Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD, PAPER i i. Ham i-**- Publisher. u six BBonthe..., m..lillis >1 mi , nulli.- aa K IIKKlll'. I" KUI DAY -l rii.MI'.l.K ?. HOT. A WKKK1.Y THOlH'HT lt Wc nil nave need of that piayeroi Um Bniisii mariner: Bave ua, i - I lune ocean Lt boat s,. si Can*. ,s| limn tin Canadian wheat belt and tht luis B-one n aoariiig. ??ui hope la thal the ramara will enjoj ii? advai i.r th. Republican* la lone .I. icrinincl to uoiuliiate ii full leajialfl ket. An u.ev bolil enough to attack the "Blaek Belt?' Wi ? - tun doubt* lt is a toss up wlicili. i the innn yu help receives more ^<"?i therbj do-rou. Bu hinom! Evening Journal. ul it, lir.'t' ? v^n. j, tiled thai it la ".> bleated lo l-1 .e than lo receive " . sh,.ul.I a pupil loeeayeai when but a month or s.. belilnd bl* class. i aenalblt educator, and will someone answer thc veiy per Until I natation Nothing perfect aa yel and In education aa well aa otbei things thc worid is advancing. liic Philadelpli ? Mr. Bryan wilt not ba a eandidata, an.I lot us hope tbe matter will end there. H.- i- tbe loicinost .iti/en of UM Inml until il conics toa rn. e f?>r thc I'tesi.lenci when he le eure to run be? hind. ^Mansfield, the giant aetoi who lm* icet oily died, *aid: "Careless genius may prosper for a day bul it is steady and untiring talent which mold* the ge and evolve* thedramaUc iieai* of thc mee. And that is true of all and all profeflBkuia, Die most familiar face after Bil In the papen is thal of xv i? |>a the shoe limn, umi yet sonic DCOpk it adverlMng doeen't , allowed himself to ba govamoi of In? state for one terni Imt timi s the last of bia political h..Minus and be la go? ing to "stick to Ins lae!" fr,un tins on. Hang ap a peg right there, and know that ht* role will rest . Hie late Kev. Sam Jones waa a trut trieml of the nen rn. and yat ha l"l<l I northern audience that tbe negro J didn't love to Work mort than three months in tba yeal when the liiick BBflflTOB struck him. and that Hm teri until almmona boom and that held out until p..sH..ins were ready, ami they lusted most of the winlet. laiat reliable friends anyhow. Tba late .N.i. M.,rn? the great meat millionaire who died recently, ?had la yean gonn by t" Us.e a director in a eenuin tinancial insti? tution, ami declined by Baying: 'I would not have tune to l.s.k foul ? nee a week and you 11111*1 ax cusc me. He lind rather an exalted conception of the duties of a d The directot win. would want to l.s.k over the l.s.k* mice a week would be I upon as un Intruder. Tha 'lay af j Tall made hm initial HW campaign tpatch at < oliunbus, 1 uno, Mr. Roaaavall apoht at Princeton, NI ass., and if we enid have conditions just ns the Bpeakeifl pictured tlie ideal would ba ut tai mil 1 hey say the Rooeeveltio-*r-Rapuhliean jiollcy will hasten the dawn of the better day XX > have OtU doubta. Still we are glad that tbe leaders talk righi if they don't alway* do right Mr. I.ussiter has but one ttovern* ineiit building iii Ins tlistii't ami that tine in bia home town. XX'e respect - fully call his intention to the wants of Kanni'Ile lu that regard, ami urge upon bini never tn rest satisfied with his one chicken, but to get under Ins wings at least tw... XYe do not just know conditions precedent to a suc eessful application qm, this line, bul smut-how feel that our town will measure well up lo thean one of the Could boya ia abroad .