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KAKMYil.I.K HERALD KIMI) \N . M VK? ' JIM (IM HM i sORll. ?iimi in f.-ii't A I t I \ : ll ted liv i utering .nusI Ht - lin. i ? il News Thirty-two Years Ago. J. \V. ? ? : V , ? ? ?ii Monday, >> nights on ter of General K. K. ii ter ol - ii,"mut "The Lee." i Mrs ? vv;i^ or rday bj I redwaj. Walter li. master, Messrs. A. \\ . ii. i: il - ? ul. Llg on, Mi lenton, Mr>. Druin Hon. George un, lol aOOp) ii tin' "Petersbui - veto.' The etlort, ami wc have lerahle inti ? nmral am . Karin : a beau urred, which resulted lo inhalants being chewed the better i bouse bed to i- M r. Prank Mi ii .<r of the House of I >ele ?ni Buckingham, wasoonelud and fharacti to a resoluUon then i i;.. rger, of Hbenan it the iiiciii ?iicnt foi mc to of I Mr. ' i moment, - piled: "Yes fi tu H - uandoah, ami HUI, I will." Mr. I ? aker, I ?i all "ci i ice iiml I tte vote upon it: ink Moaa ll 'l 'Illli - put thc i|Uestion ami at Klddleberger .'uni intcoui gbl other delegates - Ii?t, hut it ot- merriment, ami hud to W. T. Blanton, \ gallon sav. uloiis in i worth agatlonf ihe painting ? .v herc labor is ('.nm.. I us: "There i orkiugmen'a hous ? io paint lead-and tli..:i^. Wc have Lu gallons I >ev oe .ml in every turned." Tba higher than that: ten: hut that on: l>evoe ls id is ground mixed by band, I ru Iv I \\ .1 I Walt sell mir ?mg and Clark. Spring Neck Was mini :k manufacturer. Roll ot Honor. tool Room Chars M irguritc Al Myrtle Hutch i nut v Ker - tl. Kutti a HH1KFS A\!i PER80NAIA \nn. Ami nie postohice hus lum improved ami brightened i.y several wists ,.i slabastlue mut pa Mr .1. M Burton li holm Itlchmond a cul Col ?ila. Mr. Daniel Brow, stantlal citizens ol I'owhatan county, attouded the funeral Munday ol his Iricud, Mr. U v I. ,, \\ I,ile in Karniville Mr. I trow ii wai lin of hia nephew, Kev. Ham ucl lint.'her. Ihe Derain lian a culation from boualide subs pay lol their paper, t lia ll any other newspaper ever published In Farmville. \ii.l vet thc dollars limn subscriptions j Would not supprnt a mini i the most frugal hahn-. Mr. Hugh Marland, w ho for a year or mon- Im- heen thc efficient ste-] uographer ami hook keeper for thc I'aulett-Garlaud-Vi ?|>aiiy, iimi in Itlchmond,! karn will enter upon hi- U4W ! dutlaa at an carly day. Miaa Weaver, one of iv ward- m.-I accomplished :? lin- nindi- ninny lifi d- dur un,' her stay In th. : uni wc , ry much to L'i'. e her up We hope, though, -he may et ih us in thc iii.u future. Blacksburg N.vv Prof. Mulloon mid Mt. I: M. (o\ returned Monday morning; from their trip lo New York whither Ih. | upon hiv nation from I'r I I I a ho is atteuding one of the I nivcl-itics. Ko! nen re? port having -pent the tune ol their Mr. W. Iii ? oung men, hav li nected with Hotel Altamont, I ini; hotel of liliiclield, W. Va., months, has accepted lion with the Lynchburg Shoe Com? pany, Lynchburg, Va., a- ti salesman, We wish him much mic cess in his icw millerin;. There was -niue disappointment Wednesday when M r. Felix C. Kw. lng, who was expected to meet the Ex? ecutive Committee of the Tobacco '.ion did not univ e. lt is not known what detained Mi he i- now expected earl;, Thc object of the i agreements and perfect the illation of the three states, Kentucky Tennessee and \ n An Iowa editor got oil'thin one thc other day: "l'he mail mi earth is thc fellow who will -it around and eu-- his ow n town. If I lived astride of tbe north pole I would call it home ami he ready to l.oo-t it up. If 1 could not -ay anything uice about it I would .-ny my iee hill didn't come high. I Would not -tay in a town I had to CUSS md while the world i- as ! is now. The Farniv Hie < lu -puled Monday afternoon and night by Major <'heynoweth, of tin nth In? fantry, K. B. A., now stationed at Fort McPherson, (m. We are Inform? ed that thc company made IOU per cent on everything bul attendance, several of tbe memberi being unavoid? ably ahscnt. All equipments vi tie found in beat coudltion and tl ? termaster'i department a i nounoed fln?t-cla?s. I'spt. Hunt lois the Guard in mos! thorough training, and is proud ol the hui, as all Karin v ille should he. Death of Mr. Rice. William Ariiii-tcad lin'.', of Farm? ville, died at his hmiie on Saturday, Mareil Kih. 1906, at -i o'clock a. M., in the '? ins age. For more than a year he had