OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, April 12, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1907-04-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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kakmvilkk HERALD
a Bad
.'ill silver!
,h,.u.iipM ' iwonl
omited Hs
: of ip-.t-rtP
led Ht
? ?
? ? ' w ?.,-:.
. ? ?' -
bj, radar? >*-*
T>> jJJ ** . ... ?..' ! ia insurant s
"?"?"^JS^I'sT That's
_Bald at
^."?rirBrP w*n' '*
~ - - R Piata*". Jr.
-..-.- near
S ??? * a, H
ind four"
*m*mm~**d< ,,.nPy.
"rORSv icffcMt.
?fh-B _
?*.t. Jr.
Pirrie. Beor) and John Randolph in
Prince Idaitrd.
Henry that* inti 1 mi hil
vdt waa bom in 1774. Tho visitor*
Ibl shade ot
to ill f"r ****
|] sml John l.ati
Kberin Wii
lisnjiituru. ind "pool Mends. Whoa
John Randolph wen! away to the
Berm.. . a-appad their
afr. lB/f
,- ly that
-ul aad
vu flogged regularly ev-ry Monday
?annff and two oi three times dur
faf tbe week. John Kamlolph was
maeladtoComtaaa In 11
au then living st Bizarre. Bizarre
va* bis residence until 1810, when he
moved tu l'voatiohe. A slater of Judith
ph, Richard Rvindolpb
marni- - Morris
York, lu the ulia: mience
we ever read b'tween Mr. 1'andolph
and tits cusin Nancy, who married j
(Jouverneur Morris, that brilliant lady
itverr J ad re I a
- taking upon himself the titls
of John Randolph Aboail
Drury Lacy estahl ibod
? reboot iu Prince Kdward, st "Ars
rat," aoiiie tl '-..in Bizarre.
td until 1*
Randolph pot three of bia wards un?
der the care of Mr. Lacy. He would
often ride pier fr.nu li /.arre to hear
tbe t-oys recite tneir Latin at ?';
ftimmir ip H breakfast.
John Randolph was not only one of
the original trustees of the town of
PanuviJle. bul he owned several lots
lu tbe town. These were conveyed t..
bim In Hi'; sn.l 1906 I.y Francis Wal
thali, ? h ml liv
' Samuel V. Allen. Francis
Walthall got 1140 for tala half-acre lot
for the
Iph left hLi bouses an.I
Farmviiif io Henry St' letwawTucker.
b J hu W.
' led in John Ran?
dolph's defeat Mr Randolph went to
very fia- pis Hi some?
times went to hear Mr. Huge, a Pres
ind president of
Ham; . man of
Teat talent and piety. He Ipokl in
B ire, and
I have nu doulit sincerely, hut iluubt
liai more frequently and o|>etily thin
be would have ihnie had he Dot been a
candidate for election, and hard press?
ed. Prut a!,\ Mr. Randolpta'l great
tat efforts ai - . en mada dor*
iff tbe canvass with Mr. Fppaa. He
i by a frieml that his speech it
.rthouse was cou?
ped) he ever
made. He replied that it was the only
time he ever felt t - f t-eitig
tli?iaeut whileipeaklng At I'rince
Ed wa.- ?? I for an
. and when he concluded
1 fouud. myself musing and walking
without any aim or ohjet't, and look
hg around, found I I .-railual
* ? ti the same ?ood. The
Kev. Idoaea Hive was sitting la a
cbiir opposite the s|*aker, aud re
Itill with
bis mouth open and looking sledfast
ly in tbe san. whalan
The ? .tier Kraniisc at
?ne time owned a small estate in
Kdward oo int} which he
lg a part of ll
?glin the next year at more than a|i
bundred per rent, profit Francisco
pe inch tall and w
g the Revolulloc
? I '..pl*. He
could easily shoulder a cannon weigh
? I he could take in
I a man weigal
- anti play his bead airainat the
u Tarleton ra
nty in 1781, Fr.
