Newspaper Page Text
I ' ' ? It it true, Mr. I Ht mu? ll ii i rel ui |'ll> fill ' till ' ii ral of 1 . wil to ; I him HIM. Bul Mr ??mic til lilts ? lt i> l? I \ ila Ma tn.i \ 11 ? il ( not n ant \ oik \ '."'.i'll. I?:int says ?in.I I- still ;i powei \ . .I..lll.t ni I tint, lt till' ' rtain about a line - 'lilli-..-If nil lt, ex|*erleni-e in luxton I'oat thinks Unit limn tin- Panania : be -cut 1" Sew *i nrk in ageJna! li Jerome will lubotitute tin ern, it will bel AIU AND COMFORT TO THE MY. ? publican | latfortn, -,!u' following an.I | k,| it u-?l ? -. without re ,..|..r." The - thc 1 it'llt nf past -??I effort si . ichislng : hat tbe il tn ihe Ignorant -tatt*. arc do : l and ii tins piaf. ? ll - nu ?lilli' ihe nominee ? A TOR A F. THOMAS. .1 ..I Mi. . raised up I nt h.nne. A .;.ii h\ Ing nt :.r hamel's ..wu sitii i ; issiliility - wini ditter . f tn reckon ? will be un - nady tn try their by holding on !.. ll killmore rs have . , Others it him. The ii Hie Baltimore Nt w? li ie chances are that .il.I be guilty Benator I. There is nut in pub loday a more fearless and more I him Senator i - ,t ? tts wann for iple. going the munils nf the \ thal Seiiatur : |..-e.| tn Senator Daniel ,Mir's opposition tu icu! ownership nf railroads. iw of truth in the itoi rhomaa I ? I tu the return of Senator Din : months long he luestion nf government own? ership was discussed. Another error is that Senator Thomee lias adopted Mr. Itu -i this subject The truth is, Senator Thomas was probably I uncut ownership ire M i. lin an was Another ?rinr is that Senator rhomaa is an en* ? Mr. Bi*j ? ulmires Mi. Bryan, hut important public questions with him at all. THE FACTS IN THK CASE ? litoria] on the At Washington Bta he following language aboul John 'em pit > rails fur a \inl he ia i n nf the men H hu are "ii this problem Inflnite i:i African slavery . distinguish? ed alike ibility, his high ebano ,-r. nnd i- a speaker. Ile ii advocated the oom* ..( i lu- negro amt w bite the univ pr..per solution of problem. He has a.I '.at were eloquent, aide, < in language, ami indicative odo w hat is right. i located it in Ihi ul always in temperate taiif-iiajn. level advocated lawless. ? i tried i.y lawleooneoa in I roblem on the country. ed ibove from the ai is ungentlemanly in tune, falae in r de* , lice an.I | l until. ? editorial the stat ?. cloaed in Ueor* i in w i itred was thc kcy i mit nf which emergi dur the man w ho did In* ' eal to -et Ihe ..lily truth i it is that "a campaign ?s'ia." Wi WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? racy ii Individual freedom In i Hal rs au.I people's govern* nt in pu in tm pri wi hei ( gn Foi hm ?J'S it it v RAILROAD OWNERSHIP. Vinston Churchill, the novelist, re? dly ran lor Governor ol 0 was, ?? Phi i Interference ol' the Booton inf Railroad <>r any other corp i in the politics ami govemmi 1 thc Booton wisted i.y United which i"..ut Hie same thing. irchlll made a splendid run, hut i England cnn istlcity could not ? profll in the change from \-m at tl i Hampshire i? owned hy the ' ? magazine of fa*hi.m ?i a kmg ?tri' tiki i ?.; mg to you. o^, k ymir drug ton tim tho Ihe for and ami Mil, ii n gist N evei Lon tow nd rt aa mn TUE POST AND MR BRYAN Washington Post was foruierl; cool aud coherent id expressing i .lews Nm did it allow prejudge am lu sway Us judgment. Hut 1 I* fan ly rabid DOW OVU the strengtl ol Mr. Bryan with the piOftJe. I ha- evin brought itself tn declare tba Mi. Bryan doea imt wish tn iw a can didate in IMS ami is therefore deter millett to keep the I>emocratM fruit winning. - too I'ad abolll Mr. Pryan lt ik aitch a dog-in-the manger way ol doing things, mid BO characteristic o the mau: He has such a sour dispo litton, ami is known tu lie a dreatlfu wire puller anti schemer. It's just tts had. But why .should thaPoat worry'. lt baa, in ConJnDCtton with all the Ke publican press and nearly all of tht old Palmer and Kuckner papers, de dared that Bryan has killed himself that he la a dead cock in the pit. Therefore Bryan moot i?e dead. Moreover, tba way lo which tens ol thousands Huck to hear him, anti ap? plaud him \ IgOTOOlly, proves that lu? is ili'Hll. Hut is it pooolblo that the change >.f I fr.un cooinooi and coherency to heat and iiicnhereiit.