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rilE FARM VI IXE HERALD. ll Kl. KARMVILLK, Va. FRIDAY AUGUS1 .'. L907. NO 42 TOWN - co * ORV - Lee & Thompson Attorn- tw JAMES I V' WATKINS v I I Kt >l ?mORMEYS AT L.\ , S WING. 11, Creen Baj, I bbTCo u* c franklin AT i ^'HITt 4, CO.. DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, You Run No Risk watch eaoagh I ;ill about t i*wilrv wi sell it rorjmtjt W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. H .?AI IENSED '-HES. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D ? ? ? I ? ? . ? ' ? I' - li..ri. >.f Ht*.alua ' ll ' ? I I HAYWOOD FREE. Jury Wrestled All it With Verdict. S AT [ARLY DAWN Acquittal ut Moyer tl i iM-un r.i nunn. ..- ... .I..,11 ill.II ol . harare .ni .lt ll.TH.I. ,.| . |.l.-.l i i nell, ' ' 11 H.t.* u...,.1, Uti.LIAM D HAYWOOD ? atti wot I ? ed with ttl" ? <.inly tn led that ll I ? ? agreed upon a rani . J'ir"t N tin ? k, who I ' ? ? William " ? I Mil tit.' - ' : lix tin i r,ni ? ? ? ? ? ? .!? till! ' ? - ,. If vn-< . . r. .Hi tl I ? ? '*,,uiii shandon ti. Charis I ' ll l,i * Jlr.nrl,,. i AMI ned ti. i i I from Mi>utrr*al I ? r-*ltr*f In ttvs Aallmnda<'kB tr 'Lin T.'ii \ j 'lilli I roll ? ? Inf nulli P iimendt i tu mt FOLEBHONEY^IA] ?tops tts* cough .nd H?aaln last*.) SHORE HOTEL BURNS. I.u ll.nth ll...t.-lr,. Hame I ar Il.ifk nttitv, ri "lilli. ' ? ? I ? ty It ? in tl,. ? ? ? lyti '?ti'illy li, I .it tl.. ' ? ? . ? ? Ina wars takon !?. A. D I ro HM nd i*1 | it fr-<tii H ?? ol ii pawnbi rtad thut -*iv it I' Cartwright estlmatM bel ind man* i Uko lura. lt ls prol ral hun lni| th iv will - Maru bare midi i*\ay with tl f,i*|.m NINETEEN DEAD IN BLAZE. . ru i. ni nulli Hon.. Horror Worst In lr-nra. SEW TORR, lal* f.itrii and Allen ? ?vi.i,ii i >n nii'n. woav I'btldren , pad andaro Mn* police bi lawn lixkiit, ' tliriM-d ! . With Un..m;li th" luitldlnu nt 222 rbrjrstte *t of tho ten li Ursa, rhat nd InM re koowa to bars been n it the barned nnil tho iiialinoil **' a . Hos mai ? iiorautiri ll*Inn iii ? will probably bbts * Irtlma wsw nil Itallnrm FRONTENAC FIRE WRECKED Vin.- Will ..nil Chi!.lr, ii Porlob nu ni,./inst iniii.n Laka Btoauoor. AUBURN, N 1 . Inly :t<>. Kine i*-r roany were in? jured ? ?' cnrrjrlnj ' ? on l.nk. All t'. en, find oearlj all jumping la the lake lri n y . ? ? - rt ra ir. SI ' Sullivan '. ..xliitimr KM ? . ? Sin' ? ' nooke -tn ok n. ,11., tn,.. . . I l...I. . Pol i BERLIN, Jul* 30 U lt .i.i.-,l ? Pin fe l.ts-n ii ' I hara" \bi.1iim .In.lair Holla trial ? ? allesntaS Jil'llic 111 tin ?I that lt?i)iitns vvW vacate tb. Iii. Limit of Life -minimi* in Hu' 00 - litimaii lift- ll ;i the advaa. tliHt di ol tlif Univ : N thal ? in tl ?tl CONEY ISLE ABLAZE New York's Playground Has Million D, Uar Fire. STEEPLECHASE l'AKh WIPED OH. 1"'n 111..,-k. In Vin ii- ? in, nt / I. lo|| li. .tr.) .-.I - i In ni i'. ? hr,-.- lull. r. Hut In . aol i KEW WR] lund, thf pla ' 1 bj ' ia enrly hour, mid seven blorks In tr,,* 1. wnplete* ? ill ho ; sd ont, sod (or a time ?ii tn Lunn park mid . >( si sr s nut tba ; Bustler pis . I BaltS lt af I ? led thc m.