OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, March 30, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1906-03-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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?.not Hi fuel
i I \ i i sront,
ll Vf >?
rsl FrienJs.
-... iiiuke the mare
min.nut of
Ik than
I un amend
I lion anthor
? ,'?ai ..n
I meiit throughout 11 if
he Imported
p the markets
-v.. hiintlrtsl
ie hun
Itility of the
? lurch foi
irj dally
lt ilnl
to ?'malu
i' ?
ot a luxury
-v iii- ord In
his ruuuiug
Ow Druggists, H. C. Crute & Co., Tell
Huvv tu Regain Strength.
. utile climate
er, lhere has
v i in Farm
i i
timi ilk
?ry attei
' 'ie patient B
gth-restoring tonie,
organ in the
from an in
-! every
I ilo not
?ti rcme.ly III thc
? I
: on, Vinol, for tin-.
? medicine, aw (l
eil mi the i
ld lng, medicinal
.illy ta
? ra, hut with
tigoil t<>
ta work.
'.'iiiach, tones
uakes | ure, rich, red,
? tor eveiv
? ?'oneord, N.
.ul emaciated, all
avail, hut Vinni
I in a marvelous manner,
up the rini
glve new life
'lilli llHIIIfillaf
?fully ref li?
ll. C\ t'rtite
ith that
, of K. .1.
ll in the
?till pay the
i.ii that
-.? of ll til's
h:\nk .1. (Ill '
A. W. (.1.1
tod ami
- refuinl the
M.>|t lll.lt (t.HU'll
? white
ill ry,''
- Mlllollk' I
Kaaej i...rn-.
? i Mrs. w ii itu.i, 0f
Itlnutnghaui, Via . are ?Isitlu
nome of Mi- Rodd.
Mr Howard M bitebead, ot Bleb
mon,I. I.i? m,.I
friends lu Karniville.
N'r \\ w i i,,,,,,,. rr,,m
l.yuchl duiiug
ope ration.
Mr. I'. \ |tll ? ls honie (ron
Ile ex pe. I- to go from here lo New
Mr-. Wi, \ enable and Mrs. VV.
E. Audi irued from a
lengthy vi-n to Washington :,
A vt.i faiulue in Karun Hie is
ed, un.! consei|ueutly the
price th . i ,wn |a
ut of sight."
Advertising creates many a new
many un nhl bush
- millix :i <liil| i
? i.'iny u failing business; re
cue- many a lost business; secures
! return toKariu
ville March IO, and hold
meeting in the Auditorium. I1
tleneral adm - i nts; Normal
Sch.?il kui-. i , cents, i
IO cents extra ('rule's
drug -tore.
Governor Swanson ls endi
to have new dress uniforms furnish
ed the military of the State, and to
have the beal com pat. les attend the
Jamestown Kx posit I ion nen
lins, the (lovernor believes will eu
? the Virginia soldiery. I'lie
Karmi ille tluard will be then
of the
A water pipe bunted in the store of
Wade _ < mlle laal Sunday, and hut
for the timely :u nv al of Mr. <
Would have done Uiucll damage.
several Inches of watei -i.I tn
the Iloor, and a number of i. il
other millinery of the -tock of Mr-.
Iltur, were more or less .lam t
In the Circuit court laal week, tbe
ni with
wbipplngbei -
to death ended with a verdict of guilty,
the jury fixing I incut at
seven year- in the peni'etil .
motion for a new ti led nnd
overruled, Un utencing the
prisoner after rev iewlng al somi
.?nee upon which the Verdict
Too Much of "The Beautiful "
llegiuuing hefore the break of day
Saturday morning, a blinding snow
.torin raired in this section for twelve
lours. The weather vt
lay ami the usual Saturday trade
ait? our merchant* waa little in evi
lence. M ii.li of the Bl
t fell and yet there remained a coter
if six inches when ti.
leased to fail.
Not ia many years bal sucb a -torin
rislted Virginia so late in tin
uni oMer citizens were reminded ol
he winter of
farmville Local News Thirty-two Years
Si i.nkn Death. Ii-: Saturday
light between 10 ami li o'clock, Mr.
i. Heller died almost instantly from
Ile wa- sit tin..' in bis
ntly in i?imm| health and -pirit
c.| the -troke. Then '
ii hie f- ...h.; "I I l.ordy,'
nd the next iii-tant fell .lead to the
iken to Richmond
linday imus . deputation
nun the Masonic fraternity to Le in
?'rrt-<I according to the rites and cere
lonies of the Jewish Church.
Mr. Heller's death ll a great loss to
ur community.