-y, when it speaks of Mr. Itryan, is due to the (act thal tin- Poet la now owned and edited by Editor McLean, of the I iii cinnati Timpiirer?a Palmer and Kuck Hampden-Sldney College, the clarification of the IU atudanta iliad this sessiuii reveals s nne very Intonating facts. The ? ngf of the students is 19, The ? age of the Senior class in Jl %\ of the Junior, 20;of the Bopbotnore, ls , ; nf the I're-ihman, 18. < if the 11 ? students already enmlled. burch mem bera;''-' being Pres? byterians, - Methodists, 7 Kpiseopa lians, 3 Baptlata and 1 Catholic. <>f the remaining 40, 20 are Presbyterian bj affiliation, 8 are Kpiscopalian, 7 are Methodist, and larc Baptist The oc? cupation nf the fathers of the students presents an interesting study: 81 are sons of planton and farmers; 14 are -nus of merchants: lo are sons of law? yers; s are suns nf ministers: 7 are sons ofphyaictani i are iona of bankers; -5 i ol i"i aocooilta; 3 are sons of Coal operator!; 16 are suns of men who follow tin- general lines of business; one ia tbe eon of a Clerk of the t . s. inuit; : are suns of county ofticer- 1 is the sun of a silk-wea\ er. another tiie son of a railway freight agent; another the Bon of a superintendent of schools; another the son ufa merchandise brok? er: another the son of a stock-raiser; another the sou of a contractor; anoth? er the son of a luinlvernian; another the eon of a college utofeaaor, while pat i. rn of n are not gi sen. The prospective occupation of the st mien tn is Intonating: 17 expect to follow the law: 12 expect to bl physicians; IO ex? ited to he minlaton; Ppropo?to follow iii-mess: 4 wish to take civ il engineer . ih i" in- teachers: J will be mining engineers: 2, electrical en .'lucers; 1 will no into tlie na\y; one each into pharmacy, dentistry, rail? roading: 1 Will l?e a mechanic ami 1 ?hem 1st; thc remainder indicating no lOCided prefer. Ihe Students' Club, the excellent loarding-hoine of more than ;o of the itudenta, has just received fruin a Tiend a check fur 180, to aitl the work if furnishing the sitting-room. Prof. Elmer E. Jones, of the state ?formal Behool, Fannville, Va., hail ihargeof tbe evening service iu the . Impel on Sunday. < ictolver 7th, ind delivered befon a large am Mint ami helpful address on The Thing-< that a College Man should - Honey and Tar cure- the nostobstinatecougha and expels the old from the system as it is mildly ixative. lt is guaranteed. Do not isk taking any bul the genuine in the clluw package, dbe Winston Drug Baby won't sutler tl ve minutes with roup if you apply Hr. Thomas lc ctiic (lil at once. It acts like magic A cold is much mure easily cured hen the bowell are open. Kennedy's native Honey and Tar npens tbe nit |s .md drives the mit cold of the -atom in yoong or old. Bold by all Lexy men wnrk overtime when it mi -'." dlepenaing advice. Men who were never disappointt'd line may live to regret it. An honest man may have a clear naclenee, bul lie's apt to get Lone me. THE REASONS c so Strongly Endorse snd Recommend Vinol to the People of Farmrills. Mr. Crate, of H. C. Crute A Co., our al druggists, says: "We do not be ve there li a man, woman or child Farmville whom our famous cod er preparation, Vinol, will not bene at this season of the year. 