Newspaper Page Text
[tri W.T. IS -; Bu Haterial KMVII And Farmville. Va. sun country and I'ail thiiii: First-Class Drug Store.: pol;: AV will U- jil* ronni Addi Anderson Drug Co., A. LEVY, THE TAILOR. tade to GUARANTEED. i i.i] it villr. A LEVY. The Farmville Commercial Co., Commission Merchants General Merchandize. Heavy Groceries, DryjGoods and Hardwar Special Prices Made on li Bought in Large Quantities. THE FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL CC FAUMVil.l.l- VA. y Bi PLUMBING Steam Pipe Fitting and General Repair* Appl N. M. GILL T^.e Quarterly view Sn?ifi?? School Utson lor Ott ? : ' will differ aa to mt t utllned by I tolly Of lifting one's i Him in whoi our br. whose aro all our Lesson II. God ls able to deliver tho .tiiiually from ? ' . ins. wont of luty of building for I of separation from thf i : jr is of Jehovah, not :, bUt by thr itlon ol r ts put tli ? to use their BOWS) and in 'he Interests ot Uoi ami H I is upoi all that seek Him for good, and Hi liver his trusting servants fron nnd from suet n vin. The character ot tm lng eontampla lion ot f sin, is built upoi appeals to th v, is in ? ? n IX. Things which are pei fectly lawful i lie Injured lesson X. Ths one who works fn I, but at th ? liles. ? _^sson XII. Jehovah is coming t nd to e: ta woi - iiiiiieiit ami i ? 1. AITl.l - coming as on the last day of Ute old yei ts ot the past yes : Eward that 1 ll mir pa sra. V uh, and Qm ? ' we ha H (bra to ase 1. V ws tali . ra ha nation. from t ird times, real a 4. I. and F Faith. ? the ar t tool fam - in. faith that I thlaaa seen I aknowi strength of a man's faith is Inver- .'ularltj Tlv 'us r,( ? ? "1 WO walk in the d with God than no alone In the Ugh willi min by fi than ? it." Shot \i-ttir ' ; i tl ll tat] ? llnllitn lui.lui! lli-sluiis. ROM1 : ? ir debat ; td t Umlaut*. Aim M. Ball] ? ? I. - to ton MoBtrnrtrr.. ll. .lc, ry has r?? ? rilREE BANKS FAIL go National, Il Ingra anti Equitable Trust. IID FROM UKARINi; HOUSE BASKS ..i ll.-I -.1 III I i.ul Mini lt,,.lr.I lillipilli, nt* ol .Lim I. .?. kiaki Ti isitiinl ttl Vii. li.ll Hunk. nih v thc Home liiltable Trust i ? d ot the cleflrini .?it the stilt. t< ;. . : ? ... .1 111 coal and ?i John lt. Walsh, f Uh : th rusund pi i in front nf the dldlng and a in the ii ? ? nks thc tb | ? tho Chicago clearing iring pledged thei g all the re . .if the Chicago banka behind ii.-.lim .ililli uliy with the Institutions ? :i tlmt their Investment mnected with '^vay and coal enterprl ? to I In rmi. At B i I ?' f Chicago lied tn takt control of the Cblci - il.mui and ll banka. Ute .'tiiniiiittt't. took charge ut once, tbe of ? medlati Cblcag ?? all of Mr. Walsh's ? ? ? loor of the Boothera Indiana railroad, a Dumber - nt:', he purchased tlie B quarries in Indiana and coo ? ii Indiana i mi nutlet fur his quarry where thc <'lii' ago and Eastern Illinois railroad foi pollution north and south. Prophet VA ns Tun. th.nil. WEI : luiTinaii. represent ? Iw iii.