Newspaper Page Text
a A LP, '' - . ,, J it ne ".Hi, 19 if the i ? l j ? : i ' I Coder I kISK Tlifclk v lill. '. MN. ? ?std tt. . I ? I that in tl - .nstitll ? ? a . idle Ihe ? i , cl Mis. * ..r the - ' \\ .tinier . -I my et I V - in his Ut vv i-li ' I 1 rt nu I too ac? tive in | .litics. Html {.lilliic ' ian tn do so day shocked corru| t I le fruin the the bra/en ..titler.-, itt t lotion ls the nus to aid in . and Itoose I >.'murrain' par l baud ' - back. ..'.(lt of I UCIit. How cnn tlie matter? - that a ? sum ,'itribu .? their attur in the j any is ind be, mark Iv lld aiintli t. We id, aud eii lievlng that turill', rall lalinr vt hut not, cali be i il, by I ctiiiiniit'.. X coul? ls eoii tli-t in tlie tiintry ; 'i the bink int thi I , vv ith artllng rapidity it the - hope competent to manage their ila- ind Missouri, fnr .ample, shown bersell caps gulatlng governmental evils with it appealing to the Federal govern I lu- mit Wise.iii-iii shown her . t a- f impetent ni .|tl-t ns apt tn place the Olfli ml thc Itest style nf c..nv let ? ii. il they gn vv mug, ns ??> eminent'.' The plain ct ii, m ? I nie mat ' ? g thc ... .th nil iet nor the '.hut two things 't fi? >tii Federal -upervtalon nnd telephone . ind theil Federal tbould government rather tba .. lUCIlt. Hut why . first, ? retained by - have p, without state opera Wheo all .?nc enoofh ivero v ? rta I ? J -di titi ratii set in -??iircc i ublic Con i be < 'ht Domlnloi - ' a pass ? -I univ iii the 11 nw l lic tn know wbethel Fairbanks is still alive .' If la-t vv ? . \ istence, the < 'oii nei would imt believe tluuigli tine ross fruin the dead tn declare it. At Hu- opening ongross tltOUSBOdl nf bills nie iiitr<M 1 in-eiI. 00 billa troiluoed io Congress In the iii-l week ol the pre Ihe when the -:ili-lie'l with thc mi (reduction nf bill-. They demoed thnt then representative lune st mic nf I issed, I a shave in llicbmotid will jump from 10 cents to 1 i cent.- af tei Decembei in a few yean go io l" ct nt.-. nee asked why angels, ted a- men, always have smooth faces. The reply vvas thal it i- only by the clones! kimi nf a shave that a muli gets into Heaven. And sn nun wiii iv tin- extra Wornt healthy r m l'uic lil tod make- il. Mur? dock Mood Hitlers make- pure binni. TO WEAK WOMEN ? Following Proposition. ?? I in tc ure hun.lid- of women iii them? selves (brunch lite iii pam and Ull? in, Without Vitality, strength ni . IO 11 tl I > 11111?.? lift- iiml mt just In ii condition to be attacked by almost any iii in i.l a v ital Itj el strciigili 'Nnvt at our ex | t mt to i vt oman in Karmt illi? li, try our cod livt i "il preparation, Vinol, ? ceotrated form all of ihe medicinal ? i oil, but no oil oi red blood auu . any medicine we li i i in our ? id when ii woman i litt vtuiiii living. When we tay 'al ? ott il the mt dui' fruin us and pay foi does uol beiiel.l you, we will Mi? Maiy A. W think Vinol i indy in the world : tem. I w:t- ju-t in timi c.tillite. I commenced to take \ lind, i i well, ? "We can only ask i anni ill*- w nun ii tu hy \iiiul un m. i . timi .v Co., Inn This is the Season for buying. The ques? tion is what and where shall I buy ? Our five stores otter values that cannot be duplicated }lsewhere. Our stock is too large and we give ?o\i goods th ?t usually sell at a much higher irice. Tie G.fl Question $ Xmas Festival. $ iii vi im i Doma 12 to i"i In. ie!i, dressed jointed or kid body, w ith slr and will sleep, each I'n li - : .--in at* active gilt frame, beautiful subjects, I'n 11 ni -. Kuiimi glan with gilt .?line, colored h 10c Mi s's vsni, vitii Lim h i bb, niec, elena ?coed bBCk. The regular 50c goods. ?cciiil . a Ms., cordu y, made with tinsh buttooi ?il . Il, C. i\- lol id leather shoes r Men. Women, Boys, <iiris ami uldreii. Un in tlii- -ale at old ?