- that our business ha- otat Kr.'Wii ..ur ninney supply. I his ought not ta lie. Wbetevei there ia a legiti? mate deuinml lor a dollnr tbe dollar shotiiti ba promptly rbrthotMnlng lhere shoultl never la? any failure of the money cmp. lt isn't tlei.tiident on aaaablne or on shower, on the rai agaa of .nanala ct tba ravinga ..f thc tninailo. A tull supply -houhl al? ways U'on hand, liol "to burn'' 01 lt. bury but to meet home of honest trade NNIitn Hr. I ????*. \ cit went to Prince? ton, .Ma-.-,., t.. deliver au ad.ire home ni town was searcbtsl for fear an assassin might l,e in oneoi them. Conic to Kaiinville, Mi Rooat> velt. s|?.|i.l the summer ami we won't aeareh a home or burt one hair of youl head Tba Benth la not oaly making tba cotton, Which adds so greatly to ilth of thc country, bat is eoui irtW-al.i.iiiig and considerate <>f the powers that ba lins doesn't mean that we will not always .lefeml our hoine against brutal touch ami alain. 1 hat was h handsome ?"iii| liinent the NVa?l.Huston Herald paul Hie Pe? tersburg Iinlex-Appeal, UM wording of we cannot recall the editorial having kean inlspbi. ? lt waa Just aa true aa handsome | !,.. one objection t.. ?,ar able ami fearless coiitcmpoiary is that it ,,,,'t read D, ' ?? .'"?i Virginians Bal broth ei Barham is *- nidejiendeiit in thc matter of circulation as he 1* in other and all Ulinga I he panpb) who do read it are fod on the highest ..rdei of BaYwapapei final. sol rat I fro Ibl Kl BU. kc si ? I me I IS I No I'n 1 thc poa BOB 11 \ I I mu thal pl..lui.iii,ni iii Hie South viii niter!. Illoll. Xlen I ? Ul i IO theil beer ll ill ??? il tan b ? ht i lt Un I- nipt ran -i Ipili! spreads lol Hie n, ? . .lilli, nit tn lilli l ' .1.1 |>Ol i -poi tn c nun emelita "t >"? battle eh I pa creates world n nie mi. r I [tu y should all be billi ed i" tbe Pacific i- yet to be explained W lille Hms nnnt ii,.ni i.e ? might come mer nnd have a I Ume on our Atlantic ouaal Nea Vork Washington, Itiebmond, < harlestoii n all unprotected and would furuisii tempting monela foi the kevii 1 hui little uelghlmn Some one complains that lr I liighci and trusi matlc ' tine yet tllOllgll lions, n il ls pi.-l.lelll. .Illsl so, ai i all this cackle niel gclicial pr clamoi country ts doing well, Americans are given to ilia! and yet Hu "amlly existence is But the struggle ls no! to be dreaded it bringa out the men and the women ps. Wm. Randolph Hean! baa made lils lint speech on Virginia Ihe sm-. gestion thal he will Invade tbe South with the view of capturing Us clectn lal v ole isn't ,.f in,.melli enough tobe make the cam uss, tuiii nets, spend Ins money end then the mattel will vm[. The tn buy taient foi editing ins papen bul be enn'l buj --ilcn.-i though the pureba**; in- been made. No Individual per iuni to the demands and Hint's all he can command. NX in. is XIr. Chas. NV. Kolliaatl ? and by what authority has Mr. Ban da signaled lum to .1.. Exposition social lion,,rs tn distinguished visitor* mill? er than "Harty I ucker' Mr. Tuck Br comes from a lint "f gentle h.Iks ami is himself a Virginia gentleman. tau Mr. Kohlsatt boast >>f more .>i sts'ial gifts than an possessed by Hie Vlrgiuis gentleman? Who la ba, any. i he average Virginian don't know how to apel I Ins name Ol pro? nounce i- We oonfeea that wc an tick of imported farm msnsgers, Im? ported librarians. Imported assistant librarians, and when it c.mer tn hn |sirtini; -oeial gift* niel graces into Nirgmin wt confess to profound de? cree of nuiisea. lt I lui iv Tucker is not ei|iial to thc work of entertain? ing strange*-" We think it about lime " close the gates and .pitt Hie James lown rana. fork World says "Hie Dint julep has bean tra.