Newspaper Page Text
\km\ x!'' I I \ won. I I Supervisors Meeting. i i E ? ? list lour Fan. 1 k ? BRIER IND PERSONALS. me Worlds I ii lu ? rom le} all. ? nt J. L. Jai I on. at the Ja ninl Mis ?mr Mi nd ssill not, w mUlled. \:nl to i nil unite in tliis. ll a'l Illa.s| ii lill the H ' - : lit ll A. ' -i.ll. I the ptopk' .1 the toss n a .a|.|Miituniiv a ir. \\. \V. If you S\ . ? lord to miss Ij "My the Opera - I Ililli liol. mu be ni th uti ? - - I t SS 111 ? toW ll. ? npany. - returned I: in.-- .1 ? here he had ? lt'- I lir .n I-ii un-. Hu- p!?st. ? ll li . Ill)s' i ? Karun Hie. Mr. Ibm I lite old ilhei in i'ur111>? ? r Petition lurlift;. - d in i i Jauuarj .. attorney ?I the Idition ?it the . noi in ? ii : . i ? \\ at .. rnoi. | ! ? ind he \ lol, klliaSS IC'I lo Ul ll la-t. ' ? ililli Musical al lionservatory ol Music. Itichardson, - Iieminel. .-I in \\ i-.i. \lit. Miss Annie < heathaui, ''m. Mi-- Mat tia 'am. Mary Wilson, iald. union, -niith. >\ . Harrison, i ? Pron Katharine Britton, Words," Holzel. Mts .1. Franklin Mes Kubinstein; v. ls lan Uwaltney, in mel. Snow, '< " I. Ile by Miss . M 1st* Britton. Mr. A iimel | yed fr.un tute from tin- I.Hi? ll K Hut.' ?I thc violin s,,|ii \ Mi-s Minnie Blanton added much tertainment. .w, M rs. Messenger and Miss Mis. first numl ? il tin.' flexibility of i lute Miss Marian Weat I. lin- full tj of Mi-s Willis :>. Mr. Ha latiR Ins number, ??< > Promise Me," villi much feeling ami expression, I I tl fla.Ill < ll.Ipili. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with L<>( VI- M'I'I.K VI h'N- Bl ii of tilt- di ? : or constitu? tional <i ike Internal rei.Ilea, i ure i- taken internal is , and loud and Hall's I atarrh Cure . | A -I physicians m tin- country for yi ai- and is i ii, lt is composed ol the iwn, combined arith the liri ctly on mon of the two ingredients is \s hat | i li wonderful results tl -tun.i ninl- fi I-. .1 ill INN . i <?.. Prop-. Toledo, ii. Sold I ake Hall h lannis- Pills lor coustipa l Edison Hiul thi! Victor. Il uni k ol aiipplies lor both t..r a Xmas i - ue ami ilk it user. 1.1 Bl Officers Elected. ? ? ,if < Md Kel - at il- Iftsi - the night of the l.'th. I if those I hold thc - , wittons vu Nowie Orand I;, c. .; lain, Iles. .-'. <'. Hatctl I. W. II iii - bard; I I. K. 11 ni. :.-r, ll. II. Hunt: Trus 1 . I'.. Zimmerman ? tu Our Customers. mounce thal I Tar l..r coughs. ? d and I'niis' atc- or other ?-, and wc ri 'indy for Childi. . Winston Drug < a.. Mimi. Hie Prefer spirit. ? (.linnell Hrociititllnqs. Ru be t..\s u council mel on I '? oem were M i mia.ii, presiding; l.'ouncilmen I I, Kallwell, Barrow, for .11, Martin and Andi lu- minutes ol Uh last a.ninl. | I to Hie ti < in lu..ti.Ill t Bter, Light Heat and I' i expense Incurred rn lower intered to ; tin motion of l>r. Anderson the e that ss hen ll aler os . i any one uk Hi a ...od condil ?a- i .. < in motion il sans orden I .'. \\ . By. be ii ??pured I ni nt reel across it* right <?' se m. further vt thoroughl < >n motion thc uom iii it ti a ii icpoit mi watet < ?ii motion the are.aunt a.i J p ? - laid on thc itu motion ol Dr. Anderson Ihe ?>s as rt i j nested tu furn >umil with au itemized statement of hut the town has paid individuals .r retaining n i .