Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVIJJiE HERALD. HONOR F()lt THI I'AHT, HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR I UK HU UK. KA RM VI LU-:, VA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,1906. W*. 13. ro*pVN iMiiCTciiv 1 .'-!Y ECTORY. vi roitM . vi mw : Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, J- M CRUTE, ll Law. W \IKI\S & UROCk. [SW Ul, I*. :. \t C KPANM wv. ' \y HITL tV. co., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, ll. C. BRISTOW FARMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AM) SIGN PAINTER, PAPER HANGER .Wi INTERIOR KCORATOR. '? ll M ll ol) R. C. BRISTOW. IIRICKS! BRICKS! Foundations and'Bnildinsis, mptl> mus. LNixm, ii ?KIM INI ? JOH Ol - '-.-.. Livery and Sales Si tbles. ZIMMERMAN BROS, ni ville, \';i. t ^-gjp'if"' f ii wi- Vi:iii( laKs I'mnipl ,-uiil puliti mules and hors: s Shoot Peter's I Ideal SHELLS, s lid i DUVAll, SON S CO. YOUNG t BRO. ? DEALERS IN FRESH MEATS nf nil kinds .... Country Produce, Farmville Flour Shipstiiif. 11 [ghcsl market price paid l<>i I Inn > .-mil Fi'RS of all kinds. A share of public patronage ? liiili'l. Third St.,"near Main, Parmvii.i.k, Vii COME ON Yes, Come Aranniag Or Winter Will Overtake Yon. linn- tn buy your - iud \\ I-..I lim new mt- lii-.iu uiil] umlouhtvdly tlie" ima-l I In- market. Wi liauille nil -i.\ les ami inti of tlie latent nm ? S. VV. Paulett & Son Mint -I . l-'iiiii', lill-. Ya a Haisius, Currants, Figs, Citron and MIXED NUTS at Chappell's. NOTICEI . REWARD OF FITTEST The Rov. Dr. Talmaf-e's Sermon on Harmonious Devolopmont. 1> ll I ll In llnraaln'* Th. -h. ? Hill i,r III.- -I.irlliinl IA, (f..i I OH \' rn. Juli j.: in : null tin- preacher demonstrates tin- mir ni' natural law in tin- spiritual IV.trill, illili -Imus Hint 1.1 a > -la-ill. lui'll lal, moral aud spiritual derelopinent BUghl to linn.I harmoniously together lu produce tltc beal tyi.t manhood .uni womanhood. Tbe text Ls l'-.nm i, w iv nf tlit> ungodly --Juill per Of nil the hooka vi Iii. li Cbs rles Darwin liss linil (rester influence wnriti iii- "Or ileana nf Natural He? ll i- 'lu im! accept lunik ii linn:. Inn in ? tn- sentence s li Ich in a vv.- il,, accept "The -ur ? la ii sjciiteuce s li Ich i luging down tin- lui riil.ii - ut im..- We in?l iii.- survival nf tin- nttcsl ??vi ri m Iii -I.- \\ .? iiml ti,,- stronger rn wt) ins oul the w.-.ik. i We Iiii.I the Btroilgei B|tcctes inuit; il|inii ?mil driving mit tin- weaker We iiml tin- stronirer creatures nf the -iu-i les trampling upon ami ? ng tin- animals and pl.mts of .'nu kimi. 'lite nllur tiny 1 ivan sitting mi a overlooking a beautiful jrard nil..! willi roses. Buddenly l heard i i commotion in the i. Willi that I saw a big tat grncefullj ? i Hu- fence with a little chicken in lier month. Then, oil lu lite distance, hal cal run aw av lu terror from n pursuing thin Tlien, lu Imsglnntlon, "iii hull- dog being seised bj a wnli. 'I'luii 1 saw- tin- vi.iii '.v a in..lint.lin linn Nell in- linn being slain by tin- Lui ht nf a min. lu imagination, every winif l -aw thc stronger preying nuou th.- weaker. A- l ssl mt that porch i myself, "ls nut Charl. ? ni.lui-, 'tin- survival nf Hu? nt univ th.