-isl back to 1649, aud to Belem, Mass." We don't ?elieveany such "Uah story." Tba ulep was born in Virginia, ami they lo not know Imw to make mic in Belem, il ass . to this.lay May be the World i cant Salem. Va Karnavillt Harald. i if course, while they were burning in -nlcin Ma*s , the folks in -alc'n, Va wu making much mon nterealing history by concocting the ulep And aller they found out Imw 0 do BO to perfection, they assembled :i mass meeting umi pille I | mr lalean, Mass., because "f her d habit of witch burning, instead of] daking julep* salem l' ines Kagia xx e km :ight. One of the worst features of kidney rouble is that it is au insidious di-cn-ti ml before the v ictlm realises his .inn? er he may have a fatal malady Take Kidney ( ure at the Hist sign i trouble as it corrects Irregularities ni | re'.enls Bright's .Unease and XX Inst.>u llrug ('o. Profeeaoi Petan "! Hie United BtaU i .'aval Observatory inaiiitainsthat sun |n.ts diminish the heat wc :? ?tun the sun, but the terrestrial effect .t<>o slight (.. be perceptible Tbe pota appear In the greatest oumbei very twelve years. This astroiimner i furn in the conviction that if we are ter involved ni a celestialentastrophe will imt be due to the sun. To check a cold uulckly, get troan i.ur druggist some little Candy (old ablet* called ProvenUcs. Druggist* rerywhere are now dispensing. Pie I itics, for tjiey are not only safe, but N-tdedly certain und prompt. Pre 'iitics eontaln m. QuIf ne. no laxa vc, nothing harsh aol sickening uken at the "anent stace' Preven : prevent Pneumonia, Bron .ills. LaB Qllppe, tic Hence the line, Prevention (Jood for feverish lildren. ls Preieiitics iii tents -lal Boxes V. Sold by all dealers. The Chinese have twice sacked Hob w once in 1287 and again in |**J8. In Prance thc d.s'tor's claim on the tate of a if ,i has pre* dence "fall others. ?OW lo Xl.ii.I l|i|irli.llcili*. Mort iictims ni appendioitis an ? '?. win. are habitually Constipated, m.. Laxative Knut Syni|. cures n.iiic constipation by aUmulatlng e liver anti bowels, and restores the tura! action of the bowels. Orin. ixative I- ruitHyrupdoea not nauseate gripe and i* mild and pleasant to ie. Refusesubetltutes NNinsion ag Co. Sew Nmk city lm? provided new t houses f..r 688,000 tenants during I Ina! live yt ins \t the tobacco exhibition m I.|on ne women made cigarettes st the e of 120 in 90 niiii'. lealthy kidneys Hiter the'inpurities in tba blond, and unices they do s good beal Ul is iiii| Poley'i iiiey Cue makai sound kidneys I will positively cure all form- ol and bladder disease. lt engthensthe whole Byateaa. NNin n Orug 1 ... be Canadian immigration depait ntexpects.'100,000 Immlgranti tins ti fiver200,0110 arrived mst year 111 Interest I.. Mint . incl i me will cure any a of kidney oi bladder trouble tha"t mt beyond the reach of medicine, medicine can do more. Winston ? ii some parts ,,f Switzerland all dead BU ) the govern, nt, with lo wealth ?.r "(lon. ince lins X wa* elevated to the tilieinl tb rona, less than four years , m. fewer than 1". cardinal- have I. fa million girl babies born. s71,_t*>; ll months of Um live through thc lirst mi Bb pr ny s,'l -ria Be Miiry J.mih's He ? - ? ' xi , , y ll nil (In ile iiioi replied ?i. i in. intel ??? ' "No, ini.