'We believe there is no neel for so my people to drag around run down, :-.l out and debilitated, ur fur old .pie to remain weak anti infirm len we guarantee Vinni will restore tlth and strength." ontinued Mr. Crute, "For centuries I li\er oil bas been recognized as the ndeal of all body-bmlolng agents wasted human strength anti vitality, on account nf the nauseating ami ogging oil which enveloped curative properties few could take mb benefit In Vino! you get In a concentrated U every one of Hie curative and ?ngtl--creating elements of .-od liver actually taken from fresh cods ?rs, the ii-i less, Byatom-clogging oil inhaled, ami tonic iron added. V'inol is guarantectl hy over five uaandofthe leading druggists ,,r United States to create strength old people, fur the run down, tired debilitated, weak, atetdy a om iii children,am I after a se vere sick ness. Wi ask eiery Btteb patfion in Farin I to try Vinni. It cost- nothing if uls ' ll. C. Crute & Co., Hriig - While we are sole agents for ol in Paraville, it is now for sale ie leading drug store in nearly y town and city in the country, k for the Vino] agency in your ii. I iirbt Hays Un His Back tircl with two appli.ations of Dixie Nerve Mit. lt will cureyou. ena and Minor Drug Co., "s'inia. ?iv Iir.'n u.mir your Nerve and m my bark and find it acta like a t dayn I had bren on my hack ri and after two applications I uw out and to buaineaa. ? truly yours, OGBuaN. North View. Va. 1 by White I Ca and Winston Drue Co I HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR ??> YEARS Theold, origioal OIK IVE * Ta-ie less Chill 'Lim. You kool wb?i \..u ., sm taking Ittilroaaad quin a tasteless torin. No cure, - Dixie Nerre ami liuiie Liniment beaton earth fur rheum, ti nm and all paina. fur I..iii man am' beast Lan I Co. and Winston I-rua Cm. I al.ri|.|.. J ..ii-Ii cured with Hr i > Pine. Tar. Horehound ?> : earth f..r .oukIi*. colds, cramp, Bronchitia and all throat anil lin,.' I bottle 2icent. al Wini.- A C.. and Co. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATITI BatOMO ','; imm Tablets. All druggist* refund thi money if it fail- tu eora K. W. Urovo's signature is on each boa. Herald and N. V World 11.60 A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES ling, or Pro 0 ?H N I M'i|. I bal I i.iu'li Commonwealth ol Virginia, Depart? ment of the State Corporation Commission. To My Friends and the Public! I have recently opened I Ut arni will be glad to bave your - | Hre, Life, Accident, and Surety Insurance. The Beat, Safest and Old Established! its j mies <>\|,*i Specialties: The Hest <'.nu01111 lea Properly writtei Prompt ami Mo-t ? an the Policyholder!' Inti Notary Public. Offlce: Cor. Main and I Inri Htreet* you are always welcome. ELLIOTT R. BOOKER. Money To Loan. Db. J. L Wm 11 I'resident 11. K. Wau. Vice Prealdeiil J. If. ('Kl IK Appia UiiKis- i Brim K Cooneel J mi. lt. Maui in K. Si ..I I \l \ K'l IN .?e. ami Traaa DIRECTORS .1. I.. \\ HIM. II. I'. Vi Ml ll ' ' .1 M. Cai ri A. I., li: Ml i .-. W. I'M IK I I K. I.. Kh wm ki MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOMES AND HOI Wr have built hundred prosperou*. DOM'1 RKKTan) a nirr* bflSM iii a ff*, raaf I ' ' l.ut roa Isatra Um ??-unty. Wea: thr nam*, as banka. Call or vvrMBBaaaiaiaiaiaiaiaaaaaaaaiaH THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO.. Farmville, Va. KKI'.l* YOI l< MUM V IN lill. STATE BANK OF PAMPLIN 1 \\ M I '1,1 X C ITV, \'A. An up-to-date institution chartered in December 1905, and now having assets of over $30,000.00, affords Hs depositors ab? solute security and unexcelled banking facilities. LIBERAL INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS SMALL DEPOS1 I W. P. VENABI.K. I-r.-i.l. nt. J. f. O ''? '?' ??:??? ? HUI t nins W. B. finally R. I.. I | runklin N. V. (.atlintr 1 li W I'. '? C. Vi. '.. MIMimMll'IIIIMIIIII +H*+4++++++4++++ MIIIIMIH i The Best h I LOWEST PRKfS Tin- i*u? 