Newspaper Page Text
: ABRAHAM PLEADING FOR SODOM | I Sa*. S<X~I !??" ?" ??<> 1 "?' S ? _ m 5 a4?-lal4??1-*-?s?*??<?????????-?*--**<'l,', - ' ' I - Comment and Suggeitive Thought. In tl. form to ' of the ? in God ,n form In ' ' g to Im ? lt hat the affairs of men. and j not all mini ? I), and that ' 1:4). Answer to Abraham's Prayer. .n all true prayer, it was -ing and the answer to prayer r friend ?h him Thus wo I ?i with his i - ca;,e of man in the city. H ty. He down man. ' all the plain. It ls ? of gagrant acts of sin, open climes. hut we must not stay ii: ep as far away from sin as ? in thoughts of sin, from ' sin. her Lot's wife. Look not bark. Maki? ng from sin ' ' ? ? ? and h.-aven. ? i look arl* but bind, and tho fii i ? liquid saline mod Third.?Abrahan sd la t for that was essential to the promotion "f ' ll which Abraham had ? ::il to soul of our prayers \\'!i> ri a little ? 'her for the Boon, thinking it a bright plaything, the ?? child's | airing him the plaything which he nally wants, and not the moon, which ? want, for the gift would Siring him the moon woul : : lng his pr.i wants all d of all from their all other asl rs t loo Hs kn nt Hs with all his nature that all ? ' ? them. Bat they ? from sin and not In sin. There? fore 1,. The one deadly enemy to tl ' by this till th." I with unright Mi n /.aland" who I a broken arch of London bl sketch the ruins of St. I-auls," or on Brooklyn bri h the ruins of I ork, lt win I of un righi, Practical Points. ?xii in ?he angel of Jehovah di and to f ' rn the Hts of their own i their moral nat'; are often dormant till G ? many men around them from al and not suffer Sodomites did, nor lia Lot. PHONOGRAPHS In I hei lt in \ Ins art i ll ( hi Tal ini| tl..! Du A .,111, far i T flt-1 rest mai twe Mm iil.1; in n Pall 1 or Ti a ~T*-'fffllJWsTlli 1 am agent f..r th. EDISON Phonograph - obtainable. H. H. HUNT. Ht ?ly. nans mak dock nen, herpi any < your ? up ttl Hie. , n \ intala st., i Q| oxer tittled with kidney l Hon* xx hieti eau-ed in,' nun-' , j,,,,,, Hlll| Ui,MN. | lott un down, and a rem ? , v, i toaDandonsrorksntirsly. ;'.. Is-st physician- \\ ho ?s**1 mc no g.s.d sud I xx ss piaclically g- ,en Up to .( - Kidney (un nm mended and thc Hrsl is.itle Ka ve me great relief, and after taking [tte I \\M-eiititeix oured. Why not Ul il help you " the Win -Ion Di Nothing xx ill relic- e indigestion thst i- not a thorough digeatant. Kodol \\ Ital you eal mi,.I allow- the stomach lo Kt IDOL is a solution I i.l- and a- nearly a- poa. ; ...Minnies the dige-tixe juice i mid iu the stomach. Kt > I i >i in,.-- the xx ? ? i k ..f dlgeatloa oil -lixe organ-, and while per (..lining tin- work it-elf does greatly :i--i-t i toa th..rough real lu nd.Inion thc ingredients..! K< MX M. ,.iia oorreetlvs o' \ nnd br its action - restored tn ns normal net ix itv ami power. KODOL ls mann* .??I. ix a ith the ? ' ,1 nud Drugs Law. -.dd by nil druggists. I a-ii - set, Ky | ? in, I mi and get, So if at the finish you xx ill bs. Kock) Mountain i Ding ( ... Willie wailed and Winnie wbeexsd, while xx-iiiii*,- xx iuds m bined welrdedly. ^\ lille w riggled ? ln:< \\ linne wheezed w isdom whinners, arin* er winds work wheezes. Wherefore e Kennedy's Laxative Si ? ng . rae so g..