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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOH W)H MU PA81 111 1.1' FOH THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THC ll III:I-:. \YI1 FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1906. NO. 2 IECTOIIV. ii i COUNTY OIRCCTORY. J Hnnd 1 * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-,?'S,J J. ... C?UTE, at La**. I IRI (CK, VS AT LAW, V melia, and Vi. Ednrd Counlj, h. ?Ural. U* C FRANKLIN WV, 1 of Viririnia yr hitl a DRUGS. Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, ill. BRISTOW, FARMVILLE, VA., HO ND SIGN PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. -?null jul work dons b; fully guaian ? il mi R. C. BRISTOW. Eu 33 u -fl ,rj siiih as LL WORK FRAME. vtliin - >rt n< Mi- jiria* I l.ility an n teed. Qm Nie a Trial Order. -t I'ulort VJ. I:. Hurst. You Run No Risl< Watch whatever .I we long that wt WY know - and tl Bel] them W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. Aw.' . lbs t a VOtC. Oin- - Poet: to BS) Chip Off the 0. : B tills'. ? Dali Dally v Glad William Subb ' A ll "Iii. you I ' ? ? " ' inri an opal View' of a Bachelor. ? N Theie Be Such Tl. Backward, Turn Backumd. ?:??'- .'?:.-. , ? ? t woman's i- tiie lilith ami bosley Uiat ?a itli tin-in. ?o na omitted Uy ii* all that if the devil -I " .? be niu-t have t" lies as sundries. I Mullins of Odes**:!, W. . ifter suffering years with female nd trying differer.! tors and med : -Hef, I at last found, in Y medicine fur all my ills, and v ? il ,,thers fur female complain: Cardui fui I ickache, headache, ?r unhealthy menial flow, which sick women suffer. A ? women. A pure table med . ? ienwho are - ibject to the complai ? ?<. Has benefited over you do. At ttles. WRTE I S mi OF CARDUI ? ?..? 1867. CAPITAL, $50,OOO.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va. Vf, p. Vi s \i:i.i, i aabier. \v. u. Vi ?. w. iVai.kkrBcott, a-* i I . found. While walting to invest pli re ll will tsoeumnlate for your benefit. We p iv ilea ol Dei JKO J. Waikh; I Kl* IK DIRECTORS: ii. \ W.T. CLARK 8. W. i'.? A. E. ('KAI IR ll. E. W M i kVe issue Foreign Excha.tje available in all parts of the World ? ff i A Convenience. A cheeking -il; is a great convenience the business ami rmeras well. Mnro people \'. h accounts it they knev ul it. We glad lp in getting The First National Bank * * ?> PARMVI U.K., VA. ri i b Pits tal ' J, L, ia.iS.a>ai s - - - -- ? Cashier. hit Cashier. jr\ i aa. a ...a mmm a S iasa tm. aaa a i a ai a nasa. SsV Money To Loan. i>k. j. L. Wm Pnetdent H. 1 V\ Vu-f Preeldenl j M l si rs Api W ?. i kin- A '? Counsel M Ml I IN i - M DIRECTORS .1.1.. u n. k. w > H. C. ' J, If. I I R M.I I s. w. Rai i ki K.L. Era m uri: MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOMES AND HOUSE AT \ TRACT. Wi-ha Lutyou hr aacurity W ih* -Jin..- x< S?riX?. CH ur *r:t. I. .who ara now ind.'.. THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., Farmville, Va. Why Vinol Is Better Than Any Other Remedy to Restore Health and Strength m Yurol Because V 1 Liver Pn le ur harmful ingredient an.! i tfoi Because Vino! ci all the medicinal elements ? the agthening i ithout oil ur j^ri inj,* in Vii iron sod a retracted from fresh cods' livers and their oil. Because V I ts ' ional*/ palatable ami a^reeahle under Because\ tero, strengthens every < ..f the whole body ami tims overcomes licating the i That's Why Vii thef different and letter than any . md all Tl That's Why ( Il ihh and Strength to Sickly . and Coovalescenta. WE