'sol AI/s I Uttlei' lltMIMe lss t ill- .'-.Hilt ll AlBfMstUE Pure Hw 1(1 mn (M t I $3.00 dellvs rs f L YADKIN MVF<*. Pure North Carolina C ?, * '...i q'r.. ?2 SO delivered [ C BINtT a-d VIRGINIA rttOlNTAIN RTE.$2.00 per gallon 1 t LAZUIUS CLUB. Crtaai el all WMskiei - S' 00 | ti quart. $3 50 per gallon J j U'riu- for t'lii-t- l.I-it [ L. LAZARUS. Lynchburg, Va. jj i*j a-A-v- ? MSJMt* KM?>44M< n" 4 <': +++:W-J ?t-+'r^++-r++v-f+-H-M-t?e 1 Be sure and get a barrel "I thal CELEBRATED MONITOR FLOUR Thc only pulverized flour tm the in ' -:-? Stokes & Davidson. HILL & HENDERSON Land and Industrial Agents, Timber and Investment Brokers. ONLY Members Norfolk & Western Immigration Association IN FARMVILLE WE SELL LAND List your property with US for results HILL & HENDERSON I Office Third St. FARMVILIE, \.\ Wanted ^cun^ "'a("es or ^ to work in i!if various depart? ments of our factory. None un ler 11 jreara old. r We ran promise pleasant surroundin j-., steady woik, and | clean, airy work rooms. Beginners ar-? well paid a ing to age and qualification4- while Icarnii * Apply or write Ai, 7th and Cary Streets, mmm\mmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm^mvsrwmmmt dSlJ.JilJ We Solicit your trade on tall Seeds, of ?aIh'cIi tn ha*e i \r>>\, Stock. ORCHARD CLOVE! TIMOTHY HERDS jfsu/ Kentucky Blue Ora If you liny your si-c-d froti us you may depend on I ting tlic- best be had. PAULETT & BUG" WILL CUR IHEADACHE OIZZINESS BILIOUSNESS. TORPID UVER .-3osf*tAiitoi*s?* fry! 24Stamps Poll, Miller Oruo Ca Ri-hmond,v? ild ar all patna .%p cc-jntw. sToata HOLLISTER'S ky Mountain Tea Nu A Bniy Medlat-M br I Brices OulJea H-?lth sad Its ??? form. HS ".'?> '. i t i. 30L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALIC?'?' *" " The Farmville Commercial Co., sroBATin.] Commission Mercbar^s ?AM' DBALBBS IN ? General Merchandize. Wi nirry a LARGE STOCK ol leavy Groceries, Drv Goods and Hardware ?ecial Prices Made on Good Bought in Large Quantities. rHE FARIYILLE COMMERCIAL CO.. PABMVU l.K. VA Tonotik ??cl:r>c and ytonQtlk J^riccs. . . . Tin- nu speling is al rite brees in riting and will sav LniK- and simjiliii materz. ntcrnashona] dos tr just the thing ft uni Winter ware and sini ilifi your lelekshun. Wc viii tal< your nusluir and ho vu 500 timroly stilish hbricks. The best value for vet! dressed mon. 3al to se Us Richardson & Cralle. --??j?f--?-? !--j JLv J .si a. m. mj i k ? M. i: ,.. ss G. .SEALL (Jon tv-r.e. G. gaLlea VA. Hillsman's Fall Opening Oct. 12 snd 13 ? ?rtment, am] "ur iiwd. DRY HONS )THIN<: OV ^HOES HAiS and CAPS ' itioa R. N. HI' CO. *& NEW LIME m -.lied Furniture Carpets, Matti and LINOLIl :.MS I ben tlity DOYNE Furniture Dealer and Undertaker FURNITURE ATCOW.VN'S. UNDERTAKING. -. thing usual. ? si i iliihmeot 1 ' . Cowal , C. C. COWAN TURNIP SEED. md rcliabl K LINE ? VIKDICi: lol I.KT If KKK. a Kv a vs oft hand. i. impany. ii. c. crutk Kt <k Dru Herald and N, Y. World $ *A ,i The House Th at "Beats Them All" For The Price ALL OUR GARMENTS are guaranteed. MONEY REFUNDED hould same not give en? tire satisfaction. in y High Grade Clothing AT POPIII /Itt OU/? ef/lffalEWrS are guaranteed VOIEY REFUHDED IM not gift es. Ure attraction. FARMVILLK, FALL ANNOUNCEMENT A. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT | Once More To The Front. One reason why the Guarantee CId pany Mens' and Youths' Clothing maintain their Popi. b those demanding the very best line of Popular Priced Clothing On Earth Is that it is not how cheap they can be made But How Good For the Least Money Call and see the greatest line of Honest Merchant dise in Farmvilii THE HOUSE THAT BEATS THEM ALL FOR THE PRICE RESPECTFULLY YOURS, Guarantee Clothing Co. PAULETT eft SON'S, (THE OLD REB) OLD STAND