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THE FARMVlLIiE HERALD. lill. PRKHENT, HOPE FOR INK Kl II KK. vol. WI. KARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,1905. BO. IS TOWs ORV ? ^Y SCHOOL DIRECTORY. W. lxv x tTTOKNI \ \1 LAH Lee & Thompson, Att- i Law, Va. J- M CRUTE, Morney at Lt*. Ml KINS & BROCK. ATTORNEYS AT LAV. . .wiriri. i i. - I.\ Al I.'. ! County, Va. nil Federal. \l C FRANKLIN AT: . . r KAW, KAW UHITL tV CO., DRUGS, IVIedicines and Druggists' Sundries, li. CBRISJOW FARMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AND SIGN (PAINTER, PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. R. C. BRISTOW. BRICKS! BRICKS! ? rouiidatiuiis ,-iiuN.tiil.! vm. LWUM H '*<!? HKKA 1.11 jin: ,, PARMVII :OMFORTIN(i WORDS. liam a I .ininti!,.- Household will liilil Ukin ? ?nv illf tt-.'ul. M iv -nulli ni in Hill ll.| ? I hiv -til in hr:ul..| Hill tllf '. timi ii ? ul it -l ? ' YOUNG & BRO. DEALERS IN FRESH MEA! Country Produ Farmville Flour Shipstutt III.; ii] lor I lllil - .uni l'i RS "I .ill Li' A s-li.nv ..|" pulilic i^ solicited. Tliinl St ,"in .11 M Parmvii.i.k, . Vu COME ON Yes, Come Ai unning Or Winier Will Overtake You. Nott i- tin- timi' lu luiv j tun -tn ea, <>ur celebrated Wilyun lilli Wooil I uni; iiiuiiuiiiifiiiy tin-; m.-i economical w !? Iiamile nil siv its nml pat uni ni tiif latent un. infill trial S. W. Paulett & Son, Ililli V t'lilli ? Ile, Va. Raisins, Currants, Figs, Citron anc NIXED NUTS at Chappell's. T. A.JAMKS* a- Jewelry Store, ! nuisl ?mi i.i: ri-: si ock - i"''" ti lit :tll kind* i,v Un. Dion) vi tuen. In buyli CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Niitnhli- Im ni. nf tin- Wi-iU llrltlly t lin.ul. Lil. ' ' . . Ininti lu /.. i ap bia i 1'iirlltli. I) until ' li.-illili. Tbe H American and < titvvns asking for ti>" ai 9 Heall, Win ? In tin' ? i| body iii.' a numil holdup nf ll i. Un- Ininti liv tl.. Nanda*- Il.i. i ? ?-i.l willi lill. ' I tst the ? - ? nt :i li-vi i rall - it J. \\ nt, who ; ? 1. Mr. Spalding unil a frlfiul wan injured. l'urkl?h goTornnuiit ' ted tlio finiii ilrnft of tho scheme fnr thc nf the lim milted by tim arab in official i . ? ? ?r tba mternatJonaJ n Turkish watara Inn ordi AltttVO tho river, in British Columbia, Bot far from ti... Alaskan boundary, thc Inti diana bars (Band Immensely i iiunrts lctlffos on tho mountain a of which tra ?pring hy a landslide, spent tba Bonum r gold tn irrylng them to their village ? iBde from bl I'rlilrtr. De*. IT.. 'Eldress" Anna White i: Shaker community, with a party of Shaken, ls at '?? they huvi" an appointment to ? iiim the resolutions adopted by Hi" ?tltlnll. ??arly presentation of ti ? nf the tint the miners' convention at i , win adjourn soon, Ti ? press iii'l not specify thc demands, bat lt ls almost certain thnt Lt boar day and recognition of the un principal di I litirsitu), DesS, I I. iuel to the t case tragedy developed there when Mrs. ? rta was arrested fur thc Philadelphia authorities on n warrant ? g ber with being ? I hlldrea were bann y, near Punxsutawney, . hoar In the morning, and WU with their I I in rt-ly escaped with their . -. Ith tin : Mr. Carnegie, "merely t. thc White II ? lt armut. i their daughter, M ? ? N I .ail. The wedding * l.t.nt thc middle of February " appeals nt I both orders of Buprei .tl In tho lt. eciaiing that ' which the oftkiali ??? election ntl A\ film ..l.t. . life. 1^. ' 'st lilli' ? !n authorial tlon of thc old frlir.itc Constitution, bul i to Annap kepi nt the Naval scadei rial of ' navy and bo lucent At the <? A lt conference it wai ? ? I p I I ' known since lils ai Dtcnced to twenty-four i Herald and World ? - I 11.111 I AN ARMED REVOLT. l-l.