Newspaper Page Text
IHE FARM V IEEE HERALD. HONOR FOR THE PA8T, HELP FOH THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. KAKMYILLK, VA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. NO I. towm n ?Y ? COUNTY OM CTORY. Lee & Thompson Attorneys at Law \ v. JAMI S LYONS WA ? I? >C K, Ima Ba;, Pr . fa. KT. W C F9ANKLIN U^'HITl &. CO.. DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, You Run No Risk \ 11 k h j we we an?l them I. T. BLANTON, Ipticiat, CLOTHES Ol QUAUT1 WE \ siv NOTHING WE I CANNOT PROVE. TRY US. Richardson & Cralle, Farmville, V*. Happy Women. ni in Farmvilie, and Good ? mi tu! lt. - M'lii'l Billi >' Mt?. M. M. t'ralli , lng on >\iUi a of HIV .t limes mp ui ii l attempted to ? ? I mc a Hi. i ufted Uiiin When I 11mt ;">il?. I'tilted ini'ti thc name !Ktat Things That You Should Know. \\ ? l ii|i a xtove store ? ?..?ii m illi mir | \\ ? i tin- i|t\ . \\ I ?; ami most i the :;>? III and look over mn ? pur S. W. Paulett & Son i ii school Books ?AND? SUPPLIES. Stock i- mplete. See our line of 5 and 10c. TABLETS, arc not duplicated by ot] The place t<> get school room .un] hi ?me-study needs Chappell. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. o NEW YORK. < iM.-t ami largest Conipai j World. Write univ up-to-date i tin- annual dividend plan YOU SHOULD SEE it al mit the new policies- ol tin- old weil Irit-il Company, mi the New ^<>rk dani" form | aid-up Insuran If you want ?.1 Life [nain Ol rall mi ff. P. KHiHARDSIIN, [Matriel Mai Paran Hie, \'h. ESTABLISHED 1831 THE COUNTRY i GENTLEMAN The ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaper, AJfD AIlKnTSDLT THK I if til itu .altKtH. the : H S with ft fefN) IMUM'IAMMM l<> ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS > wTSBTO Kill- If WITH Till-. Till V RIikU KuWrlptlna, f l.'.O; l?u Subi.orl|,tlon?, ? I ur Sutmcrlptlons |.''.oO SIM < l\L I\I?I ll.'ll mil KAIN I US or LA1K.I lt < Ll RS. fiomUuf l riul Trip 50 <t nt* SPECIMEN COPIES requtat lt wiiijmyatiy LUTHER TUCKER A SON, Albany, N. Y I^SuljsiTiiitiiins tak-n ut tLis ..Coe, Dive >eive and Hone Liniment h mnji ai The liam! that works the ticker rules the wot lil. miss the water tm tho I iwn, lt mattera n>>t what you are thought bul what wm \.. ? mian. ABOUT PLANTS AND FLOWERS. * ? ? pretty ? ? . . Iful hyacinth is thc national em it nairns live tn be On t1 nlnsnla ia a i ir vino, . on what rou ff un The "Just hs (innil Kind" Never Pays. If there ia one thing more than an othei that should aggravate a bcM ig peraon, it lu ta lie r? ? I? l thal li le they a-k tor at tlimr drug not to he bad, bul that they can have *om< thing "just as ko."I or ? principal reaaon to- such attempts at substitution is either the il the itorekeepei to sell ?ome thlng on which he can make more hasn't the gooda Baked ! wanta to ti t Bome - ? r of this poper ihould nlnd when Baking for Vlnol, tba modern cod liver oil preparation that lt la for tale in Farmvilie at mir ?tore, only, ami that it can alwayi be had a hen aaked for. Tar superior to nld-faal .ii mi ami eural ise it h made by a iel n i concentrating pro ii I rt--11 rods' liven' cornhill lng u nh | eu ton ate of iron all thc med? icinal, healing hm.I u-ly building ele? ments of cod (iver oil, bul no ml. ki y builder and strength ere atoi for old p ate children, weak, run-down pareons, after Bick . .1 lor ('hronic < 'ougha, Colde, ami nil throat ami long ? lied. . old hwhlouod end iration or emulsion after . ting delicious Vinni. Try lt. If it fm ' we will return ymir ll <'. L'rute & Co., Di Karmville, Va. Cheap Kates Tickets tn the Jamestown I Minsltinn. The rJouthern Railway will nell on Mondays, Tuesdays ami Fridays ot each week, iluriiiK the month of Nov. oheap coach excursion tlcketa to Nm i . ami return, BCOOOnt Jame* tow