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LMVILLK HERALD W N lt V I I ? V THE - tint I ?. in ** lin stn: all true : lliK't' - the fan a li - Idea ? \\ al thc rsa] t> true );? j the railroa lim'' Win ntht on it. gi' ? ? held ? Cnn . Mr. vt ron men! that tn the al d mil if lin. hold th* lion ol In ti, ? deal thal | Mr. is guardian ol I the pocki ts of l in the ; Mr, Sim . all ll and dep ?ni it. I lin.: inn borrow ra Mr H plc - Ill't ? purposes. Bul lend lah inn hi*rli ? But tl to furn ? v t raged ll youl girl 1 Iwn ? itive. Panam UKYAN ON RAILROA: in I Jo vernor Vardsmai . i declare ii thing w indi led tiim t '. ? i rn 111 politic . ? ?* uer?hij tying I |Meft if I thought pri ?ii with pul to Ihe public," h reluctantly lo ne ? . e Ilia I 'ciiincrnls a ill Im , .!> to th) iv, it run mill ready to act I al lins lim will s|i|,|,,,ii ive maile." N l'HK RASCALS OUT. llis]K>s>i|l|' of lill li i . ider Hie Soulhen ul prc ity Ilia! | . . ? i'i. I lu ilispoaal I a Bt'publican . tlniii lion re I nit ml "or p ? nuntin I ' ' ? - become Si'iialur - ity never l>c ii*j "tale ni 'I nhl nut ti .linn again si ? would natter lo ; :isk fur Idininia \\ ur uf (i\ il ni tu undue I er ( au non hail a liv liml - nf the i -ituml Hes ill strike more ber. that preacb ; . premium in Atlanta. There ? rs there that thia . ly tn ex isl fur a A ni i named - mt a contractorfor ovei ii three dollara nu a lull, llnrn in said to have been drinking. Hui ?ni doubt taken .-ari extra born. GREATEST RAINFALL KNOWN. ill ut Guinea, Virginia, nf -, seems t<> have ? rainfall in M.(Mo? th man uow Ut int; at Dublin, . letter to tbe Tlmes-Dls patch In which he says that he wit* .Miall uear Brownsdale, ? . ' v that makes thc ram :i! I - rinkif. thal lhere was a rainfall of ? rn live minutes. There was ium an empty I ha I twu feet nf waler iii it when the iain stopped at i ni the five minutes. Me admita, however, that the time maj the downpour, li nail?about a half mile :iini the country was eom 1 i-l below where il lill there waa a lill mi the railn ? I drained bye culver! eight ? ti ii try ? ly level." A irani rame der was heil away lie lill. rsa wrecked uni thc li - aud one arm *a ,im mit nf the raging lur ent, 11- clinch ihe truthfulness ul .lenients, the writer in the 'i states that he rreapoudeut nf thc St, 'aol r -- and carefully ? ported tin a from ii- tn question the ? i ? never in if quos* \ml, although we haw never ? tl his nerve in relating thc - we ilu Un- nerve ., with both Ick* roken, swam mit nf tbe torrent, defied ihe doctors, and -: ni linly. - spared tu be? th I by the form* <i\ Paul paper. ? I a rainfall ; erience ami ive never brought in.f the public be? lted thal both mir ? !'. Btlon were afternoon in the Wheat was ripe,and tbe wheat rig cut liv the crsdlers ii stopped for dinnei - .nie nf was shining ami cloud could be seen in Willie ClOUda -ii nil's day. ip of thunder, and i I been killed by a (ruin Hie linn,| When urned : ^, as there w:is In an bout the ? ry suddenly ov< idy wrought np death nf nhl Peter, limp- i -Miter. ii:i.| appalling .'ul a | . fun- Hie in | ? thiin- ' le I der, the fearful fl i Ightnloi opa ol laiu that struck like bu lets nil added terroi to ttie hearti an one wu drenched to tbe *km beforeBbsltst wu ellng of suffbcaUoo cum tu many, wbosa leri.n nint-iised ii awful darkness ovsispread thi ; liiul sued a (Jownpotir bSSI '??laiiy thoughtoftbsJudi men! I lay as thc blackOSSB of the -ky me Ssshlng lightning, the dreadfu (bundera, and tbs bunting eJond 11 niieic a scene thal looked like the lina disaolutlou of nature. In our yan I, formerly ussd to bok oil. li wssempty, and having bee. OUt ni the sun, leake.I BgOoddCSl. ll fact there were largs openings bstwssi When the i i il, aller a downpour of about fortj miUUtes, We went out to see \i hat dam age had been done. We were surpris? ed tu ni nearly full nf wa ter. i ndoubtedly a large amount 01 water had leaked through the crevices and sn || will never he known Imw ninny feel iii rain fell in that Sholl lioje, I'lie water measured three (eel, eleven inches. At le ut two feet ol water must have leaked through the \\ e .ailed in several friends ami showed them thc water. We could not understand how the staves iddenly gotten close enough lu hold waler until one ol Ihe visitors, of a scientific turu of mind, de? clared that after the barrel had Iel al lean! t**>i fe< i ii., it sudden* ne awaie thal il wai S'ltliees ord breaking iain and al once swelled up With pride and held all tho ifter thal lt was estimated that nut les, than live hit. inches ul water hud poured Into the Another curious incident occurred. 