Butler? ed from dlseas tpldly wasted away, hut the end wa- .pint and peaceful. Armlet*?d Rle*) was a |.I man, companionable, hospital ? fellow, and Letter than all, .t lian, lie wa- a man, who both in alni out of health, met you with a smile ami he left no enemies to throw up their eyelid- nt the announcement of bis death, hut seores of admiring friends who will force back I ' Mr. I. "in nnd ra Farmville, but spent several years ol u I'owhatan where he linnie many wann friends, ll w n- while in that county he married Mi? Nannie Itoyall, who survive- him. Thc funeral took plate Sunday after? noon at half-past 3 o'clock the home on High street, conducted by A. Mri inland, of the Baptist Church, assisted bj Rev. s. C. Hatcher, of the Methodist Church. There were niaiiv pretty Moral .I de- frmu friends both here ami elsewhere. Following were the pall bearers: Mi --: \ H Davidson, Henry Lindsey,8. W. Pau? lett, Jr.. J. L. Putney. W. K Ulan ton ami W. T. I lark. May Cut off Excursions. People who have enjoyed exi ? deprived ol thal diversion Ihe coming Bummer. An old railroad man, one who has for years heen Identified with thciniui svgaauenl of Han it thc minister! had voil- md had Inveighed against thc Bunda) ? ul thal the railroad- hud it in their power to cut off the pi which ha.l Leen extended toll,, ?Kit em all pay full fare," Mid the railroader. "V i right, stature has made a I ?ate all right, and the niilroinl- inn alford to eui oil a few cheap t: curtail thc D.-H. buslni - . (tent. That will he about all for this tune." The impr. - - Unit the railroads will comply promptly with thc two-oenl mle pro position, putting it into effect after lt ha- U'coin, (quired I.y the e...le. ll i- Unit the Nuudaj excursions will be maintained hy all the roatl-. as the.v pant handsomely ami afforded a chance for omce-bouud people to spend tin.un try or at ? finite fcdward Circuit Court. I he Marah term of the ahove I mut oonvened Monday. The dav drenchlu tba downpour con? tinuing until after Dight, and \.1 tba Crowd ni attendance was largs* than -ecu at court for many terms. Tbe docket being a lang ona, sauaual In ? ? "Ui-e. attached and aumj were drawn from curiosity outskls the scores of witnesses who had I.cen le l:niiy subpoaned. 'Thc grand jury was composed of thc following: U. \N . Beti.I, J. S. (arter, I. lt. N. Cocka, Ken Al,hid, R. A. Davie, J. J. Gilliam, lt. K. Blokes, .1 B. Farrar, N. B. Davidson, < olin Stokes, T. C. Johnson and lt. I i ar? ter. Following are tba indictment- re? turned: Ken Jack-on misdemeanor: bailie Ann Ariiii-teiid, grand larceny; (arrla, felony; Battle Lang, murder: Cleveland Profit, aaaault; Isiah Profit, assault: Patar I murder; Jeana Rose, wounding horse; Hilliard ll lesa, assault; N. A. Jenkin-, felony; Denni-, Harri-, house burning; i ha-. Davis, hou-e burudu,': Kobari Reid, house burning 3 Indictments. I.. D. Jones against the Norfolk tl Weatern Ballway Compa? ny was by consent of the Norfolk. Western ( .pany, continued. The estate of Johnson Hooker wu-, ni motton, committed to the hand- of ? nit'. Commonwealth against Jessie Har? ris, charged with rape, was oonUnued. I he ease of Ben Jackson charged with a misdemeanor, was referred to Justice Crawley, ot Buffalo district, hu trial. The Indictment against Den: ii- was, ,,n motion of the Common? wealth's Attorney, nolle prosequied, Jesse Bose being arraigned for fatally Injuring thc horse belonging to Rober! Foster, pleaded guilty, waiving tba righi of trial bj jury, and Judge Hundley sentenced lum to six months Imprisonment In jail ami Ibm Bl the reformatory. 'The boj .- I lurleen J ? M. I Millebee ami J. D. Morton pointed trustees ol Briery Presbyterian church. Sallie Ann Arinistead pleaded guilty lo the change of larceny and was ac? quitted hy the Court. Cleveland Profit pleaded guilty to the charge of assault, and tbe Court sentenced bim to 30days iii jail, and to pay a linc ol The will of the late W. A. Hut, w ai proven ami K. J. Whitehead appoint? ed executor. At the hour of going to | day afternoon, Kettie Kant,', colored, wa- on trial charged with whipping to death her seven-year-old foster child. The jury had the ease late yes? terday. Albemarle and Farmville Railroad. Ihe RichmondTimes-Dispsti lhere will shortly in- inuit. .