OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, March 23, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1906-03-23/ed-1/seq-1/

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v.?i. w I.
HONOH FOB nu i-\-i. HELP hu; l ll k PRESENT, HOPI l-l; THE lin
_i- -?_______________
FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, MARCH 2d 1906. \(?. _i.
Lee & Thompson,
Attorneys at Law,
i v\i> Ck ewe, V \.
Attorney at La*.
/? S WING.
Al I I AW,
Bay. Prince Edward County, Vi.
tc arni Federal.
\yHITL _ CO..
Medicines and
Druggists' Sundries,
I Hiuall job
rk tltnie by
Livery and Sales Stables.
inville. Ya.
J' /_______.^[^v t
Tl wi*. Md Yi.iiM us
? lilt.- attention
!ont Go Around Groaning
li is xniir 0>?ii I juli ii Ym Ca_tia_C
tn Sitter.
\\ by tlo j
'VS ll t lilli ll \..ll -I, '
I ll,I
? ; i
III.' :
? ?lil?
li .ll. - ,
i .! I. ii
kui;! m \
\li- I.uni ll
. I.'llll M VI'IDK
- hiv kiitl i
tml hiv
? nilling iri.i ?
write Villi '.III- I. lier I.. . Hl-e I
,'rileful fur Mil- I. Il III I
?tml uni il u: v r.. i ill! un ml ii : tin m. .I;
lill' lu HIV flielnl- "
Keep iii- lnile
Pi.-ir 1 |)l|, ?
I. ijllire u I lol
i-ler- l(i?ky M..11
Ihiii -lr >ng neI ? ?
A M.-I. li III
ll.in'l fi..w . I f you
ire -nile! mu- fi
?toolach, like K .1
?lull. .like M.".Te.
i ?uMered more ll
vt Hil lii?|n;e-l nil.I
? l K<idol. 11 relieved nu n one ilnv
lilli I ll
?nt, r? ? -!?.nm. ii.
bpk'hii ir. ?
A I.i veli I
ii nhl enemy of :l
lu HVim I i
nil, Livel uni ||
. ?. - w11li ir
\ s. I. ni Hi. lu ii: -ll.
li .iiii.l I. !: \|
i liiltilal lltieuiu < >?
at White 4 ' 'a drun nlore.
If you are Iroubli
all't Illili H I Mle, UV Wit,
>*|VH lilli lie -
? I I I ? v ? 1
I- the < Iriifinal ll j i ? Witch
the iiihiiv worlhli - lu timi
' ill'.ll nf I
tine In\\ itt'a w itch I:
v all drugsji
Iminn Hj Savage*.
ikinK nf the which
? 'ilie. in the Philip.
|ilhe- -lll.jei'l III- Il
ne nf 11 ilern.L' I endured
foi iliiee muli' lia front ii il iiiini itlon
?f lite K linet -," --|\ - \\
if I n-hn. ;, M" Solli Ina lull eil im
UUlil I (neil I
Ile- nf V* lill ll I .,tll| ll I III.-."
('ure* Liver Complaint, |)y*|ie|w>ia,
I'Iik "I disorder* a> 'I * ,? .1 r
-inn- Un- w. ,
health (il i
l'i ice 50c.
The be t -nfeirmt I -
ii mn ami liv in I le
\\ ill'- Li ti li I
if tlll'-e fun..II- lillie pill- Hi the ll HIM'
fi el Mitt Hie -
? ?leiiii mir. They il
til lim.-.
? ? ulta
itt a ci -uh
v.'tlll'l ll -? . Ill
-"Mille lillie Ken! . .1 \ - _ I
ll|>, lt..
li..-I km. v ii ri un il', fm i
I ...
Him tors \rr I'liz/leil.
The remarkable i
Mel vcr, nf V ineel...r>i, Me , la the -uli
jeet of 111 Iii ll hill li -! lo ile |
v ami ;i widi frienda.
iiiilaiiiinaii.in of iheThroal and con.
gent ion nf th Lump
ine ii), in die, vv lien, ?
luced tn try Dr,
l>i-nivf!v and I am happy In -
wavi il inv life" ( ii
inn! ('.lld-. Ilronchl l?, Tn,
Llllll."", I I ..'ir-e! i -- ill il I .? ?
