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*^?7 I ? SOME ODD NESTS. Some Blids I . I llllons oj o .ioing be sand g dons p tbe l I x e ot the ? . I i ; ytar Ip I i I leaf. I and pulls a I Lark through the holes, thi ? leaf to? gether info the torrs i magpp .rill, p^ does th. ter bli I that tbe bird it. An artful ran potti r Eagle, branelp of a ho that neil ten pounds, la mini ii to bo used foi The asia .ir swal low, lu; ts owa ' the roof p tO bv) < - | The A for haM: with III" three f. ? ding b< t from bates cf ll nf the THE TELEPHONE - TEJUEORAF BIRD. There's ? little Mrd Mvae aa the telegiai Ant k Tor ba - ? from all ov th* Yes, . :n? waa. Ha'a h fallow with miv* ?.?: "How a a It ls I ol gt**n glass"?b | tt'* I ."d|>h Mr* He's n ' > | a-wU M mi .-.???? Ba li, . lura I na aepreta h? lear He's this shape. Bl I little gre-n broth* A: Bo, pf It ta ? thing* mat they he. an.1 ' Aart ' rory often they tall; For tl n night, when yo Xhev . Ard tl nts tl ? By . iaanaaa will ha If "'a 1 ? ? ' *he say* whs It's I . raph bird. Now, ol Berets, sw To I fully ki vi PU suggestion .vli'.le yo .>r do wrong o th uk of lt twice; ind to know arni, a lp too, In a trhe. bc soma who won' ks and falry-taJ i ? groan things on th h. glass insulators. ey will, for wk kool f thay don't take ou ? ..?graph bird. . in St. Nicholas. THE BOTTLE CANNON. ti Mny Be Obtained with i Thick Bottle and Some Chemicals. k empty bottle?a flnega, trill do .md pour wate .- ne-third full. In Un llaaolve one o' the powders?bl Hut druggists ael tiei m Put ' ol tha other pack acid, in a playing care lbs and tied arouni - iplalns the Chlcagi me end <>f the tube being sealed .nih two pellets of blottlni Dd this miniature cartrldgt cork iiy meana of a piece ol ittacbed by a tin tack. TM : ol the partridge must be up ?. ninl when all ia ready, yoi tia tightly, having allowed (bread to swing the cartridge: Hie water. rlie i art ridge and dis mr nore! ninnon, you lay the pially upon two pencils oa bey win act aa your gun a ? will penetrate plugs and reach tha FIBING THF. BOTTl.K CANNON artarlc bi ld ICrTer-escence will at mee tal nie acid ;as thus generated will throw the cork rom thi ; a liiud reiKirt. the artrlilf-e trailing after it like a rocket. And yon will have a still further nutation of ti'-lil artillery In the recoil if the bottle, arhlcb win roll back eev iral lc I Make this mile experiment; lt ia . ; harmless. He Wanted to Know. A * rofl SOT chemistry waa ne day talking to his class about tho slue of ox... "Oxygen,' said he. "ls essential to all nlmal extaU bete sh. mid not be ny life without it. And yet, strange. *> say, it dlscorsred only about a entury At this one of the students made a If-n as ii he desired to speak, and rhen the professor nodded permission, lie student said: iM like to know, profes sr, ls how anissa! life got along t>o? )re oz] ? '>'d?" Eating- Snails. Po yon know how many snails are lid to Im.' consumed in New York city i one week ^lone. when the season at lt* height'' Why, in the neigh irhooil They do not se*ro ?.niptlng food, but epicures p and pay high prices for ie dainty. The supply comes from ^-n'ei! that they art ii'lr a profit, ' I that Tine ea Bp as food for the shleh bring better prices than H. E. BARROW & CO., Commission Merchants AND DEA.-LRS IN: Farming Implei Iware an 1 Heavy G > km <>t livery Des cription. Best Grades ? Fertilizers. If von want the beat b?y the Owen Wagons and Buggies. We have on hantl a Wood Heatera.