes, Aft' Kiiiilnoini, Va., July l-l, IWlV. W i ti.NM-. 1 IM. KINKS; n r j at Iii" I- armvllle a riiuhaiitii Kal I road elli hareaWat tx oe?i il. tl b) Hf TldewatM it W>-?l?-rii lUllioii.l t onipauy. All m.. led for M.-i-oiiiil or t ti I" i oiii|iHny you uni ptaaaa rem ll m ti. M .1 H--II.V treasurer, nml lill ?i- lllllll* will K. rt, Il v/K.N, Ainlilor, all -. -1 ti n. it ii i. allens roi ul,,nn should Im- ad? or". U. Ki X rrj, ll.l. elly. I M. ll. TA MOTT. tn h. Mar Southern Railway Go. re Jaws mi ni nan in ii .vu. 1 riiintt leave Kynebbu ' ll VA l.-lilnKflift ??I riillman Irmii. ' i v* aaBI salsa - . .i m. ? ? m.nit. i dally, local for Vt iwIiIiikIoii anti n. dally, local for Wa*hln?;lou ami I ona. WssBlBBlee - norlin WsaBlaaresa - north. -n. tinily for t liarluttesvilie and oaa. sui TU in il M., ,- Allaru sniti in h m. dally, Washington ami Hr.atb ; Ku ,mini HMlii, for altanooga, M. a pfeka Bl -li.) y. In. ul foi lunn r .lally, local for I ian vii lr and way prcae for I'olombUs, NB nml laeksonv III. Atlanta, lilr -.-, all HiroiiKliJIralns. Kor int I. N. KKuvV.N. lo n. el .tami, i ll vi KhllT, ?.. n.r.l Mauafer. vKl-Wli K. I tl* Man I. i'. A,tnt 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trads Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. 3 BOOB on I'siauta rviritK^iaitis Scieniific American. Illaiiratad wrrtif. I.srssst ?ir I,run. HS ? ) all nswulsalers.