I lu lian''
">.i !? ami fri HO, liiai linn.
I Illili.'. I lull'!
.v ill ,|iiil be chilli', ii illi
uni fm* Ulna K
s |.| nv all druggl*
fVE*H I'll.
,i ii ki in w v?.
li \n Nil vc ami Idiiic l.iiiiiiieiit
Sticky Mountain Tea Nuggrts
Rov. Dr. Talmago Preachoa on
Paul In tho Desort,
I ? ?-..n- I.. II. Irnrnnl lr.Mil I h r
-,.n Ur -|>. ni In s,.Inn,If
anil In Prayerful
Ml ilitatloa.
' ' '?- '
tXGEl l s. Cal Pefa ? In this
: ? '.:??. abos - "..I there ii
:i lime lui sjiir.tuiil mm well a- ;
i recuperation and timi
ger Hint iihler f.ii tim
bettie of life through the atre-gth tbe
-mil derives fmm am b ?
tlretuent and contemplation. Tbe teal
ia (ialfltiana i. 17, "Hut 1 went Into
arl wonderful
country in the world7" I nice ?
nlil traveler. "With.mt any doubt," lie
i la Egypt." "V\'
ed. "Why Egypt waa aol !??
, ' "Then." -
; si . Bailed up the
S le. Ymi may have stopped a
few days at <'airo aad peri i
tbe pyramids, but you b
l up the river Nile and eaplored
Memphis and Asaloal end
and Thebea 1 went i
exp", ting to .-tay there only a few
days.. I stayed three weeks I wish 1
ave Btayed there three years.
And one of my life's ilrmui.
back to P.gypt before I die and du aa
1 ' ers wheo bs wrote his
famous beak, "PlcturosqosEgypt" ile
nrvt only traveled through the country,
hut he lived there for month* ami
monta*. He fitted up one of the tombs
r . foi his Study. II- ute Mil.I
slept iin.l breathed there the
f Pgynt's historic past t
mg there a* Tinpot Mudie.] the life of
i twist hy grvinar nnd dwelling for years
? e natives nf Pnlestine "
Thea after my friend hud vividly de?
fer nie the Journey up I
he gu ve me n description nf n trip he
ita the Sahara desert. M
? went until there vms nothing
before him or on etti I him or
him hut n great sea of sund.
Along the Tullny of tbe river Nile there
were the most luxuriant hnrn
nf the world, hut as soon ns be turned
his h.uk upon that river be foin
ing but an apparently and
sand. Not one ape.tr of grass was
g them N'.it one tree vv |
? Ita fctrong l.rHneh mid
traveler, and lie under my
N'.f one hird vvns
bia parched thront liy nome :
^ nnnther song,
farmhouse or on? village gretel his
.' ere wera mountains
valleys of sand, plateaus of sand, roll?
ing prairies nf sand, great heaving tidal
traves of sund; nothing was there hut
aplatetj devoid of all life
was this regina of sand that i
a lizard or a Jackal rame lu sight.
By or a mosquito buzzed about
i Not a baaaarda wing was
s.-en arloHt lu the heavens of blue.
There waa not the rustle of Ol
or the snapping of ono twig. The univ
???ns the pattering of his
.?auid's feet ns they snnk into tho aw?
ful, tho appalling, the endless -
What the Sahara desert ls to north?
ern Africa the A ra Ida n desert ls to
southwestern Asia. Like the Babara,
with Its luxuriant valley of t:
Nile, Arabia has its oases, it
where vegetable life can grow. B ll
for the most part Arabia ls i
waste of sand. If you would like |
u of lt rend about
in I.evr Wallace's "Prime of India."
found aa wonderful a ;
word painting In reference to ri
andlSSB Sllei ? I Indiana
author gave In his famous ebal
of Ren-Hut*. Hut not alone I
Wallace do we bara to go to lad a de
B of l's loneliness. Tile llreek
iriiuis used to say, "Ali
:- divided Into three parts? Arabin Pa
? the Ftony part; Arabin Doe etta,
or the desert part, and Arabin Felix.
