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THE FARM VJ IXE HERALD. HONOR FOB lill PA8T, HELP POH lill. PRESENT, HOPE* KOR UH. Fl UKI:. vol.. wu FARMVILLE. VA. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, i\<> 27 members, of i-omrpss ??? TOWN DIRECTORY. ?"?J"** Walker '' vs : *?5?,.r. ? "r*'n- H I rambert. R. Mar t. H. E. ''wvT- I ' "' K rt. W. M a*m( ES-ESs I - i' 1 p- ? ml a- I J. W ?' SajatOsara '- ? COUNTY DIRECTORY. |j,v>au( (Vc. I. Hnritl .f County an '" rirfBC Adam-. r?*? ? arter. (-aomonarraP - - I Mitt. A. Haa _______________ _. __ WATKINS .Ni 1 (ROCK, ?ATTORNEYSAT UW, elia, ami . S WING. i, ATTORNF.Y AT I AW, 6rt<D Bay, Prince Edvard Counly, ?a. IsTCoirtTs:?State and Federal. il' C FRANKLIN aTTORNEY-AT-LAW, PAJtPUNCm Prartu' ^'HITt A. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, Prent* r:. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Susi Haas) kr rarticulari anti Tralimonialaol ilia rarer tkn elvira ihr Complmon. I'morts Skin lBarilvKiiani. Hakra Hew Blood aad laiprorn Ihe ?salts. Ityraiakr BEAUTYSKIN kssatliiil rtaulit air (usrsnlrt' er monty rslundtd. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., ("tpaJclphia Pa. You Run No Risk Whatever in baying a Watch bere. We guarantee perfect ?faction with whatever watch you buy of us and we have been in business long enough to prove that we keep our promise. We know ;tll about the watches and jewelry we sell and sell them for inst what they are. W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. ?HI iL II UUL Field Lawn Poultry and Rabbit Fence \T I DUVALL, SON & COS. MAGNIFICENl ?+-+--??'- '.-.'-.:..:.. :...__ i_.t._ Take a look .it our superb line of . . GUT GLASS Highest Quality Reasonable Prices. Chappell. THERE IS A REYNOLDS' REASON FOR CHEWING SUN CURED TOBACCO Chewers becoming tired of Iv sweetened sun cured tobaccos cat REYNOLDS'SUN CURED to quick? ly win from the old brands of much longer Standing the place as favorite with sun cured chew* rs, 1 inst enough proper sweetening and voring to preserve the quality ofthe and enhance its goodnt increase in thc demand for sun tobaccos. REYNOLDS' SUN CURE is not only pure sun cured, but it from choice selections of th? emed leaf grown where the ! cured tobacco grows. It is like I formerly got, costing from 60c to per pound, and is sold at adc. per in 5c. cuts; strictly 10c plugs, and i i I best value in sun cured tobacco that i be produced for chewers. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winstois-Salem. N. C. * ?? ruse Plows Norn !.K "UR'S SONS VI VILLE, VA. HILL & HENDERSON Land and Industrial _ Agents. Timber and Investment Brokers. ONLY MemberS'Norfolk & Western Immigration Association IN FARMVILLE WE SELL LAND List your property with U3 for results HILL & HENDERSON Office Third St. FARMVILLE, VA. H. E. BARROW & CO., Commission Merchants :a\ND DEALLRS IN Farming Implements, lin rd wn ids of Every Des cription. Best Grades of Fertilizers. If you want the best buy the Owensboro Wagons and Buggies. We have on hand a larg* ii iters. Give us a call, our PRICES an RIGHT. Also a big stock of Horse Blankets and Buggy Robes that we can make interesting for you. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AT COWAN'S. UNI )KKTAKIN<? We are licensed embalmers and we carry everything usual ly found in a FIRST-CLASS undertaking estabUshment. stot-f Phone RS. i' t .?!<?.< lowan . or 89, li. L. IimvIoi . C. C. COWAN Have \ mi tt ii el <?t thal CELEBRATED MONITOR FLOUR? Stokes & Davidson Ititli'ii Iii ii Spider. Through I.loo.I i o ii Kpider iiito. Julin W ?? ??I run to lry I .'Ititi fop: I lesli. tl niggl I un il ul l.lit'iiiii.ili'iii. Mr. Wm. ! Tenn., had i out of tiie hp \iork." he Chamberlain'* I'aln Italm and wrap |. .1 the arm In dannel at io my relief I found that nally lill me ami i; fil. in three weel Ipi.I di' turned." li troubled with i liam ti. Balm. with ihe relief which il alibi I-. I oi il.- bj I Mululu rlaiiiN (tmuli Kerned) Xii Niiliin ?? Mill ways m."i . < 'ough i lan. lt a I lay i I ? .ul inti- natl -y ifni in a health) Hillls li eel lenee Drug < o. ping lough, I tm ? I I ternedy in my u hooping cough, uml \v i thal it U the best meilieiiie I havi Winston l>tp j.t iiMp and ! .ff relive. A well-known Mai "As an lmdde a ('haiiil.iilar - Invaluabli hlliuuinesa natural iry life their action Ii clearing iii. '?llinl il>-|.i i-pi oi Ind (*estlt>n fo No appetite, and a bal I dl< tat , 11-1r4:?t-iI nit- terribly. Il I Hood ? i me." .1 < Hilo. Daily tn Haltiinnrt!. id after April I-' I i'. M., Dall) except Hundaj ; ret urn I ii lt ;mi ". M., dall) . d:iy. Vt ry lo* i round 'rip to Baltimore, IMiiladelphl uml Now Vork. i Northern ami Ka U rn point*. it'll when you'll Unger or auhTer a cut, bruise, burn o Kc prepared. I 'r. I boma*1l"< lectrlc Oil Instant!