-.. thc Al? bemarle anti Fluvanna people say, a railroad from B ramo od thc Richmond A Allegheny Division of the Chess peake ft niuo, to Lindsay, on the main line of tba chesapeake ft Ohio, ?ire of about '.u miles. The new road will he known as the Albemarle ft Karniville Kailway. K i- -aid that the new railroad will i.-e the tracks of the Chesapeake A niuo from Kind-ay to Orange, whare ll will Donned with the Southern ami with the 1 r,.lei it ?kshuritroail. lt is al-o rumored that the road viii! be oonUnued south of Bremo to Dan? ville, croaalng tba Norfolk fi Western mid a numbat of small mini There is already built a line about : . miles in length from Bremo smith lo Bolling, vvhieh is only about 20 miles from Karniville. This line may Lc utilized i.y the proposed new road. lt is claimed that the rmite from lo Danville will be between 25 ami 30 miles shorter than the .South. n Railway route. Vr. T. <?. Troy, of Arnhem! to he behind the proposed railroad, a ? ?f which ha- already been Mr. Tiny was-cen at RaUget'l Hotel Monday Dlghl and asked if he ami the L'entleiiicn a-sociated with hun would build the road to Danville or simply I" Tamiv Ula, Mr. Troy dei'lined to di-t matter further than to tfive out the folio* lng statement: Albemarle iv. Farmville Rall wnv i ompany la a corporation made up wholly of citizens oft Iharlotteef Hie uni Albemarle county, the puipose of ihe ...iiipaiy beinif to construct a much needed and, in fact, a lunn con? templated North and South line through thc counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna amt Buckingham. "The company is entirely iiidepen leut of any other company ami i iperating solely <>n ita own acconnt, with a view of adopting w hat may he Hie meal natural Biographical locatloti uni what would he nmst acceptable to -mb financial interest as may bc m leie-ted iii the cnterpri-e. "Thc result- of thc cmnpaiiv itloni in engineering, up t" thc pres ?:it lune, are-neb a- to indicate that the linc will most likely conneet willi -apelike fi Ohio at some point in Albemarle county which will give convenient facilities to and from Charlottes^ Ula as well as the opposite lireetimi, namely Richmond ami Waahlngton. <>n the Bouth end it will reach the James Uiver scetioii somewhere in the vicinity of Shores .i Bremo. 'This undertaklng is like many such local enterprises, batog moved along in a quiet way hy the company, that it feels in a reasonable tune thc -eheine will he brought I fill completion, certainly with I operation they are havim,' with thc w ho w ill l?e most iutert -uch a line.'' Beware of the married man wno acta ns he was glad of it. He who prai-es men and Hatters women has many fair-weather friends. The trust magnate values money for tba -o-called men beean buy with it. If the f/OOng man mixes old n,e With the w lld cats ba -ow- he is pret? ty -ure to rai-e a di-turbanOS, I well SJJMHsgh in it- w iv , but don't pul tWO much Of it iii fanned uni eold-atoi i About the only difference I pickpocket and many a iiik'' financier I- that the former nts by Illegal means what the latter irets leu-ally. I Rrlnf For Jspan. How lng nie i.Intuitions ra ? ii. id thi week for tba Famine Fund tor Japan: Total in ti .ot laal weak ? 1 A \Vi.|..vv s Niue ."ai Pwo i adios An Orphan's Ulfl ll Mr-. W. R. Moora l '?* F. is. Gilbert . "ai .1. Gilbert al W. K. Moore ....... I Ol R. W. I - |ua l M l R, Bookei || ? .'al Henry Tainui.' fi \ i ail. I 1 l?l Cash l un 1 Ul I. - Ki llltoll . ... 1 mi Dr. J. I, 1 (?i Marilin .lane ll nt . In Mary I.i:,.Kev Kl We nu grateful for the response with w itii w hieh the appeal ha- been mel. lt Will alleviate the bungai Of man] people for many daya. The aw? ful condition of the Japanese in the famine district cannot ba exaggerated. I wo million persona ure -uni to he af fected, and ii relief doea not coom from elsewhere they will starve. They eau obtain no relief from new crops for at least tu..iths. Wa may to tempt ed to think ami to say that we have so much of the esma thing at home cannot give relief there. We do have many appeals, and for many purposes, r.ut we do not have any? thing of Uiis kind al home. Did any hear of any one starving to death in Ami I isa he could DOtgel blend 1 --ome one ha- Well said liuit more people in Ainei eat themselves than are undeiftd. Abundantly we have received, ictus Aa there will be many ? ulna vii, wc will still continue io receive contributions fm it- relief. Mr. Chas. Keep of the National Red l handling the fund, ami our offering Will be sent to hun. Contributions may bc handed .rue or left with the editor. Roll of Honor. I and I Ugh Sehool, mouth N -i in.i. I tum ll'. High Behool. Kawrciiee Smith, Bichardson, Harry Hubbard, John-oii Wootton, Thoma- LigOU, Willie Knee. Kills Anderson, Frank Baldwin, John lancaster. Room No. Martha Druiueller, Su-ie Ligon, Lottie Martin, Mary milds,.n, Kminctt Webster, Viols Wlngo, Room No. '?, Kdilic Kniieaster. Room No. 1. Spencer Orango. V I I I \|. VNt I.. High rJchool. Frank Baldwin, Har? ry ll ni.lard, John Lancaster, Thomas Llgon, Willie Price, Johnson Wootton. Room No. Marv Orange, Gates Richardson, (harlie Smith, Emmett Webster, Vlota Wlngo. Room No. i ohh, Owen Bliss, Waller Kilmore, Edwin Kan caater, Walter Gray, Willis W. Smith, Wiltshire Davis, Wi'mer Trevillan. Kooin No. 1. Lloyd Dillon, Sterling Grigg. IU I'.'Kl V! llinii Behool. John Lancaster, mill. Room ' niue Bannan, Mat? tie Berman, Martha Drumeller, Walk? er Dannel er, Woiniuk Cray, Susie Ligon, I.otiie Martin. Mary Orange, Kates Richardson, Myrtia Skinner, Kinniel! Webster, Peter Week, Kate Wilker-m. Viola Wlngo, Boom No. 2, Kee Drumeller, Loni. Drumeller, Edwin Lancaster. Kooin No. 1 Deportment maded with scholar* oom I?a ii i., Principal. First Degree Murder. In the < irniit Court Monda) Booker, lolored, wa- pul upon trial ami before the day was over, the jury bail heanl the evidence, instructions, argument ol counsel and rendered a verdict of murder in the first decree. On the night of January 8Mb, 1908, Booker went to a atora al Rica Depot, ami with a shut gun fatally wounded another negro named (harlie Brown. He eluded arras! for some day-, bari was finally raptured near the scene of the tragedy nnd brought to Farmv Illa. When arraigned Monday ba had do attorney, and the court appointed Judge J. M. Crate, who aaalatad by Mr. J. Taylor Thompson, gave the prieooer advantage of legal defense. Ile pleaded not guilty, and claimed self-defense and drunkennaaa ai i pal? liating circumstance. Booker was apparenUy unmoved by the verdict and wsa taken back lo jail to awsll the sentence of the court, lian- Itali 1 here wa- a haas hall game, Friday afternoon al ; o'clock, bat rasa Hamp den-Bidney graded school vs Country. The country defeated the graded school hy a score of six to four. The Missionary Union. The Ladles Missionary Union of Wwt Hanover Presbytery, will hold it- annual meeting al tba Presbyterian church, of larniv Illa, frmn Tu. Thursday of next weak, March I!7_t. on Tuesday als p. m.. ami agata os Wednesday nt s p. m., Kev. \\ . H. Sheppard, a Virginia negro, who liss been for ii yean a mlmionary inioni; the tribe- of central Africa, will speak of his life and work on theCongo. He ha- had a t li rill i n_ experience, which des in au impressive way, and is withal thoroughly modest and un? assuming. The public is invited to I hich will I* of unusual interi (in Wednosday afternoon at 4 o'clock B. French, for ts year- a Missionary at Hangchow. China, will address a meeting for ladies only, to which the ladles of all the churches are Invited. On Wadnaa .tay ami Thursday miara lag at lt o'clock the business meetings of the Inion will he held. There will I* in the Lactate riH.m au exhibit of ar? ticle- of interest from a iiunil*?r of mi--ioii lauds curious oostna ? winch will be Interceding and In foi aa mg. At thc eve - "lily a col? lection will bc taken. h .1 as I N V. World. 11.90 EDUCmORAL COLUMN. An Uld-tashioned Spelling lire. I he pul,bc iel.I at llampdi soy witiie--ed an Interesting i.tesl last Imlay from -' P. M.. when picked speller- from tba schools taught Ly Misses Murfce. Ranaon nnd (inter met in dire coodlei the Hampdi ..nil taught by smiand tarrington. The battle wai Baree ami prolonged a- combatant after combatant fell beneath the skill? full word handling of opponents. Al length the hist of the II ai u pi li i. warriors fell and the victory went to the v isitor-. The word mit hy the Superintendent and thc COntost was viewed with Inti I several pair..ii- ot the Behool, by the teachers and by an applauds: jolly set ol 'college boy-. While aumy acquitted Hun creditably, special mention should be made of Misse- Su-ie