? a happy part." But where thc
? art ends and tl
ls very hard I ?
while the hHppy part is of vin
- ? small that for the n.
. is inhabited only by wandering
niii tribes. Thus when
I'.ml wrote the words of i
went I up to Jerusalem to
them vvhieh were apostles before me.
bul I went into Arabia," lie practically
Mils: "Instead of going at onie
areal city as so,,n as i i
verted 1 departed into u desert piece
off lo h.. aluna with Christ. 1
tarried foi three long yenrs In Arabia
I tn fit BSysett spiritually for the
.-ul wns to give me to do. 'linn
went 1 up to Jerusalem to BM
with him fifteen d;.
ought to have our sm |
SboUHj ever and anon turn
..ur hacks upon the world and have
.mi' quiet communion arith christ. What
is a desert of sand to many a human
??ve may he a spiritual Arabian har
hi the ehlldren of Ood,
Mah.an desert. Ill the Hist place,
? .r raul a theological adi
Di thirty-?ii loag montil?
lie did little but study U ?
? ;. ta tba world, ll
weeks and weeks ami v. ? .
plure and of saturating him?
self willi the history of Jesus I
life. It meant Paul living orer again
latte life sud Interpreting
his studies from n new splrltun'
point, nnd this for a man of Paul's
> no short
. r a man ls mentally tbe
r range of his spiritual hci
? matures the more
? - .t>lnj: Into tl
r things In every way.
te this thought ls S alnipls
. he great railroad train ls start
-s the continent Its dozen of
. are Salad with all classes of
I ra la ? young bey thinking
,.i,Iv of the dinner he will cat at tba
P and Indifferent to the snech
le rtatottra that ls draw
train. Here ls aa ignor. I
d only with tbe aordld detail*
.iirmy and taking no notice of
.try through which he al
ag. 1 aa alert, intelligent
. - to learn all he can.
ps he gets out and
examine* tbe brake couplings. H? asks
[?; ne iinimres
?f the aurroundlng
cnuiiiri. . ? railroad
I that ami the
other thing Ii be cannot
tory re,' me man he .
another man and keeps ou going until
li was
- meat? and spirit
lie was not willing to
follow christ blindly; he waa not will
linn ns an Ignorant man
.IIS but
little more than a fetich.bat be wanted
to know to the fullest extent who
' ?anted
?ii wending mr a
lt is about the
- after Paul's
? i mee I see aa
Oasis, i ."Ue of tl. '
ls n little hut. Under the shallow .,f Its
man sitting with a
scroll nf parchment on his knee He
.?? a hawk. 'J
thing about tin- curve of his forehead
vv hi. h proves that he his been
of men. lin ? ? ni.' about his
linmill which tells ; nie the
i hand
k ls bent like that
nf a Btu
As I approach his humbie hut this
Hebrew hails me; ??Strum
i tl.i.ii not eome in and rest
" lint mUCfa to give thee.
hut what ls mille is thine.'' .\ |
? rn for n
little While I Intuitively feel that 1 aili
iii the press ncc of I grx at mau. I turn
-. "May I ask who
ls my h..-t lind for what thou dost
show : tods]'.'" My
is simply: "1
I greet ti..
lore nf my Master, Jeana
?What:' I exclaim in great
t Paul, other
bO was famed as
-t biller and
ii<>r of the Cbrta
1 ? !!..? niau who was
1 uu Hie I ia?
in Da
- ninl have been iu biding for
Then I sin ; "lint, Paul, why art thou
?it.' You seem to
he living here alone without a friend 1
. ba< k to J.
and take j.mr position by thc snlv of
of Christ and be
there n leader for ymir Master?" "I
cannot . - I ul. "I am flt
? orb by study
: out what he
ted yeti Why.
Paul, t: the moat learned
ll sat at
.te pupil of Gama?
liel, tl. HS tea,her Of the
? raul, "I nm not na?
tl 'mrs. People say I
am a leader. Hut I have been study
for art's sake and
artke All the
? of the past are min*.