?ul husband ami fal
tuiest, liberal, generous man, one
Tm irate much to charity and ilc
ghted iii alleviating dist rees. Ile
Kai: i IIQl'AKE. Karmv Ille I I
mighty shake, an immense bustlfl
Monday night about one o'clock,
hen all nature waa vt r.i| |
. there
sound, sharp, loud ami terrible,
ie earth quaked, houses shook, win
.tts tattled, dogi howled, ??
?reamed and men cuosed.
Bul as the heavens dui not fall, as
ie earth dui not hurst into Haine or
mi Inside out. mankind in I nm
Ile went to sleep again ami slumber
Scientific men have informed US
lat the -trance phenomenon is known
i the "twl neil all'' earthquake,
huh is an entirely sal
anal ion.
Kita.. Wednesday morning at
Hint s o'clock two or or three
hr. c. lt. Peters bumed to the
lt will be gratifying tn planter- to
mw that the Information n
Knliiiioiul iii ?connection with the
met. contract for
trad vt I! St awarded on
e |3th, IMli and nth ?
.an hhd- Kentucky
-.mi hlnls. Vin
nd and 4,400 hlnls ohio.
? a call from Dr. Jim. I'. Matt
ri [.illation I " ,i;i"
ached every part of our lan l
na, and apparently
live mentally and physically n- S
..-I men of fifty.
t :.
1 1
Fleming and Clark.
. I insertion
Also a nobby line of Sprint:
ear jut! Was ma.lt
millik: New ^Tk manufacturer.
tiful linen
i I While Uoodi for Shut
A Summer Normal
A Hummer Normal for Karniville
would liven things much during the
dull interim when mir ."State Ketnate
Normal Behool _closed finiaoatlon. li
is among tba probablllUaa thal l arm
v ille w ill secure one of the eight which
ibltsbed in Virgil
lown Connell Bboald taksftbe matter
up in the ahaenca of a Coard of Trade.
lhere is hut little tune to ;.
number of other towns have pul them
D line anti Karmt die Ottghl to
do (ikea
1 he follow int,'article i- taken from
mond I iines-lh-patch:
i be sum o' ? .en for sum?
mer normals, on thc condition that
ll than tight -ue!i schools of at
? held in
tte each year. Tin- is a -tcp in
the right direction. \\ nh the
teachers are gening, it i> Impossible
i..r the majority of them to attend Bum?
mer normals at a distance. The idea
ni the ( urlett hill 1- to have summer
Institutes in every -eelion of ti?
le h. the great hulk of our
lt wa- the idea of the i-oin
- of the two branches of the As?
sembly that the counties or the cities
in which, or near which, these m-ti
?. t.. ne held -hall supplement
.le fund. lt is hell."..
many places will ask f..r these Inatl
ider theae conditions
erickaburg, Winchester ami Norfolk
hate already asked.
rlcksburgnai oflered 1250 and
the county hoards of education of
utilities will he a-ketl to eon
tribute small amounts ami rn
return reduced tuition fees for the
teacher-of the counties BO contribut?
A prmnpt and definite move mi the
pail of our people is all thal i
sary to hate Karniville adoptedMone
ol the laitable places for a normal, li
would bring to us a hundred or more
th of the dullest
season in thc year, the advantages
frmn Mich Lcing more than pecuniary.
Tbe intellectual stimuli)- to the com?
munity would he worth fourfold the
expenditure mi the part of the town.
We hope that the subject will not be
allotted to tlrop until Karmtille has
heen chosen as one of the place- for
i summer normal.
In The Circuit Court.
In thc circuit Court of Prince I <i
mird Wednesday N. a. Jenkin- was
pul mi trial charged with asaaulUng
Dr. White ont?e night of Kel ima ry 5th.
The attorney! for the aeensed enter.
?d a plea of present insanity and n
ury being impanelled hiuI bearing a
lumber of witneasea on hehalf of the
lefencc and one for the prosecution
tn.hre.l a verdict that the prisonei
me man.
Jenkins was then arraigned ami put
ipi rn trial for the crime alleged.
Kr. White was lir-t witness Il?
lili not say positively that Jenkins
truck him, hut that he thought lie
lid. Ile had seen the prisoner a iium
er of evenings on the street
p to lu- residence, hut did i
nu at the ti -il tal meeting place that
ght. The doctor said that the man
rho struck bim wa- standing at the
Itching poet when he the Doctoi
pp roached bli front Kate, ami turning
it might he wanted the man
nine hurriedly up to lum ami struck <
At the hour of going to pre-- yester
ay thc Commonwealth had con- ,|
lided. I,
Letter to the "Hill Billies."
' lon Station, Tenn.
