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THE FARMV1LEE HERALD. ill PAST, Hi LP I OH UH PHI -l.N l.ll M RE. .VIII. FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, NOVKMBEB TORY. Lee & Thompson Ait -t Law MAS WA PK I ?. <LIN ? I rt &. co., DRUGS. Medicines and Druggists' Sundries You Run No Risk ? we W. T. BLANTON. CLOTHES OF QliALIT WE say nothing we cannot wove. Richardson & Cralle, Farmville \ SALVATION ARVY A PIICT. iys lt ls In ? / ??i ' V Gen. William D ' ' ? ' ? JAPAN REWARDS AMERICAN. H. W. Dennison Given $10,000 fer Serv ices During War. rf. W- JO>?.NjKJSO?C~~ ?:: i ' ' I i : vt OW ILLNESS CAUSED INSANITY. Ii.i.ns,. I Pot >lr?. Ilrnd Icjr'a I lt. VYAS1I1 S'ISTOX, Nov. 10. When tin Hey, ot murder of i Hay, t In n po primmer li ? -.lit thi' roon .I : t awaj ? I her tri:it anything slit did not .d lu- hud to .pies . tlii'lr father. I hit." hi- hw. ? her Mini give Iren, hm MW timi I her Kenatoi ? tin- hos tn thi? ruined and nu l'r. lld Mrs. ? iili him wa. n i : : ? ? that she wa. ? ? ? -?l emu it th.' tendi ' to impair tin I ' lt dlZZl \t that time lufferlni ? Ny conducted . .' for a I ii _ time.. ither nf Mm. ? i sever* !, having been strm k "n th,. p Ian's care for .ev it The ii ? ? nt led tn th. .... ... ? r fral Dd wonk, almost .'nd hit ' ? ' i ' with I -. hut only nt mri' : ? ? . t of thi ' with her face bnrlod In bel PROFESSOR'S SAD DEATH. _ I Delea M. I ndrmond n ?-uleldf From Worry flur rinnmlal Affnlra. ItEDDINO, Conn., No< ??'?r larpi- losses In Wp.!! Ski ttrd eulclde at hi c'nintr' after severely tnt nd attemptlni : their daughter. Mr Under ir nf botany at <'<> and wai chalrmai "f tin- hoard nf Bi ?? York Botanical garden. T'trfll recently rrofessor Underwood ? -ii n man nf quh wh? waa devoted tu his heme .-md bli ? ighter. Whim ti ? ? -an. however, ho be i von. and lind snf ? .1 fer weeke. Mrs t'ndei tn ahakP bin out of an Inti i"ii he Bbowed Mr. Ind' the dinner table, and hi wife wai alarmed. He Buddei i'd up ii small sharp knife. Jumped t fe'B Bide and slashed at hi r. muk ? ii.- of her ni-rl to tbe righi enr. rio then turaed a ;? r, who was rurr-ntiy prml from Carnell, and tried te eu her. Mrs. Underwood, despite he n them aa ? l np the knlfo. lt ali I | ar finger! b Phys!. Ians from Danbury and Beth) ? i telephone, hut I'ri ? feund thu ?Tn. hurlly wound", ? probably would n That ids fortune had uot beenbwp| thc recent financial nd that be lind lieen i under a mi on ls tr v a member of tl; I ll aa I ral Met llatotk timd. LONDON, Nov, it I be death N ai ? i ii r.. 1) i' I il n.n 1 ll notcwortl ere \ litlonB, In foi took | ? li" "i ' nhl,h h.' li? ll i . ,.i . i ,? - tMiif. PAIKHAN l? Tl ' ' ! ? I 'Itv III Grand hob I hm I.?hns.,n. Tl | 41,000. Strep, for i i. li ? | i... h. > s inns a ? fter kim: for thin two dins In a .tate of i ulalu followli .in automobile accident ld- ton-lit ut (Jettysaarf. S V., wi |yi ? done me i" inj inidieli" ok. I ! year. I had stomach troub ,; much money for medici til began takii : would not lone for nu . I and lor flin: itlve and bot foi lama hark a I wesk kidneys. Guaranteed by Wk .V 1 'tl. drug] MEASURES OF RELIEF Government to Issue Bonds For $150,000,000. IO PAY FOR PANAM CANAL WOUh. Roosevelt's Lettes io leertrtnrj <>' iiir li.,isur> tnrtrltoii sM>, ll,nt t ..mun . | I,. ii., ..a \r.' ..ll il mii.I