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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR FOR rm PA8T, HELP FOR IHE .'RESENT, HUPE FOH lill-: FUTURE. V()] Xvi FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1906. N(, |u TOWN DIRECTORY. VV I ? tl ,v Wat I I '? a cojnty ni-;, CTORY. V \ ll, SCHOOL DIRECTORY. ? " ll _ Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, Va. J- M. CRUTE, atasTiej at La*. ? CI NS & BROCK, TORHEYSATLAW, (| s MUNG, I A 1 LAW, i Bay. Prince Ed.ard County, Va. Baf"0 ^l' C FRANKLIN AT; NW, \yHITE 4. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, farmville mfg. co. . .. si in NC, s, Moulilit WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - Sash Doors Bim i \ - iiiiit-nt. I., llr.l.r. Genuine Red-Wood Shingles, !? l's. iN STOCK. ll. C. BRISTOW, VRMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AND SIGN (SHIED PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. null joli lona bj R. C. BRISTOW. .V C. DUNHING10S ^ f. C. 10HNS0N. V. P. WATTE0 H. R0BERTS0H, Mgr. and Sec'y and Trtas. The Stonewall Insurance Co. FARMVILLE, VA. Wtual |iaU| in . . For the protection of the growing crops against destruction by hail. This i> a Company, liv iieople, for thc pn of thc li'iin.- [i Wi- h.'iw tin- timi 1> in hand in jiu our losses, anil I sn rance with us means protection. Write us for full particulars. Responsible agents wanted t it us in the to- ra. m ul tin- St BUSINESS PROGRESS t?ur bunill) - |a mi I nc rea cent., rimI vu- believe il far In worth) mer .-linn.list-, n<,| ,,i,Iv ? ?i) ml,i iii.tluiii'iirss, Init RUrprlxeH Bllll tit lu Ililli Olir Mnrr. Our Special 15 Day Sale just duffed, waa one of tlie iii il in Hie lii-l..rv of mir l.iisi :.t Hie fact I Tl,I HUI s|,?-k ls ?iill in 1 ... u iii Continue With Cut Prices The WHOLE MONTH OF JUNE R. N. HILLSMAN & CO., harmville, Va, ai?s(>rhoxvc;i:n and um;. t ?w ia?Mii rroni the air through the nore* 1 \- the attraction it 1..--.-1 - lu the body Impart lng the stn the bl.I, Ti. nly ul <>\, urn in 1 lied blood, int.-his life with thi ul ill thc minor au ns. 6>90ry*^rt v-I.iii.ti lins iii'.ii full} tented in all ^^"^Ti^ 1 has brought health and ? .ni Itheuui itarrh, Hs lion, Liver, Ki.l i Itlttdilci : .luni ami rill I ? nplaint, rm.I I GRATEFUL REPORT RHEUMATISM. Dr. H. SANCHE & CO ? BSTAIiMSIIKD IKG7 CAPITAL, $50,000 00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va ll. A. H W. I'. Vi n v 1:1.1, 1 ashier. u i. \ 1 \ vi-.i 1, \ 1.1 l'n-ni. nt. VV a 1 mi: >. "M. Asst Cashier. 1. on Invkktmknts are not al . round. While waiting to invest, place your money with un where il will accumulate i''>r your benefit. We pay Interest 011 Time Certitlcsles of Ueposlt. Jv. J. Wai kkk Hi. ('ki 11 V. IMRIiCTORS: ll, \ Sm W. I . (I SBK - W. I'.vi 1 1 11 A. E.( III Wwi. We issue Foreign Exchange available in all parts of the World. - Money earns 4 Per Cent DEPOSITED IN prince ?o\\\Uv>TLuncnlnuo Count? Bani, MEHERRIN, VA. l u Wi- 1 I'i 'KS .1 ll I'Rirr. 1 r. Mis-kiss .1 iv will rn Wa offer ever] accomniodation consilient willi prudent banking. Wa solicit your business. Il il MUT TUE METROPOLIS Mr. Bryan's Standing in New York Senseless Extravagance--The "Sev? enties" the "Sportiest Prop? osition" To-Day. NEW YORK.?Wheu bis Tim Sullivan, second ? ? Mr. Bryan wis in his opinion th* ndldate new thnt thi inn any tun well in New Ami Hryan men in tl really i . Vnrk. AU ls different dow. Bo far ne Nsw York ls SKfl concerns turning to Mr Bryan, which f vL, WM "? "'" '" ''"' *\^M In 1 nly fear nf ...