Newspaper Page Text
vl.l? ' JUSI Mil CEM1 \ fMi. Iimsrted mtl.i- SKCKN reword, a mtiiiiiiuui oharas . l(1 , - rounted ns di . iteriUK I: lltsl Hi | _ ' i ' ? ? Wv. IND PflsfNaU trim illt) i i borne alue ul \l, j . irmville I visit to I i ? ?I little Vt ll ; Mr ittended tin- in - Dr led nml - nf the famll) liflv mir ? lian Jefferson m I be itaued lt wtu DUI ii.l-tn lon lervlcsa tbe Presbyterian tied tiled f->r anti ti tin- '-' it-'-v terian . Pol eeman l.lpe i disorderly. '." I -lull lil.Ill Miiym a ten Lame Every Morning, A Bia B.i k ii A. ? in the Morning r umvtiit PVup.e are Fin! ? ii cure UM kl : an - i \ i' i ; 11 * iiij.'' . 'I aleen 1 I't-rii, t ' ? well-known ?? . ? ?cHua ' . -itv re - ' tllHl I it. and ? w lint I tm from the , '''? mettle ' ack dlsap - thia from - I vs Lat their lealen Pi e .'inn ai,.. Wat rolled [>*ua and ive Inna . ihevarea* ? home*. , ? nnptlj >at BripU " ?J i i dragfrii mory, Co sti Di mi a i . .li coi act rm ?pi 1.1 pn vs!. a. ii.-i lr, "I" am ell get ? . lia prii \|-i c inlli I rac the I i | tut uni! lett the den 'lim \\ Rs ? schi I ria tl i Hf >i r ? ber I.I 1217 ex ti .li.I <i taxi f..r am' beat ? titi.. Heal Kan !lll| t....k t.tht iiii; i Hint ? I w ih?t ?Use STtEET ItfPltOVEl limn CoHltll tdopti Hciilfiis Fi Hiijh Street, iiihcr Streets tn Kticiiivi: Uteetiee. itu- i..-.. - night. lance vims th Hu- i|uentlon .?' ni, | : U|i ti) -m.I lieyond | Mt J M I., alu, m .;. .1 l.v neb bu rx, vin- u| Itation fr..i i Hu1 stree) i'..iiiiinti... | reeent witn plana, Mpecltioatloui . ^tmh ?> i oat "' Itu pr i ??-. .1 si,.ik .,f (tradlt k and pa vi un thal thorough fan Main stnrt t.. itu- cornel H wan the unanimous. ? il thal Hie wu k baaommeneed nt uh early ? day it practical. rivery .,r th,, council w.- ? I N'' ll K. Wall, ?i ?! May..i . ? ided. ll lils m.nilli r June lull, 1908, 4 4 ' ' .? i VI .0 10 0 ?. ? . Ul ' 4 0 I 1 Treen I'a ti let l submitted b i regulai report which was Apjir.iTt I ti red "f record. It followr ? ? ?3.?7ii 4 t l.iOtt <> ? 1 M ? ? . I r?r.,?r. Hie f Silt I. I Uectric Iv W. Pa . I il, al I, pr,'liing eek rioter, sprinkling tua, work at rtra Rn for pauper ? ? ? I ii I ? lie toa i Mr. <-. nit of the Pi? tat tilt >st of '. ie vu--: i.-hm.i liiih tht tbe ? non-it all - ('tullin ?: ieclal t'.tt renl exe* ; ittee, vs li,i stated thal ?1 ' tilts. NI I. Lt 1. 'irt'l s, il drawings . I, sln,\s in ; gm. ll plained i" each member of tli iiiiill his pian fm improving tb* sst, and tm ijflnir queetioned I. . Anderdon, s-il I thnt the ?| | itt- coal . cav itiK tin- h;.I ? ilk ..ii one sdi,- fruin .Mum to tht uer of ~t '' - - el mel in? . ! vs HV tbe san. itance ? " in iUU. The i nu .e.l after caisfull laidei ? is of .Mr. l-ewi apted i. ? lui i rsQueatsd lum t > ?nish at ouc4 If poaetble, thoentli icificationM that the work may bo properly t>. contract. .Mr. I.ewl - within th t r un daya. .Ii. Ii. i -..I a ki.-k Bgaini ? wheduh adopted last Monday by ? lui. virile) A- Western Kailwa ? Jen furnishes, three days in tbe ek, a train leaving lattin Ille In ie t.i put i eople living alon^ ll ? f in Klcbmoud where they CS .nd the day shopping ami \ Ki tin.: I rvturu i mea the "tm ? 'uni;, lie thought that the Coan ?bould hum s,,me iictiou towai . Ung the Tidewater A Western t i t- Kaim ille at least nome e.?nelde' Itl lei i i Ut? ile mi 'i a ,-in '3 'I .is lol ? ??tl thc lill? ies on il I A-t Dr. Mo A I '?<? I r and bib hon dal vs: | < i larg \ e in motion of I'i- Anderson th ? yor waa authorized to have dis wi iei-k In fa al manage the li Institut" - .mi . ? . ippro itel to tbe summer normal ai th v nu Bting of the l t'tiiK'il. apt. rj. \s. Paulet! tame before thi mell with t-omiilaint that tbs Not ,v Wee tern bsd do rroaidng or den BKweea th k ne ir bli ??i ? i ?howed I point named, and ii -.1 thal Un : . ? eil to build rt lilli' uti his fe, !. < ... member of tin tli-lii' ,1 appro tinn fron i lime molli graded pi ?aid tlrit line in- ? of tea. rn * v. H month, ami I * tin town (sundi io contril niel; Amount nc.'. I h m..nth'- leashing I I so without dUcuMlon. S < ? the neai fut un i n-.t, aa tbi -s ui fm the s ! l.ii neil irrant' .1 hil request. I'ltain lliii.t .