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THE FARMVILLE HERALD ? HONOR FOR IIII. PA81 HELP TOR IHK PRKHKNT, HOPI I i ll Kl.. V0L FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 190 v VV I W M - COJNTY OIS* CTORV. ? BBBBBBBBBai SCHOOL DIRECTORY. ' t Lee & Thornpson, Attorneys at Law, .1 villi: an; . v J- SJ. CHUTE. .-racv al La .:? i rs Al -AW,? ouulj, Va. KLIN , vV, - Uhiil a. co.. DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, ggsT^ FARMVILLE MFG DING, ? WIHDOW AND DOOR FRAMES r ? i Doors Blirr i,;; Genuine Red-Wood Shinftles. ROIiiiK DIMEIS10R SI I K. C. BRISTOW, FARMVILLE. VA., NU SI PAINTERJ PAPER HANGER INTERIOR ORATOR a aaa- * R. C. BRISTOW. I HE vHURCI AT WORK A NEW MOVEMENT. Aid V. I : ta M ri.- ar,.i. ? ,?'rt? ara oo> - inti rlcti '. .'.?ir fri rd th. lr Ucl t from di i I lands. ; Lindi*. l?.1 to r '"* ao roaota < i I - "un aork, ai 'no In I ? REVIVAL IN BULGARIA. I aiport ol the Results of 0 fer enc* of Prof. Churches. ' t.\p rt of ?! tho Pro' . * aoundlug BOM foi - Bl flcetiurjt Of ' ilvoia now goiuii un In Wal aid ul?owhore. The wrltei ; how do we stand In rtfer. ?ovlvala.' Whl.-- uur national - ind press ha'. at all I1 >f what the Holy Spirit fe doti )ther l.'.r. ind pi arina for a 6imtl . la waa the OBS I X)rtant theme ol er*ry I nan/ eerneet prayers weis seat to the ' hr?ne of Ood for this object. The r oofer"oce was large: Many!' l \ Hinge was represented by a single l irw follower of tho cn??. Il wa- u ' loliKhtful 6l?ht to looa upon thopturly ' M\asavnta who had oomo from ' .nfl. .hey Wore BBBJ . &t?h erery word of prayer oud hal was apok'Ti Ar Jreek church, who had J a nunlcatel hlrni - lt from th" ittended Bil thc rr.'-.-tlrurfl. Bad tixik li KirX tn testimony and prayer, HST SOBS asp we have 1' o he rather a ???rte." JEW HEAD OF Y. M. C. A. /nd Kinnaird Chosen aa the B aor of the Lute Slr Oeorge Williams. ? d tl lt I Tho national connel] ot I'li'd ChrWIiin u*?ioctutlon rt. In London h a p- u pointed Loni Kin- |, asl i tr.d BU the late 91r WU lian:* Lord Kinnaird has I ? > aa- i \( ? Ita the ' ' ai ti lune athl with L o; Tttm* Have Changed vj the lally ;- ?tteri- , ion to the tad that n fsa M r.vid.u*; <>f th- Blbleaal I Fi-i-phlp wore B 'he V 'hllipplas Wanda Now ).,liilt-t>, I lists runt . I nd missions I: many >> ? lsttlbutud _ HOLLISTER 8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A 9vj *"' r. Arin*, a.'M.n H<alth ?n i Ri B 'T8 FOR 8?L TU CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY . INP aliletf All tiru ra - ^UHl'lle I- ntl en il . - I li Of OLD HANS PUN. HY KENNETT KARRIS. that you hal . : your dime," said t11 ill boy ' : bargain . ? tu- nts 't bad ? I I t?nd Hm. ? - . alcala' ' ' ? thal > ? la f:iim, all ? - ? I - ir til 1 ;th the - to what waa fair aa* lit ' ty bow aa' n ' a ? . ? \ i waa tunk i Das "..irk at 14 tl rt ol ... ? ' ung to Arvllla'e i. ' an' flgger a ' ? r ' spon? dulix laid up, an' " ala' la " ? ita op to th i front door when shu got aroa rur waa one o' the fellers aster go t" s'e her. ?rift in' any man that got Ar l t to ehow himself a man an' whor. my of her beaus got t in theil fturkln' on tho farm 'th' rot a right smart if his work dono tnat-a-way. Th' boya 'd split tholrerlves rho win' how thsy wus, but the only ol ifuih out th? pace Dan pet 'om w i 'ul Sinclair. Cal wub dead In ? in' ho humped hlsfloif tm il" man an* Jake both elssa turker' d mt Then Dan allowed that him nn \rvllla wns both young an' If she wu: lavin' she wus wuth workln' for. Hs he'd make a contra, ?huuld wurk for her ?