OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, July 26, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1907-07-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Democratic Primary
Mr. W. 11
I AM'll'Ai ?
A Ur il.
lol. ?
nut '
a ah
Makes Kidnsys and Uisditsr Rtf
bruis iii reneiiu.
Nlllllllll! Hr
t with
.* ho bas ablj
tl Capt
.;.) uiiiU'il Mi
nf tbe
:. ty.
;. llaltiinort
held rn .ml it li
ofsii<J ul ates that
ls up ti
Mr. William ?li Jr
i : Wi
dave uinl their's should
? n \V
i nt
..f l'.i
In Im
lion. J. I
Hs tut
of lt
win. I
- liol ':il
rn vaci
I . lill WHlku
awPattttatl Alilill.il Meellmj.
J ll
md f>.umI lo
in- corn
i ll !ur W.
?ls ..I nil de*
nt capitation,
:i. i:**
i i ?
llcera r..r the
"lill foi
? ?I furit,
lnliirin.il Nail KtM.it.il.
- inimei Inati*
the Methodl-t choir, and a fear
town p.
tin- moment, i unexpected
? eniug, July
nel| ol \\ aahington, >.* i
informs tuditot
lum ol tin- ' il.
. ile the fatigue ol recent travel,
lng, and thi
'i h hurried
h.' Including
i < lu-1.m. 11
? y. Ulundi
ni ihe "Valkyrie"
u? the di | linty of the Hay
den "Ht played tin
Dr. a i Wed
ii lunn* ;llr
I music
i fall Mn.m.i they ?'
they will rei ?
, beat lu
fttj llelitihtful tvenlny.
i h..nu?
ll) lionoi >.f I
After sup|
mond, with Mi. \. V Wade
Mr W
Mi Prank B Ulan
A Great Plcilc.
the Hummi
? ri treated ?
mic, ti
m Iih-Ii Iih* iif et in fi
lo M i '
i~mn He bad pi
I (ur tl
, nmeut
Hil I a iliini-' wini
all in
in. ir content, t
throng ol
ant ol the di
loft This?
We, Hie ? ' have knot
? ie last 15 yi
i .lt- in
my ni.Ininti,
i.y in* Arm,
Waiding, Kunnin A Mun
IiIivhI - "I I
.ht free. Pi
dd by nil I>i
Taki imlly Pilli tor c
Phone f>.i barrel Roller King ll
will -i
foi it Mt once. .1 P. w alton a ? .
Mitti Printers' Ink.
gastlon <>f .mi' of your lad]
the colin
of thf i;
nt illa '." il" what Ka
\ Ula should lo
thal i* Inaugurate a water fountalt
Minn -tri'ct tor the com foti nf mun
[erchanta who h i
advertise should li
I ll I RSI *
: BC fi>*tniii*t. r** fl
Mr F. M Hamilton, ,
tismbcrl sin's
. Kerned
I here In n* line lt ?
luil* to . M are c
hardlj alford lo I* without it
J. 1
lull LiM Declared Nniiiliieiix.
-a bj the Dem
i ii.m.
md Count] .... - ulM ??, K|l. ?
* ' -ni neal
???ai un the tl
Poi ft.univ ?
ur limn. W. t
J J ,,
, ll.
>|. '1*111*011. fl
;'. I Hunt. Ill
Of the
W ll
In Hampden Diati
tor, I'i W M I;
IV. I'.t-ll ,nul ll A Kodgi
?.ci ..( the l*s*?r, I lexi ford lira i
J. Kernoodli
\ A Has*
?Jhacklt ? ? unstable, Thoa J
: ll Jll
iiul .J \. Morton; foi I
M M. tiley
Ifs Hull lo Keinetnher This.
Ii..n'i forget thal
lunn you D
il in bia convict
nlrj where
out govi rnment, an mid be
? rnment
without it Ile tnl. runt, thercf
ol tolerant but rational, patti*
-lim.I by
lion* and Iel ymir neigh*
hoi stand by In* il so d
t- ymi have
- mind unsll.
.. in U Ililli Villi Mill Mlle.
ninety* nine bundradtha >.f the voting
... thing.
