,!M , WOEO.
? ..?.
\n.l no
use tlir
I ill.
We n
ned nu
ful" an
We ?' ked tu hear o
i ut ll mi|
will be
in tli
\\ 'or
,y |.o
. Hnui
irday, March Slid. 11
\\ bile Johns Mi morial < 'burch
. it. ol Ht. Ambrose ? litin-l
ed. Il
ind eloquent,
ii I!
il ninl i
\ Siii'iiristi toflafl.
? 'ii i'u
I in i .mi', ille w ban
nil) John-ou -teigel, ..i I*
ride ..r Mi. John w . -i. v
k. I in- ci ri
;. hi the Methodist
Samuel*'. H
ither <>r
. .Mil Ililli .'lill
.? hou?ehold.
li. uml
; young
?xt nix.
eft tl same af
? - te rd ny
? of the mar*
"l Mrs.
I '.I Louis
ly, lo Mr. .Ionri Vf.
a eur*
.'.nully ol' tl.
ince ilie
I ..I bet
dr*?. lt. M. Johnson,
lt. I'.i.ill.v. ..I Mai
HOW ll til lill
III tilt
i* was Un
' III..' wt .1.11
Mrs. Davids*. Eotertalis.
?I. Misr
' cl ? ter. l in
. i
I made r i r. tty ef
?' -v is ihe garni
..iv decorate
' rj thing w ai
-tv le.
Tor Ihe Legislatnrt!.
I to pre
man to rep
lune that tin
Mi. Honduran
Uga, l.ii
i how i
Local .News flirty-Tit Tears Ago.
i >n llni rcl.'iy. thf lilli
oe ..r iii
l: ld un, of i 'um
ol Prince Iv!
ii un Woki n. A lei
* the Court Houi
night by h Mr. Thurman
ol Al i the Propl
. he nndv:
thal the end of thi
day of Apr!
? his calculations, bein
the time when all sublunary mattel
a. Ind up. This xviii h.'
hird term -
n Thur
. If not the olde
Hun i
Mttled here In Isl
. -rlaning, xxiii
\\ v\ 11 ii im men wanted lo woi
Apply to
li. Win Sm.i. c.vie ann ,
l.x nchbui
The Nnrmi.l lt Jamestown.
I .niall- Normal
represented al tl
ind handlct
. I should kn
it. We doubl it
made i
ititutlon In the land
ll? wanui
il its splend
i al the time of i
? ? nol told for 1
?i that it WOUld l<
i wild imaginings. Ai
bed il* zenith. I
sled, will be called on tm
? | :
?lite to form
? r xx..I
iii riel
i m..rc ni.mnhint banes
i herdaugl I
I the I
if ber uplifting,
Robin Season Mosing.
rj for ihootli
. . 11 of thi year, and tl
I, capt
The law
on th taine.1
but the i
ison in wh
lound equi
into :
law ii - Miler
le lo law.
lil al.
' Vpril, bul i
i tie ]
fol the :
Hani'i'lim-Sldney's Removal.
\l:. Wi vi \
to read
in a lair i sue "i j "in paper tba! the
cltlttos of Paraville were inclined to
consider and diceusa tba feaslbilltj of
removing tbe college of Hampden
Sidney to xour town.
luestlon of rema
know, has ' ? un and
ks with Richmond
the claimant lor its borne, and pm
.de in y..ur columns
. such nova, mainly on
'inds ol historic i
1 the old college al its pn
lt is the thin ed-re of the wt
tering the huge log thal causes its final
opening and splitting* and if the lov?
ers of Hampden-Hidney .?>' cooeede
the point that ita removal la a di
t|ueatlon, then the choice of its qcw
location is only a matter of a
and In bel reed for
it, Richmond will
outtiilk, outbid and outvote all ram
I, and the old College like the
Mmlnary will be engulfed In her In*
ible maw .
I have no personal Interest in Hamp
Iney. I had nol' tbe pri*. liege
in youth of being a -tiidrnt within her
?vails hut l revere the memory
..f Ihose, my countrymen, a ba In their
wisdom located and founded that
world-famed Institution, and I
th.-1.mau.I of Holy Writ: "Remove
not the ancient landmarks which
ymir lathers have -
With ii., higher motive than men
policy in, 1 would ask:
to i c gained by rem..