-m..-i, . --1 *i i,. I ll* fl * ked tn " .>ii. j u bal th.- thrilling . I'"in, !.. | .'in, mid ? randed were . - ? ! I.nd foOI Ml* liri*. ni Un. i -. tu*, kud prerloos oi.,' m 1(108, rLs Bteeprechnne on Unit t out I*luii'l," ii* Noir York.Ta fa mll lt, was Ju?t turning In earlf morultifj nnp t> steep u . ? ' ? kat thin Uno taf early moruina mon yum kn-* I bal un certainly up Surf nv. nu., when (leorgs ? a flit. if ? lilU Hill .'f -limki' conilng from tl., i'iivi, (tt tu.' Winds," I th" many *-*i<>w* in tbs pnrk I had l r.i*f li..*tlii,.ii blmself ?!:i*li i-f Ilium, abot alni lighted np tho place in n weird glare A pu . hoard th.- nm,.nt pry of tiro - ll nf 111'- III ' ..- ? . mini until tho fourth Inut been sound "tl, hlllitftlnl i rta I t th pt along und, i tl ? ? thither, lick* *;>.? ,Inn,?tin: p.ivi||,.ii and the Th" mt., inn.Him ..ii Steel tin.-kn Hauling .i th,- Valkyrs as th,'j broke ite itu' Krt'Mt fi'll tn** or Hamad brilliantly ap, a hr ? en by ' up the Itceple* frtiiRPd along bia si og . ono, lalanrl nina.- lilo.n.l In r , NBW Y'.iHK Jul* tlgatlon ? ont loeed Gaocsai <s 'Illy,m. i" i [.(irk, Hhl'h WM dr itroyed ?wept Nhinil ii Incendiary Vii llly..ii ba li.j letters Last Friday In , th- tlnnl letter, wkkb threatened Mr illy,u'? property nnd Morned him thal h., BNMsld bs mtatrdsted ttntesa .did was i ? will react *i,80 AN ASYLUM TRAGEDY. **?><? Jereel Mm.- Hour.I Dtoatlaoea Kr J \\ H?,l ' :i SUI Hie tc Hos . ted lu John w Ward, tho in-- . of th.- Ins! Ths testlmoo' v hi'll ho Hill'. . l from the ny, i h. to tin- managers .it the tim? ol - If .. | . nt th, Ih Ward ? ? lout!) Thea* I'i Ward ahoiild ? ? aian.llnu ??> ". BoaotMstl II..I... HATH NAI : l 1 C ' i. pc ' I ? . I .. .. ..m. kool BRU .f th '? Tun*. *???*! inth. r Sorlooali III MILLBURl 'Mp ? ? i ,( t . ? au*ly t n i M. I Phillip - nany kind* nf ra my ramil; Lui in - I '.Ivy . unit iv. I cannot Winston liri mutti lt fm - .uiufrif'turrrH rifui What ii LIKE A BUTTERFLY NET. Quofr Contrlvnme Usod by tl pinn Whan He Sets Out to Cap tm- .1 Mesa of Fash. An odd sort nf fish . la tha Phlltpptni may ba seen at fhn New Tori itum. It I* an open wuk md two . iiliul. nf thin Strips Of B BBtlTS The upper sods ..i ight closely li>gethei bi riivlo nf WOOd Itt tho t.., ?ut rjnlfbrmly wider uml wider apart like ths srlrsa in thr t"i> part of it round top bl ? laches below tl tn which each nf tl .uni nu r this hoop tho *i ll itnd nt unform round a ,,,ui s?i that thi open d',ino shaped contrirani t inu,pu. ? bottom feeding t<, for th:tt purpose, uml tin, ? Hight FEE WORTH WAITING FOR. Thousands Instead of Huntlr. David B. Henderson by His Omteful Clients. early profes? sions' were imt n ly different from tl ; roting Finally in was retained in . Blighty hard up, and be thlnklm* of Hi-klmr tbe heirs his hill, which ho had nerer rendered Il? waa nii'dlfnttni: wh'-i | i |I00, Wht D eating thom all briskly Into hts ohVe and, takl a roll nf |500 hills, said: "Mr li. n I want to pay ymir hill," and eommeneed laying down these $"i"" io the ? mu lawyer :. n* Mr Henderson, tho keir said "Ii noughT" And tho lawyer, with . whh'h subsequent ly mad*, him famous, ealaal] I', ol riff another one niel wo ai lt iii'iaw' Haurpar'i Weakly. Perfectly Nm nial :?nr nt an Insane asylum wa.