A Statement Frnm W. H. Hubbard.
a statement made bj W. B. <.ate->
of work .lone for W, ll Hubbard aa
: road leading from Rica
ly River public road. I maka
tin- -lulim." friends
at Klee prei
Double team 10 da]
Hands Lays i.isj 19.00
Bell ?<?, days IM * 26
I thought the above an i
. price for the worn and
I dedui ted
i spent mi
roii.l from Mureil to July mut luclU'lei
.me bridge abutmi
W ll Ih
That Kahlil! S!nr\.
n the
Herulil ..I last Wi i B mph iii
which my name waa m nttoned m 'i
big miiiiit *t Ile thc story
the facts, ii*
I <|o not | :
iml it one particle, bul Intend t>. itlck
tn my origlu I sin not
Who *hw lu *.|iilrrel-. a h.
him with the
number compromised
bj .h cl ti lng tba
i buah ihake
- imiilil nil I tiantable,
un.I inc until.ir "t the paragraph
ought I
il can be fa
and ch l a lui
linnell alone
try to -inn on hun the *in* **hld
really are their own.' Oive tia fal
piny, '.:? md lal "ur n
We thall ci peel In itu* vi eel
the next thing in
ti-h story, uni we say In advance tha
nothing will satisfy na -hurt rd on
that will by fm exceed that inti
lilli tllf Wi! .
W M A < I
When it Hutu '? ?
Fifty-Eight Years Ann.
in my wanderin*
1 met recently with a enentbtegentl
mun. I ? , ** ho In ii
linn clay * ? opie
Kita urii and <>f Parmi Ille we
rest in ull ih
colic.?: ly iiml the town in
is Bl m. lt u li* ely mu
Karin. nie ami lhere la bul ot
? who ha km
e<l the old homesteads <>f the coun
and tbe Inmates of tbe olden d
not one of them i* now living. I
would love to re*, t-it tha old
i .i with tender ami lovl
My wife i* not well, I i am
home What a -.traiurer
woiil.I m.** bc on youl Main street
walking up High street, He h
muny friends in Prince Edward a
Parin* iii* and uo doubt agi
tba One who wrote, "What wealth ii
to hat ? nds that **
think of their, without elevation."
Vi *.
? rennin monthly meeting
the Planters Prob latlon
Print ? linly will ba he!.I
Farm I BJ July 'il at
o. ( il *mi ri i, 8a
Ice l.ream.
ol ihe Vligl
which c<>n*i*t* princtpi
of Methodist children, la trying
a itiiin the next thirty .1
n Mexico. I n oi
M !'
-.um un.I cak
: Main
1 hird, ruesday night, "th of July
I rv it ami you will use untiling t
J v. Wall
No bttter flour sold anywhere t
Holler Kim*, "ur phone will rt
rj a J. P. Wslto
We deliver Hollei King Hour at;
.I.M.r free with guarantee t" pit
J. I Walton A- (
ll Jonah hail beau aftei
mutiiui li-' certainly would have
who r
iin.l a inother-in-lan lo pry tin
ui.nu Lu
llld-Fashlflii Mo-her.
I haul
others havi had, ihtoned
ciiiimeici anil painted, w lin h
ebixuon, her curie- and i
? winch ti.
balrtl.re.deil with
ind iii.iw i,
Dtly Kuiilcl .mr li
n childhood, and smoothed o
out to
Weet -[lill * i
- thc
h. inory <.f un old-fashioned mothar
to u- now, like the beautiful
.ilium. odland bloasomi
Ihe mask "f oilier ?
ut thc entrancing memory ?
alli echo In our souls forever, tither
ty an.I ba forgotten,
mit hal ? n until the light
from h.
When in ti -
life our feet B I - to the old
--inc the **?
threshold, standing once more rn the
low, qua * J her
i dependent i
B 'I In the lliolteil
sunshine streaming through tl ?
ern windon
ujo, we knelt I.y our mother'* knee,
lisping "Du! Hon many
times wben tba tempter lured na on
memory of those sacred hours.
thal mother's words, her faith ami
ed ii- from
have tilled great ? 11itt- ovei !
hei and us, but they have not
from our sight tba glory of her para,
unselfish lo
I mn ni thc Heautltiil.
ii young u'mI under the care "f
woman, and aha, un?
consciously I *rowi Into a
ll linly Plat
tsbltshmenl ol a thoroughgoing,
straightforward business man, anti
. self-reliant, prac
tlt-al bualness man < hil.lren U
ceptible creatures and circumstances,
acanaa ami actlona alwayi Impresa
Aa you Influence them, not . .
ile-, nor bj -tun example
al.me, but a thousand othei waye thal
Uley Will
lench your chililreii, then, to lo
beautiful, (live them a corner in the
L'uiiieii encourage than to
imt ii in thc *hu|H- of hanging
show them whare they can bes
use them in Ur morning,
not with ii"' aiaro time to is*" t"
but w ah tin- enthusiastic aaa
the beautiful sunrise." Buj for them
pretty pictures and ben to
itt their loom- in Iii- ,u lier
Childisl ? them an inch ami
they will go a mlle. Allow them tha
privilege and they will make rom
The Kider Sister.