-.i I i "I >en |s you Ibing*?" "Me c.itch I I kill ?in. tb n N Ililli I I doll' "' b,-| hil lill li Unthill' ion bini 'lien w hit iou ga un ti " I s ga me Iii , Jim.'' ' a in .. ce lom J III! il hal ls Jun lilllie? ls In ??Jun beal me! he ai.i I Jim alni lie cross word ter me In his a ult ? I >t'ii don'l he - i i i '.'mi spot in- ' I rec. lim do He collie home ic lt.lilllie lie i i n lavs . ni all rel III Ul s'p.i t me! Why, 'Lisa, Jun would lek Ills shill olPn hi* back lei gill tl "Hen iii de nain. I Ma i Jane, what is y..ti gunn git I in nee lum Jim fer'.'" "Well, li/a, I tell you de (rufe I jcs' natiiierly los' my las ( fal Jun." Ad Quickly. Delay H.ts Bren Dangerous In KarmriUc. Do the righi thing at the righi time. Ad quick Iv III lillie- of dannel Backache is ki.lucy .langer. Ooau's Kidney Pills act quid tun? all dis ie-,ni.', dangeroua kid Day ills. Plenty of ci idence to |,rove tliis. J. lt. Noel, Justice of thc peuce uni retired business man, who lives on Main street, Karun ile, X , had kl'lnc, trouble t"r lour or liie yean, periodically after hard work oi i'.llowmg eold '" exposure, i isl from soleness and achingjust acm - the kidney a, I be kWn y bi became irregular mole noticeably nt night. 1 took seveial remedies thal came tn my notice but got m. bel lt i until lilians Kidney lill* attracted my attention. I wanted t" try them just as I bad tried e . el yt I. ing el-e Slid ?rent to H. O. trnte* drug note and got a box. I knew after ii dose oi two that they were lining nie and I continued using them. In a sh.nt tune my backache left me ami tbe kidney secretions became natural. I know of others who baie used them with thc ?aiue good results, and I have icc..lumen.led Doan's Kidut j to several of my friends. Non can refei to int and I vi ill cont il sufferer that Moan * Kidney Pills Bet . presented." Coi sale by all deiLi-. P cents. Koster-Milhimi c., Budal.., .N.w Vork, sola agents for the lintel Stales. ll. nu niber the linnie Donn take DO other. Carmen make s.. much m..nev lo the government report-, it ? a wondei they don't msi-t nu hui lng -mile of il A woman call* it being when you .loni think il s sinatt of the baby lo jiut your walch to -..ak iii tht lub ! he New Para I >"<l lad Pim: I iw. NNV are pleased io announce that Honey and Jar for cou ' . ?olds and lung troubles i- i?,t a fleeted f thc National Pun- I.i and n. ic aw as lt contains no opiates oi othei laiinlnl drugs, and wc recommend it ts a safe remedy tor children ulults. The Winston Hr, Just as long ? there alli i,e a woman In it. Whan all la inst save honoi n man lies to stand ou hi* dignity If real collie disturb, you I Bb rour Heart or Kidneys, then 'ry this ?le.ti Coffee imitation Dr. Bnoop's rlealth C..lice. Mr. ha? na, ched nhl Java and Mocha Coffee n jiikI tu-te ral it has not a Ingie grain of real Co rTee In it. Mr. - Health Coflee Imitation i Dt ie from pure toasted grfl ereals, with Mult. Nuts, etc Mai. n minute. No tedious long welt. lim will surely like it. (.et B flee ample at otu stoic. Chas Bugg A lon. irprialng how wall ahlft* bm p .pic managt toga! along. lured Hm Feur nml Siiiiiiiier ( old. A. J Nuflbaum, BstssvlUe, indiana, rites: ?* Last year I suffered foi three ninths with a minimer .-old sodi-;n -- ig that it Interfered with my busi? er.