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THE FARM VILLE HERALD. HONOl HELP I , H..I'l I OH I II K FUTURE. FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY. 0< TOBKR 2<?, 1906. NO. ., ''ORY. : ii i ii i CTORY. ? i j qijTE, Attorn. RI ICK, HT Ul, ? I LAW, Fdward County, Va. ?ofC" nd Federal. I rf*ANKUIM EY-AT-LAW, \VHITL &. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, il. C. BRISTOW, FARMVILLE, VA., HOI ND SIGN (MJsTEift PAPER HANGER INTERIOR DECORATOR. i mimili j'.t. lona i.y illy u'lmntn R. C. BRISTOW. You Run No Risk Watch perfect whatever is uni we BS 1(111^ that we WV know :.. s and - I] them ? re. W. T. BLANTON, ind Optician. /? Idle Dollars Earn Nothing ld nf I .I? :i r. I ? ly 1 ? busl? ine tn ; .0. Bank, - Like tha? frc THE C< FOR ' BAC tha: OF Ml CAUl IN SO PLACE AS ERS, 5c. ( PLUGS SUN CUFF PRODUCED '-?-SSVaaaaaaaaWr:.''.'. . j iOt9 COdti.gtj I sr pounce !E BEIMG v-IN CU RFD TO t/EETENING D SRA*"'" ANDING, ID, 0 WIN 1 WITH CHEW . per POUND IN -Cc. AND 15c. ST VALUE IN CO THAT CAN BE FO 7ERS. R. J. REYNOLDS TO! ?, Winston-Salem, N. C. * ? ?? i**?;7. $50,OOO-00 v PRI IMS ")FITS, S70.000.00. Planters k of Farmville /ILLE, VA. ii. \. -i p.i i1 W. <>. Via m;ij . A . I'. Vi s \l:l.l , I '-uiliier. \\ i i.k i p .-. ..i i. A"i ('axliier. lleni* Ixvi j round. While wailinK to lavett, plac y. where it will -accumulate r..r youi benellt, 11 p Jko J. Wa 111 < Kt' I 1. LTORS: ? IRK A. K. I'l-AI.I.R ll I W A I.l IVe issue Foreign Exchange a.viable in all paris of the World j? i A Convenience.-^? :i ? ??. a 3 , ? i A check in with a hank is a greal convenien i thc business and professional man, but to thc farmer ns well. More |*cople w such accounts il they knew just how In go alt-out it. Weglad ly assist thnsc who ticed help in getting started. 1 :1 The First National Bank i FARMVILLE, VA IB, U D.; .?? t8rT . ^<. .an a, ? i lia- - ---- -- - ? ? ? ??-? ? -? - ? ? ? MK ?, LONG. J. L WI ? Cashier. Issi Cl ] v . ? . I . I Money To Loan. Dr. J. L. Win i i PitjaJdeul ll. K. WALI Viet I' j. m Uri ri Appralaei Watkins A Brax k Oounael j v.. R. Martin !?:. s. ..ii Martin ? i rresu. J* DIRECTORS .1. I.. U inn ii i Wau ll. ? .(Kl ll j \i. ipi ii \. 1 < i: \l I I S. W. I' vi iii i K.l.. Kh \ M i-.i i: i MONEY TO BUY OK BUILD HOME8 A.ND HOI -I - VT. . THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., Farmville, Va. part Wanted Youn^Ladies or Girls nit-lit** of our factory. None under ll vein** ult]. Wi- can promise pleasant surroundings, steady work, and clean, airy work rooms. Beginners are well paid accord ing to age ;m<l qualifications while learning, Apply or write m: Branch. 7th and Cary Stn ets, Richmond, Va. Even a L Letter ought to be written on the right '? the same si id busi? ness i pan show of good styles for both?all thorou :.OUS Eaton-Hurlbut and an ? them. C. E. Chappell. \ V. World STOPS ANY ITCHING .ni Itch mc ? . Un.ut I i .1 .I.. I ?r *<>iiit .. V. lil.-I ll II. i ? t.> lll> p III. liv i lilted ? - \..u up. .-I*, the i n il. lix M.. lint ? miine in the ni Drug minutest with hr i ll aclu liki ^ ?> rn-. c NEW YORK FULLCREAM CHEESE Stokes on._ Ans< >Ri * i )\Y( ;k? ?)_livi;. in uh' I in Jill pill .-uni Uthma, is |)i?. ul nc ? Dr, H. SANCHE & CO HILL & HENDERSON Land and Industrial Agents. Timber and Investment Brokers. ONLY Members Norfolk & Western Immigration Association IN FARMVILLE WE SELL LAND List your property with US for rosnlt3 HILL & HENDERSON . lAK'MVII.I.i;, VA. iwwrli Pr Kg Sc-3 wo o? cu SOLOMON'S WISDOM. Rev. Dr. Talmalmo Tells of th< Great Hebrew Ruler. ? tai .li.iluin. ni. \\ . r, 1 ? i". i ??> lha <>.arleaea asst Paws*, asl i....i in,,!. a.-lf. . Pal It. tl). tbe queen of p.-.- in the court ol Hm wit.. ..f liifli text ls ?i.'li til. ? iii.- | nt day. I . their routs in the ?nd base lately bad tacked n* ? 'I..wey" or veil," these old Ul!'. Bat il.. Mariposa tr.-i-s i ? i died m|...ii tl. I uither . fnt-l they bara "Mo>1 pul. B lately n rote ... peo? ple maj itudeuta. But tl.' brain lived tliouaandi upon tho i, although 1 I (hem up in modern clothes, and anglo S.l \.Ul lia Ii.PS." 'J i,. not tbe Identical worda of tha ber lil* ? ry Ills on jn*t tbe - Now we can Ond of King ? young prii wisdom, reproduced in many d ' ? frYench poet, who Nimrod. I three eons. Hi 1.. them tin.' r, the third of clay, the mn ??," tin* third And \\ hen the j ot ' areli. Thou all. for the man wh ahull wave thi the thr.p We timi the wonderful Bibi il young Sol..m.m being r.-pro duced iii Bli "Men bant of When tba yonng ll ? ? opie, f.