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PSOPLR IH PAAMNO ti ? I ? tl ? ? : ? ? ? ? . on a t) ; - - . ' CONSULAR REPORTS *? has an ri ports on f 00 miles ts i ? - ? ai com* - ' . ; . f Vancouver, writes ? i ?. during i . i Ding an In i nery and n,. ? aaa! Chilton's alar and ?lumbla madf of $J1,. ? ?n that A ' it a careful adjust ifely be - Importing know why / Duaufactnrers ? anti ind British firms' In the same Hi I JEST AND JOLLITY il." ' Well, thar tel* I wlt ourt oftlt-i-r. "I "lt ' ? ' ?bout lt. : $1JM>, ? ?akas KM naya aa4 BladSsr Right ' I ? s??w. ll ? ? So tl ? ? i ' il their *>rt>*.li ? lehsntmsnt ri ld I ? .a minnows dart ?xn: i ittdsa liy, lilch! mint t" mart ,?.i ira's sti.rr. ' ? ind kill I I VOW : wilt? The Shee'i Herder. ? ? -ii the - :'. lents? .....ll enthrall a last i Baby. ? ? - ' " hold >..u. ll. -ir > i. i in., hold foo, ? you. The Rainbow Chasers. ribo** ??rids, ? in' nu o - ..rids: ? I ? orld ??Itv: The Rlj*ht Season. Woo not i In -..: I mrs mst or -; lbs I i m tl..som And th. birt! .lui*. 'lins, ih^ malia In the I . rBssj .i'"1 .iniiiii'T .nd snow ? I ???ri, ata-al The Malls of Uncle Sum. of rnalaska. to thc nark tlUsa tn the nh ? ?' SsRlnAW; laVBowa Of N'-w i:nKl?n1, to the i fr.t- 'luarn. fly tha'. ' .m. , X Y ?ii, Brotherhood. i BSfl In atreet f tho human Of riama . ? Wilcox, In Kvaryti.tfly's Previous. ?I ? SJJaNBU, -eau, Has i - i malden Bo i Ll fa. My New Oii-l H*. : s af a Bot]; ? ? I Hint, all In all. .- ?.h<> can (mt in Upplncotfs. CHICAGO BEEF ? ?"?>? ALIVE AND Ul lt HKKED ill ; ..I. N ; i r* 1 s Extra Fine Quality i. f thc priifs remain anchanged H. A.B ARROW. W. J. BARROW, Manager. A TRIFLING RCQUITST. ' fi ? ? ' ? ?iio** the nu itt mi ll. ii I foi yoe But *' Have you of in* sin. ci ll inythlns ' I . iii io !?. ii, .... li i to him t....kei fondly int.. ht dd in a ' .'I ot teni. ta. ?'itu: for you to ll BBBBBWV' ( I Rodolph May I All ls Vanity. Between Neighbors. don i tl \ ? I rathol Uko tl Cause and ' ' ol h* pnntlr (lin i he l.Mit H looked I Nothing Dolo". nl.'il n : . .. "No, Joha, tl lied "im willina I right, imt I want n maa tl ? Roots and Routes. Village Sh.ieiiiak. aid fathei say when you told bl route from K ??uni' Uoitce Oust returned t. London)?He said Reversed. have tiai alcohol In it. ?ul l-ij - Wi, Well, about all zfsh Mi t' fail down on n KlJlYSHONEr'^TAR Cures Colds; Provcnts Pneumonia A Mineral Water that Defies' Drugs Nature's Great Blood Tonic proven to all that deadly poisons . u never know when yon might be tak implt pro . or and vitality to humanity, and tin- p rt t" Natural Remedies, when al! otht- tiled. Aro y . troubled with Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Malaria. Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Chronic Diarrhoea or Dysentery, anti above all, that ?crofulo, iiatlled human skill, or Diseases pecu? liar to Females? Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated ? Iron & Alum Water Yes, when you consider that disease comes Iowa cont! the system, this Natural Mineral Water lg. m on thc bottle, tells you what Nature thinks you should taKe when sick, and thu doctor who reads it will agree. grouping I r in this Water of 1 7 different minerals, which are ?? ized by medical writers as most powerful blood tonics, could have been ? ? ? ? rs, N< i ' ? Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated Iron and Alum water contains all ti loni of tin- average natural water?Then why buy a barrel of water when you can eel a bottle of minerals at the trivial cost of one dollar. poonful in a glass of your own spring* water. not clearly known. It is judged mainly red led.above, and many more, evidently throufi 1 BLOOD TONIC. i have many valuable certil. !.ich we will be glad to mail, if you are intert J. M. EC1IOLS CO.. Lynchburg. Va. WINSTON DRUG CO. ODORLESbS-, The Refrigerator that Breathes ? lina. ? The Odorless is a Perfect Refrigerator - ? i . S. W. Paule Son. arar-aW.BaH.