and Hallie Mc ( raw, of M i-s |;l ol, who remained standing lo the la-t, ami to both of whom prises welt- pri by Mi-- Ballal B Dickinson. After the spelling match, I ' pby match was entered Upon and was lu full swing SI capital alter flowed without perceptible effort from the lips of the well drilled child? ren when I had to leave for Faun Ville Without witnessing the end ol .te-!. Such meeting- a- this i helpful in arousing the ambition ot tba children to excel and In training the memory to letain u-eful Informa? tion. What tbe Legislature Did fur the Public Schools l. The Primary Behool Bill. Kinlet tbs provisions of tins bill the annual appropriation to tbe primary and gram aasi Bcbooii wu- Increased from f_si,isi(i 00, This mean- an ii.. : IT") cents per yeai for each child of school age. or for tins eounty a total 'This will enable ii-, w itfa son solidatioii of tba schools, either to In" crease tba school session by one month or to increase thc pay ol psi.nth. And either of these is ? n i mali.levoutly lo he w i-hed. 2. The High Behool Bill. Thl carnes an appropriation ? I - ,0,000 a year t" supplement local finnis (or the establishment and mailltail "District High Bchools." Under tba prof latona of thia bill any eounty or district spending frou to Mun to maintain B High Behool Dc partiuent in a public Behool will re? ceive an equal amount from the State. Tin-will enable nearly every county In tbt?tate to pruville one or more schools where the boys ami girl- may ruerive adequate preparation t Collage, or University, <>r Normal Behool, or to go forth to life's tlutics well equipped for success. lt will, meet in -onie mea-iiic the greatest need in our public sci.I system in bringing the change between the ordi? nary public schistl. and t he college "f professional school. May we Dot hope eventually lo aaa a District High Sclnsil in every district in tin-eounty. 3. The Loan Fund Bill. Under thia measure a district may borrow from the-late Literary Fund not lam than 1125 and not exceeding * ,000 on any one Behool, which amount is to he not le-s than one-half the cost of the sci.I building. Four percent. Interest ls charged and ten year- time ls given to repay the loan. The plan- and SpCCl Beatloni and location of the building inii-t ba approved by thc Btate Super? intendent before the Btate Board will niHke the I..un. This aid from the Slate will enable poof districts which are renting poor '..r poor schools to build good houses ami pay for them with thc money they are DOW spending in thc rent of miserable log cabins. No inure pressing need is felt in this county than this aaad for better school-house! We hope with tin- aid to build one or more new SCboot-boUSes in each th-, trict each venr until the piled. I. Tbe Miscellaneous Bel.I Kill - the three ills'ilut In alstve referred lo a general hill was passed amending a numbat of the Behool la wa: 1, Provision ls mada nu? der tins hill for purchai equipment desks, blackboards through the State Board of TM at greatly reduced prices Hereaf? ter County Superintendent- will re? ceive their pay monthly Instead of i|Uarterly: and school trustees will re? ceive tin in-teail of 96a year for their services. '.. 'The county superinten? dent I- made clerk of the Behool Trus? tee r_OCtoral Board, and the tune I f tbs appointment of -clio..I tm changed, and hereafter they will [0 into office on September May l-l. I. After July lal ar whose certificate hSI expired niu-t have a certificate Issued by Um Board of Kxaiinner- mid approved by the county superintendent of I for the division in which such teach to t.e employed. Such are the chief Behool im enacted hy the la-t i ol., ml Assembly. As state Superintendent, J.D. I ton, well says, "these niea-nres alone should make the Gonai i memorable one. ' And let me add, whatever critici-iiis may beinade of the rossal Legislature, tba people of tin- state owe them a large debi of gratitude ami a large measure of loyal support for this liberal amt m v isl.m for the betterment of the public schools of Hie State. Kit me, in conclusion, illustrate hy rete example the beni working of the above law pla Of Bice Depot desire ta hSffl ter sclnsil for their dui Inn need first of all. a suitable building to cost not less than |1,000. ! could not he saved from the district tax in live years to build such a house at this place. But the people talk the matter over ami decide that they need ami must have a better Behool and a new sclnsil BOOBS. 