.? noble w..rk in tin. past aa
attested by her icholars thal aro now
in mi.Idle life Mattered all over tine
union the peers In iii. b
inter, a- preachers, lawyers, doctors,
ill others ii is flourishing now
and still Improving and keeping pace
with modern thought as shown by
la.ts and tlgures of her talented and
untiring president, Kev. Mr. McAllis
Will anybody dare say that the late
Phil. W. McKinney would have beau
au aider lawyer, a batter governor,?
pur.': man, had Hampden Bidl
? I city at tin
tillie be wa* a student Ih
1 r. Editor, it i~ not anxious lo?
in the material Ol moral
ng men that towns like I aim
v Hie ..r suit's hke Richmond an
Ing for colleges and universities with
in their borders; it 1- thal evergrow?
ing, Insatiable, despicable gi
th it is rampant
throughout our land.
If Farmville ls desirous .., keepiui
Hampden-Hidney College on tbe tar
tamed lull -ts present site, she must
ntille, and eni-.li out every ri-iiu.
thought ..I materiel advantage t.. her
self, fol I to it:
1! anywhere la conceded, just si
?ure will Richmond bc its new home
and the pride of more than a esutur-j
w ill be bul a memory In Prin
ward county. li. ol lt.
Death of Mr. (iilles|iie.
?1 !
Rusk ingham, Keb. 26, '07.
Deal -minion
on whnh it taiiie, claimed our age*
eouiity man. .lames |:. (Jlllespie, 01
Mon.lax night, the 18th ol I'ehru
arv. He was and had been for man;
vears .mr county surveyor, and al
though in lu* 7-th year sss* alinos
daily found at his work in the Held,
(in la-t Monday be hit home wit!
hi- chain, compaaa, etc, to u<>
miles to do a joh of work alni told Iii
children he would not he able to ge
through in time to return sud not t
look for him. lie hired a hone fron
Mr. Megisson, who ll*.
half mile from his li.mn-. Iini-liim
his surveying earlier than lice
he returned and left the hone at it
owner's about duak and started hom
1 ndlng path through th
He inver rearhed home, sn
the family not expecting him werai
ignorance of bia movements. The net
evening ba was found by some chili
ren enid and still in death within
fevx hun.Ired yalda of hi* I.ie; 1
had died 21 hour* ear ier.
"Jimmy" Ollli ba wi
familiarly called i.y ins mtlmati
they were i. - an bouombl
man. of highly nervous teni| eraineiil
easily IrltaUd, be was wont on >><
? to I e hasty in Speech, hut 1
had an al.1.lim* faith in (Jed, and 1
all men w hom ! have known.
ed himself moil positively ot I
a heavenly home.
? ard lum express himself tin
on several <ccaslons: -lr I wer* alric
en dead thi- moment I should |
Straight h. heaven I mu SUN of it."
In the Valley nf Virginia.
I the Hine Ridge harrier amt a
making headquarter! In tha great Vi
ley of Virginia where tba pan]
trialled willi xx hat li...I
en them that they are content to 'i
and die 1 n the ipot in which th
ri. 1 was only yesterday
the home of i loyal iona
the fa vx ho was living
. tie home in which lu- fut li
lived and .lied, engaged in
work, eating
int; in the same beda, sitting in t
same chairs looking out of the *ai
windows, drawing water (rom t
..ame weil, digging vegetables fr.
- ian-*, catting wood lr.
.me forest, working the sui
fields, worshipping st thc Mmoalti
and though he hal heeii in I
? he hadn't spent -?"> nit-l
from under Ins own roof." Hl|
iii iii !