^J__LJBal I lil' "n unknown quantity, II" : ,11 than any other candidate, If they could only \ but they wars mit a1.. !-i ii- v hail; and Mayor Ml ' ? thu Hall. nlty, "murk rakfr" Totes, and the I ! them f<ir:li has If any? thing grows. Hearst win gain mother. How will bow down. Hr .1 lyor, bul wu? forced into th.- tight !:? ? tn run for v lhere la nothing to THE GAME OF POLITICS IN NEW JERSEY. Two senatorial :.- re ln Di Lt mal gift beyond I ? ould scorn, lit- ls the 'lily th. a nf th.- Prudential ir ? ird ls a mere poll! ? ? ' Bey City, the quiet. - '. polar candid oowhi ? ? 't Col bj, thi ? - ?v munt Dryden ls erful. Kean ls nf ; n ordinary stock broker !m ls hy tl., rhat rule I.ITTXE RHODY'S SENATORS AND HER AUCTION. ? Utica is not ik hut klintlt. Isl.uni. ! an auction ship. i cipher In ' ? wealth. : an.l arrogant, but ll eat {Sy^ ^k -"' nlntiK with *f/'if+ x/,1l !;V rl''' ""'n '" P?"tlcs *iP Om\C$\\ I iniany r that; sn could his Dol? men In public ted by ths machine tn down P. Colt, ..f old Bi of a colonial famllj :i him ." of fair ability on! I nf whirh hus come in years by trust operation The colonel lu a good mlx?r. but lt Would all him a ll ?-lentent and the church men wlm an- trying tn reform the Uti . BB a reform H< publli in and 1 : .I, an nld aristocrat of great wealth. try ami dignity of i t; by far th. en in politics and not so popular with \ i .in. the onl in re aUo has carr;. a. With three sm h bar pan in a state so sr. Liing. THE DARING YOUNO MEN OF THE DAY. Vmi would think that tl ? kill yachting, or more beautiful assembled in -,u. And th most Impossible tn ei which New ^'-. ?sion of |10 mobile from the pi i. The fellow may out a fellow ; numil. .in b mi through -: roads I. and ths alon" line but of mmlen. li the ? il half ? MORGAN'S MUSKUM AND PUBLI INTEREST IN ART. ? .m. of whl' 1 ml when it .^ behind Mr. -rid be ' lils me of ts that Mr ' Kinn. In London, for the pub : Mr Morgas'i art trsas - w.e art tariff by opening I trying lt for a time she shut when allusion ls a >-.-t In art. It e\; :?*??among our Italian li \u tLamlBg Minali.ui frequently results from nt ged bowels ami totpld li, er, ul I ? ti],rill,, liiion is unknown to those who use Dr. Kings New Life Pills; t Mest regulal - ,| by Whiti Iruggiata. . A GUARANTEED CUKE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, or Pro? truding Piles. l>ri!L'io-1- I ,..! i,, refund money if PAZO (UN I Ml M fills t.. cure in <i to lula i \i;\i\ti.i.i: in ii \i. i' ? Ken dive Honey ami (he oriirmal laxatlva Cough SH tin- quain ;,. relieve the c..ugh ami purge \ ll Ld of Iron temi with, spring , torpid liver ami DM . iiwakeii them to : with I?r. King's ls; the pleasantest ami iU pat lon. : Appendicitis ami tone up the -? :>i ^ alta -lore. W. P. WHYTE OF MARYLAND GOES BACK TO SENATE. "Grand Old Man" of State Takes Seat of Former Foe?Has Filled Bl High Office in Gift of tbe Commonwealth. Baltimore.?In tl .f wil? liam Pim kney \\ : (rand old Man of Democracy," to BU of the United culmination of thi ara, Warfield machins whi n I Whyte from this pai : -hip. For many -. ? political all irnor he rsl . ti the bill providing for ni.mal amendi which ' nd ('.or? man bi alor Rayner nd supported tin after Connan hod :m he would bs called upon to HU thi tOIShlp made van-.: lils old enemy. ? r drunk liquor largely attrlb at 81 i ?' his family and home. with bia family Bo it is forth to Washington He ls life, and did D and again In : life," said he. I- not . ond li i forward legislation, lt man, will snti WILLIAM Its for the third time. Alfi. ? id, his wit is hs spat, day and his when he Di fame