<><i . I liruggUts. Laxative 1 rmi Syrup isa new Yiiic.lx, an Improvement on the laxa formei yean, as it doss not -ant to ake. lt i- guarani, i. faggsd mit, nervous, Hollister's . .igthens the lids digestion, bung- refresh , !iis. i en oi tablets. Ths \ ni-ion 11rug < ... Iiniiibi rlaln*- Colic, t llidem sud Illari Kt iiuil i. - .en ut use for oxer linly years and bsa pr<>x,d Itself tobe 'ie iin'-i succeesful remedy yet dls* ? l c rmpuaTnts. 11 ever falls. Sold hy The Winston Tiles of people have Piles. Why utter from pi ia use >ex\ nts I url mli/ed Witch Ha/el Sive and wet relit!. .Nothing cl-c Beware of imitations. See imped on each box. ..ld Ly all dru LaUnppe Cough syrup ..f i.ure ind and Wi 1.1 I'ht-rry. Beaton ? -umption, il .1 luna troutilra. Largr M.r\ I link .nell's under the eye idicate a sluggish circulation, torpid xer and kidneys. Kxercise and ky Mountain Tea will ake you xxell and beautiful I or Tablets. The Win-ton iambi ri.lin's I niigh K.m. .Ix is Bulli \gr. cable and Itl.ttiic Chamberlain's Uous*b Remedy has .superior for coughs, .olds and croup, id the fact that it i- pleasant to take ul conta iis nothing in any way in? not s has made it a favorite with others. Mr. VV. 8. Pelham, a mer* iant of Klrksville, lows, nays: "Foi ore than twenty yean < 'bamostiatn'i ?ugh Berne*ly has been my leading medyforsll throat trounce, lt is peclally successful In ease-of croup, iiidren like it and my customers w bo I it will not take any other." by The Win-ton Drug ('<>. Nuilee (..Our ( il-toiiier-. pleased to announce that dey - Honey and Tai for coughs. Ids and lung troubles il not aile, ted ? .li,.uni Pure I .t ninl I >rug n a- it contains no opiates or other imf ul drug-, and WC recommend it i..'dy for children anti ult-. The Winston Drui< (io. Tetter, (fall Kin um and ii/.ina ? foi which Chain Balve i- espeeislly valuable quickly allays the itching anil miling and boo i effects a cu re. Pries, 'ie Winston Tlii- i- rTertk li meiiilieriiig Allene, .-r you have a cough or cold, ? liner that l-'oley's Money and r xxiii cure il. Do not flak your .Itli by taking any hut thc genuine. pe, Tiie Winston UL' VO. Cause nf Stimuli h Troubles. Vlien a iietn ha- trouble with hi m eli you may know that he is eat more than be should or of some food or drink not suited to ' occupstl.or that bia bow* are hal.dually constipate.!. Take imberlsln'i stomach and Llvsi regulate the boWSla anti irove the digestion and -ee if the ible does not dissppear. A-k fora I le Sold by Tiie Winston old that mny develop into umoiiia over night, can be eared rkly l.v taking I..hy's Honey and . lt will care the moat obstinate rack c ugh and strengthen your lunga. ' genuine i- in a yellow package. Winston Drug Co. Kliciiinatie Pains Believed. Iintiihcrlaiu's Pain Balm relieves mintie patna aad makes sleep ami possible, which is alotss worth ly times ill cost B. I'. Crocker. .. now -I yean Of age. and for ? iyi "I am ter* - afflict eu with sciatic rheumatism iv lett ann and right hip. I have I ..liles of ('liaiiil-erlain's i Bslm and it did me lota of good." -ale hy The Winston Dre No 1 il-e oil lt. cord. ?-'I of a cougii .id resulting in pneumoniaQT ption after Foley's Honey and taken, ai ii xviii itopyoai |h and break up yoUTCOldquickly, nuina Foley's e-, and Tar in n yellow package, taints ro opiates and is safe and ' >r. Thomas' (Selectric < ni i- the remedy for that often fatal die Mi d xx Uta sue in .mr family for eight yeera." rs. L. \\ hiteaere. Buffalo, N \ ?axy, impure tiltnal make-i s mud piuiply complexion, beadacbes, ea, indigestion. Thin blood I--you weak, pale, sickly. Bar Bitters makes tbs bio.