- ni l'l...-? lina "milli..u*. 11.,1,1-y nml Maa ITiiuii i-.l ;.. i UWANA, lice 111 Pl : ' I CHARGED MISS ROOSEVELT DUTY I rt.,.lil.- I r..m ll. ? - - - ' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. ?I - ? Kerr t..rk MnrU. II.VV ' ? ? ? - - THE RUSSIAN REVOLT. Tr...i|i? nml 1\nil.iu?-n ni Ullin I lilli and Itiiin Hallie lunn, LOXDON, Dec 18 [ha > - Ueff. lion, ai ? ' glons. An ofDcur who has Just returned fron Manchuria suv n that a spirit of mutin; rt Inn of tlie -.1 that the prisoners fmrn Ja? il in hu ? . a Ith rt'vulu iluritig their raptlvltj Ipe fnr open rebel. An Imperial ukase Just gea. all governor generals and mo ntptcal until.n-ities tu the event of rail or telegraph eoamonJcB tion being Interfered with to proclaim a modified martial lnw. Under the will BO II tTllls. of horror I. nment elatina lt baa given i ? ? thc "red" revolo but th.' populace generally he ? ?f thc proleta rgantzatJon i ? prisoners. patch from Eydtkuhncn, Pms ?f il st. iv brain on reaching Kviltkuliiifii reported that the troops bad Joined the rebels snd that a was "ii Bi rdeil. ? I los ii up mui several hun ? . ii killed or wounded. tb I those in thc t nillir ? If ( ired. rnun Dorpat part of f <'our . FIGHT FOR THE MAYORALTY. \\ ll I.nina liar llanilrrd anil I..... . Inltlimiinunir. prent* ? I Braided a writ of ?? Ith thc ? tally ? ??ii. In tl Wilmot Bted n peremptory pel thc board '. M 128 by Wil? liam li : i' mayor in Kings - Bomber waa gained lu ml [iro Mr. Hearst's plurality ordlng to H : he order will tiring it up to over i I li. lr t .luipnnr Wits n Ininti. Itt ISTON, ! nd lloj and J. Franklin I before lo <the United district court on a charge of Mates mall lil cnn . with a lottery, the coori al ttaring ruled that the r file company, which the de fendants represented, was a lottery and a ininti. Both of tbe iring ii term var Iii tho Charles street jail tart lt,.1,lt,,I ?iiiIllt-lil Hunk. SUFFIELD binding the railro n, WU -. nml his twelve tbe railroad station daylight live bank robbert, their way Into tho Siilli. ld Slu? nk, blew open tbe safe after ruth attempt and made away ? worth of i erlooked li niul Begotlable ' a drawer near by. s,?.l...t In III H.t.lilt shot lilli,.iir LANCASTER, Ta.. Dec IO. Jamel ? rodent at tl ty, ft'iii tulctds last ? - hootlni i Hu bad i.u ii ill health fnr sonic time. s, ii I rt r I I illira*- tin rm ,1 CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec ton hull, t: . destroyed bj ine roet. barning np with tnt lng roa at my Pennies and Dollars. "I bi ; . f the pennie! and th l Home vs. Society. ' 'ing he day." . His Money Worked. rlih that when h a thousand dollai B minutes a: ; ics. He Knew. Father?But do you think : make my Suitor?ll uld Jul have seen lu r whi a l pr , Another Test "Is he really ai, rT" of dollars. Hut bi anythli WashlBj. um Star. Looking Ahead. Mabel?You dot gs, pap He's generous to a fault. Mr. Nunn?Im glad to hear lt. Psi baps he'll be generous to some of your ?Judge. RIOT ATJHANGHAI American and German Con? suls Hurt by Chinese Mob. WARSHIPS ORDERED TO THE PORT lllA.irtl.-r Una llriian Ired br l.cmlrra nf V lilli,.rtlun llu> cutt ? Many I ntflunrra Itviiorted Killed in Bsa esl 1 lautius;. WASHINGTON, Dee UV- I rt ita department fi.iiii * I ??'