Ihe land-ure atrontrer than on t
other-ide of the mountains and 1
devoted to cram and eas- crown
Cattle and fruit. Not a plant of
bay th
linn; it in larc
? Hy sight just ne
-.teen hundred pound horses
iter wagoo, holding in its ca
? ..ly in hales of hay
shipment. It is hard for me to N
i- ..ne farmer raise*) snough I:
for those half dozen monster hot
and yet help to supply the market
the world. It is that fanner'-, iii.n
? ir, and must U- a ni
MUsfaetorj i la nus da>
uncertain lai.or. Bocae of the lai
owneri* of this section tell me that tl
their fanni
their own stock aud that it
... i -iii ii ge* w bill ii
' i
While Hu- land- aie rich m, '
well rapport the people ol the Valley.
? to live int- i" th.
who live iii the country, I lind that
manufacturii lag the
entire Valley. 1 wa- thi- morning iii
a -mall town, airout one-third I
of Fsrmville, and thara l found lour
nourishing plants, a wisden mill, fur?
niture, stave and ?
did not know of th * demands ..i tba
extract business on our forests until
now. The amount of chestnut wood
w hiih has Leen accumulated at llu
exiract factor] was limply enormous
and dix Ly dix th. tree- are falliug lo
sstlsf) bs bungei ..f tin.- treegormsnd.
Alni the poplSI I- pre- e I li t..
to make our paper, and -urelx it lnu-t
be truly saul, --.ii making manj
of Which lhere i- DO end. '
<s objection t<> this
valley mode . f liv mi; and th ll
often they have c dd bread, and to the
ivsragi Southside Virginian tl
cheerless sight and makes a drsaij
h.. .1. ir..' tbej ba i
tblngl" but these by do
for tbs loss oi h'.t
mullins. I think I know at li
dear lady, whose linne i- xnitli of the
Jainw-, w ho if fed on enid bleed for a
month would badow.
Hut w hen the hired cook- all die, or
resign, <>r go North it may he that the
era ..f ...I.I I.read will ne tnauf
i Southside Virginia.
I have met with live rural mail CST*
.nlly who Sis the best work?
er- I h i ? * in any work held.
I'hey leave their homes in the niorn
ght, makw the L'u-mile round
and return at l I'. M. Prom that time
until dark one works in a blacksmith's
shop ami the other on a farm doing
a lull man's lull dav -
men were not bom lo I
? monthly from the |
ment i- And such men
ne not grumbling because of hard
Our fathers knew nothing ot
er-, now liny ale iii general u-e in
0 ir orchard sections and n I
Hiein are costly. I'.ut to have the
fr it you must have them and pru*
dent, successful men all huy them.
mers ol the Valley ari
? grow?
ing South-id.'. Here the grass grows,
lhere the light ls to kill gra*s. - \\ Uh
faults I love her still."
1 am told that he Valle]
healthiest se lion of the State, and yet
1 have no w here found -uch busy doc
tors. \S hen I lime the Subject at
IT bo liva here liny reply by
saying ll is the "grip." lt may he
true and a wide-spread erip it must I.e.
I met a public school teacher ?>f the
mais persuasion xx lu. bas recently
passed through a novel and thrilling
experience. Hs had occasion I
in" the son of a certain patron of the
school and il - the fond lath?
er that he at once went In search ol
: teacher with blood In
and a his: -Hek in bis Itroug right
hand. When he reached the -
action he proceeded to lift his blud?
geon to -trike down the boy-like In?
structor, who doesn't weigh more than
130 pounds while tbe assailant tips
.ii at Is". Hui the bo] *
trained bosci and dodging tbe i los
felled the strone man to the tl.u.r. Ile
arose and down he went again. I
mention this occurrence t" admonish
our prospective teachers to look well
to their mu-cles a- well as their minds.
I never knew until nov that tin
cranbei profitably cultiva?
ted except in tba Jersey Ila'-, hut bert
on the mountain lida I bavi i
patch from which 250 buabl -
gathered Isstseason an I -old at
per bushel. Can not the same thing
he done in I'rince Kdvxaid ai. I
side Virginia generally? Om
Ui/en of a town or communit\
ia of immense value 1 -pent las
tllghl iii a small mountain town 0
three -tor.--, a mill, a shop ami ii
depot, and yet it has the Iu-t wale
supply of any other place I know of
and this is the explanation: A fevi
years seo a citi-eii of the town
trol of a splendid mountain -pring
and introduced the pipM throng!
