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HIE FARMVILLE HERALD. : mu: .,.?,, PAOTi ,ii:i.l- lui: mi: PRBBEMT, HOPE TOH VEE ri "TURK. PARMVILLK, VA. TODAY, MARCH 15 NO ll \ TOWN DIRECTORY. "A H I county dir:ctory. ,Lt,vic. . Inti tai, Prince Edvard County, Va. ure RANK.LIN ATT" (?tartan An /SKIN co., You Run No Risk ' ? W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler aad Optician. kb II V AR VU Field Lawn Poultry and Rabbit Fence DUVALL, SON 0 CO'S. FOLEY'S MINMAI The original LAXATIVE conan remei Tin- I'.v-nulne rvn>-VS I TAR ' only by ?oley A. Company, Chicag< Tin- rT I natos Dr. IORSES and HILES Fur Sale or Hire. <r'' k First-Class Livery and Feed Stables. ZIMMERMAN BROS. We riual SPRING AND SUMMER OlPEXIXG Ihe Globe Tailoring Company Ma - in I WI ARV M) AND 31 Richardson & Cralle, Va. MAGNIFICENT Take a look at our CUT GLASS Highest duality ? mable Pri Chappell. KINDLING WOOD ^ Wi [mt up in?ililli nice, dry pine wood tor W CENTS think oi it?only K to last a MONTH. FARMVILLE MTG. W*. REMI I inoiili'i |.|..\ iilt.l The American Nati it will sh SECOND .hi you ITS PO GARLAND & I R FURN! II' ' ATC _ Wc ure license*] embalme: Iv found ina FIRST-CL/ NATURE TELLS YOO. a Kaimville Keail. Wrll iur. I'. .1. I w itli k; ty in Hi kidneys ind an? io ll. < l?t a i.. ""illa. I : Willi 111 ,1, .| Hiv . Ill lo tl.I'll ! them mildly ex a nf them." 1 .... liuHalo. .1- f..r tin- I niter! State*. LOOKING AT plea of my Wall Paper. A postal card will bring them. R. C. BRISTOW, \... PHONOGRAPHS I nm sgenl f..r tl EDISON Phonograph H. H. HUNT. ms* AUKXTH KO ll THK CELEBRATED COSBY PARLOR COOK STOVE lh.'ii- youi rooms! '?*oka your iiulet while you - 'tr. ? ? ? S. W. Paulett & So :mber ii to death, e i '! f,lll.v og In onal Life Insurance Co, ... provldi CHILDHOOD death. LICIES ARE Pl \V \\ ! I ? ' MARTIN, General Agents FARMVIl 'YTHING IN [TURE ( AV AX'S. l-tTaVKINCi. rs and we carry everything usual LSS undertaking esitablishitieiit. m I | .'. C. C..WH1I , C. C. COWAN* ALIBI FOR WHITE. State Claims They Can Dis? prove Mrs. Thaw's Story. DELIUS HAKIM STRONG FIGHT. ?li rinnr 111... U. .1 l.> Mri.|iu..ll>. \\ ?? .rn 0-p|.ni ?I-..I...n i:\|..rl lui ed t.. Inti.nun I:%?-I.ii'm llrnu t.-.l \\ in. I NEW YORK, Mardi 12 rebuttal in . rome 1. arndani I ;. turu, bowsrer, i.y .? ti ph Mr. Dahlias, fon?e, uml si - iw 'I haw the arrest in i.l ,? tils Bet; . umn. Mr. Delinas If II.' Illili D'.I coll gay lu- bud beard Tbs .p' such statement in b 'li..- oral a I.y Mr '? , one nf th. Ha wai Evelyn Thaw's a which ? i tharwa agata I Mr. I ... lind nerer .???pu thu affidavit until Ji bim the espy on thc ked if pnjipi-n iii tin- suit ..!' Etti el Thoma! had bt-en served on Hnrrj Thaw, Ethel Thea l Thaw ls aliened to have tied to ii be l| whipped. Tilt; (If!. Mr. Delma, quoted nt from Mr. .Jerome's remartu ut the be? ginning of the triad. Thaw wa? on tho witness Stand. Mr. Jerome at that t it Mis. '1 haw'l ? us shewini: Thaw's state of mind and that he would not be all nadir! lt. "That is wi,Ht th<* district attorney said." de. tared Mr. Delmaa, "from thal lofty standpoint of Judi, ial lip; ty with which ho i clothed. We told him ws would batt tn his atti ? i k* Hi-- trott of the wife's snapped Mr Jerome). "Yea i wi.Hld a< | our offer in waive our rinlit when tin ?.?.I Mi. Dela Mr. .lemme Bald that BOTS than t"W< -Store I'.vil 1 Tli.nt y m Iii. h ls said t<. ba I ? sneed lils mind lie knew all al si ll pm ii. '?