- law nf nature, hut tim law of iJ<a. 1'.'"' Vt--, yes, 1 said, lt is true. God deals with tbe human rate Just a- hf deals with thc vegetable and animal kingdoms, as inii as with thc mineral, lt is nut for us tu vlndlcats that law. our lu? nd our linly Iii- In recognizing uni adapting ourselves tu :allon, 'Ihe penalty nf ludo lenee lu this world is subjection and tin.illy extinction. Thc men who arc through listlessness fall lu the r-iei- ngnlnst strum; limbed rivals. ?vhu would win must strive, strom,' physically should we he. Why'; Because in this rustling, hus liing, pushing, Justinn; ami high pres -me age it is nu Impossibility fur any mau tu make ii success in life he in broad nf chest limh iitul clear of eye. Bren nuder tin- very brightest nf conditions tbe ! strain U awful. With poor .1 equipment a sneci ssful life ls well iiluti an Impossibility i tiu nut believe lu the physical survival of the fittest. Bound the thesis "i -.lime of mir successful men. When tin- great Beery Ward Beecher fur tbe .e entered the ni p. Orson Fowler, the phrenologist ex 1 tu iii, partner, "My, what a Cu.- animal:" Mr. Beecher wan a fine animal. As lull look Upon the picture of that mngnlflcenl bend yon ar.- not surprised tn hear that young Henrj Ward Beecher wis th.- Oneal football of hi- ehiss iii Ambers! college I look upon a Inni; ruw ni pit lures nf the workl's most eminent min i-ters nf tin- past generation 1 find that aItbout exception tiny wera all ii I ma ls. Il ls almost an Impos alhllity fur any man tu stand In tin front rank of the ministry today with mit being a phystcsl athlete. Rev. Robert Oollyer, th.- poetic preacher nt New fork, graduated from the black smith's forge, hut many ministers wini are preaching In mir targe cities llltl easily step fruin the pulpit tu the blacksmith forge ami herculean blow, sn great is their phys leal as well as im-tita! stamina. "Th.- survival nf the fittest." Ol we iiml lt In the taw nf physical equip ?neut Young men. young women, in aggie of life are yoe g ling to allow yourselves ta be trampled nnder 'nut merely because you do nut h-uk ?ir phy-ii-al health'.' Arc yin going tu let the great opportunities nt ? from ymir grasp inertly he rinse \u|| have nut taken the propel physical exercise ami ft?sl ami alee) for ymir lunns ami heart ami stomach: ??oh." saiil William T. Sherman ti Deners! (.rant mic tiny. "I feel Just ai iihlc to tarry on another war ns I ili<l twenty years ago." "Yon maa feel sn Blicrninn," anawerad General Oran! "but feeling so tines mit make you able , in- mentally ns bright as wt I'ver -.vere, hut wc could not stand tin ! strain." Thc dill war Bras fought ninl wnti Just ns much hy Ur.nit's Stomach ns Ly (.rant's hrnlli. Young i.pie, Ly th.- law ut th.- surviv ll of the fittest (esl lillis jun trike erin? .f yourselves physically. This is h tru? ism, hut lt ls a truism the Ihirw Ininti teachings, as well ns the divine cen innmlinents. never tire of priSSin| borne to human hearts. I see thu broad stout cheated fanner's Loy coming tc lin- town nnd pushing thc pule heed pbjrBfcal weaklings in rli;ht anti left. I would atoo tell yoe that there la nt' 'le law of the survival of fbi lille-t In the nieiitul wurltl. 'ihe nun who cnn think thc quickest, the nun ivliu caa supply s.vine loaf felt want li tnunlty, ls thc mnn "shell votnj [<y crowd his competitors tn thc wu!! ind there ls no help for lt. Thc sams aw which mnkos lt peeatMa for a cat :o pounce upon a little chicken or a sopard tn leap upun tho back of a 'awn ls precisely thu haine lnw which le for the ninn of drains 0 Climb to his thrum* over the hacks of inn who Lave p..> Lralns. Communism I bat ls not right No om* mun .hmilil have more than lils fellows." ilut communism uiny talk from now ititll doomsday. Talking will do no fiiiul. There ls a universal law of the utrviial of the tlttest in a mental wuy, uni no communism except thc mm t iiunlMii of Christlun love can change lt ? HOW ls this law sroramg mit that hriiins which think trample over lu nia? ll Illili do not think? Why. you ran see lits "ii i-v. ry band. Thirty ur furty years nun ever) llttl- town bad in cobbler. This cobbler not only re? paired the shnes mill buftS, hilt Ills'. linnie the shins ami Lunts, l>vt one tiny th.