-.isl a p? n t<> the t'otinoil aimed by i ly ev?ry tax-payer living In Ka inille, asking thal Third ?tre-1 b I winter. II I le the fact the ?ssh had U-e. oved it considerable <*ott am done i" Thin . from Main to Middle ands .I thu matter to th- j Howl I committee lot rv.ii?iil#ratloa. drug*, Mot the oom land | OM | .1, M cent I), Noll li gu ? time VS liol f?"lll ired ti -ti] Bl din,.! Dr. V Hm Fiirinvllle Summer Insllliite. Institute will open on l'tim - ?IB}', Ji ,, m.. ss ni lltorlum "f Hu- N< r mal -.-hool. 1 he i . are moat favorable f 't Institute. A most ,x-i- lani oorpa ni matin iged vs uh ur. Issll, < William and Marr ? - aa < ouductor. ? il v teaeheni from Prims Edward ami surrounding counties liguifled their intt-iitli i i .1 no doubt as manj mo t * heard from In tlie nevi vsei-l . If.e attendance will probably rea i one bu ! Hus before tl e I 'ie district acboi I ' thia county will probably meet to eleel teachers about the mn tile of July, ami preference will ii - daubtedly be given to those leschen who Indicate theil tit-sire for Improi - ment by attending the Institute. The examinations whleb take plate at the close of the Institute on July W, 31, ami August 1 will aflord opp.. - tunny foi all toaecurecsrtifloateawh > have uni yet done ?", or t.. raise the grade of certificate from a Hod or Jr 1 <ra.le lo NI grade. ii laearaeetlj h..|ietl ihat tbe teae. . ira of Prtnee Edward will all atien l :he Inalitiite and reap the l.enetits if iav nia; this summer school so close I t isnd, Good Ball Playing. Emporia, accredited aa the beat bane all lean: m Virginia outside tl e esgue, ami possessing some malerii l he e-|Ual of tim leagues, came lo Karn - tile Monday and played out boya htec gaines. In t-ncli the v isitoi ron, bul not without a struggle. Hu core Mun.lay afteruoon wa- 4 t text day ll was 10 to fl and the last I' ame ~ to fl. in Wednesdays game up lo the nulli Inning, Ksrmvllls bad made si . - i EmponSS one, when I. lunching their bits the visitors scored " i them tbe v Ictorr. The name each .lay was Interesting, idling and worth witnessing. Thc j' ttendance waa good, ami a umber of vlsitora from ont ..f lownj" ere among i he ipactatora Manager Hunt and players au- due ie thanks and appreciation of local ase nali enthusiasts for aflbrdlng ital w Us vs itti such a distingulsl M Children's Day al Brown's Ihiirch, i. Ijinnburliiiid. ft .rn "all day sri. n-t- ? ireh next Sunday. Hl - dav (Hervice for Poi "' gu Mia : tm -.sill be held at ll:-: ? w iddrerss to the eli i lit rc . '" di reel Blair of thc ? bin N! - ii of an hour for j I.ii.lies ami \ oung People. :i'' l svill hold the' ? addressed Ly M i . ? i ordially Invited lo at ad these services and are asked tu mg a liberal contribution for th ? ireign Mission work Meeting ni Cecity School Board. h. accordance with the requirement? "" t',i nevs school laws, the Count' """' ,!'l mel in the clerk a o ?j e last Kn.lui an.I reviewed the eetl "e tte of ex|.sea foi neil session a thi ide "iii iv the several district schoo "" inls. B/l "h ese aatlmates We IS all approve* "' l ordered to be laitl before the Jul; P? fling of the Super v isors of the eon n lt" for their Information. ,l" bea estlinatea showell that boll tin mpJeii ami Buffalo Districts ueei ,v lave their district levien raised it ' ei lo properly carry on the work o "" public schools m those distrii'l Ho I tbs County Board asked thal th< *!l y l.e raised ni those districts to HO "" tbe 1100. Ol i tl Artentlon. i meeting of the stock holden I ie Milling. Driving ami Karl the iodation" ls called to he held a ,1K, Hamlet's office In Farmville, or inlay, June 26th, at 8:30 p. mi. ,11 itock holden are requested to lu l-.v -eui in i*ra .ii or hy prosy. am J,,ii\ J Wai ki i:, Bee reta ty I.. ch An Va, ocal News Thirty-Tiro Years Ago. ' ?' ITha rarm-i::.. Muri-itr. Jun*.' k'.ii tn--1 mi. In spite of the pani the hard limes, Kaimville still ev Ita evidence that she is aursly, i ..ii Bat Kai mo Mi slowly, progressing, severs ie- have been t.ullt since the lilian -1 m. Hini others arnon| eb an- residences for R. M. Burton '. Read and \>r. B.C. Peters, amt e business house for Major A, I,' able, Jr. Ma J. ela* viii han lina I [Ors ..Mi la ol tobacco plants fron rlstOWn, Tenn., weie received :i depot In tins place on Tuesday ."'' dgned ia E. P. I>avis, of Cumbei I. I ins la tbe Tint time we IU| ' tobaCOO plants were e'er liana pre* e,' -ii'!i h distance fur the pnn. - -ii . den < 'on seal ? 