1'lie branch on which was ni tua te* I Ihe .pring house, became such a torrent thal we (eared il the sprint* boUBS, nut the branch would be s aepl away, and that all the milk and butter would i. lost. Ihe next morning, alter the water had subsided we hastened to tbe .pring house. \\ hui waa our surprise, tn (iud two ImL's in (vin large cans nf milk. The frogs had evidently jump? ed to the top of the cans to avoid be? ing drowned by the wa' -r; and had to the milk. One fmu'. din d, had found u vial. rather a milktry?grave. Tha other frog, In hla determination nol to drown, and in his desperate efforts to keep i above the milk, had churned of milk, made a larj*e lump of butter, and was Bitting on top of it singing "A Life on tbe Ocean Wave'' And if anyone ilniiiits these state*, mellis, we have univ tu say tlmt we ? an show to all skeptics tin spring I of the !>ar rel slaw-. Also, iiuinv are still livini: wim will testify as in the death of old ? ullin. THE HARDENEDMEART OF PHAROAH. I here is lund fur the though! fur the railmail people In what Mr. Bryan vii.l Ht Louisville, lt im Hie old blue I liing book Story nf Hie farmer i tn get the boy out nf the tree first with | erauaaion, then with clods and finally with Stones when the sot* ter measures had failed. The Inter ?ninissjuii u tal'lished and the railroads fought it bitterly and then used their Ingenuity and the I file its pu government regulation. *, 1 II tbe raitt i. of BlYOS*snce, detlauct- suit rssistsncs putin- sentiment the piala denial ? md tue expressed purpoi s of theil chatter., they will is body hut tbcsnsslvss i" blsms if t ,. elllplnv nielli nf slimes l.eenlii. IS and living qUBStloO. W ?? bo ' nevei to live t" sse the day ** hen su an enormous oonesntratiot] ol powsi u would be Involved In the ownsrship ,. tbs transportatloB lines of ihis eon Uv bj thi'L-ii'.eiiiuicnl ? ill heenfurei ' and no power can overt.ethe rev. 1 of thecoaaervstism sod love of tibet m of the country against soeh a suggi I nun imt tiie corporations theniaelvi They eau evaspi rateaiiil i;nad the pu 1 tlc IO UM ilse ut slimes \\ Inie even M I Biyan, with all his magnetic force, i eloquence and hla JusUy won hold ? the affection and respect of the win country for his persona] ebaracU could lint du lt. RAILROAD OWNERSHIP OF GOVERi MKNT. itor A. I'. Thomas In the I..* nc burg Nea - nairn Ih.niel refers |n mil ,-t.i difficulty with isllroadfl which 'I" nu! seem In hear any analogy to tl proposition advanced by Mr. Brya oms was a case of the state going i partnersliip with corporations to bull muds, i te., which BlIDCWt BlWSyB I suits in Ihe Htate doing a lal fe pm. the building and the corporation ge ling the fosd alter ii is I mil. I Ixcli il>Iic nwiicrship is entirely adi ,111-1:1111. Ile prediets that li .?I- would Bl u.pi llticated." May it not be pertinent I .?i-k ii he entertains no rests that ui dei private ownership the governmeii will b em.railroaded? His a> sumption Hull under ship ihe employees would hand them togel in i rn control the govern ineiil neither excites leal liol bfillg conviction. Ihe lint is that tin rail roads lue. e already i? en sn long ii politics Hue C nie limn- U uatomed tn it. Which I rs the greater influence in politics tu dav, the express companies sud tin His, rn the employes nt t ii" post office department V We heat on ever] hand the trail nf the railmail se; pe it univ he found lunn Hu- Cl tl iiiiiii eil through the Intervening MBgisla live bodies up tn and including thi United .-tates Senate. Has such : charge been brough! againat the post lepartllieilt? When Hie Inti < 'onati tu tiona] < 'ouvention a sidering the subject of t i uther interest In Virginia had to ac rcpt whsl the Convention tlioughl it not si, w nh Un railroads, their powei was s,. -(rest that the Cnnvenlinn had tu paled up a Com promise With them under which thc hands ni the legislstuie in lome tl weir tied until 1013, and un? der the sd min lat ration nf this compro? mise tbe railroads of the Htste are es* csping taxation on mure than one bun? dled and forty million 'lullars, which and collected and applied in ii, would pity tbs anti rs state debt In fifteen years, inn we sny in tbs liirhl ol I that the are nut iniw in pulit Henry E. JoOSa, of Tain| I writes: "I eau thank dod for my present health, due to foley's Kidney < 'ure. I tried doctors lind all kind of kidney cures, but nothing dum- me much good nil I timk Foley's Kidney < ure. Pour bottles cu red ms, and I bsve no more pam In my hack and shoulden. I am 82 \f.i\^ old, and suffered Iuiil*, bul thanks to I Kidney Core I am well and can walk ami enjoy myself, lt li s pleasure to recommend u to those needing! b kid nev medicine." Tbe Winston Drug i 'i.'. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, ur Pro? truding Piles. Druggists are sutboriz '?mil money if I'A/i I OIN I M E N I fail- tO Oms in 8 to I", da. Agirimilsl either marry an urdin sry man orelee remstn a spinster for tbe purpose of cherishing an ideal. Money To Loan. Di:. .). L. Wm i i. lent ll. E. W vii. President J. M. Uri ii: \pp: l W m kin- 4 Bm* K i 'ounael Ma 1:1 in : Martin MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOME8 AND HOU8E8 AT' INTRACT, paid off "lil debts fbrpatnoaa who arc pow l*Mte**?ftda*nt an.I ? IRA! I ?naturi in I'm i I off the loan at any ti'. We I-.-,..- .-. di ir.k ai.|.lu alum., anti full parl THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., Farmville, Va. THERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO Chewers becoming tired <if ht sweetened tun cured lol REYNOLDS'SUN Cl RI :?t . licit? ly win from the <>M brands of much longer standing th< with sun cured chewers, Ix i au e it < tust enough proper sweetening voring td tm quality of th? ant! enhance its goodness, eau -in increase in the demand for sun cured tobaccos. REYNOLDS' SUN CURED is not only pure sun cured, hut it from choice selections of thc genuine sun cured leaf grown when." the best sun cured tobacco grows. It is like that you formerly got, costing from I 1.00 per pound, and is sold al ind in 5c. cuts; strictly 10c. plugs, an be t value in sun cured tobacco that can be produced for chewers. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem. N. C. UPI it^a^s^&riWQ^ MAJESTIC BAKING DEMONSTRATION One Week, October 8 to 13. atrSuisriED! s of water Ihe point ol I, while breakfast ;. When water I ol reservoir .cd away ?ii lire by shifting J.own. Where pressure waler is used this malleable Iron pin-eitension water front, which has more heating surface than any a other, supplies abundance of hot water to *aa*sa*-* all parts ot the house lt takes the place ol reservoir, tasw .__.~ ' fill HtlV I ? ?nd wa 2 ;! Hoftfctl ' '? BsTtasI < ii fact tast linnie af rcadari ( VI I! VIUXlAI sm ? - ii i. rag ?i in.-i.itiit ly Ol not a! you in it,* Hs free. 1 ' ?<*?! iiiil have ri r miiiutca wini. 1 it: M cl lan free. ? i lemon. . li! nf - ? al mir - ?: irsbaa. ? sltk u? ... i KSS (inn that. Come in any day, you are welcome wether you intend to buy or not. DUVALL, SON & CO., Farmville, Va. .>**tM?C ^ NEW LINE ?fe ? tblished Purni! i Carpets, Matting 5, Rugs and LI NOLI 1 :ms Will I i examine them .?uni compare out prices with othi i Every Grade and Quality dovm: Furniture Dealer and Undertaker RYTHIXG i\ FURNITURE ATCOWAX'S, rXI)KRTAKIX(i. trry everythinj*1 Iv found in .1 FI! kim; establishment. - C. C. COWAN R E A D -*a*""*aara*""*a**a*a ?- w m> -.*-ia**a*a-a>aaaaaa-a aaaaBMBBBBBMa. ?,? XaaBBBBBaBBj I X.V Ha i lti|i fff lu iiiiitililii' (he \ / la himI IT WILL BE MY DESIRE ID PLEASE ALL @cr>f?ct:c:- Restaurant, Bakery, ^tationeru, Zc^a fountain. Qigavs and ^::ac:: G. GALLEA l'AK'\I\ ll.l.l- VA I Hillsman's Hillsman's AL * LEARAXCE SALE 2<) LAVS OMA' September ist to 20th and Look to Your Interest Vou v. ill not have anotht ?:'.unity. R. N. HILLSMA CO. The House That i(Beats Them Ml" For The Price OUTEE CLOTHING [ ALL OUR GARMENTS .., . -. -a -u- , , ALL OUR CARMEHTS should s.ime not give en- lllwU UlUUC vlvllllllh BB* asia* ? tire satisfaction. (J (J tire satiiitctiot mtmmm%mmmmmmm Ai 1 ? < > I ? i FARAH II.I.h. \ [ROINIA. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FALL ANNOUNCEMENT [Once More To The Front. mmmmmmmmmSmmmmsWmmmmmmm%%%%m%Wmm%mmWm%m One reason why the Guarantee Ciotliing: Company Mens' and Youths' Clothing maintain their Popularity with those demanding the very best line of Popular Priced Ciotliing On Earth Is that it is not how cheap they can be made But How Good For the Least Money Call and see the greatest line of Honest Merchant dise in Farmville. THE HOUSE THAT BEATS THEM ALL FOR THE PRICE RESPECTFULLY YOURS. Guarantee Clothing Co. PAULE! I - (THE OLD REB) OLDSTAND