Jh, 0 UM * wow,
Slap lli.it < "ii-'I'
aataaaa__H rm. ?? Ornvhl'ii t'.-K-h Svrni
Dnie >erve and Hone Liniment
I on earth f
i:) m
Jamesfnun Expnsttiun.
Mn '
i 1*1111
I llmir
fur il M
? tiring
l list.Ill
it ymir
J. i 1 h.
?n\\ HIL'
J. I
(hainlnrl.il n". (I.. ( eli ! ,i .mil
Hurrliii.it' Kt in. tl-..
? lll!|l|l
- Iiicli il
. I .'Hill
?' Iii - i nnouii
lu nu.n
lu tlvt
t Vs. tl \ t
?lum ari :
tal kin)
will lu
?"'-ullmi* to|
University of Virginia
Ntad of Stile Public School System
letters, Science, law, Medicine.
M in*.
.??* narra
? ?
with the cash im the
boui'ui i
The ie.
-.lum i
ripen iii the ?
Miss Resale Wadi
ille, S i
< htlilren s 11 t>
iiiitl in the I'.
Straw huts have
Ing the aprlug as froal In Hie -mininer
Mis, \
anti Monday im ll
The public ia cordially Invite.] lo at
it-inl tbe competitive drill al i
iimiy tonight.
Mr. W. K. li;i\ ide
fruin the hospital in Itali
i-untilieil tn Ins I,eil :il linnie.
V" e au- very glad lc
Improved condition in lin., health ni
? mr eeteemed rrieud, Mr. Vf. ll
Norfolk uml Western Ita
keen poatponed until a
nf the court in July.
Mi. ll. II. I'aulell
nne tif ihe Kichiunnd i"
painful but imt -
returned home lani \\
< >ur mrls will gool ? home,
anti other girls will aoou bi
temi them a warm welcoini
A strong eflbrl v.
in the grand Jury
dietmenta fur gambling
required that *_''i oi mort
lust al mu- sitting, no pei
could Ik- located.
in. Richard Well
erly the president of Man
preached morning
nt the Presbyterial) < 'hui
senoe uf the i
i ral Aaseinbly ol tht I
terian < Ihurcti in Alabama.
The schedule un i
il which allows
week to inri. ?
morning a number ol pt i
along ilic railroad n
mir si ?
Mis. !
A. lt., lui Mb
:, Mis.
M. Robeson. M
been in Washington foi th I). A. li.
I alsu in I,
temiini* a meeting of Colonial I 'ames,
golug with them
May llth fm the dedlcatii
church. For the
Cnlnnial Dames of M i--i--i j ipi ami re
calved many social courtt
Kiel) mond.
At the athletic meet iii tin Ainu,rv
last Friday night, Mr. I'.tn I
mei with a serioui accident, i
Ing clown In the i" ?
wrestling, rai
the various stunts of tin
crowd wm immense and all wi
Joying the perforii en Mr.
Baldwin wan fallen upon by
the athletes. Win ?
HiKir it waa found thal ins
?ken ami the elbow di
11 is Bullering was Inti
A petition lias been circulate
lng the Department Bl V*
imt to remove the j -!
town t ti -in lu present location, lt had
-lei! that the '
building opposite the courthouse
would he a convenient room fur the
office, ami following tins au
inents with Mr. < happed which look?
ed very much liki
some improvements made. A coun
ter petition, however, I
culated ami very numerously
asking the Department tn ui
id more
comfortable borne.
I?r. Wm. E. Anderson
i udgili*
imond, Va., i
it ui- nf medicine aud
In. Hudglns graduated al
sity < ollege of Mfilieint.
with distinction, ami had the honor o
being thc preaidenl ol
received the appointment from iIlh
Institution as physician i"
llmne llespital, in which poaltioii li ii
have been faithfully aud elli
eiiutiy performed for the past twelvt
mouthe. Dr. Hudglns w Ml eo
the praeliee of his profession hell' ne\
ly. He comes :
mended, professionally
uni Hy and fur Ililli sin
Boy linns up fur Slmrl lunn.
Frank ('arter, colored,
attemped rape upon a sn
own i ' ed In tl
< niirt Monday and aenl lo ll
tentiury fol
the pnsuiier Ural entered a pl
guilty, aud afterwards changed ll t
gutty ami threw himself upon iii
of the ? mill ami jury. Ile wa
apparently nut over 14 yt
Law Rate Excursion I
?mind, Va., and Return vu South?
ern kailway. Account I
ate Veterans Reunion, Mn
30th to June 3rd.
, inw excui-?