-;. I had many of the lymptoms r hay fever, ami a doctor's praecrip mi .Iii not reach my oaae, and I took irani w iii.h aaarned to Illy aggravate my Korliuiatcly Insbited upon having Poley's Hon j and Tar in the yellow package and quickly cured me My vv nee BBsd Poley'i Honey ani rai Hi the snii-e mu.?? Winston Boston is tbe greatest telephone Um world, aecording tn Um annual port of tha New England Talcpbone cl Company Kvery day New England then is an average ..i telephone conversations, in liston there is a phone for every even persons. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kid iy ailments, nan bequleklj corrected iii. u prescription known t.. drug-gists ely wbt re as Mr. Bhoop'a H.-Ima i e liie ||it and lurprising re ?f which Hus remedy Immediately Inga I* entirely .tue in its Reston ie action u (sui tht cnn Holli, g i ni i. s the Stomach, etc. A weak Stoinncli causing ,|v || . areak Heart witta palpitation >.r In rmlttenl pulae,always means weak omach nervi reugthen these inside or controlling irrae with Dr. Bhoop'a Keotoratlve i s .? how quickly these ailmei.t* ?appear. Mr. Btaoop, of Racine, is., will mail samples free NX'rite r them A test will tell. Nour altli i* certainly worth thia simple al Sold by all dealers liie biological radium laboratory ely opened il Pans is lavishly Ulpped. lt has sect!.ui" of | ' smartly and experimental medicine, Biology and baden.-logy arith ettal department. Bug* lits in I treatment of disease haw been cady obtained [rialCatarrh treatinenta are laing alledout free, on requcet, by Mr. nop, Racine, xx;. i bean test* an iving to the |s.'o|ie without a peal? 's cost the great value af Un? tnUflc pnacrlptton kaown to dn*a> t everywhere as Mr. Slump s I alarrh medy' .-told by all drug. V* Ii w bi quit it cst:. 1st will unli M Hun Nin Pl H PIC Complies with all requirements of thc National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 2041, hlcJ di Womuurton. Drink the old original Arbuckles* ARlOSA Coffee, the blend of Brazilian coffees, most wholesome and stimulating, as well as mosl economical. Anything dearer than Arbuckles* ARIOSA is extravagant, and no one can sell as good coffee for ihe same price. People who drink Arbuckles' ARIOSA Coffee are not dys? peptics with fashionable nerves who lake vacations in Sanitariums, j on featherweight rations, but the healthy vigorous manhood and womanhood thal constitute the useful majonty. The first roasted packaged coffee; sales of Arbuck les* ARIOSA Coffee for 37 years, exceed the comhinod nie* of ali the other packaged colic In scaled packages only for your protection. Don't buy loomt coffee out of a bag, bin or tin dall the roaster is ashamed to seal in .1 package with his name on it. If your grocer won't supply write to ARBUCKLE BROS. N?w York Cs* BUY Ideal Oil Healer .ri one Guaranteed Por Ymir PARLOR and BATH ROOM -"ll' BX OUVALL, SON & COS. Alli .... ? ? Have You Ever Felt The Sting of Poverty Sot actual want hut thc lui miliation <>f seeing your neigh ?is enjoy the fruits nf 1; while you arc securing only thc ni ii lib- your -eli .inti family. START TODAY ivith grim determination tu iii..ney. Wc will loan rou ft - Pocket Savings Bank \ liiih will make ) "ti .'nil and gel one, Write fur mr booklet, "How to Save klONl v HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FARMVILLE Farmville, Va. Free! Free! Free! minson'umwui pi (Jive ti* youl . . kimi* of tiu.i and umi. uentnl trees LARGE STOCK o select fr. iii. Hist iariel N rite us about the new rose. Its ly Rambler," the greatest ruse In ld foi | ot or Ix .1 culture 'verblooming. < ive us youl di er now. Carnations Plants Seeds ?I. Will. Irginia JftUTMTV ?:., / i- in A ll Dai IMItt Kl.l.N ll.1.1. N A Mst