Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD, an INDI PKNDI STN] WSPAP1 R ii> w J I, 11 inl Publisher. Rat '^: One co .*1.<N) ?' three mouths i i ? .! li VV, M \K? ll 1". I'""' LEGISLATIVE NUISAr> Members of tia I nteresta .>f Hu' siiitf arc in h class w Ith tin- mool valuable citizens wi' have ni tin l inouwealth. i ell billa, tn tin' front, trj to I their meaning, and object to any feature H to them hurtful to tin lu ?> . ec, kim] to ;niy and all wild 'i men constitute the balance wheel thal Insures safety. llu - of lucalcu ial.le \n! ii.timi progress, but I retard un? it), ill-aihi-i | legislation. io called re| -.?mt ly which '-- au tttoleral le nui ? rilli-, of new nun who gu to the General Aa with tiie ulm that neat ? Utica] .?rook; that mool of those whoats hon ? : and thal illy watchful of if their oonetltu Th* wlodom of the people, In a rare interval of clearness, has placed them on guard. They will Inaugurate a new order of things. The very mininer and attitude of this ela? is offensive. They carry around with them un air of a : every thuin ami every? body steep! their own little coterie. livery bill In which they are not In I has ? serpent bidden in it. Something dark ami de\ ililli is there. v iii fores it ont hy tin light of their keen questionings. What they link in brains ami this i> usually ii Uiey make ii), in their aesot, wi '? some? thing rotten in the purest Bpple. busy, usually Ignorant ami al.* ] wasU of precious time hy their quib? bling, ihey retard good measures, irritate every self-respecting and well balanced legislator, ex bibil a decided ignorance <>f law, a colossal Ignorance of legislation, ami a total Ignoi > parliamentary courtesy. A hill maj be on the calendar for weeks, hut it rarely occurs to these men to study the hill until it is on its thin) reading; and then they suddenly tire up and, with suspicious attitude, ask foolish questions, raise foolish objections, ami earnestly entreat tin House to puss the hill hy until they inn have a phenol to study it. Thia may mean the death of the hill, hut little doe* teeni them. Foi la it not cer? tain that no measure can he alto^eth and safe unless they have stamped their approval on it? tarts type of the pea-nut statesman aoon tinda his level in the estimation of good and experienced legislators. d loses the little influence be may have had: and he does not repre? sent his constituency many term-. Mut as -ooh as lie disappears beneath the surface of the public horlson an? other bobs up from somewhere to take his place. Uk*' thc poor, lu -.'i un Mc i* to he willi diseases like mumps, mca-lc--, chickenpox, whooping cough, and las! hut not lea-t, the itch. FARMENS MEETINo re Informed (rom thc bend quarters of thc American Hocli Equity at Indianapolis. Ind., that a meotlog will he held at Lynchburg! Vi., April Juill ami -1st, 1906, tool i/e a territorial union ol' -aid BOciety. This is H fanners organtsaUofl and Its chief object i- to secure profitable prices for all farm crops lo prices when they aie t'?> low, and to maintain them, when equitable, lt ls the origins! advocate of "Controll? ed Marketing" hy farmers to compel fair prices and it dalma a larg* di of the credit for the revolution that lian been worked in marketing crops the last few years, and which neible for the better pt ices for crop* that have prevailed. l?t it called a strike of the nrain producers against the declining prices and baa prepared a circular con seining figures and Pacts showing whs, farmers should strike, and a strone; argumenl why tiny can win. This circular is before us and the figures are truly revelations. I hey show thal s few million bushels of grain, called "Wilde Supply" iwhich is really n temporary surplus, i Influence thc OD hundreds, or thousands, nf millions of bushels representing thc farmers total crops, it la contended that a little more control hy farmers will eliminate thin "Visible Bupply," or keep it very Small, when pl bs made ritfht and kept ri^ht. The arguments presented iii this en cular are the strongest arraignments against the old system of price mak lat ion we have ev< A general invitation lo all fanners is extended, all mcinhcrs of tin arc urned to attend, i Unions bo -end dell \ I Indlay Ohio man who claims to h.