--UI a*-M-JaUBaT-r j KILL.?. COU and cure ?l lu: VITH Dr. King's New Discovery I AND Al loUAJtAN': [OR M I'avaBawwHaaBBaBiHnBaBK'^raBn I'.v Will ! E rn NEW line -a* In connection with my long cstahlis Storr, I have added an attractive linc "I Carpets, Mattings, Rugs and LINOLIT IMS Will be glad to and compare i ?ut prices wit h othi ry Grade and Quality EH )YNE Furniture Dealer and Undertaker H. E. BARROW & CO. Commission Mc; -AND Dt.ALt.RS IN: Panning [mplements, Hardware and Heavy ? :ription. Best Grades of Fertilizers, lt ty thc Owensboro Wagons and Bu. We have onptand a large stoi call, our PRICESare RIGHT. Also a big stock of Horst Blank ts ind 1 we can make interesting 1 Va will ,bli EVERY! 11 INC IN FURNITURE ATC i^VVjVS. \ NPERTAKING Wi ? rm I val mers and ve carry everything nsun i PIRST-CLASS undertaking establishment !?'?. r night *it\ n-f ??.?ill Phone' '?.. i i t'uwmi C. C COWAN Syracuse Plows NOTHING HI I I ER FARMVILLE, VA. HILL fl HENDERSON Land and industrial Agents. Timber and Investment Brokers Members Norfolk & Western Immigration Association IN FARMVILLE WE SELL LAND List your property with US for results HILL & HENDERSON aird St. FARMVILLE, VA REMEMBER incnifiit tu death, oan he itirety and fully jim* itlt'tl fur by Inaurlnaj in The American National Life Insurance Co. lt will .-al?., provldi foi SECOND CHILDHOOD -Iniiiitl you i -i ip. ' til> death ITS POLICIES ARE 111.11 lan i a imt-, H *\ nu:- Prom W v\ i i\ Di.ii Aol GARLAND** MARTIN, General Agent! i \r \i\ i iii. v.\ i 'There i* pleasure in'thc pathless woods" if you TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU All prices -All styles -nut* H. C. CRUTEACO., i h ii Magazines bj the month or year. Up to date Pott Card*. Local Views, Comics and Leather Cards. RUSTSmm.(MW ?POWDER. Win (ure for Fowl-CmE^,%5 - ^PouiW-*' ff ETC H Pf<OFiTABuE- .atBaaa. [ ?? -s . s V_A rn t. Using SLUG SHOT *? WILL KILL All Insects lF N VEGETABLES Chas. Bugg & Son THE GOLDEN CALF Sunda? School Ltnoa lor July.'*.. 1*W7 ; ? ? n i Comment mnd 8ugg?*?llva Thr ? ? i ' ? : V I I ? ' ? ? - i ? - tl with ? ? MSES and MULES For Sale or Hire. irst-Class Livery and Feed Stables. AMMERMAN BROS. EfJBt * raj*'*' * /'*??* ?* ??.'?"r^<!aw ??tv ' ^*?**** <3J 1 "?t<*a>4, f'.Tk*1' ****** Js.S*>*aJ ai "??"?sa ??^J ' * **** ftida^,. Norfolk and V, estern 3 raataa, r^ st* V '?A?l.lt04i Ha ,Xm ?' ' * m ma. ? RN RAILWA! BtartaafSk aa. For al i th uaw ...ti aal an UAl '-jb aal lt* lara! AK ... 1. 'a* aal tar ? ? ll llanUKl - ? Tra/ Mst. RUBBERKOTE Roof and Iron Paint for New and old M. ..1 Fth, Caataa, faa* aa. Burlap, Rubber and Asbatto. Swfacaa. We posit!* fly guarantee Rubber* Icote Roof and Iron Paint tolaat atx yeara. In any case where it fails to do thia we agree to supply, free of t barge, en I [.n.nt to k?'?-p aurfarr in good condition for lin- atfttcd length of time. STOPS THE LEAKS TV . .t flowiaa.Waatipna* an. ai ? atadl paitst ai Bs IF INTERESTED . .lair nain. ?f -aaa .Ir-aU-r, uti w. mi ? ? *.'' IF. .minmi rta ?a.K . ? .... to cmB af St ma a*. .< h.s.. Manu'..' ...! by Thc Pioneer Manufacturinf Ca C|?Y'ELAND OHIO.U.IA. - LE Bl II. i: HARROW A I ' i, Va. Rheumatism I taara to* vi a WWI aa". Vate* BM tot W**? .,,.,. iraiaaal ? mumi. aoftBiBbfa* [*-ju and paoaj" wtSTl ' ?.??ma*? td ft* Ow4 ti! Oat kal a**a*r<<tl*at **T .rAnMkdaaaat aa*aarmttoO. WatMW - ? ?? " ? ? ' rxellMU rlnoj toga* ?sh* aAWtC 1">* ?*JL illili fflaataViisi Ihaac ?sila'vool wt**" SSrSiTltm iff i?-aoBTa?vi iv ,?urf r r r TVf ?? '"?J? .?if I r* r wi* V Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy -ALL DEALERS^_ : ; . ii ville Commercial Co., Commission Hercl).^ General Merchandixc. -?,H'K", leavy Groceries, Drv Go ods and Hardware* pedal Prices Male ?* ** Boflfhi in Larce QnaititieJ. THK PARKVILLE IflllfflCllL CO.. . .? VA 11 nt (?'???? f I'*' .Ci