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THE FARMVIIXE HERALD. in .NOR l"i: lill PA8T, Il ttl* FOB mi PRESENT, HOPE FOB nu. FUTURE FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IS NO ls TA/M ' -ATTORN mnter: PAPER HANG INT DECORATOR. BRISTOW. You Run No Risl ? W. T. BLANTON, Wt ? sr JUL Field Lawn Poultry and Rabbit Fence DUVALL, SON & CO'S. PHONOGRAPHS 1 EDISON Phonograph H. H. HUNT. Wi uml SI MMER OPENING luring I, v\ liieli w ill The Globe Tailoring Company iinati, i )liiu JANUARY 30 AND 31 Suitings, 11 i I.-M. Richardson & Cralle, mville, Va. 11 . Iv. MAGMlFlCp COT GLASS Highest Quality Reasonable Prk Chappell. KINDLING WOOD r We put up enough iiivv'. dry pine wood tor . 10 CENTS think ttl" it-only 1" ci to las MONTH. .VILLE MTG. CO NOTICE! . loa'tfallVi R. FRANCIONE'S PLACE. <^-5'"" saaeisvlt*. Half-f '? A BEAUTIFUL FA< I r. ia. CaaaaWaata, a* ac ..I BEAUTYSKIN ?' -tESTCR CHEMICAL I Maa. rKilaUrl-"aTda.a-Va CONDENSED DISPATCHES. ??talala Ki.nt. of ihr> Waaia liri.flr ( hr-ul. I. .1. Throo trnlninon wore Injure. 1. ona probably fatally, by tba ? .i locomotive train mi thc Boaton and Albany division nf the .New fort t'eiit: r.'.-nl oaar Cheater, v in a !? irney General Jack ?on in Albany, Wesley M. oi.-r, prosl ilent nf the Aiiit-rii my, no ? pany will imt aecet ? uta fur the pro ?lni..lii?. rata, ll. .l.e.l In No. vj colliery of tho Labtgb and Wilkeabarra Coal company al mle, rn , have boco fuuml dead. PeUttoni to hts slirne.l I.y tho public nt targa fur tba (all pardon of Albeit T. Patrick, now Miring In Sin-' Sim; ii OtOd fruin tl . l.-iir hy ron r Hl.'L'Int. for murder, are being circulated In New Y.nk ol Saturday, Feb. I?. I weather of the ; winter la being i .in the Pittsburg region, 'ihe mercur* ty, while ut . Iel',.,1. eighty' four yean old .'m.I once the p , la nt Union. tiivvti, I'm. At tho time nf .1 Blaine's birth In 1830 Kezlah lin.wu waa aighl i ii.iio. i. ii. a 'ihe house has completi tho river ami harbor appropriation bill 183,000,000, wltl lund ry amandi Jury In the case of Im NV. SI: i trial for tht murder of lils father in law, Hartley T Hollier, at Northport, N. Y, . i-i a rerdlct of not guilty. I l.ur.iln) . |,-l,. 7. Iii n li iker Cannot tary Shaw guys of the bulldlug ii Washli .1 printing, "1 doubt if ; .th thal itu- factory in which t!.. ? . - inda, lt ? ? tl IU- nf nat; i l>ik-ar, Molo,,.., which hail ?minuit to the ie camp of the mi :nl utterly daetroyed t men. women ami children liebig hub I ereil Indiscriminately. The h ? the tribesmen wera burned and thal rattle conflacatad by the ooldiera. \\ eil ii rad Hy, lr i-li. II. Emperor William waa .ie' lilt In the face by a snowball whll driving through tho Brandenburgc : lier Un by a omall boy. 'iii ? wa. aimed at another who a | in an aul ger at ball came, and they thereupon i ed away. Willi ?-?. presidenl ot tl United ' . 