- "true prophet of . nnd feathered at Perth, n -.nulli town near here, by a iiinit. After thf terrible punishment was applied thf mun walked till night to Renfrew, Oran! county, <?Ula? twen? ty Ullles SOUth nf ben. Ile Buffered tl'.tlil the cold, ns lie WHS with ?mt clothing. Huffman ls charged vv.Mi Inducing a farmer tn che np ls' lim sn that he could regenerate the world. Iviiili I- .it I.liili.. sprliiKs. I oin. IDAHO BTIUNU8, mi,,. Dec, 19. lie im doubt that .Iiihu Krup, who "skipped'' his ball in I ik Uim wft ka ago j': I hare been placed nu trial foi Illegally, has been located. Tht authorities here aw also certain that i ger wh > was leen in Krup'i company in idaho Springs waa I'.. .1 Cornell, chairman of the board of in specters at the polling place when Krup ? ; in inst un iliega ballot. Tarift War on l.rrmnny. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 i ..minni ;i a iharp warning agni' discrimination affecting tin1 Unite) in a MU Introduced by (topra sentatlve Mc< lear] ?! Minnesota. Th bin proTldes au additional duty nf 2 [mr cent mi the warts of any country found dis.?I'iniiiuiting against America] BtOdBCtS AN OPPORTUNITY. h. ig.-1 mv In. Id's Bt'l Bil t; 1 lit! or) lil We want a wkle-awake man n this locality to actively rep resent us in promoting thc nf the Wheller & Wilson sewing machine. This machine isbacked by fifty* I years of success; some of the early machines built by this company are giving faithful ser? vice to-day. We can offer exceptional in? ducements to some one in this locality who can command a horse and wagon and devote his time to advancing the sales of our product, Knergetic men will find our proposition a money maker, cap? able of development into a per? manent and profitable business, WRITB FOR INFORMATION. kui e ill net Ths Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Faetorv atid Head Office. BRIDGEPORT. CONNECTICUT H. S. A tfHil -.SH ttKhlWALPILL .iv. I'll ILA., I 4~.i>.. tautaaa. THE ONLY REMEDY THAT CURES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. RUBBING DON'T CURE, s Rheumatism is an internal dis rMd requires an internal remedy. RHEUMAClUt: '(Jets at the Joints trom 11.side," mid that is the reason it Cures after all other remedies have failed. Rheumacide cps all thc poisonous perms and acids nut of the blood Makes You Well All Over.*' Those pains are dancer signals, warning you of a disease that ens thc entire system. Headaches Pains, Bad Taste in the Mouth, that "No-Account" feeling indicate tnat you need 1 EMOVES THE CAUSE OF THE PAIN. Cured 80-year-old Mn. Mary Weinam, ol High Point N. C., alter ths had suffered 20 yeare. Cured Rev. J R. Wheeler, 70 year. old. a leading Methodist minister of Rcltterttown, Md. Cured Johr. F. Elinc. ot Balti? more, after Johns Hopkins Hospital had completely failed. Cured James Wilkes, of Dillon. S C., after he had been In bed three years .nd his less were drawn up against his bick Belier get a bottle from your Druggist at once. Sample bottle and booklet FREE If you send 5 cents for postage. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO,, Proprietors, BALTIMORE. There's Danger in Delay. " ?. July 18.1906. i n ivember with l taking ? intrt rv ks suv ? ? ? truly, " ' ? NOTICE! R. FRANCK)] ?i 1 m?'k ?s? ii stt-r ? A k DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Tea SI 00 bott:, cot tal si 24 aaeeetlM tr il alia vttleh ssl alor 50 caeca. rasPABso Mit at tms I fttftff UTI ITT o' K. C. ItsWITT dc COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL 'Otllll. I. I Fry, :;o cents. Half.frj , 16 cents a: Ililli: .uni I The Largest And Best jil.'int in thc State Charis Miller Walsh tn u bte tu r< r, Va. -. lill.WK .rv ilf?iri|itit)ii. I- ur ti. villi-. Vu. ilAVK Mn i: fi-1 NI DON : atmiol" Early Risers "K "'mi- t Tho famous little pills. STAR WAREHOUSE. FARMVILLE, VA. Will I , ;l li; VI I ll Largest and Best Arranged. ('oiufi>rtalilt*i|ii. uni Hu- lu prin - < liv ll G. W. REDD, P. A. GRIGG, H.S. 11 i OFFICERS dent ll. \ -\. m. <;. Raumin, M. i . Iiirli:inl-itii. I 'i \> I. Am; . . it-l.'iry and W. T. DOYNE, UNDERTAKER AND LICENSED EMBALMER. Metallic and all Styles Wood Collins ON HAM). imiiin t i ai:m\ n.i.i A Large and Complete LINE OF FURNITURE AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU. s Baby Carriages and Go Carts Marked Down. DOYIME'S. Herald and ll. Y. World Iii The Acknowledged HEADQUARTERS For tinl .ill I ; IS AT RICHARDSON & CRALLE'S, Thc Leading Clothiers and Dry Goodi Dealers. IJ, Dil A. E. CLAPHAM. JIM flt LOSE, J. I BOGS, vice-President, Caskier, Int faker. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY, The First National Bank of Farmville, SAVE YOUR MONEY! ' inf w ny you cnn do tl i nc conni '..itli lin- FIRST NATIONAL HA! Receives Deposits in nny nmount. AHowh interest mi timedcpositB. WHAT DOES IT MEAN tn Itt tin iilriiils At i I'M ri. A TK mi ii Life Insurance I'.tlitv .' In many i'itiii|i:ii. i imtliiiiL' more than an agreement on the part ??! th* alder in lin w a inuit dividends t"i dfteeii nr twenty years and then i iiiv blends the company univ be vt i; .boab! v-.n die or lapse the policy during the accumulated period, all divld.tjdn a i Dividend* ur.' declared K\ I in tlie MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, nml tiif |...|iry iittlilfi-ii-i-I'liiii 1.1 In l|t I'nv their premiums, or to buy increased insurance ? .r lo convert their policy into an endowment. II Will I,li I.l?', bi .ymir ml E. SCOTT MARTIN. JNO- D. WATKINS C M BASS PLANTERS WAREHOUSE S. W. PAULET ['RESIDENT. JNO. R.MARTIN WU TREAS. DIRECTORS. v i.i, -. Vi. I' VII I.l I W li. lilMilllll .. li. .1" :. ii. imi \s . v. run.i.ii' v. II. un ii v ? :. n. i' vi ii i i v. II i \l I.Ni, FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. Lraf Todacco Sold akd Stored. W.irill Mull- .uni latrSY Mi ls. ( iMlllnil.llilr I. ?4gifl" Humus. In tlie I'm ii i, illly (ur selliliK llieil ' tn Hi. 11 itii i ii >ii tn nil tolaiceo entrusted I In Us, Mini pi ? WATKIMA lass. Inspect il. lt. Warriner, J. C. (lamett, ( lt l;. W . Kuqua, rjollcitor. ESTABLISHED 1867. Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va. CAPITAL, $43,426.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00 H. A. fl ilent. W. W. I'. Vkn.viii.k, Assistant < ashier. oadn' tl RigMig Bull kuiunt Solicited. Interest AHoucd on Time Deposits s. w. Pi DIRIiCTjttRS: J. If, ('Kl ll A. K. (KAI.I.R I. J. v W. I. CL4?u Iii and N, ?, hi ,i Mfr."/. W>slen esp .cave farmville daily. I ll A.M. KABT. v., IB, Ni..t. I I'' i.. iii. s.:ci p. pt ' ' vMi WKHT. B il m. tl lone. ' Sll.l IllMIII I K -1 lill HU..I,Ki, ... . lt,ll. '??.Hi, I'll-llll. ? ts.1 III i , . iii.iil. e lui ...un,' l>| llirlhlil.ll ..i iMitlil.tirir, Until,uki* .nil Intre ni..? ' monti, Norfolk. I'n it, Ku Mutti,,I ?