ii Kxpoaition. C. W. Wi -mt kv, Diatrict Paaaen<ei Agent. I.heap Tickets tu Jamestown Exposi? tion, tllway, in addition il; tickets at very low coach cx m Tueadaya ami Fridays wet k, w ill, for the niolith ol November, commencing Monday Noi cell theseticketaon Mondaya, at the low e\eursion rate, io addition to the regular dally rate ami othei tn Induce tin ??? visit the' Jameatown Expos! Hon. c. W. Wkstbory, Dlatrl' t Passenger Anent. \ tickling cough, from any cau-e i< i|uickly f*top| by "r. Bhoop'i Cough Cure. Ami it le bo thorough!] liuinle-- ami safe, that Dr. rJboop talla mothers evi ry w here to give it without hesitation even to very young babies The wholesome l' ? and ten ms nf a lung-healing mountain oub shrub, furnish the curative prop i pr. Hhoop's Cough Cure. I' calms thc COUgh, ami heals the -mi ami sensitive bronchial membranes No opium, no chloroform, nothlnf to injure or suppress Simply a resinous plant extract, thu belpsto iical aching lunn, The Span ill mis shrub winch thc DoCto -I Herb" Demand l>r Slump's, lake no oilier. All Dealers t Dayl Ol UN itu i ' with two applications of Dixie Kerr ? ri.'ljt like n my bael , HicatioriH aamnow out anil to buninona. ?ir*. IN, Korti) View. Va. Co ant Winnton Dru* C si,i|i I Ital < om:li ?ah Sir ? ? ..I Who.' A C t -? Cn. The Largest And Best equipped plant in the State Charles Miller Walsh Quarter ami Manufacturer, 1* teraburg, Va. mon; i. ha VF ? .ry deecripttoo. n ? ill... Va. Free! Free! Free! Our new Humm cmoGUE copy. Give us ymir oriler now for ail kinds of fruit ami orna? mental trees. - LARGE STOCK from, l" * -1 varieties. Write us about the new rose, 'Ba iv Rambler," the greaten! n rorid for pot or heil culture iloomlng. ir or der now. Carnations Plants Seeds All i ? ? ' funeral work ?ranted, write ?;' ZZ-< /?< ' li Davin & S*on. Inc. l'l K( LI.I.VIl.l.K. VA. MORGAN HOLDS HELM New York Banka Will Aid Trust Companies. THIRTY-TWO MILLIONS COIISG (.realest I |Khl In the Histor. ..? American ITnnnct- Kntls In \ Il? ford?Money Mummies In All light <onfereiiee. NEW VOKK, No ta whal lind appeared to be Buguriee of furthei flnnnclal tr. ? neltbel hank crashes nor a panic lr. Fri.e? were woak at tho opening ii Wall street, but there wan a decided rally within au hour. There wi runs on the two trust Bompas wen* affected lust week. DUI both kepi their doors open and seemed to lim ample support. The prolonged conference of leadlni financiers evidently reunited In an ar rnngeuient whereby tho leading hank lng Interests, under J. 1' " guld.iig hand, were to stand bi Trust Company of America and tin Lincoln Trust company. The rJ each Institution were opened promptly In an all night's conference the grou] of men whose Immensu tortoni stood between the oompantes and trou bio gathered in thu library adjoining tho residence of Mr. Morgan. In om I the Wsldorf-Astoria hotel tin entire hoard of directors of the Trusl Company of America met, while In an adjoining room on the same floor the board of director* of the Lin oin Trusl company gathered. Bach of these bodies a sion at 0 o'clock Sunday n :bt. and the Amil closing of thoa ? lng. In tho Interim prominent Bnan tiers corine.ted with each of tho* three irroups maned back and forth ls tween the hotel and afr M brary, and four times before tl bag of the di a bleb Included all the directors of one or tlie other of the coi Interested, wended Its way from tl hotel to the library or from the to thc hotel. Humors of Impending fl :' ? t at real by the depot superintendent of banks. Mr. li son, who said be bad BBsnrai inc bonce would cl The directors of tho 1 company were In session ali t' ? lng. At noon President Prank ? fbli lal ment: "This bas i.n the gre itesl tight tn the history of fun hive uV . ht and to pay off the