'They join together heartily in the movement ami private subscription from patrons and friend- the sum of IfiOO for I pose. The Board of Tru? ed thia amount by appropriate from the district fund- ami borrowing |MI from the state loan fund. Flans foran up-to-date three: house sre furnished by tba Stn lat lo the and by ie building i- completed and nicely painted. Than tba Local Behool Improvemi ping the huildin: I desks and slats blackboards both al greatly reduced the Bonni of Kdiication, the grou nnd lal. -il out ami the mi -owed in grass And theil Kne Depot will have a SCbool-bOUSC of which its pe iple Dead Dot bi While all Ibis is ? and Tru-tt o .king around tor i ired: and a male principal io teach the High Behool ami I general management of the ??>r a 7 months session at a salary of 1500 With two lady assistants holding lir-t gi I dexperience. How i- the money for this additional er to he raised .' Here the High School Bill oom .1, ami tlc Ci pal's -alary. The . iii large D by thc tuition I nu.nth for ....1 | uplls, ihe thing . . .mit it, ami Bice Depot is f.,r bette] J. H. Dwi-, Supt. I'. - A public meeting will beheld Kepot on Friday, March '.nth at s p. m. p. tiiscu-s Un- advisability li!, i ll Igh School ai that place, and to deemed wise in the prenatal The meeting will be sddrasesd by Mr. Jas. A. Thou. cllburg, bill tilt bi all for the expression of their opinion on Jecl of -uch supreme impor sll in Hint community. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY. Rice. .March 19, 1906. Mi-- Mattie Bass visited her -i-icr, Mrs. B. ll. Carter, from Friday until Sunday. Missel Maye Morton, Brown Ier and Fssie Wilson, and Wilson and delightfully entertained in the hospitable home of Mr. Carter, Saturday ul] We are glad to bear thal Mrs. Mar* tim llubbard ls Iniprof lng. I ida Itondurant ly night with Mi? Kt.?ic Moltlcy. Mr. W. I. Well- i- spending soma tune with hi- mother. Mi-- Mal! Il leave this week lo V l-l! ; Klchinond. Mrs. J. W. Wil-oii is improving af? ter ijuiti I ire throat. I Kattie Hubbard, ot tin- B, F. L, -pcm a few daya with their home ; ily. M is, K--ic Wilson called ai I duntay afternoon. Mi-- Bessie Mottley visited Miss Prospect. March 20, Tin,. Mr-. ? ?? rtrudc . Islting ter, Mi-. I. II. <'leiui. Mr. I.loyd ('arter, of Boanol thc guest at Mr-. McCracken'! on Bunday. Mi-- i :.lum, of W ? ginia, who lilting Mr-. ha- returned to her home. Mr. I - in l-nrinvlite. Mis. w. h. denn ami family,ol . isilmg her home ? .linn. Mr. A. I.. | iud au inter -. nnoii to a huge nnd attentive ation al (dive Brunch la-t Buuday mon Thc memberi ..t tbe a. B. K. nut nt Prospect la-t Saturday evening ami ihe following officers for the N. Wilkerson, President; T. B. Hlx, but: Thom ? M. (den: We In.| ii their undertaking. Mrs. s. E. J. Biiiimd ot Petersburg, . Mi-. W . B Binford. Mi-- ? nest of \| - |. . ,t .Minni Sntunlny. Mr. B. W. I n you* town \. K. i arson and family vi-it ed nt Mis. W. B. I; Sunday last Miss Mamie Ulenn and brother, turned to their brother in Boonoke. Mr. Willit Islting lu-.tiler, Mm. M. B. M Ita-ale. March Li'. 1906. We are glad h. hear that Mr. B. K Hunt, who ha- been sick for more than i- much better. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ligon vIslted in the home of Mr. F. W. Cunning? ham recentlj and Cunningham cn ll ed at Dublin, the evening of M .til. Mit. M. J at her home I I more. Uti "ii the invalid Dr. J D. I ? cen up ? her ill Mr-. T. N. ''anningham bat . I in te ii . hut i.i about a !r-. W. M. ' Va. Darlington Heights. lcd last week that Mr. TM. Bondman! would be at Darling? ton Hei| .rday, at - ? another farmers' dun. is met there [r. Bondorant wm ready ' ? r of the farmers' union. A dst) wa- then md the ? W. ( . .ry. The i ? farmer in this ?'