>,it '..Ik. . I, i, i.ntl ia, I'iiIIi'.hi. ....I Kl., Ni SF? THAI YOUR lirKETS HEtO OVtR Iff Norfolk and Western Railroad CHrAeTST. ?,^ST MtS OUICHtST LINT. VI;,I ?, 'I'lliii-.Tnl ll v. I 1 -. I.l ? I I?'v m, l.. I in mv lill-. Vi, , m. r. m ut. i ra?. I'.is I'.... nt.I,.-. V i. i; ABOARD Ll Ml i t' A11. WAV . > ni IBs si.mi I m..I Mt xii i.. . .. lit' i I tl I.. .:.! '... \ I I i .nih i ?. il ti -,.. i.11._- ran i.i vi .i .1 I.. \ un : s, .i,,,.,,,| i .,,,. ,.?,, .,,, opt ti. .1 nu Hil. limn. Hut .. i .1 I be h it lt. -i ' . . .. ..-lu N I uti' li I UK without i I.,11. ki- to Kim nlit. I ..111 |Ml-.l| 1,1 .in i.n? unit rmi. lunn alts | i i? lt Al in nt.. Sh va li? lt,tit, .Lu k-.inx i'll- iiml lan.|.:t. ItiinnliiK I . r inri.I., ullin ul TltAINS A UKI Vlf, AT UH ll MOHO-l>A I I.V. V Ul I- lurillH, AtlHItlM nnil the Houlnxtaat, '? i ... . lorita AIIhiiIh Ililli li.I- -v.l, lil VI -si. M.?NO I '"Hi ll nil IMlllltH. I,ii nil iiiliii.i itlinii ns li, rates st Iii-iIii!. -s VV . VI IAW.OK H.T. A. II. S. I.KAMO, ll I'. A. sin.;. l:n linn,ml. I I,uni-UK, T. M. ll I v I.i ni I . Ma, .. ?1DKWATKH v U Isl KILN UAH.KuAH. ' , i vit.iitlav, May ?, IBM. Iii lunn I ?! ?,, I,numil v M.,-. |?| s.itiiiiirn H. ll. Mourin} > Itally ri. Itally ag, I Mon -munn*. Hun i.M. LT. Ar. 1'. M. I III Kai mv I Ut Hawk Kn lal ls . i .uni Ku li ny i i ..i..i..i'i,\ ilia Kallav mn H. limit Mi. i.n l't...t ? D Al Iii i Hock. Kit i,m .1 iv.-. loot lu il ll is ll in ? ii vt Intrrpoek sae! BliBatsael : -.ullin i n gall bb* j imii. .s tsiimlHy. t. M I.v. Arr. I vi. Il 12 ll III a n i|*.t-k ..I,, Mkluq Darter -tullin rn Ky.) m. Ki. I. nu. nt I lu-. 7*/ 2 III I Kl < 'A ,.|.... k nml III, I, hiiU I VI,,inlu .. inroad. HIlilli.) . I tut, Mn,. Arr A.M. VV im,-i | ... k ...h. Hammil ret , .Nll-li Ar. t beater ur. I't teraburg m. Kl, I,ii,omi I.v. Ivn Ive ll IT il tai ? l"?l)tl ?wm ..i ,i m. r..i li lunn Ku l.nnm.I. li. it.., u Bermuda and Cheater. W ? rivi c. iiniulr 7.ia ii. m. Ket urning leave Herminia Ml 11. m., in i ? p. m. Imllv x..|.i s?i,,I,,v. au trains stop ?l K. * P I Bing. 1. .M. Il I.U.I OTT, K ll. II 11,1.1 AMS. lr.. vik-r tum. i ^n ,v raes. Act' Kl. I,num.I, Va., July Ul, Ititi,. 1'Hti.NM.i I I Mi I . . given iit.t Uvt i hi mv Illa a Powhatan Kallrnad will Inn .ted by the Tidewater B vt.-mm l: All nu,. I ror Hi-riiunt nf lins t'ouipauy vim uiii ptn? ratall ts h. M. .. i. un,I nh in' inuits tt ill I . Il v/I.N,, nil lilli til tl tl 1. .Inti,- fur ul,tun Should ' ? :, Ibis city. T. M. lt. Tai m SOUTHERN RAILWAY UO. RfleeUveiOUM linn. Mt, ' lllltil.Mi. '..H.,uv; ,mi pol nu .,, ni. I | Wsalilnglon ?u-svllie aud rm H/aafcinftna ('ullina,? .- ll,I ?*,.. I VA ii-l. tiigloll fur WaeblBftsa .ml vv ,i-|.,ni ton .nd or vt h-li I uk ton nml pointe u, a I ll ll'il Mi. ? - '..I AIIhi.H .nd . t.,,1 sad Si.nih ur.i. rn . ' I'nlliii.ii train, for lanooga, M. -lupins ,i.viii*.nd w.y < ..inindia,Ha All.nla, Kir Agent. Mau ?a? , for (Urti ? ' 1 '" "".''' I \ N, delier.l Agi , i lii.illr Man I'hhh* niter Aceut Traoc Masks DCSIGNS Copyrights Ac. Sticiiiiiic Jlttierlcari. - ? Ijirraul dr I nnrntoalera. New York HMS I' ? ? A har. if 9 CO 36it'1**m,? "Bi'atncti mace. (St ?" l*C WeaavineSua.