* the w.niiiil. I ion 'I Iel Hu- baby Huffer from c( I loan a < liniment earea quickly, r ren. All di hxcursions to T.v Norfolk, Va., via Smith rn Railway. Commencing April tinuing dun. i HW ithem Rail rIxty .i i curaion llcki return al ri uni tl ul><>\ e; and on l*u< (?oneil exeunt parlor or pullman can , will I greatly reduced ratea, limlti 'lay-. Inquire of \ ?.niiaii It li- Hen ta l! In >p lilt mn. tlc PSltMa I lin ? the du H Mill: t I mir mediclnea bul na\ ei gol min frmu iinv ot them until two i when I bought a bottle ol ' Iain's Palo Balm' I found : fore I had used all of .. . bottle, bl kept on applying it and icon fell like tliilereiit woman. I hro many of tay friend- have tried it ai can tell you bow wonderfully it h worked. Mks. Bakaii A. < bambi Pain Balm i- ? liniment, 'll relier from pain which it ad alone worth many tum I sale i.y Hie Winston Dru Washington Letter What ls Going On in the National Capita" Perry Belm n* Build ing Spi e Fence to Shut Off View of Thomas Nelson Page? Great Demand for Ten-Dollar Bills. ? ? Mr, Mr. i lt n t 0. H. P. Mr. I'. P. Bein ? AN INDICATION OF GENERAL PROSPERITY. ? ' ? ' "JACK" GREENWAY DECLINES FEDERAL JOB. I ? ' nindi ? FEDERAL JUDGES FACING CRITICISM. ? ? ' -if tho ?' ? (od -pring A SAVING SOUTH AMERICAN DIPLOMAT. ptlgn to th? in hit '' pair of ' I pronounced Holli ? HIi. Pill-," I, Ark Winston |>r: - 25 cents at erve and Hone Liniment and ali man ai JP .. ai ? MONUMENT IO HENRIK of Black Labrador Erected on Grave. ? - I ? mu (i ?/.-> I .? Obelisk Over Ibsen's Grave. ? of which 1^ i ph. of Henrik Mi ami till. ! from ? Thor is out It, and at i' loued In c.p ! by thc Ital? ian Autl NEW SHAH OF PERSIA. Mohammed Ali Mina Now in Charge of Affairs. . Ol A/.er ?i ami which h. baa freatly In of tho i lily familiar French ami la aaid I a fair MOHAMMED ALI MIRZA. (Who Has Succeeded Muraffer-ed din as Shah of Persia.) li rn ' "i his .? third I t Kajar dynasty, wi I p 17'.'I. Tired of Being Called Colonel. . Internal n i, ls a Kentuckian and .f lt, but he vigorously objects : i habit In Washing, lt ls hardly to bo wont]. .? in for a tit li? In a city w ? any man of any kind of a handle to his n;> admiral, t ? er, or Terkel ttlne In bia office chattiDtr with nil ral Watson came In. "Hullo, John. how a 1 the sailor. The commissioner leaped from his and rushed forward to greet him. Admiral,'' he cried, "I could Just hui; you for calling me that. Please do it . . I Kick and tired of . ailed colonel that ray given .sic to my ears." Hobby of Secretary Straus. ?straus ls one of the recog isseurs In the t ad porcelalr. many ] I studied this fine old art, now so generally fallen into 1 some of tho \tant and M 'p.stall In his Wash Hm Straus is equally I af, ami lt is said tba pi is tho pe aius. FOR THE ENGAGED GIRL. to be ? good wife. 'rage him to he upright and In tlilnk It fine to he ene. I two men at the same time. p't flue, girls; It's contemptl 1 hurts a girl Immeasurably. I usewlfely arts that will i to make a happy home. Help him to save by tint demanding extravagant gifts and treats from him. After . man's le-vponslbllity ? ?. ?? | by a ring or not, the obliga? tion i Po not plleht your troth to any pre that you cannot live happily without him. p-irls make and break engage as casually I he the ? ? p. ' to pi fact Human Juggle with. That all sounds like a very larg* ' ulrls. hut that Is what you are f .pt a ad hring out all that ls best In your (lance; let him see tin ?. t him bad ntlralre his on him as merely thi man vi pk on him as your future hus? band, the man you love and honor. WHY OHIO IS PROUD. Not much la heard of Ohio as a eon stat.., but only seven out of tho H in th.- dat of the crop. The average population of the eoun ',? - pf Ohio ts about M,M*f, but ot the that limit. There arc mora men flt for mili? tary duty In Ohio than fought at |.n. In the Japanese ami Itusulan If tba pappia of Ohio stood side hy tb outstretched arms, touching i.s. tho line would reach from : p ? Ith ? margin 1- ft. The : I Ohio were Hal., in the southeastern part of the state, but now that section ls less pop thu almost any other. It con i tains no great city. ?.clous m.tats have ever lieen lu Ohio, but the value of the coal ami Iron dug out of the Ohio hills every year exceeds that of the gold of Colorado or California. Only one state?Illinois?which ls younger than Ohio Is more populous. Illinois ls much larger in area. No '?r In date of settlement has ; .rtlon to Ita elie. WISDOM'S WHISPERS. Force of d s ls a poor excuse for the taking of a wrong path. The bearer of tldlnga rarely appreciate* how bard be atrtkee. ' fast to a truth without re ? Delicious Hot Biscuit MADE WITH ROYAL BAKING POWDER are thc most appetizing, health? ful and nutritious of foods Much depends upon the Baking Powder fcOVAt BAVIN'S POvVDfR CO , NSW VORK.