-n- taine atong a man with brains i h. himself: "What ls tin- im of all these t-uLLIers making their ii.Mit- by bandi I win make rmi tin tin- Work of lle-h ami blood." Till? man nf brains went tu work He bulli a targe factory. lie employed mm banda H.- made these '.'i") IisihIs, s Ith the use ut inm-him ry, tin lin- tin,.-- the wnrk Which the same number ul' nord ti) tin. lie abo lowered li lng prices. The shnes alni win suit! tine tinrd cheaper than they used to be. The man of brains who drove oat the village cobbler was the sams kimi of man that drove oul tbe vlltagi wheelwright The min ul Lr.nus vi hu drove away the village cobbler ls also tin- kimi of man of brains who look away the business of tin- typesetter (?in- (lay this mail nf brains walked llitu the printing ulli.-e rn, editor, ls a typesetting' mai li stead nf employing twenty, thli men tu set your type, all thal yon will linvi' tu tin j- tu lin \ e ii lunn -it il itt n at Uti- mat lune, as a I'adcrev down at tin- plano, ile can pl kel- fur awhile ami tin- wh.ile work ls limn- " "But." cry the v Mage ? ami the rlltage wi.Iwrlghta ai ! Mn ulil tv pe-.-tt.-l -. "v nil Inn I I mn life's work. We cannot ii ? hilt follOW the lint, nf work v\.- ti-t I |. ? lu We shall starve We -hall die." lint the inexorable law nf the nf the finest means tint th. chines -hall extal ami thal ti r thinking brains -hall triumph over tin man whose brains never think. The fittest survive in the mental realm. There ls nu doubt aimil! lt Now, mv friends, ami especially my young friends, what an- yon :? do shout this fact*- Are j ru g let ymir brains lie dormant? Because suinc have Lt t-n cobblers for twcnij n-e .uni -till tn L.- a Bowl Are ynu mentally g.lllig Li tri tn i|n the Work nf tia- present r,-ullin In tin- way our forefathers dk ami imf Ly the pn-s.-ut np tn il itt methods) Are yon going tu rt advancements nf the time- in tin- waj suine nearsighted l*ennsylvnnln mihi er* tlitl many yean ago) I ii tl Le giving these facts exsctlj Lut the story I am telling is snlsrtnn Bally true, (inc nf tin- pmmlnenl rail roads nf the ea-t v\u- extending It lines toward Pittsburg. Tlie i officials wanted tu run their Iron rall* through a certain township. lin farmers ruse up In protest 11 "If ii.' allow tin- railroad tn Le bulli it will du nil the hauling our farms will Le broken np. ami mir horses "ill Le melesa, because then there will lu nothing left fm- them tn carry tn mar ket." "These farmers nut univ protest isl thus Lat In the slate leglstatlvi halls at Harrisburg, through their rep ?iv,-, th.-y defeated thal i from riiiuiliiK through their township The result was that that i going into Pittsburg Link auolhei course. Thc niii farmers' township ls now sidetracked, lt is nothing bul e simple country town. On Un- othei hand, the valley through whlih timi railroad now runs is pros|tcroua ami wealthy. I.alni has doubled alni trebled in value. There ls an hie law of the survival nf the lilies*: Iii bruins How are you grafting youl opportunities) An- you trying in mske the wul lil travel ill st ri i_- I canal boats when the shrieking whistle of the Overland Mm calling it- passengers la gel If jun tin nut develop your Lr.lins. then, hy the law nf man ami the law nf Hod, tn the wall v.Ul inil-t g survival nf ihe fittest" ls tin- mental;.ni nf life. Never ht thst mic truth mit nf your mind until you have tlevi-|,.pii| your lUtdtact t I lt lltles. Hut the fittest survive in tin- iii ii.t World as well as Iii the physical am! tin- mental The man whu i- hi.i ami inn- ami noble will always, In th. long run, win tiver lin- lunn wini is de ceitful ami dishonest Then i lutely im doubt BhOUt lt All mhei thums ticing equal, there ls a of the fittest lu the roora I realm. Ye! tu heal -nun people talk you would suppose that lt never pay- to bc hon est or truthful iii business lite. The merchant arti fui in the true sens.