??? that Btore than thirty era mui Chinese have been killed BBd vvtiuniletl In the riots Un : rintlng was organised by the ls the sntlforelgn boycott. The Herman consol n thu rhitcrs, uiul the Amati tal wus Injured. The foreign worships are landing men, nml the Volunteers hilve been called out. ' have t , In the river h.ive landed marines, who, | with volunteers from the forehj lites, are guarding the streets ami np. tecting property. H Han nnd a Bomber of other liiilMi',. .-ul general I amender of the cruller Haiti ? ' \ llliilubos ls with f mui rrcsutiiiibly both vessels ; rived nt Shaughn! tty tb'. Thc English naval commander BBS marines, nnd thc warships ore ? tuse of oe Bt Information says that the situation : ,;y seri nus, nnd tho Intent dispatch li? the rifting still continue*. It 1* learned that thc moving causes fur the ral feeling of hos? tility toward fnrolgnors such ss pro Mr. It 1 that nil b 1 muong the t hh. that twenty Chinese rowdies were kill? ed aiul a few Liimpeuns, including the I li an vice on sui, hurt. HUMMEL'S FATE SOON. Trtttl of runton* Beef torie Lawyer Urana *ear NEW YiikK, Kee. UV?At the trial of Abc Hummel fur eontplrscy In the hero the i: bus rested nml the defense begun, ? understanding that tl. inony of Uie defense would be In this evening. The case will go to tbe Jury probably tomorrow. Charles P. Dode*), the first husband of Mrs. Morse, and Captain Jin. ' tba BBClS of C. \V. Morse, who caused nil the trouble by trying to dissolve tho marriage of his nephew, were thc last ? I fur the pl'.Het'lltlnll. I .lim spent more than $77,000 of lils good uiuiioy In this effort Step by step Mr. Hand drew from corroboratloa of almost every? thing the proaecotor had said to thc Jury In his npi'iiiiig BrtdToBB The wit ningi' to Ciel < itwies, of their separation, how he had rved by William A. Sw.. her divorce suit nnd of reading in n ipee of ter marriage to c. \v. .Uer ntul former Ice king. Then Just as glibly he told ot meeting Hummel's einlssnry, Hrnckon, In Geor? gia nnd of hearing for the first time in Hummers office tba luggostion thnt tho was Invalid. Without a blush of shnine be ' signing an affidavit Unit ho had not ?fred with thc dlvorcu summons. .ing |S,000 at thnt time and of receiving $500 more when he swore falsely to the same effect before Bef> ' til In the proceedings to set thc a aside. Mi-lhndUt Frlatere Strike. CIIICAOO, I'. - 18 I or the first time In (imago lubor iilstory a church was appealed to to grunt tba dctnands of a lim prayer was to thc Methodist L; church, which ls experiencing a strike of printers In Its lo- al publishing de? nt. Thc Federation e>-: frnmetl the appeal at the Instance of Typographical union No. 16. It also complied with a reqoeet of the union to declare a boycott on Method until the labor dispute ls sd Itt ?mi Three From Hiuiulim a i LAM i \, Ob . I'. ? ?. U --?. Terrell nud Attorney General Hart have nckiiiwlctlgisl sorvlce of clt?ti.