,M\ 1! LK HI R Ml'
I'r. II.
E. B.
with li -
Hf -.t i
tlt-tl il: \
army d
till ths
with I i
scsr of I
iuth tm
in liif
ty, 1870,
Hr. li?
the Pres
?Hf in l [e also
in tlif
Hr. r.,
J. M
Iliirknnss Dreams nf l,;ty.
ms this
Mr. II. \V
..I the
' ist th S
(' Wi!
liam it
Mr. J. \. Wi
111 ld-W i
larniv illa- ( mihi.I upon tl
uniform. It
i uni! iiii.nl
sllit til.
lt liri
lilllllic :
tilt .III!.
'tl r. I
in the
Ul-Ts nf
contend i Ihnee
in tins
world which
m.I wann
i.f some ..f ti..
tn ymir |
u you don'l wanl I I make
? i it is nut ?
lim Her.ilila Welcnine Visitor.
he ain
ly they
re wish of
A ( anstanl Iii ?
.In-> i
\\ in
A Siiriirlsi! Marrlai|i\
Mra. \. I
?> ilisluii, nt I mi,
ho nihill
iu .Hy united in mar
: Hu Baptist
ind a itu Intimate
? bride
i brief hm.. .
home Wei.
. st,,,i,.nt 0f the Normal
ste) :iiii I..11'rewe.
:u I artmille ulm
Mis. Peter
tin- groom, Mrs
T, A. w : the groom,
snd l?r. -Jul ii Hamlet, uncle
>i long life, ami ba?
il Hiern much ha| ,
Dealh ol Mrs. Paye Quiyley LeSlnrqeon.
? t, attractive
in at the hom
: ? -" .'nm
ir. C. ll. Cl
i W in-tun .lui all
conducted at
_'|i. m. .-mnlty by
ll. Da
N. H. nippen, a
ind her devot
il lys remains lo af
I ul Mrs. I
.ritien I uf lu i:
tlc an.I kimi.
rue ami loy*
I muth
? ?
. ?
-:i.| tn
. .1 Ulm
, aniunshlp.
ii child
dignity tint
idorus Hie worn n
lent the
deep ihe bereavement!
Itul Heaven will n
I by us all.
Ali EHeganl Reception.
cn st
: K. II. Paulet! mi the
.? I Ith in h..
I. Receiving
* and Ma ter
i tin- folding
er Uniir
i 'upitl, tl . while
.er oontribut
lull ..I fun aii.| mirth. Missis Lucy
. Hi nicy Spencer
?tl. Mr. At
i.f Hampden-Sidney
. \ I -iiery.
'..tt as
..ut thc
amusem nt ..f the
?uni ar
while in thc dining room the
? pink ami white shed
.my. Mi*. Crate
i, Paulet! wi ne! "vcr
lue -ilk ?
Miss Hattie
uk silk. !?
? I ('hilton.
Mia* Minor,
NIr. Thornton, ll
. Mr. Hubbard, ll.
- Hattie Bugg Mr i
i-- l.litii Duvall, Hr.
Mi. \\ -. isrdson,
M ... Walton, Mr.
. Blanton, Mr.
l! - I Mis
- I'.cry I
- I rsi nu
Mis, Carrie
H ' . Miss
tt; Miss
rik Wu, it tun,
h. Hubbard;
M.. Paxton;
: ria; Miss
: i Haul.'it. Mr. Boram, H.B.I
Mr. Hoy, H.S. C. Messrs. Willing*
Borton, John
-lett, Mal Annis
.11. -...lt. Imn I'.l
Mr. Illl.:\'s loss.
of Mr. w
-. Ky.,
. lu Karn uf his recent mi?
i valua.
i much nf I
-<i Journal
ban res
.1 Mi. W. launer Otley, mi Hit
? h.uri.s uT the
yed, only
m insur
I un thc
ll nut.
lu a friend lure Mr. otley
lintlngs ami h
l her ile
* Ul linc t\s i * tl i
of the Brooklyn bi
Crm Dillard.
At thc h..me ul the bride at \.\ton,
I l?ii r_% Bounty, Virgin
morning, Kebroary i*-th, Mr M.Btan*
icy dowe, of varaville, and M
la Martin Dillard wera united In booda
formed al s o'clock iu thc pre-.