^Givc tu b call. Our PRICESare RIGHT. Bl tnkets and BuggyJRobes that WC i h Herald and N. Y. World 1.60! .V JAKH^SAfii-' M MARKETING LIMA BEANS. Some of the Things to Remember in Older to Best Dispose of the Crop. Ancusl ls Auction <'t np to bear, bowei er, lill thi upon keeping "" and not allowli fm thc I of iiny Kip ;, ?? lilli Of thi and cnn when nm quite i Ipa bi Inj The lime to pl- k tbe ; when they sh..iv faint IrSO 'il. I -I I M A11 c ripe, turn white and are with the gr..en damage the price from a lew ll tl'"'11 , pei quart On the martel Ilma bi by the quart, hem - I 16 or 24 quart pint boxes, sa the i ?'ll ,,;?'' the retail al a full quarl . :\ to ten quarts being pul In each haskel wiih a . the be bulK, bi toniiiig, sprouting, mild ? full of w.iii i. the lim.i bi ? absolutely free ii >m oui ? whea pa. ked foi hlpmi i I il the ? in sn) a ?? ||] result Inside ol 12 hours. A jinviie in tb blsme the express company oi merchant for the spoiling of bl iiii.l oonsequi ni b I am faull In allowing thi lo bs psi !..'.I In a damp con lltlon. shelling, si wi 1 by band shelling ls th* ie.limp pro et a good she:; e-hell eight lo 12 quints per hour. One and a half to two pints per quart ls usually the price f..r abetting, children BBOSl Often (lning the work, although the supt i \ isl. .ii ..i ;i . -.pp. person is net I nat > Si all If inr snj reason thi ? being sh. lied sra damp, ed for an or ; ob a cle in . loth, ? lean, abs.niling bu the open air hut not In the sun. Thli ls Ip dry the opp should be spread nol mon tm h deep ead rolled from every few sUi lng. Tbe cloth viii sbsoi b a , Ihe moisture sad tba ^ir tbi Usually, ho*. ? SEEDING PASTURES. How One Man Handled H. After Prairie Grasses Been Fed Out. My ? Sive, but I will say thal prairie pasture prairie | had be. ii fi I phi, with one part tifl one part blue graaa. I found thi timothy sad bim . lb ground snd the best on the low ground. I foo that after shoo! tl I out. inn (';.? tent. It takes bim i( (wo years to get a good start. Bul thi re.i top did One on low ground thi first year. If I \\. pasture for cattle. n undei cultivation. 1 should sou two ; BBS part timothy and ol blue grass, and on low I ll put one part timothy and OBS p top, for the i. BBOn red top di on low ground. I lind in my . on the high, dry knolls thal ll and July, a ben tl and the sun ls bot ||a dry ont and give lilt!., or ne r sowing red top un the for stork during the dryest part ol the season, and. t '? growth ar low places thal bib] i lng dur. lng the winter months win n ll covered with snow. Now, continues the correspondent of Karmi: view, my reason for sowing timothy and clover la that the clover helps to ahade the timothy and hine gre the harvest has been taken off. and lt also helps to fill out the stain] catii the timothy and blue grass get a good start. SOME VERY QUICK THINGS Among Them the Thoughts of the Docing Dreamer Ia the Head "Skidooer." A flash of light ls not sluggish, sotin 1 travels rapidly, a bullet ls no messen? ger boy, and an automobile wblca ?hoots a mlle In 28 seconds ls moving along, certainly. Winn lt comes to getting over tbe ground In a real hur? ry, however, to devouring distances in dead earnest, says the Providence Jour? nal, the dreamer Burches proudly a; the head of tbe procession. He the latest thing in tho line of ISO horse power racing cars look like ha carts in a mud bank. A sits ia bia chair after dinner and dozes; he awakee with a atart and disc.?? ? bis aurpriae, that he lost eoaoea for exactly three minn ten by the clock Vat In thoae three minutea he Jour? neyed from New York to Port iransferred himself to St, Peter oitered la Paris and London BB tailed up the Nile. What ls of gn ite-| ma mportance In thia connection, he Jour- I >eyed leisurely, almost Indolently; r. Hopped at various "points of Intered pi bs asi I-.. I THERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO Chewers becoming tired of heavily sweetened .sun cured tobaccos caused REYNOLDS'SUN CURED to quick? ly win from the old brands of much longer standing the place as favorite with sun cured chewers, because it contains iust enough proper sweetening and fla? voring to pre lerve the quality of the leaf and enliaiid- its goodness, (.ni ing a large increase in thc demand for sun cured tobaccos. REYNOLDS' SUN CURED is not only pure sun cured, but it is made from choice selections of the genuine sun cured leaf grown where the best sun cured tobacco grows. It is like that you formerly got, costing from COc. to $1.