RETURN MONEY IF IT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION H. C. CflUTE & CO., Druggists. *** ,nted Yom1 lafes or Gir's , t<> work in tlu* various depart ! I yeara old. Wi ? pleasant surRiintling's, steady work, ;ind clean, airy work rooms. B ire well ptld accord? ing ' ind qnalil Apply or write A 7th anil Cai Va, HILL fl HENDERSON Lani[ and industrial Agents. Timber and Inv it Brokers. ONLY Members. Nor folk & Western Immigration Association IN FARMVILLE WE SELL LAND List your property with US for results HILL & HENDERSON il VILLE, YA. J. 'i i' I'. C. Di i i...n Virginia Manufacturing Co. I'HILLirS ,v nu FARMVILLE, - - VIRGINIA. Doors, Windows and Blinds. Wheel CELEBRATED MONITOR FLOUR nil t' ' Stokes & Davidson \lv 1-rienJs and tho Public \ccident, and Surety Insurance. Specialties: - Notary Public. ELLIOTT R. BOOKER. ..ii win .' You realize tl Win in anything thi strength, with mind amt Univ in tune. \ th disordered digM -ha-ie f..r i ? ij i play, Hon can they to win J Kodol Kor I *} contains the d salt hy stomach and w ill put vour stom shape ti . Important lune. tion of supplying the budy and with strength building blood. I Dyspepsia, Bout Htomach, Palpitation of the 11 nstipation, H Ressll ni v. -I..'. In ii msumptlon results a neglected ..r i rn prone rh | cold. Koley's Honey an.I I,. Ur. most obstinate results, lt coats you no ben tho unknown preparations lld insist upon hu-, li genuine in thi' yellow |>a Impure blood nina you dosi n muku you an easy \ ictlm L.ri.rj I Murdock Ul' blood? miu up, - i~ au.I ex| ? cold from the system a- ii ls mildly hu imt n*k taking any bbl thf genuine in the yellow : be Winston linn: Baby won't sutler lue mtnul croup if yuu apply Or. rhum , lt sets like magic A cold i* niui'li inure Basil] when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Lasatl ind Tar ow 'ir mit ri.hi uf the m young ur nhl. Hold hy all A Care. Bltlfy that all .1. I tu refund yum ? - Honey an.I Ta your cough ur cold, lt -t"; cough, heals the lunga un.I prevents rough an.I prevents pneumonia ami consumption. Contali - Ihe genuine is in a Bold an.I use a good rei. allay tin- Inflammation uf the mucous inembi I Tar. ll . :lu Opl lout the cold, ls reliable and taste* ?Mod. Bold by all druggists. Ifan article i* imitated, the original ; :iink it u.' whin yuu go tu buy that tu keep a rmi i id the house, get DeWltt'i Witch ? iriginal ami the name i-- stamped 01 ini\. Good fur ec/i'iuH. tetter, cuts mid bru ? gold hy all drug When a h. rkrd il a u mid in other a ita inability to go further, you wouli let lt criminal tu use force. Manj a of humane Impuli - mt willingly harm a kitten, 1* guilt* ul -ruelty w here I Over-driven, overworked whin what imething tha Will dice-.! the f.nxl eaten and help th. iii'lhitu . idol Kor Dyspepsia thal ?y all druggists. v.hi.i tu Housewife* perfec health. A bottle "f ? -rino 1 Kruit - It wll r of the fa trouble. The Winston Drug l If you have loal your boyhood of youth, w ar life, fresh in fmni ill health in li Mountain Tea. Tha Wlnsto I Irug I . dney < ure a mn Ix youd 11 The Wlnsl ' .ld. ) towei old; ;. MoUl I'lruif < -I toon's 1 llntment cnn that had ann >ngtln] Vf. " ta, Me. writes ? Kulti. I tried doctor* and ail km. uf ki i it nothing ? Ki-lin lure. Kour bottles eurad nae, and j., inure pain in my hack ai ??ld, ai Kidney < ure I am well ami enjuy myself, lt 1* a pis needing a ki 1 ney 1 Hie Winston Or NOTICE! 5)05. 