- of thc two ramllles nm! their
nen.I- unly. Immediate!] af
ter the . . wedding br*
I the young duple left
imth have
nf frieml. tn welcome I bern.
Ihe I.title is well known in
ville having I.it'll until recently it
i of tho Stu ..f Hie
Normal Bel.I. The groom ir.
lent nf this
place, during whick he ban won the
esteem ot ?n as a young man of
.ties. He is thecllieiciit i.unk
?>r the la ur. il!.- Com
< fempanj,
Mr. an. I NI is. Crowe are in the hume
if Mr. ami Mrs. S. W. Paulett, .lr.
Short Changer Sentenced.
Chailic Karl, thc young U/hUi
isl wuk upon the
charge nf "abor! ehangti
the merchants of Farmville, wa- -riv?
en a trial M.lay morning, ami Bats
ifiieui tn serve iixtj days ni tl ?
ty jail. He nun. int.. emu!. 00
his offense, offered tu return what
mmiey he bad gotten hy his "slight nf
band," sun-eti tu have his picture
mt.le i..i Hie rogue's gallery, was per?
mitted tu i'll to the barber's shop in
company with an officer, when- bli
? I was mow?
ed, ami returned tn the new steel cell
in Hie jail tu remain fur :
two months. Karl is no fool, ile-aw
what he was up against, ami iras
sager t.. plead guilty tu the charge ni
? ami mske restitution hy re?
turning hia ill-gotten gain tu hi. un?
suspecting \ ictims. This he .lui in
ca ..f the court.
Ntl Postmaster I ur iarmyllle.
After four years uf faithful, elli.'lent
ami most satisfac tu the
community in thc capacity nf poet
| will relin
qulsfa tnt by Mr.
1: W. ?.amen, lt is tu- end nfs battli
i the plum with Mr. (irriicU
coming nut in hi_'h feat lu r the winner
ile a iii i none
Letter. An active, ntelllgent, Urelesi
? . he will conduct the af?
fairs nf the Karmvllle postoffice tu the
timi nf hntli its pat ons
ami the govern
It was no surprise to the people ?>!
Karmvllle a!.
a counts nf Mr. Garnett's appoint?
ment i.y the presid
Local Ness Thirty-Two Tears Ayo.
I Th.. Farmville M.rrurr. Jan. T. ttl
Mr. li. s. Hooper ha" bean re-ap
pointed postmaatei of Karmvllle.
I be members ?.r the Baptist < burch
i their chun
with mic nf the I.est MasunA Ham
. i, The Instrument
in the bands of that magnificent |h.i
former, tbe pastor's wlfi
swtet in ; bing of life.
\\ e are pained to announce Ihe
? ifter a protracted illness at
Hampdec-Sidney, on Tuesday, the
? ith, ni Mrs. Atkinson, wife ..f Rev.
Hr. Atkinson, president nf Hampden
M r- Atklnsc
eel lent Christian lady, ami her
? : mw tu A ?
.le nf friends ami relstlvi
I ni M in- i ii"., January _i?t. 1876.
un Thursday night la-t at the
Methodist Church, jual before thc
time tu begin icrvices, a \cry lar;re
congregation being pre-cut, a coop
wno bad come ir.un Buckingham mi
"matrimony bent, ?<! the
cb uren ami proceeded up tbe aisle pre?
sented themselves before Dr.
aid llgn I fled their .lesire lu I l
i ni Doctor responded
promptly, ami saw thc ''kimi was
tied" iii ce, we ventura tu
say, < > r tit*.* largest number of a
that ever attended a marriage in Farm
bridegroom's lin:
learn, was Payne and thal ..f the
bride Miller.
im Kabwili . Febru?
ary nth, ia
On Wednesday morning, the loth,
Methodist (lunch, bj Ht v- Mr.
Manning, Mr. John .1. Hatchet! anti
of Col. Richard A. I'..h.ker, were mar?
ji of I emuville.
Married Sm.retiy.