'is risk for papers at this e vs l.t. ss.Hiid scorn to beg for (ht s, yet that is Hie puce charged ft. ;?>-. Wc hope they will -ec thi txcurslon. of fa 111 tl day. mid Mis] gAvl ter v hyn Han I . llaukiiis will rmi his Anima lunion t. oik and Richmond, Va.., via thi Bardi Railway, Jinn Hie i aln will leave Farm ville \-.2 p ... , el: il,Crewi "' Nottoway 1:1*.'p. m. Round tri| Bera to Richmond this Leave Blackstone l ? p. m ,.|HS^ ul trip rate lo Norfolk 12.00; i. mona 11.25. Returning, leavt lH'r^ ,,!k H.-00 :i m , June L'!'th. adm ? the beal trip ol the sea msd, Make ymir arrangements am Uh ii- And we will have rs k'.-o [temembei You can have tw. v i Norfolk or at the Sea r fintlicr information sis- billa, oi D I ll ink ins, Manager. :t Holleton, Va. Nott Treal day, day. hi In Alarming Situation Ureas entlv results from neglect of clot: 'greet owels and totpid liver, until eon- vi as t lion iiecoines chronic. This eon pp,lei i i- unknown to those who us* I . [Inga New Lita Pills; the heat **"''' :entleat rsRulatora of Stomach and ,>r"' ?ls. Ousrsntsed br White * Oe., I ni bv rtsta. Prise Jae. I f R'm rUMPDEiVSIDNEY MMMtMhMINT Inanqiiratlon ol President McAllister ? Exercises ot Exceptional Interest. The 1 ililli se-sion of Hampden-SM ney < 'ollege ended joyously last wet- . nu account of the inauguration of the Picsiilcnt-KIcct, the Kev. J OlSS McAllister, the alumni returned a- i i. less .??((i-ioii- before, ami aadiencea reminding ont- of the enthusiastic dav s of ''big eonunencements" Ulled ti< hails at tbe various exercises, The ex erdses wen- of exceptional interest. I in-oltl traditions of tin- college a t still represented in tin literary sot-it-' . celebrations, while new custom- ii I constantly surprising the "old men Among the innovations werethe < '?ni? lly Club reception, the award of ath? letic trophies, Indicating the profre - of thc college along the linc of athlel c naming, the additional literary an I historical prizes, the presentation t f which were interesting events, anti tl ? opening of tlie Alumni Ho which moms were furnish.I by theil: - leran! college daunts foi the Bocomim - dation of their own member , wliile riHim- in Venable Hall and n- - taurants on the campus vi crt- prov ldc I Hgaiiist an overflow of v isitors. a reception was tendered by tbe (Vanity Club In their new huildiiu. I lu-reception committee consisted i-f Mrs. K.lgar Wirt Venable, Mrs Tu.-I ? ir Graham, ot Karmvllle; Miss Buaie Venable and Miss Maia Brock, < '? Hampden-Hidney; Mrs. R, H. Paulet 9f Farmville; Mrs. Archer A. Phiega . if < 'hrtatlanaburg, and Mrs Wm. W ar? len, of Bacon's < asile, Vs. Music, refreshments, attentlveneaa and ol<l 'rlemis reunited made the evening di Igbtful. Tbs feature of rueadaj i > res tbe address of I>r. James p,,sst ?lilith, of Richmond, Va., deliverei afore the literary sodetles of th ? ollege "ii the subject: "Htonewall 'ackson at Cbsncsilonvllle." Di 'mith is the only surviving mends fCen Jacksons -tall. His Collied) ate coal of gray, now preserved In iii ? onfederate .Museum of Richmond, i tanii-.i with the life-blood "f Jackson rbo waa borea from tbe held bj Di milli. Hie speaker of the murnini rsa Introduced by Major Andrea teed Venable, of Karmvllle, a mem er of (Jen. J. E. B. stuart- stall, am iib him when he died. The addles aaa loving description by a devote" lend, a personal account by an ax silenced soldier, a cleai statemeu nm accurate historian. The Con derate veterans ..f Prince Edwan ?linty were assembled for the addres id tin.liege church waa tilled will in ten t si and siaitois. I he occaaiol aa indeed a rare privilege. Kollos g lu Smiths address the J. I cAllister athletic trophy nflered ll., .liege cla-s attaining highest pmfl i'iii-y in the session's contests, wa larded the Sophomore cla-s, the pri ntation being made hy Pn - '. W. Moore, of Colon Theologies military, Richmond, to