March lu. li""--.
y Hear 'Hill Hill I
For thc past -1 hours I have heen J
iinkitii; seriously of ymi. Why .' w
eaterday I went to a ginni old conn- w
y church in Kast Montgomery coun- fr
?, ami heard the preacher take for a
-text "Yl Are the Light nf the a
mid." I -cann tl tba congregation. 'I
id did not see a alngli "Hill Hilly." h.
came li.I ami, a- l'imhI Kill Alp
?ed t.. say. "I began to ruminate." ti
Oinking I was perhaps mistaken, I te
cut to the phone ami called Deacon tl
town, who is always in the amen rn
rner mi preaching days, ami never -i
. ace in the audience.
-;v Brothel Brown, wa- there a
lill Hilly' at church yesterday .'"
"No, not one,'' he replied in solemn
I then began t<? cali up certain eon
Itlsens, mam ben of the To
OO, ami told them I ''
is writing a letter to the "Hill '
-ked if any nile Wl-hed
. J*
send messages; one saul.
|UOte -onie poetry, written
a prominent Kohert-mi I mmtain.
the "Hill BCIIea."
I failed t.. find the latter.' Alioth- w
"fell him mir great lander,
wing, as-i-ted hy other noble -
Kentucky and Teii!ie--ce, baa led
to the promised land, where mir CM
lillies no longer hate tn eat i
tl drink branch water." th
My olde-t boy is aide tnnvtii a har- (|,
v knife, fol the llr-t lime in his
land my youngest: girl ha-really th
ne nf cheese and a few |,r
-in- Ute stonily time la over. ^e
I'he la-t I interviewed, like A
n Adham, "loved his followman,''
Extend my -yinpat!.
I poor'HUI BUllea,' ami tell them.
lope the dav is nut far off a
rf too, will sw the Hydra-baa
Wt do, and join our rank
ht the cruel monster." ne
\ time like this denian.I
irl-, -trmig mindi and witting ds
ml-, untouched anti unsoiled by tba lr.
dui love nf money to the detrui
in- neighbor '
Vake up to a sen-e of dat]
ur country and "sin not hy ilk
. should defend."
_ WI
Roll of Honor.
toll of Honor for Hampden-.
uk.I week ending .Marci,
mu No. .' Kalph Kutcher, John
U, Ni.ii Miller, Tom -
irtha Butcher, Ada oliver. I:
. 1 Mattie Chernault, Olex Ker- lr'
Ile, Kathleen Allen, Minnie < her- JW
alt. Lillian Miller. Marguerite Al- jjj^
, Dora Hunger, Myrtle Hut,
arlie Kutcher, Robert Kern."lie
?tl, Krieg, Hernani oliver. S. B.
?kins,.n, principle: I.. Carrin;.-'
hree little rules we sll should k
1 make life happy and bright,
imile mi the murnini.', snide at m cn. .
I - kv Mountain lean a |
.' W in-loii Hr e(i.
The Missionary Union
During a part of lin- week
, uonai Interest have baan bald
ai tbe Presbyterian church m eonnee
timi tilth the annual meeting of lau
? nary I mon af VA Bat
Hanover Presbytery. On Wednesday
morning and afternoon, and again mi
Thursday mornings tba BMetlngaweei
for ladie- ami children only. Seaports
! from the varinu
Dg an interesting ami encour?
aging account of their work. 1'apers
hint- were read, and in?
formal, hut helpful and ui-tructite,
talks were made on luethials ami re?
sult-, nf this great ami gmwing hrancli
?timi work.
Hut the BOtabHI features nf the ineet
iddreaaea delivered I aaa
day ami Wedneaday night hy the
v\ iii. H. ,-hep
panl. h. H., wini has Leen for I
laboring under the care of the Suith
ern Presbyterian church in Central
Africa. Hi- -tory of Ide and work in
the great Valley of Congo wa> of
thrilling interest, and the great audi
.- profoundly impreaeed bath
With the limn and lil- lues-age. ills
work wa- m the heart of darke-t
Africa, 1. I'm miles from the coast, ami
. nondrooalybleeaad, it-dan
trer- and difllcultlea, it- darkn.
superstition, its mu and its sorrow
idly portrayed. With rare
-kill, ami with an uiiall'ecteii do?
om ufa heart mi lire with his
thama, he wove lu- experience- ami
nio a narrative of sur?
passing ;i which humor,
patho- and potter were strikingly
Four thousand -om- bavi
brought to Christ in tbeee 16 years
through the work of the corp-of white
ami colored n. amt the na?
in gel is ta who have been train?
ed hy them, and the work goes -lead
Hy on witb undiminished power ami
ni simplicity and sincerely of the man
and hi- BtlOUg faith, WOO all hearts,
for he kept himself in the background
ami gave all glory tn Uod. our com?
munity bas been highly privileged In
being permitted to hear this Herald
nf the King, who b lin ra "good newi
frmn a far country."
