Newspaper Page Text
F.UlMYILLK ll KR ALP, , MM K merl - i ? lt w I - ? in tht Thin.. I My i ? ? when I Mr. ?v. t*. I in the i il ymi wi! other NI Mi ? \ erv :? - .1. I'. Kl NM K \ ? ? K. li ?' -.I ;iii plaaas .I vdai Kxpraar* *>jmp?tn* bal the paekas1 (. wtm refust i I nm sure this until ,,, frmg M,,i baWn I '"' ??? ii'iitioii, otherwise Un- delay would ni,[ bave occurred, \\ i.b kin.le-i r? gardiand well wish aor> |n Mississippi, I bag i peet fully, J I* Kl N'NEDY, Libra riaa. Oo] Mareil J, 1906. li a lUlelgh, N I Hlr, herewith And ? I lt I MOMKY OltDER for hm -I bill "I I !,; . - ih-t.iry ol Virginia. Verv respectfully, * .1. I' Ki WI HY. I.iliraiian. transaction was Byrd I'.ixtk Imesti imlnlng , ly did not de i mi the other bandi 11 done such thlngseeveraJ ? Impropriety i lum of using h's: official i . gain. We adel to nota especially tbe ol tin- -tate vouchers In Ins m uar* and the It mentioned in A booh i the Library, ii is at i 11 another party: and Ihe ? ? ; kel "I (he Li> . uni- Journal li mond are tn tha . ... j Dye* - of the . : i scepl Mr. Ki immarily removed. . nal: ? I tn the wltnesi Si I put on oath. Lol Mr dru I Imund <' "**! 111or .li itlk-teti Mr. Kennedy's . ttl ve in an order be hail no booka should I fol Ihe Ir.iarv from the ii I Stationery Company, * likely that either Mr. Min ir will tm that ac hel'l guilty nf tli-loyalty. md perjury, and removed ir will M r Berkeley, nm ? nor l?r. Kc hen rode, fur ni by them. I thia -ort. if it were a lit isly al.-uni, would ba an to the Library Boar I. All of which goes to show that the g Journal feara thal these em* Will be treated in thin iie-pi .niier. ? this wicked thing happens, trust the Uovernor will sum* emove those members ol the Board who stand for the un? provided he has tba power. cl Legislature will Ihe situation, If necessary. Me-*rs. Meredith ami Patterson are il thal iuiii ir'ad librarian about theonly Virginians win. lum in a poaltlon tn er er titled. tte of modern-day I righi acting, a - anti ili\ lin ind truth, that aili OOO lliat eau not hel| .1 a'vaiitai*. : lime rein* it all? I name ami tha ?? B le urgaa righi I let us reason to yniirselvee ?:? : : tm lha wnriil.'' Oiiiiiiiieinl ss, purity, the erowal on love, ty, tba truth ami the imitation- upon \\ hy the new name l friend .' (hristiaii is God* - trotman'! aihlitinn. to the l>ri|." I ll AFFECTION OF RICH? MOND. -iiiutioii nf I arning la the beat Immortality. It li ijj limier (he heaven* that and stronger witta the li i craatore of tleathle-s of iinmor tencea of a dia - iiherner point ta the neill which a Virginia < ?? l| in mir city. Ten ? ???ty of Richmond would fooa i of ail mir people.? . i mea*! 'lopateh. \\ r bave no objection to the Unlver* I any inure I linn WC ;? m enlarged Richmond V. II. I i ulldlng, bul the latter la to bel i ly Richmond with no appeal to I I ward or Hanover or any otb-1 -tate tn make -aenii e -? to in-ure Richmond's' ?uoresa. Not! -1 with the University, bal to aacura it Uiliute must he. laid on oom ni nit i-1 :;. not rich In this I have [trothing tn Richmond in not an object of c tarity and should seora to grow a. dard <>il has doae on the dte* Bulld ymir liiiversity but han.I-nil of Hampilen-Siilney. a p. Ki fe, sn well remem j many of the renders of the Herald, won the-'Col." prefix belora Men itiui untimely death, and I a fortuna speculating In I he spirit of oommerdaiiam mighty power when such t worl- ihI. ifor that .ne who ever came BC it- evangelist will - iduced ti abandon such iga iu the hnl chase after h. "Vt hen -elf is i*a\ering balance -hake il i- rarely right adjust* ? ll ir Daniel has ofTered a bill in r.lng fur its object the Industrial Peace." Not "?ni bul of mutual ??? III. Let Hie ''hea? ll "tote fair'' anil leaped ts of others Working men me warring men. .