The Richmond News-Leader ha*
this tu say ni thc -ecrct man is^e of
- - formerly ur this
town, noa mic of the leading laundry*
in ii of thal city:
a surprise I lo c doted io
.then Ueom w.
one ni the proprietors of R eb
-icam Laundry, announ
his friends that he was married 'lur
i li i i st ni rt- bolidaj
ington tu I.. Pearle Bagnall, s formal
employe of his laundry.
Iii-mtv ly a.-pure.I wife is BOW a
itudcnl al the John A. Hu Industrial
it Dinwiddie, Va., n I
ng au imlu-lrial ami literary
course, and will remain till thc end of
my wann fiiemls
among both clored people
I of Karmvllle wbo will wish fur hun
ami lu- new bride happiness snd pros?
I.in- - ?-. Linen Lawn,
.1 Linens ami Lim
V H. Davl
Him to del There.
Mary had a little lamb, its flt
white as SOOWi it stray cl au
day, u . - should never go.
An.I Mary -at her quickly down ami
(reamed from bereyee; she never
found the lami. because she .li.I not ad?
vertise. Ami Marybsd a brother John
Who kept a village store: he sat him
down ami .uinke.l a pipe, ami watch
ed tiie open door. Ami ns ti ?
il slung ami .lui not stop tn l.uy
-uiukisl his pipe am
Ami so tin
sherill dosed him out, hut still lu
! near, ami Mary came tn <lrul
with lum a sympathetic tear. How i
it. sister, can yon tell, why otbet mer
all their |
. ucl thrive fmm j
inhering her own bad luck th
little maul I Iher fel
get there, John, krause the;
ad vcr
Glimpses as I lui.
er-atimi with tl I
lnrite apple on
He has 5,000 trees in tull hear
in'l lOO\ tn tile fill H fl' >
ns ami fm
the flgh ? iii BI1IOUI
nigh tu one ol ?
begun and n ill be
coiit.nucil fur montbl lo cum.
the coal of SO cents -i tree. And lo this
must bj added the plowing, pruning,
gathering, packing
ry and
then follnw* the '?off year" ami the
nil prices. He told i.il th -
ricm-i: Was ? .rrcl at
his hume, imt shipped thea ti
laml and real arel af?
ter all . I. This
was bb mistake, however, ami mit that
..f the ni ci i.ai. I. The . | raying business
- ? IHely that this
nw ncr !. .
pump the mixture to the tree tups.
still I would rather own tins oi
than thc Lest of tobacco farms.
I im- c had some inti n il
talks uf late, too. ' hie wnh
worker who ll I ntl), r things
.-I year. His
ellori is tu double it this j
il Inly school teacher
, chicken culture,
< I nit the school room n
. month fur seven months
uT the year, an.I i- now makiti_
in.miii fur twelve month* nf th.
Bhe I* making a specialty ..f broilers
for New York swell hotels an
tup prices fur her
, .va-, s frc- ? IN lier
I buys neighhorb
the incubators. A laught?
er nf Virginia.
ld night iu a well sp?
in, ted home recently, and theownei
urdered a colored iwy tn make i
my ra .in and ut course I had nt. I
, e ihler night i i another hume
rited to my
mum where I found an old-time white
oak lire In S wld
lull glow. I don't know that I have
m..ie than lit fur a king. Ta
put it mildly.
Ihe next muming st an early h..ur
lap at the <!?
ihe land! ird, or proprietor ol
Ihe hume, with an ann full nf dry
.1 in Ave iiiiii iit? -
another blaring, glowing Ure. On in?
quiry l learned that he hail tn
lire of the nl:'
making that of the morning. Hedld
it himself ami it was well tin
order to the small boy int thc man
"wen I an.I tli.l it" On further inqui?
ry I learned that this nas th.- ?
man in the community. He .
my ni..- ms Milne in re?
turn. Labor
may a I go hut then- w ill be Qt
;i this hume
to long ae thle worker lues to work.
Ami th V. nh
? j problem i- ? i ihe
girls getting
the nhl man making Tires give prom*
iint brighter things m our
Southland. I repeat, thc Anglo Waa?
ls nut a dependent
I met with a rai. in the
county of Nelson. Ile
many years ? mumbel of mc
evangelical churches, snd yet. during
mt flint \i ith him he looked
me full in the eye niel Baked with em?
phasis: - Did you .-.. i see a Christian,
sir'.'" I lulil him he would '
explain his question, as i didn't
.ml it. Ile then pro
?I killed two i.