- wi.ii: - o,i?ki j- advertising for a wife, i. he explains, bc when ! . nen he dies, ?mi look after the funeral arrange There ure women who will think l ? Ung a good deal fi r 130,000. di Introduced In the ? A mern bly ? .- ,m. companies h. furnUh iwitchii H* '" "hlppcn that nt the next General \ .,,?. one Interested In lix schools will introduce ? ''ill n ,.?,| |?,:lr,|s tll fn|.. aWl ~" ,|,es to tea, 1 Hr 1,1-Nt-KM AsSKMBLY hr Powell, ol Brunswick, la always ll H - th Interest, ss hi la ?bj is and Witt] Vf 'icu BS was sn earnest, bul Ineffectual i in- hill io prevent the plsy lng of football m thc State, D nf (Junie county stroiik.'. | athlete that he is arose and said "Mr. Speaker, I nm a living monument to the good that football can do. I played ai the I Diversity of Virginia ami never received eseratch!" '?Bul how many did you kill ed Di Powell, w ho ls s physician. "Doctor, aald Mr, Karly, how many e lune the representative from Brunswick met ins Waterloo. Such a questlou, propounded to a physician, is manifestly unfair. The tc.vnt Assembly didnotdevel ?p much wit and humor. In the old? en din- liuie wa- more time foi such tinnies. But with I on ami 1700 hills to consider, there wa- little fun. li is doubtful if there luis ever been a iiardei worked body of public men assembled in thc state. I?r. P. M. Dunn, of Albermarle, one of the true and tiled Democrats of the State, a re arbom any county , proud, remarked on Satur : he had heen in .\--ein 1874, and that this V-.-cmnly was the hardest worked bodj that he had evei -cen. Morning, noon and Dight of woik day ali. ich has heen the record. Many ol the mem ben worked from nine ni the morning until after ;. ^ ct lhere are some w ho -ay thai the Assembly accomplished nothing. How much it accomplished we will state in part in a future Issue. EXPOSITION, STATE FAIR AND THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS. The above named companies or cor? porations, or whatever they may he termed, send out at frequent intervals clippings, literature, etc., In regard to their enterprises, with a polite i lo "please Insert, and .-end us marked copy. ' etc. Now we have a word to say, and believe that we will voice tin incuts of our brethren of the country 'i ii is this: if the gentlemen who arc promoting these schemes need the aid ol the country newspaper, and are unwilling or unable to pay for such Bid, they should at least furnish their Dopy iii plate. The country paper kt always williug to help along all k'**! .auses, l-ut lo ask that they -el column after column of matter free, i- going it a litl'e too itrong. It wsts cash to set type, and few coun? try paper-have machines, hut must paj fruin :_' pei day up for men to do Hus wodi, lt advertiaing these things III the lieu -| apel- iii thc countiy is north anything they should not ex? pect the editors to hear all the ex pen We expect to pay full fare to the Shows, bearOUI own expenses while lhere the wine a- other people, ami hold ourselves iu readiness to do 0UI part in helping along, hut, if every s,t up and printed is requested the expense would fall heavy on the papers. Let the mun Bgeiueul send the matter in plate, and no paper will lind it burdensome. I nive space, fold, mall and pay portage, and it ree ina thia should suthce. In these "lbw feeble remark.