- of tin- word i- lt >l tin niau who cheats his customers, itu Hm iiiiiii who will give his mon for their money than any one el-.- will give \ en-it merchant builds np bis business by winning tin- confidence ami tin- respect of a community, not bj Belling them shoddy gooda Ihe atorj ls tuiil that many years ago a new trader went mit tn live among tin- In diana, No "sooner had in- landed ami opensd his stun- than tin Indian ebie! tam.- tn him ami bought some ti" ?ls Ihe chief said. "I pay yon tomorrow" Th.- m-xt tiny the Indian chef with many members of his tribe. Then h.miinem .-d tu pay tin- trailer In; his i;imm1s. He gBVS him um- mit skin, then another skin, then anoilui skin aad tlu-n another skin until h. t had given to him four skins. Th' goods were worth Just nlmut fOUl ?kins. Then the chief drew ont n N-.-iu Ifni otter skin and orfer.-tl lt BM toa .tiered this fifth skin to t. st the trad ?r's honesty. "Chief," salt! the trader, 'I do not want that tlfth skin. You invf paid nu- enoiiai'i" 'Ihe Indian ?hlef mild: "So, no. White man, take his skin also" Attain and again the s-hlte trader rcfinr-d. "No. chief," sahl ie, "you hnve paid mc enuUKh. I do jot want any more." With that the Indian chief gave a grunt of sittlsfae :lon. He turned to his warriors nnd mid: "Come, trade with peMaV ? IL lonest man." Then turning to the nhite trailer he said: "l'alefin-c. sup? pose you take that last skin, Indian BO irade with you. Then ms know JOH llabonest white num." Ah. .ves. the old milan trailer knew thc law of tim sur rival of the fittest In the > world. The WU** the gnat merchant mlltls up his true Imsiness sn mt hy cheating lils cusfmners. Lut Ly tlvvays LeiiiK h-tlicsf, slwavs trtlfl SUtl ilways trying to give his customers nore for their ninney than they tan ret In any other store. As there ls a survival of the fittest a th.- physical and mental anti moral ??'alms, so there ls also a survival In he spiritual realm. Chnrles Parwin icier meant to apply tills sentcne* to tue spiritual world, nut Doa not emphatically dues this in tin- ? my tait How does the Brat psalm of David randi Tbe godly "shall be like ??hinted by the rivers nf irater, that bringeth forth its fruit In -"ll. Ill- leaf abu shall mit wither. ami whatsoever h.- doeth -hall i * ? ? Hut tin- wi.', nf Un- nugsily shall perish." Yes, linn- I- Iii. the survival nf tin- fittest In tl itual world. If we ere oue with Christ We -hall grow ami kei || lill IhrOUgh the eternities, v. Lear fruit millennium nfter mill If we an- nut um- with Christ We -hall become "111.1- tbe rfasfl which lin drive th nvva.v " Tin- whirlwind judgllienl day -hall -vi .-ip os . mil' eternal doom. "But." -ay- mn-, "bow i-miltl ii mn ri like Charles lin truth Mk" th!- nil v, .nhl and ?, i i, a graap it in Un- -,? '?.'iihl h.- lin.: 'prints lu na tun- ami yet nm Iiml i, i nil Cai I cannot account i'm- Uni 1 and dara nut pa s |n litnienl on ? - hu- I ..inn..I un-:, iniw tb linn his Li. I, iipuit i Ind ai y ia I can iiml. i il .- h a lui. r nf Hi.- L. tut,i al cuni i sn warp lils mimi III it tlie |hj sh.ih.--iu-.iii- nisi lin- musk Handel ami ]'?> elliot en rmi \ .