Which ha- bSSfl flowing -mee an mex
haUstlble Supply Of water as |:
clear a- your own Illina. The Inm-c
SIS furnished with luth room-. Iii
plug- abound, the i -
s ipj.li.-d with I the ow ncr i
Dg a monthly incline ..f sixt
.lollara on an investment ol
Hi. inc .me will increase with th
grow th of the place and tbs vv std -ni
ply will adi) to the growth of th
place. Thi- asms enterprising citize
in other directions and he lu
taught me thal now and thi
one ii to l.e found who eau do tw
thing-at the-ame time and do hot
well. Via.
i ? -t deslgna in white
at "HU Ism an s.
French Madras pap, r f..r 1.
'.X .
" y
i lo
Our Bahy.
Farmville gave first money towan
tbs construction of the Farm
Powhatan railroad, DOW the I
and Western, and under the
ment of thr company 1
writing the IBQflDH -.. contribute
might as well haxe been dumped lo
tba Appomattox river. In thi
interest Would at hast hav.
and this has heeu a constant -*c
worm" into i.ur treasury from tbs Iii
e until noa
ver Leen a train run
u the int. - i rns\ ill
Citizen! eriand '>r How hat;
who might wi-h to hiy in mir mark
would have to he ai-t-nt from h..ii
an hour tn o ir-t ires during btlatol
mo id at least three days of e.
spend the entire.lay in i- .
an I return to their homes ni time I
These tblngl '
be, ' a
shu lld take p'ea-ure in orr.
evil without even l*eing ask. -
so. lt i-..ur I. I.y and ought not
-ting. _
Babv Irish, I'lunv. Insert
Aliov. N. li Uh
ung New in ladies.' oxford- tl
i ann 't bs fouud at "Miliuna
Thoughts un Organization.
? in the history of Virginia
much ' planting a
oiwl all doilht or
ill the
mind-of the mai..rilx of ihe formats.
to reduce the acreage fiosa la-t year,
for this in.!
liol -o much mi aCCOUnl .-'
a- it i- not having control of
it. I will mention that I
ploying ami control Ing tha
merchants" a- the - them.
for among H..
ni tho
and honestly, and I
th.- opinion of > igbtful
that the C immission iner?
tly advancing provisions and
ring mon to d. moralize
and destroy the labor than anything
? ii of all'a.r
con tin ties to exist, I lill the
golden egg
self-evident proposition. Think
..f it my commission i
. whom you will
..r the
?I your own race, upon xx hom,
? oiintry.
Another cause why farmers cannot
control latx.r, is that rail
ly more for their ll
iflold 1" pay, at thc :
4 for our farm pro
Why eau they alford to pay more*
one of ihe m..-! prominent lumber
bot of mine, "that they hail I ?
gan Iring for ten years, and now they
could get the value of their lumber
and xx ith a kind I]
lion of the farmer- for ll cir mutual
protect! rn ami prosperity, and l might
say for their only : future
We rea
lumber nos and t- thead
itlon. \ el w hen
thw fannel- begin h. organ I
:i effort to protect theil
we lind men xv h.. :idici'le
and even a g that
Which allot ..( men have
' . the boot bl
i/atioii, I will hring t.> the minds ol
tho e wi.av see lit to sketch the.-e
ne thoughts of an old clod*
er, an Incident that occurred in
ii tiie tow n ot Paranx ille.
I hcie vv as a pile of tl
sold on the Moor, and one of the iu
ipsctors, knowing the pries offered
-t of production
?? auctioneer a ll
and with
eye one of the buyers -aw I,in
this in not be
-mt ofjuetl fore Hu
: lie gen
tleinen who com] *? lld art
organize.I. not in the interest of Un
funner, hut to protect their own ni
ten st, which the] ' to do
I the I inners no
have the same right to organize lo pro
lect their int'
If we du not, vv. .Hy al
other people tn act M 0
tod lani ami saying to them, I
four labor, as the*
: for their advantage, ami what
is the sinai
portion that they think the far
lixe .m. Theta are nieii all i
country who do not hesitate to sa;
they i - light to pool thei
-till holding idl
plucking the fruit from tl
ed and are being cult, a
members of the as-ociation. Leam
Mj t i tbl M f-iimers consider tni
:i earnestly. -.dcm: I
tully, and ll nliousl,
U is youl duty to pool your ti
to protect tin- interest of our love
community, boa ager n
s?y it is iu
the fa mers to organize and v.