> ?.f men in Nev "i "Mi - told tin- story of Thaw I woman to ii That li Mr. I seriously object to the ? ? ii lilni not to lila! of tilt' | Jll?t ? mon;, i ? queatloi] Hl.out 1 on tho ground tl acting a Ith him were confident ?? ? amtnatton, Mr. .lemme Sprang BOmeUl ag to ths si Kildolph WltthSUS and p pert Iii The district Httonn framed a hypotbetlcsl q Ing Evelyn Kesbll i of h ? I White ip tl ? i if there was ni ->.n which would ? j sensibility iii two mlnuti of the quit 1 Thaw's wife. Around this vital point, op. as it din h path through which t march hi. I attack ii|?>n tho truth or falsity ..f Hi Thaw's story, the . for un hour or more. Mr. . r..nie pleaded with Just nt great length. Mr. Delmaa In rei 1 Ula! of the trlnl. Mr. Jerome said he wi ? for an expert opinion to il..- ? no known drag would | feet testified to hy Mrs. Thaw. "Mj t I., gel t.> this , Mr. Jerome, "and if I pan abo ? .'lld; If I t ill nh..rt, that tie ? ?? III the Twenty fo? io. then it Jury to infer whether I told Imt story to TfaSW ill Pl in IO .In far he th... when (1 nhl allowed the ? ? vS. ou I! ea Dennis Wright - ? ? versntinns hs had with Tl. of his ,i Mr. lielinss of any i ? nut. Mr. Jerome srgoed that it perfectly pr..; any aft conversation 'bat would I whether tbe defendant was ration* <* nuder tiie ri of the court | ' saw bim. I asked him what the [S said he a take him away from the aaid to take bim to the station bon "Was lhere If I knew the prisoner ip :?:??! ft'iidant If he . kuew who lt waa be had killed, auld hi. would "IV uotbliii* unt 1 the station hons* i light, otfered me s elgar snd then fl il I would : "Were his BCtaOBS or Irra mal." tr! ? n Mr ' ld his story. - Mr. Delmaa i McCarthy, t the station house Ile sntd I haw lind di J..hh Smith. Viii:' white. 1?.rn In the I'd I ted -:'..n. I p w h.. h.- !. tinned thy, "ami be ? ps rations! or Irra" lin William Hodgtm was ' lid Thaw H.. of Mle ? il than Irrational.'' ii.. * - exam ? ('linell a brother -in law of Stanford ? nnd another long argumet I Mr. Bmlth len the Ile kilt" th him that evening, He minute ?.-; reaching his seat and Hence intently. Mr. I - and lt ?pit of the re lor the defense alao o to Mr. Smith testifying at all, saying - ii produced during sse in chief. Mr. .1- ? Kui..P? when the sta! ed. II.- threw himself upon tbe the court, and the matter was g u hen au adjournment i "We've got ' lor Whits, and we'll do it. too. if the ?hen a ' .ell ill the 'lilliW 1: i proeecntlni ? cloth. P.n'i l.rn i.,1 per Hiller. PITT I ....I by li.- late ed here from ll hele the ' lng In-r ? tbe fair an.I tum of ' ? i pi!.I ri-... In ' Mrs [fo|. nd I-pm h.-: ip In rs. il.I - 1 Ph tb! lite li? the waa ,1 or If he Ba il ba I ill. r?..ii a Pl PT8BUR0. March 12. Sal Tnt now Mrs. i.. i; Martin, who ls still under Indictment in New York for ir Young, tba ? i left this < . . -I;' ? e.| in ber affairs timi be - prompted h : irk. i ? .. Baal lea lt. i ir.