depositors." The raising of the Hu nit of England I rate t0 C- per relit Bl I meeting of the hoard nf govern not noexpei ted hy thone I in conditions in Europe, although boped In some quarters that this ac? tion of the governors would not be taken until the regular meei Thursday. Tho fact that $2,"00,non in gi purchased In the open market in Lon don during the morning for export to America probably hastened tb) of the bank. This brings the total gold engagement up Bbovi | of which about |T,200,000 w ill Bl Wednesday and 110,000,000 on I This will go at once Into bank re? serves. lind ll.ilnh lor Inspector. ST. PETEB8BCBG, N announced herc that the tour of In? spection Just concluded by the ? of ways and communications through southern Hussia. the Caucasus, Turk estan and central Asia had n '* chaos In the rail: The statement ls made that tl ronda are practically In the banda ot the revolutionaries and that plans for armed uprisings are spreading every The minister himself narrowl] caeaped having a bomb hurled at Lira at Ashknbud. Savannah Liner Tntnl I Baa BOSTON, Nov. ?". Tba City of thc Savannah linc struck h rock In Boston harbor and went down iii forty feet of water. The accident happened between Castor Island and Pori Independence. There were n. ..?rs aboard Um vessel tain and crew mannell the lifeboat! ind put off just before the City Ol Hlrmlngham wont down. It la vessel will be a total loss Tb. I Birmingham wac built at Bosch's yard Pa, In isfr-i*. 1 Inti John's U III. BELLEPONTAINE, <>. N Wlillt searching union* ??'?I I tbs attic Mis. Il K. Covington 0 Huntsville discovered whal pur] be the last will ai. I of Jobi Banyan, author of "Pilgrim's Prog The document ls of parchment witt age. and ls dated Dei 2 afro. Coving! from England saan] iMttsioiru >o store ? or rheas, PITTSBURG, Nov. j burg horse show M ld then was go nmch dissatisfaction In re f the awards tbs! New York ex hlbltors said they would never Bhoi SK given blue rib' s of their na BO( the outsiders were compelled - left. Falrl.anks nt While linns. WASHINGTON, Nm dent Fairbank* paid fa President BOOBSJVl ld tbl with Mrs. Fairbanks he had Washington to remain fer tbs Mr. Fairbanks suld bs did I politics or b | - ith the pres dent and bad no political statement t maka st this time. \ Bard Bab! IcgFay. "I owe a debt of gratitude that ca never be paid off/1 writes O. 8. ( lari of Westfield, Iowa, "for m. from d-ath. by Dr. King's New in covary. Both loni i thal death seemed Immlnen when 1 commenced taking New DH Hie ominous dry, hackle OOUgh '|iiit before thc first Untie wi and two more Lotti, s oom] leta cure." Nothing I (trialed New Discovery for soogb Colds and all throat and tiing con plaints- (iiiarariteetl by Whit druggists. BOC sad $1.00. Trial Utt A BIO STEEL DEAL. E. ll. (.un mill Trick < ..nfer Wltfc I'rvslili nt ll..ose\elt. WASHINGTON, Nov, B E BL Gary. ' in of tbs United Mon, and Hi i wen ' lltatkM with President Boose 111 here. th* i conference being participated in als. . Boot i be United I corporation : a controlling Interest li Coal, Iron and company. The deal was concluded and I nt tb* I .1 Pierpont Morgan It ls un 1 thal the ort B pani Ul a llttU Nothing of a disquieting nature re gnrdlng the financial situation reached department. Communlcs ? ?; lmiie with several lilian ? how a more settled and hopeful tone than at any time In two isiiry otlldnl said the depart tneiit was overwhelmed with letters and telegrams from bankers In regard to taking out In.Tensed ctn olaUoo. :? pertinent fa I og oui Dlpmenta of national bank eur uni the aggregates would be lum Ti greater wert* lt not for delays Incident to the withdrawal ol I meiit bonds pledged to secure public deposits and their redeposit to circulation. This pian for the Increase of rlrculs lion ls working well, and the response of the hanks ls rcassntTi.