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FARM VI LI iE HERALD. HOXOH lol: lill I'A-l Ml .1.1' rOR HU. " l:1 VOL XVI. FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, Ol TOBEB 5, L906. SO. 52 TOvVN DIRECTORY. ii i ii i COUNTY ^: r CTORY. ? J- M CRUTE, tie* at Law. I '. KM K'K, HTORllEYSaTUf, . S WING. LAW, -l*ard County, Va. rmi Federal. \l* C FRANKLIN ATI VW, U'HITL A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, ll. C. BRISTOW, FARMVILLE, VA., HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. il -mull joli J, | I mi R. C. BRISTOW. -Wini Li w/lmmb n si : i. WORK WIN! : FRAMES rythin>| short n<> lille priers tv anil Give Me .i Trial Order V. E. Hurst. You Run No Risk know - ind sell them v.. Jeweler aid Optuian. I. Y. l'i. i r hu i u\ Virginia Manufacturing Co. ni i i.i I 'i' iprietors, F GUMVILLE. - - VIRGINIA. Doors, Windows and Blinds. I'U1"1, ; i il Handle Wheel Al sS( miu >x YGEX AND LIVE, "V ""N' tiie nir ls Intlie ?**?>' iiaiparl ;?,,. i,i,??|. iteil Mood, wean* life with lbem< - iniim'r ami vital on 6tj2**?/v5*/? ' liv lesli .1 in all * ~"fetf :unl Muscular, Seiatiea , Illina, ? Kiel* * ~^2 n imt ami I n-i i *W> ^tfT^r ? RAI Dr H. SANCHE & CO CAPITAL. $50,00000 SURPLUS AN :-), $70,000.00. Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va. H \ \V, I'. Vi \ Mil I . ' \V. t?. Vknaiii.k, il. While waiting lulu j m i j Wai ur. du-ik DIRECTORS. Al L'KALl f. ll. K V We issue Foreign Exchange available in all paris of Ihe World K n i- % '?' k MOM "* in Tin: STATE BANK OF PAMPLIN 1 *A Ml 'LIX CITY. VA. An up-to-date institution chartered in December 1905, and now having assets ot over $33,000.00, alfords its depositors ab? solute security and unexcelled banking facilities. LIBERAL INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS \V P v.A \m.i:. i nilli ? i < >kh W B I 'Ts \ A Convenience. A elieeki;. Ilk ia a I ni si ness arni professional rmcr as well. More |m "pl i li accounts ii the*, knew mt it. We glad? ly ass in Retting 1 The First National Bank KAKIM VJ LLK, VA. J, L. 1 t+ * I APainle^s Cure of Curable Pain Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women's I pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous I conditions of the female organs which should he I promptly attended to or dangerous results will fellow. Wtaeofftrftti IT COMES TO WOMAN'S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any ol woman*! biting and weakening pains. lt not only compels the pains to stop, but lt follows up and drives out the cause of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. lt makes you welL Try lt, Sold everywhere tn $1.00 bottle*. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In > SBce, telling us > ms aral troubles. We will send free advlcs (lo plain staid envelope), how ta curethem. Ad*}-ss: Ivies' Advisory Tspt., ihi Chatianooja MeOiJue Ca., Chattanooga, "WITHOUT A PAIN," writes Mary Shelton, of Pcplar Bluff, Mo.,'' I e-B do vf housework, although, before UMng CARDUI twa doctors had done ma no good. I cia truthfully say I was cured by Cardul I want every cuffartne. lady to know of thia weeder;-l medldoa." NOTICE! R. FRANCIONFS ?t in nu Oil I ll. I. 1 I Huif-ln-ll, i*-r dozen, 2" neut*, t* ry, :i'' Half-fr. ? ul-. Hamal cent*. ? nt-. . ?05, 9ii7 E. Broad st.. II..: ulock fruin thc lily Hull, Klrliuiond, Vu. PRICES Tliii ari' right fur KNIVES that Will Cut and Ciun. CHAS. BUGG & SON You - Need ONE With Hani or Snit dial. COLES HOT BLAST ('lives more heat with less than anv other coal stove. The secret is THE CONSTRUCTION*, A SLOW, l'llvl ECT COMIll SI ION and double tin.' positive radia? ting surface found in any other st i ive. Attention Only Morning and Night. Fire Xevkh Goes (>i i. in and look them n S. W. Paulett & Son, Winston Drug Co. OPPOSITE Courthouse Square FARMVILLE. I.a: ? \ i rung ni Drugs, Sundries, Toilet Articles and Proprietor^' Medicines. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. "Rubberkote" Black Elastic Rooland Iron Paint l.nalHiu. nt I.. I.a.l n i ? aarre. ti Tbe Pioneer Manufacturing Company, H. E. Bmti* S CO.. Fnrwi/ls, h A.k ab TURNIP SEED. A tull lim.' ni HUIST'S well known and reliable seed. T1IK MO.ST COMPLETE LINE * ..OK.. DRUGS, MEDICINES am. TOILET Al; I HI.KS EVER OFFERED HERE. Tin- leading wccklv and month]j magazines always on hand. Agents Eastman Kodak Company. TABARD INN LIBRARY. H.C. CRUTE&CO., Druggists. anted Youn^ ^'^or Girls ' in work in lin- various depart ur factory. None under I I years old. can promise pleasant surroundings, steady work, ami clean, airy work rooms.. Beginners are well paid anni <? ing to aio ami qualifications while learning. Apply "i' write Allen & Gutter Branch, Till and Cary Streets, Richmond, Va t r+++++++*"i-?+v*++****+*+**: -+ M" The Best 'I'M*.- 1.????*:_ -iii Order lluiisi* Iii tit.- Smilh 4 hill quarts - . . $3 00 dell*, r. i -**rt old, 4 lull qt* . $2 50 deliver**) NTAIMRTI.12.00 per gallon es - |1 00 per qiarl, $3 50 per gallon \'.' *? <ir l?l*i?.*o 1.1 sat i. Lynchburg. Ya. jj I:??????? i-r?+++???++?:?+**4-++ Be sure and get a barrel of that CELEBRATED MONITOR FLOUR The only pulverized Hoar on thc market. Stokes & Davidson. Livery And Sales Stables. I take ilii~ method t<i Inform thc public lim! in connection arith my led h AT ALL I [< )i INS hones and * eiiii ? hired tentlon given all onleraand tin ? ?-I ly -nliri! yuin j :i11 atsnd, Koori T W. VAUGHAN^ KINDLING WOOD Wc put np enough nice, pine wood for W CENTS think nf it only 1<> icu MONTH. FARMVILLE MTG. CA WI LL CU RE (HEADACHE DIZZINESS BILIOUSNESS. TORPID LIVER. . xtorca fivt2?S*AvP5 Polh Miller Oyo Co Richmond V. aoix ?T*Lko?^-, .so cr-s.os a*oaca HOLLISTER S tfocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bair Meloia* fer Br.!y I Bring. Osliito Health and R.aexpi '? jOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEW? li m. Vi ie ami BOM l.ininiuii hat on earth I .train., aprairu man and i 1,1... at White S Ca am! I Wio.ton Drue Co. si:i:ds We Solicit your trade on Fall Seeds, of which we have a Fresh Stock. ORCHARD CLOVER TIMOTHY HERDS. Kentucky Blue Grass lt vi ii buy your sccil from n< you may (lepenrl <>n ing thc U-st tn Ik' hail. PAULETT & BUGG. I School Supplies. _ ?f \s thc time arrives for ?f returning to studies we ?numil von that our 7 store is j 1^ ii Ll Milady , I j fo, f SCHOOL SUPPLIES. T I - T i Prompt attention given X thc smallest order. Chappell. i |j>(.ri|ipi' (mi*.-!! . 'h Dr. Daw) ??>und and Wild Cherry. Beat or ..-ha. cold*, cramp, eonaumption, . and all throat and lui . ? aaata at Whit* S Co. and Winston Dna Low Kate Excursion! vi. Southern Rail? way. Low ? to the public: Ferelire I'. I'.. I la;: Jctobci th linn! limit Noseinlitr 5th Atlsnl rlomecomli j Ueorgisna. Ticketn on 'th liinl loth; Una! limit October flOth, arith pri ber i?uii. Atlsnts, U Ituildera Kstlona Dctober 19th-22nd; liual limit 11 ;nth. i - Birmingbai ! lill) tml 16th, lim l i, wini privliegi Buffalo, N. V. lui .nm Chi ?nie Oct Hi; tinsl limit Oc? tober l'.uh, I ? tulum South ? uni Ililli; ll mbei loth, . ristion I nil 21 Oulfnort, Mi--. Jon, 1 n 'nial lin, I N Memphis, 'on vent iou Brothel ndrsw. rickets "ii uni! i irt list, willi pri tenaion i< Sear I'j thia- U'lh 16th; final limn < (cl .Uh, aritl \ i \ i. ?. ricket* i>.i tale Oct. 1 ith-flnl unit ( Kt I'K'iim.I. Richmond Itorue Khos -ale Oct. 8th-l th, Anal Inuit I ? st. Louis, Mi i nth uni lotti, r? ii-.1 Im, irivilege "t Further Information will lie I ?il mi application ti C. W Wi P A No fionetiR SfdinQ and ^ponetiA JViocs. . . . Thc nu speling is al rite foreez in riting and will time ami simpliii mal Intcrnastional dos ar just the thin and Winter ware and sim I>1 it'i ymir selekshun. We will tah your meshur and iho vi; 500 thorolj -tilisli fnbricks. The best v.'tlu well dressed men. Cal to se Us Richardson & Cralle. L.