. the Southern Ile
Hie publicon Mt.- l?Ul I" -I
ticulars lie.
un* to Jamestown Ex;
Norfolk, Va., via Soulhern Railwiy
Commencing April iwth a
Untiing dally n> Novem
aluin Hallway ?> ill -?
' l
itturii al reduced rates account th
. ami on Tuesday ol ea
nut good i
parlor or pullman ears, will in- Rold i
, reduced tale-, knnl
Inquire ol Southern Kail wa
lit:iiim:r.itii: Ui,linn,m.
u il Mr. Kdward I. l>upuy acti il ta
"vt in llb Mi
Vf. ll. !
ami J, R, vi ited lo
resolutions of appreciation fur his
' sympathy foi lum in his
mulish Mr. K. I.. Dupuy in lill the
ii nt Mr. Ks.
.inatlng county
ami ills',: I to ke
kelli at tin -ame til uatorial
in ke lixeil
later. Die chairman waa directed lt
int candidates for county offit
funds lu defray ti ,,l the
pi unary, ami lo pas ! now
WeaenGlren Hie Years.
in tin
ami < 'ora Wai i ami mothei
\l thi ..| Hi,' e\ ni.
I I.ir the ae
? Ike plea ul
red nne ni
ami the Commonwealths Attorney
. mil tn Inf) .
punishment than ach in
ry ilnl
A Fear-Days Trip in lim JaMstewi
I \|lllSitilllk JllIlK 18-21.
w ill lea mi the rn,,;
sitiun. returning the folios Ing Friday.
i i
? liars. App;
llOUltl ke 111
Glorious Southside,
il the Normal
i in a eon
two. Hos
* do you cul frmu au
ply was
iud then
it Mr. 1. 11.
ir ami a hall lasl
I lil s|\.
How much com d
I nun Ul tn
. ami Hu ii v. lal ile
and now has his
lt was
.r \ isitin ?
Ing that
all Un
A Nu* Pastor Called.
- of the
?I Church held last
Monday night In the lecture room, by
11 tn ly M.
li. Ha Mi
i thc congn
il Sunday morning and night
his hearers.
(ul pastoral
work in the town of Taxewell. In
; I- the call to Karin*, ille
that lu- wll
enter lipnll the duties lu :
indictments lelaraet
this has keen a lively term of I'rlnct
Kdward Circuit Court. Tin
on from Mun
? liuur ol
i hey returned i
hal I'nw I;
> to minors
? ! one ur twt
of I.. I'. Jone
the Norfolk and Westen
.m! ii lal
I arlin illc's \i!? Inlcriirisn.
- ni the Ht
menl < 'ompany, acorpoi i ?
Inriiieil ami ekartei applied fur to laki
traci of land in ? harlot)
; the propert;
? lupineiit.
The holding* of Un* company on
i four farm*
a u as the Dar
situated In Ihe lim
cultural section of the county and a
lar lue i
|oi lol . fol il- al.mulan
lum.In iu Mat lamia ol a
must inexhaustabie fertility. Aboti
ind pin
. as th
? I runs through it for two mill
reducing the "I loading ??
R 111 I ie
ly willi line pro:
opmeul of a los i
the local conditions and line bac
country demanding lt. Thi
si read
turn of every dollar Invested, ll
? n ke divided int
small : a Ul to l
I Hie In.-, il wi
W. I
P ld
Sprains Qlkklj ( nn-.l.
freely with
in I'.alin ami give Hun
? ?
de by Winston Drug ('??.
uual "I
I..- eliminated In ti,.
i only
Bl Ille
i nigh
dead ii. i
(nu fo
Imt fur years Hie one mill
lue rule. I h
i up Hu
four mk
. ;.| ut honor.
Hammer Hue.
jumping uni sueh like
ie ami enjoyable, kui
nu col li
I en. Mi the
boys, k.- admi?
ringly at these stalwart young Ameri?
cans with "sound ninnis m sound
V 181*1
"leafy" iiml toe is the ' .Stuff."
i appre
i did nm before s hy Hu
the | .limn ul
the litjuor tra- irn lhal
this umlir the direction and ? ith the
sanction of some of the church mein
:i that in
Iel the
pany purchasing I I at Hie
> ami kami li ami
take III I am nt
iiur Hu
linn. I am n..
nut ha, lng ll "I the
workin y I did nol
in has
lint ye!
land SI les, a
prohibition, and
Bas the Summer Hemal a nairn nu
tht' l.mmty I Milli:;?
makim* an approprl
ly finnis tu the Mummel \
is to be liekl in
-Minimi r Normal
iml we
and fro
'ami in
Ile. I- lt I
..I the
purt an Institution of I
ul dol?
lars, s Idle our eu mtv
two dispensaries rn thi
county, lin- nhl iie
more I
i nt lr- ll
fact thai the .li-, ire nol
county but districl disp
only the districts in which ll
I .,-iti ,!
think .
n jiieiitiy ik fi
"Ilonnr to whom limn
list Ymir Fara.