*ven yea* .. ia Jacob did for Ba rt) tl In I m' fln'iy they compromised cn three rears, but by tho end of the f Sal and Arvilla skipped tn Tarklo an s*us rnerrlod by the baptU' pi >.in wus so mad aboot lt ha swore she ihouldn't never got a cent of the noney that wus comln' to hi he never did?not from hit., mid It up afterwar' tl "J ike wus kinder UM!;.' ount when ho was Bight or ti I ?ld. Seemed like ho hats! tn wok BSf go flshin' than sha r faad the hogs. Pore ol' Da-; rants about IL Put ho ?Cit a I lt t If hank fur I li lt him work fur th" rn', h-n- wuan't nothln* special for him o do at homo, on' for even' r dime that ho earned tho ol' rt, n i r penny or dim i'lun In him. Itv he time he wub 16 years old ho mi I ave had rjlph onto aga, countln' the I* man's half. "Un wantid to (juli tho fal o to work In the store here la town, ut the ol* man talked him oal ottOfl -promised him summer rsa 21, nnd th.n, :. . uMe the ace ti mtila ted capital an Nore'd be enough for him B iter nome business of llf r Ighl thal BBS li ive np ths nuflon h- M % I V In* "ut un' stayed, tm' Di ..mts with him pattie's he di nilla. T/vng arbon, th) ' im that : ? t esra! sa' l B, bat when bl tho ol' man put him off Ah low 1 ?'. - wasn't ' -In' an Jake had dono so all ?ed well \>v bia own g irlvn nif 1 . Jail". ty o' tl r etajgg ri ? BP with '< ? An' h" did credit him " good," chuckled th' "Jake ault anyway, thongs, didn't i :ker. ? on ho gad," Salli Ilanr-ooli. Hie old man sold a patch of whl'e Ul to Ali Towner for f . undi r 'Iv- settin' rou; H for eat" BSSpta' over t lg] I Ni I' inrBto' ^f found I - iiiii- r the carpet, ^"f al ? ? *, h UiM. Ja -i it with hi us?> there was any dlf-pu' oney."?Cfclcegrv Dally Newe. rorrji .- i cause of a ills et a bottle of K0001 'PEPSIA, and ? I...1 re.?t, bul 1- n -Mun. dys| i i -ia j ali > ' ? -i Worri - dad at ali Kodol will take the wurry out itornseh, Bold liv all tin;. ? CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Ratable i real.he \\..l iirim? t 1. r...l. I.-.I. rd John Heddon, prime minister ii.-iiiv at st i -.I from Sydney on the -tup i > ? urn to ii ouiplalucd .1 . ,. . ?ni dead. .. I ? "tr, J... ii. r.l .T I . ' nt bench to tm tl e leets ur Ju D Dixon. ?I /ul ?. .. .. -pilli. tl hipest and ofBcIa > in I.11111 and Mortgage bank will nut Uki . Ly an I Hmm of Wt-' : nt Newbarg, N V . do vhs J. ls .. . I : . I -I ber leg bru kell Has hUrt lll'i'llt tin- lu Nothing can "HIV Ile .- at ll ? I tin- women in A 1 clad in tin- i.i-l. . tl,el . tl t tint I ls lit n-t the ? int long tie ag K.-inijeii' -t ag juli ?lu? , .liinr ll. from the must it. ' ?; wera also suffering from i water fan Ina, the supply fur tbe lill : for a whola day. Willam J. n-t . millee foi preside! ? i Tiuor Ma vi ? : Ju-t befoi ? | for lils summer home t * Monal Baron, 111., fhut the man wh ? .i.t m. ? nour. , , . .lillie ??. visile 1 hy a cloudburst, ?:. a .hort tin ?silty resulting fn so far reported ls the killiim of an tn. ass striiek by I ? adina, on tba famoas ol i iohnatown watching the high Taking th-.' items fur the refurnish in? ut the \\ bits Bouse, '' ? and the nareling ? it, Mr Unit. . ? ' h-v eland iidmlnl Mt Kinley admin! and ti.