Colgin Price.
At the Baptisl parsonage mi Wed
nesday at - I'. M., the Rev. K. A.
McFarland united In marriage Mr. W.
a:.,I Mi-- <n-rtie I,. Krice,
laughter of Mr. ami Mn. J. M. Price.
Both Parties are of Amelia county.
it wiahes attend them.
The Death Sentence Passed.
Robert H.. ker, the negro convieted
>f the murder nf (harlie Brown, also
olored, wa- sentenced Wednesday
norning to die upon the gallon - i he
et for the execution li Friday,
. 1906, between the hours of
A. M. and 8 P. M.
When a-ked if he hail anything to
ny uh. - h.mid not he pto
ounced, Hooker replied that he had
ot had a fair trial. Tba words of tba
oiirt made little if any imp;
pmi the prisoner, so far as outward
il'i,- were concerned, ami he wa-m
Ifferenl after being returned to jail as
e had shown Inn.self to he hefme
i- cmr. I ct lon.
A motion t the verdict
mt of after-tli-ciivered tt-ti
tony wai argued Monday hy I
ompson for the prisoner and
udge Watkins for the Common
saith. Argument nf the defense
? I almost entirely upon the
ict that thc prisoner was illiterate,
ml had not Leen able to employ
mnsel to attend his ease, ami to pro
Ini'T a- would have
The Commonwealth's Attorney
tougbt that the newly discovered
vtimotiy would not change the ver
let nor the plea that the counsel wss
it employed In lune for defense a
ifTiclent ground for a new trial.
The Japanese Fund.
Ihe following contribution! have
?eu received -ince Hie la-t is-ue of
ie Herald for the suffering Jap
Total i. ..I' fi laal weal
Richardson l BO
lady BO
F. Walton 1 (?i
i-. D. 1 ii">
The follow mg was received this
sek by Ht\. R. R. C'laiberne from
? lary of the American Nation
Kid i rosa, ai Waabingtoo:
March -Uh. 1900.
. d ..I Kanni die, Va., and vi
lity. through Kev. K. K. Claiborne, a
ntribution of | 18.65, to he applied to
? Japaneei Kamlnc Relief l-'uinl of
e Hf.I '
The American National Bad Croea,
rough its secretary to ex
t-- it- cleat appreciation of this
neron- Contribution for the relief of
e famine-stricken Jajai..
Sinned < ii 18. I- M tt.i i,
Card ot Thanki.
VA e niall t" express mir inn-t sin
re thanks for the unbounded kind
i sympathy nf mir many
ends during the recent illue? ami
ath nf mir beloved bnsbaad and
>ther. He too desired, and reqneet
that hi- dear Mend! ba told DJOW
spry h, ? I their tbought
Ibail v isit? ami their every
[ of kimi
.lr- Nwmi ll. I:
teeter Memorial Day March 27 and
Second Annual Reunion of The Blue
and The Gray March 28-29 At?
lanta, Ga. Halt Rite* ria
Southern Railway.
in .Mureil -ith and 26th the Suith
, ll special i
iii all points to Atlanta ami return.
des for the round
p, limited" for return pa-sage llfteen
lound trip from RletUBOttd
poiidingly low rates
iii other po
C. W. Wi -i ni nv,
D. P. A., Richmond, Va
-: way to rid the -y-tem or a
evacuate the bo wahl Ken
It - Lax tilt,- H .n.-y and Tai
s"pleasant, yt Hlectual cathartic on
ibofrela. ll clears the head, cuts
? phlegm out of the throat, streng
IM the bronchial tut*s, relieve
igh-. i.I-. .rou p. whtaipiug cough,
. Sold by all drugi
: I
re 11
w il
i ia
J. I
I . I
P. :
J i
J :
E. \
cl t
Farmville to the Front I
I ht following letter li
erlntendeut J. I) >n, Jr..
!..r it-elf ami presents to mir
muni- a subject that I -hall a-k you
to think abant for one week and then
be prepared tn act ami lo act ninety
and handsomely
Richmond, Va., Mani.
Supt. John H. Hat i-,
Karmt die, Va.
My HearSir; That leneral Assembly
ha- paaaad ? bill appropriating
for wai mei Bcnooli on condition that
at least eight of them are held in this
State. I am cont inced that I annv ille
is sn ideal point for sin h an InsUtUte.
Ihe Karmt ille Normal School can be
which tn bold theiu-tiluteaml
Farmv ille can takt I num?
ber nf student-. Bl el tl | ' i
already pidding fnr three Institutes
amt I shall be mucii disappointed if
Karmt ille ami the surrounding coun?
ties, do not secure one ol these institu?
te-. Frederlck-burg, with I','1"" peo?
ple, has agreed to pul ri|
I am amalad by the repr
ihe annonnding eouoUea thal their
?iiunties will contribute a rca-.nial.le
lomani to the institute in order thai
Iheir teachers may get the benefit of it
ire radoeed tuition char.