*! red, pure?-restores perfect health. ips itching instantly. Cures pile-., na. -alt rheum, tetter. Itch,hires, an'l i liniment. At Irogati r a mild, easy action of the how i single dose Of Doan'- Ree*aleta ?ugh. Treatment eu res habitual ipsti.ui. 26 cents a Ih.\ \-k druggist- for them. 'H. MONTHLY MISERY is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always loaves you weaker, and is sud- to shorten your life and make your beauty fade. Instep pain take Wine of Cardul and it will help tit relieve your misery, regulate your func? tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a re? liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head? ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, dizziness, fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient medicine for all women's pains and sickni Mrs. J. L Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to women, and it has completely cured nu-." AT ALL DRUG STORES, IN $1.00 BOTTLES WINE OF WRITE US A LatTTXR d.v. Phinf fnily .11 patt ? an' ?. aaa in ? In a.aifv envelope. I .Jip AJ.ivh. altan...| asa, Teni JIU _ CARDUI ^ NEW LINE & In connection with my lun^ established Furniture Stine. I have added an attractive line ..I Carpets, Mattings. Rugs and LINOLIUMS Will Ir- glad tn have yon examine tlu-mj ami compare mit' prices with ut li' Every Grade and Quality DOYNE Furniture Dealer and Undertaker HILL & HENDERSON Land and Industrial Agents. Timber and Investment Brokers. ONLY Members.'Noriolk & Western Immigration Association IN FARMVILLE ?WESELILAND List your property with US for results HILL & HENDERSON Office Third St. FARMVILLE. VA. H. E. BARROW & CO., Commission Merchants -AND DEALERS IN: arming Implement*, Hardware and II aw Goods ol Every !?. tptiou. Beat Gredeaof Fertilizers. If you want tbe beat buj tbe Owensboro Wagons and Buggies. Wc have on[haml a large stock ol' Wont] Heaters, ('.ive us a call. Oar PRICES are RIGHT. Also a big stock of Horse Blankets and Buggy Robes that we can make interesting for vmi. "There is pleasure in thc pathless woods" if you. TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU All prices ?All styles -?H-H H. C, CRUTE & CO., I tm Magazines by the month or year. I'p to date Post Cards, Local Views, Comics and leather Cards. ri Fi. Spec TH IN 1 Usa Venal P. Da ai II. M. Ar rim- th Th* I .arti I r-mmt; l-?.k? et ala. And that t da>.a mav I. REMEMBER That the pecuniary loss, inciilent to death, can lc surtly ami fully priivitle'l for I.y loaurlog in he American National Life Insurance Co. lt uill also provide for ymir SECOND CHILDHOOD ihouM yi.ii sseapa tari** death. -ITS POLICIES ARE .mk I'i'KSKKVKKs, ( iiii.i> Kin . M..its, Sw mus KimM W \\ r in Oi.i. Am . GARLAND & MARTIN, General Agents _ PARMVILLB, v.