1 trust, arrived i New- Vmk fruin nu extended I Paris, where be was seen nimli In tl ny ur ailsa Mabel Oilman, fo I (lance fur whom ho has purchased a magnll i tnt cl iho French capltii aa to h : coming mai I lillil** I ih i.nttl by] I hanlin Hail 1'iiiiirir.Ke.I] Mi-, .luhii Knglehardt, i Muli tells nf the anxloua momen ~ j ,i-i 11 over her little two daughter who hail taken a bani ot ? *itriin croup. Hhe saya: "I a .1 if it bail not been I ermin's <'uul*Ii Remedy - would havechoked i" death this medicine every tan minutes a ii began to throw up the phleg l can recommend it in the hight term* a- I have another child tl w ns cured In the -Hine w a- " Bold The Winston liing fo. ???HulTered day ami nlghl thetonni nt Itching piles. Nothing helped i until I n-t-< I Donn's Ointment. It eui me permanently"'?Hon. John ? Mayor, Olrard, Harsh physics react, -. cause chronic constipati I li mn -Iv. tl il rnaach, euri- conatlpatlon, li Ask your druggist for them. \ei-hlents will happen, but the bi regulated families keep Hr. Thom trie < bl for -neb emergencies, subdues the pain and beal- the hu A liipiiil Cold lelu-f w ith a laval principle which drivea out thc c through a copious action ol tht ami a bealing prlnci] lt which linn ni thu throat ami Stops the COUg that is Kennedy's Laxative Coi >vrup. Sale and -ure In pleasant to take; ami oonforms National Pure Kood and Drug I. Contains no opiate*. Hold by all -li gists. ? t Days nu UN Hack ? >? you. - I rora ? Win?!?v. 1-r . . . . .? VV ? '- * . - - all: i fall; Marni. All lu SE - and h. takmi: liol' - v Mon: i or Tal \ .liston Dtru| HER LIFE STORY Evelyn Nesbit Thaw Moves Court to Tears. PATHETIC TI.STIMOW BY WIFE Stanford White Gassed Her Kuin dt Sixteen. l(>YIV*II|.\\..RlllSl[)TO\\ll>ll!M (llmn? nf Maalaaaa Os-aara Raaf Gar? gaal '1 ruuiilj ? \?'lr... uml I nrnifT Arila! Muilrl, \\ Ile ol I stmiii (Mimi., ThraaaTh Tears, Tells of Karly I'mirli n lol M..rr ol Bela! Drnuuril nml "A rmiiii il ai SI Wfelta, Illili mihi Ralcal \i I anil it Mm i I. .1 Maa, Mi. r Dara Indi and l.liilu,r:i le Ptaaa m.<l -.lo III.'. Deprlvtaa, itu- Qlrl nf Her Kalara! I'r.ili-i Inr. Her Mather, Ulm Wu. ki nu.ion u i.) Maa alala tn limn un ii l-i.-.- ..I -.lulim; lier un \ Ial1 lu li li iola. I -I H III I ... I. \ l ti r Mer "-Iii ?? ii t inin? ti., stars al Uraateal Wraai Thal t un ile ii,.rn- ii \\ .aaa, lt uh old els, h igh on: to IA I. NEW VOBK Thaw, the beaut!) K. Thaw, luiil lune in thi linil branch of tin ri here ? which I li- the il. ' conrince the Jury thal her b was Justified wiien be shot il" ford Willie, the fl ?; ber ninl foi bear tl ? one thought lipper: till wh whether it would stand the ??lill it lin Si that the plei of Ju.t ? i that 'if would mining the late of the prisoner. 'Jin tu th. ought not to have I ? . As tho fon readily the questions put lo her bj 1'elphin M. I isel fo ? from h. I be pitiful - Men wipe, I women who olting tesltinon) - - ? .t beard In ? . to the world the Innei W Ililli ?' tittil! r.n. lt v Harry Thaw In Pnrta In 1903 when fa ?>\ hu felt there wu mi Insurmountable Lan Ing the bride of tbe : loved. "Mr. Thaw was sitting down ti] I tO lt he lui eil Iii" ail wanted to n him fur ii moment, and then 'Don't you care for n care anything about mei" An *i et ? And be I. 'M teri* And I said, 'Xoth l. 'Why won't you marry me And 1 said, 'Because.' Ami then 1 Milli. 'Well, tell 1 ? n'l yu fur * ' by "un't y. ? and p ada on my -hunid< straight at mo. si 'Is lt l ..f Stanford Whit. 