.Imulil think that Karniville could do
?s well as Kredericksburg, and
? ii why Prince Edward, Kotto
*ay, Amelia, Cumberland, Appomat
iO_, I harlotle and l.unenburg should
int join in ami then see that then
eathers attend. Supt. Dickinson of
'timberland has assured me that
'timberland will give at Ica-t |1.00 fm
?adi white teacher within her bor
lers. Why should not Prim
card give from the county
uml at lea-t |50; why should not
(ottoway ami the nther eountie-do a
rall or al moat as well.' Ky iloing
lu-, a moat successful Institute can be
iel.I four week- in length ami thc
(tate will contribute a l'.m..I amount to
lelp mit.
A Literary Feast.
All who can enjoy such thing-are
ivited to partake of the literal,
i be prov i.led by the leach,
.elation at the High Behool building
aturday, Slat, from ll A. M
'. M. The program a- already BU
oonced Ind odea an address i.y Mr
i iimnas, of Lynchburg, |
- Marner and mi Hamlett bj
Heteriek and Whiting, ami an
bin-- or paper on Moral Training
i the School by Hr. Me-singer of the
urinal School. A large attei
' the teacher- of the county -
ul of the Normal Sclnsil i- ex |
Association of Colored Teachers.
I in Association will bold it- second
mi-annual meeting al the public
bool Na -' in Farmville on April
h, from II A. M. to i ' P. M.
1'rograin: Duet Mis! Clara H.
atthew- ami Prof, J. W. Mot
?t Reading -Miaa Lillie McDaniel;
iper Kev. W. L. Fowlkl
Mr. Jas. s. Thoma
.lo Mr?. Killy Scott Brown; I'npti
.Merchant of Venice Kev. C. W.
Open Conference on the ai site. Busi?
es. Adjournment.
hr Not i Diitrict High School at
Green Bay.
that i- the question m.w before thc
iuds nf many nf the mool Wide
ake citizens of Leigh District. A
bhe meeting i- to bc held ai '
iy mi Friday, April 'iib. at ll A. M.
consider thc advisability nf
lung such a High Behool at that
int and to take the neee.?-arv
tlo m.it n be found w in to attempt it.
i those Interested ari invited toat
ul the meeting.
Mr. Thomar, of Lynchburg, will de?
er an address after whlcb the meet
r w ill bu.opeii for free discussion.
J. H. Dai i-, Bupt
I iiiilrilnithiii- tn Ni Iliad,
take tin- opportunity tn publicly
mk the S.hiHil Hoard of Paraville
.trut for their kimi consideration in
owing the colored pc | I. of tb ll
nmanity to supplement the sclnsil
nls through which we Were able tn
ure s iietter lebool lyatatn. We
0 thank them for the added, fifth
feel that I voice the lenUmenti nf
s entire cmnmunity when
it limier the leadership of Profeseoi
W, Mo-- the work accomplished
-.year has been satisfactory in every
peet to all.
he following named peraoi
.-e who have given towards ri
? the ainnuiit that wa- lo ii
Nd. I here are S good mai >
t- who pmiui-e tn give who have
gives anything yat, I hope the>
1 give by the la-t of April, i
teary baebaenoverdraa i
in W. Hage
ll. Hilton
A. Ward
?cal Knw Ike
It. Hair-ton ?'. 00
loora Reid 4 00
xamler Uland
, Nels.m Jnrdaii
ne- D Miller
I. Cooaini
il W. Held
ne- Jojie
I W. Wa ni
I Kellows Societv.
u-ehol.l of Rath
H'S rd Matthew
vt. RoblneoB I 00
1. Hean 1 DO
?rge H. Robinson
ni Poster
.. Hariet Hulling
:'. Vsughan 1 00
non l-owlke
it.ii Taylor
f. J. W. Moss 1 -i
s Ksnnie Elliot
i. Charlotte Andi ri BO
i. Brown 0
sard Vsughan i
: Branch. 60
iry Harris BO
irv- Morton. ?"
lie Kogus iO
n H. Hughe- 28
?v H. Branch - I
V. Bsrtlett -?'?
I Baptist .'burch
rge Holme- BO
r 7500
P. H. Hilton. Treas.
thing, Blind, Bleeding, or Hro
iug Hiles. Druggists are authori/
,, refund ni .nev if PAZO OlNI
NT fails to .ure in Bl
ut few orators can In.j
em cmnpelitimi With windmills
March aStb, 19
ihoek to
our en:
- _J for
I fam
iiixiely aliout her
condition. On Friday night, aha waa
with paralysis and from.that
I .1 and day of m
rdeaeed from pain.