. favor of the union. .1. w. William- preached to a church ; Several-,f tba Nonnah!.., were In our town last Saturday and Sunday. intraeton aa t railroad will mrmmanOI wurr lissa. Mi-- Maiy l.i/./ie And. delightful entertainment near this liv night. Tickets are .nil for the mari Mr. Willie Unto ami Mis, Mary clark, of Charlotte. Abilene. March jo, 1908, Mrs. Kattie Walton, who ba quite ill for the past -even weir ci into sternal ret la-t Wed evening at ?', o'clock, agc ; ' year Ith wa, quito a stsock to her Friends. Tor many ye, hail been a consistent member of opting Creek Baptist Churc: :uree daughters to mourn lier lom M ny, Mrs. John (ar? ter and Mrs. James Anderson. May Dod ble-s them in their allliction. All who knew ber loved lier and iii her death we have lost one of our | Christian workers. Bbc was buried at the ( ary eemoti Kev. J. M. W. Khler preached his non nt Douglas on Sunday evening, and said farewell to lu, loved Hi sad hearts ami tearful eyes. Miss Kogan i arv wa- recently call? ed to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Scott, near Hampden sidney. Birdie Carson visited Mrs. iton, ot tin- place ona d week. Mattie Franklin and Mr. Dan? iel Driakill called to sec Mrs. Wm. Dri-kdl last Saturday. Venner. Mardi 21, 1908. !: H. Wood-on bas been indis r thc last week, hut glad to UlOW she ls better. Mi. Neal Camile and family ipsnt at Mr. Win. Dri-kil! - Darlington Height-. Mr. B. T. Rosser visited bis family ii Lynchburg Saturday amt Sunday. Mis, Beulah Baker -pent Sunday sith her cousin, Mba Mattie Baker, >f Mad ison ville. Mr. W. H. Cordon, of New N ork, baaed mic of Mr. B. t ier- fauns near Hu- place. Mi. and.Mrs. w. H. Bosser spent liv- last week with b ?nt- in Lynchburg. Mr. B. l'. Baker waa the g ila daughter al Vincent Bundey. Mr. Chas Bosser bsa baan -ick for teven! days bul is better now. Dr. E. K. Walker i, back at I'ainp ii again much to the delight of his nany friends, Mr. Walter Davil ll miter and Mi vlahcl Pugh were married in Lynch lUlg Wednesday, March Nth. They efl Immediately for Washington, baltimore and other point-. Weooo natulate them and Wish them a long, lappy nnd prospero.! CUMBERLAND COUNTY Stoddert. March 17. | Mr. and Mr-. Thomas W. Crowder lave announced the marriage of their laughter, Mattie Powers, to Mr. Mut? iny morning, \pnl third, at nine o'clock,Centenary ?burch. Cumberland county, Virginia i :- a charmltlg and at ractive young lady, amt i- a social avorite In Cumberland circles. Mr. -?ii of the well known Mr. J. A. sieger formerly nf Bucking iain county, hut for the pn-t Ll? years velden! ol ( umberland, Ha la most nghly esteemed ard conaidered very ir esl thy, Tba event i- looked for? rard to with much Inti ??? Mrs. <; w Heit sud "? ehUdrsti ot North Carolina) are visiting Mrs. .uni-, Dr. ami Mrs. II. I,. Blanton. Mi?I .unilla Bedinger of thc - I i duntay ami Bun j ionic. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Crate visited at it Mr. E. B. Hughe- Sui,dav .vening. de's friends are glad to know the i- able to go OUt again. Mi-. Palmora, of Lone oak, ?mw with bar daughter, Mn, Mettesur mic al KlgoiltoW ll. ? refortunatoln gath .?ring enough itt' while other- didn't .'et any. BUCKINGHAM COUNTY Arcanum. Mardi IS, 1908. local I iiioii ?u.'l al Dillwyn on Saturday and organised a County Union Mesa '!? B. Johns uni Harnett Elliott representing I'urdsviite; Keon Ollie, Bbeppardi J. W. Hebdlteh, New Store; ( harles Aiidcr-oii. Maysvillc ..-ide- others. lad fol the County Union a rn! Richard Ellis; i Allan MiMtre tary and Trea-urcr W. lt. - Ime nnd place the Dill? wyn local Union wa- organised with John T. Dill !? '?! C, l>. MeCnw, Vu?> I K. W lute, Editor of the Virginia OuUool rotary and Treasurer. Twenty-otic ?barter members were eurolie*! in this local Inion. Mrs. i ry ill at thia writing. Dr. Morns was with ber all night, and he being out of ; hone on Saturday night. Dr. An : ailed from Farm? ville early Sunday morning at ? ' Fraj koa oath that Of tbe linn of F. J. ,t doini in thc fy and Ruts afore? said, and '.rm will pav the (NE HUNDRED DOLLARS foi i that Hall's FRANK J. CHENEY, fora me anil sn! - - <5th day of Deccm A. W. CIT ? si and -?imonials, fr .Tu;. Take :y I'd!* for pallon. _ Most men would rather have a y political joh ami starve to death than to get a g.?sl Hf work. Hampden Sidney.. March i'I. p.a?,. the catalogue for tbe current sen? ates is now being BaOaSd and, unlike th'gues ,,f recent years, will be illiiHtrated with cuts of buihlii ground-. Theniaterialforthe ? K . the College annual, is all in ami will he placed with the printers within a week's time. Ia addition la the arn? ie-of which mention wa.