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I HE FARM VJ LEE HERALD. m.MU: poB THU PAST, lill.I" FOH MU' PRESENT, HOPE FOR lill: FUTURE. (VIII. FARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1907. \'<> ^F.Y. & Thompson .1 v ss - WA ll ists' Sundries, You Run No Risk '. itch LITY V\l Richardson & Cralle, i armville Va. Win Sn Weall. - ? i ? lures liliiiii!. skin Diseases, Eczema, Greatest li!; . I'. I: ll lt ll. lt. i NOTICE! Va., Holli. WI' i I ll. 1U Ur. IL Lynn Haven Oysters WA. incione's El I GIVEN AWAY YOUR ITEM. ?'VILLE ITG. ". n. ^ i \i: ?ii \ 11 .. I oin I i . . loSS I or ITiill|i|ilnra, of citizens! |- i toe Phillp I eld h-?re l;i<t night. Millen from ? i ultimate Indcpi Philippine l-);i ii.l--. iic.oin .llloll of tl. irv. former hnsetta, pre le a plea for Immediate "f the Philippine! ni ii ir with od < 'nina and to diminish the - to the nent I ..I.I HT. .1. Hi .un lo i.i-1 Ulick I'll.. LINCOLN, Neh, Not. 2ft 'Il.Hi I S'ebraska, hare been s i.v ti,., national | ent and government s.-rv Ire the Spanish \ ir. Colo n rh.- service Jnne ? 1 Into tbe n - ,?| ?iii have ;.- Iiim Iii lils ;i l Iowa ncc ?' l'..r Incl. Sosa's s. rlnl ll.-ri. V. .siiini;'li'N. P Rtrlvlng struct an aerial warship, the ? ?iiirol of the aero . . w bar and < i by .-ill aeronautic iii i "ii.-.-iv ter than He l.uis'lil al io'Itisiuirir. ttyi i- mi no? ir..utile, i out much inoni > to little : I lictric lint. ?ic (or nie." i irand tonic for the m;?>\ and for female .?.- md bodr il l.-uiie t'lick Hint weak kidneys, liuaranteed by WblU a i ... drugi CRAZED BY ILLNESS. Mr.. Mel,..In* >l snilili loo.,uni nu.I Herself. HUTU ELI iv. 20. i the fear thal r mind, Mi ''ami as their home i ? ? ? I to her ' v theil! seen anj evldi n ? proved Imil hail ? .'Uni n baiI ? ? 'lie sur it Mrs, lier BC even her h II. B ? ' ? .. Henton ? nt and broth it of the pi tor frmn that 1 In any way ? whom 1 i known f"i ivelopment no ? th" woman's true hist..rv t the tim-- of ti,.- death of s h.-r be? ll been omi, apparently recover! i resumed i P ? ? - i TRAIN RUNS WILD. >o?, York i :. .m. .1 i ?doeer Dead In Millar ll..\ I thal ' s - ?Tig. ' ' ' nd the ' flin I, which were 1 Ly terrine dltonil hort circuited. Ure panic among Dg injure.I. BRYAN'SRELIEFPLAN' . Nebraskan Visits Roosev White House. TALK OX THE UNANtlAL Slll.VIIi?N I..1.11 I r,isis?I,muli I ... K.ilier liver l nisi- Reports, i.. I- nu liiiillon. WASHINGTON, Sov. ? I n half nu hour In the ; thc \\ bite lloma "I was not Invited to call. Mr. Bry? an snl,l on called up on ? I'hone an.I nskeil w hen th, and "ii pay mj lui." Mr. Bryan was rather bul was fi.e (.. add eiiil plan wi : w hi. li had cen.- lo his notice Mr. Brynn said that nothing t-i ci.1 to be lulen,I,-,| (.. ? nation i ? slmplj as the plan in- bi ply to have tbe i' In national banks Mr. B regard I ll) which Ile | In lin.- with that of th. puny. H.- t,.;,i the presldi nd thal In hN Ile !.,:,! the president also that his V of the V himself .-uni tl ? rty and that If that w.-re done bj the pr woiihi be glad ..f I rpiieherl md Ly whom. 1! the president ? in the railroad matter, niel h.- i Ths ; ..f any ? I ' lilah to low. left I - what ' ' "Uh. ntnl nil ? 1 np. Mr. li: i thi ? lally nt th.- v ' .'aii.e from tin- executive starr. s,, i,,,,s Chora's ii "... i ">-1. . WAHHINGTi ile attack maile hy i: of New .1. n pul* chairman of the house committee on _ ami oniTciic.v lu i ' ?list Ilia! thc ! ? ' itv for it hail I I'r. .i.lrnl Haswell I ??' '"' ll..nil. NEW TOBI. Lieut Maxwell "f tl n, iin.ler Indictment fo larceny mid forgery ind who b I.,, kel np sc- id. hail, w ? -ids In having I.ii furnished. I'd' ional friends qnalll Kal ind n surely company for th -i. in,i...j,i Mooosirr Deal 0GDENKB1 Rfl N ^ Soi frank Owen, for i operating between here and < Carrien lion bo Ntlwookr* I \ - M.i.niinn Cool MILWAUK1 mar Aldermi hillie h. 