She died al the home of her I
Mr. VV. H. Blnford, and wa- laid tn
I Buffalo, on
Monday afternoon, Kev. K. A I
conducting the funeral -
-i-tcd by Kev. J. A
tient endurance of pam, through long
' ring, in her youngi
should be a lesson to the many friends
w ho enjoyed her cheery Spirit.
Out ufa family of nine, lite are now
led; Mr>. Billow, ofPlttaylvanlaeoun
II. c. and J. I). Moora,
and Mts-r-. W. K and i
all of thia county.
We regret so mu li to hear of the
illne?of Miss Helen M. Hunt, at the
Retreat :??! tbe Bick, Richmond, Vlr
ibe underwent ai
timi for app. tulay.
Her brother, Mr. Ernest Hunt
down mi Saturday, to be near her at |
ration. He wrote
that the lunch t
it her condition.
Mr-. Willie < ouch, of North <
daide of her ,|
mother, Mrs. M. J. ferry, la-t Thurs?
day. Bhe returned to her home Mon.
Ur*, ferry I- much better.
Mi-- i.i./.e Biuford returned home
Saturday on account of the Ulm
her .'111111 who died a few hours later. ?
Mr. Ernest Phillip- has gone to ti
Roauoki n
Miss Maggie V. Chilton, teacher of f.
Hufi.iio-cho.il, visited her nomi
plc. in Appon end of thc s:
week. h
Mr. Thornton Cunningham ?
v i-itor at l ?ui ; ifternoon. ei
Mr. i lu,len I Hitcher, wh
, i-ilint; Mi? < anipbell. left mi a baal- m
ie? trip il irdaj I i-t i?
Mr. Andrew Amit : un- a]
vlltlW'll p . vick. ll I:- (J,
lupposed h. ;;t- ..f live ,?
lhere vt aa a -mal ' lon at ,.;i
he Baptist church Sunday. Bad \\
reathei alwaj ir.un yj
Tbe Mehernn Behool closed I
'be teacher, Miss Maude Cneraault, fa
tomorrow for her home near th
lampdi n mi the w|
carts of her "pupil-" ami made many j?
ncmls. We hope she will return nexl (?{
Ihe talk of mir v ll] new ji.,
lil road, and li md mule- fa,
.ii be in opera- |Ml
mi. It will run almoat through our ,,a
? I w d! I., a great benefit U
tn by the
ly, winch wai to
ike pl ci -.nu M it Hie
-1itm.I house, ? oed until Ha
ening, April 3rd, commenc- -pt
Ali an- hiv neil io attend.
Mr. Thomas, of Lynchburg, ami
the Kapti-t church, Th
inlay evening at s o'cli en<
Mr-. W. J Bbipman is t Islting
Richmond. ha
Mi? ll ive for her mi
quite a wa
' friends at Bice a ho w
Mn I H. Bowry left this morning ku
r Richmond to attend the burial nf
?r aunt, Mr- hei
March 28, 1808. if N
Mrs, W lilian, i returned i|u
; Jennings \IV[
ive U;|
their many friends wa
tl returned tn Wt -I
Mr. ami Mr-. Ilainiuel, nf Binning
un. Ala . ted at the lnniit' ,.u.
Mr-. VV. B. Uarden. ia,
nie o-iHirue, .if Proapect, hal
New York. .
Karniville this week. -
Kuli nf hmmr for - 20:
eury Moore, Krank Price, Robert
icc, Milton Price, ore, '
ary Mool tonie <ar- res
r, Ruth Kuqua, Myrtle Fuqua, Janie N
lliani. smi
Pollard. ..
nf 1
Mr. Jo.- Parker continues very ill.
Mr. ami Mr- I ihers are
? bap] v ..ri baby. ,
tli Mr-. < ar;
-Hit) <-'"r
Baltiiimrc tn buy ll] ods. '"' '
Miss Mn her _!_
ll Mr. Krank Pilloi
int of Mrs. Pillow's illi
Eureka Milli.
lighter of Mr. M. W. ?rews, wa
irned Vi Wal
the bi
er father.
ille has la*n nr
a ith Mr. Martin, nf Buwlnig
ran, l
\. B. Hammer, I
Ihe Bank will ne ready fm
med nf Keystille has
en ]*rmi-sioii to the Southern
the lott
'?Ir. I
b" wa- at (liar). J
urtlmu-e by bsal talent. A large
1 sppreciati I the
forma - vrere
and the I
I merited cmiiinetnls
ii. li., .terian
ireh prepared lots of good thing
for the inner man win.?>. |
Md of Iheeiitertainment will
i ni improving the 1're-byterian
? of Maryland, the
lor of Charlotte
Courthouse, and Drakaa Braneh i'res
bytermn churches, has arrive<l, Intake
.-vnlence of the fact that in?