Ymir farm. your farm, i (air price, m. fancy price, bul .1 it l- woilh, mid want to Mil klv. I am ni tbe position to bandit Am maklag a te*, baie customers foi any nam* if the prices arc right, most of them nothing BM I sell I.isl them with Wm. NV. Jackson, ember ol N A W. lt R. Iiiimii-'ra ci ii if* Brsneb -otitlier: my. Karun lilt*. Va. lone IT. AVK VOt H PKIMIM. DOM AT THI HKKALD JOH OF K, VAKMVILLK. female Weaknessi "! ist Fill," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun in, W. Va., "I was going down by Inch from female disease, with great pain. After 1 : ii, Oil! My I Howl was ben. am not well yet, but am so much better that I will cn tiki: "f Cardui till I am perfectly cured." Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme . [as In the past 70 years] for the relit! cure of female diseases. It stops pain, * regulates the organs tiie functions, and aids in the replacement of a mlspl iced "f^an. TRIE ADVICE W-Bs ut ? IttaW '?i f*ur lymptomi, sat VS * rr* A 1 Ad1.ii neogi. Jenn. At Every Drug Store In $1.00 Bottles. WINE OF CARDUI les. ?beana* Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed. C.B. CUNNINGHAM BROKER. It may be that I can save you money on the above named goods. When in need suppose you try C. B. CUNNINGHAM, Broker. Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed. IF YOU WANT GOOD BREAD USE Monitor Flour Stokes & Davidson's. if..??. I" 4* *?* i?V? Tobacco Knives i Ceaa-k d with Dr. D li fur cough. ? nu ut White & I'd I, Co. , POimKlDNEYCOM Maka* Kidneys and Bladder Right vi ami N V NV,nhl ri Bf). ot Af/ Kinds at PAULETT & BUGGS. -1 H --i --j -v Farmville Herald ASH li IK 'hrice-a-week New York World. Wo olid CAR LOAD J .man Co's D avorite GRAIN DRILLS lt Will :, .| ;,, M... af|<j tot b bel H. RROW & CO. Sta talc NoraiaUcuOoT - -. i .1 -i ?. ' PTf MS* : 4"H i..r eatsl. "CW J I. J Vlt.MA.N _;_Karmi i, , Money To Loan7~ I w.11 v? ? Watti*. * ?'?' fiat j ! Moue) to Bay ur tiuiid Hones al ? ? ??? ' "?'- -"il Mr ' !'- lill ?i. , . Wo ham ? V-Or-Mt ti. i . ?*?"?**? THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., Farr-ivdl*. Vi. *-**t^o^?^,et5^ Progressive People Thc liiism ? and ? tin- up-to rta] man, likewise thc progresaive larmer;and too, thc wide We shall lie glad t" initiate people into the ilet.iils of keeping a checking cito ?JOS ESTABLISHED M CAPITAL, SURPLUS and PROFITS -."' 5120.000 00 ASStTS I .....woo Planters Bank of Farmville FARMVILLE, VA. NV I' N i NN. ' is bank lm- i.ifi. know .?nulli among ? ??"?* ft' a, tilKtCTORS: . <'kai.ut NV P Cl.AHK Foreign Exchange issued to all parts of the World ii ('.Ca ll i. v Wall.!, fofl ? ul I.'l.']?".. ???.-? ... Get Ready for the Big State Fair Richmond, October 7,8,9,10,11,12 Everybody ia looking forward to it. The wonderful aucceaa of last year haa led to plana for a greater Fair thia yetar. Nothing like it. The best in all department*. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS BIG FREE SHOWS EVERY DAY $30,000 IN PRIZES_ BEST MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS AGRICULTURAL ? DISPLAYS SPECIAL SALES FACILITIES GREAT RACES ALL CLASSER A BIG TIME ALL WEEK LOW RATES ON ALL RAILROADS-ASK YOUR AGENT $500.00 FOR 5 CENTS Get the INSURANCE POST-CARD habit. Mailing i souvenir post-card insures \ on against .undent for $500.00. Mail HER the card; YOI are insured for twen? ty-four hours. The card rad Policy complet costa FIVE CENTS. That's "Insurance the WRITE WAY.' POST-CARD Chas. Bugg & Son