* i.y one of the inmatt that it tn be I im rant nf hts head "And ... you In hoi,, for, m> Itor Immediate!] Ding look .un, intn th.- m.u; and h" looked Shout him warily. "I'll toll yon if you koop lt," .'. roll,- "I ha'..' a mania I write 'i n '?'? hire a mali Just tn foll round and nih 'em mit Hut," i "I'll tell yon a i'm four 'damns' ahead nf bli '. 'hill' writti I l| Good Exi a!) concerned f,,r hal h. bearii!} nf ph' she reminds him "Now, doar, you know rery well thai much av you will mother attach of ladlgestton. I can .nsist upon eating il truffertng." "I would i h"lp!llK hllll .-?If to more il thi >l you " , aha is wlti imo eTldencea of true :, nf willoh wo Bomettm ides happily apoa him and ls The Power rf Flattety limper i. ?) ..'i are tl . '?ild, I don't think yo i first of next month" "Law, mum," said Jana, who knea ? not prool ... aaa I in me :?,' un tin plano " ' that I simply't Vi, ?i you? It ain't my fault that I tori .rhiit will do, ' You in iy He Had Done His Sh Ho - old and bl nf his "milli ' llflcult Job, nnd tho Uti I ?aid to t ' ? didn't wo?" "V. ? ? ?we'? What did you do?" held tl 'He )0'1 Ill!' lldn't I?" Reason Enough. ?nail imy from tbe pim . ? le 9o many mistaken in hli I ? n.liit: " "But whal "Why ll.'t lever .uni Suminer < tiM* Victims nf hay larval Will expel -?eat lienetit hy taking ami Tar, a* it - l.resthini' Immediately and ba liitlain. SB if i ihould fail ti ? it will flv iuatant relief. Hie geaulns yellow paekaga Winston l?r it .miint*. lt roo have kidney and bladdi .? and do Dot - KWue ? ni will have only youl ? iv euri nil turill* of kidney and l.ia.ld.-i di cases. Winaton Di . BACK TO HIGH LIFE By S. B. Ktsr.R ' I ' - ur all B tl I ? I did I ? ? ? - I ? ? ? I ' ' ? man, ?? '? r button approslmat! no! 1 ? ' I tf wo ' but I fear th' ? ... need the thom th?\t my trou ? il ' : : ? Iel la w'htcti i ? -,t. 1 aili I ? ? ' ? oat Un Bee Hive In Boot. ' Ailinn them when UM -Ii "** S' : | lt OD tl *andi''... ? to thu wounds. ??I Shoals' k ,,'klen ? mi rr get immediate relief fro I I LL J Dr. Srioop's Magic O.ntnu' lisi i oar firm ni to Handle , v niiin . 'with ;.ii MailBg thara Laural ... apt. talking ii, Hint you will lie ! Columbia i ? Account ul JameatowB Expo*ltion Ul Novembat the HUH, 180 ? lb and V\ '. irani to Agents W I i Agt ' fill tn I lei hearing the i Laaffl i ? bl Dayi im iii* ii.nk ? . v. I I l^k II) . i i Iraphopbune, I ?IllO Ll. ike ,,t machli SELF HELP. . ^ Wife- I'm .. ? ? I i -? rtuht neb Had Doubts. ? ? I ? Impo ? lt hi* Hi* Lom. Safe. Not Superatlttou*. .^vf nljy ? A Distinction. The Man and the Wart .1.: bli wife i Easy. ? ? Impecunious Bard*. ? I Wanted Peace. ? Kiinrsii?iii?'-?!irVR lt. Cures Cold*! Prevent* Pneumonia