-" ? wc speak thc Ingu of the craft. Are we right? clinch Valley N e w s. ly right, you are. INVESTIGATIONS. There will he Investigations, galore ?il' and summer. The Virgin ia Military Institute :? to he investi? gated. The Vlrgiuia Polytechnic In? stitute w ill come in tor a tull -hare of thing The Ka-tein Hospi? tal will have the -ame expel leuce. And there will he all sort-of fun w hen ? his investigation lo lind out why thc same school hooks ?o-t more in Virginia than they do III otic r8tt LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS. The Virginia Legislative bodies sd loiirncd Saturday Dight, hut made the Li-ual extension of time until lay for the signing of lulls, no new legislation being permitted: Among thc more important hills urbich passed both during the Tbs < aton hill to create the olticc of DSUranoe commissioner, to exercise general supervision and to see that In rtghtly complied sith; the Churchman hill, fixing ninimum rate of 2 cents per mile on iOO and 1,000 mile tickets on all rall nada In thia State; the I'.iHiker resolu ion, requesting the .'-tate corporation wm mission to lix a maximum flat ate of 2cents a mile for tranaporta ion of passengers; the Machen 'money-shark" hill, to restrict ami bull tiie operations of ninney tenders nd to prohibit usury: increasing the lumber of circuit courts from twenty Mil to twenty-nine,' increasing the f Supreme Court j tidies, com tis-ioner of agriculture, luporinten mdenl of public instruction, and thers; the "jim crow -tn et car law, squiring ail companies, to separate lute and c >lored passengers; sleeting ii the State hoard of education only icu who arc committed to the siiikrle ook list in the public sc!.ls of the tete; the anti-graft bill to limit the ability of hotel keepers for loan ?der certain conditions; re istricting the state for Congi* asionol ectlons; doubling the appropriation* ir public free schools; Increasing the liane- of members of the general as imbly to SS00 per session; providing ran Investigation of the Military istltute, the Virginia Polytechnic istitute, and the Kasteiu Stati Il? lili; to prov ide for the improvement public highways and the working conv ict? on them. There are a lot of patent medicines isled upon the puhlic that are Doth g anora than mean whisky in dis I people who handle them ould he made to take out regular re I herc are several at wc could mention that will "make mik conic" just as quick, if not icker (han the mealiest "moon inc" that is smuggled into town on url day. A drunk from these pa it medicines will make a ma the horror- depicted in "Dante's ferno," and give him a vision of ides that he can get no where etsi ?t law- he enacted to run these vile tent medicines out of the countiy. uttiside Virginian. I'onie, hmther. that's too bad. If ll sillier the incur ? M Of ? div -\t\i\. suppose you try the Paran il I iry, and thus avoid the lc ? lie. TRAINED NURSE. Writes ? Letter tu the Herald lo die I ditor of the Herald: "I am a trained nurse ot nine v MIS experience In hospitals ami private case-, and for lb* henelit of the people of Ka nu Mlle I wish you would puh li-h my experience with thc Cod flvei oil preparation called Vlnol. 1 w..s completely prostrated from overwork. I had no appetite, could not sleep, my kidney-, liver and bo v ei- became luactlve, and as l gre*. weaker I could not retain either Bandi ,nie or food on my stomach and raised blood. The doctors eaJd my condition was critical, and I would probably die. As l had seen Vlnol prescribed for my patients with such remarkahle re? sults, I decided to tty ll myself. Af? ter the lir-t dottie I Began to Improve. I continued Ita use and soon began to sleep and eat well; every organ in my loiiv was strengthened and became normal, until it seemed good to he alive and I was restored to perfect health and strength. 1 believe Vino) i- the mos! potent and delicious pod liVCl oil piepanilloii and tonic rehtiihler in the world, ami it i- such a blessing to he able lo taks into the system all the body-building and medicinal elements of cod liver oil without the nauseating, greasy oil it-eir. 1 advise all my patient- who Med strength for every organ In thc body, rich, red hliMid, and flesh tissue, to lake Vlnol, a- it is so far superior to old fashioned cod liver oil, emulsions or other tonic-." Elisabeth M. (Te? moin!, Trained Nurse, Boston. Mass. Our local druggists, H. C. (rule ?V i Vinoi on a positive guaran ;?i I- return money if it lalla. HALL & JEKNE Farrqv/ille - ? Virginia < > ^jando fisted AMi SOLD Old Virginia Colonial Batatas, James liner Plantations, Han and Staunton Uiver Batatas, Pied mont Valley Karma, Large and Small Karma for Bale, I rom I'1 Ul 5,000 Acres; Prom ? I Oil to 110.00 Pt r Acre. Correspondence Solicited in English or . . German. . . Office over Chappell- Blore. Mm. Unit (..ugh hafat*itataaafOSV Di .