- I ALFONSO IN ENGLAND. t.erinnn I mi., mr lo \ I,I,wini X.xl Week. LONDON, Nov. :,. Tbs king after -' a COO nell has gone t be will entertain the king and queen of Spain for n week nd I- to fae invaded by royalty the mooth of November. The a emperor end empress, who. lt ? ted. w iii be accompanied by the imperial chancellor. Prtn ' to whose vi-it some po> I tb ? attach, ed. will arrive here on Monday next and will spent a week a- l' ? Iwsrd and Queen Alexandra at ? Soon win.Nor castle rn III shelter no than four ruling European mou? the German emperor ami the Spain ami Norway, Tin- kin::- Of Spain and Norway, willi ts and the Infant heirs to their re-i.the thrones, are com molli, lal visits, hut with all the ? the ItrltKh royal family io Sandringham for ti hratloii of the king's birthday, Nov lt 'Hie birthday of King Eds will ls- in irked among other thlm.'- by tim presentation to him on behalf of the people of the ml of the great Culllnsn dla mond, whose value approximates $800, li. ntl. I st lliiiniHirlroiimlnn. NEW TOBK, Nov. :. Badros liam i sentenced to die in tile chair nt Sing Sing prison within the week beginning Monday, Dec. 16, bj In thc criminal branch of the supn. Bampartzoomlan waa convicted of the murder of Qovannes Tavahanjlan in Cnlon square .Inly "J-'i. The prisoner showed tm trace of emotion. His conn sol promptly made n motion for a new trial, which was denied. Counsel de . tared that an appeal would tn- taken. Moll Ills Ix. rm Inners. CAMEBON, Tex., Nov. :, Pollowlng bis Indictment by the grand jury on a of criminal \ John soo, a negro, was taken from the Jail heif by a mob of BOO men and hanged tn n tree In t!i.urthooss yard, tull nd Influential rittsens | with the limb to SHOW the law to tain1 Its conns, but the rioters paid ti" h.1 and battered down the doors of the Jail. The town ls now quiet I ernor ordered out the militia, but nol In time to save the negro. Commissar? I.eneral larpenii-r llenH BOSTON, Nov. .".. Brigadier Fredei bk B, Carpenter, commissary genera on the staff of Governor curd, ls desi fter a long Illness. Oem pinter was Identified with the stat, militia for many years and served ol itt of several governors Ile wai prominent In Insurance circles, betel ?i the firm of George c. Carpen tel ,V lo ile waa forty ? Mitchell Has a Helapae. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Nov. B Word was received nt the mine work idquartera that President .loin Mitchell of thal organisation, who i. lu thc hospital nt I.a Salle. Ill, li.e suffered a relapse nts condition li critical, but the physicians say then e likelihood of a change eftbe way for two oi tlexelnn.l Bank OBOS lp ill'A ELAND, 0 . Nov :, i National bank of Leetonla, Cotomblsm county. O , failed to open A n thc door says, "Cone Info voluntar; liquidation." It wss organized tWSOtj be hank's ntl: that thc Institution ls solvent and fha all cia. MIL.,.In s Illrtlolfir. WASHINGTON, Nov -t.-The fifty flfttl blrtbdsy anniversary of the en sf Jspsn iras eelebrstsd here b; B dinner st tho I mhsssj when the menil?ers of the I wera I bssssdor and Com \ ki ll IK Fire at Cr.nil Unpin. GBAND BAFIDA Mick, v impletely fa ii -'lani e irand Bsptds dock end i fae building was tilled wit ? and mantels, Thu lose ls |70 otra, Ile i ought at Gettysburg. Ii'ivid I'arker.of layette. N. Y.. wi lost a foot at" lettysburg, trie I'. I ne tue more gm than any medicine 1 evev took, li il years I had eton adi troobl sud paid out uiucli money for i to little purpose, until ] began takit : would liol I for what they have done for me (.rand tonic for the aged and forfeimi weakness, (treat alterative and t?? builder: sure cure for lame back at weak kidneys. Guaranteed bf Whl CONDENSED DISPATCHES. IS Events of the Weak Hrleflr t hm ni fled. B, B ishier of tbs Hunts? ville i.