-t vhIir's made. lt Vin I.Il ll Sllol>. I'at. Kui ur .mi re iced bi ?vv.Mi'i.i Hutu -fm nieii .iiiil wemen, it-- tlinn cost ? c n- Dm i- i oh :.' 1-' , 0 inch high, ?ll stuffed, sell Usually a! Man i'Aiit'Kin Cloaks. Three arter length, made ni line quality i-cy, Black ami Castor. ThU ut.nli 115.00. Our price l-l Li:\i.lll- li.nAK-. lillie .'liol .uni, good value, each. . vt-ii -' .-iit.iir (i.i ti.-, licit in . l liuth, Hine, Blaek, Brown I Tan. worth :'i's hui pl tl in'- Ari YYit.'i Sri i-. Blue ami ay mixture, long .'md up-to-date ?u-mt reduced :?? \ll in lateeo, tull i"< yards tm spool, i I N - 1 at iOc, nu: i D"i.i ' i ni, 1 it r gt - Hair dolls ti to IO Inches IO lilllll I I V^ il I .Miule iii invert rain-proof cloth. A pretty stylish garment, mir prit .Mi ?is l.uNi; (i.ttVK-. Full length, kerry cloth, oeweel shades Clich I'llILDKI s'- (inti,-. 5 h. ? : ur lune-, lillie ur Lil Wi Mi \- li \i mm-. Neut pin stripe effect, also check. -lyi.-. kneels! ai. H.OfJ i Lim it Kin Ol liui. < ?? special | i.i I, via.I. Hi i i l-l Make the hitic girl happy, a big purchase Knit Sn v i..i:-. -Ililli- AM> DRAW' ii:-. All sizes, li t a v y weigh t, each ,., ... linn.i it Vests am- I' - l tn 9 Wm i ' Marseilles pattern-. |;..v -' < 'lui ll l mi. Beal line niiule to bi Veal in bock, Wide lapel- ? -- hut? ton", jutt thc thing fnr :ial. o: Mi\ - il Lisle W ebb. pretty -lyle- pal CHRISTMAS GIFTS! What sham. [GIVE? KODAKS For thc boya nnd girls. .'?'OUNTAIN PENS ''WE? C\C* \ I )<ss $1.00 to $5.00 per box. For nlil .-iinl young Magazine Suiiscriptions 00 For thc whole family. H. C. CRUTE & CO., DRUGGISTS. H. E. BARROW & CO., Commissii un Merchants :?NO DI ALERS IN= Farming Implements, Hardware and Heavy Goods ol Every ''rs riptton. [Jest Grades of Fertilizers. If you want thebes! buy thc Owensboro Wagons an J Buggies. WV 1: of Wood Heaters. Give tts n re RIGHT. ic,Iks that Tour of all Mexico; VIA B. ft O. SW. RAILROAD. I'ndcr personal Escort, Thc American Tourist Assoi I il Clientele, Limited. All exclusive privilcj : indi in "iiletit travel. Special 1 'ulliiirm Vestibuled Train, : : r ' . ' ??? Car, Drawing Rooms, Comiinrtments, Libral , il Music Rooms, with the largest Dining Carin tbe worl ft .-md thc famous open-top < ihservation Car, Chilibtli. :?: Tickets Including All Expenses Everywhere. , Leaves January 30, 1906. For itinerary nnd complete information call on \ ': nearest Tickci Agent, or addi : : C. S. KINNEAR, j T. P. A. B. & 0. SW R. R., 213 Eighth Street, Lynchburg, Va ? -7. ? THIS IS WHAT Ripberger Wants to Know. ila. ? tad such a place befori ss i: I l'i:i.i;< .i:i;> m Parm? ville V ll'imt, ami ynu think it is thc riirhl place, iiuvv is (lie time to lt < nine iii iiml let il- ruin ince ynu that wc have the goods, t(ii:tlii>- aiul prices tu suit tlie old and youl Christmas Gifts From lc to $15.00. 1'aiidtes fruin Bc to |1.0D per pound. Fruit cake- 25c per poood. Helect iii nuts 20c pei pound, and mani uther things hm nunieroua to mentloti. Our IlKMTAI KANT is alwaya well supplied witta tlie fresbest and RIPBERGER, Till- PLACE FOR GOODTHINl Cur. Third and Main Streets, Farmville, Va. . . THE . . Baltimore American iblished ITT:1.. he Daily American. Teams by Mail, Pottage Prepaid. ? " i i THE TW1CE-A-WEEK AMERICAN. . . . . <LY ONE Imili.AR A YEAR. in: t w i l..i Grippe Coaft hrosl sud lim. - 'om nu l, tu i, inclusive. December 30th. and \urfnlk ami -tem Hallway Coinpaoj will tell . 'irsimi ticket- on account of Christmas Holidays limit nary 4th, 1908. iiinl the Principal m l're-nleiit, sxcur I tic!-. i, ttl ult li, inclusive limited to Jaoo Bth, 1 ? ur full Informatica apply tn Ticket nts Norfolk and Western l W. lt. I'.evill, i.l' A llii.'tiit.... INTHBCLBBI the'.Till V M. IiaintifT . ailm Goods. Marthe Ford and I !' fenil.inl-. ' Livery and Sales Stables. ZIMMERMAN BROS., North Street, - - Farmville, Va. '\#3y" !.?. * V ; ri IB. ' ^J?