and dUtl - Until? ing in his appearance, except lils whitened locks, to Indicate bli ? OB the contrary, possess a vitality that has lon bera u thing of the past a followed him Into LOS world | later. His pb client and those who I horns with him in lht> last few .. IO believe that tie Hov \y!j> t? s essa ii As a legal Ugh' : in Maryland Poi has been at the head of thc sion, and from pr. i end of ?vs. Aside from 1, - ceases he has ulso had a rem In the political arena, having ?ccupied nearly e.. within tho power of the Maryland to give. He han Alb ssefnll) Um '-tfl. i -f non -1 Slates ? KHnntroiaSf of the forney general an! man. During (he last president: patten he demonstrated his capacity f,.r work by makin* a tour of \V iflnla with his lifelong friend, itor Henry Q , lldate of Um vard lsw sch - in IfM and gan his Bolltl if the Maryland h An Honest Politician. man In li; enif of all BS ;t>ng slme ni DB( BUBB "f tl. promising than ai many times t.e..p, popular sent : More Muddled Than > Han,. It has ,-iuise.l more laug driven I ' Bny other medicine In the a i ... N. ll. .ruth. 91 Pa i1 J I've live.1 st. long, i remain ? when the Mississippi a I , th ami long life erinn- bj taking Holl? is. The W Herald and World 11.60. THE GOOD SAMARJTAN Sunday School Lenoalor Jul? 15,1906 aSSSfeatJ Prepared (or This Pipar. I ? rsei 23, SI. EN TfclXT.-'Hlesse.1 are the ? for Uley ?;. . i.;. ?A. D. 9, a few weeks after ide n. The ; ??.-... i : - : -.eui, a, a.. j - . ? 1:14-1 ? Comment and Suggestive Thought. 'aloud up. Rose to . poss ot B discussion. This uu i it Jesus was lu solic uiscotirslag ou this rery ?uo . sternal nie. "And him." Rather, tested or triad ? a. blags, - . Jed with, or Ht lrum the teachings of the ile tostsd him by sou. controverted iiuestlous of ti.' "Saying, Muster," or tSB It-ut io rabbi or rabboni. Jesus au aiknowledged teacher, us lue law* A nut shull I do to I ... a I aa . inherit from my bi . and so have possession ol, . lite? Eternal Ure cannot be nor bought, but only In!. I unto him. did not himself quote the coin Ba la the case of the rich young euler (Luke U:lf-M), but aa it Of this sirllie to know the Scrlptuj ia he acknoa I and taught th 'lon buck to him "Whut is writteu In the law?" He thus avoided all carping criticism. "And he aaswsrlas, |g Ia ? ll-known summary. "Thou hast answered right." taken, not Tintana for his authority. ? ad with the : Jesus. The Jewish scribe willing, -:, to Justify himself, be not so sure that :. '. and possessed this love whll h a And who ls my neighbor?" ally thought that by certain limitations as to who ; y his neighbors, "Jews he might still feel soma assur - : life. \ certain man BSBl down from Jerusalem to J*r road was a, path?for I ? such roatl as Is ta rery dangerous, lying much of ,< ravine through soft , ? ives and ih Itlll necessary to hi ve pas log oTer tba* V. 31. "A certain priest." Jericho I tho residences of the ?urns at min! in the temple. "He passed by on the of the ravine, as : from the wounded man. ti likewise a Larlt was one of the tribe of Levi; - "f the family of Aaron in humble lying fuel Bl "Put a certain Sam maritsni were a mix rn B commingled Bl ri Bl the time of the V S. "Hound np his wounds," re? quiring personal care and gen i rather "on them," R. V I oil and wine," the usual rem-' i eoBunsa : I 1st him on his while he himself walked him. ?he morrow . . . ll cents each, il pay for a day . ? ? $4 In our day. "Whal ? . - ? m 'atc Ht irslstently with h; duties. "Which now of lhasa three . . . "Ask yourself, not love and ii laa to love > and you sill know who ls your neighbor . Nf that yo . life. The question with him OM nf understand? ing the law, but of obeying It; not, il my neighbor, but, Do I love Practical Application. 