loo*" Unala. WASHINGTON, Nov, i I m, with the approval of the ? The treasury \\ ll bearing i of Indent. to run for one year, to t . ls tho result of thi many night conferences it tbe White I Fifty million dollars of the cites a ted by the st in Ids discretion upon o Bcrlptlons addressed to him, and the remaining $50,000,000 wi ? treas tiona at tbe follow Ing po San Franc ; and through | ?d Itatea il u It is expected that Ibl. eminent ttl tempt from their hive been hoarded I ful liven Of DB liol Iq n letti i "What int ls that our cit ? how : conditions In thia country are and how ! absurd it is to permit th.-ins. get into a panic hi, cy by boarding tl . af trusting perl | "The. In letting business take its natural course, and the |>? p them? selves and th.- country most hy put? ting Park lat money thoy are hoarding. Tbe hanks and trust companies ire than there was n month iga, when the bus been in mont b These sre facts, and 1 appeal tu the pnbllc to co-operate with us in lue, normal Justness corni "i be gove: nmenl int the people do not suffer ii ???? j Hi" peo? ple that ? net lu a i way. Crops are good and bi .ondit! nd, and we put the money W( Mon In order to meet the i, nh..undine prosperity." The treasury circular Inviting pro possit for Panama i anal bond awi: "Th.- secretary of tbe treasury offers to th'- : I Of the h'.ii.l otf the Panama cana ''lin.- bondi will bear Interest al tim rote of 2 per cent per annum I dated Auk. 1. 1000, and tba i! will fie poid quarterly on the I .I Ne 'ruary, Maj gust They will bo Issued In nations of $2 pon bondi and of $'J0, $100, $l.(??i uni $10.1 tot* of registered benda, They will bo redeemable In L'nltet of Un United States after ten >? date of their Issue and Will I"- pay a bli thirty years from suth dale. "They will or duties of the United States aa wei as from taxation in any form by o under state, municipal or local author! ty. Th.-y win be available to natloni batiks as security for circulating n.-t.-v They win bc receivable, like a T;nlted Rfatt-9 bonds, as security fo puu*if. deposits In national bai sl.n..L Maalln ti|i.rn ll...... MANILA. Nov. 19. lour shir eartbqaake Bkocka were felt In Mani' and lurroundlng provinces on tbe nlgi "f Nov. 18 and t: ? shock wai In the evening. Governor i Smith and party were attei mame ot "Tbe I - averted by the pr. mind of Ike gnven a ho rot b.>x and commanded the pet rho hld already arisen, to I tlown Thc orchestra stopped pla; ? ? undisturbed, and tbe audience quli ki calmed down. Minors' \\ aee. Bed ot ? I ITON. Pa . N lr.,n company announce* ? il 111 the a) '? ?'! "Il I '???? i. Tl reduction will affect all the m ? of the company, Including ti Richards min- In New Ji liar reduction lia Milli WOl'ks nf thi ?d Iron and steel company and at ti ny ut Btanbope, S i ,n al l.t?fn? etti LAPA1 Bl l I- Ind Noi ID W ltryan arrived hei diana I nd sound a kej no Ht a banquet of tbe Ja night, tte; I witta Dem ;u welcoming tbe Republican orated the courthouse from I \ni Inri. I.lrl llr..