- Kalala. M.... March I IA, W. Wll int, Arthur 1 ni.' thought to I-f In the tullis of the md un lines '?.?Lim to determln? r there "ns foul play In tb" !'??.th Wilkins and ?h.. were the only persons kp Ul.- lint. h.p. and. though tiie ruins were tint hot t. .,f nu overhauling, sometblnj irred human fora embers of tin - II. li.-.-w lo I'lil Noaa linn loll Uni. n. I. March v.' II C. Whit.-, high sheriff o Provldi sent a letter to Gov ernor Jan ? - Il Biggins stntinu tinnt bi ?rill p tbs demand e p'riff ba -aries i: Brayton. G Sheriff Whit demil! il Brayton !? clalmln th it h.- waa BStng the sheriffs om. ' ? orropt prue' ^ How lo lt. main Irang, I., continua vonni: iii health ai strength,do ns Mrs. N. K. Rows McDooough, (ia., did Hi Ut ; me nf ehrook liver ami trouble, complicated with such an u Hie 1>1cm>?I tl my >kin turned red h> flannel. I ? ractlcallv .-"year- youngal iii me Bitters. I o ;k with ctue and (Jennine Turkish Lath - .lily. i:. \. I Ti sauii - iruar ' Worked Ilk. ut barm. Mr. I). N. Walker, adit ? ail in my foot week ami and at om a flam mal followed limply healed wound." Heals svery som, bum i skin lllsmwi lilia rai i teed at WI Drafgtsts, VAS HEJvlDNAPED? Lichest Capitalist Strangely Misting on Pacific Coast fEIERBiCSES LOST SHIR FKID-W lim.<-M|...Ila I ii in I,cr D.iinalr Left ll.mir I., |n.|i,..i m. r.ireala la UM Wi'?l Ililli lilla t .pl. I. I> Dlwi. |.|.< nre.l. LOi ANGELES, ral.. March 12. '? smiter capitalist, whose wealth bas ported to be . h.nt of olin li Itockefeller, ha? ls and - throughout tbe - bat he may bs In tbe banda of kid wbo are holding bim for ran nun. Mr. Weyerhauser left Minneapolis hwperl his forests ? n the I a hen he ar heil III Sall I ? santa Barbara about noon last Friday on a train bound for thia : trace of him has been teat. The mystery of his whore ! by the fact that i. McCormick,confident's FBEDERICK WEYERHAUSER. to the millionaire, was not with liijr wh.-n ha started on the trip and i in tba dark ss sny ona. a thorough search la being made foi lin- miaatng maa, all railroad official! and trainmen having been notified ti keep a sharp lookout for him. In.pilr at the lea.lim; hotels of this city am ? p.-i hm e not resulted in un; Information, and there will now tie i general ssarch of the pacific steps. Mr. ? three years ol is gray bean and n 1. When las ? dressed in a dark snit 0 clothes ami wore h dark bow tit Mr. v was born li in. southern Germany, In ts.*', '. In a vinci ard until be wa -?tied In Bill Pa ? at to Koek Ii land. 111., began w..rk In a snwmlll an ons t.f the owners. ? i:e possibilities of the lull ber buatnees !s;-_- ii ri the V ? ? president of the \: pi Uiver Boom an .inpnii; which la now Interested In nearly cvet ir camp In the northwest. Tl ur r.-relitly paid 12,000^)00 f. the plant of ? iiief, WU. magaSUa arti, le pu ! n few months mm. Mr. Weye r ls In partnership with hundred men, but never '"ts any oi ?f them know ?.f hts dealtnga with tl ertion was made ? Mr Weyerhail ?1 md John I?. Rockefelksf sn the richest man in the world, but I Inquiry amoni; lumber experts show. thst this statement was a ur- - geratten. Lumber men who ought be In n p..?lil..n to know aotfaaasi > p's fortune nt alxwt $'.' 