-..lilli not Lilli-!i III- ll In lil- OS ll ll ?:?! f >l!oW HIL' "1 ll ive Slllll ill ll ll, nil. mi mind bas eli ac il dur ii i th las! twenty years. I p lo the age of i it or beyond it p?? tr km.11 such as Hie works of Milton Itv inn. Wordsworth. I' Shelley, gave me ? h inl'iie I to llghl in siini. dally in t n histor i il - I I; ii' formerly pit ,iLle pleasure and mn l ? ight. Hut now, for lunn; ire i-i re "I I have li . tl Int -h tn un! fulani it III t L n.iil-i alert Uie. 1 I '? ami pit U . nie (ht which ii former!) rt r n '? ? line student in om ly iii il h al Inweil ! ami nature awl Ins love I come atrophied Burts wre mightily alu. coniplcti Iv ilcnd. Int me read on a Kith mimi seems tn Inn - machine for grin ling nf large eoll< nhl him i-rn : ih of ihat put of thi h ; -.-ia. I I 'an i-eive. A niau v. i!h a mani iii ? i ' iniiie v.nulli not, l sn; p"-e. ha suffered, ami If I hud to .iiT-iln I wuul I li ive in ide n rule t. lilli 1 -'! ll t inuslc at ie.i-i once a w ? k I hap- tin- pm r phh d w.iiiltl thus hav.- I. ,. . k, j. through use, The IS ll lu? lu- Injurious rn Ihe mi ll pro! sal dy lo Ihe ni n tura." I'n vuii wonder thal I whu wrote such seiiteiu i could lei the spiritual i Le. nine iitruphlisl as vv .-ll n- | thi tlc nu 1 ihe I. fir Ihe ts nu hil Alni -it. v ming pe mil- n - a ell people, as y mi dei ? mid .ral lines I want J along the line of the -pi I ynu tn dei clop in < lirlsl and I Christ, ith ' i- th mci t ??lie "I h ? tried tn develop my elf rn nnd I i lui-t." Iheii. my lirothl ? resson why j nu should not stn I Win ii an enemy mi. day taunted th. ? l'-piit I muse of his humble birth snd I lie hail begun life a- a tallow ?' In life used I In nil probability brui rn as 1 beg in lt you wonkl have randie maker all yow life" i (nilli- of ns ure wari e I -pirti . ihat uiv rea on vi:,- in i hi cannot become "like n tn ? pl mii-l Li the riv ern of water, tba! ??I'.'" < "li hiv in i lil isl iiiul through (In ? not spiritually atari ano* ? law of the -uri iv al of the fittl (tod, you shall prosper snd liv* for i-ver and ever \\ ill Vim lint I ' now, In-i-uiii-- nne with Christ fur tin ' 1,11 lli-.e|ii|.me|ilV Kills like Lightning. low llcjdh Khcum.iliMn of thc Heart Comes (Ip. ; gins yi n fi ci w inn von lir-t rtae in the morning aching pains ni be joints, shooting |?lns in tba - nf warning I bey are anger signals, evidences nf a deep rated tn.ul.le that If not n-moved may iLi-I Hie eulin- System and cause braille ili-case, or If the Battas la aol ninnie.!, Iii v may develop soddenly nL> Hie deadly Rheumatism nf the it-art. wine!) kills like lightning lletter "pit rid of tts vlii-iiiiiHti.-m ami it- kindred ,l rc caused Ly the accumulation of otaorx u- ai id- in Um Mood. Hobbing .Hil otto or liniments will nut cure it: t ls an internal disease, and can lie niii|iiered only hy an internal remedy. 'here is just one complete cure ill l-l (MAUI UK. RHEUMACIDEJ eu traill ll the dangerous germs out nf the lood and "make- ron well all over " IHEUMAC1DE Cl ll KS because it ls he nilly rsnasdy tliafgeb-sttliejuiiits min the inside." Mr W. K. Hughes, of Atkins, Vs., "Four buttles of KHKl'MACIIiK ave entirely cured me nf along stand BJ ease Of Rheumatism, sud gristly ?proved my general licalth. I was a ital wreck, having had rheumatism tr twenty years. 