>r wbo can Ju.i indlng with ln-r tbrte nd the tliiril of lead. Then w< nee tbe i for Ibo of cold. Then wa iee tba ?5---Iri?Is man I ? r. i'm laai ia trna lover lifting np tbe caaket of ba won all that li I ? ir be won ; i Rii.i love. Thus, ns ? -.? of rlay or tba of lead, th. j i donal Well done, tl Bl All ? shall he 1! I Prlage ? ira mid ?-, and I nih glra thee richea and wealth and neb as* ..f ti ? ha.l that ha thor shall tbera i.e any after thea t ilk..." 'iims tba Bf fi his own country, hut I ? parti of the - -.-(?ne changee Wa ara today 'ih.-re b great excitement everywben ninth lin- cltj '? Kates. 'J pl ta I ls "What ls t on iwk. "Why." says n coiiri.-r. ".lo yon ll"' that tba beautiful queen of Sheba from tt nation of tbe south ls much of tba f ? ? abe come, with !.? i? the Ung alighting r. Are ' given t. lomon with hard ina? I After the qua* ill and ill and coiumnned with s. ba turned to ? In dum own l of thy ? ? ? >is tha f K Holoi baa always ? .hoi ?f ' 'od's w Isdoin, I thought I In a ? ? ? rea lt. Nol ail the pim an open er of tho im ta 'hair Upi to speak to him a word. You all kuow bow the wisdom or Mng -soiomon tbe qm ? >-*t nf all m ? it wai youth I which I p ? an unjust world al ? up and think I was not to blame for dermlnl . Ah, yea, I know tl Yes. all. I central rall to anns. ll,. f|| tho pi ? ? ur ii Frederick the Great or n I or an Alexander or a Cyrus or nn Ar 1 Ilia rapid:! ? ? and tho unerring which ?' | *troy u j ? I I.Hilder and .i'l.-r.,r. I . i ? plenty of ss ork In I ? -.sis work for c down Into tl I ed with . ' cold and silver and Ivory and i all f,orts, aro itb. Ah, ye*. f ? Ci-i'stn.-ss. hut also to tba . ' all that were before me In Jeri: Also my wisdom remained wit And whatsoever mine eyaa kept not from them. I WltJ ?. for my na '. my friends, as tba crow la - - ? ? I ? - wi p ? thal ri ? .?all our Why do for us ' - ? ? ? ? - grow In the ga colon lt? Can the sheep be bia -i.i-ss ue cares lor . tho tish live In the acquarl I he watches ? young? Ah, of King Solo I temporal pros ?v i.atioii nearly as ; iiwvidea for tba ? i...Inn. Hs Uf and clothes ?'.. He feeds and Itaaaaatti Wisdom Of lg a divine com* ? only stands fa great and pow* I ' . tho great and the 'm, but ba la also | looking after leaa and the weak. .:y willing to take . it King Hiram of r, hut he was pi nhout the ?nil the weak lriend. I am thy p no woman, ! ! .ppless but they .- to him and And - 1 what Solo aa you tn tm af the orien rt In the fur east : was not like ? lld uot M Jus lev- s them iP.lieiiee | ila of Delhi . I I eau host de i this audience place of i by describing for you ' hall of Akbar tha Great . I audience place, liter ? lg io hall at all. The i heaven ls Its celling. The ps of marida, which find iga In Um moat exquisite :' ts, Ban ly hit themselves aent upi ip>t to support . ?) raeai U a hall was once ?' Jewels and precious stones. ps stones were uot tossed '.ipa as an Italian hod car I hnVks into a pile. They 1 In moat exquisite de . r'erence Io stzo snd color. els the irttgt pictured the of the birds strutting about s Bj)'. tl .- colors of the lifting up their red lips to be I setting sun and of the ? Ing among the fountains. this wonderland was the pea ock throne upon which Akbar the i. which throne alone was sup worth ji:.,.N?i,i?a). n was i open hall of Justice that I used to sit, and any one I ? Bold . ' .?? direct to the I justice. for a little -. | the Je - -lay. The great He I ' s le. b be .nug applicant at II * I" -'ns to look h lils work. No sooner ls bis .?d than he turns sharply ? Who ls ip \tV With that ? f rward. They are a, yet each to a little hoy as her own. I E ornoo do? Did he ? how thia . ' ey are only social , no, that wss I way, He said to him? self: "I .- mother. I . hi-r baby. Bo I ? pi i ka a right dael* .ly do this by a suhter* ? In an Indifferent way ai ? itloner: "Don't let I any more about thia promise the case. . and give each Tba true mother at i aasl begins to i Dat "Oh, my pal ktngl" she ??? of my baby. Let ; if ne csssry. ' e." The other ? .ord of pre ;. pl .-aid: "AH . HM child, that ??." No sooner p at once In that irita* flashlag eyes, ?o tie weeping aa mother." Was rendered? Could he presented to il ways the friend of the weak and tba helpless? r that though we may i I itv.nt s friend U social lepers, though ? rtaU*a*a! not only ty seven, ypt if sn * d?*r g for forgiveness at tha intra and he will ssve ns. Ile will nit only save one waa f, hut he Will I A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure < A Cream of Tartar Powdar, free from alum or phoa* phatlc acid HAS HO SUBSTITUTE aakad tba argu Itefo ? man to I link? 's i*!iing af this do for a job as a , p,..d proof .,... adopted 1