>n* which will carry the cases of J. Q Rawlings nnd lils three sons to the su preme eooti of the I tates, J. 0 lluwilngs and two sons, Milton am nteiice to be linnget nest month for the murder of thc far ter children at Valdosta. whllo t I 'onanl, has already begun tin service of a Ufo term for complicity li the same crime. Mill fnnfras Ia a Bodr. ANNAPOLIS, Md., DOC, 10. -Mid Bhlpmeo here hava announced their tn tentioa of urging tho whole Minion ? gn t'i tbe superintendent am , that they have parti. I; hazing. They believe that as it wooli nut be practicable to expo) the who! school such action would neve thou who have been or may be caught. Vfiurk Woman'* SotUlea Death. NEWARK, N. .1 . I. WV?While d* fusslug the question Of the amount r taxes she should pny with a clerk 1 the city hall Mrs. Ellen Mulcahey. ali ty nlno years old, was stricken wit apoplexy. An ambulance was callet but she died In lt while helng toke borne. Reduced Sates to All Winter Resorts vi Seaboard Air Line, The Florida Short Line. The Seaboard begs to anuru, they now have 00 -ale mund trip tic! ? great! ? I rates. Two tinily tra nut change of ca: ? li trill having Cafe car. Pullman car, ai comfortable high I is thc shortest line to florida by man mile-. Fur Wini r any information, call t my Seaboard Agent or, I! - Leard. W. M Ir P. A. < ' I ' I a- ... .1 ll,. Inti.nd Vu CHARACTER OF THE MESSIAH Sunday School Leeson tor Dec 24,1905 - This Paper v r .' v I Comment and Suggestive Tl. . : ling to ness of : shall I ? I iirst mlrai'. I ? sin. tun I inti spiritual .1 as national ? ? cannot refer to I er turn* our l the Kio ? >w in Tht ; aul prosperity v I ls a common ? ? ones from eaptlvlt] of hi - ibooldi r." i be p.ti vv hb ri res', i ..n thi end of this :i levied by a conqui i ll a yoke, the oppressor." It taOaaSS fl a blood." All the ? - bc for bunill. Utter!) war shall i V ? er will i of a human mother "A ther than tl. pl vi n to BS not only for : . : years bi ? ami Hell ? nt . . . shoulder." 'lue In authority ? ? Mow inc I mary with . I ming man. ' ' - in all I J ? David arc fulfilled in Ulm. "Order lt. ii Judg ment aud JusMra." Ku - render Just ?'? r." Ul klagdoa will never ead. The zeal o ih. Lord." "That mixture of 1. and ali ? ' In lt car." Practical Points. V 1. The blind walk In darkness a midday; sn, many walk in splritut darknes?1 John 1: 7. v. I. The crownli ? I I: 8. V l titans yoke ls broken trot ? of all who nail ui*j I V ? Ws may turn to Christ fe least as well as tb v?Co. 2: 3. V I Christ made peace, proclaim* ? beatowa pee pBSBbth all understanding.?E; Unmentionable. Teacher? What docs b-u-1-l-y spell Tommy?Dunno. Suppose a bl boy were to strike a little fellow, wha would you call him? Tommy?I don't dat* ma'am.?Chicago Journal. Lesa Expensive. slr," Mid thi tlc sci,. In my life." "So?" queried the akepttcal r? I "Fact," answered the lt cheaper to rent use."?Chlcag. I Would Stop All Marriages. uk of this plan to minded W ithout : would go to the City 6tar. The Real Exercise. "ls mon l ? nd the "lil Brobfl | walking omes in."? Hard Blow. I'D, Old chap? a mit? ten, but lt 1 ea boxing sith a horse-. N All He Knew of lt. . .tea v ? think de fle?1l li t . an'T" t race ? a yartla Agreeing 1 Boat all I hi A ? .1 doing Royal Baking Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar. Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more * some and Dclici* I..i H .ul* i.. ? .-. ? . WI tel . application i -in....ib. Kuma, Boils ; (fill i Witch den ital in bj ;,ii drug' ? li i noaa rel iev> I. pel ii io's I ?nit , pine - U I nunn ut at ral na . rm i.uiii ? ul Air Lin. tstaasa and New tyt ..t.? 'ity-live liO Hint ' -lill nil il limits ul ni college. I I lavloi, l> I .1, Vu Oil iii .f any - Hie Mason of III .ry thing fur i trover ? ?linn ll, it by taking ? \ h.nial I Irutlifn Huck ? -t cure Drug .:, vim I (? il I Im. . Iii- Hui, r limo