4 if tbi whole force got
w amt made
SaBS, A thoU
?aiid years siro I rain-iaco might have
been et
In Memoriam.
it the home of hia parents,
near I-arm. -lay, March
5Ut, Walter Venal.le, infant of Mr.
md Mn, Vt . Howell Richardson,aged
ave month- The funeral took place
I'lam. Ihe bereaved pa
t*Mt have the deeppst ..ympathy
of their many fne
In Season.
Of awl*
Th* a . f?r
lil parirkta-r. .mail. Bj
Tis **M . ajrain
(,UI :- ind rhami>a?n,r;
hut ih.?
vi tva- and bu. I
croak, but there is lu. rn
tba opening
theJan .
that Um
pre fill mouth
Dr. W. J. Hills .spent
witta Mrs. mill wi., li remaining
witta In Mia. Vf. i Clark,
near Asheville, Y
There arv lome v- ry lill]
our cemetery, but they OMI lo- |
owe frv.in en.i t.. md of tin lives ofthe
survivors and neal
The late Mr. Luther 1. Williams
was a member of the local i on
- pbs. one ol ? frater
nal insurance onlers In t
Tiie Rev Jae, i; (Jrabam D. Iv. of
Winchester. Va., will praaeb at the
Presbyterian Church next Sunday,
the lilli instant, at the night -
We have again lo say that tl
ahl charges for card- oft]
ary tint
The cl |
Mary Joli
our lownaman, Mr
j ring rapidly from hp
lion perform. |
turneil hume from the Ital -
she si>erit the past
Mr. ami M r* i ) . . pell au
their to
to Mr. I
?lay. April 10th, st ?
Mr. Charity
maud the forces at work In tl ?
villa p- -
the recent appointment and con fl ima
Hoe of Mr. R. W. Garnett.
though they wire ""hilled and we
sometimes wonder whether or not
actually feel the ?
cold as men do.
The first game of baseball wan
ed In Farmville Ja-t I ipI.x
Hampden-Sidney croesed bal
the home team, resulting in a -
B to s m favoi of il ?
l'he Motin ?
t.rary Association will bold a I
ou Thursday, April lsth, in the Al
mory. is hiv ile 1 t
ami donate ami pereonate a 1
Yat tt baa bean Joel April
over and over again. \ o
your flannel too s.sui la-t
you have repeated the folly atPiin this
sj.ring. Try it again, catch pneu
.i.ouia and "I* an A
We regret the Appomatti
navigable right throuirh to Um
sition grounds. Wi.at h..use parties
we would have going ami coining, bal
we will g.. just the smile and have fun
from start to
The nearby count ndinif
liberally to thi request for ap;
- the Farmville Hummel
lute, and wa believe there will lie do
liesitation on tba part of Pr;; ?
ward Bopan isors to ti.. Uki
A friend from the country dropped
in u|>ou us on one of the recent cold
mornings and said: "The frail
killed bat the hucklelvet*
i>e a daisy." Hia oounteaana bright?
ened as he gave oat this cheerful
We are very glad to rep.rt tl
dition of Mr. W. H Ewing as being
much improved. He is up aa I
als.ut his farm attending to 1 .
and will m. doubt announce
for re-election to the office of treasurer
of Prince Edward.
The street committee, hacked by the
entire council membership, will have
a hard time pleasing all the property
holden iu their plans for the laying ol
granolithic sidewalks. Everybody na?
turally wants kr.v-vl sidewalks U-fore
their doon.
What a contrast between I'
rta tu rd ay In March and the Ul
unlay in April. Jt is hard lo realize
how nature can Mow hot ami cold in ]
s.ch qolek Myiterj
above, aroundand tieneath.but human
tba int.-t mysterious of all.
? ntertainment given at the
Armory Monday ami Tuesday nights
I.y two experts la skating ami Wey
t-ltng waa new and novel to I artn
ville, and a great crowd vv
Ont night's performance. It ?
ia for the traoofit of tbe Guard, ami a
nice sum was realized.
The moving picture aatertainmenti
which have been given at tin
House the past week have bet
lent, and the price to attend is
sble enough for everyone in town to
mjoy them Tonight ami tomorrow
night they will be continued, and it ls
boped tba! a large crowd will attend
each of these e- |
Mr. Wm. W. Jackson, V
-southside Virginia Hranch of the
?southern Farm Agency '
to Mr. I. W. Sharp, of Milford county,
t >hio, the elegant Lawford pla
Buckingham county. I ;
rash, it is near the boomlog b ?