? it to lie spir?
itually ra turned my
for two years
simply ? i word. I want the
of my life." Then the
? ?
soulful eyes, full nf earnest I ?
mont, I rVoUld'at thou have
(ji?ant with the
men nnd Rot conversant with what mr
ter Jesus Chi 1st ls and
what bi -ido7"
Is Paul sp. liking to you today, 0 men
niel woi fears ago your mother
aa a g'KHl musician.
She was urging you weat In and weet
? nit to ; sh' assad
to say. ? settee nt lea*t two
I. nev er mas
PT the keys V ir In an. 1 year ..'it
? I two hours a day
uk thc works of tba great mu
sldsns. How many minutes per day
do you go off alone Into your Arabia
'ine hun.lr.si
and ta vty minutes?
: hour? Ten minutes? im you
take five minutes al..no a
day for reading a chapter oat of bis
linly hook? Yon have your library
filled with booka B.ieutihV
b?..ka of travel, honks
of all sorts are there. I go ii ? -
library and tura over the leaves hap?
hazard. I lind that you have read most
:? ; systematical
. as much
have i1 tinman Butt
your idea of an education a areal
: [rtahwotnsa
husband was learning how to
I; "Well, Mary. I understand
learning how to read Can he
ren.i tbe Oral ch apter of O anea ta ye-tv"
" Mid Mary.
"John Is doing better than that Ba
I the P>lble. Why.
Joha now spends most of his time In
reading the dally newspapers I-n't
. ndid?" Ah. my friends, lt
matters not bow smart we nra Intel
lectnally, we ern never get aa educated
that we nie beyond studying the word
of O.mI Is tlnre h dally Arabia for
you? If Paul, who once sat at the fis.f
of finn ! three yenni
in th" desert', sands tn study "Ind's
wont > ? lol wa. snd
what be wanted mm to ao. sureiy your
time ls u..t w - rou are read
sitting at Christ's
IB he pren, hes to you the ser?
mon on the mount aa ba sjttered it to
the multttod
But a mere knowledge of God's word
? to have
D may kn ?
ve one
particle of sp,ritual power in hat
I'.ihle in exactly the
?he my
- ' na and
Jerusalem and Hebron are the four
mmedaa and
why si-. arith Ruil
' dba nt Kaowl
? santlala
but know
? always prove
that tnt is been trass
lated lol - of our own hearts.
I istory of the
? knowledge wLI< h
y bad of
. pal evan
I* I was read- j
,, fascinating
ever written by mortal pen, j
i Motley's "Hlse of the Dutch Bepub
nc.' in tin- etgttti
quemada'a admlntat wrote.
"10_30 individuals were burne.] _Jve
and t?T.:t_ i pen ashed with lafsi
fiscatlon of property or perpetual im
prisoni. ..limber
of families dsetroyed in thia o
cution aasoaatad to 114,401."
s?owletlga of the word of Oo
Inffjuemada n tm ? of Je?
sus ci,ri-i? Hm tba knowledge of the
Hilde made Rome of ymir fiiei,
Hans and tm.
Why, some of the i
; knew were .
the Christian church. They v,
only church ::
era lu tin- Bundey s.-hnol. yet w I
met them lu a busts iu Intui?
tively knew their bear)
. by tba lit
tire from off the altar ot tl
'i ii knew th.v Weil
men. They may have known the Hi?
lde from lld to lid ]
their theology of tbe l
right, but the Chrtstology m ti
word of Oed they did um pt
Paul: "Lord, what wilt timi! 1.
te '! il I...id. make me thy servant.
Lord, forgive my sins. Lord, help me
Bay fellow men." Ah, lt ls im?
portna! to study the word of 0
it is just ns Important tn ;
will send d..wu his Spirit upon ;
make you. like imi.i hi- .lear Bon. Have
joli y.iur Mcred Arabian di
year regular Imurs f..r pleading with
and bilking to G
ered imurs of bat lng < tod I iib !
i iii you think of Paul out In thnt
I eau no more th Db ol
Paul than I can of
While thinking of tl I bad ?