l herc i* no eharactei In the how
.1 thai
?.???I eldei ilite! who -u
bj -ul. a Itb th. tolling motin
enlng all her cine* ami our.len* ll .w
beautiful the household macbinerj
moves nu witii aitch efnclMil help
III lie
mothei dwaya so nt
?>i ii i- a itb pride the Rathe
introduces her to ..urnhl
jhter " N..W abe takes a llttt
troop into tba garden wiih her am
athel may nut l>
disturbed In her work ot i i
Now aha heh.* i tb thai
haul lessons or it-ail- father's papa
uh.ii.I to ret hi* tired motin
i away for a few
timi *he lerner linnie without any am
icly, for Mary will guide her hom
wiaaly and happily In
But in the *ick room I it-1 pn -
.' lier hand ht dbi
to mother's <>w n la gentle) i
skill. Her -weet niu*le -un .?liiirin an
palm ami brighten the weariest hour
i* not ? linin
Their own selfish ends and alma ii
he muni pursuits in life, ami un
thing that stands in the ** ay of the
ranted **mii cunt impatient
Such daughters ure no comfort to
mother's heart Which kimi
an tiller -i-ier are you iii tha hom
liiltivate Gracefulness.
? distinction In aol
Iw.t ii thc "attention* of the thoron*.
ly uraceful gentleman, and one w
simply knows the rules, la that thef
mer pay* them without attract)
nollie. A lady har.Hy real
anything la .lone for her -
know- that Ui* gentleman i* am
11. e-1 he * ouug man ask how
?hal! cultivate Un* uMonscloui itrr
fulnaaa? Mona men, ti
huv ? tiie glfl by nature. True?I
with rare exceptions, nature ii.-cii
to make her gift available without (
tura and caa one v
tu eultlvati i blob
low an
portunlty t" pay a graceful attent
peae without taking advantage of
N>* er, we -ay. not even with the
ter, or mothei "i ino-t Intimate i
milly friend lt I- s mistake to reu
aga aa "too formal"?4
ure formal only when th.
ward i
leiition called for In society wind
not appropriate at home Ifs si
f, ilo nut nive
un .?! portunlty ta pick it Bp her*.
? u ariah lo ba constrained
slightly awkw ii are
ed u'Hiii t.. i lek ups hamlkerclu?
tba drawing roon, if
getting bato i
a matt.
Nor are tl.. na of y.
men lo their near
anti Hailed for ont J
1 ?enuilic | ?
them Bl
Mot Hey wi
turned bon
Mr. un.l Mr* I IihiI.s Buahtod Uiw
i* ot I'.urkeviiic, i tatted then boms
j Ullllam, ..i Sunnyside,
I lorine and Pattie Clari
? i Blanchi I mew,
an visiting the kl
rant fur the past i?
Mi--,, raaata Wllaon ami Eulalia
Bradshaw ipent Hundaj with Miss
Mi Howard Hardawaj
- . Mal
** linday
M?-*in WUlla Prion, Harrj
,nr.|, l.li.lie (.arnetl, l.iuiii.t ami j
Hannie Smith, Oaeaj Tam
land smith and WlUla W al
iiiati called at Mi E. T Boodurant'i
Sunday afternoon
Mi-.- i .1 Richnond, i*
her aunt, Mt*. I. B
MIm i'la w alton, w
ipeuding Home tune at Riverside,
returned home Sundaj
A nuinher of young people weie
entertained at Mi K. l. Bondurant'a
ty 1111*111 iii honor ol the young
ladles visiting there rhe guests were
Messn lluiry llaboard, W. Il Price,
< '-cm innis, Willie (arter. Harbert
Bondurant, Edward MarahaU, Emmet
amt Richard Lindi
A Dumber ol people wenl t" Mr R,
ll. Walton's millpond on last
: bathing. All looked very
attractive In their bathing unit*. I ha
bathing there i* equal to the "Bt
R. H. W alton, Henry Madl
son, WW ami Jame* Vaugban, fred
Preston and Rush Hmidurant,
and Mlases Kate ami Mary Price,
Mattie, Bessie and Ida Bondurant,
Blanche Baas, Kuby Ullllam, Mildred,
Helen uml Sadie Vaughan, Florine
(lurk, I'la Walton and Ml
R. H. Walton, J. A. Bondurant amt
Lizzie Madison were among tin
Situ <i.
Ile*. Mr. Terry, of Tamplin City,
will till the pulpit at Sharon Sunday
morning. Our regular pastor Rev. W.