-al the mount received by the town foi l io private individuals for Heit Use. pointed to look lu i the matter of changing size of pipe -el tu drain lol of VV. II. RobertHou, lade the following writteu - . Inch ssas ordered lo be n irds. At a meet ng of tl md I- mame < uni I. in Mr. II. E. ifllce, for tin- pui i Ihe laying of diam ea- i ipi n Appomattox street bel ? i W. ami 1. .v W. Hallways, foi the .?enm..dallon ol M i. W. Il hat is lo take the water oil hi-i lot vheic he is now erecting h largi a'lcr much i ssa lecided unwise to pul In a -I inch ' as pipe SS .alli.I lu ?muilsh to carry the water, and upon lie proposition of Mr. Hoi i ug to pay f 150 If the town would pul u a 27 mell pipe, upon motioi ?atiied to accept bis proposition, ami slr. Robertson was to i^i\t- the town imple tune to pul the pipe ni I nforms the committees when he de Mr. Ka.I.cit- to pas III' IliHt thc toss ll ins li. j illy submitted, .In... R. MAKTIK, ii. i:. Wai l, ii. I . Bah Wa I \ Street and Kinanee i omn i in motton of Mr. Duvall the i 'otu tu it tee was authorized to - 1300 for crushed Hone for stn ? in motion the matter ..f thi joining tbe league of Municlpa waa referred to the Mayor to take such ti action _s he thinks proper and i meeting. KlnrJp.rgiiricii Exercises. Wednesday evening tbe children of the kindergarten gave a Christina* ? in the Auditorium. I be muller of parents and ot hen ed were much pleased willi the children's perform child had made a lew thuin* for pits. Bents f..r Ins parents. Tba i showed remarkable -kill fair such lit , consisted of calender-, baskets, i.kl - painted with water e..lois ami decorated with rib - I pictures. The - rited au attractive rice willi a large tree in center ted with tiny electric lights, tinsel ami other ornament*. Planters' Bank ni rarm.ill.!. Karon Hie, Va., Dec. 17, ht. ms hum. \... Tv I he I'...ard of Directors have this day I a -lim mihi.lal dis ulcliil of SIX I'll: ? in I payable on and alter January 1st, r<i\ Dividend cheeki ssill be malled. W, I'. Vknj Cashier Koli nf llimiir. 11;. I mmell "alli 1 lyman Let) - 7th grade: Viola Wlngo, Matty Bei mail, Gates Richardson. 6th grade Daniel Carroll, Charley Smith. .ih grade: Mollie Berman, Kddie Lancaster, Walter, Lurline lou. ( arl Wilek. Ith nrade "spencer Ora beth Young. lnth grade: Perkins 11 i '.?th grade: NV lille Lancaster, Wallace Wilek. 8th grade: Emmett Webster. 7th grade: -Mattie Berman. ?I..,,re. .I li grade: Lurline Bicbardson, I dd ie (arter Wood. Waller I trudi, .nola Loud. ? named 1. I and 100. .1 \< I pal. Trial Catarrh treatments le withoul : the creal sallie of th - seri pt lon known to di everywhere aa Dr. Bhoop'a Catarrh Remad, ill dealers. t EitertalDBeit Carn INnctln. n -c, nud all others inter .1 ss ill i iii.>r the date the ni'\ - attraction Wed nary lal. IH08, At that time Hie . i I appear. I hcy under thc direction of Mil ' lin- mcnish ('ontralto, ami - Hyde, lt ;adei and i a itor. No music loser of Kan ts ss ill I.e placed at ? ru toi -ale i.n M.lay morn-1 . Bl IO " I . lon: Bonnie l1 - tigers. sc .tli-li I'.lue a tl ' Uthlll. i ui thc Miss I i ord. ? Killai I 'i . i itu ies Hs I NI l ? ? : .rd. Welcome II ii in .,i i niupaiis, Hyde ?s Agnes I ls de. i. ljuarti Hilbert; Mootch \ nial Lan; Dear Hld "KHauinlr." t LO, 11 Prk last the ol r Km Kn Raj Car Ber lull w . I'm Kn V\ . Kn lon liah tolla Ma lui ItOI Mit Nfl ? umposed au Ith, tbe daugb- rena of our former esteemed townsman, wai lt. M. Smith. She ls I. yean old by test fur .Iel in lunn- _e| 1.