Mr. Kran ?wis. president of the auccessfu 1 he < leorge W. Bagby prire of foo 1 mey for tbe moat meritorioua esaaj a Hamp.leii-Snlucy student on Bl te-bellum topic referring to tin nth, ls a new memorial Institute* Mr. and Mr- (leorge (london Bat , of New Vork, Mrs. Battle heirn i daughter of the distinguished au ir. The first awarding ol the pu/. is made to Mr. W. W. (inner, o cbmoiid, Va., the subject of who-. per was "Thc Influence of I i-ing in Virginia in (he 17th <en j l he presentation was made bi i Kev. Asa Dupuy Watkins, class n 'I, ..f Bristol Tenn. i'lie Hon. hon P. lial-ey, of Lynch rg. himself made the hist presents ii of the Halsey trophy foi debate ich wa- awarded b> the Philan opie Literary Sx-iety. Mr. E igg Elcan, of Sheppards, Va., sc iletl the trophy on behalf of Un ietv. 'he Alumni banquet on the night o pjtii was the most enthusiastic am cessful in thc memory of thosi rant. Hon. Don P. Halsey, .. nchl.urg, Va., acted as toastii I responses were made hy .Iii.lg. ?her A. Phleger, of Cbriatlsnaburg . on "Tba Board of Trustees;" I h aria Holliday, of Uordooavllla, Va. "The Physician:' Prof. J. H. C [by, of Hsmptlen-Siilney, on " lin ?ulty:" Dr. W. W., of Rich iid. on "Tbe Min Iel ry:' I R, Price, of Washington ['., on "Journalism, and by Bes ni- E. Kirk, of Baltimora, ii m Ph leger, of Christianaburg, Va. is I'.s'ti, Robert K. Brock, of Karin I, class of 1896, Kev. Tucker (ira i, of Karun ille. class of 1887, ain Uv by I'rcsldeut Klect McA linter lu- inauguration of the Rev. Janie y McAllister, l>. I>., aa Presldeni Iniiiptlcii-Siiliiey college was heh' i: in o'clock Wednasdsy morning ?plcuoua among those present, am eil about the m-trum wen- th. lidcnl elect's college class, the elm BM reiinitetl for the occasion. Presi I McAllister, was thc presiilent o is class when they lint sat togethe ie esme place on their graduatioi Nearby sat the Board "f Visitor the College Kaculty. Judge Wm ge- Mann, of Nutt..way. presiding ? a ringing address of welcome, nf ihich the audience united in Un m ?<? (.od of Bethel, By Whoa tl." ami the Rsv, Jami- P lb, l?. I> , of liichmond. rend Un [ .'Nt Psalm. The prayer of in iration was offered by Presiden IV. Moora, of Calen Tbaologica mary, af Bicliinoiid Following tba Board of Trustees, Kscultj and -lamUng a solemn husl mling the aaaambly. Judge Mani Inlatered tbe oath of oAos whid I s new President for Hampden ey College. Seated on tba rostron Judge Wm. Hodges Mann, ol .way, President of the Board ol lee-, and presiding officer of tin ami the various shakers af tin lit th I!, Ila rei ? ?rt thi Un SS ll -l! J Ch Bu Hm Issi ss:, Lc yoi red 'li? llie BUl Soi Dla pro Hoi I ol Uhr I. the m.. A alt. the bm boll I lol I'm I Bl A ll A to I w,!i Bl it villi I! Asa Hie: Alni Deal ditii i tad Ham i mp. t i rt-1 lillie Ollt I mal ed fi an ii men. Wi for a cahir l 'sta K. Sol Ha quick succession came the ail ea of gritting. The addre? ., mg from the Board of Ti us tees ?silvered iiy Judge Archer A tar, of ( hri-tiansbiirg, \ , tbs .nie from the College Kac.lty by lasts Henry c. Hro'k, from tlie Alum- Kenj Henry T. Holliday, clsss of 1 vi. Thi the ci out o pillan, N's.: from the undergrad ti- gisu ale- by Mr. I of Raphloe, Va. from bs tbe l:. Han Kl l>. I .. (?Southwest i of l: t tii. lng ol all these < wa.- the address from themsel ind ?? - proprisl Mr. Wilson loyally by all ' * and ?| tsneously by appia ni 'rom the students icrvi i to tl.e Board- ch..i lent. I lu- addie-- ..I Prestdenl Hi ' vs ns a inii-ici pleis i . outlined ll t ' expression to whet a ut alreadj i sentiment "i the eulie.-. strongest friends. Ile was followed ? the -peaker ol the ii.v Prof, Wm. M. Thornton, "i I ginia. Prof. I honiton -j oke nol men ? ? unlvenlty, bul vi ith deep emo an alumnae ami desi. Hamp.len -i.Ines College. He etl conclu?