J. Shipman waa called t
ut thc roll-calling at Belem I
Miss Mar* .-lok.* who baa
spending sometime in thi* neighbor?
hood with relatives, returned to lier
linnie in Blackstone lu*t Saturday.
Mr*. Henry Stol ug her
sun, Mr. Henry Stokes, of Blackstone.
Mr Nut Morton, of Briery, spent
*e\eral night! la**t week with Ml W.
H. Moiton
Mr. Hoy (Jillian, of Travis
Sunday with Mr < abell French
VI Isa Nellie Barbel from near Para?
ville \i*ite<l at hei brothers, Mr. A W
llarher last Saturday timi Sunday.
Mi- Louisa Mann, of Meberrin, i*
now staying with her daughter, Mi*
li. il Pa
Mr*. Alfre<l Barbel uml Min* Nellie
Hinlier visited M i- outlier,
Mrs. Stuart, of Cumberland, on lust
Monday Bad I uesdaj
Mr*. Ada Preach ami son
?pi n' last Saturday al Meberrin
Mi*. Willie Atkinson, of Pat
and ber sister-in-law, Mr* Jeannette
nf Kentucky, visited M rv
Leila Postal last
Mabel Hamilton, ol Burkevllle,
left Sunday Bfternoon after ipending
B few days with hei ilstei Mr* Wal
III \\ I -IS. I
lt wu* a delightful i k
Miller'i pond Saturday. Tnt
misfortune waa that ll waa the warm
eat .lay we have had thin
Anion** the many amusement
flatting, bathing ami boating, whtcl
? njoye<! immensely
After dinner the crowd weal to Mr*
l ll Redford's rt i ipen
? evening.
W. H Vaughan went to lunn
' Ille Monday.
Mr- Walter Weaver Hii.l lu
Mi? Mahcl Hamilton -pent the da
with Mrs Isaac Radford last Irlduy.
Mr. Harbert Parnei -i*'ui Mouda
Bl Burke*, ille
- rattle Plippln i- seriously i
at her home ncur I
Miss Plorence l-.iiUitt spent -atu
day night with Mi** Maude Mortug
Mrs. I B, Radford and Mr. and Mr
Henry Jenkin* ipent Sand i
M ra, Boh Jenkin-.
M.-- Mun.ie Radford waa tha gua
urday night.
Mr* R. Il HUI, ot Orange la tl
irue-t of Mi* Bob Jenkin*
lt was a >|iilet, but a very
party given by Mr*. W. il Vaughi
i.:ic iu**lit la-t week in honor "f li
Mn i. I U"-u, of W
Kima. Thaguaata praaantwi
Annie Maye Moring, Mara
Motiog, Mi** Mabel Haniltoo,
Burkevllle, Mr*. Walter Weaver, M
I i lto*e. aii.I Mr Harmon, nf Rb
mond. Everyone '.ave b
an enjoyable tune < laaaaa and nu
were indulgad In until a I .
and then refreshments wi
Mr Hannon, of Rfc
unlay after Ipending -everal <U
with hi* l.r.iher, Mr John A ll
Mr. J. L. Bradshaw, of Burkavl
- hiv
. lawn parlv
Bl of the church They !
The protracted ints-tinn Will M
at Heulah Church next Bundey.
Mr. Hooker will preach fo
next Sumiay afternoon ai I
l)ouglaa (hutch
Tba picnic ami Children
held at Heulah Church bast
dinner wa* served and WM
Mr*. John < hIIiouii and BM
Mi-* Mary Calhoun, of South ?
lina, will spend the Milliliter mo
in this nei**hlx.rh!N>.l
Wa an ? ty that Mr. .
Franklin had thc misfortune af lo
one of his tim
He was only Baa year*, of age
Mrs I.ney A Priddy ami M
art Priddy ipent Sunday with Mr.
I.un.lon Priddy near Paraville.
? lin*: this month
with Lu ?
?fattie Jon. -
Redd i
Mr. Nat Moiton rt terday
Mani i
( arrie
i. Hillls,
th her home
Mi v\ j : tod Mn.
N M lay
lom Maador and ebjl*
W ill Morrie, R 1
.I ami irvin. - ted In
? Mr A 1 I i.i'
Ti..ti ig will eminence
at Bethal M I! Church thc first .sun?
day in Vu
I. I'.o
ruin and Irwin* Noble will sjH'iid a
few daya at the (exposition thli
J ll In
Herman, tl ion of w i;
merchant amt post
Ibly hurt on Tuesday I.y
lin kick of ii bone he lutil Leen plow
? blow wa* square in 1:
head, an inch ..r -o BDOVa the
euttlng a trash ? indies lon*: and crush
iii)* the Lone sn terribly that ;.
geom in attendance
. dollar.