1 s|tent several ,.fk-Hiul iiiinii iiiotiev trvlng special ? is in (Tow York, but RH EU MAGI DE . the utily cure I have found. When bogan tn usa it I weighed I to poonda low I weigh Iso punnd", my iinrmal '?eight." Herald and World |1.60. THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION BISD S ETB VIIW OS TMB EXPOSITION OSOUNOB TMe oretcisL sial os the exposition WITH THE EXCSeriON or LCTTBMINO sus. sounoino Seal it is the same aS was used officially by colony of visqlnia ulm nt part of the message which President Roosevelt sent to the Fifty-ninth the United h has Just convened in Wash Ington, was devoted to tbs Jsmestown t ration tbs I ..Llllty ration, the Congraas pssasd an ait, March 3, 1905, sir.. 107, on ami the watt ra of Hampton Roads, In tho State of Virginia sn In! military celebration tn honor By authmity -. Ly this act I have made proclama .formlty with Ita lnstru lclpate by sending their . nd bu< h military organisations as may be practicable. dd fall of tts purpose unless lt were enduring In Its its with the importance of the event to be celebrated, nt from a Mun dated Its birth. I earnestly hopo that this y thu Congress of the United States, and by ths of the CoDtrres-s, will i il nhl at your hands as will make lt worthy of tho great li la Intended tu celebrate, and thereby enable the government of the Unit, 't a for the exhibition of its own resources, and Ilk who have undertaken the work of such a celebration to nd proper entertainment nnd Instruction In the hi of "ur country for all who may visit tho exposition and to wh ? I our hospitality." Slr. Roosevelt declares that the ration "would fall of Its full purpose, unless lt were enduring In Us results and commensurate with the event to be celebrated." Tho Jamestown Exposition was organized by Virginians, under au? thority granted by tho State Legis? lature. Tho management has work? ed consistently and zealously to pro? duce a celebration in every r worthy of the State and the to bo celebrated. The selection of the slto for the exposition was mainly deter. because the adjoining places pos? sessed certain advantages whl othor vicinity afforded. On the shores of I' Roads and on high and dry gr the exposition's structures u ? reared and the tremendous ex; of harbor-way, stretching for miks before the eight, give an i ; tunlty for a naval celebration protected sheet of water, cai accommodating pra iloat. Hampton Roads has an area of 160 square miles, most of which ls chan? nel way, and at any part offers safe anchoi Nothing remains of thc original settlement except the ruins of the old church tower. The neck of Isnd which connected Jamestown with tho main country has been swept away by tho storms of the centuries. Much of tie d has erroded hy the on-ru^h of the mighty James, which pours lt less torrent of water ceaselessly agalmt th- lam!; however, the clement been unable to destroy the sentiment which attaches to lt as a settlement. It was the first colony of English speaking people In America, from which pro 1 the others, and Virginia's effort now to celebrate this great ev. In the language of Hon. T. D. Dunn, of Rochester, N. Y., the ch' ' eloner for that State for the Jamestown Exposition, "merely th calling her children home." The people living around Hampton Roads have subscribed more than a million dollars to make this enterprise successful, ai - . has already appropriated $200,000 In aid thereof. Sixteen ir-tatca of the Union have agreed to partlcl; . have subscribed various sn. ranging from $25,000 to $150,0000, the latter I .-,? been approprl' ated by New York. . ^ Virginia will have an exp lon worthy of her great history and ..munt, lt will bo historical In construction, detail, equipment ind features. The view of the site, shlch ll shown herewith, gives a : I.L .a of what will appear on Hampton Roads In 1907. A splendid colonial city will oc upy an area of about three-quar f a squaro milo. Along tho will bo a magnificent drive? way securely bulkhead'd, with a ; "tcctlng wall, and. Jut? ting from the shore, two Inn Ixt'-en hundred feet long and two hundred feet wide, conne - 1 