|i i I iud ten dencj of mod i retur i i.ithe smaller colleges. He outlined u Uh coull.lenee a I Hamp.len--,.lucy rm,I . li I- e.I th ? support of all alumni. The ir , Ii'.verene- i diction i-s ilu Be James Powi - Smith. I lie min.. inent exercisers waa fm l?he?l by the Artillery baml of Kort Monroe. A dinner to his college mates of the eil iv Pi and M rs. McAllii ration I In- closing I Weil needav night. I hr o|ieniug prayci was uflered b) Di W. C. I amplwll, o Roanoke, Va . and I lie president an flounced Hie dial scholarships, ami Ut ? Annouuceiuent was made thal I he Hoard of I rustees red the i.morai. . ol Divinity ip..n Btv. W. II. VII < v., the degn - of Law a, u| in President J. L. Jaiman, ol tin ?late I rm a lc S ii in ille, Va. I he class ?. sled I to j n as iii y Mr. <.il ridge A taphine, Va . aflei a hlch the award t tin- u | i-.iii.i- was madel f ll am | den-Sidney, A. lt.; - villiam Booth, .li n .. P.. Btuarl !'? i ,'ythevllle, Va . A. P..: Janus Mool i.mery (iraham, ol Max Meadows a., A. B : William SVesI I Ichmoiid, Va . V lt. Il lintel Mc Hire John-,,n Phi- gi -Han? ing. Va., s I'? I Jiirncl I \\ !l| i, , .'all. oi Kant dge Mex andi w hine. \'a., A. II. It vi a- aunouiiceil i- secured the -? Prof tevenson Kmith, ul ? "Ju ? ly. Nevi 1 ork, vs li" vs ill ian "f PhiloaopllV arni Bible -' ce Prof. John I. Armstrong, vi rea t" accept a ip ii L'llf- SCotl Illrstil tl ll ?of. Smith, ii lin i- ; instructor, vi III cul September, An engageini m.uh- bj Inch a -ci les mal lines vi HI :.? i|i g session by Prof, I e faculty "f the sta! lu formally annuli e MOth session .,: Hani|Mlcn-Sidney liege. President Mc.Mlis thc fact that i he i i an in next sea in, c imiiieucing Sept, I Hering and thal i lu re was i-,,n I., predict for tin eaed usefulness sn i n it the heightened I ed bj - large numbai "i alumni pi - a most ei,." ii il'iiil: imli.-.-ii II greater work foi i ? il r. C. C. Lea ls, Ji arle-t. W. Va , a mi ard of I ruati ea baa tl n Heil t< iiipileii-snliii > < "H. ge the ? nu ?? r-nty-iivc hundred (lullars with nh to found the "And ii i- Memorial, in nn ll mg -on w hose death rt - The Income of Un- fund Ls to lie ??Hie pu rc ti a se a i i ratine bj Virginia H ilherti hon dealing with Virginia m titi ith. This donation a aa :1 bj ii .-heck tor -I ll addi tim \ Ide foi the Immediate . i of UU- -pe.-iai depai nu nt In the lege Library. Another gifl tu thc arv Consists "I a k- presented by the merni i present graduating cl .-- bs ? mi rial t" thi class ..! I nnouncemenl was iii irse ..I -i u iv it I'liici fm Ma-ter ol Arti uhl em ?e eith. i Latin or < .reek I n ste ti - Tobacco limers' ieetlif ir monthlj rn ? . mm (.rossel- I ice Edward ('ountj will 11 - i. II of the district dui - a fully repreeented la u elecled to a meeting of iiu I ? Jun. .stn. - ?nation will pleas* is, - note ol Un re meetings. Juli \ ( ll l VII | | I . -a . Deafiit ss laum.t h.- (iiinl. teal spplicatiuni as tl ej re is only one ssny I that i- by constitui ni "f i be lian Tube. \\ ed Jim has., ri : ?rfecl bearing, and ? -- md thia tube re condition, hearing a ?d by I Atari), a e will give One Hundred ? ?rh j Hall's rrh Cur" - r, free j. ( iii \ i . io, '1. ,| ny all dreg fl Us' Katini? Pills an- the t sworn statement of the manu rers piateCtB von from 0| iedy ? Laxative Honey ami Par ? ugh syrup that di f sour lyaieai. H -ld by all tl rug M.irketiig nf Tobacco. mark - cul the warehoii-i i price, shu t crop io thc West ami in Virginia, Al Ii ni i-l ol (he crop had been sold, i I pul inio Association, tuddenlj on line leaf dropped, and the -ame |, ism for ll -. ! decline in price, the tremendous cn, "f line ll ,u I8O.1. Il (Jovernment report does not -less ai I inted in tl. ? Dark . lion ol Kentucky, -ce and Virginia: but rather . - in these three stale- Prac! - cal farmers whom we have md In di hi. ni part- ni thia stale do not repoit ?in extra heavy crop from any section. ? -tem clop ls liol they expected, bul the n p iris lim i ille, Tenn - , -hm' i un not _'oiiig to try t.. reason for the decline In price of Mn Virginia leaf tobacco, bul it n certain iv to the interest of the buyers of thi -.vier Hie I intity of this type of tobacco ia in the Association cl for the 19 I p to thia date June lilli le-- lo planted in th. han for seat-, on account of dr; ,s cather and -.