telligent poultry rai-ing pays, the fol?
low ing facts are given: Since H..-em
Mr... Lee VV. Morton has
-old -I...ni worth nf poaltry and
-lie has no meubators, tm
brooden I-of poultry.
kana an Mh
of Kebruary, ami ha.- on hand J-do/en
eggs and IT", young chickens, lifty of
which are nearly Nady for market
The meeting of the "Book Club''
Friday night at Mr. J. H. Ju
?npletefailure, only twa mem
? lara DeFord spent last
lay night with Mis- Beulah Baker,
- now on tin -
Mr. Walter ami family -pent last
-atur.lay night ami Sunday at Mr
Ailliain Driakill'a.
Mr. Floyd Donner and wifi
vlr. Killy CarwUee, of W
iave returned, amt are now at Mr. VV.
I, i arv.
Mr. CI. Kobert- wa- a gu
?Ir. T. VV. Roberta Mme'
hool will cln-e next W
lay, April Ith. Thura will iicaponthes,
and nther amusements.
March .'7,
Mr. Sett. tt ho recently I
Hyde Hark, a talual.le farm, atmut
ve miles from here, ha- Bold the tun?
er on the place to a lumber company
"?". ihe company is boa
utting the machinery ont there for
ip the timber, when it will be
milcd here for shipment.
Real estate -
ably amt a good deal of town pmp
ty ha. changed hand- in the pa?t
nee months.
Mr. J. Koral Boswell is having a
?ry handsome dwelling erected of
ay .oin rete block-. Ihe work i
ring done by thc (uiver Bros., who
so have the contract for putting ap
e new M I the -ame
We an trounce the eriU
I Illness of our honored townsman,
it the
il Hospital in Richmond for
Mtment. H with lum.
Wi deeply sympathise with thc
' Mr. Whitley Hamilton in
of their little sou, Walter.
ly a bunt
g engine, that he died ia tW(
Mr. Ed -im ..f the
iptist church, lui- cuine with bil
mit. and they have taken nairn- in
I "Old Institute" building until thc
- Untitled.
\ sent- nf meeting- l- being held lu
t Method iel church; preaching lin?
net. Mr. Bradley, of Crewe.
Hir toa after
? ml months.
lettie ? Bet
?-I ;,t ii I ua- a reporter,
vi.l Belaaco at a holiday dinner, "I
?nt two days with a gang of t; ,
order to get material for an article
tram] '
tramp- were a merry lot
' i mili-trel -how.
? t millee pla that wc
remindi me of a
lt told by mie of thi?
ll, -aid that a friend of his, mic
d day in Ja ked at the
r of a farm:
?Well -aid the faro.
1 'Yes tramp re?
stfully. T want to know, ma'am,
?null be kind enough Ul give nu
I that I had
?? yest! I
ikea1 man, what d
nt that ;
? tile a bet,"replied then
My pardner say- you use three
:' irtland lenient to one of mo
| iwo and a
f."' _
-ll football
0 provide that the game shall here
lli* Ueneral stall' might li
flout waiting for the
1 nf the army.
Ir. ll- king
ne of iiuitting the railroads and
og into i
I -ort
ld glaring-in I
I groom
ie Longa
Judge" Andrew Hamilton d,du I
. -, but
s an old band at taming legisla
The greatest of
nodern-time helps
o perfect cooking
Used in the best fam?
ilies the world over
SO.aa la?a. *.??>. Sj M
Prince 1-..I ward's
sujtert laors have so far steatlfastly set
their faces against a band issue to
build mad-, saying ''that taxation is
doubt all taxation in
odious, but some forma may I* more
tile than ot?I
What tax is more odious tuan one
that forbids any communication, ami
tins ia the lax that mini puts upon the
eounti.' loday it coats in hire ten
ilollsr* to haul a ton nf tobacco twenty
miles?if it can be hauled at that. A
? alf a dollar a ton a unie. I., put it in
mother light it takes I per cent of
he value of a tobacco crop to haul it
iver mud Bandi tn market.
I he laws of tbe Slate have for two
,ear? permitted the supervisors of any
aJUnty tO Older I vote a- to whether
he cminty should UM ? build
oada. 1 ne super.i.-o:i- of Hus coun
y have -o lar not seen lit to do so.
Furthermore, as shown la a recent
.sue of the Herald, thin enmity has
cen permitted lo take ihe vote when
t shall have 10 per cent of lt voters
.. a-k f.-r an election.