? dream In mj study. I thought
lt was again the year SH A D. I ass
again wendi) | arnrd that lit
tie but In the Araluan desert which I
have alie.ni'.
sitting by the Bide of the dear '
Paul. He wes expouudli -
i ;.si to me. Then Buddi
i s: "I cann ?? - further;
walt awhile: i must talk to mj friend."
"Talk tO your friend?" ]
do you incan? | do
around. Talk ta what friendf "Why,
talk to my friend Jesus I
Paul. Then. Without BJ
paul drona
talk to Christ Just as I would talk to
r mother if live by
And now i-nni,^ the practical ques
lion. Wh.-re are tbe mo li rn
deeertsl In order to find one do ure
? trill el to I I
did. and Journey t.. th
We have our Arabian ri
In our i
think that one of our Al
mir Sick bede. lb.ur lifts"
Ile m the Invalid's room, uh
bow ie
Thea another Arabia is win
"Alone, alni ? -. -All. ail
Blotter We are Dot alone. \\ .
Then nnnth.
when persecution or Blander
our l?st earthly friends ,,,,,,? turn
? us. bul God
call lipmi his Ililli;.
may be Just after *
over again tbe past. p.. n
seem l ?
parted kindred come up. We
? ?? tbe day when ? ?
My friend w ho descrihl .1 fol
the wonderful ali .
would be traveling along, a I ?
di lily ahead of them would is
brook and falling a un.un
: -? ? fields anl .
riiey were nil there Hs a lld turn
to his traveling companion ai
them all." That, of com
a false vision. But in the
Arabian desert nf I',ml j mn not ?lunv
lag tn ymi ii fal-,, vlsi.,M u i ask: "Do
you see ymir old 1
the family at pru' ?
?OW father and mother taking you to
church 1 Po j.ni ace tbi
Po you see your 1"
? greet ymi? Im you .. .
Heaveuly Father beckoning you to
teasel Do you see Christ standing by
your sida to save you f,
you see the cross sr. ?" _h,
this ls no milage, no fal-., v brion! This
ls the Aral.ian desert trberein Paul ls
comma?lng with christ ai
lng his life to tin- Dh bsa I
I r,liinar. Minni, Blaedlog, ..r Pro?
truding i'l'e-. Dru.' ?
. 'I In r. fin,,| m ,,,, y if I' V/i i MINI
M I- VI full- tn ,-iir.
Light and
are made with
Absolutely Pura
rtntl'dyspeptlci may be eaten
without Inconvenience
even by persons
with delicate
Borai aaa aa aoaoss so , as. rosa.
A girl calls it being in love when a
man a-ks her tn play ten ni- with him.
ce Lesson?I
Sunday School Lesson for
March 23.
' -?
1 with, aud is sub
"The Drunkard's Portrait Gallery."
D strlk
ilt of a
? nly de
prophctic. lt de
i as h'
is, hut ia he will he
i long nt th?
it ls true to life.
:? be seen any day
tl of any of
? Us Following Intemperance.
are hero de
?hem one by
a life fillcl with "oh"
? words ar
the Innumer
palns which
Oh, the
?v like an lnnumer
rn upon him!
itentlon and
lng and strife which are the result
of dninkenm tiing"?which
ining. Th:
sin l.
Whll ll fie
Il u,
awful i
The ' .ire.
? '
ht," or,
rhea lt
In 1 Cup.
illy and
i keep,
.' ll'Klll,
File w
STOCKS Ben'ph?M 2164 BONDS
2213 Park Avenue,
Lynchburg, Va.
GRAIN*?1.000 BU. AND UPWARDS $20.00.
Privntc wins to New York and Chicago for the prompt exe?
cution in and cotton.
Drop usn postal with your name and we will Ik- pleased to
mail ymi free, <>ur tinily quotation list, reaching yon thc enm
spondence solicited.
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The Bounty
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N ''.
. I .
Blind Headache
"About a year ago," writes Mrs. Mattie Allen, of
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blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get
no relief until I tried
Woman's Relief
! immediately commenced to improve," end
now I feel like a new woman, and wish to
recommend it to all sick women, for I
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art beattats, m\ Try lt for your trouble.
srrlte today. A Al- N\ ? ______ ? .
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