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PARKVILLE HBK \ AN I NIH pi SDI NI SI W-l" : i-iiia- l's i i.\ t- Rlli s' J 1, ll ski ' ISSIKI Hll.l Pull Usn ' RIIT1..M three mouths. I A Wi ? - - ? ole that V Ila- lectur. ls itu desperate at tem | t t ti-riu talk: \\ luglon li .lill in lu lilli: sent ami sj lentil.) hoj ? An.I yet Mr. Roosi unworthy a pla Slemp best "1 i course lie ilnl. any tither result tint) at all. And now th. I of ll amt kick : from the | part nf any Den a Republican i- wor*e still, li Ila coiilil havi I'arti-aii that be Im he s. t niau sa ill NOTA "DOZEN," KU I It is common bi lief, an.I almost mci atrably will ; a- much ti actions of the L.*fiii ral . .-ertam individuals, Ht ab - a. cont-ol led by a their pow. aspirations of eight** millioi pie. We a! eradication of feudal tv rr ny. WI the ll ,-t no ii,ntl. I.ut when amt by w hat m. will come are beyond human ken Richmond nial. "Tho doa er nf the 11 maatei "f' he is nt t III.IS. jilt ililli. I crack- the whip, .Irass tit.- .cil.scrs. icm '.. lash amt his What a travesty In tia free "DON'T SHOOT" .-"inc tune Bpi the Merah! I 'oDgressuiau -Lilas ire publ buildings for Redford Radford ai South Booton, whs cai.t I'ongres mau Laaaiter do likewise fm Karu ville?" To wInch the wortl aeotatlve make- tin following anissa nillir to th. *? your last in-ue, I hasten tn - ntie answer I., your i| - (.'ongieasman (.la-- hit- not appropriations h.r pul.lie buildings ii Bedford, Radford ami South I ho-ie hi- constituents in Hms.- pla. ? ? as well as mine m Karim Hie, will ni demand that we are nut uomindfu of their Interests in Hus mat member the placard in the Hall: "Don't shout tl: at the piano; he ii- doing lu- - Kathfully yours, Khan, i- ll M. < Uh Va. Dist. \\ I are not going to "shoot appreciate that nothing miles' If k-"M n. gettuiK i" bi it won't boy I price it i? time we ss ere bunting h.r a Riilihtitute. "A dlvklood from the reunion," i what we rea.l in the Richmond papers. Spleiulitl KCOrd this, anti the next limo wo have a Jame?town i ? tho managera of this fund should lie pul iii charge. Thia year ia woman's yeal and yel the (blurabla re mure ami mon ''taking the leap in til. this Le true we express oui ami enter au earnest protest, lt i> mit good fm man or sstunan either tn bo alone, and marriage South nf Ma sun ami Dixon's line i- no failure. ?ii as he retires from I p .ration < oinmleeion linn. 11 Stuart will enter earnestly ; for Governor. Ile i- foeman worth} of the stool of any knight. II. i brother-farnier ami if th port hun he will -ss .1. Mi. Stuart ? THE NEGRO AND PROHIBITION. Bo far aa prohibition in the Houth is concerned a that Hie mare ; 'ms bad much to .In with it. Not that he ra? ll hut that thc w lute p. penally of the countrj .! eal hy it they couldn't tolerate thc finn togo ami a< it waa im] I ml of - _-ht was opefted on the bai what . ' in rura ? ami tho "brother In black" not know? ing how to work thi without that which would mal nore worth ? Ul th - Institu? tion of atlas cry a- m the helpedto form the most rei cultivated i Ll), .I'll: ? - lions as Ihe) : admit the tiuth . ? i.hais lush? ing to whit however, is t ? or -ci not divorce rls ol Dixie'.1 kits ii ii kn pure a it'll .jue ii Vud Iel it I is to the cs. hat the I ll. rn lannie- ssa- Bl donn til - faithf ? ac rn sn ? "innl pat i mk Im ? nil in pt jo that | - ld will lift its and cap NOTICE. Tn tim People ol Farmville. ? must li ? ? in old i ? to sci. Iii ? a. y if it does lug siren s in addition I a ken fr without oil .mach and reti -is pa , est -to a strelly - udor. lt is t'ci-ai H hat Vinol r we .. a colds, hat Itis or incipie n I.. Irj Vinni on .mr gui '. uggisi Lures Mund. Skin Diseases, ECMH Greatesl Blood Pnriliur Free. I tebin hil'- oi ai pimply sk i irrb, rheum l)| skiU 'Ilsa a ! Halm B. II. li ? ? ? ind pi I i- | ure and ric er lars ?? rilling Ul".. li H. B. ?? ?. .i.t| S An Insidious Danger. kiilne; - Nous ilia i.-um realizes In malady ? ire at the (irs t corrects Irregu nts Bright's ami il i linn i \ ? s so thoroughly I 1 ll 1 I I I a ss ithniit ind ia ii healing mountain irative prop gb <iirc. lt the sore ahiai membranes l..i..hum, nothing I., injure nr suppress ?mus plant extract, that aching lunga. I he Span* ll this -hruii ss Inch thc I loctoi Demand It. ?:licr. All I ? produced Ls 1 ai don I .ry nr thirty min a.S - Ult l? really the ?I pto ? i 'o I fee in il Imitation is '?ut-, etc. Really it ri ss cn- he to un li Ink it for < nilce. < 'has. Prntust nfA lili/im. Whal is (lu some of rig back -I this kimi un:- and I '.ase one in in whn ?i t ii a "fa ll to my family to ts. trial of proceed i. who eommitt i and of ss lunn I . I rea. I. lt this ?sill work 1st than an) thins: thHt . th favor, bul - '?.r more to mention. v Kl. II Alii.