If ye
at a fair pu
what ii i- worth, and
y, I am In I ?
it. An
will I
Wm. \\
Men. A . lt. lt. k'
IMlOl ?
iu con Uni pl
Columbia, sold by W t
Col um
(.omi Vinni*. I'm- I hamlen.nu'* foag
Iii tinily .
I'. ??.;
testifying '? Hie- i
( 'liam y. Mr
?I I * t? 11 i 11
I wish lo tell you tire
mend * 'hil
ly. My lill
w ho i
uieil) s hem
eilil -I
Ai. nil a month
dreadful cold my sell, bul I Ui
uni WI
sunn as w ell I
is for nail
illy wmi'l .
t ?iniment cures nelli:.
protruding piles after >
Nulli k.
: thing in the simk ni t
the entire issue ha
the M
that lie took un "- in tl
?iii ll.iis un HU ll.nl,
ll j onmniiwout .i
a hue A Co.
w. Va.
A (.Mill's Rfihiiki!.
If I Roly lind tnpit.il.
tal. i linne,
brain, i ? il th, and ?
W ll lt innif eapital luis
"W ell, il I univ hail a few I
'i eapital " Hut these
i pl tal, for nu
them fruin you, ami w ith
cash. < >ur men of
ami influence did not Marl
with any cash capital. They weal to
the line, the
amt iu time
il Hu ni a rnh har
ii.e mk, you don't
want tn work; you want money on
and sp
bond. You want lo many a rich irirl
ll support you. You want lo
i : :
. . ol Iti-ure.
man! lia ta
| lal you ha
.eh money a*
? uiimt make money
u 1 'ni ' i you Int' ?
e niki nut ii you h . amount
ll you waste ymir ,
.ney if ymi
inul it. I hen don't stand around a
I ike Un
do, ami itu il
well. Alway- .lu ymir lest, ami il
i eapital Well
lim I lliikiiiiii! ii Millionaire?
nilli" little ni
' ? .IS. s||f
ta, uni lin
Hiat ymir grce
? i a material et'ui\
aleut. dering about nature
ml your tm;
?I w at. r: fm tluie is nu mumu
in it. '-i mi must nut ilistraet ymi
rt and kiera
r let philosophy or religion en
: childrei
ipy much ni jmir valuable lum1
\ mi iiiti-t at.ami iii nil other am
ur purpose, ami finally you must k
eui al
fanciful notions you max ha
I enjoj men;
| ur natural life
s nu Hunk the game I* Wurt
mlle \ nu .-an die nell -niue t
leep lt lu Yourself
N mi le, J 1111r le.\ :
uni i- mik.
?mt pleasani
youl friemls il.i tua! yon fairly
a id things in general move unpleai
\\ ell, wil.lt nf UV Keep il t
I li lori Hg lire
Dittied, kui whe
i'l pu?
lp. I'.iliy ymir sm mu I I
ling things
.i finger is uo
1 Hie plash
. multitude
cured will
i in meddlh
!. lh-y III a,
?. w kui a et un fort
knew lt lill
A Mean M.m's lliiiiii|tits.
? what a me:
Hie Iil'IiI ai
: lu- dal km
.| lie I- al
lied tu he liniiesi w nh lilma*
Ami n ' I bought, nor a gt
Impulse, uni a m inly act, not
word ful kn
p ilm ? . I.alni nf a h
righi I lied t
i man tu i.
.i ? In h
ol thedi part
? ir ir
Ir.im Innis
the bi
the univ ?- think
w h nh he 1
S roil| ? . .r. No w.miler
-lillie ll
pure. k all the r
world niu*t Inui
I 11 rea
must his own | WI
i iini act ol ii
uk- in the I
Jilli-! il wh
Hu re is si, much I lie:
? Hil a:
how, why shuulil ynii add ont
al hurd
.lit it i
V >.iv i
merchant, ol riu
Mo., bsd a uarros
ll into
tor wu
ii hut I would
ox of Rucklt
Mie tl
I 1>I tliTL
lt. Womat
-oil linn, of Five Forks, a
Mr. ami Mrs. II. J. Womack r.