1. The test of 001 ra to our neighbor, be that Is the outward visible fruit of love to <". ?1st was the best typ* and t flsmarlun. Ths had fallen among tl n robbed of hops, char ?, ippiness, heaven. But Jesus tn heaven because he had u He bound up man's I at Infinite cost. He ' ? n, his church, til . the "pala" he cares for him to the end, I?.uti tear Hatti.. ? ar bot* ; Ilea ami malignant BUCkJsn'l Arnica . lurried the tide. I ., till not a trat-e remain-, ? of Fa ile, Vs. -. Burna ami tlrug L*(.'ri|i|M' I niigli - il White A Oj. and Winston Dru* WEAK. WEARY WOMEN. Learn the Cause of Daily Wots and End Them. Win . , i(| throbs. tors. When nigh: ?le*V. When urin , Women's | ls a vi ay I, Doan'a Kidney I'iII- ( ure such Ills. at Tl: Fourteenth si "?'l.v-- "J of kill' .in by oss the lui so much linn. In addition lol l un weakened kid ..-?ms vicic not right, I statement in ? . vi cul tor a bos. I hey daI nu- more good than rill - I. Ihc es nml head .?uni the kulin v nc normal." Plenty more prool like this from Farmville peo H. C. I ruts Irtig store i ,-. their customi - - : ostsr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, i ulled Kemi mill tl I take no ? lt ls always wall t.. lia salve in the house, sunburn, ind bolla vi, .1 \\ nt s w itch Hazel Bslve. Hhould keep a boa on hand al all times t.. pro? vide foi ,:- th,, stantliinl, but followed by many imi? tators, mime DsVi nt s \\ Itch lit - > -old by all drug Try a little KODDLFOB DY8PKP. SI A after you: it will product '.mg your food ami lu . ymir stomash t.. get lUell into - Many st,min, | (,, ||K. | vi itlier. Koilol il ? f1M.<| and your stomach the rest lt needs, while el the stomach lack int,, workini dui rt I levee flatulent - nach, palpitation of the hean, belcbii Bold by The Winston Dru (.. ll. Burban* reetinea iii.i Paar fears, (.. B. Buhana, oft'arlia Y.. writes: "About lour j wrote you stating thal I had baan en? tirely cured ol lin j trouble by takii lea ol holey'a Kidui l lt entirely stopped the brick dual sentiment, and pam and aymptonia of kulin v .li-.-a .it tl. I Min glad to say (lint I have nev ir had a 'cluin ol any of . mptoma during the foul li lilly cured t" stay ? eartily re? commend l "h v - K I '.o any ..I biadder trouble." Bold by the Winaton Drug Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pim] to Impure bl.I, Burdock Blood itii Uakea skinned. lt.-hu- rofanity, but profanity rron'l cu Dlntmentcuresitching,blcedliig or pro? truding plies rifler J At any tlrug If roil haven I the timi regular,-, 1- vi ill pre? vent constl| allon. I hi j Ind Hon ol lite I for them. . a kiss. *, on wouldn't want In kiss ymir wile, ni m art w Uh a lad breath. ^ ou can't breath without a healthy atomssh. without perfect .1 only one r< moll I - what you esl and dh as : that reinedv ls KOIN 'I- I DB Di BPF.P81A. lt is a | ipitulion ol ? I di? gestion your m. ??- bal it vi Ul do foi yt.h. Bold by nil - Ma- iii Past ll. altb bu i ha W. Kelby, ol Man-; ( ld, Pa., I via- Ul | I two g from kidney and blad? der trouble, i consulting pliyslclans w Ithoul ol.tai in: I nit it - stoiing thc Bold by The W inston Di ?Itopa tooth In ll vt (?il, pain. \ li.. ,, I Isiah, leak in the a which il child'- flllgei .-oiil'l laud. Iii like manuel K Sew Discovery, ll io dla "i lu bottle Only Ht fears obi. stiickluiliim Notice. To tl ' ? ' ..- Illili .1 J w kant. y- a'"1 lr ? Childi ' y all