'n th. hs \ ii, ni ugPay. "I nv. de that eau I pani ol'', - < lark. il Westfield, Iowa, "for hiv fruin <l.-atli. by Dr. Kil | Both langi when 1 Sew Dle eovery. Tb* ominous -irv, backlog eoagb quit before tbe tirst" nott rod two more bottles made a complete cure." Nothing hi equaled 1 cl,ls hilI all throat and lui (iunraiit. druggist*. Sue and $1.00. Trial bottle BOOTH AS A PEACEMAKER. Vi-ln-rnlilr Hi-nil nt s?|,,ii|,,|| In,,, ll nr< Univ un I iv il. I ONDON, Nov. 20 William Booth, th.- bead of tbe 6 my, when Interviewed here today with '. ll that h.- ha.I in.-t with 'hy i-v "I think I may consider myself," he of hut ?ii na ' He iel', Me,| W'ltll the t "ii Into the I io the he ha.I received from ll.- was glad to led an,I >\ li was treated win, . patron I youth who when lu- ! ?US fll I he Amen. both f llsbmnn i - I never ? ?!' Americans l I,Lui. ? ??I that If the i I over it wo YALE TRIUMPHED. Harvard Itaallass Ravi n Drool Drl-t Iriui ll.i Ml.. HOS. : I ' I.uv ai.1 ii.I won a s| Vet ll not w Ithout honors l.y the ? ? !?? a stand ?orv of in!, 11 . ? ? ??wu lu : ' STORMED TRENCH CAMP. n. ..I. I. ll. . I from thc I their ml lu addition directed their ? li'l the -ii can be of the n an- unknoa na! ; lari Trnl ii lina I loos ? nil ri; \s\i)V.\i:sk ;? whi. li Secretary Taft and hi ? '?I nee -witch In ; ' traill was open ? pen shut. Al i minute bel ll il 'I Ihi'ow ll lill ' i Irvelaao". Illaro, lol S< rioa. PltlNCETON, N ' lii'iul ? .ucl that he ls n I ni at rest lon, to whli h he ls ? nt ma.I.- (bi ? Hint .ill In ll few I,.merl \.Ililli. Hr la ia I i.rarr, BI'FFALO, Soi ' ? eompany. Hi ? lat he ? ... ri.cii.> lc ? N-.l I I Ur ll. Bill Sf ir e.m Thls I s .-nill. .mi Prayi r. the Lord help rou mi len's.\r no wu to ll I,' writes nklns, of Chapel Hill, N\ C lt . look the pain out of a felon red it In ? wonderfully short tune " ft. -t on earth foi ind wounds. 25*. at White A ? Woman lo mplex I Ititter- | . ITS the -kin ' ? lilli. N. V W,?rM 1 MRS. BRADLEY CRAZY Brown Murder Trial Draws Near to Close. PH1S0SER AI ABNORMAL WOMAN. Hr. Hurl.,.i l'..r leslie Arin..,I s... ins lu Ile inn af Her VI I ml ?Tu er pern I lu sn ii il a . Hr si,-,,,. WASHINGTON. Nor, 2ft Thal Mn. insane nt the 3 Bator Arthur Brown ?f t'tah In this city on M Bar ton of the depart] ? In nen at the Hr Barton's ed the the his? tory of : Brown from tbe ? him to the day of the tm Dr. Barton diego : by what I contine d upon ber i due to ors li bad erformed noon her. In . Ing w i, . .| upon her uLn.irmal woman 1 thal ? women and Instanced the fact that sbi I ty. Dr. Barton . : i lamination by the <1l?trlct nt torney, aided by i Jelllffe of New | 1 to U' ' to Mrs BLOW FOR THIRD TERM MEN. 'llir I're.lili-lil Warn. HlH.lnl. W.irU I ..r III. Il WASHING ? s ? -ty un.! i direction that no putting I to their work In Mr ? ? FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. I loolo* s,.,, u l|,,,,,?ll,,.,?. I Et : ? ? a.... U V,',, a ?rk Karkatt*. - I ' ? ? ? - ' ' : ? LIV* Mooki alnrU ? ' 'lit sfl. _ Thi. i. Worth Ki nu min rm A- no one i* tm tn should n a Trisl ' mailed out fr J ,lr i teri pt ion known to .lr everywhere a- Hr. Bboop'l < atarrli I % ;.i by all dealers. ( IN THE LIMELIGH ^ 1 MAY BE AMERICAN CARDIN third ti li whom lt vi ? half t1 ami In - ?i and a churchman of li - of a thlnl American car: ?' ? LORD MAYOR OF LONDON -d on N 7H ? ? ai - | . ? is a p ter < NEGRO BISHOP AT RICHMOf in church n nii.l Mi -ion sen,Iii . ll much of. With tact, and In I ? R Thi ? d ol s' ? ihould I ? ? Wi ' EXAMINING OIL TRI ? ? ??' ? -# la, ( Bred ol Itrliflit's li Mr Ko t* get up ? twenty times a nitflit, ami I ims all bloated up willi di Impaired I ' my fun ii r. ru, I IihiI given np hope of Uv- I I hen a friend ri ? v < ure. < ? -.Hie d tin- third ' lill lit tit ? lon Un,.