-.tieils of plait-. Tin mfavoi . ptioua . "f labor, resulting from th. I number of sawmills, and Un .lidding of tlie ridewater Railroad, ex ending through the entire length o ! - State j much shorten the crop herc if chronicle, ol ( larks- Uh cnn., published i n J line Ntl - lobe.has been plan ieutticky and Cennessee up lu dab i, on account "i the drj 'eather. The high price of cotton ba <>y milch reduced the acreage pant I iii tobacco in Noiih and Mouth Caro? da. The I mu crop bids fail to i ,U u the lo lowen i try vs ul realize tin ie situation, co-operate with each her, pl i, to be sold irough the A.'talion, pul a fan and un (heir tobfl. and 'I I ii h efforts will - ed ss i1: success. A i - who ilnl - crop m tl i romised to pled ? We need their help and ' "li to n-siat li- ill si III li does seem to me thal v farmer vs ho ha-any manhood In m. and vi ho h.-n seen ? j,t- efforts and -om.- niemU rs of the I'oti icco \s-ociatioii have made and ? -lill making, would not hesitate Ut >l Mtge thc lissi crop ar:.I ilu all in hi? ss er to make Ihi- undi i-.-e--. AY no! only neel the help ami .<> gration of all the intelligent farmers, i we need thc help and assistance ol > experienced warehouse men. li s movement i- a success, the tum Will have to employ exp* tobacco men to handle it- t I men ss ho know the tobacco uni -ell lt, ll i- not Hie oh t of the Association to take Hie to .ut ol' the hands ol ex| ? ii, or out "f ita regular channel, ex? it in the mode m way "f selllu . "i any product, on an ?li mai kel and -.11 vs ith ju-t a pic -c of competition la meal vs arel.-einaii md ought to admit ii. I udi -en I -y-leill of selling lob.-icco. till !? lot a salesman In the State thai can j l mic dollar b. thc i nhl on his Hool; and Ihefarm s lui make- il. ..r the man w ho -ill? ili the a - ?e Bl which to' I than Illi? li- that |-lowell it. In discussing mattel recently w ith a pr< vhouseman, "i Petersburg, Va., he eui win >, ami said the reason the ware sc people wen -.. reticent and -low ? if the Assoctal I roj,,,.|. from the leaders of the Asaocia lt does -etui to me thal the time come when the intelligent ware . hu love the fsmien iileh, and sj mpalhi/e vi ith (ht m ol iii wail tor a for un i allon, i.ui manifest thi ..r.hal eo-o|? I ijuit discouraging t1 Vseodation hy telling tlicm that ? can never sell then opie vi ho t been handling then tobacco ia ? spt-ct to han the farnn In the future -? Ives III a I o-l to truly represent tb< , ill I hes lng. A ticable plan of selling lobs* lade by the united efforts of Un isemen and the man i s-arehouses can be well paid for - sun k and Un- fa mien ' -ellmg. le I am ii'.i a member of the State ommittee ul thc Dark To? il i .rossel- ni Virginia, but a prl m the loner ranks of Hil m. l am sure thal all n. laccomen do liol "elong io the ii . Iwdj . and w ho ai. Irilly In -yinpa w Uh il nt, and rn h<> of UlfV ?e.. grower* "i this section, wtllal ?i welcome at thi .millee. of the A.-s.-t :aiioii de i ;l,fi,I ni-,.] ? growen of this country. If - in not willing to lice ibeir little differences ot opin n.I work in harmony as far a thing will be a failure. It i thal "competition is the " but llii- old adage i- out ? ration ia the life of every ' I'1 il people from Bush lacks up have found il out,except Allen ere has not been any resl [itf( etltion on Uie io- bo o market ' . ami never will be again for suv "" ll of time, from tbe very nature is mu ? Hie leading farm- are h< our Mal - lo ipi ish this great undertaking by '" ng together. The treal will not ur tobacco, if it i an do without l u i- the duty of e erv r win. ha- any Indi: - tatton by pledging bk y w av p..--! c >tste i ' ommittee lo i vernen I a success. "Cnlt Ui-. (dad, we fall.'' j. \. HARDY. a, Va , June 11. Ml mi' ! hoi J I.ol ant v 5 um In, I ma ?I IS \ Vii \ . ? (.i mei M Mn M 1 COW I hist lng M her ll will low III tl III..! ll .ii ri ? I K ami The wu M M Soul ' with . Ml iav Mi i -tn lernt i 'tarli Ih <ellt ">ii| Mi ed M 'our. Mr Mr Io Pl : remt len. i Mr. a ve rv li.-m. I're-i' Howe bary, I PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY Putneya. Jillie ls. is,. 