. an effort to And a
Christian i.ut failed," ami here i
p .iinitinn. He inaugurated
a prohibition flghl in his county
expecting all Christians to vote with
lum ami afb i Ugh! he suf?
fered ?*? disastrous defeat, ami now
charges that the Christians caused lt,
ami since then he is lather of thc Opin?
ion that there are no "voting Christ
ll any rate. Alter ihe railmail
lo w hi.'h l'i. leer ami
others lost their live*, l happened to
-ay in ' Il.i- sun.,
- prov i
. he shouted I ft.k
at me, ''nonsense, sir; what hs
i.lenee trot to do with a railroad wreck:
illy and God hs?l nothing to
do willi it." Ami yet in some re?
ny uli) friend is mic of the
moat devout men I ever met with.
He will imt agree, h iwever, that there
is such a thing bs an anti-pro
Christian. I I some most
delightful hour- in bis presei
mi sure t- i
lum. '
if r.
, Sunday n ith
the -tu.lent V. M. <'. A. (.inference
which met recently at thi
I h. r. were ni
pu -. nt ami the sight of
them eras inspiring while th
lng ami the sinu'iiiL* wen- of high or.lcr
of merit the fad i* !)??
music I ever listened to i- made i.y a
wall trametl quartette of collegi
Kev. Hr. Bl
with them too. ami charmed them
with his genial presence ami words of
I t-lnWIIIf* fin. I Hf! ?
I inf, i lier thc
other day wbo Umped ss he walked,
ami I Baked in what hattie he was
wounded, to which he saiil: "1 wa-n't
wounded at all, hut I took a pair nf
.ni a .lea.I Yankee, w lin had
no further use t..r them, ami the
a corn which
nil follow in*, to my gravi
me that returniiii*
from ihe surrender at Appomattox he
I a ferry on .lames rivet which
. [ro. He
asks-l lo he | ba new
iiern f.. impoualy s
SSH I aal t y.
ninney ymi irwine | l'lilliiif
it alive dollar Confederate note be
I it ttl him, to which the darkey
?d no mon
work fur that," whereupon I
tighter whlpoed out his army ii\e
shooter, and said, will that do
i ne wa?
ters the boat "fairly
prince of "gold bugs, ' never -
ed inure current currency than that
lurredei hadn't stripped
the u..| vi ur ' ivar.
Southern Vu.
.\ ..rds tu the \\ is >.
Almoat everything in Ho
ll ls t.l
taj, commons)
>o doubt mir lands produce
a third of a should,
? usc with mir comparatively
' ?uni-, mie-l
rood living. We nave need mir tlm
. ls and
s irt mu of them, leaving
erfeit forests We red in
mr country from the malady which
*as one
lon of securit itb i-, wi
n inch accoui
"if prodigality and mir chronic talk
if hard tunes. Hard times bj not a
ihrasc U l| crate men. And
i should be rememl
?a deal f..r;
hat winch is nut bread. He
- outlying fences in repair and
ie never docs the surt of work that ls
ermed creative. John Randolph i.s.
hat BU estate in Virginia meant plen
y of land, lahur, humes, fis>.| ami
Irink ami nut a shilling ii
if this is true h.day. Certainly the
me tl
mall and Un ipltal.
'capital, thou sovreign charm. Bome
inw, R i siiili
lently w hat migbl l intn
he rertlllzing channel
and it makai
ibllanthroplc nil and drj
md Bundaj School superintendents
if ..tiler latitudes coming down herc
md picking up all the *j
Prince Kdward lies within th
ls-montane mineral heit uf Vii
?et bow manj sunk
rlthln the limits u;
i Idward and
.nd in
M iiu-i
a. Wi . and others
,...! wonder (
Prince Edward forms a pin ?
peat undulating pl. i
- [rum ihe limit ut tide*
m..kt ii rangi i of h
mike the outliers nf (he
-;. fruin
he Potomac at the northern <
airfax county to the North Carolina
me in the SOU tb WM t curlier of Pitt
ylvanla county. Tbia groat ?
laius many of thc
iinsi Important minerals and
if)s|ts III the - ?