-li Syrup viii run- it. ?ananbm ? dearth, hark'.- Little* Jj cents at White 4 IV Wanted: Everybody to attend our cooking exhibit, March 19th to 8Mb. S. W. Pa nu A Wood's Grass AND Clover Seeds are the Iiest quality, new crop needs, nf tested germination. We carry the largest stock in the South, and can supply your ueeds to the very best advantage. Special Grass and Clover cir? cular giving hest methods of prep? aration, seeding, etc., free ou re? quest. - ? Our Descriptive Catalogue gives the fullest information about Grasses, Clovers and all Farm Seeds. Write for Catalogue and Special Grass Circular. T.W. Wtod&Sons. Stelsaen, RICHMOND, . VA. Wood's Trade Mark Brand Grama, Clover ftn<1 other Farm Seed* ?re the best and cleanest qualities ll li ? proenrs -moen i? la quality and (Termination than toe ordinary market grades. ?K: Vb i ? ? ,.jH artvi - ?.: i ,u* ik^.. a ... ? I ettaf a ia.Sa.aT -rvr.: . #?$> ?x, Sa '-'? ** fe -I ??fr. I .. , Haul* l.?<llr?.a>? lr ,r,t.t tot < lll< l.i. ,1 I ll S IM.I1SII 'U-4 and ?"?l-l i ? ? Min Mn* ribbon. Take un,e. lt. Aaa* .1.,..., ...... .?h.H "??."????? i .i i,ui inm-a-iat, ..r seh.l lr. IU.U. (mi earllriilan. Trail o...i.lnl. , Urila! lo, I..11.. i? mut ' i rrlu, ,,>..,il lu ooo ; - ,.., s^lj h, ai: LU ?. i OHIO) HI BS (.'MKMli'AL CO. sloe Saiiik.a sjaaaara, i-iiii.A.. r?> JaaStH aluwa Special at FOR TEI SHIRT B. A big sample lot just mci' "Stratford/' and other leai shirt window -ruins carly, ; WALK OVERBHOI - Ml the new shapes and leathers, high I md low cut -hoes. Wc are ready to . ihow them to our customer md H.mi. lille Welt feouand *."..<?>. BALDWIN'S F Por the SPRING and SC all our jnvviou- importatioi .. mmm m and design of pattern, i>nt range of selection. Thc di tiona of the foremost Englii weavers. RICHARDSON KARMVILLl , BOLD BY N. B. DAVIDSON, I'AUMVII.I.I., VA. Stop and THINK Don't lie too hasty in SELECTING YOUR RANGE. Wait and attend our Cooking Bx bibil w hich we w ill hold iii ..ut stol* iii-vl dour lo \\ li lirug Store from thc 19th to 25th MARCH, -howmg re-nil- obtained by using Favorite Itanges. Beveral nice prizes will bs u'lveii iivmiv to the oms baking beal cuke, biscuit and light bread. bou'l fail io attensl. S. W. Paulett & Sod, Mun Ht.. I innis ide, Va. Steel ranges Parties thinking ?>l pur chasing a Steel Range would find it to their inter to examine our stock lu fore doing so, as wc have thc agency for a large manu? facturer ot Ranges and al? ways keep tlic repairs in i k. PIKCS AKli FMI SM TO $59. DUVALL, SON & CO. AMERICAN Wc can show you this fence in our stock and ex? plain ii- merita and su? periority, not only in thc roll hut in the field. Conic and sec us and gel our prices. Paulett & Bugg. Sole A oin ts. Baldwin's M DAYS. i RCA I XS. red. Sonic "Chesterfield," ling brandi. Notice our is long as they last BOC, LADIES LOW BHOl Cart of our Mg Sprini' shipment re ?eive.l. Specials iii linn Metal at PUB. < oroiiH Pat. Colt at |2.M Th* new Ulbson tie at }'J..'Ji. 'or Bargains. J..-4-.;... u.. MM KU of nun; siii|.:i is not only in thc UlM&lMJi . likewise in tin- wide ?play embracw produc ih. French and German J & ORALLE, VIRGINIA. I FRESH MEAT. For polite, prompt atten? tion and thc BEST "I everything in .... Fresh Meats . to BARROW'S MARKET, or it linne convenient call np PHONE NO. 41. CAR LOAD TENNESSEE MULES ft Just received. Ilcadv lol in-p chou. Pine- res nuable, tenn- liberal. Kve rv sale Guaranteed tn BK AB REPRESENTED. SI al i le- ul A. A Cox's -land, I ;i nu? nile. T. W- Vaughan. rile Farmville Commercial Co., INI OKI?? Commission Merchants \\ h I'l General Merchandize. We carry a I.AKliK .