'harli- Andereon, ol preached quite an able sermon ta au attentive and appreciative congrsga lion al Belhleliem Sumlay iiiiirniiig. w a ara torry ta report the lllncea of Mr. Henry Hamel. We trust le may he I tetter. We ire glad to hear little James Walton Anderaoo la better. Wc wi-Ii lo express our sympathy I" the bereaved tinnily of Mrs. Ann l.h/a Cobii. who theil at the home nt Mr. Joe Carbon, of Abilene. Munday morning June 10th, 1MB, Mi and Mrs. James Poster and hun Uv. of Darilngtoo lleighis. ware guests "f lli.-ir brother, Mr A. I'. Andcraol . on Bunda* I. Mis. W . W. Sisan and Utile .laught? er, Lula, of Kin- Korks, vi.-itetl lu r r, Mrs. ii i.. Wornsek, Issi lue-dav. Miss .Mabel M,-Ninney, ..| Danville, is the charming guest of her cousin, Mn. Samuel Auder Mba Vela Watson, ..t Darlington Height-, visited MieS Mauiye Putney I - M. w Bitter, ?.f (>eorgis, la i ni July, much to Hied, light if In- nany friend-. Mr. Killer Bpattl aet week with Mis- Mattie Womaek, f Tb rock. Messrs. Btchsrd Bell end Jim ros - i'i are al home for tba vacation. ' Kev. (burles Anderson vs ill preach t Bethlehem on Ith Sunday afternoon ml al Hpring < reek Bundey night. Darlington Heights. June ls. "OK, J. M. William- preached a Spring reek last Kundaj morning. Misses Marj Lizxiaand Ina Amler iii were gussie ol MiaaUrace Webb, linday. -orrow to rc|Niit that Mr. |{ orval Crete has returned home from bl orfolk 'jillie ill willi typhoid fever. Mn. Willie Whitehead expecta ta ave for Lynchburg Sunday ta vi-u bi tl vee. IL Anderson si ill preach at 'ring (reek Church next Munday. CHARLOTTE COUNTY. Abilene. June In. IMBI. Anderson present Leresting sermon ta the congragatton ndaj at Douglas Praabyterlsn lurch. There a ul be preaching \ t:mi inlay morning at elev ell o'clock, d the I: i -I Sunday cs cuing at lock. iVe are glad to report that little > St. John i- miprov lng last, dr. Daniel Driakill, ol Waidfork li, visited in the Abilene neigh bor ni Uni week. 'lr. ami Mr-. Ben Franklin ami lghti i. Lillian, visited in the neigh bowl list Baturday and Kundaj liss Logan Carj vi-ite,i al the ne of Mr. (bailie Rice last Kundaj I Monday. Irs. Belle Iksitwick is not sui bet Use stella Driakill, ..I this pla.'., i i visiting her mother, Mn. Willie ?kill, of < hilario. in ti ii Ul be the Epworth Beulah M. E. church Sun ? night at eight o'clock. Ins Mollie W nunick I- visiting her gin ia relatives. CUMBERLAND COUNTY June 19, 'OK. lr. c. w. Blanton and ramllj , eil to their country icsi.l. in . ni, i 1.1 k. last week fm the lura W c are glad to welcome them in to mir iidghborbood. r. and Mrs. E. NV . .Madison v islted i. Madison's mother Sunday. Llgon is on a vi-it tn hei -m. Miss Mary Hughe-. ic young ladle- ,,( the l( il arc all home from school enjoy thc cool country air. ls- lianna < in ss ley i- Visiting brother, Mr. Louie (rawley, this k. Miaa lianna i- Just home from iell I Diversity where she weill u intel to rev lev* ioma st n rumored that wedding bella ring in a short tune near James i. I hey have chimed 'pule ofleti mt neighborhood In tbe la-t few ths NolTOWAi COUXTY Crewe June-?"tb. '? ie remains or Mrs. Bradley Queena . vs ue of Mr. Brii.-e ijueaaabury, nrest, ssete brought here I ue-lay Interred in the Crewe esmeterj tlealli or this besutirul woman caused bj typhoid laver. rs. Daniel Coleman ami children. leen Bay. visited Mr. and Mr-. t-rC'.lei las Mary Harper leavei today foi b Carolina to spend the summer -tt-i. Mn Ja ? Kiora md Mi i d er i-|..|ied from 11 Itel for 1 Vlliam, N <'., to be married. he Waits was baptized III rsm out Bids of town Bunda" ai am by Lev. Mr. of the .lian Church. w pretty re-nh n.-.- or Mr. J. P. >. on Fifth avenue, i- fa-i nearing iletioo. . IV, ( . Simile: ami in nie n tum from an eitended bridal lie do ley lif ol' -tl WI .' lu i.ri -h, get i i CU -ll Cll -IV I'll T WI hen Wo es. lit Hoi ina Koli etiiii ven Ill? ili, I Hani Kuri I'M H I of raj . John ( ole ha- been very sick fol a-t rew di L| ami Mr J. II. 11 nit? were cal Ince Edward county by the ex- Mc.1 ? dines- of Mn* Marguerite Al f leiden. Mrs. Hines bopea b. Vt le to go from there to Raaaaki reseat at the linals of Boam,, s ' Ollege, where M will be one of the graduating dint condition ?.: Mr-. W. W. Ellet! ri'nK eh more favorable ami herfriend iw hopeful of her IBBSYSTy. i. Louise Lts,'kett, of Arkanaa. WI f Mrs. I. I. Lockctt. Newby is out again after ?sith rheums it nu Vork ? hn-tioii Endeavor - I otliters last Kruiay eveniug. lent Mis- Watt-: Vice-I'r. -i.lent. ((lelia Jnliiison: Secretary, Mr ni Hardawav Bearding sjjajfa Kum. McAJ Inquiry it will he a revelation lo you how many - to kidney or bladder trouble- ut one form or another. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Koiey'a Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. The W inst,,,, A bo] is new wsb-li run down. Matrimony baa spoiled called friendship. W. B. Wald, of Ulm., writse: "This bi to certify that 1 have iiaed Olino Lsxslive Knut Byrnp f'.r cointipalum, and it ha , proven, without a doubt, to be a thorough, n medj for this trouble, ami it is wiih pleasure I oiler myesnsetao lioiis Mer. -i.. In \\ inston I'rug ( .1 I he lineerSBl tribute that can be paid to superiority is imitation. I he many Imitations nt DeWltt'a Witch Ha/el Salve that are now UTore the pm,In- prove lt tba beat A-k for De Witt'a. (i.ssi f..r burns, Beside, ehail ed skin, eczems, tetter, cuts, bruises, boils Slid piles. Highly recommended and reliable, sold by all druggist*. I ..Honing Hie Hag. When our -..Miers sienl lol nba and Hie Philippine-, health was the most inporiant consideration. Willis i Morgan, retired Commissary Bergeaal - V, ..f Bural Route I, ' uncord, v. H., -ay- "I aaa two years ia Caaa iud iii the Philippines, ami s'lng subject t.. colds, | took l>r. Kaw Discovery f..i Coneuaap lon w Inch kepi ruc rn perfect health. sud noss, m Ness- Hampshire, we find t tbe iiesi medicine In the world fol oughs. colds, i,lom ? - ami ll lung U - i :? ..| si V'hiteA Cos., druggists. IV nd M."h. I rial boeill Dcadij "araaai aass ic a- .oiiininn in india aa are atnmassi ud liver dburden with iib. i m the ittei however there is a sure rented] lectric Billers: the gnat raab ledlcine, of which s. a Brown, af eniietl?\ ille, S. ( , -as- " I 'hei lc oreti my va ile to perfect health, aller ?sn of Buffering with djrap pale ami chronically torpid liver. etta itten cure chills ami fever, .-daria, llousness, lame back, aidnej iroubJea id bladder disorden Boldoa guar \ While A- ( o., tlrilt. rlee Hie Constipation makes the cold ona. (Iel U out of Voil. Take Ken dv - I .-native Honey and lal .-.nigh rup. ('oiilain- m. opiate- \t all uggists. Milli un I ..ii-iiiiipliiiii. A \ I Icrrin, I inch, Aik , a I "i.-v 's Hom la tl > bael rparatioii for e..ugh-, ctdda and lung Hiiiic. I know tbat it baa i. u ni j it n m tu the '. Yon var heard of any oue using Ki ? nt y and Tar ami not being satisfied. c Winston dmr ' ... a Lasses in Health. Icalths kidneys tilter the impuri - from ihc, ami unless they lids good health ia impossible, Ku? 's Kidney i ure makes sound kui , - ;i n 11 Will po-il nely cure all du ms kidney ami bladder dlBBBSC. lt i-ngthciis thc vs hole system 1 he n-tnii lung ( ... i man a ho n in perfect heall can Uo an I ? ss ,.rk w lien c--.'ii i, li i- much for which Ile him he thankful. Mr. L. c. Rod s, of Bra mh ton. P.a., ss liles (hal hu s liol only un Bille bi sunk, bul he lilli! -toop omi io tie Ins own 41 x bottles ol lucy re midc a nea man ol' hun. He ii le> s Kidney lin- Winston I'rug < .. the good of keeping from lum Anv good thin".- von maj bat alli lift in- load of laboi Like Rocky Mountain Isa I ha n-fon Drug Ck) nretl llein.tirli.igi- til thc I.ung.. -several years since mj lunga were badly affected thal l had mani ii rites \ M. Aka, o, ,?l. iud. -I i....k i eatmenl with .ral physicians without nus bene I theil started t" laka ,, \ .-url I .ir, .md '.iv lung- Hie now .inn.I a- aSbulh i i recommend il U\ sneed -lagcs of lung trouble.'' ii , Honey and I ar itopa tba .ill amPheals Ihc lungs, and prc i- serioua il BC .M. Rc suljstltuti - ll I VII M' tu lill llVt.Vl . 111,111 ,.( I -; House ? unit,- | k- Slid olliei ,-it-li ii- i ion,, Htals Haili - . Ranken ,.-, nicki .. . ? > ? i ,/. s-, ? I.I vi ? ? ? , I ? . Ill Hie Writs. Il . ll- .1 I I ? OR DYSPEPTICS. i Broadway JJesj York ( it/j u. n\ I?Ys, Ki.vj. Co.: ar Sirs: ?Will you snead ji? as pnssiblc tn abo*. , a bottle ol roar dyas, dy?anyway s., wi ian ^ct lek. ly don't you rmt it "ti New market t Vout W S C pin Dyspepsia Rediedjf Co Fifui lille, fi