Mr*. Antysfa Allen, nf Thruek, ls
visiting lier daoghter, Mr-. '
Mts. Marietta Bell wa?
the Missen Overton recently.
alta -am I'hai'kstuii anil sun, nfl
CliHrlolle, \isitei| relative- in the | n
neighborhood the past week.
Little Charita Anderson li -irk with
We wish him i
W a ari- ?urry tu hear nf Hie continu?
ed illness of Mr. Allin Lypacomb.
Little Kate Anderson has whooping
cough, Wc hope abe will soon bc
We sra glad to report Mts. James
Anderson iiettrr.
\tlia Mums ami Mr. v.
rete married Bunda/, May
19th, at l o'clock, at Bethlehem
Church. A large crowd wai present.
We extend to them mir beal
fur a long, happy ami useful life.
May 21, H"i7.
The farmers in this v Iclnltyare buay
bedding tobacco land ami soma few
to plant, Imt plants
are \ery Marat.
Miss kia Bondurant \isitot| ber
frieml Miss Baale Wilson from Krlday
till Bundey.
Mr. anil Mr*. Davit luxe \i-ite<l
ut ly.
Mr*. Martha Hughes and daughter
MUM Mary, -pout a nlghl la-t week
with Mrs John Clarke.
Mi-sis Katherine Price ami Bessie
Muttley wen
Wilson Bundey nlghl ami Mond
Mr. John Bb an non, of Karmvllle,
visited at BunnyaMe last Munday.
M |as Mary Price ia visiting friends
ami relatives in Karim ille.
i\ -
, uf
Maj .
A larne munker nf mir people |*alh
ereil al the hoine ol Mr. <'. tl. Hams
un Bundey afternoon tn pay a last
tribute of love an.I :.. Mis
Martha Harris wini WM lani tu le-t iii
Hie family burying ground at fuiir
O'clock. Pc* month! she ha.I
-utterer, it ii' I wa- patiently
awaiting Hie VolCt nf her Maker tu
ker of lier Bulleringa ami tu
welcome her tu that greal city,
?w luise hinkler ami maker i
Ihe funeral scrv i. ? nducted
hy her pastor Kev. J. H. Williams
assi-te.i by Kev. Edwin Cafton.
Vera Cunningham was the
guest of MlMM May ami Julia I'uii
dingham in their boapitable hi
Adelle lasl Bundey.
Mrs. w. K. ami J. A. Brightwell
llntbi neighborhood Baturday
Mr. Thornton Cunningham waa
very painfully bul uotaerioualy hurt
last Wttk ky a kiri*!' sixteen fool log
rolling un him, Wt are glad (??
le tn ke at III- pott nf duty
this week.
Mr. Will Honker paul a Dying trip
tu Kue Baturday tn ase in. .1. I ?
and spent several huurs in the hospi?
table hume nf Mrs. Nanni n. Brad*
I. Ik Williams will pr
Heulah schooi-rooin on ne\t Bundey
at I o'clock.
May Ul, 'ti?.
Mr. W. H. Moiton is the only farm?
er in thia neighborhood, I have heard
of, who wm prepared to take tdvan*
thc seasuii wt had kisl t
Mi-. William Atkinson, of (-erm*
ville, vialted at Mr. Jot Poster's la-i
Mi Jasper Wilson, ol Rice, visited
at \'illa I'liriiiusii. la-t Bunda]
Claude French and brother, -pent
Issi Munday with their hume people.
Maj 21,1
Mis. Willie K Chappell ami aon
visited on Baturday ami Bunday her
daughter, Mr*. KdgarGee, nf Lunen
lui rn
Kmily W. Keibl rel
yesterdayftom a wuk - visit tn her
brother, Mr. w. h. Redd,
Mr. K. W. Priddy ami his ,.her,
spent Bunda} with Mr. Coleman
Priddy ami wife, of Keyevllle.
Mr. <.. w. Ke.l.l, Jr., ami bride,
itu med from an extended toui
ami recently Visited their parent-.
Mr. ami Mrs Redd ami other relatives
in this vicinity.
Mr. I-'. C. Wilsuii ami ramil]
Bundey with relative! at VVsldo.
Eureka Mills.
nth, HT
A large crowd was at Bethlehem
Presbyterian < hutch Bundey morning
tu w itllfss the lll?tallalinii nf I
?-. Anderson as pastor nf the church.
R l,. MeNelr, nf Charlotte
Courthouse preached a verj
limn fruin the text found in In
mthiaiis 3: 21-2!. After the seruiuii
Mr. M. r. ami
\ Penley delivered Hu
to tbe people In the afternoon Rev.
Mr. Anderaon waa Installed pastor of
DougleaChurch. Kevs. Hugh Henry
ami K. I. McNeil took part iii these
interesting e-a-nisea.