-KKK nf Heavy Groceries, Drv Goods a;icl Hardware. ipecial Prices Mad'1 on Goods Bought in Large tyuaitilies. THE PARMYILLF COMMERCIAL CO., KARMI I ? ii.. VA I Remona This space is occu? pied bv the Winston Drug Co. REPAIR WORK. Bring jr our Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for repairs. BEST WORKMANSHIP and prompt deli', ? . . . GUARANTEED. . .. Ivs pert work man employee] for this lira in h of my husi W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. See LJ-s before buying' a PLOW. We sell the SYHACUS hi Have just received a CAR LOAD. C. M. Waller's Sons. YOUNG & BRO. lt) J. J. I i, I I I.'I ll I A DEALERS IN FRESH MEATS if all kinds .... kountry Produce, Farmville Flour .?uni Shipstun". 11 [ghent market price paid lor [IDES and Fl'RS of nil kinds. A share of public patronage r solicited. Third St.,' near Main, "akmviu.i:, . . Vii DONT FORGET tum wi; HANDLE Herd's Grass, Timothy, Clover Seed and all GARDEN SEEDS Also Plant Bed Canvas. Stokes & Davidson. I Ia vino j?st moved into thc Bi?; New Store nlTOSITK The Baptist Church, hettei prepared than ever before to supply roar needs in FlTKMTrRE. ? 'ur stock ;s thc largest and most attractive cw r i li) ii-, and our prices arc low. Conic in .ind sec us in our UNDERTAKING Wc an- licensed embalmers and wc carry everything usual K found ni a FIRST-CLASS undertaking establishment. -torc Climie DH. For night service call Phone 02, a ri obj , li I. hiv lol . C. C. COWAN. F. B. ROBERTSON. D. R. GRIFFITH. Si C , ROBERTSON & GRIFFITH, NO. 20, BAST BROAD STREET, RICHMOND. VA. LA RC .EST STOCK of old blended and strnight Ryi LIQUORS ; I of any retail house in the city. Send us n trial order tor our old "KENTUCKY BLEND" at $2.00 per -allon, or fire-year. >ld "SI RAIOIIT RYE" at $2.25 per gallon. NO < II A IM; i: FOR JUG9 OR PACKING. ORDER*3 SHIPPED PROMPTLY. H. E. BARROW & CO., Commission Merchants -?AND DEALERS IN ?? Farming Implements, Hardware and Heavy Goods ol ry IVs. Best Grades of Fertilizers. If you want the best Inn thc Owensboro Wagons and Buggies. We have on hand a large stock of Wood Heaters. Give bs I edi. on,- PRICES arc RIGHT. Also a big stm-k of Horse Blankets and Buggy Robes thal in make interesting for von. ?_3yja, ,0 inform the public hat they have remov? ed to the new store op josite the Courthouse. ? ?? ii mitmmm^mmm^mmnmmmmmmmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure. No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent package of Grove's Black Root. Liver Pills._ ? I I ESTABLISHED 18C7 Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va. CAPITAL, S43.42G.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. ? i E la Account Solicited. Ti. aidant. W. Vknahi i I i W. r. Vk.naih.k, asatsUnl najtblcr, niiilints i OHiiflnil Banking BtttiBSSS. loterest Allowed on lime Ikposits DIRECTORS: J J. Wai.kkk J. M. Cm ir A. B. Ckat.i.k L. J. Vi ff r. Clark I h. W.PAUum .? ? ?_ 3ARDEN SEED. \ mil linc <>r LANDRBTH'S well known and reliable seed. THi: MOST (OM I" I. HTK LINE * ..OF . . DRUGS, MEDICINES am, TOILET Ai: l l< LKH KV ll; OFFERED li The leading weekly and monthly magazines ni wa VS on hand Agents Eastman Kodak Company, TABARD INN LIBRARY. H.c. < uri!:.** <>., lerald and N. Y. World 1.60 WHAT DOES IT MEAN afB^afBBfaaafBafBanBJBJBJH to let dividends Aft I VUT.ATEona Life Insurance Policy? In Banns companies it means nothing more than an agreement on Um part of ii, ? policy i mi i lc i tn do without dividends for ii it cen or twenty years mel then* : v j.leiHI> the <.i |iiih v may be frilling to give; should yon policy during the accumulated period, nil divMMda i il, Dividends ara declared KYKkY year in Uss MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, :uii| tlic policy -I I lem to lulp pay their premiums, or io I.uv Increased Inaurance or to convert their policy into hu sndoa mint. IT WOULD HI li. SCOTT MARTIN. Genuine Peruvian Guano. For sale at Farmville and Rice Depot, GENUINE PHRUVIAN and BELLEFONTE GUANO. W. H. Hubbard. LUiPIIi ; ?? X 1- ARM VILLE, VIRGINIA.