- a perfect light to declare liy, il -heso .it of Ihe school trout.h - In i ilthough, tm the otbet . il perfectly justi the stand aha has taken I I thc National (Jov inatltutlooal right ivetctgn tary olney, while ? - to the citizens of "oink local racial preju * rotary ia righi, and ? mg. ? r than "sink MH NOi'K hi H I ES'fl LU : I ioIn Ihe :il.o\ e . ipti .11 I le lliolld lillie- |i|-|. liri, lia- the follow ing tn sa] "Thc linns dispatch has greal re ipecl foi un honeatconviction,and has no healtatlou In saying thai tbe per ami who believes Hint it 1 lum to take a gift frmu Mr Ri lei, tn him lt is a -m. I'.ilt it hy 00 meena fol lows thai lt i- a sin ft conscientious man or institution tore eelve fa\nr- from ihe Standard "ii king. Let us -ie lo \\ hal extremes tiiik "tainted money" pro] would lead. If il b lege to accept nu endow ment from Mr. Rockefeller, ii would in- wrong hu it tn receive monet, from him in payment nf tuition for his daughter, grandson or grandda or any member of bis family, or any loy or gul whom ' B lil tn educate, lt would bc wrong lor any church nf which Mi. RockafellCI should lu- a mero church dues lt would ployeof in- I or fur any merchant in ace 11 his I'licvk iii paymenl of good* pm lt Would le w rung tor thc ment to receive tai ? In tine, if tin liiiltted, Ur wolli.I Le ir. ? spend a dollar of his "tainted' money without Causing the recipient ' nut sin. The prim tn an abeurdltt.. lim a.nne may say that the right eous thing for Mr. Rockefeller tn du would he tn make restitution. li seems tn us that he i- dung that \ery thing when he gives In- ninney tn in -titiitini s whose minion ls t" ?'?? And it seems tn 11- also that he is gi' - ing in n g ml spirit." We agree with thc Times-Dispatch that it is a -in for that man In "lake a gift" fmm Mr. Rockefeller who be I wrung In do -o. Hut we ie apectfully, although confidently, -ay to mir contemporary timi its argument la utterly fallacious i ? "take a gift" nf money from Mr. Rocki thing; tn sell him a barrel nf flour ls altogether another thu n t. ami cannot Le, any parallel be? tween thc two transai I are two aide to the question of accept* ing gift- from Mr. Rockefeller ik univ mic -ide t-i tin- i| ing him gooda ai regular retal in a buainees transaction If Mr. Rockefeller gives mom 3 act nf repentance, lt in up tn thc recipient tn accept or rejecl the gift, conditioned mi the recipient's faith in lim repentance. In thc bush buying ami -.'.lini.' willi Mr. feller, the question of rr; ? not en lei into the ca ir mir contemporary ha- 0 than the mle _ der Un The inure one nil- ol I. ..-'i life'' 111 New "l mk llii lani could U- ?: . . public demands its lum in full glare. Ami in the hi< ? N AS WU' lins - nil-take to sst] iolande 1 them all. 1 thi- splendid eba spinner who "bought w....| mid flea and worked willingly with Inn li in commerce, "like the mer* chant ship-, -he hroiiu'lit her food from alar." Hie worked night ami day. "rising while ll wasyetnlght, giving meat to ber household ami a portion tn her maid-.'' -lu- .halt in real estate ''considered a neld and bought >iih the fruit nf her hands -he planted a vine? yard." She wa- a pru.lent I -. ? 1 mer? chandise in Kimi. charlt* aide, "atretcbing her hand- tn thc pnnr." BbC linnie wisc pie; for the winter, and wasn't "afraid nf Ihe -now." She wa- loud of l'.I Clothes, and made for "her-elf .?? ofta'ventry. si k and purple.' And i regard fur thc dress of her husband too, who was "known In the gates and sitting among the elders." And ahe was careful of ht r physical Condition, 'girding her loll strength nml strengthening her armit." Waan'tahea model woman? Ami ls any modern-day slater-worker her superior T We trow not. PUBLIC NOTICE. To the People of Farmville. all peroone In Farmville musl hold themselves responsible foi any weak in? or suffering caused Irmu old ego, chronic OOUghs ur enid-, bronchitic, weak lungn, run-down conditions, stomach troubles, nervousness 01 pool blood w hen we are w Hiing to Sell them the real cod liver preparation. ami return their 11.ey if it linen mit benefit. ihe rea-nii Vinni -ful in restoring health ami creating strength is becataac ll contains iii addition tn tnnic Iron all thc medicinal elements of coil liver nil actually taken fi.