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Vf, cc <m) CU I __ ?? "r?i .rc a Sss Te i-,*y. ". -^ is. - *aet?2 ?5 H. E. BARROW & CO., Con chants =ano r I ?:-!:.. ! v Ik'S vant thc lust buy the Owen ind Buggies. ? ll [caters.' Give us n we i r REE H. Kid i bottle uni ii it .i.'ii i. ure vu vi in it lund your -l/e licit l,..ii|.'..f I V \ Mil. mut ll l- von. then USC I \ imiil em. .1 I his H.lvetii*eiiiei.i en? titles .rn i to a bottle ol I \ A St H. at Ik Anderson Urujtj Co. Only ii limited Of* bottle* giveu away. H..n't nu-* tbls|oppoi tm,nv to test TJVA SOL. mig. 17?2m. The Largest Ano Best _?___________ equipped plant in the State Charis Miller Walsh Qua ? t-i and Manufacturer, "Vtersdiiirg, Va. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, liRAVE \ i- ofeverj description. ?a fur asslsjne and I 'Ml.I *>. W . I'AI-I.STT. AR.'llt, rsrmvliV*. Va. HORSES and MULES For Sale or Hire. First-Class Livery and Feed Stables. North Street, - - Farmville, Va. ZIMMERMAN BROS. You1 Need ONE With Hard or Soft Coal. COLES HOT BLAST Gives mort heat with less coal than anv other coal stove. The si mt ia THE CONSTRUCTION, \ BLOW, PERFECT COMBUSTION and double thc- positive radia I ting surface round in any other stove. Attention Only Morning and Night. Fire Never Gobs < hi. Call in and look them over. S. W. Paulett & Son. Chew What You Know About and Know What You Are Chewing There is real pleasure in chewing the best tobacco grown?where the best tobacco grows-in the famous Piedmont Country. Only choice selections of I well-matui r ared tobacco SCHNAPPS whySCHN/ and ot iv.. s of the Reynold's as shown by the Internal Rev-, statistics for the wonderful growth of six and one quarter million r a net gain o." one-third of the entire incr. rtion < f chewing and os in the United States. Evidently, chewers cannot resist theilavorar PPS because SCHNAPPS cheers t more than any otl ing to? bacco, and every n schnapps pas I thing along one chewer makes other chewers until the fact is now es? tablished that there are many more chewers and pounds of tobacco chewed, to the population, in those States where SCHNAPPS tobacco was first sold than there are in the States where SCHNAPPS has not yet been offered to the trade. SCHNAPPS is like a cup of fine Java coffee, sweetened just enough to bring out its natural, stimulating qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases all classes of chewers: the rich, be? cause they do not find a chew that !y pleases them better at any price; the poor, because it is more economic il than the large 10c. or 15c. plugs and they get their mon? ey's worth of the real snappy, stim? ulating flxvor so appreciated by to? bacco lovers. All imitations con? tain much more sweetening than SCHNAPPS. They are made that way to hide ooor tobacco improp? erly cured. For the man who chews tobacco for tobacco's sake, there is no chew like SCHNAPPS. Jeld at 50c. par pound in 5c. Cuts. Strictly 10c. and 15c. Plugs R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual .Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle b a Ten Cent package of Grove's Black Root. Liver Pills. _ DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Tm. ll 00 bott arr-!s--.s 2H dm..tha trial alt*, vhlca sall* far SO eaata. >-?????o oair Sf ths maosaro.T o* ?x C. rs WITT os COMPANY. CHICAGO, rt n (To Cure a Cold in One Day Toke Laxative Bronto Quinine: Tablets, j* m/A Seven Minion boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, ^*' ^9**^7*^ Cores Crip in Two Days. on every Trmsi^ box.250n Whom it May <'>>>> cen tn I <ia\ tl ? ' ? malt, Alfi"i I*--? ?'? Appointed I... an.1 qualified in th. court of Marali,.,' ' nTiii.i i i ii: CIR ? Court ..f lha Count) ol Pos h . AK '*? VV P a.ltn'r of I i Virifima P. I P. adm'r Ju I N ? I what ni., thia mut hereof l?- ; in th.- Karim il!. I in th.' town of Karmville. Va., and tliai r ounty bj (nv rule day th. \ Mllion P. llriiufanl. I' 'l. .1 f S 1 III.. I t< .ll; 1 of Powl stat of Sept. Charl... Kllia, it. I Ava. I I rided iakil Virsjinia, " t?