Now it is unneeded that taxstimi m
p re?
mit mud mad- are vile.
a lull recently proposed permlta a
ninty to capitalize \ suit
i build s system of i
Now apply ; I and the
ard. i ? has funds that
in ie used for r..ad purposes amount
.lon per annum. Ibis capi
ili/ed will parnlit tba expenditure of
m.i?m mi roads at once paying
1,100 per annum te kssHj up the inatls.
i that by piO| er t X| eicI.ti, I
KXMry now rais.d by taxation thu.
iinity can build every mile of msd it
IW needs without raising ila tax .nu?
lli. Why then have mud w ben OM
in have i
Property between Paraville sud
aiiipdt - ri the
nilling ol the macadam mail fur lees
an two thousand dollars bat
Now suppose the cminty expends
00,000 -.i. 100 Balks ol road, aa ara
i - will
re for the mtere-l with no increase
rate nf taxation. One handled
-nuild mei.
r cent, the value of two miles mi
f the mad.
ing of valle - , - |uaia
iles or - of land, iii tact il
il just double . value af
e real estate of the enmity. Mow
II lint tin- ill.Te than cale for tl
tv ott a si year
Ihe question seem, lo le rad
th;-, do we pref, r all manner of ui
avanlances i? g'*jd mads ami ul tba
ne price ol present taxation j
History of His Life ?Composition.
Madison! Illa. Va., I
i i?t ar Ba kel WO! born Au
-t i , Itali, at the Old bonie of his
?at grandfather I bendore Carter.
the county of Prince i dward, .-date
\'irginia, half way between the
h-..f cbtckentown ami tba noted
v of Pam pl In. Now for a
ir m two I will bate tn nmrnw this
lu v irmii my Ma $ i nu - i
ii fd.i much "tm the first twelve or
blecii month.- bul root about her.
i saya abe put panta aa bm balbra
a- ivvo years old and that's what
kt-- nu so mannish BOW.
be first whipping I etc! got
nit pulling lillie brother across the
le and hurting hun.
la came around, of course, with no
ipar, bat loinebow she seemed to
very deeply impressed by the pas
ripture that read.-, "If you
re tbs nsl you will ipoUUMCblkl.
I I ju-t tell you I have been afraid
he nsl ett-r -ince. I will walk
uml one if I meet it in tbe road,
_ud to get ..ut ..I the r.al
have been working ever since I
ld move a hoe, ami plowing ever
,1,1 reach Hie plow hamil, -
letuues the plow would hit a ns-k
j i j ni I ? mu of the ground and knock
dow ii and drag me a long w ,
I would say that was thc rotten
, ell. a- my life -ince the lir-t -tart?
ha- baan atong ihe -ame Um i
that it woiiid be waste of | .
lune to repeat lt. But
I feel compelled lo cail the alteii
ot the giris, not the boya, lo tba
thrit I am a Bakat, a genuine
.er. I hate twogramlpapa Ba
- and my
her and father ni' xml
he girls hate moat ot the baking
- I feel il a charily on
purl tocall tbeir attention lo tbe
? thal I am th! moat genuine
er in or mit the culinary desserts
I.a-e don't all call al ?
Respectfully submitted by
til HtKl.lt.
Letter to E. A Richardson,
turin: UU, I "?
i .keagissi
ik m inviting complaints
. ? i .nilli.in/c
agent to -ell U under this guaran
[f vmi have any fault te Bud with
paint, either now in putting it mi,
- ,r, tell youl d
.thori/.e hun to 00 what is
t at om
ie following story tell- how tittil
ri-k ;s.
ii .v Co., bard war
Rhinebeck, v x , bava sold Do
to now; have sold llioii
i- ami have had ju-t ont
plaint in all thia time.
- ,.f a bouse
fourth was as bod as Un three
I nod.
xplanation -It rained Hi
re the fourth
the (.Hinter-, dldn'1 wait for the
d to,Irv.
hat is done lu BOCO I
stet er the dealer, who -obi thc
- || fair to do. Wi?
ni. He may not do exact
hat w. -boul.I do il R
we are not there. I ba beat wc
do Lstol hun.
l v. I I
J K Wa Nd! mir
. elevate your
sj, Why not your bodj I Holli
Boeky Mountain lea di
irities, clean-es ami euri, lie- the
1 and purille- tl
-. ihe win-toil Drag Co._
j Broadway New fork City j
Vt.i'ts Ins. Heh. Co.:
-: ? Will you semi ns
1 as possible tO ahovt ?_.
s a bottle of your dyi
.?dy?anyway IO Wt ian get
hy don't vim pu* it Oi
k marketj.'
Vours &c.
Wi S.JC.
Jpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co,
tit mille, !'.

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