A surprise was sprutii* ii|kiii the
rxNagregatlon at Bethlehem Church
Bundey when ll was anneiioeed tbel
Immediately after the installa!
Ihe parties to the eotitract were Mr
William H. Knsscr, nf M . :
ty, an employee of the McDermott
CootreetlngCo., ami Mi** Bolla Fran
pretty rlaoghtet of Mr. ami
Mr-. .1. I'- Muru-. Mrs. i.e. Amler
sun played the wedding ma.
i . Anderson w a* Hu- cele
brant. Mr. lien. < mik addi
while the Matt entereil thi
chureh with Mr. John Childi*!
following cmiples acttsl as atteiulaiits
neent a-nl Miss Fannie I'.laek
sttH-k.J. li. Smith anti Mi-- Glady
Morris, K. Keating ami Miss Marga
M. Morris ami M
ll. I'. 1 le-t,r ami Mis
Hallie Frank.
Karee variety straw hats, reduce
V milan .
I ll
Mr. linnie;.
Miss i
lilli her aunt, Mr- -
Mr. \\
Mr. Willam 1)
l-l I-il.:
Hillier, Mr
M.-s .1
ll in l.ynelii
inlay nlghl wir
reliitiml Iii her
nine rn Richmond I after
Mis- i inkie Addkmsu .
Pamplin City.
i ll. W lilian
il hour. lu tht aflern
lao had J. A.
slsley i r M. E. I -ireh.
Mn. li. H, ? hume
Uh her sister, Mn. Irvin I
ear Vii,
Mum I.
Mi-si from Bun
ay until Wednesday with her
- Matti Rel i Ham
ton -pent holiday alth '
Mn. J
.Uh Mi- i
'am plin.
Mi- - ll. (luxton, ni i
i, '01.
I limier the
neut of Mr. .1. W. |
ihii'h has keen operating Hem
.auls Dince the lal
i here the company
ill four
demure! ia
arm labor and whlti
ill the faun ?
Mi. Il
be kith, kui '
?rally late ami imt )
Um All. Sill TKIlLKLtS.
Illpblt the Accepted Keinedy fur
I Hundred Years.
?i ami
ll VN( <>< K - 1,1
' I 11)81' I.I'll IK
Hu- full betielll lu
I.um. Dou'l I ike lulplll
I ph ui iu ruo
HANCOCK'*-! I.H-I ll> -i I.
hi 11 Ki- pleassnl '
in ii- action. Druggists ,t-u u.
A well km of Dani Ille,
bottles ol Hie LUM' | |i, ami om
ymir HAM OCK'B l.l'-i ll'
I'lll lt OIN I'MI N I. ami QoS
hui.I*, it has cured me and l am
certain ii will cure anyone ii tl
sist in using ll VNCOI KS I.H-I IH
in k :"?
I take thi- meant
? thal l
am a
amt mk
W. Il ll
than l
. ?? Findini* I
pam- thai afflict humanity; tin
spile ?.:
ill-. Iv
than an
Mi- Vf. C. Ilii.l
eil ml.
bold 'I
no I ami
kn Imv
Plenty mon
.ll rn ll i
For sale by all
? r-Milkurii '
I inte.
It s too bad to -
frmu d
-ton Hr .
- skin eruptions,
lie ilue
,.!... k Hlontl Blt
. Hil* IiIuihI (fl
lined, cleur
mywht rt then
dur phillie will renell
iv it. J. F. Walton.
li troubles, bllio
UpStlol try I hanilierlain's
iy them. Pi ? impltt
. riding
ill ymir money is you never have any
- ||kt niter
a willow getting mar?
like leaving the nther
World. Write only up to-tlale
Hie annual ilivklcml
nut liml Mil al out the
< uinpany. on Itu Nea N ork
: ml forma, I ans, paiil-up
If you want good Life lu-ui |
ir eel I on
Penai ille,
. .nil ni
\- yum lumber merchants vie
Wi ii hand
blln <">'
uou -
i ,i \i.- i XPERII Si i:
Ouii;kSiirvir.e **>*? MinleNtelTiiies
Restaurant and Calf,
11 I Bast Broad Strict.
Richmond, \
.,,,,,,,-u,, spE(,|AlTI
11mt opens ?"> A. M. to
V M. Sunday included.
ur Sirs:?Will y "- itttd at
lc to than mm
un get
it ijuick.
Why doo't jot. uut|it on New
York mari yS
Your- .Scf. S
nlcAlpiQ Dyspepsia Remedy Co
Farin arlie, Vd.