|i? D.n.l. LOUISVILLE, ' 111 M 1 r of B. 1 dropped dead of willis visiting I io. j. Unrill Reaeabeneg o om i- Immune, every pera should remember that Foley's Kldn iee nf kidney ? \\ IllStOU I If ne itarrh treatments are bel iree. on request, by I ? Ing to the people \* Ithoul t jx - DOSI the great : I ir. Shoot Hemed], Bold bjp nil daa POLITICIANS IN IT. I'ri.l.lnu II. f,,i.. I Hr....Ul. ii rtnnV'a laTatrs NEW V'HtK. Nov. IH I". Heal fur i" Bj Iii th.ult on the prob I tb hank I ? bleb ls now under way i the i i |urj in that i lng the charges made j | ;".rt current "imty courthouse, where . had lt - M. i ur? bain I.' to the amount of fisT.OUO, for , il note . :,<? rumor w ' but the fact of Hs ctn ? Attorney Itoheri li. Eller, who president of if r.-sil I ??I all depositors in full. ' ? lin!.-li.loll! Williams un,| ? red In their Invest! I U|ion tin- nunora M.i'arieii sal.I: -?li I'Huk has my note for ii"! penny more ll Dd that "i th.-rn loaned i did tbe ! nk, but I h I my paper I- not o it lt Is DIES IN AUTO WRECK. I ll I ? Lstrln lvlll.,1. Jades strrUlrr ? ml I.... VA..,., .n ll> Inn. KNOI.KWOOD, N .1 . Nov IO In .mobile wre.k lt r n i ? in J nd hmh th.-lr wive i ? ii.h-.I that In sj.ite of the effort! '.1 this city, they I isl unhurt. loor or ? nroner I..?.? that thi ?ni uiu~t haye ely Tiithout cam. The au i " track e. the north of the crossing la ..pen for not on ld why lt wa. that the , hauf d of her lu OUTRAGE AT SANTIAGO. 1.1 Moa. In 1 lr. ......... 111. ,, I ll. H.1.1 un rl.-i ? UltU t.nsiiliar. ? IAGO, Cuba, Nov. in An un ful was made I ernment beadquar k III the in "? . ? it of the palace carrying a . ? . ? .line, \s i. ag H..- office of th* governor be threw the cae t.. the floor , with a knife . match te the liquid was threatened, hut b I and thc DI of Um Ben on .bur at tl if of officials and i eventually to put out the tiru. a furniture and draper!. I and the billilli.:. ? ' - . In tba be mau who b-d nttem; "?.ray. The reason for til at f I- not known. Ilr. Inr.-rt Hair After Marlrrn lear. POUGHKEEPSIE, N I . Noi 19 ll.-nrv D. I se man after belni .-in inmate of Insane asylums for th ? - n del K Pl lips Ul tl 'III of the butches county court Shipman was take there nanga over him an Indict tueiit for murder, bi ts i ? His case a taken up b : without ? tbe .1' Bblpmai i >..\, ls rn sim Hu. 1. milli. i d\sI AN IINOPLE N modore B. I' Bucknam, an Ai tan, h ? .1 to tbe rank of reur a. in the Turkish navy, with tl ? ' ? Millionaire Hurt al sin,... NEW UH:!. N?i If) li ' ' ' I :. faned ea it B ebra ted hunt ' while the animal was tr ?slain. eft wrist vt: I tl ?rh ion nf ats timi MADISON, Wt* . Noi ii In tbe ! ill, tbe fin ?list. \ Hard ll.i.t'ai. i off," wrlti I. l..wa. "for m.. from ?' c..mtv. Both lir | : | null.'t-d taking Ni Dona dry, ? the first bottle w and two more bottll equaled New Discovery fi i ill thmnt and In plaints- Guaranteed ly Wh ,lriig. ? I $1.00. Trial Ixil CANNOT MEET RAISER Secretary Taft Will Not Visit Berlin or London. TO SAIL FROM HAMBURG DEC. 7. \\i.rbi'. lour Part] Loft t..u ibis Morals* Ba Boote I ,.r lt. r.-t.Tslnirir tn \ lott I /ur. VLADIVOSTOK of War Taft, who ls 1 '? siu-rlaii railroad to ' I decided not to i : Ile I '? that be will ii"t h.- able I peror In England. To tl In which he which rotary lu which be reaffirms tl Mr . al Hun Rainbow, on which Mr, Taft ar? rived here, v | bj the .inls ' 111 III the hail":- Uh.-n the ? I the Col,len norn they wi ? detailed t n, and In thci 'ie wre.k nt tia- Russian torpedo h a I.Icu wai sunk .luring :' val mutiny. raft showed The secretary and bli Itok over the , ? railroad for Bl 1 this morning. An Imperial ci ' this Journey by tl." czar, and ,;: peror detailed mill' ni olds ?npany him. nmmdant of rt, .md other i.av al. military ed Mr It la probable th Mr. Taft will Joun I iburg liner President ' I Mr Taft hopes to reach st ! ? 