Arvonia. Mr. Jackson is miking a
speciality of line places such
ami hopes lo -.ellie a large 0001
such as Mr. Sharp and his fa?
List Your Farm.
If von want the ea-h for yooi
at a "fair price, ao fan. .
what it i- worth, ami want
. I am In thi handle
it. Am making a specialty of laure
tvtatcs, have il any mini?
ner if the prices are right, mo-.*, of them
will pay all cash. I .thing
mem witta
Wm. W. J v. i.
Member of Y a VV. H. R. In
on. Manager Southside
Virginia I'ranch Southern Lani)
a Farmville, Va.
I 17.
?vsful pugilists Uhf ihe DOOWI j
ski- '
linn LoudcII Meellng.
ix Blaotoa i
the following members >*
H i: Wail, h. I B
w. p. Dayna, l?r. Aodei
Duvall, W. C. Fullwill, Iv L. Frain
b rt. Walka Booti and J. li Martin.
beard after Hie rea.luig of minutes.
; Miller*! report w...- ?
trie li?ht
? rer Paulett submit!.
monthly re*>ort which foi
? on har..l laat report.
?" sra.
f Mr. Wa!.
I to have t!
I Western Ra Iwij
The Norfolk and
oded to the
mi the one
. dollari In taxes, dm!
? ti
Mr. P. H.t. Rice, < '.nh
ll that
the toa 'rom the Income
las only 1188 i maali amount
fi om only thlrty-flvi peroone, nearly
I neil men. He al-o
?undi that the
Richmond le.led no income tax ii|K.n
ive rise
IO a un.lion from Major Martin that
exempt from paying a
tex on their ii ? motion wai
auanlmoualy carried, barring tba vole
.f Mr. Hoyne, who opposed it.
Mr. W. P. '. ,.f thc
I'lanters Rank, of Farmville, came be
ore the council with the meal com
i that the tow n do
pit in the way of atp. I
tl advantages to the thousands who
B. Mr. Veu
I that if tin .1.1 ap?
propriate f-.'"-'. nu he would ra
tame sum from tbe citizens. Hr. An
ler-oii moved that the amount
or be appropriated and put in the
iimiittee, appointed by
he Mayor, to be expended to the
iinoiisly carried.
Annual Meeting of T. P. A.
The annual meetingof Post M, Trav
Wdalloo, was heit!
?i.lay afterms.n in the Mayor's
|Tie meeting was called to or
ler by the president, Mr. C. I
fill tbe old officer! were re-elected f<>r
.. ar. Mr. W. C. Iiuvall
ind Mr. J. L. Hurt were elected dcle
-tHie Convention
neets at Alexandria on May 10*11.
rhe delegates were i to ap
?x.int each his own alternate.
!\'n\ ember Election.
ming November election will
noel Important in the history
santy until in the p .
-i'll all
do with our home-aflair
,t htiin. .t on earth."
nra. i .1.1 bc
I, anti it isn't tia. early to bagtfl
lt tis.
?arly fol
.rs to let it t>e known.
We p ' .at the fol?
ium- ..' ' medl?
in! for communicating suth know
Maytat in th thers,
. will get the worm.''
arc many eolemn ami Im
. d from our
? pipit- Bundey after Bundey, i
riendl are falling from Ihe ranks ..!
;.. In
he grave of thc old num. who
tad liv eil out the full time allot
man, then wa have buried
: down
rhlle y ot life ha.l
the meridian ami
ve have covered over willi tlowmthe
ihe little opp plucked from
he pan - re the bini had
I nut into the blossom. Who
f..r thc
mlguict ll
(.lumbla Uraphopnonee sre the
.e-t io durabli
p. operate.
riiaranteed f.r one year. Wade "ft
Narriott Twins Coining.
Thc Martina Twins will Open a two
geineot at the Armory
t. Their performance!
*****'' -J u.
Marriott tu
il the local rink la-t night.
I'heir e:
inland the people of Milton never -aw
inytbli . ' w,,0i
noonee them
attraction at the rink ti
on, which means a greal deal.''