- 'I; Ihe Mu itlnr, Hr. sal I, Hank id old man nt up md." ? - ? ' '?ks. I Ki. ' la ..r: lill Re pin A -ii i.ri ? Im of ? ?.?j til lid N. Mi h.. Letters tn Santa (Jans. I.I S- SN I Hill KS, IM . I si Ms des Christ eai si. i vs ill write and tell you what ? ant. We a ant sou to ????m. s on a < T11 last in n- tree which you wll ml iii the parlor and I want J ring me a doll trunk and ch a ira ml a table aud sou will find my doll i the parlor on the s,,fa. I svant you . die-- my doll and pul it on : ir me and of course l want a lot of indy, cakes, nuts, apples and dates. (lood Bye Wanta, Your lo\ an. little girl, Kihi I Hie, Va Dei IS, 1907. ala < lau I am b little boy I I nm listening for out .It-ie;h hell-. Please drive by my louse, and bring me a little pony, ri'lle and -addle. Also I.ri11_C Illy ? loll and Sled, and lease ? good things. Molina - en good children. N ..ur little friend. Walter C. Smith. Dear ol I i I ss ant yon lo irinir ne a train ami a horn and hm. .nd a automobile. I sm six seals nial, and a soft ball and some ?andy and a hold lot of (binga, brink, you must beau re to bring it dui a liol loom. Pr.-! Deal l expect you t. i.e lo -tc me. I am eight s ami sou must bring me a kmle and a . i, ride and a a . horn. eep. Demey Mien. GJTES I PERFECT SUN. Sulphur in Liquid Fnrm Adds to the KiMiih ni Imo. -skin I' H K - l,|i(l in >l l.l'HI l; ijuicklj Lrupti. i all skin DIB K'S I.I'M H? SI l.l'lll l.i'HN I MEN I lo the face just as j - I, and it wi .m. ... HANCOCK'S LHJI'ID BCLPHCR pu rift , Mood a tait sa.ater make . 1 drug te ll \N< ni K LIQl'l: CH I l. Hr. W. \\ iriando, Kia.. who wa 1 have eser ki' um CHARLOTTE county tunk. Mills Itt, 190. iftei noon al I o'clock, t ? anl K milled al ' is" the pratt ol W. IL ids lo engage In the exciting con of ll toiiruiin Knigbta: R. K. Pettus, Jr., Knight ackstou, K lethlehem, Morris Prlddy, K Slue <?al ??, Mar-hall ighl of Wild Weat, IrviUS ighl of Darlington Hebj ne, Knight of Ps I Leo. ter, Knight ol Point l.kout, Im Drisklll, Knight of I aro, Ma iMi-kill. Knight ll I. Rider, I ? Ight of the Old North ii ? - Minion made tl Hht*. John nml Mi. K. M. Md sres, ami . ippell were the man I first honor. aud Usborne (happed ?S in d M I-- : rahall l>nskill won se ond h cross ned Ml-- | relic I ! . it of ll Kot third or, crowning Miss Klori I maid, and Marshall I . i won fourth pl Bi Prlddy thin) maid of er the tournament the Knl home of Nathan W. Bell, s. abundant . ? per was in line-- _nd tbe coronation ad John ('rule. ; the music, aud d ?? it up through the entire night. ch credit is due W. li. I'rid.K foi ? i nain.nt. Sea} Smith. Hep it, Va. Dei ?e tins evening, when Miss '? ,ir Hm I -i W ll ll rilli " Norfolk. The ceremony ? ls p.r!.anneal by Int I I s W. J, Shipman at the Baptial ? ? bride waa attended too brothers, Messrs i. L. ami ll. Smith and sister, Mi-s I iith. Th - house ?l being the only witnes da is the yo mg amt attra< jghter of Mr. and Mr-. S. K.Smith, l'iinc luty, and ssill be ?ally missed in all circle- in Hus Humility where she is known by for her lovely di-. I'he groom i- a promlm ul irfolk. il ol' that place. Mr. and . left Hu- evening foi me in Norfolk. CUMBERLAND COUNTY Moddert. Dec. i it announcing the mar netl of tlu> NH-- i il Bucking tt New -tore Presbyterian liirch the twenty-alxth ol tsseK' Miss Elcan ii coniplishcil daughte ..I M r. M I.Kan ss ho ii I ssith many oiiiinent people Who svoii fame ai d im.r In mir country Mr. urnelt is a son of Mr. Willie Harnett, Buckingham ? randson of .