8 there not later than Mr Schuyler ls In con Witta M ter of foreign affairs, and G minister of the lin iding thc .i peror. on the Mntlirr Arrn.rtl nf t lill.lrrn'. Min.I. r PHILADELPHIA. No Bridget Carey, accused of murdering two of her children by giving them In "Hildy In ord.-: ' ice on lives, was p : trial here. It is charged that - ?? its" to Mary. md Annie, a >1 's inquest Int.. tl,. of the children expert! md In the atomachs of the two i The detr: ayor to ihat ar.enl.- Is one of tl Btitueal cheaslcals of the human s^ body from wall paper, irniments. salntii lleml \fl.-r fray. PITT8BUBO, No iel Sa lltn, an italian, proprietor of room. Is dead here and Lieutenant Ol VVllllam D. llllty ls In a boapl Ul suffering from a serious pistol Wound In his face ns the r..-?uit of bi encounter nt Valuta'! bouse, Saiuta, ii ts alleged, fircl two chi's at two ol his neighbors and when n<l his homo opened Dre upon them The officers tired six shot! through tin nV'or. three of which struck thc I Fora*. B*?i i>. ???? tmtral Cherie. EASTON, I' 1 li" anthon ? notified that the Centra covent I ? of probably $10,000. The ? to lill liold.-r. (.alida Adjalanf t.enrral Hr.luna. BOM I ON, Nov ; adjutant general vf chief of staff on the govern..: ?cnt bl ir Guild ann ippolnl ment of Inspector <lenci Brigham to I Park.: lng lu the ? " sn rn Cities V* n..t i ..... .nt li.n. FBENCH LICK. Ind Democratic n ' ere on Friday, when tbe appilm from cities f..r th. Tendon ilready r - that wish ' jiiiuntl. St : Sty and I srhormiin ll.."ni- llnulira. NEW fORIa, Net IO P nan of Cornell at c.,..pcr Colo raised tbe BdmlnlstratloD ernor Hughes nn.l t if tl people wanted 1dm for president thc must call him tin: ? \ Mgnllcaai Prayer. Lord help yu mal len's \ lenklna, of Chapel Hill rjulekty tiK.k the pain ont ? for meaud cured it In short time.' lit il "ii earth I burns and w at White ' \\ oman I iori. Murdock Blood Hitters punt the blood, clears the skil ?id health. Herald and N. Y. W.jrW l rp fV'J. . ffPI^.1 The first costume displayed above thi new striped md long coated variety. The pattern is a soft inter woven with faint leeks of color, further adorned with buttons of t green velvet collar, and a waistcoat wrought in scrolls, being further doc I I by no mean, be forgotten. On the stripes are arrangsd In contrasting torre finished off with one of those I I The other costume represents I face cloth, the coat, silk lined and t being of considerable elaboration, t lines of silken braid, whose grace! spread on the little basque h especially well in nut-brown cloth ? bright green velvet on the collar v. gold, and then with the broad bi I - fulness of the sleeves below the eic ... decorative waistcoat repeats the note ol ne of braiding, while as to the skirt, Itu psi 'aided device, the whole arrangement BAT CHAT riatlon I ublquiti Satin ai ' the material at thing for ? thick satin cling tu a hal ? en for ? off. bid for fa-' brim much at frm.' ' ll the front u ? worn In bl ' ' This is in - black hat li .? of chiffon I ' I ? ? (lind of Itrl.'hC- ll Mr. ld.bert "). R bottle Kimi Dr,. 4 y\ ?? Round ' I