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HIE FARM \ll J _.E HONOR FOR lill PAST, lilli' TOR nil PRESENT, HOPE KU: lill-: FUTURE. XVIII. PARMVILLE, VA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, .907. No .,# TOWN DIRE-CTORY. ' ' ' ? NiTY OIIT-CTORY. Lee & Thompson Attorneys at Law v \. JAMES LYONS I Hill, ? WA i K : ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . S WING, *a <J#ird Coanly, Va. ?arc. \lT C FRANKLIN WV, iuas. M^(J- md Dru You Run No Risk 5 ? W. T. BUNTON, CLOTHES OF QUALITY SA] PROVE. Richardson & Cralle, i i.i i M.Villi- \ ESTABLISHED 1S(VT PLANTERS BANK OF FARMVILLE FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA STATEMENT CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 3, 1907 Resources loans and Discounts.$ 327,616 69 Slocks and Bonds. 68,485 36 Banking House, Kcal Estate, Furniture and Fixtures . 18,267 26 Cash and due front Banks 71,657 47 $ 486,026 72 Liabilities Capital Stock.$ 50,o00 00 Surplus and Profits. 75,213 34 Deposits. . 257,813 38 Bills Payable and re-discounts . 103,000 00 $486,026 72 H. A. STOKES, President VV. G. VENABLE, Vice President <OFFICERS> VV. P. VENABLE, Cashier WALKER SCOTT, Asst Cashier J.J. WAI.KKK H. A. STOKES Directors W. T.CLARK S. VV. PAULET! H. C. CRUT! A. E. CRALLE II. E. WALL THIS BANK HAS ISSUED NO SCRIP With the Largest Capital and Surplus of any Bank in this section, and Forty Years of successful and continuous operation, we offer depositors absolute safety for their funds. Accounts of farmers, merchants and all others invited. We Pay Interest on Time Deposits Safe.Deposit Boxes in our New, modern Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults for rent. SWEDEN'S KING DEAD 3eople Mourn Venerable and Well Beloved Monarch. .HOLE C0U.NTRY BOWED II GRIEF scar Qaatal \<liil|>lie, llnUr o( I irm Iniiaj. >,,,- II,i_ua In 111. ->liail a. GMtaf v. '-wini tin- r.-i.|.i. I rn- the l'alli.rlniiil." STOCKHOLM, I' r ll , dead here. The monarch oe iircil Iii the royal apartment "f tho ? rounded hy tbe m< family, Including the ? phla innl the crown fi ? ate, tl ? ?? end bad (treat ? ?.I w ith bowed .?irfiil ?? the death of their well Tin- whole country la bowed in grief, ir Kliii; i Keir w:a ?in ii ruler of bia i .I en !.i tin-in :is nu li; onal friend. When thi i tin- i ? KIXO \: v. .?ni a.f angn t multitude, innl ma illetln waa tinned it, innl in '" blood ? 'lu- tucceaalon to the tlir. . ?' i of tl"- ' '. np of i couuctl of Itat? tilt- lu-vr kins i""W I the oath of allegiance under tbe true : of Gustaf v. and adopted the motto, "With Hie People l'..r thc Fatherland." The prlncaa th?-n ? th af al? legiance, and the new menard ie ? data The Inst hour-- of tho expiring mon? arch were paaaed in uncoasclo And up to tbe end he fare no re.-oKiilzlng tho...- nhout bim. 'I be wa. grief stricken be. could not bid ber farewell. 1 h. body "!' Kla| 0* nr I. ?ii-d, as the funeral pi delayed for a fortnight Queen i, wife of Klnu Gustave, baa arri red from England. Kin* Oscar - - n ame of the nu?t iiitere-- iropean nt from Napoleon'. ? li.ti.-, bia gi gantlc atatnre and bia family con nee :;h many of the otnei i combining to glre him nn Intel ma 11 ty. lils truly democratic babita hare made bira ? ? KHriletl him morn fl. ii father (lian fl monarch. It waa Kim; Oacar'a devo ti'in to the ci attract ed the attention '.f both the foiled ind Great Britain when the two countries were framing tbe olney arbitra? tion, the iioa ii ii i. -i it naming King <?? car ns Anal arbitrator should those ding the two countries fall to Itl.h l.lrl Millaa I.. II.