gethar. When we remember Hu
I'eter. ? I < liri*
: his Master, and thc many
our day who
vow - tl uv ..lice made to their I .od ttl
have brokil
rcliureh, we arc mit siirprist
to lind some unfaithful t>> theil pied)
mada : on. Hut ;?
who profess Io
Uh ria tia na, and to have within the
nt of Christ, lilied xi Uh a d
thwart the efforts ot the fan
ern, ahould n a mei
her of tlc
My brother, ?
heart . of Gi
prompts you to do thi-. or ts it t
prompting of a heart filled with a si
llt-h de-ire 'or ill gotten gain ? H.
Wwii ii Inn men wa
in ..ur il
Letter to R. J. Carter,
Ity I'rug >'?
knowledge, how
another paint ibey knew all ?
old righi th. .
ted the bouse of W.
the I I
coat that other paint lu
r lah
111 Ni
ii paint, and has a
local goodwill.
Hut the standard of paint '.
low- all through the
ufa ps
haifa -mall.
wi h a
15 Vf. tfeVOl
! K. Wall.,
I'.atiite. Linen l.ai
nens snd ninene.
Hampden-S '
-lui of Inter."
*i number
t of February
??'? Junior aid Senior cia ?
render a progra.n of pul
of course, i
mg the turin of Washington. I
I progrsm *?-.tdslightftilly
cai ned through tbll
clpiins of i by Mr. L
Burks O'Neal, of FS
from tbs Philanl
. Iph of Hoa
'?. Koy-tou Je-tet. Jr., of
Lynchburg, Va., I'liilanthropic Junior
? I of the
Ur. -am.ul H. Han?
nah, Jr Vs., Junior
orstol from thi - "Hie
Relative Influence Of Men and Wo?
men, " by Mr. J. M. M. Fitxgersld, of
v a., Philanthropi
. I >' of Our
by Mr. Tom K. Voung, of
I, Vf. Va., I mon Junior ora?
tor I'lie a re of un
i ii .- j
Barnsrd, of Ros
. ieil at
<?n i iturdsy,
I lilli of
the Coll i the play "Chsr
Ihe fol
I in its
parda, Vs., I ula ?
of ('hamp. Vs., Cari Mein;
jin ton, of Richmond, ?
Hubbard and Wm. Hoj
lon, Vf. Va., t 'oggirj < rockett,
Richardson,of Karmville,
L. Bul f I axetteville, W.
I Harry H. Martin, of t ?ak
Park, III. Thc play was a
? nd point and ie
? go to the Coll.
Dual, which, by ths mg t>>
be a superb volume.
ling, the 24th, I?r.
Milled: tte Nounal -
delivered a most Interesting add
-: r.a.l of Christianity In Bu
-v of the gradual ad
i until
i bristlsnized, ami
Idusl falling hack and then thc
extinct inlsm In tl
territory, waa graphically porti ?
An unusual numbai <>i young
hen during Inter?
mediate, among tbs numbi
i lunnlngton, McKlnnt j
I nih 1 dun.
I'armv ille, Mi-- ( aldwell, of i
mil, at Maj. A. lt Venal.Ic s. Mi .
' atkins, of South Boston, at
Prof. Brock's; M - ton, of
charlotte i il at Mra H. P. Lacy's;
annie Muller English, of Rich*
inond, Minnie Hlanton, of Karmville,
and M.
:.t McAlllsti
of the Normal, at Prof. Whiting's;
.rd-..ii and Carrie
?it Prof. w.
'-: Mildred Richardson and Mattie
I I-'arinv ille. and Haller,of !'?>
cabontaa, si M ri John \ i
Watkins, of Danville, si Miss Addis
Venabli uley.of Richmond,
of the
. at Mles Carrington'-. Mi ?