\. j srald and N. ?. World S lUU FLUE CURING IMPROVES TOBACCO LIKE ROASTING IMPROVES GREEN COFFEE Flue Curing Develops the Stimulating Aroma and Taste Found In Schnapps ihat Satisfies Tobacco Hunger There arc three ways used by far? mers for curing and preparing their t for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and flue cured. Thc old j called air cnn ti; the lat* r mproved way .ih 1 flu' i thc tobacco i I ant! r intens Hues in li.iu ially bui : to re? tain th'.' heat, and there kept bi jiruj/t r temperature until this curing process developes in the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant aronui found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffee is made fragrant and stimulating by the roasting process. Only choice selections of this ripe, juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco prows, are used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands of high grade, flue cufed tobaccos. Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps; the outside of the imitation plugs of to 0 is Hue cured, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco; one chew of Schnapps v, ill satisfy tobacco r longer than two chews of a:co. Expert tests prove thal flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous (mont region, requires and takes less sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, fying effect on chewers. If the kind of tobacco you are chewing don't fy, more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chew? ers forme ly bought costing from 75c. to $1.00 per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts, strictly io and 15 cent plug 5. ll. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-salem, X. C. Kp THE NEW IDEA ?? THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE KS E1 COUGH SYRUP |R| ENNEDYMXATIVEHONEY^AR ii Moves the Bowels kaaU Best for Children ? ?^sWeicsafsioissmmEftijBcHia HBILCS,tt For Sale by all Druggists. C6 ^U/A^ALvu. Qa/OAjCimXcA Cc ^rurru crt JiAsr&cA^ ojM^^ iu TU) (rt&CA, lUriAm^M A Wr'ffrtn Ct -. -mt\li\t\ of a TFS mvim W>*?*?? COSCIRS is the best assurance you can | r\ TfrlllGn vUdraniCG heve ol the sups-riority ol the COLUMBIA CRAPHOPIIONE ? ? V-lth this guarantee you don't guess, you K-iOW which is best. ASK YOI R OH*, BASKIR as to our responsibility and financial standing. Free Trial And f 6Sy Payment Offer Then scad to our nearest dealer or to us and get our .... "?~~?"""*"??mmmwm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm This is your chance to secure the Bl SI Ul KIM, Mst HIM SUD!. on payments which will not be felt WC ACCEPT OLD MACHINES OE ANY MAKE IN PART PAYMENT. The Graphophone is the Ideal Entertainer in the Hone! ^e.^ev? ^j? Try * arana Pris, Paris, l ooo Double Orand Prize, M. Let-la, 1904 Itftt-hcst Award, Pori land, 1905 Columbia Phonograph Co. 90-92 West Broadway, Mew York. ^ d*1 8?nr1 hip full oVtstls -JV* of your Ka ir rayment aud Eld-inge llao. fie Farmville Commercial Co., i vr. i>.) Commission Mercbws General Merchandize. WV nirry a LARUS ."TOCK of Bavy Groceries. Drv Goods and Hardware. ;ial Prices Mad*; on Goods Bought io Large Quantities. 1PARMYILLF. COHHERCIiL CO.. KA KM V 11.1. K VA ?' 1'riiw**' Edward on lc. Jan*. C. ? via and Isabella Das Plaintiff, rai nat v An<l<*raon, and Frank tderaon. the laat nam..) tx-ing- an infant un. e are of fourteen yean- -Defendant. In Chancery thia suit SS tn ..Karn a sale for ion of a tract of land il 1 containing lal a.rr*. stan.tina on the lan.I of aa .1 county in the name of S. J. Pl Isa an affidavit having; heen made and filed he defend.. on tey An i an.l Frank M A- Sal named an infant ui I reaidentaof the State of Virgin I that they do appeared hen' sritl fter doe publication hereof, and do what ? tereat in this K copy- Teate: Clerk. Dickinson, p. q. fah. &-'t. ?????