Ho ?'.' Mitchell wera
gotten to the wounded boj ?
. ..I undei the In flu*
chloroform he wa* operate*! on, his
I Vet* | the pieces of Lone re
ist night he waa
Comfortably, although he has no re?
ttie Incident, and don
not know what hurt him I '
i e i-lr.inn lc
although the wound li n deep ami In
- i?.t
Rut She Never Had Sulphur In Such
Convenient Form as This.
did her grandmotl iui has
-kin ami bl
fora hundred years But In the old
ph'iii Now ll \N( in R'S LIQUID
SC I I'll Iii
o uml iou tel the full
i .ene li i.
HAM i >t W - I l?'i IDS! I.rm B
and all Skin
i au univ ult
Mr- von W. Will.
l> C. in thre.
- it Sulphur H.h.klet
tell \M OCR I.UH IH
.-i i.r'in it com pan i
June .'mi
White Lullars.
impressed the other day with un out
lit which passed mc on the road a
handsome pun of ba ? ? autifu]
buggy, a pu lt M il in white,
a Baan ly fellow holding the rd
. the bonn
on mt- as I do not it dill Cl to h I
them ii
tba w hole ti thing
The BUtO Isn't In ll when compare.
with luch tuc I'
Endanger Life Wheo s Ftrmvill
Citizen Shows You tbe Cure
VV i. j
rj Birders, lan
headache, languor, why allow then
m.. chronic invalid,
when a certain I U d then
l>..aii - Kidney I
to tbe kidney
the help thi peifoiin thc
If yt u one, of tl
tym pt.
I arm* ile testimony
\\. ll Bul
who , "I Karin viii
Pilli to be sn .-1<
ik' lune Wi
i .lull aching ;
my back, which at tl
lion- became highly col
ineiit like brick
liosn- Kidney Pilli cain, to my i
H. < Crut
drill* store. Thej
factory a- il
Hie ki.tn
Hom I do
.limbic a rei
by all deal
ter-Mdburn Co., Hulls
foi the lim
ruber the name I
take im
Miiiiihituui Without Irritation
That i
no l.axat
bowels without irritation in any foi
Outing tue lum nv
drinking or being
temi to |
mind th ness.
State Examination lor T^
? .
Hon wit
8""s" ti ?
J ll. DA
Quick Cooking.
My landladj
down town last saturday evening to
? Sunday
turnin** just ' ic the
found to I.
roi that the Cook hain t
e Hu, INC
er*, md all men in the l
Blt on mo,
to the
work of pi.?purni*.' that meal ai. I
the ta
better than .- hail,
,t amt
... I
, nyilil*
mph -
UM little ..
And why all this lament BbOOl the
utter worthlessness of household help
when one little woman
such a meal in
Ninety minutes a day tie*. ?
Moating ii play
lime I be wonder to BM ;* ttl
itreatly prefer household work, but
l ru Hi
tl.l td
. .jilt to
gat in tba
trouble tin* little annan Iowa
-ell they will know just how tfl |
Ml Of lt, and .'..ni. out ol
Fortunata i? the milkmaid wi
-- you *tri\t ft
are apt to gal left.
Thia world remembers the mun who
- one for a 11
It'a human nature to want lo Hy a
little hinder than yo I
I'.isny men attempt to inn.
arc Inrhi show on a k. roet
What adult-rent world Un* would
Men v.
- Iii* hair in the
Liquor WOttld i*a? a mau il '
taking it for lr* lltn
It takes a long time to gal acquaint?
ed with all th. eau I
A giri can fi.d hal
new null gown.
i ddesl and
\\ rita unly ap lo-dati
the annual dlvl.len.I
..ur agents and Hnii out about tba
Wall tried
Company, on the v
i ip
ll , in thc poll
If you want ir.I Ufa In.uruiiC"
w rite or call on
I ann* ill.
i-ii.i. wanted la
I il continue to -.11 eau
winier clothing at greatly re
. - fol tW
huller See our Com pit
ol lad ? I
John B. Stetson
Hats for Mon
I 'I. -- Unod- III Hil
etc A i .until,i
? I in colors at
n<a*,lajg % Clack**
Virginia Military Institute, Ltxingtun, Va
roadway New York
Ml Ai.l-l v i
-Will you sent! as
rimed v?any wa.
il quick.
Why don't you putjit IN
York market.'
Yours &c.
rfcMpin Jys^)vi VvAj Co
?fl p -m ,-,!..
.ti i

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