* .SHS?, Teams and Vehicles Prompt .'uni polite attention given orders. MULES and HORSES always in stable for s.-ilc. NOTICEI Thu moiler sic. ca holler* inville. Vs.. will the alaclimi of Directors, for thc kt praeent or re? it. aDAVIi' President. STOCKS Bell 'phone 2164. BONDS THE ROPER COMMISSION CO., 2213 Park Avenue, Lynchburg, Va. ST< K* KS-1 ii SI IA RES AND Ul 'WA KI?S $2<I.lN I. COTTON?50 BALES AND UPWARDS 150.00. GRAIN 1,000 BU. AND UPWARDS $20.00. Private wins to New York and Chicago Cor tia prompt exe* ration of onltTs in stock-!, bonds, grain and coi Drop us a postal with your name nnd we will be pleased tu mail you free, our daily quotation list, reaching you the bank day on No. 1-. Correspondence solicited. REFERENCES: lilst Nationftl ,,,rmk' Lyneham*"*, Va. GRAIN COTTON DRAGGING dova pains are a symptom of the most serious trouble which csa attack a woman, viz: {ailing of tho vcmb. With thia, generally, como Irregular, painful, scanty or prcfuro perl cds. wasteful, veaken 'ng drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness. Irri? tability, tired feeling, Inability to walk, leas of appetite, color and beauty. The euro 14 WINE OF CARDUI Woman's Relief that marvelous, curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, ?/Web exerts such a wonderful strengthening Influence on all female organs. Cardul relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stim? ulates the muscles to pull the womb up Into place. lt ls a safe and permanent euro for all female complaints. WHITS US A LITTER In strictest esufidence, telang as sll your troubles. We wM sera*, free td vice (la plain sealed envelope*. Ad? dress: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Toe CbstUmofrs Medicine Co., Chatta? nooga, Tenn. " I SUTFIRID AVSTUl PAD! In ray werne and ovaries," writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of Web* tar Groves.Me., "and ay meases wore vary esBtfsl snd irregular. Since tdklnj Cardo! I feel like a new wotun, and do oct sutler as I did." Dr I. L WHITE, Prtst. H. E. WALL. V. Prtst. I. R. MARTIN, Ste. 6 Treal Tlie Farmville Building & Trust Co., FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. We now guarantee that luana will mature lo a de? finite lum.' im esti? mates . our terms mc very liberal and rates n LOW ia oilier money loan? ing Institutions. i 'anli ititi i iii un deposit timi I psi .rut allowed. We Gilt Edge tO 'It'l'tts! t lon, Writs to or soil BB mi Hit- St'.-rt'tsry ^9 amt Treasurer fur ?J full partifolars. Money Loaned on Real Estate and Other Good Collateral Currants, Raisins, CITRON, NUTS, &c. Stokes & Davidson n. ROBERTSON. O. R. GRIFFITH. BfCeSattatlBI ROBERTSON & GRIFFITH, NO. 20, BAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND. VA. LARGEST ST<?CK of old blended and straight Ryt liquors m =s*(e of any retail house in thc city. Send u< n trial order lor oar ulil "KENTUCKY BLEND" at $2.00 per gallon, or five-year Jd "STRAIGHT RYE" nt $2.23 per gallon. IO CHARGE FOR JUGS OR PACKING. ORDER!3 SHIPPED PROMPTLY. Furniture! Furniture! Wt-li ntten in some very handsome hed-room suiit arc FINER GOODS than we have i shown before. COME IN and look at them. Lots "t ni!' coming in for thc fall trade. Y ? C. C. COWAN, Fnrnitun ! 'mI.rt,-ik?r. READ THIS ll vt il! pa] ! you irt-t ths best of tl.. ,i that. I.'eiiiciiilier the bad weiltlier we bad ln-t Winter, Now i- tin- lune to look tn your roof. V'ulcaoite In undoubt? edly tbe best roof on the nun kel. Law Id , in quality. Vi . roll. J. F. Walton & Co. Mince Meat Plum Pudding, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. MAPLE BYRUP. ?\j Canned \ il] kinda, <~cT Mil ynu ever try e.'tiiit' < runLerrv CHAS. BUGG & sSON, Pniuily ?.