BbreckhlM will remain for
Qt anti
Mr-. McAII
Work on ll
progressing finely under Ihe editor*
i ll. C. Bagby, of tbs
neut of Pb] printers
will be running "il tbs On
lion within .
.". IH-IT.
Mr. John Hai k-dale.lied al _
on Monday at the home of his-on Mr.
a Hcvere Ill
grip. Ile wai quits an old
week- -ut two
hour- later and at the same \<'r.r
Emily M.M.: * altar a
' u daughter-.
of Mr. B.
Mr*. M apathy of tin
On I v. M.. Jaine
,- Hie infant son ol Mr. ami
Mrs |. iinoiiii
Heulah M.
? wing dux nt I
Mr. <i. W. Redd, of the Star Ware
re willi a -' on lu
With Mr. mid Mrs. J. ft
Mr. and Mr-. Porter, and Mi
Mary I
Mr. W. I.. Chap;
la-t v. -
Mr. Frank Pillow, near h.
hi- dwelling hou-.
worthy man with I ly, am
he has :
I, and many saw
Many bil ll in thi
iorhood the I - MOO, b%
plenty left foi
(lur former neight-or?jolly big-hear
ficient policemen :
hi- fri.
Ins new home.
X. H. Ha
Shirt Waist H.
N. H. I'uxidsou.
Flirty-Five Thinisand Dollars for Five
Hours of Pleasure.
Vaodsrbtlti . wu-i
?mupany. playing at the I
I Theater, in New Vork, to
give a single | on lier lawn
on an Augual night. Pot this trangie
item of Um entertaniiiieiit HS
? a '
teen hundred dolla: - Anus
I-.ii in Woman's Home
Companion f..r Msrch. "Fort1,
dui lion IBS had ere.;..! a tiiiip.uary
' .1 to a
small anny of carpenters for a full
i -in ui Weston ? rough
? IN were hidden hy white ami
gold bunting, draped with Kilt r
Siled with n d the
. lbs eatsfSf'a
bill SVSU more, [he driv.
to the house in-iii the -tr.
veiled int.. a Mi. I way, e. >nd neted wim?
ont char,
(.mex I
? I he . rix ed ihottij he?
rn o'clock; t ituriit
gan at midnight; tbs cortillion
follow ol on tbs Im i- of |
and just as tbs first cool white -
nf daw.. i ,, Hie
? I the player folks KM from
Puring Hie in?
terval forty-five thousand dollai
tertsinlng a hun
and ODS tho
employment. Inrty-llxe thousand
dollars for live hours of pst I
Newport did d sark
New - and
Handkerchiefs N. H. Maxi:
New-tock val. and Torchon lacee.
R. N. Hlllasss
-. hard
i i.-iit Dan IN "'** altai
my bark
- t
aamnuwoutaixl to Im-ineaa.
Whit* * Cu. and Wins*?n I
M"|i I loll (Oil j* ll
..I***, will UaUaJ* lt i" th* l?-jt
... pjrft Ijuk. bum** aSsSaaTat Whstcaflo
Jerome ss crosa-queatlonsi i* i ter?
ror, lt - l and of iniineii-e
B,k kt, >(!;.-farm!
That's ul!?
od coffee.
None of that "fn
by thc *>ound" store stuff
nobody knows where, full ol (
atmosphere and soiled han.'.
the teal old, genuine egg am 1
coated Arbuckles* AR!'
Coffee, which thc folks keep in
the original package and grind in
the kitchen.
That's Ct.;! !
nd Puff
Foud La- ?' '*'*
\i.KN I- FOR
lill l.lll.KKATfcDtOSBY
-rn) Yf'
? ?
S. W. Paulett & Son
uno!., M.KI.H '?h.
..ray f.rm, two
j. at VI
'.'ork City
McAlpin Dia. Kim. Co.:
Deaf ??r,(I as
-.mn . i l" abon
dress a bottle ol your dy*-;
ramedj?saiiywaj * Ul mt
it rjUieTk.
Wlr, ? ? put it (Ml New
York mar-..
Yours &c'
McAlpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co.,
Panrr'f v.