\ snpany, unmltted sulclda. By almost lilian!' tba eld? in of Labor bas , confidence ami that of tba trades un in the stability of Chicago banks and their cap s lth the present flnancisl dltll ctilty. >l,.nila>, Mot. 4. Four thousand minors have | strike on account of financial nt bonville. 111. Field Marshal nyama, commander la chief of the Japanese army, ls coming to Victoria next spring and will make C tour of the Unit William T. Bell, managing editor of thc San Francisco Hulletln and for marly with the New York World, died at tbs home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas P. I>o|an In Columbus, 11 The supreme court of Pennsylvania has refused to seal the deposition of the late Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick, who was an Important witness in the suit brought by tbs Colonial Trust compa? ny, administrator ? i of W. C. .latte, and .lamas W. Friend and F. N. HoaTatOt, president and rles dent of the Pressed Steel Car Compa? ny, for an accounting of certain stock transactions SIMPS ting to about $1, 000,000. Satnrrt.iT. Snr. 2. Physicians at Paterson, N. J., are discussing the case of Joseph Kosljus. wini dlud In Kt. Joseph's hospital after having slept seven weeks. Death ro from exhaustion duo to lack of nourishment. Martin Maloney of Fhlliidelphla, who Went abroad In search of his daughter. Helen, who disappeared from her par? ents' summer home at Spring Lake, N. .1.. BbOOt tbs time of the disappear ? IgrkSOa Of London. has returned to his homo, having failed -??arch. Frl.ln>. v.. I. The I Hike of the Abnizzl denies the report thal he ls engaged to !*? married ? Katherina Elkins, daughter of Senator Stephen H. Elkins. He ls re? ported to ls. greatly annoyed ut tbs this rumor. Branding lier wealthy young hus ? uiidrel, a Uar and md ft r charging her with misconduct with tinir negro coachman, Mr- Ibu ry Johnson Lord of Bridgeport, Conn., indignantly VOWSd she WOUld meet his l<ro.'.lings tn court and SCOTS but that In-r husband ls himself guilty Of paving too much attention to other women, among them s New York helr I Iniratlar, Ort. Ml. Union Psdflc railroad discharg? ed between 4,i??> and 9,000 workmen. At the request of the Fortland (Ora i clearing house Governor Char hued five legal holidays to pre? vent draining money from the ' Tbs biennial convention of thc Cul 1st church. In boab* Philadelphia -if on record ns against tho enfranchisement of WO I for C uniform di? vine law. UV.In. ?lill, . II. t. lill. Maximilien Harden, tba Berlin edi? tor, was acquitted in the suit brought against bim for defamation of charac? ter by General Count Kimo von lloltke, formerly military governor of Berlin. Brooklyn relatives ..f pr. Albert C. Day, who was found dead Hear Hus? ton three days after he had msrried tim "Gibson giri nurse" of the Boston city hospital, declare he was murdered. The Boston police in-ist that he committed suicide. kW Davidson announces that v Moron, cushier of the defunct Akron (O.i bank, had comm:' ride, there being nothing to substan tinto tbs murder theory. The revolvei is one kept at the Hollar Suv ?nk. of whl. h Huron was eashlei nod treasurer, and the weapon was Iv lug bj ld-1 Bids when he was found. Misters' In Mn n's Heath. BOGOTA, N .!., N'..v. 6. v surrounding thc death of Walter r Baker, a wealthy Boston man. win died a week ago Saturday night ai ?Ile home of his friend, Frank II. Hurd aro a few hours after he had declare! \ 'nie lu Browne's chophouse that lu bsd i" ? srbea I ams reported that scheming ; had otit.lined control of a ISTgS part o' bis fortune In I few Weeks prior to bli destb Ballina ol I'arlSr Fleet. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 ?Instroc ? nt mit by the navy depnrtmen r Admiral Brana direct him i< preliminary orders covering tin ling and departure for the Vu of thC licet which are to sail on I'? ?? 10. ..nd torpedo flotilla and the Aretha*: win sail from Bampton Boads on Dec 2. The battleships will rendCBIOOC a Hampton Boadc DOt biter tba). Threaten Lr. nt strike. LONDON, Nov. * s |resl of railroad i ' laal night li Albert lian, attended by deputation from all parts of tho United Kingdom Bli hard Bell, M. P of thc af Hall Bonaecd ti i of the ballot ' orion o rho majority fav lln.l Klll.-d 1 "entr-elorht. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Nov. .r?. -1 ls. n nt ? ? . womel ? 1 from the nilling of the Tenn* see river bridge to tho water a hundre feet below and was drowned. Befor leaping be asserted that he bad kills twenty-eight persons. This I* Werta B>sacms?w1ng. A- DO ona is immune. should remember that Foley's Kldni Cure will cnn anv case of kidney I bladder trouble that is not beyond tl reach of medicine. The Winston Dn Trial Catarrh treatments arc ben isiled out free, on request, by I Bhoop, Racine, ^ proving to the people without a pe nt the great val title prescription known to everywhere as Dr. Simon's Catar Remedy. Hold by all dealers. BOOTH ATM YORK Aged Commander Closes Fare? well American Tour. EVA BOOTH, HIS DAUGHTER, ASSISTS; Old Man, a Strenuous Worker la the lana* of Salvation, French*-* I hrrr 'I Intra to Urea! t row il s?Joins Lustily In Slaging. NEW TOBE, Nov. 5.- Cencral Wil? liam Booth, thu venerable originator and world head of the Salvation Army, conducted bi this city what w sldered to be tho most bu] of meetings of his present and prob ably his farewell American tour. The New Amsterdam theater was crowded to thc doors with that represented picturesquely pollt.'iu New York. Wedged by the side of the man whose dress and bearing ? social distinction was t!. BSO of tbs slum, whoso need of rell glotis shepherding called Into being the army of salvation. Bsch appearance of the general was greeted with fer vor characteristic of the organization and when be made a telling | chorus of "Amen," "Halleluiah." "Praise the Ford" and similar ? Stone of sympathy and approval fairly -hook the building. Tho general was assisted hi missioner Adams, formerly of Chics ?mils Higgins and Fawley. Commander Miss Kv? Booth, his daughter, who ls In charge American work, and immy other olll l tba army. At the morning service G ; leaded with his bearers to need tbs demands of Cod upon their lives. ii a steady stream of p where they knelt with the soldiers ?-hare In the meeting was bi? by great white buttons worn upon their uniforms and bearing the t, "Salvation Army Fisher." denara! Booth preached at the three - morning, afternoon and CVSMB lng and, despite Ills nearly fourscore years, appeared strong, bis voice USO ally carrying throughout the auditor! uni. He joined lustily In the singing and once when the bass drummer fal ?-ran leader commsnded him to hit harder. Cencral Booth took for his morning ?ext tba Biblical verse, "He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be I " He said among Other things: 'The salvation of Jesus Chi: intended to give satisfaction to ho? nan souls, te Msfactlon sud bring about a state of things that will harmony In human souls. I ll] jour attention to t tuns of I satisfying religion: I I ? kan favor of God; M that you aro doing your duty to the I^ird and to ?Lout you and, third, the as Bonnee that oil ls going to lie well And this satisfying religion yOBJ cm without money and without S t nm pit Ik n I' SAN PBANCISCO, Nov..