The Farinnlle Kniltlini .iii Trust
afternoon In I
.1. M. < rule. Mr
cal I c. I !
Martin Beted .1
L. White, ami th. -
? Martin, showing tl
|charapt. 1
I com pw
'. and healthy
'luring the pa-t yt ar. ll
addraas It. W
I from tba
nual m.
of Ital
somewhat, while t; 1
bunements have
sutliciciit to .
iii tlie ;
are fully | .
nor ava
.Veted d
ent are :
I lid.
ami th.
The Guard's Fine ShOHiny.
the crowd u
to Wit!.
much ?
raiiL'en 1
ure of thc soldiers
oil the t
A Personal Stateine-it.
1 wlab to 1;
ment. nia.le .ml -ip
wile, 11
1 rule. Judge A 1 > N\
pf which Hu ;?
' -
p. A. h. nv
contract ot transfer ?. ?
M. < 'ruh
relations have all I
' ry: that Hp -
fd of p:
ll ow 11 free "
Hon, all run.
Pa-, il
I' H. Hip
P. A. I
Thomaa a ?
A gloomy,
nf lite. Ps ri
el-e it would -till I
week the bl st, \
so nell
1 he I
1 if self to tl I
I ll 1.
And thal ll I
An ? '?
ps will bivi
W. T.
Many ..(
wi)I vv
-. laiiictior, I
constipation. Ask
Lunenburg Founty Teachers Institut.:.
lt wai
? r- held bul
A full ami rich |
superintendent, Mi
..f her -
near fat
It wu
anti I tva >
plc ami in Hp
the pm 1
.rcuit Lum
Mr. 1
ber of whom Ittei
urging up.n l
tere-t in ami Beti
siipj.ort of t' ?
covering a w ld
sch.?il b
ing out the i <
the centralization
Dr. Frazer addrt-ssed I
-iv ll tO I
An (lld \..teran Passes I
?i from
I rurtb
Stale Sunday School toniention.
? ail roads
- era In Ihe
to Mr.
W. P.
- retiiry,
J. ll. LAV
Killis ol Honor.
i . A[>ril
.11 hon
will s<
'ten lit
I rcn
it Cnttt
Zimmerman Bro*
North Street, I
: ms, &
lo, 'OT.
Monday wa- the
Two justices, three lawyers, sher.tr.
le and a couple of hundred
?1 attendaice. li will 1*
' that recently Mill M
Ml an.I A. I.. s,?it!i sj
pf incendiary
rn I'etective Agency was tm
I e> and
-vera sent t..
? who after a
of Investigation, bsd Paul J.
m the Smith ami the latter in :
Hon. K. 07, Muhari
wealth- Attorney, coiiducletl the ex
aaad afters large nm
tba Uo
pain's! were Mal ..ll to
lil I'ourt for trial.
COMBEk. , rv.
- : -. ? ?
-cl lag at :
il 1
up. ar,
Palmer mil lea
Mr. ami Mr-. Morten Ulai'
? k after a delightful I
H. I.. Blanton.
Mr. p H. Huup.
their home near Adi
'he fail. M panton
"ill g.. with them, ami will make that
' ire home.
! .hu Addle man, w In. w a- taken
tl Memorial Hospital some weeli*
- doing well, after]
an operation, eted home on
ll the 17th.
Eureka Mills.
April "i.
Inviutiona have baan received her.
Mr. .-anim
Mariel, a prominent dvtl ? |
itv, ami Mis- Mattie W'rnrht
: nighter ,.f Mr. ami
Emmett Guy, at st. Jo
Marion, North Carolina, on I!.
on, April ls, at Ave o'clock, the
1 forward to with much
romlnent lo
At a rcent meeting of the Hoard of 1
son, it was decided to 1 |
?minty, ami which were not usisl laM
\ I . V
road builder, has l-eengiv
iWillonofthC roadiof th.
? iv v Morgan, '
it.l A. ] .- just returned from
lUchmond, where they pal
Mr. William D. 1 at tata
lome, near RuiCO, Bundey afternoon,
k, ami WM
ly. Mr. Dernley had an attack
d griji some lime Igo, from w Inch he
in old. He is survived by a wife
?al children.