907 E. Broail St.. Iii .all, Kiel PRICES KNIVES Will Cut CHAS. BUGG & SON IHE INDIAN CAPITOLS PLAN TO MAKE HISTORIC BUILD? INGS MUSEUM REPOSJTO! When Statehood Wipes Out Indian ?cry Effoit Will Be Made to Pi--serve Official Mansions of Old Capitals. among state 1 : ? I lt has ? ? f the The i OkrnuU ..nd has : all that I Oknu... trees w of a pl tribal gov ernmeir but w I OS Into That Ol ? of tringa and tha h How Ol the sante executed Thi . be shot to death il t i ? and receive I execution. I not ns. conder I bidding friend sent ' er. In Uh lng Stol - ago, at a time when tbe Wllj IS si 1 thc outs with 1- Ish I have ret Ile bad ? tribes tor Uti ? .'? r ot eaten. i Mu ? . many ot the !? the tribe ad the advice of the sages was a> Ts cause waa es l to this wily i uw him. Tbe med men of the Creek recruits or ui be palnh | i. This wai nd lt the v B - ? ' ? ' m three moe tracks on are of differer) !uws: ?Ive p* Bf white mar try. He w - 1 she was t also lncurr . away tot the girl's ll" I this cliff ? - stone and thi ? g whh \ I I and fe li Hot to Blame. "don't be a ll*Me Jack;. ?I f-an't I..':, hals' little ps." r plied tb* bl B* lt sln't rr ? ess. '. Du a han: per. i . ..r in Duvall. ?aaTSSSBaaa&5Ba31SS*aMSra?SBBBSSSSBSBSSSi THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS Sundi) School Lesson lor Od. 21.1916 Sparta I- Prtparad (or This fsper. M'O man rll S. A. ?I lesson. Comment and Suggestive Thought. ra omit of I ba rossi] ami lng will be I* man of affairs, ?PM his Jour 'mi arranged .-mess during his ab- i own serv - aves. TBS talent i culn. The tal.nt -tod as worth of all light ti the fur | I "Ac iiillty." God |mt what we have advantage. tl | ? '.i ruy nf I fit | talents con . his success In .1. "Traded with ?ally worked with thetS In busl !?? with our talents wln-n . ia ovary direc i lin nf tWO taU-nta sre I man, prob M talent |1,.> or $2,000, ihis man. Instead I is not m ho could . nough ? "Hld I hanks ru, tills was atteo Hers is an Intimation - return Here ls as ? . tko work **Bsek ll a certain sense Hut ? bm ms to teach Bg when all wis. ly. lov B thi ? ii. nts" This ? son who bas been i with Intellectual and : faithful." He I* ;t his whole heart ll faithful because ?i'll loving confidence In ll is tint success, but fulness, that Jesus ora* many things " faithfulness ls an fitness and il...ii Into the Joy of ? An oriental maa? li lipreads a all faithful *erv ? tl (ul Christian enter* .- Joy of Christ Jesus Vs. 22, Il Wo must note that fully used two tal? ents ls Just as highly commended and ; as the first said." This man Boko excuses, and ? i himself. 'I.ord .a' Hard thought* of hts mast.r had nock to do with this In tin* spiritual world it ls m - taMC leads to s and sins. ' 1 was afraid." He means was afraid to make any with lils talent, lest be lose all. Wi i "t hesitate to do . f. ar of mak? ing mistake* ' Thou hast that ls that he waa hon - outrageously dis I slothful." There aro sins n as well a* of I to do tho * a crime no le** ? .11. "Thou know Perhapa this ought to be read, Hanker* or would have re* . i : ?rn lt Ike talent from . "OSSSttS this nand, but M .hie re?ult of dis I! ?? his master ?rsstSfJ and lost his cap;. loses, ha* flt ' r darkness" I fruin tho Joys : .-nash Practical Points. ' only a creator's. but a lot I us and our ?, li. V. li. Ths work of distributing God's highest blessing* among man? kind ha- ted to his loving I: i?. tS-ajS bring great ? T*.: continually Prov. 10:4. 4 the master i of faithful aerv _ W. LANCASTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ano agent rom Tbe Standard Trust Co., Which loaru'mooej at 5 Per Cent. nt