++?H The 'i'is<- L.aaru:s?sal .\i*sii < >s-?i?-.s* Ilotisse lu til.* aVJOtatll ALBEMARLE Pure M.- IO ytatt aM 4 lull quarti - . . S3 00 dells, rs YADKIN RIVES, Pure Ncrlh Carolina Cirri, 6 years old, 4 lull sts., $2.50 sJallvarasi C BIMT and VIRGIN*. SJOLNTAIN RY?.$2.00 per gallon tAZAJ-US CUB. Cr,.rn cl all Whiskies, . lt 00 per quart, |3 50 per gallon Wilts* tor I'l-loe I.last L. I ..US. Lynchburg.'Va. ?* ?**+?+++ -M->-Htt?Jtt4"H Sj racuse Plows NOTHING BETTER C. M. WALKER'S SONS FARMVILLE, VA. - Strait * Cf4t|--a Jam, $, i9o?i LEAVE rAf^vTLLEo NORTH AND --a*T No. | ? ? 4-**-m- .rn. j.,,0"1 H AND WEST * No &, ^>P.m. . ***?? r-r leanne. aa.? ?*-?? '..'? - '??.iumhE* "J^-ns - r-**- i(*dfwl' Csa J I ?ir.iiii' car. ?? aaSaaS No- 3 Kass w^. ^^ ,: ?'???'. ttv*5?-* .. ? K?*nok* -J Era* "to &&*?** r,0lk' -??aaaal^ r ! '"V and Ha. Iu*k 'or fwf^JT^ C* SEt THAI YOUR TICKETS ?t?00vHT)(t Norfolk and Western Kallvn CHI?ec.T.BCST.H08ulc?, "J Wnla f ,r Rate., M.,,, Tu_ T ,. *** ...hi. u. to W' TUB**-Tai>at, -^ -i'-AMMDasTs; 1" kai A?t.. Parara, tr a*, n. bimi t. ,. . .."?**vs Gen. Pbs "-.JL-'H0*-. Koanoke Va Ma 1 No. 4. No. ?. For the latest ant] most np-to-date workmanship PLUMBING Os every description, 3team Pipe Fitting ind General Repairs, Apply to N. M. GILL, Main St., Farmville, Va. LalVERY^ And Sales Stables, fe .-'? ''"? * "Ss ( .T^trERJLaTjTsvH ti2*M I take this method to Inf public thal in oooasjetlaa with my ital lea I lune Jsjs-aaajJ s Livsrj. ? bpr-j ?VT ALL HOURS md vtbiolai may be hired nabla |.ri(r?. I'ruuipt at tent.|tvatl till order* ami the best aarviea *p*afants**jrl. I earne**!*/ Solicit youl pulr.uiHafe. Cox'soM ! (Mirth -treet. Psatatat f. W. VAUGHAN T.!M. K. TAI.COTT. General Maaaftv ??ii.i u \ i iii a Wmrms 1{aii.k?iaii Tim.- Tal.le in .IT.-ct Monday. Jany 7. Itel -tsraea Karim ille and Richmond Tia Mushy n lt. lt. Tue-,-rt. Dsib **.- ..>.r p. m. p. a. i .aily ni Stations. . M A. M. I.v. Ar. I ? : IM Karmville IK (M Kaines lit IK Hawk ?? ia I ? ,Ulie *0T IM M, Rae's IB lt < mberland SH 4*4 ll"I * *9 <* HIT Tiilavcmlle Itt 13 ?u ia SIS IS Macon 7 46 IM I'..whalan 7S t* Mes-reAia "? ttl 711 IM 1 tt Ar.Moaeley Lve. 3 35 Ar Kurmond Lve. <M HU Between WhtsrsiSa and Richmoa. (Via M...-.'lc> and Southern Railway! Daily nen 'un-lay. Stations '?'? \ M Arr. P.M. Winterpock 1 57 Coal boro 'nuarter Arr Moeeley L\e. 3 35 Arr. Richmond Lve. Ill tu ta ia hu < ' - afh.-.ti-raadAtJaa aat Lin. Railroad. ! linday. P.M. Ms>s Winterpock Coallwro Summit I'erdue Beach Nash 6 34 Arr. Cheater Lve. .. to Arr. 1'eten.bursi Lve. KOO Arr. Richmond Lva 147 4.-7 Aa HIT UM MM nv MM M8 MM IM TM IM 11 ? . m. for A C. _ Between Bermuda and Chester, eava Cheater at 8 40 a. m.. arrive 1 ? heater at Itt 9 ?? ?*"?" 4 p. m. F. B Griff. G. P A NOTICE! rl.en you |0*tO KI.'limoud.dOB'tfslll-' R. FRANCENE'S r,.v'p>I n.AC???J llb. Keauurant on the t*?***^ nea and Liquors, imported ?"?**? lUsrs all the year round, a spee-slt**, mt timm, aP-aaa* .?nt*.. talf-fry, 20 cent*. ti-w, U .eine sud -Jst-ents. lam and Knn?. -ii cents. ?"rt.Tli..'j-.- -tf?k. Scents. '.verytliii.K la NSSSBj. ?05. 907 E. Broad St.. Half bloch from the < ity Hall. Klchinond. >*? HOLLISTEB'S icky Mountain Tea N-W" A Bm; Msdlstas 6rr Besy Fjr ss Health ??? ??*?? *IV . I ?'?*??* , , ~n ' ? ? .Li?'t*T*3|Sj '"">"?*?'*. "?''?^Zaaaia OEM KUIJOETt FOR WU0? PE0r*u 1