- ? -f Tbeodoc ? ttack oa ? "Mi ho la to be t OW nlljht. ls . >f my daughter. Bia liam.' a i, but after ho ge' into trouble lu- had it cbsngsd t ? rasd bj Juli i if philadelphia rn io Mr u Itt r, baa shattered l Edith Irs la ' known society glrll In Mount Vc lion, N. Y. i karates, June 7. H org, Ph.. noiiiliiiited for nov IkS fui'uier Mftyu, it af Pblladaipti .(lull were '1 ll. Man J v. ti,,iii.| con of I ""el Louis | run and Cbai lea W s IVfUTi.-ll. -. thief clerk at Altootin i'a , fur tba Pannsylraata railroad, told PSBBM :. hat on a salary of ouly fujoo he ha S" ba expressed lt, 146,479.5 ?-hares ef fr. -iiinpany BtOCBS, nome of willoh yiel" in "ii After . lime he wus mindle te liter in, telson uf t h . ts tbli nd bsd nut - ara old, whs the surpil ? walked Into tin ?i store and ssid "He ol ls U sh fur you?" \? .-tlnr.dar, Jnne e. I be l bars Bisd tba he nit.-n : t mi the life of Kine AJfoaa May 81, 1906, and thal ii iladtld on May 81 this year were ur nnlzed by tho same person. l.-j.artmont har* rt lews of the safe pi ? I Ma illa of t v from Uv to ring flfet st runrxv ii rah weather Hud n' , ar that the; will toad ot pan ( in ?. te II Hain ot at BSSBSe. NAPLES, Jana ll Owine to th. j ;, of the crater of V IBB Qi Y< eward Ottajano, i ibid rain nf sshe- ?r itely tining little hern Ir; iwlng te M of the ?? lhere. fi< ? lured lli-murrhiig.s.ef Ute Inn: m\ langa wan ne ?it"l Natl r \. M. Ai ? treatment il' ne now ia a] iiiiinit-ml lt if liing timililc." I I ar Stl , e llllij.' frum . Herald and World W INJURES OUR THAI)': Congressmen Make Plea For Speedy Action. CATTI.I.MKN SfllHh MK\I 1'Ukr.l, llrsrUllui. ? i ll. ??? Hr,, ri.i ii l< t.?1> H. ? r.-i,., ,| I I,. Stark Itu.I i vs . -i ,,,,i ? ,,i:. I,. Il . 1,1 WASfflNGTU commit . -,,l to "in .uti. sta in i th. lav th. nulli is I,.- _ ?entatln H ie halli ny utti ? ill in telegraph luiini a.'' Rupre il Live roicing unali. -.. hai ?rinse i: mit o le|il-t tenting tlie packers, corroborated this -Sm. Ii Cowan of l on W oroey for rbi iswoctattoo, "??-? Deal beard He .t> ailed tl ? ndmrtry. Mi 'li tile I ' bulli Vet in tl if tbs ra leers ari'l i al. if lhere vi tillie BIM he niau WOO biaga I.. lockslea b oiiid put this ? alser. He read B tell i Juli. ". Little, preaideni ' rs' association .?' 'I ej - e bli I "Prsseal sglti - NDICT GILLETTE AND GRANNISS ???TBea rr?.i,ieiii? ni Mataal liri, i ,,i i ... j NEW TORK, June ii' rand Jury whit !? has rs n In lix Insurance matters h.units] m to asttra scott in tin noli ot' 'io sapn Walter It ? ith fm' ? f tier Mm Bsnranci The in roe, four foi I ! one fol- fm I of the .-mle Hm Indicts I i tin- third de? na nnd I.lo I',,ml ul lltrlr OW! l.iinilrl. manila, June i iill-openn la I lit of tl ? I iii is nut, although 'i Mtdltloos h.- mlgbl I upui mt of i fi VV, Fer ?aaa tu Oorernoi ? ? ld (?entire ban ilile li vurlni; lock,'1 st iuds fur an extend) S??uilln? or Ike Cia Be. - Itl.t ll* 1 hlladelfhia . - ! ? I|ii .uni-,? lure,,I 1., \\ A S I II \.,; ? ? r corni eed ni. bj i a of th I the riilluls nil of Ukiah. ew M> I'Hitl.t.n HareS tn Special < er. CINCINNATI 0 ? Psttlaoa V' : Milford here he WBS lir.iUi.