- I airrarr. cm e AGO ne, daughter ..f the multimillionaire Iron manufac otendi ia. be? come ii farmer ls arousing much inter? est lu Chicago Mis- (rune, who bas been deaf and dumb from hirth, Is She is about to finish :i thi In agrl ii the lui.? at Madison, w hi- h she hus attended linn..- of Priia i.l.n.-.- Iliiriii-il. BYRA.'! SE N \ !? I'nii iii. h. .-. un orphan Bay nm f..r lioya located Just west of the burned to tbe ground. |.2a*a.000. I'he 1 .">"_* lumati fruin four to onitecii ped without njiir.T. i their personal ef ? Tlirlr \il.lia -,?<-. I aa. I.Hliitr.l. Al BURN, v ^ I. l' An uiisiic -essfiii attempt was made t" ? I'oi'i Aui.urn prison by three prison .ra, Who -.-d by the guard t ifter nn hour's search. The pii re .linii.-s Broderick, Eddie .Mc '.nu Dixon. ,'l Notice to Our Cu.tiimeis. i - I io announce that \ - i. v - Honey and I ar )<>r coughs, s olds au.l luni: timi! fated , i I'ure l-'oiiil and Drug (, ns ii" opiates or other armful drugs, and we recommend it Idren mu.I ! lit- Wiii-ton Prc " mil Syrup, thc d dive, stimulates, hut ot irritate. Il is thc bast Laxative. n luaranteed or your i.ey lack. The ^ Viuston I >rug DEATH OF MRS. TAFT. Willina nf \lriini.ii 'lnfl. Vi'iralnr, nf U ur I nili-r l.rnnl. MU.lil BY, IO. Death. which bad l?? ? il hour? ly fa ar a wick pas! from the hcilsiale of Marta Taft, ma.ther of William II. Tuft, sec retary of war, Mrs, Taft s widow of Alphonse Taft, sei retnry >.f war and attorney general ed States under President Grant and later minister to Austria and ll Mrs. Taft was attack) with acute Indigestion, lind o . iwn of her i . Sell f..||..Wl-a|. : aft ls survived by f.. ilicn. ..r whom Secretary Taft is tie Tbe two ot iv W. Taft of tbe Ni of Strong ft i 'adwallader, and founder and bead of t Behool I ? Watertown The daughter, Fanny I... N ti of Hr. William A. Eda ; l - lative is her stepson, former of tin- ( ina'Inuall Tillies Still'. CODY'S LITTLE YARN. ll...,..- a al I lli.ln'l Ilia- ll. or ll ii ii 11 nu lli._-. DENVER l yaru about Theodore lt" "Buffalo Bill" Cody, "thm bas been printed. When tin- presldi cut bunting the last time the expedi? tion w;is bard up for be ii guide, Goff, went t.. tin- president and Mid: I know a who bal good lioar dogs, I will - -.-e him.' Hut thc 111:111 turned down lin- guide. ?' I w III go over and sec him my sldent, :inal i Nothing doing,' ..Hil (he owner of the I io you know who I um'.'' de nanded the president 'I ara tl dent of the finical S' ?? 'Well.' replied the doj loll'! cale II il 11 ii .1 n if iou wen ??.ii You couldn't li.' Ind the pre* leal tin- .I.._r a.vv ncr knew Iii-- ..vv n ? went bach ta. iii ..ld the story with much - ! \ NEW JERSEY'S CHAIR. ina. rln ill tn Hi- iii. I I.-. Iin.iilr.l In - TRENTON N 1 !?? c nf the New I 'llsaall Bl this j rations for tbe execution of S i Giovanni nn Italian murderer whola - limier sentence to be ? rltbln th?