->nth .lav ii I., ? : ? Hil.... d. ? An.1 it a|i|*arini( hy al law that >' lt v ford. R.? M?ra M. Elita, I ? Ailinn fifU ? and .1" ?i ('..unty of i Wm. Crump To. ? I 4 \ DUVALL, SON 0 CO., DBA LBJ Hmi'Ivv are, < Cutlery, < atfriasjea, VVagona, Harness, Paints, l.l-H.I, Oil, St..M's. Rangira, drain Drills, Mowen, ninl Binders. LIME A.Mi CEMENT. We Iniv itt* CAR LOTS .?uni cm alway m!1 nt K'oCK BOTTOM PRICES. NOTICE. HA VI 2ia UM v I ED rn I HAMPDEN-SIDNEY I oller my pfOtSsMiOfl I In tin- *.racine <.f MEDICINE to tin- ftOfh of Hie cniiiiiiiiiiity. PROMPT All BNTI0N tu nil .alls. / K. McWHMER, M. 0. au-.11-3m ?? Idle Dollars Earn Nothing lhere an- Thonaands of Dollars in Prince Kdward and Lunenburg eountiea ly? ing lille. If thia lunney vs :t~ in Hie Lank-, it would mid a great Ktiiiiuhir. tu tba boat* iii'-- of the oomtnunity, and nt the hs,ne time linn. iiicimic in its owner. Why nol <'.in\ tl tbe |50.DO, timi.rn 0f |600 ,ni, thiil you have heen saving fora" ? lav' Into ona ..( mir I tarae < '?rtlfleatea ..f Depoatt that will bring you t Intaraal 1 Our facilities ar and mir Lank n vwll equip Dtd. When you lilllie t<> town call mi na. Prince Ed ward UDen burg Co. Bank, Metierrin. Va. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILtyCURCYOu of any 'case of F.idney or Bladder disease that ls not beyond the retyjh of medi? cine. Take itv at once. Do not risk having' Bright's Dis? ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50*3. and f 1.00 Bottle*. T? ar USB aUBSTITUTBB. Hu- VftaWtsej lirii-f Co. H SfOl H IMtlNTiNt. DOH] AT THK ts-MAiri JdKOF tlUR, FARMVILLE. ^* J'lh^'' ? m.o\ KRON*! OEA W.v. 4 AFTER Several Years ricncc handling iii ? Russell VV i_r 1:1-* wc tire satisfied that nothi: l* better is obtainable from ai y source. We unhesitatingly re commend them to our Iricn ** and customers ns High Grade VlWions Wc will full linc this season and tiur personal i/unrnntcc will fol li nv i-;n li s.ilc. Farmville Commercial Co., FARMVILLE, VA. S39? i 5 PM B Physicians At i onvalescents and .'ill wli - Health to take the ideal I ^HEUSER- cii's / cMsftene - i I il 1 1 BG35233 . s^-T/SSSa^SBSffi^ reat built ; properties tht 'inls. ['hat's why the m- isf ul doctors prescribe Malt-Nu tn ne in their practice that's why ilieir patients recover so quickly and so surely. llalt-N'utrine is the perfect, preiligi- form. I hy ail druggists an.1 grocers. Prepared by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass*n Si. Louis, l . S. \. </& -iunsyrv- crt J(A*rtUZi^'7 IJ J fi-* A U/.:?4Afl C.. -"?.-*=? -rs * a-*.,*. *'' H T,V V,llU0V DOlUR f0SC,RV N "'"' ,,,S' "SS"f' f\ MllllCl. UUarailieG have ol the superi-irity ol the COLUMBIA GRAPIIOPIiONE With thisi) .irnntee you don't guess, vou KNOW v*riich is best. ASK Y01R OW-i fUSMR .is to our responsibility and financial standing. 11'OC Tritll flfld 1 ?lSy 1 ctymoni Then send tu our nearest dealer or to us, and get our . . ... This is your chance to sejeure the Bl ST Ul KING MU HIM M-.DI, on paxnents whi. h will not h.- Ml. ML ACCrPF OLD MAC Ml MIS OF ANY MAKE IN PARF PAYMENT. The Craphophone is the Ideal Entertainer in thc Home 1 a^d?j?d?,.* ta* mm*" I' Orand Prix, Paris, 1900 Double Orend Prl/r, M. Id>ula, I90? fliest Award, Portland, 1903 Columbia Phonograph Co., 90-92 West Broadway, New York; I MEAT. :m I th Fresh Meats i 'S MARKET. ? ITO. 41 SKA! OAKn Air JIaii.wav ?".laity: '? <Ti?riu*sa. ass "vh, ?,.. -avaasak ' ? norm paau. ""* ls ? J amps, at V.mpfcj,. I -.m.H?ddail. ' T A fsstn ' ih OM 1/ i . FAHMv/ILLE DAlLv Hs. A Vii p. aa. I ' ?at p. m. ir*aa>a?, ? ? - w.UU* Ka-*t Radfod. a*,* ... KuaruaV* aad murna.| '. ? . 1'iillmaa parlarcar sat) Rirhmoad. Cat itt MAI fOLH TICKETS READ OVER IKE Norfolk and Western Railuj CHEAPEST, BEST .no OUICKEST UNI. ?? .?? Tabla, Daatra* Datna I .Kami. ilk*. Va. u. r. .? Trav. Haaa. Ast. Koaaoka. Va. I -..ral laaaatw. ini.u a il .< U i -i iiiv ..July tl! ral via I ' Karmville Kamo tu ttl IA sn ? tts his) 78 Itt IU ste ta ia 18 lie 21*. IC its IU >? lie les iee ia I lu.lwsy.) Daily nt. ? Arr. I'M t? ia I* ?ml Lva, Itally rs-asl .Sunday. Arr. A.M. l'i.-< mm :? 1 ??* ia '. r A C. ,!* and : ,v I'. EkKlrK B?. ??? ? I xl, al'saAet , , July Ut, I** ? hr F*rtn?.* * ? i -?' ? D ll, ind most : laJSJattf PLUMBING ::,.n, .u Pipe Fitting ana General Repairs, M. GILL, ?.. -.isii.i.r. \a. aaaa, CM-r MCSTCS'S esiGL'S" , . rt Pennyroyal, pills .i i V %* .1 . ... 1-aJJa-eaaaeat. IsudN. V.VT***0*