-hf fl. i April ? still wonk >od d?nl tirtsi from I nartrrn Thou.anti Ilrliire lu (Feral TERRE HAUTE I'' sartaaa thoaaaad auasrsbare I to work in th.- l.lturi; idlana . at v Mock lld. ss an sgreenittiit there ls assured. i 'onstipation uig. (iet it OUt Ol Ken dj - Laxative Honey and I a' i ontalus ; At all ? narin ?turer- ? rn ned j - .- . si rup thal by all tlrug \\ hat Any good things you maj That will lift lu- load of lal.ur Like Rook) Mountain InsTon Drug'rv. 'I ELECTROCUTED AT BOSTON. Charles | . lurUrr I'al.l llralli Peaal l] iiii. Besalaa PON, Jun.- Ul ! here st I . | tor tbe tu'.: iftemooo Pi flirt s pprova] Bl ii"r lu refti. gram, which wi s as a result of a; ? ? to tba president bj ? I lie I. alf t f Boat ution of Tucker, I that lt is my du'., 11*11101 !. the puller under th) mada to n > thal I have sinii power, but with,mt ;o this I il. that in my Judgment yost with rho carrying out (i u ot Tucker seems to m ? ?ntii-ely sound and column: sympathy, lt sssms pa :. whit h there should be no In? nes with the carrying out of tba ODS inure effort was made to prolong of Tucker through ezecutlre clemency, but after bearing tim - I eruor <;uild again declined t? interfere arith the execution of tba len After baptizing Tucker In tba faith of tin. Methodist Episcopal church Kev. - W, Bishop, n former pg the church at which Tucker was once an attendant and his spiritual adviser, sd by his prstaaastlsBa ot Inno ? an Interview witli <;.u eruor Guild, but without success. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TEMPLE. I ..ll.,nrr? vf Slr.. Kdilf Drecl Maa nlH. eui Church at Hu.(on. huston, June li?Ons of the moa remarkable religions demonstration* lea Englsnd occur? red when the magalflcent aaa I 000 Cbrlstlai temple in the Itrlct was iledieati I every state in tba Union ami from ah f the world caine mal that faith to be p. I tsfedlea ?StlmStSd fha' than 40.ixhj Cbriatlan Bctentisti wets lu tba city. B i servicee were held to aceommo .lute the vast throngs. The leafing v of tba new edln.-t? ai 5,000, and at ea.-h service bandxsdi -:.1 In the aisles and in the rear ol tba chard An Interesting thing In cunuectioi with the edifice ls the fact tint al though its cost aaaaadad 12,000,000 am was built by voluntary subst-rlptlons 't was entirely free from debt. At Itt dedication tba treaaurec nave nolie that all bills had been paid and tim: contributions were no longer re The now temple is BBB Of tba lg structural in Ro?ton and ii -.?nd to be th Bren bu Nea ind. POPE HAS HEART TROUBLE. 1 rom I iprr.srd at Home lin I Ile ,, ill. Ilollnr... ROME J""? 12. a report credited it tbe Vatican says that the real caUSS Of thu Illness of Popn PIUS X. ls an ,"cloris, that treacherous and as malady of thu hesrt, and a' Un- Vatican feats are expressed that lbs dayl uf the present pout itv numbered. Hts boUnse | -lng rapidly, says the dispatch disturbed in his in coadlUoa by per sisteat rumors that anarchists Intend apt bis life and pining for his "I.I BOOM IB Venire. Owing to a threatening letter sent t' an unusual precautions wen My officiated it the beatification of Bonaventure of ma on Sunday. Troop, lu the church were increased an I es, ut In numbers. Tickets to Hie ceremeay were limited A member of the Vatican bSBBehold ?? 