.ml (amp, ?I, V., will
? the veterans of the County al
ll ? parlotte
L'ourthi *
ipterofthc laughters (,f the
maali. A.< erring
Lon chapter, has Leen organ
I harlotte < ..urthouse. M r- J I
- dent.
Bed House.
shorter and lilt ?
1 harlie Lu?ell, <>t ie, are
. -. with her parent!.
Ml? Annie Andrews spent -
. ' 1 l.erk
'. -Aa- the I ?
1 Ttaackiton Than
.. I Ids ii.
rhundiy with Mrs. Nellie
len cradle," then as the
alking to the kindly
? >, hunting
:n of
iden, and finally as the lonely
rt the chieftains dancing tlieir
Dd hearing them si
the M
inj_r Indian love 1 will
r dance" tc the
n 1 val. Vt ni will sec thc .
tl manoeuvres with
tie Indian boys" marching,
fine li lied to ti
I bring your friends to see him.
t will give vou size, quality and
;. Sales Stables.
^armville, Va.,
c., which are remarkably cheap
this horse recently
. G. C. II. B. Association,
?ident. apl. 12?2m.
Mr Jimmie (.'arter, of War-i
.: Ml 8 ll. Ipa. ,
Mr. Fbed. Andr. iburg*,
. and M.n.lay' with his
Mil. I A HillI?s1H.n.|ing |
w\ '"'
Mr- '" n and Mr
L. W. Glenn ami .tau*
' ?
j lillis li
E. Vf. Tarter returned from
? ? Will d' a
ne lu
- hive
ni his
na lu ni mimi.
Sulphur the Accepted Kerned) for
a Hundred years.
. iteet reme
i S ld
a'Sj II
Wl'llol l.l'lll R ,
the full most con vi
- ilnhur-'tatalel
ii kN< ? " k - LIQt:ID -
lII it- -action. Druggist* sell it.
A well kooe ? Manville,
Pa . writ.- "I have ha.l an i
. l..r over I?
' the i.I'.'l IU. and one jar of
your IIANcoiK's Merill -
PHl'ROIN rMKKT.and now I feel
as though I baila brand new pair of
I me ami I am
certain it will . they i at
slat tn using ll \Ni tn K s LIQUID
ni h SS
1- for all talking
Hear them, and you will he
unwilling h. | [hermakes.
Hill Nye's lon Advertisement.
baal a
- and alver
my ill
health, I will sell at my residence In
town-h |
governm I lush rasj>
berry c??
sf undo - mik
frequently. To a man wno does not
ith in any fi. I ie a
acta aitach
me Witta u stay
t ham, but she w ill he sold to any one
who w il
is one-fourth. -
fourths hyena. I will aNu throw In a
w Ul. lur. In ' lil] goes
twa um! return*
?ith a tall red calf with ? .
Her aaa I weald rather
<ell ber to a i
Prominent Physicians Join with Mr.
Crute in Recommending Vinol.
?I liver oil
.-od liver i
r ri lei "1
uta found ii
|th .' reat.r
I the eolival
? - where
t ?
il f->r
throat ami monchis!
.rall ve
iWOt than
I ? '
aged, and that, if tl
mu refund
pp the prerauatacn.
1 ry \
ts for
- '
at the li ? in neaily
: he count ry.
j rn your
ny be
known a- a good I ?
? I
A hollie for ret
p. have a alni - '
nan msy nol learn much
the theatre, but
she learns a thea
'. thi
csu clip
Its ..
a wife
who csp . wing.
It j,robat.ly wu- I Van
Dyke that I
Tne f] a. I ml ts
that he can- dak.
may talk, I
ta waste al ship
"FOR dyspeptics.
4'J Ii ton. I way New Vork City*;
McAli'I.v Dvs. Kem. Co.:
Dear Sirs:?Will you lend aa
soon as possible to above ad?
dress a bottle ol row dy-nepala
remedy?ar.;- ?'??-* <???? R**
it quick.
Why don't you putjt on >avf
York tnarkat f
Yours cv .
. .|C.
icAlpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co.
F.M.1..I >t

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