'Yeo.' Then In'l thb any tl told it. ! me to tell it. Bo I telling him bow and wi In tht ed but a slip of a sir'. f her ewiitful yum ? -I J Ai tho yonng'wlfe unfolded the ni rntlvs of i ? . ninl t..i,i t earl) struggles of herself mother to keep body and soul I uf bow gaunt po tho tloor ?ml huw sim t ? tu earn a livelihood by posing fur pl ; hers and arl won t murmured oympathy of tbe thru which fllloil every aval the big er.urti ? t glrlh.1 at ?: lt was tho story of her with Itaaford Whlta aumptuoos *?? . I swim of a i i luinici * toM me I be won ?la -*i I "He said the gN werld waa not to t ? must 1-li? me swear that I ? not to say ons wt ? 'his wes Its The que?tli . Itolmsa. ry Thaw, sir." - was bl? when CC ute to tbe affect of ths girl's s Into the narrative there entered i man or tho Wutul. A giri a ?'irl ns sho WttbatOOd ai: which might well have atar : terror a woman of marun ? lilllie she : .y little appointments, (if her carly life lated how her motlier bad oona fruin I llg tO I'hllailelpliia ' -he nnd har brother I the brother han been In conti ? .-.I un a !: :i tu their thal tho two little ibis with tl ? who wanted tu put their eat out uf the ear. Hut, she naively addi fa-t possession uf ? Then came their advent in New Of her life h utll.-illy ? ? bj ber in .m.. r of the THAW LISTENING TO EVIDENCE. .1 in\ itali-.11 ? al lunchi. 'Ihe - "r luhl .pie in ? ? WOUld li"! ? : : lien lu mother alu mill n I L-l ' thal ? fi . ? . . tn hate turned I hon t* hen ? ? _'o home he SS hi I lind ? iiooin with the mirrors all ove \eW .] Uti : The dot ti hut .li ' I Ihe doctol ? ? ithetit s, H.- b .! . So I :i quietly ami knelt il..un Ly ll .I my hand an.I i moment and wei.' ' \\ hen l Ie. ul . le,I I found he ha irrongemenl i . ?? ni.i.m.l I., recuperate lt wi Ml- Wel'e ii. r -iii- tr that lu- pro| ? Thu- the -lory ran. willi ju-l bel ami tln-ie un Interruption bj Mr. IH sdvlse ile- -iii I" i,i. ' of the various bapiienln, tu toll Ju-t what sba ha.I t"'..l Han Thaw when he asked her to his wife. It wes through tbe fsct th sha had "told evarrUiing to Harri ? ' ? Ills ? with bl eil rp.::. and w ? ll-.W ll '?? April 1 Yolk fi ? ? ? ? ? by M r ' lion. White her Vlsll I 1 ; - ' - ? t i - ' ? ? ' I ' I : : ' ? IF YOU * TOUCH your tongue to ALUM and look in the glass?you will see thc off You can't help puckering?it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. Dy the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you lake this put Alum right into your system?you injure i and ruin your stomach. AVOID ALUM Sap plainly^ v%\>v\ R0YALBAKHG POWDER Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar?Costs more than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. uf the tO a. who * lid that any rhaw cai a mis of the MISS STIMSON HAS FAIRLY WON THE TITLE. Success in New Field Achieved in Face of Keenest Competition? Given No Advantage on Ac count of Sex. ri, who has - - ' ? -myrna Mills ami Lil tent cn ? :i tim ? look, but found lt CLARA M. STIMSON. (Maine Woman Who Conducts Largs Timber and Lumber Business.) i I IL In tl.!? ? with most ol ? ? ? ? In tht r ? I ? : all I : ly In any of my b I il i to tool ' ' "In my oph ' h talk I seen I ng. try dark ' r that .is ls ' lt any '. Immense High Pressure Pump. ; imp In the wo: gins; pla ailie motors In the i i>ump ls teated to .rn pressure lack. Ita i a day of 21 I a minute ? ... . Magazine for Jan >iary._ _ __ I