000,000. missing man's life has hcon i ? . th" Requisition Hw never ntteinls miblie na' fifi The only < a Pure G Powder J qROYAL cost pliatc of Lime to kee? fs of t\ CCuntinu Avo uni never i. It is business f.,r bim from tl ? until be g ? \riin.i I'l... WASHIMi ? ? Bethlebt claim bj held bj the _ delay i I to the - M . . I ., " uni 1 ir P. i bury. \ ? ' tiff as the bill Bnittfill ..f '.. :.^ IU?nnr,|. REDDING four Om The boat ? STOPS LEGISLATION Roosevelt Wires California to Suspend Action. GILLETTE DICES HOUSE TO C0IPL1 \v,..i,,l,|v I., lim Viki- loir Iii lakr lu \.-<i.ii .lii|.mi|.?i> s, li,.i,I hill I nlil I'realllrnt'N Willie* Arr lan .mn. SACRAMENTO, Cal. Mardi I:1. - ll .lap snese ;. Islatnrt; by I saeembly. the morning papei In effect upon my .-hislop ly agreement and if ? probably rei,.Lt r - for that in of further action until ri The assembly intended to act nt OOCS ou two bills an.1 a resolution by tin' senate on B Gillette sent Willi the td' tuting the house to compl ssidsnfs raquest The ? by h \. action on the bills, on file. The |< the pr. hy tin senate of n bili tlmltti | children of nil races to I tating prill. ni.- prepared by t; -.mle, submit luili.n to I tbs people nnd s resolution pi sgslnst J The p pt In thu lo ('rove L. Jot in the governor and 0 dent, unlit the ipie*tlon ll to them an-l takai M timi at this s, . ' bate. BIG 8TICK FOR HUMPHREY. "Imm.nll) Jadar" Mulila I Ur laaal nnrr Job aa W rll. BPRIMOriSLD, Ul. March U ? nt Boostvstt lah In the peculiar conditions under whit Jadfg liumphray of "immunity batt fume sits on the federal beach ami i the same time draws a salary ?s vi. president of the Franklin Mfa luau nn.-e company, with headquarter* thia city. The report of the compel haa Just been tiled with the state ? perlntendent of Insurance and shoi that the stipend of the Jurist a year. It is pointed ont that Insurance coi 10YA MiXiNG POW! Made from eGrapgCrean.^ excuse fer buying rape Cream of T s to save z, few o ? vou a few eena more per cai *-th far mci ry free :um means pcrmanen id Alum Ailments?Si ROYAL BAKI POWDER Ufa suit might at any a* Humphrey. The ch - nra (somewhat like raaf of the Hon system of I stands ?lag a litigant In ?rta than c. bi has Is-en I ashlng t?n In t nnj a .t that tba ? r would ll..-mn I ?aBMMl Si.I.l ll?4 Meal. BURUNOTON, Vt.. M . company of .les thu Burlii- . s plant lu this city, j tha Chlt rt to four indict ? Kellin-* and bavin-; ? and was puts, to of which the i ?- counts n sim I tba urnnd Jury r of tho ' -sod. sirlUrra In Hint. I.ol IMTl.l.i:. Ky., March :. flr?t f. u of tin- un ? ' '. ' ..r thule t nnd or derly for the first two hours after the run eira, gradually I acvernl I ms were eat windows, cars ?formen ami arrests werai t ti* ; 'I. At 1 o'clock all attempts to mn strvet cars >r tho day. ??iill >.,nr. 1.1 nu In Itnrk I ..r thu.I ll - Myles law of I ir ! I Vork from : ? ? lupsrlntaatl - four who was father* r. Mr S mys PCO of ed out - tlinii :/i Sots "'.mira lli-iirat. ai P. wv. M. Y.. March 19 in- a ly last nslder . would i Slty elec> | ? i Hi r Rea*, i lillie .ii was trouble lo help i m pru vs p. pt np tor - i bottle ' lo Our I iMoitit ts i Drag I iitllt'l harmful tend it en ami I li.ii. on ills Hack rv. ami l acta like a ..terna 1 Va. I ilrly.