-. il important municipal campaign in the Of this city Closed lust night willi mass meetings, parades and red lights. It ls estimated that the vote today will reach BS.000. inter. tera In ? for mayor and dis Pee the ant b i Bee there are three candldnt ! Taylor (lncombent), nominee of the Democrat and good government conventions; Pnnlel A. Byan, Beptib Mein, mid P. II. McCarthy, Futon Fa lor. Huron (irorsr Washing-ton Conting-. VIENNA, Nov. B. ? Baron George Washington, who ls now on his way to tbs United states, with the baroness iby birth Countess Wohersheim), to pay his llrst visit to this country, ls I surviving representative of thc Cennsn branch of the hist Washington, which branch will be ? \tlnct at his death since bs has no children. I anne Trip Arrnaa Stormy Sonml. B I AMI uKli. Conn , Nov. 4 Elogh M. Matheson, the Yale undergraduate who left here in a ten foot canoe, de spits warnings and protests of old wa? termen, paddled BCTOSS the sound In a to lils father's summer t Lloyd's Neck, N. Y. He ar rived after a trying experience shoot k at night. < elehrata al 1'nnama. PANAMA, Nov. 4. ihe Independ BBCS of the republic of l'anams ls lie lebrated throughout the entire country na well ns In tba emmi BOM with enthusiasm. DoatiBfO de ('hal din, thc -Ident of thu repuh ,ic. Inaugurated a new school of art" and trades lu this Raak Teller ? Sulelde. SHAWNEE, okla. Nov 4 ri, a teller In the State Notions bank, attempted to commit suicide bj cutting his throat. He cannot live His accounts are reported all right Worry over financial condltlm . nd temporal _ I'nnama'a nirthdar. COLON, Nov. .".-The celebrations I honor of tbs fourth anniversary o the hirth of tho republic of Benama which began Saturday, will end todai They Include various amusements fe ?ier?l public, bull halting an rks. Mas Url.iln,lill ( nnfeaaea. MILWAUEEB, Wis.. Nov. B Ec supervisor, onargo with accepting a bril* of foO in coi , with s boapttal contract m< eral years Bf .milty and wu \ significant Brayer. i.ord help you make Bm mica Halve known to all,"writ J. (,. Jenkins, of Chapel HUI. ' ? luickly took the pam out Of a M for iiic'and cured it in a wonderful short ' IOU earth fi ls. S>c. at White irug store. - ire and call at our .-k. Puvall, Son A Co. You will lind the most arti wear for men women and chilliren Fleming A Clark's LM Ymir f-arm. II farm, taney pr:. ? ul nt it is worth, quickly, I sm in the position to handle i!. Am mak ly of large . J iiiiin Is-r il the prue- are right,.si of them w ill \ lot ti li. V\ m. \\ . Membci nt V d W. K. lt. In. imii Association. Virglul. ihorn Land 1'llOi', Upi. -? . law. \\ c are | least d lo announce thal y ami I ar for coughs, .1 lung troubles i* not i ; Drug other harmful drug end it ?i and Ihe w We i Oriuo i i purities the ami regulates tl ink u about it. The w I ' -t-jt ni i - fully m ii I terning irk'a U ool Sil.l by ll < i stol . men and v\ puen and Tar i takeii lt will > sold and no -ellon- i. I'lie w lin- M i Louis, ? . oak lng ami - i crowd* I ure- lt in a ti A li on i. ' I'.numil Follows a (old the cough, id strengthens tin Drug < o. I areal ol Ltrlght'i i ? from amt I n ab Uropsj ami could ? my family I tbC rnnlll. I ll of ||S mg. when a friend recommended isitlle w dropsy Win? ston l ?i burn itmenl quickly Mop- ii- -| -tautly ? the Itching iienlly. At hiern Llpatlon, time tin timulate thc liver, promote digestion ami sppetl NOTICE! When you go to mond, Va., Why don't you go lo FR .Nt i i HOTEL \NH l;l ?TTAI I. ...u will timi II D TO- ll Al F everything new and UPlU'UrllD uni all Hu of the Lynn Haven Oysters ,LL TH 1 VI I Francione's HOTEL AND I N I killie couch ano CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery run ^olds ANO ALL THROAT ANO i GUARANTEED SATISFAC . OR MONEY REFUNDED. WIirn-; & c<?. HORSES and MILES For Sale or Hire. VI First-Class Livery and Feed Stabler. North Street. - - I'annvi. ZIMMERMAN BROS.