- ning at ml Inlght lunday. Thia will be tbe drat utioii ii. and j. niy the persona who have been . now nt what boar the condemned r> Ij Ciovaunl's COU nae! has not yet nhnn- b hopi Of Retting a rep. nd he wilt make a tlnul eff"!f to ava Governor stokes interfere, it Ia . nown that the ?? ll not take J, luci- wlthtu the next twenty-four nour.. # no baa of all tin- executions In sim? ? gaged to conduct tbe fl ina in tlie electric chali H. numil I ur llnan'a >nm I nu I Inn. SEW YORK, I. m Norman I' member "f tlc- l> tlonal committee for Ne while bi _? r?.11 to attend the meeting of the committee mi Thursday, thal the nations ventlon w.aiiiii i?. held either in st. I'lllll Ol ' I lc -s;| i. J i b il enoogh ai no laid for lt. Ile mi .1 Bryan lu- nominated fur president ;.' iii"! beard nianj prominent ? mi the ticket. ?'The demand fe . Illa; ?. h....ii. r Hum. al -.rn. NEW YORK, I'. ? I lo her I" rhtasd np ihe ocean f ? ? . :...ut i-si mi:.-- -..nth ? nut.- while it Inspired w ith fe n h. ? wu tn tin- biasing ship, but found the a-rew bad tefl l aaltaala Hi lava n ? raab NEW fORK, Dec :? Hunted f<>i a af tVV'.l n Arthur V Miller innl other hniond, Vs . on ? ii.nnd. * . hy two tilp I.a i 1 ' ...<l I ? .1 I I..'1 "'I MANCHESTER. ? m, a.l.h.-s ? ii th.- furtbi from A mer li ll..nil. ai-iili-nrf Iii I ia ni-nia (nae. HAHN VIM ami her 'iiaril". - ? part in a hy whi.h the A Dangerous Dea I illyi ls age of liver ami bowel func kiy end thi. itliout diaagn I >r. | Itch eared In ?" ic Lotion. Never fail- v i,|.| cy ll ' I rotc A ? '.. . DrUgf, mo. MANY ON GRIDIRON. Merry Banqueters at Wash? ington Quiz Noted Men. F..H.I...NKS AND BIS COCITIIL ll a .ll it,,,| \nlliri- linne In I .ir a.|,?ri. ,,( |-,,? Malo , . Muifl?I ..ri. laini mill \\ nil ?ii-ai BaaT-r, WASHING i<>.\. Dec. IO, I he Grid ? ll not il I ? I up for the Ith, when IV ? ? -I banquet li.ill "i tin- \. ? 11 i 11; i ry cocktail Preal dent I'iiii'l'.inl.s bore tlc I 'il M r ? "f I.lillie -s III nulli;. that ni" "John I ai,irk- j ? that . Washington threw .1 .1 not to be a nature fake, clary Corfelyou bad thrown f_ i In the ntfltmle of brought laughter, . ? We w .ii u"w drink I'lnniv annonn ? he efl cr he hud got to their feet Yin retarj 1 iut"r Knox 1 ben waa sung b ditty wi with tba poaalbllltlea. A song hnlratlaaii to the vi ? -. hilt kindly "III thut with lt : 1 wanting 1 Identlal game of t' Another saaiig told I I 'eiiioiratlc governor, bad met Bryan tai a to face, and t' ? I a presldi 'lal hourn, lvenlr was a col ? d hy lUtborlty of the <;rii!Ir->n 1 "ib (.'lear-' - "-Istlon. Taara was a j each course, and et forth a hit of humor. liver lead, to dir . . bole sj --teni. I ion. tone I, DatipaUoQ. g, .Vat.aa an* I'rraldrnl Talk Monrj.. WASHINGTON, Dae 1" President reit and Thomas Watson, tim Populist ca nd ida fe for president In ed tbe currency question il luncheon nt the White I Mr, Wataon set forth hi. views In fa? vor of die government Issuing green Ililli, notes nn.lcr authority of an old statute paned at tim time of tbs civil war, which, be declares, ls still tn I lc preeldeat waa much Im .- Ith his idea, lt ls said. Iltllerr Url a ru I lia With Mlaa .joata-lll. ASBURY PARK, N. J. rte,-. 