with an eight hundred f""t f same width will form a safe ami commodious water basin or harbor for tho protection of small craft and for thc conduct of aquatic sn. h as swimming, water pulu. I the ships of all nations will ride at anchor. The lt nt has already ISBUSd his -malton. Inviting the foreign governments to send to the Exposi? tion representatives of their ami detachments of their soldiery. Two governments have already elg ? noir Intention of participate langland and France. It ls understood Informally that Japan will send Admiral Togo and hts Nortbera Pacific squadron. It I- practically certain that every one of th.- Im portas I nf the wnrld will bo represented at the Exposition, nut only with th .t with at least one regiment of their choicest sol Th.. Exposition Company dues not contemplate holding a hug" Ir, show ami making that subserve the purpose of commemorating tho 1. ?r.irv th.- most exhaustive efforts of the l been pul f"rth fur the purpose of securing the features of ti. |i ai ir r lally such as relate to thc carly days of thi All ul show both historical developments and li .: with ns the former display will predominate In tho exhibitions by the eommonwesltbs. It ls safe to say that Virginia will adopt the aaa much of Industrial and commercial aadvar.t sj t mpslllng claim which Virginia has for th world Iles In her story, which, rightly set before the world, would In rather thmi diminish thc regard In which she ls held by States and nations. /7V' 1 it&JmYJ'1 TOWER AT JAMESTOWN?AU. THAT OF THC OLD CHURCH H. E. BARROW & CO., Commission Merchants a SND DEALERS IN- iswts Farming Implements, Hardware and Heavy -ription. Best Grades of Pertili Ovvensboro Wagons and Bil We have on hand a large itock of Wood IK I call. Oar PRICES are RIGHT, alax) a big gtock of Hone Blank* wc can make interesting lor von. ?"Jv**^ Herald and N. ?, 1111,60 The Shepherds Find Jesus Sunday School Lessen lor Jan. 7.1996 Specia::* PrajureJ for TMl Paper. ' jnto you la v of Pavia a . ?Lune ' ? ? - ari ? rn 21.17. ? In Luke ?; Mu ...ought. s Just .r Au "That tha nv h. l. iii the nf hil ** I up . . I -,t the ' ira In IL fhh ' '? ? : ? ? who also was of ? cen ii mic In ra i.i the poll Lix. \ 7 "Wrapped him In swaddling ..I.-irlv 111 ide i '' . . or four lm bea wound child rn in a animals an r. sal ind lin- BUN Int Crlt finn. in the same ': ' ling In thc with their - * indi ral ? ? uixin them." "e*. ny nf the ! bligh! .ind bunin .; .- ! timm a sort . n the ? dim. word mw.-; of the n : ! fri! !'i ? whole : ? Held of 1 I all ages, all eta - all colors. v ii ru ... a I them 1 most i rna" means ' "'I h.- Anointed ?i they hail ? ii hoping ai tor, * ? a stjrn unto I ? i multitude" ri was prals rds."? ''limn I I. ami the I two ' tu men Show* r. as well os ? Siviour V 17 "They matle known ahmad " - truly founil the Sa? to all around . ; .;. : All they (Jul heard lt won ' ? ti Ln contrast with M things" In The** wit I ilowlng yea. ! t!l<-ni." K'l't . mpsr ' i ', an 1 what had been an? ia returned." To heir duty as but with a In all their dally Stop and Think. Christian hope ls *Jie mother of rell r>J. When your country or your Saviour alls, do your duty. The hungry Hbccp will find pasture There is no beauty in this world et? he man who will not open his ayos. Christ's gospel ls adapted to all nen; therefore lt la Intended to reach ill men. Happiness ls like a bird's nest In the rr-uia, we stumbl* on lt B while In the way I Presbyterian. i (.rim I raged/ ed, in thousands of i. ich one, sn ;.oma. . ? i ls an rly trea' I. Huntley, tfOehlanaon,Ind., s 'My wife bsd the consumption, ami nislly y for i Inch I and . . uttle free.