: othei bull I
iee impanj Ing ml
in and
?urs |i, ? ly in puck,
ilsii in well di lilied veins, fol lill
it Whitehall, Buckingham county; al
he foot of Willis' Mountain; at < hula
md otb
riiougli much Uss valuable than the
? 11ry sutiie variety ol
I and pi i arel fur mar
I fur all purposes where the
itreugtb of the flbn teeutial,
? mil a- in the manufacture of Arc?
ings, etc., lt can i
lake the place of the rarer an I
ivsutile mu:
In \\ lilts' Mountain a uniqui
i pink or purple C L>r I
in great abundance, and frmu Itt
.1 dural.illly ?
valuable building material. N
ihe grai I be (Inc
roofing -late Leds nt Huck;
County, especially iii thc neighbor*
Ii.i.mI ,.f i more
; iy other building
importance mi .'nco,mt of thc quality
n! of the di
l thickness.
< ?f ;
-.rd, Buckingham and
mis of bituminous coal bave
I, and it has
taken place, except I illgbi
extent on the thin rapping
around I n, hu.I notb
known >.f the Interior of thi
The in 1/ portion nf thc
*, - a small detach* I
nt nie.
t on until afb
I'he Vi:
four principe
tining in (??.
ih Carolina,
runs in s northerly direction ll
Halifax, Charlotta
in the gold bearing .pis
Buckingham. In Charlotte county,
( umpaiiy have ..pened up I vein on
their p i some
a half
- ille a ntiii.
' the Virginia type art
?ample of ths ore at s depth or
md In Prince Kdward,
Appomattox, Charlotte and Halifax.
I he prut.lem in thi I haml
ling of the om ibis belt ls the re
sulphurate carrying from *H to \~ pet
ton. Coder careful I
management there
Uon process should
applied to -onie of the ur.-s of Ull?
in 1904 the '-Booker''ai d
don sud Vlrg - "f Huckin,
ham county were not In operation
i pat ton
.nine ii
Halifax county lia
operali-ix willi ore milling nut mon
'h .11 -:
ut of the lol ,
put nf thc I: ii lilith (trade
nf il ...minc
frmu Augusta county,
southeast nf Munni Ai
c.ni, iu Appomattox county,
* .? I.cen maile ami SoaBS
? repotted In thc vicinity
ni w lin- Mountain.
lor to that n .
i md lor mica has
rj much increased ..r I,-.
ml ..fits extonsit ? usc iii the
lust rles Much of the di
maud : hy nn|HU!
India, and there seems nu reason whv
mica ni .: j - , ill not beet
flourishing industry in Virgin ?
addition tu the Am. dep >*
- iii Prince
Kdward. Powhatan and I.
Among tbe springs ..f the mineral
lilt lithium is nut mined should he
a ualle
. I Cum
.nly, the Buck
A - . . ? .
?rid the several Ila - i of Nut
? - .
ami Fluvanna counties In thc vicinity
if Bremo Bluff* fur ' stone
I leaburg
I '..urti.
. ge ha*
1 W. Mo
sermon, and j Ding to
' -
? i>i rn ii.. B hieh de did
? Ihlnw n 0| < n t..
. ening,
? ?
ill tu kimw that ta
nell in all hid i < hrist, the
number Including nearly every noo
ii iu College, lt a
excitement ami no
\ 'iii..I. Tray -
mai kt'tl thc
ni thc lirst. Mr.
-really meell tn ll
lents I -i ami
1 and
silty, sml 1.
Will long be remelii
(in Friday evenh > 16th,
md tither- had the | rix i
-j In Vf. K. I .r-y thc, of
me li m and bave bim ipi ak
[ll Us ol " w,,rl*
? i the i M. CA.', held at the
irv 8th
In 10th.
Among tbs
ted at an ta-ly date are Hr. Mlltedge,
the ai.lest professors at i
Nmiual Behool, Paraville, snd Dr.
Vf. Vf. Mool , i .,r i ni .ii
,y, Richmond. Hr.
September, four young man hate de
. for the mini
Mr. and Mra. C. B. Boan
,. nlghl and
. iv With hei
Mr?. w. J. Shipman.