-j-JasV-' Netdlt*. Parti and Surr/llcs foe both Thttlet ic Wluoii sud Singer Machtots SOLO ONLY BY SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. The Farmville Commercial Co., KATKIi.l Commission Hereto General Merchandize. W.- .arry a LAJUIK BTW K Heavy Groceries, Drv Goods and Hardware. Special Prices Mad*, on Good: Bonyit io Lara;. Quantities. THE FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL CO.. KAMMUl l.f. The Two Great Commandments Sunda*' School Lesion lor Oct. 7.1916 i par. ?-^?SSBBBBBSSBBBBBB-aSBBBBBTaSBSBBl Mark 13.M-J4, 0-44. W, l\. Thou ahavlt love- tha : ait.'-MarB i A M. JA pla court In Thoughts on thc Leaton. '-- .? psi iltur to re* n. That ls unly to ear, thst lt presupposes imagine auch a ? :. . K?...n ot O irse, we Who can 'Imp,1 in any -??ns* of the word. Zeus ? ataaSBS)! Neither ? - hohl in the unix ??ran, I iiml niatlons to I im n. h > ?? D It I cannot be c.m.mander!, only a limited truth. BBS Btt* Aatsd hy the very nie If it ls a want Kraves ot lass Innumerable lo Ita nulli; till lt comes, lit M?James . ? D, first und greatest ? nt? 1. It ls gTSBtsst lu its nature, being Bet ot tba I the first table ot ? ?f all virtue, it! :, of Bett to tha Bag. . | BO '"lltical al .t 4. lt ls tho set, i af tha lt ls all Inclus? ive. Bf all ?, lag toward I go right with us; but tod And lils cause I makes us mar "tm ia >? with Joh, I Lstsl hath 1 he the nu " and "Though He slay me, yet will 1 walt for Him." al for Loving God Supremely. ll) II" Is supremely good; He lu the ?nra of all good. He that loves God loves all that ls Rood, and hates all Bl SOI only good, lils goodness ls attrao All wa .to him; and the only way in which we can make any I u I Obs] him In ill that is oura to give; ls unutterably mean. ' thing In man la lore, ' ? ? (R) Such ?inly honors God, but e: man. I Bjost ennobling act of the sou'., and the nobler and higher the object ami tho more Intense the lore, ao mn h the moro la the one who thus lov. :, i> url fled, enlarged. exalted In nature. (?") In Him ara found all that ought I high? est affections of i Um truatost thing In 1 "i' an unfolding of this great fact I lt, and ? t, "The t Thing In the World." ? U the fulfilling of the inpart) "The Spec? trum ol Urummond, Illus? trating ? ion of lore In 1 I - . rs issi of Cans :. ls stated lu Christ's the fulfill .-? Isaiah's wurde I of tha Old Teata ipllfled Iq Christ's mee ? (Ifstt Ul e our neigh lore to God. Thia irayara ? ? hough theee help 1 cultivate love to Ood. . ?ay, 'I h his brother, he thst loveth not hie w can bom he ha* I tu mao liven In tha of Matthew, II enjulned are not and prayer, and US the i.i which all UM Gift, but the Husklu lo hla ?? < turo, "Tha i .Mug of tha ?ahernacle, .ant of God with -i tnarki-d and Its ac IOBM external and I to His will. The Measure of the Gift. a of a gift Uss not in l,ut in tha B and sacrifice lt fifi, but the number ;.-ee of *.<: and :-. that ly when we present our fruits ? dbm lurga ? i aiiak Into a hand .-. ! pebbles rom ba B u.tu gems md go:<i- _ W. LANCASTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ANO AQCMT FO" The Standard Trust Co., 5 Per Cent.