<"> per pound, and is sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts; strictly 10c. plugs, and is the best value in sun cured tobacco that can be produced for chewers. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem. N. C. ? ? him! bl of thr.p If In hi; ge In ii rful ve they knuw do. lint ? THE MAD MONTH OF MARCH the Twelve," Blosterlns; ? pir the tbe Oothi*. . nnd by , In hii ? ? ! i ? ia i eon ? if wild ilferaut * p.p.cul him ?v York Mail, a tina war ? "llRlV mother v It ls .??thin-' ? tn one i i I IED MANS LAST ROLL-CALL Msintegration of the Indian Tribes I pf White . ard at from I pral iain, v iiitic. ; y tho I, the war r of an al ' ? rm at' ' int Ij I Her - Ith Up ? r the law wu. th- : neifchliors allot tl slr members ladlrl J 'rlbal |S ' lp. Tl ' the ? D held. Tl. Cnrned Paintings. Pslntlni * rk of aa would lt looked ? . * I* . ? ? I ? ? Bares In the '. il rea i why | In thia man- ? . * In a vacuum, should not endure ta the la-t I re : lom ns - ... thing leit uibl ii ir* nj on. Money To Loan. I Dip .1. !.. Wll I l i: iden! t ll. E. Wai i. Vice I'u-i.l 'nt I .1. II. (Kl IK Apprsl \\ \ I Iv I '. - A ( .? Kp R. M lillis I I M ASTIN A***'! Sec. lut-i Treas. MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOMES AND HOU8E8 ATSRBC ONTBACT. ?da of I ?ho uro m.w independent and ?r r.Tit will |.iirrhaa* you tbaraaaal ? '? it account > ? aaiiBlaii Bl ian* fm Mm* aiiiillratinin anil full particular* THE ARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., Farmville, Vt. fymjtmnm Wanted Youn^La(lies or ^rls * * C?lllVv?\l to work in the varioiis depart ments of oar factory, None under ll yean old. Wp can promise pleasant surroundings, steady work, and (Iran, airy work rooms. Beginners are well paid accord? ing to age and qualifications while learning. Apply or write Allin & Gram BaAVCH, 7th and Caty Streets, Ki<hinond, Va. MONTHLY MISERY eof woman's worst afflictions, lt always leaves you weaker, and is sure to shorten your life and make your beauty fade. To Stop pain take Wine of Cardul and it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func . make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a re? liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head? ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, dizziness, fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient medicine for all women's pains and sickness. Mrs. J. L Broadheadof danton, Ala. writes; "I have Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to wi imen, and it has completely cured mi AT ALL DRUG STORES, IN $1.00 BOTTLES WRITE US A UTTER ?vmri.'mi anj ?. ? ittannoga ia, Trnn. WINE OF CARDUI I rr iUI &l*U NEW YORK -CREAM CHL Stokes & ABSORB OX Y OXTDOVOI MttSSa ll. I throuirh tiie pott* ..f ths - i Ixxly im piiit i I'li'iity ul life with lbs in - ?n. frnmtaaaw '"?RStitlS Issi -,^ I vital, tnjnm\ ^ lmnn\ ia y, ! lilith ?,4 lat-Slajaaw " ^*?*a>j * " <*Saa2 ,r "OJ N'errosi Ak* Ontmm al GRATEFp. Hr ll S.n. m. .-. . N V I . ? Writ* for BB known i.?o|.Ur. A ? ariaiaaaoi .ml tow Dr. H. San: hh J Va.0**.*4| | SP *. . n fc HILL A HI Land and Ip Timber and Inv ON Members Norfolk Iinniig-rat IN FARM WE St List y< Ul *p> HILL. & N Office Thi ni St Agents, brokers. rn LLE . Ph -ON [LLB, VA. <0 ? ^hJf?;*K.-.: I i', CAPITAL, $ SURPLUS AND P . 00.00. ) Planters Bank /ville | Nj ti farmvilll:, B fl. A PnsiatsnL S \V. <i, Vi *> muk, Vic* Tn -..i. -Pt. w QOOO aJtVaWI HU I - sn ll ' to invent, plsoa your in onay n your hencllt. Wa [ny Inti 1 I** Jno J. Wai kkk H.r. Ow nm i - vg We issat Foreign txcht 'a World I | A Convenier. A ctKckiti COHVl'Ilii'lHT. !1 ' professional m Mur- people - they knew jusl Iv The First N lu FARMV nm Pwitol imXjmmL^L^^ -a-I ? lat to*