1 the gravest anxiety for his es sud spoke of the pope as a I Invalid. Whoas malady maj ? * at any inument. li,, Ul,,n V u ttl nat I'alrlrk. NEW rOBK, .nm" 12 ? Recorder Goff hus handed down a decision deny ? motion for a new trial In the ? Lawyer Albert T. Patrl'k, who la nndi next Monday in Sing Klug prison fur tho murder of ? iiii.v Texan, winiam M. Rles Iiiloss Patrick's lawyers nre ?ul now in taking the ? ;rt, the int who has stubbornly Minn, will ! i ...iiiimnil.-r lloolli Tnrkrr lo Vs.,I. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, June I-' - Hie engagement of Commander of London, Intern - ivatiun Anny, to Colonel ,atina Army forces In Ireland, ls sn \ wi ? s I If. I or n I.Hr. LOGAN, Va., June 12 John Itunyou sri here ! shot and killed William -,?ik VI "do au at myna, omi when i . - - th following in ten Bil annillnn flt7.1, Inn Hi,Mirri at Tarina VEND Dr William Old aright Bl nuada, whu ls In , I the metllesl congress. ! ?eas robbed at Padua Te.terdsy of his | ? talnlna persons! papers and s attar of credit fur *i,30n. Iie.ull) vtrpiul Rite lunion in Ind electric I . of winch H * i. of . p - ifter h - ifleringwil i ami c torpid liver. etne : Br, slaria, A Ineyti ind bladder di Mon gimr- - tr . White k (o., drugi 'rice Mc". . X The Transfiguration Sundsy School Lesion lur June 17,1916 Ibm ? i r-et.-ti ? rTaB nwm ...ike ?. ava - - ii. - M ? V 1 . li. Mark I l of the - ' Comment and Suggestive Thought. ; About aa Ma ? ? . Luke, counting the d whh h tunk place, and the day Ol .iud the three went up the :. the time aa "about" eight ? llb and sui ? r mid Juliti and J The inner group lu doeeet sympathy with their Master. 'Into a mountain " Christ hus florine.i many mona ..-?rles of his , tal pi> pray.'' Anotln r habit of prayer, lt would be hard to imagine a busier life than our Lord lived; yet he much time la ara Uaaril) chose the sight tot this purpose S drowsiness to think lt probable BBBguratlon la tho L" I i other records lt ls said: "He ? ls, hs ni bis appearance. Luke Bad his cloihing. Matthew says "I shine as the sun." "White and glistering." Literally, ling forth." It was tie through. " They w. ' v. ll. "Appeared in glory." In their glorified bodies. "Spak Literally, h ;" Je ? arturo from thia world by wa; of tho i ross, a faa ira this. when Jesus told about his In to ko tu ti-,e croea, tho surprised and terrified. It would un? iv t lianne their feeling to know Imw tat msldored by the heavenly boats. But what more tilting theme fur c could lhere have been? for was not Christ's loath the hour of his supreme tri inniili. his day of crowning? - ire not lo be condemned for Their boah intain t limbing; lt wa probably night Hmo. Iiartlll" ? V >i |q(|| rare about to rettin, said." Impulsive ade this n -in the Il is good." -<inlil wall feel that lt was a goon ' he other disciples, ind doubtless this vision proved i treat Bl Ot to thom In tht Booths - suth as Israelites wer oraed to make fur themselves at tin Ime of the Feast of Tabernacles Nut knowing what he said." I Hrs af the time-though prob idly ho did hitor that this was stion. i cloud." A irlght cloud, which frequently was ? oken Ol v 13:21 Knvel I as they en ered Into the timid." It was not an irdlnarj mist, but some bing f. iperaatural, basel oat of the I of God th" Father, heard on ? (Luke 3:22; John lng to his love for his mly-begotten Son. When the nice ha Matthew tell? rn, say Hg. "Arlee, he not afraid." "Jogm gd alone." How long the glori though Luke tells us ho did eg down the moun aln until next day. However, lt U that the radiant of th Sari itt? lasted for ' --a and Ellas had - it close." . of this scene to no man undi fter his death an.I rSBBITI Practical Points. .?bing pertaining to ur hould show the trsnsformlng power f true religion.-Hom. 12:2. V. IL As companionship with Christ cronies spiritual llfs to us, we begin ,r with him In glory.?C. V. 3.1. Glimpses of future glory are to prepare us for present ef - ?1 John 3:2, 3. ? 'he effoct on oth neetlng with God. we would ant Him, toe Rutl to listen ta the s to tb r Ellas?Luke I cl Heath I nun laKBJBB loan an injury d e ami bealing properties prevent ? ant. of tins ll -ure on bis White ami ' GUARANTEED CURE FOR ( PILES [tching; Mimd, Bleed:.' Tiding Pile*. Druggists are autboriz if PAZ') HIM IFNI rails tu'-ure What the Kidneys Do. ihkik vV(ikK ESJaVI US ?OM AND HEALTHY' All I I i blood. - I'.y som. partofthll ii the li/ziness, droj . n, the urine, - ? rou w ill have no ; kidneys. Tllllll. . I . 'l-'tir lit: ?i weakness In tbe - back When ? lame luring Hie ila. keross the hips thal it wi * dill ?I I was totally unable to lift mythiiig ty illili i I bu 'umllliuii of llie kith v dial my kldm ault, but umi i ai eil ? ley Pills iii I i ni to use iiie remedy, l me ?iib very Uti Ire myself, Doan's Kidney iii nij . iieilii-iin I reo vally 'ills that I i-uu-nlei : u equal them.' Plenty mule prowl like this armvilii ? ? what llieir ustomi ? int-. I,-lei Mllb flalu, >eu I'tjrb -? ? ,_?? nts foi Hie t ni ted i tates, Reaieiuber tbi nam,- I kian a ami tlier. .mimi nilly Vs liei. . well i sicb di t'll. The stomach, mst ha You don t hai e to ul ' real youl -tonia li. KOIMIL I < IR >\ iSPKPSI \ take- up lill Puts ll ''ads in 'minimi again. ?* ? eil stomach. I rj Ko ? Ila.I : ll for I ilnl I irrioek Hood Ititi I ll Wnl er, .tanbury, I linn t be fooled and made to 11 mt rheum at ii I w iib ?cal appliances Hollister's Rocky lulilitalll I ea l ab* >ti l he Winston Drug I Don't l< - .,r any itching Ol the I ' iitmeiit kivis Instant n ires quickly. I'. iihlrt ll. All i il ll. ? ?a, dizzii mi. ll eakeii the ' ? When the baby talks, lt bl tin mes kiiuw li luv lug mothers, it mai i.-. I hs Win-tun liruu ? all tell vi bl .lil ll I aid. lie i repan d. It. 1 botnaa' ' lil Instantly relieves thi ? iiiiekly inn - tbe vi Willi un-1 iiii-iiiiiplit.u. 1 . . | ? , .ii fur coughs, colds and lung millie. I ki pt IOU lil the lir-l -! ?vcr lu ard of any 0 If Vt lllslull lu I I.i - mi hi ll< gill ? : ?- (lulu they i tins good health is liuj yr's Kid -uiiinl kitl ?ys and vi ill ; aldney and bladder tl inslon ' _ i- much foi ,,iili| be thankful. Mr. ,' it lie ul.In I - ll* i he Winsiu ; i .,: ii mothei ll yond > ie w tn-1. I td "n ? thorough. ictical remedy foi ? and is VS lt!. Drug ni tu - |leU Itt s skin. ? .1 ATENTS ItOI-MtRKI e? / eaaeiNo niriufN'is BOS-BOB Seventh Street, WSBMIWOTON, P. C SWIFM