--li cod-' liver-, hut Without oil or ii up-et thc Stomach and retard its work. I'nlike nhl fashioned cod i. ami emiiNii'iis, it i- deliciously pala? tably agreeable to the weakest stomach, therefore, unequalled a- a strength . id tomi- reconati 1 Mr. < Irate, nf ll. C. I rule .V ('o., mir local druggists sa* -: " ll know ao well of wbal Vinol i- made that weeah every run-down, nervous, debilitated, hl- son in Paraville, and avery per- >n - . hoon otubborn a Boughs, bronchitis or 1 ti try Vinni on our guaran? tee, ll. C. trula a Co., druggists. Nm 1. U lille OH Vinni in Farmville, it 1- now for cele it the leading drug -tor.- iii nearly -very tow n and the city In the country, Look for the Vinni agency 111 ymir own. (Hep Unit (ong-h 1 Dr. David', t'ou.-h Syrup rill curr it, an nu mtv ss will tcatiiV. lt fa the beat n earth. I ju>-i- bntOeii 26 t**Ata at Whit* a flo SSS Winston Drug Co. Special Low Hn . .1 \\ ot?In Central Ry. to all pointe ii Moolana Idaho, Waal, iregnnand linti-h Columbia, -t to \pril uith. Round trip Home* eekers' I lek. ' Vnte at once fur information and lo C. D. Harper, Travelling igent, VV. C. Ry., KU Traction uicinnati, < i. Feb. 16*61 Killis nf lliinnr. 11 unpdeu r-tldiiaj Hefaool M lea M . ,i ike-, Principal. liank i luinauii, Bernard Oliver, in numil, < Hey kt molli . Ki m.nile. Buffalo District, Behool No Katherine Kl Bott, < 'arlington - Allen, \\ bitfield Blliott, Mer? allen, Jacob Overton, Balley, Outhrie All Balle* , Willson Elliott. Mi-- I.. .1- howdy ? Bleeping iii a cid iimiiii is -aid to lie I healthy, bul wi- have no reepeet foi iv ami nothing bul hotrot fm You got a heaping poona ii the pure old-fashioned Ar? buckles' ARIOSA Coffee, that took care of the nerves and digestion of your grandparents, and has been the leading coffee of the world for 37 years. 11 u'll never have to quit dunking Arbuckle*.' Don't let any man switch you over to coffee that pays him big profits at thc expense of your heart, stomach and nerves. ?- rnrhl. ri ih. National Pure Food Uw. Guarantee No. 2041. filed at U'uhloaioa. .-I May lin- he-t you wish fm Le thc wurst you get. Mind- ??: I.... many men nu- filled with u-el. s- know ledge. KEEP THE KPNEYS WELL Health is worth Saving, and .Some Farra ville People Know how to Save It pie ta Ih ii hand- ny neglecting tht ? lp. Sick :. mount or -uU'.-ruie and ill li. ult suffer nor to remain in danger when all di-. ? ls reine ? i pallon, ? '.thing which lum with a ol HIV .i Un- tune I - i ot aii'l it was ".inly a i I recommend ali io (five lioiin'- Kui ? tl and they will never ? lt. lera. Price BO r-.M ii i.urii rn., Bu Halo. ? ul- fur Ibo I lilted States. Kenn-niLcr thc nairn- Hon, ..thcr. Opera House Thursday, February 21 Fourth Number Entertainment Course Dr. H. W. SEARS "The Taffy Man" Popular Lei turer ami Humorist, I heard the beal until you hear hun. Prices 50 and 75 Cents. Drug Store I ii.-day mornim:. Huh, st lu , An m ti itimooial fm William Tell Flour Messrs. Paulet! a Bugg, ParmvBle, Va. I have i.cen buying ny Hour for li\e and during mc have many of the bael brande on the market, hut lime, none more sim factory than -'WILLI \M 1 I ILL." In my estimation "tor, mg the fa -hraini. In this I fond st ll ir 1 t!iink a i article ?? highest lui? pi' ? 1 ymi this un solicited testimonial, hoping luce others to try th;- flour. ^ mr- truly, vVx.U. Dam ku Illa Va., .lau. ."j. 1907. HCLl-i?3T*-R'3 .?e::<y Mountain Tea Nuggets A B-... Mediolae for Bair I I rU.lSTEB I ' OLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIKLT), FARM [OG FENCING. ? THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY -fELOES FENCE. BRY Hui) I.LAKA' CTa The DURABL1 None sd Si l\'( ING. All large wires. Highest EFFK r COST. Ko Wraps to hold Moisture and cause j Rust. : . Absolutely STOCK PilQ0F.c Wt can SAVE YOU MOKEY on Fencing. CAL-AND SE*-: IT. advanli ? thal ? .1. I?'. WALTHA a I O. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS With Tag's About the Same Color and Design As This Tag Thc quality cf thc geni ine sun cured tobacco used in REYNOLDS'Sun l where the best sun l tn be ! ls' Sun Cured 1 at thc printing "ii th nice and do net been found in Reynold I wai intro og of sun cured I " Sun Cured " i ; of many bran ls i any chea t I and ? it fn ?hey ?nilar that i nations as thc | Hind 1 BC SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE Manufactured by R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. HORSES and MULES For Sale or Hird. First-Class Livery and Feed Stable?. \"<>rt!i Straat, - - Farrm ill ZIMMERMAN BROS. 1 m:si;nvi:s RASPBERRY STRAWBERRY CELERY CANNED CORN ENC. PEAS ASPARAGUS RAISINS CURRENTS CITRON CHAS. BUGG & SON . . ? rHE Largest \nd Best equipped plant in tl Charles Miller Walsh Hll!t~ Va. . ? -Mer, tilter, fut I ai imptlon of instantly inert r GET TRADE a tut KEEP TRADE by'naving a MiVKI: I IHE. EAGLE BRAND I'lnthin ;, Hie CiL'iire iin.l th bining & Claik, FARMVILLI ? rn I'lfiiiLvriOiV. an in T Where The Money Comes From ? from th?: users or cob. S-fa-ajfl "I fjtin fWdaCal. Art you Krftina ra*. share of all this m . ., aimtnaelan down necessary rules for fertilizing, planting, cultivating, ton dretsin? liarvr*.tiri)? anti preparing fur m-rkrt % . jr.0 jj' *rK-til>!-?, fruits ami grains. If you ik.ire big prorits, u?e from aoo to Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers .?ron all your crops, and you aili be agrr-aMy surprised at you. increaaed yield.. A?k your fertilizer dealer, or arne us for a copy ot Virginia Carolina Ftrtili/er almanac, ii written ? ? . J ij'erietued Oad I 1 in thc Soul WI le it is Iras ta you, many farmers say ihr .. th fi outo them for n-suggestions VIKiilNIA-CAKol.ISA CHEMICAL COMPAMT, BALES OPFICl Richmond. Va. Norlolk, Va. Durham. N. C. CLa/l.aton. S. C. Balumor. Ma Atlanta, Oa Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. M.mphia. Tenn. Shreveport, La. WE CAN SELL VOU YOUR Plant Bed Canvas CALL AND SEE L'S Stokes & Davidson Money To Loan. ll K Wall. Via, . raaar- Watt** t tad Tra. ? ?:.l Traav; J |_ ? ???'-?rata. Vt I '-?''. (art. Da-**,, Minim tn Buy or Build Koks.ti 1KACX ?? .- ? :..: ' .-? aoa iaaaaaaat n a frwyaara. LOAM itara in IK aarua. ? a .... - E -. . . THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., Farmville, Vi. SERVICE AND SAFETY WI pro -i il! v,lir banking. ??? . nil, we v,ill t-xtt'inl every ? I 1 uti 1 your intrre*ts ?ilh 'o ..ur ow 11 Im- our business 1 .|i-|?.-ii- in i..;iu money mi prtij ertj sccortty; in lu tr.iii-init mkitu . 1 - lu nllur ? sn: tries, md, ? ? . B Wit '11 OM** 11 Ling Institution. Four Vcr Cont. Paid 0:1 Time Deposits Prince Edward-Lunenburg County Bank, MEHERRIN. VA. ESTABLISHED 1867. ? I CAPITAL, $50,00000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. Planters Bank of Farmville** farmville, va. President. \V. P. Vi s sulk, ('ashier. VV. O. \ lent. \VAI.KKKS<*lt'n', AM'tCaaMof. ? lyai i-ily found. While waiting ?? eat, place your ra rill a mmulate for V VVa pay I11U .tea of De] J m. J. Wa 1.KKK H. c. ' lURtCTOKS: H. A. Stun " W.T. (I.AKK H \\ . I'a A. K. (KALLI ? li. I-:. Wah. j We issue Foreign Exchange available in all parts of the World ^ !_.:? -MW ,-r?.","?. m.|m. r..^.^...-.-?i.r..*---....,.iai| int" ? A Convenience. ^ oant with a bank convenience,not univ tn tbe business and professional man, but to the farmer as welt More people would keep such account they knew just how togo about it. We gaJatV those who need help in u< ttin^i started. The First National Bani FA NM VI I.I.F. VA. a. ? ; I. B, DHOTI, t. G. CLIPHM. Prtii.eit YicF '? ^'-aa-atna* i ? a i a iii- - r ? "-. ... Cashier. Before Insuring Your Life Consider n.11 tract of the i>ld??ia f - li. .1. aaiaaaj ? ? UNLIMITED Kl soi RCES willi thea'. li-rienC-M '" ' '*"* . i,,u regret. [nvestigite the Northwestern 1907 Policy. Largi r Ditidbnm. Lowbi C .ipraaaa-aw THE NORTH! Ml I PAL I IPI rl ??***? - ELLIOTT R. BOOKER, Special Agt.