- ssell know li < ? ? I. ot iirdss Hie. Hi wful farmer, id ii splendid business young man. When the Stomach, Heart, ..r Kid .r stimulate hat is -iinpis a makeshift. < ion km. s n I - Dr. Sins he Res tors tl i i i pressl.. ld them up with tr. Sh lets pud and -ce hose quickly help will .inc I icc -ample te-t -cut ..ii n y Hr. Shoo; ealth i- surely worth this simple teal. All H. The finest i lade, ha- recently been prod Ul i don I boil it twenty or Umps min ? lade m i minute ..??tor. "Health ' oil ly the ? I pro ticed. Noi ? grain ? ? in it Ither. Heall nude from pur. toasted m dh malt, nuts, etc. Really it s..>iil<l fool an expert were he to Un inowlngly drink ll for Cottee. .hrlstmas Holidays fur Pried hil nani Tc-achers. No das Will is a < 'bristmaa holiday, hut thi i schools for ? ueh length of time as thej maj tallie. If the ti ?lose this week w ill tend mi i ports prom pt I j l n di try warrants to them ii tune fol 111 lays. their icbooU the last days tauKht lu December In their January report, ami l1. ' wait until January Isl to , their ri'iMirt-a for i ? With helpfm I J H H WIS, Public Speaker Interrupted. rupted by j would not happen if Ko ami I ai Were take: ami colds and pri uuoula and consumption. tains n NnticH . luting or ire-pa. mi my ? ami digi Burdock Bl.I Kilters. ? i a distill of tl ne i the human ? tor Ninas. I??? it i StOP Illili (ntltfli Dr . .t vwi.taco ?ss line neckware I hun IE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN. Improve the Evening. A ith thc return of the lengthened al pu a ??! avminga comes ? ijuery to all, how shall wa baal nu ise them.' There are a thousand < liding a fall or uler evening within tile reach of have command of their own i prominent among tl c in Uterarj How ? ? y should the iiiastlmabl. | Surrounded as are the nil! in all cities amt most '. iii all thc opportunlUe. lill of a literary . one in a thousand appear to un ? se these golden chain ? - ails, it ls tra aithayoung ii or woman who firmly grasps the a that ''knowledge is i ufortunately, are the . us. mil : inda ..f young men win. nfortable homes whose parents ara ply them with books ami . ailing themi I their loni; niiik's culler in Idle lounging around i in company with tn. - win . one niriiiv, them nearer to tba ?? lUbood, hut not titting them for the iper discharge of the duties that a I manhood Phey enter ni th. w uh lunn' nd- which a cul.! el I ec t ihross- around ll - og under a thou ni disadvantages and confronted is lumerable obstacles, which diaap ir like -hadoss- before a Wcllin nn-al mimi. Ihe fact that Ila i contemplate adopting a profi - doe- not in . in from the charge of being untrue I heir friends and their 1111ry, while thus frltu i most precious boura of their Ines idle Indifference, ami too frequently the company of tho-. lom to be ssith is contamination. iw rn my of them will resolve in the liter of 1907 of the twentieth century "turn user a new leif and un* ? se the loni; cseirn B I! thia Learn a Trade. i tie of learning a trad mes more mid more apparent is cry a '.Silk