10. < ?tlia er Th.unus Broderick la returning " Ith Mis. i. u, tim ia betag I in the home of a aral miles from Halifax. N < ll went to North Carolina re? cently to accept n paisltinn as u liouiM.. "ii a plantation. In letters to ? - I licit she lind to endure great hardships and had ix-a-u "lied i iplaalaa Clea** Steal i-iaai. ALLENTOWN, Pa . Dec 10. I a I'.ittciy of nine boilers in tbe drsw srtment of the American steel anal Wire company bera blew up, in st;itilly killing two men and injurlug t'.o others, one of whom died three ? .la.iiu ijyrus. i tn ed In tbe shut vu of the entire nilli, throwing ploymeal Aalo Wrecked br Trnlla-r. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. IO An au ? alng M the weil known ? b of Ardmore, a lo Darb, rtely wrecked in a D with n trolley car here The iroroen were thrown out of thi md, while i v .bock tbout li.jury. raak kara .???- la Dyaaailta lt. Ki II EN Et i _D1 lo . a Ojo pound safe rom tlie Imi: A Sparrow's ' carried the palled explo with *-.-.<> in caah ? I 1,1 en Iii s.raraae. S> lt Ml SK. N I I he lo - w tm h.ul srranged bene for lust night cancel' ? ! announced that tl i S Ith the order of the chief of ??? their boone night Ilr. ? lea-lntiil Hon Dna.n br Trala. Kl i:i BEN. II.1.1. ' f?r ? ? tor of 'i and killed I here train fa Phonograph. la only one that ?ind s?',!,| hy Hunt. For a ma- present it can't lie l*at the hole family will enjoy it 1_ months i the year." We carry a full stock of AHEARN JISHISSED. Governor Hughes Ousts New York Borough President. GRAVE ABUSES 1.1 ADHMST1...TI0.1 ...tor, It Ia ll. i.l. B?aPM - .' i Illa llatr Ia Allum In* lll._rari-fiil .latia of Affalra In Srlrup olla of Kroylre Slate. ALBANY, N. Y. Hugill', hus : Ident Ahearn of the Borough of Man hiittan, willah COI New York city. 'Hie condition of disrepair a la-, t which President Ahearn permitted to ol.tain tn the streets of Now York, especially th"* li asphalt, ls the principal gnni nd upon whl eranr Hughe.. I.uses tils action, but ho alludes to "grave abuses In the admin? istration of the bureau of public build? ings and oflia'os," ono of tho 6 Hade. Ahearn's Jurisdiction. The governor take, pains to cull nt tenllon to tho fact that pel-sot ruptlon waa not alleged or | against tho ls,rough preside!.' ls," he say., "lt ls not shown and lt ls not claimed that be has converted pub ty or property to his own u-o or has personally profited tn an un? lawful manner Ly his ofliclal COI "Ju.tho to Mr. Ahearn reqatl governor continue., "that this should he stated emphatically si ' understood. Hut that docs not end the matter. A borough :.s has been .lld, ls removable upon cl And without attempting to stale com prehen.lrely whit COOdOCt bearing up? on character or fitness might ta re? garded as a proper aubject of charge* lt ls clear that a charge will breach of duty. "There may be, of curse, technical hrnacheaj of duty or omissions of midi relative lncoaaea.nencd that, although public obligation may not have been strictly, lt bas been substanrlslly pei formed, and removal from ofllce would not be Justified. The gravity an d parative Important-,; of the breach of a matter for the consldi of ths ot* rsmoTsl. But If there has boen i mlnlsf-stlon In matters af feating the public welfare anal breach of official obligator. I removal ta clear, albeit (beta ls no proof of peculatloii honesty." 1 nt Abeam served na atato senator from He wa. elected irastdent of Msnhat lan borough In lf03 snd re eic IHO. for a term of four years, expiring Dee li, ' Here's Good Adv rc <nov? ii merchants of Le i - "If you i sith piles, apply Huck ?-sive. It cured me cf them for gool I