I of Mrs. -shipman
after quite a ?-1 k- 11 ol
ry ami Hattie Hubbard
and Mattie Bondurant, ol the B i 1.,
with their ho
Mr. B. A. Wilson, of Keysvllle, via*
Mr. J. W. Wilson,
lt ami Munday.
. Borton.
Mrs. Mary Brad '? Mi-.
OSI un the sn k list
Mrs. jaspei Wei
Darlington Heights.
I. W. Wilham- pn SCbcd tu a
' "
thai m I Ion
Ung two months
! tu report that Mi. W li?
on the
Mr* ,
- ipt. J IL I
I last
Mr-. < ..
We n of the 111
?mle, met his litth
Hg st the Minnie
,es ami de
4 this neiKh
Mr. John '
. and (laudi
Banco Issi
We understand Banco Post OHict
, daj - i ic
parliu- plant
Cureka Mills.
Heh. i
A prclly hmm- mams
bcatod at tin i Mi .1. i iuyd
Watkins mi I Hur-I-iy muming at
Ided lo Mr.
(rofl. The parlor a | i willi
palms, lillies and putted |
rr. Mr.
W. W. Avciett, Jr., and thc gBDOSS
with Mr. Pryor WUklnson, of I
\ille, while Mendelssohn's wedding
march .*
/ie Atilt.-:-.m. Hie brid.
in a brown chill, i :!:. and
Carnations. After a dainty
luncheon was served the couple look
ld Irani for their future
linnie In i,ty.
Hr. ll
ut lot Charlottesville to take clisr-<e
t Will
(Ml I
ed as th)
. .niatic
ninny e-timahle tra::
An importa . ,.; theeounty
ISSOCaS .rday.
i mect
i Bondurant, C.
. ami Mr. Vaughan, th
Red House.
mary Wli, Vt.
Miss Mam;.
itu- Mi-s,| Hancock
Mr. Josh Harvey spent last Sunday
at Hie hmne nf Iii. . fi ll.
Mr. Had I I
I d hail
ihe mUfortnnt
Ml*. Will., !'.,r. Vii-.
? :-lev, w h.. hast ian quite ill for
iome time, a ? - mach
Mi*. H. a. Hancock had th.
fortune lo fall and *pn,m her arm
*e\eral t\.i\ -
There i I atty st the
hume nf Mr. BUnnii
Dight, I th.
at Mr. John
Mr. BobEUIott, of Tola, risttad ins
father, Mr A - imlay.
Baby Iri-h, Clunj - ami
Letter to Geo. Richardson & Co.
,i- lt is a greal t iuhk for a
merchant to
in hi- r. ji.in, ni ..ui-i of anything
ls: put the pries up sod
it. The i.:
? i- inc paint tha'
trallom- I
a Job, ay ear, a ll Iel in le tm maller how
you KC! -I*, except
and COStS least lim
of tbs cost of paint is putting ii on.
that another priucij
IS lull)* B -t Killi
' iliiiix to I. .
thal make friends, ..f got
rich both buj i I
r than
one or two ethers; but leo is a plenty
it whonasn't
found-out his g.ls. lt .i
man long to flud-out that Di roi
leasl money paint ami irby, no mattel
w Inch lit
ll I . W . DE>
P, 8. .1 1 Wallon i Co , sell our
.xlonls that
.?annul he found st "Ilill
l; V Kinsman .?. I
- hard
\, w Killi ?
v ii. Davidson.
ulm tries to
look prclly an wini.
A woman ha- a real gOOdUmi
i.. r MtS-f.
? WOUld Irtl a heap nf \
ic fun Iii il.
nighty am ?
laugh ??<?
i, ll a mau
Ihe way BS
ramrdf lim dur. lb. Cooipl.il'iB. S-etewsissie
ImpHiciionv Hates K.w Siwa ssl lssaee.ee lae
Health. Il rm usa
fcseellilil rt.tuarsetseSs.asses*. nlaetrS.
Ma-Stoaa I'l-?. t-Ola-a* ii n a J-a.
McAi.i'iN Di
|| you SCTlll HS
soon as possible to above td.
i bottle ol your th??;
re*n*K< iv?anyway so we can sssrt
lt quick.
Why '?<m'* V'-ti put lt on .vew
York market I
W. .
McAlpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co.,