pHs-i'S hut lug man i- askmn us to point ll of labor for lum. With ? id attainments, perhaps, or au in? to I"- al at lng ss hereby an honest penny n med, he linds himself lauded, a- it '.lie first elah of the tide. The - ..ii ot tin water- de a-its him on the shore among the reds of idleness, ami unwholesome lu- mind. I I i man in business hut I perlence like mir own; his. young onttnually envying lum tba "f working in a well-di ld, ami wishing that, like him id something to strike at. young men are Kcnerally af . tel ss ith tbi of ambition nothing more than Hillman, ami mistaking often their de res for the ability to satisfy them, ey Matter themed meriting helter than the com ion nm ol' humanity. Their great ult lim trying to achieve manhood ithout -crs ingan apprenticeship to it, ni they lind l ss lien they lould he prepared tor their lifework, millerin!, what it will he, ami frat BOl declare Itself, ml in m it "f ten walting in alu hu such a call, gu mt,i p ? tor all thi- is a ?ade thoroughly learned. I he time i ami twenty-one should e s|>cut at the car] machine shop or at au ans il, ?? .hen the yuline; man comiiieii attie with life in ans Vocation hcciin, r wonted it ins Ural attempt, tum to iii trade with confidence ti. i killed labor will al least procure hun . : .me frittered away lu trying t -rai.I.- roads t" success, fisits ip a considerable total on the lo-s side Sociability. 11 ass tl ni me In his diary, maka day wherein be rcs..l\e<l to ipeak to no human soul. Ha went to the sillaL'e, gol bia mail at tbl md triumphantly re ?a.rdH the rael that be -poke to do man. that with nil his irenius, Hawthorne wa-a melancholy intlally, an unhappy man? lloss much wiser and helter tin I hiiik of how much hap pinesi > . kindly ? lilli CllllSa I'hifik loss milch sunshine and Willy lets hack into ymir own soul. Who does not feel more cheerful lind contented for receiving a polite bow, a 'good morning," a heany shake ?and.' Who doa not make himself the happier hy t; .' a will.' Silence amt a still', unbending ;is 'el li-li i -entially sui. _iiitia.ii and cheerful word tor all ba . es the path of ott" smiles. IL i. u Keiual ss..lld delightful to th.- ? lb and forlorn. And what he givea la hut a . . ago, ami wi ' ? ? genial. , Wool' ford's Sanitary Lotion. Eight l?.i)> Oil HU Ila'k iona of Is I I . 1 I I "Ua haa; I tl... ilia sits I )..h: *? i I ih.-i ile! J ina ha fail SSa E ni Minnow vita'.- "? tm-inasaa. I Va. Sold b> Dna. i KaLTOHONEY^TAR Stops tia* cough and h??la luna* TO BE SL tfmrFVL t Indus! q absolutely trust I ng hand ' The day l's past when / fr I se-moutbed." The "unruly ..ya womat. s ainL; an R . Indi" a mighty ; . - -, : ada, and fri' I I Battas; but dlffualve 9 ts tl. ? iking ' rut li? ss ith those In iga In I .lng I it has. , run your POINTED PARAGRAPHS. :t lt or, but i; ? rt that a tany a D ul a hi? tor tho ilifl size or tl Vhen a gil n he in ? .inky l. ; lain, d-flste | uh a lerouti . ? r his ghbon ? rry ha I he may on of lil. wife's Icago News. ;ment I _ Dtertaiament Course lill. I ll I I. I' N! Mil Wednesday Night, January 1st, 1908 The Scotch Sing* ot Glasgow Ackua i public I PERSONNEL ami I' i, at lo o'clock promptly. OPERA HOUSE tuesday, dec 24 wm. Mcgowan The Merry Musical Mixup "My Wife's Family" ? a A Merry Riot of Fun and Music Appleton & Perry nu. i