- made In former notes, namely, of Hainpdcn Sidney men in thecivil war and of one of the most illustrious of the men w hom the ( ollege has sent on: eral Sterling Brice, there w ill l>e au ar? ticle ,howung tbe part played by stu deiitsof Haiiipden-s.idiiey is Ihe Bev olution. Still antither article will giw Splatt as the rSSOSSS, of thc men who have served the College a, teacher-. The article rev ea! ral very intere-tuig fact-. I be lin-1 faculty of the Academy mit of which the (ollege grew wa- ..,mpo,e,l en lirely of Princeton men, one of whom was Davitt Witherspoon, sou of thc pre-ideiit of Kriiicetoti, John Wither sp.stn, the one minister who-e name is sim.e,| io Hie Declaration of Inde? pendence. Another member of the ? lj vt- -ainud Doak, who later in 177s asosasd tue Allix ami foundtsl Marlin Academy the name of which was changed lo Wash? ington College in 1788, Hie br-t tutioii of learning e\labli.-hc?l in the UlSSl Mississippi Valley, a sch,sit which i, now within sight of tl., ..f a line endow iiient. Mr Doak has tlie tli.-tiuctioii of earning tba first library aero? il,e Ulag I While attemlinga meeting of lb) ? umly in Philadelphia bisiks were given lo lum which, without loss of tune, he bundled into and carried OS great chain of mom.taine, these b.siks becoming the linden, of ; library of Washington < ollege. Among tba Professors of I here have been Dr. OeorgC W. I sleeted In 1884, aad from ISM to ISM the eminent rector of Camden Pa Danville, Va.; John William Draper, i here from 1816 to 1838 sud voluminous writer mi political amt scientific subject-, from Um top of a building in New York city Dr. Dispel ttsik the lir-t photographic portrait L'ver taken from life, part ot the appa ? I in preliminary expirum Bia being now at Hampden-Bidney ; sod Kev. Joseph B. Wilson, hither ti I Woodrow Wilson, of Prince? ton, ami psUSSasOf lure lunn 1880 io c chair ot nintheinnlic- ha ha.I a notable siicces-ion. anion annabel being Prof. Francis H. Smith, .tu from ? and afterwsrda Superintendent of the Virginia Mili Utiy Institute; and (ol. Charles. & Venable, profosaot here from ISM to ward- professor at tba t ?!? ? Virginia and alda lo < leaaral Kee. Tba chair of Languages bm i. a-i,.i among ita holders Dr. Jamea ni.'tr-ii IB?4-?ti , aftorwardi praaldenl if the Kiuversity of VcrinonI anti Kro laaeot of Phlloaophy there until ins leatli in ls)s; Hugh A. Cailaiul, mithor of ''The Kite of John Ban lolph; ' amt Piof. Karlin ls|7 TbeCball of Creek, Hugh A. Ionian.I I .'.leu ot Un' splen? did "l.ife of John Randolph." I Martin lrj.'>ii-7l whose work i the College on a linn financial in the year, tb , roi --.I ? , now Profit Baot Ot Creek al Washington _ Kee, and Willi-ll. Bo cock 188648 now Piofosaorof '? in the I nivei- Thc teacher of Kalin tir,t mentioned ni the printed catalogue- i- Wm. Nelson Page Isj," and certainly through afterward- Principal of Ann BmUh V.adeiny at I .ev licit.m, Vu. I'mt \\ idler Blair -el ve.l lu Ibu dtp ul nasal from 18 tod la now cmentu- Krote-sor, and one of thc students trained under blaa st coming ll. Denny, the President of Washing? ton a Kee, who occupied the chan of Latin from |8t I Dr. John Bell lieiineniaii, l*iofsaaoi of Ungi lab lioiu 1888 IS i Sada within i.-cciii yaala valuabli.QtribuUoni to teacher who lett hi, mnik mon ly than any ol Prof. Kew is Uttiepa . nrsm I nm until bia death la ISSI, thi belov? ed rinlaawii <>f Phys I he mit door work in alldet been greatly facilitated I.y the splen? didly open and bracing wcathei of the past few week-. I nt Vt inn.le Ath? letic Field present- SS ultra, li?. e sight every afternoon, willi the pi I games in full swing. About SJ linn are trying fur the team in l.n-e ball, and sui I that another diamond is being -Imped ii| tor the lise of the men. 1 i | ublisbed ami the teams, under tl sf III i W, Booth, Jr., of p. b ? and the management of Mr I riamlllg. Of Blchmolid, will go iii to Will. In the spring tune you renovate your Why not yow body! Hotlle . ky Mountain Tea drive- out Impurll ? and enrlebw th. blood ami purifiaa ti ?ent-. 'The Win-ton Drag FOR DYSPEPTICS. til II ro.uI way NtW Yot\ McAi.i'is Oft. Kim. Co.: pear Sirs:?Will you tami as boob as possible to -bore ?_? I bottle of your djS| remedy?anyway SO WC caa get it quick. Why don't you jurt it raj, York market).' Yours &c. w. s.K\ McAlpiD Dyspepsia Remedy Co. Piralilla, Ta.