-i.N. ?iieCornirega'ion. ? c con continually . Lottie Win* IVool ?t t1 ' THE HOME CIRCLE COI, mn.. real I) .1 this t that e an t s un Did in lilt -tinn nevei ? univ ul In 4 n.i|t|i\ In h.'in. ? . ? a >ll cathan ? * rilli*] - - Nee rear Reveries. - ? nn i,,. . iy ihe nts pat anil eagei hand taiu them. \\ c Cl ? Hying seals, bu ami should keep lb. they bring. Hold fast I. they have taught. Keep the mei of their joys Kn rich . life with the garnered wealth of ? las - behind pass i e their treasure willi u our h-irnl- ah" as s\ Ith "in- hand w ?? - nther ha- tl tu enme MSW. ? -imi thc Ultu l he ami ami thc Irol. ells ..ld His. ?nm ...I. lint li'l - Heness. .1 feelings of ainmnon synonymous with the opening >-f Sen ft ' ma.le than at any oilier ii - they are, alas! '< with some the resolutions made s thc .law n of a ness through tn mis lise- of nellies en icu I can Lc tr; to some determination ol, u|siu an occasion such as the lirst of theds a the journey of life. \\ . a the problem of life is its siimi hand the key that uni" door of success "r la; key of success ls lahor ami M "lute Will to turn lt. ll insuri ? ss a- i truth more | "tent than time. I'lisitlona nf trust ami ? are nu longer secured al i Men ami women have ceased to - i a hurry. Ihe secret of ma ? thorough p formauce nf ss hal dertaken. At the beginning of a i;la.i N. I is well to thal -m of the Lest things in life can I ? up only i-\ ! asking for nothing again. Such a warm af'ectious. kind feelings, liene olenl dispositions, K\ er) sei tingly rendered, every help glad giveu, esery ell'mt tn o- ema disheartened, tn teach the Ignorant lift the fallen, not only perform the intended work hut eveu mon .pun the doer; they mas bring him the love, respect ami ..rat tudeof those he befriends, hut the will infallibly bring brlghti sweetness Into Ins ow n 'I ? ing his desire and strengthening h lo th. good, an.I -tonia' up ss ill in him those dispositions i not fail tn bleas him while - him tobies' We w Each In theory, the exchauge alls hii.I ( hri-tma- gi beautiful custom, lin- holidays is i time when friendly feelings and uni venal good-will prompt a manifestation of reg* n in the ev change ur calls and presents, lt i the friendship cv pre sed in i sained. The i "ilise an.I lint th. effect occasions ihe pleasure. All I.m.k forward to the happy holiday time when each is gladdened and in turn, makes others glad by tokens of limiest regard ami friendly feellni;. Thc world fairly hearns with goo I i New i ' Will lu starting upon Ihe Journey of a I - nt maxim i- that which counsels us never lo pul oui hands Intoanythlug cannot throw our whole energies Im with thc scry beal ol om end ? since it is often achieved only through -sion of failures. In -, mir Lest cllnrts. failures are in store for the majority of Ihe race, lt rc mains then Inr us ali to du the best we can under all circumstances, bearing in mimi that I by the swiftest feel nor triumph in hallie secured by the strot : so much the possession o' sw innes- or strength as it , - application of them by which is insured The youth who starts in life with an tarnee! determination to be honest iprlght, faithful to all trusts,ipiinctu il, attentive and above all, < ? ag, hs- a promlee ol al ?sa. Though he be without money, ?r wealthy Wen la, he w ill be sure to nin all that he moel desiri ? and make - ? When the Stomach, Heart, ol ey ncr. ? then Hies, ni. Don't dru. ! - ur at lm ula tl tbe Heart nr Kalin s - hat is simply a tnake-hift. I Mun known to Druggists every r theos weak Inside nerves.Ktrengtli? ft these nerve*, build them un with ; - Restorative tabl. I ? I see how quickly help ss I ? ? Dr. Shoon, Racini .Wis N mir 1 surely worth thia simple lest. | All Dealers. ' Respet ? lian Ililli 11 I ss. arc thc Cut lilli uer ad. ? las in UC <?> : ? ? - ? - ? ? NI I - "I Ml ? Mi? ni i Ml-s I a ' |) Mi Mi Mr I Mrs. A. I. '-. Mr. We ward r. h..t tie I . .1 til i SI \ Wi ' K. J. ( ahle lo ll i m. Wind. Hall - nally, n ami in ? List , liv ll ll I. '-. KIL! ANO CU 1 FORC;.: AMD AM. T ' oua:;.s: ssai-?A-ass..v.-r ? . - -r. -_?_. Bv Will rm. rwE&Ti-TH ie.vtl.ri amusement THE SHOW WORLD 'ILES get immediate relief from Dr. Shoop'sMsi-jc Ointment ^OLEY-KIDNEYCUR! Make* Kidneys and HwQdse Right Iii len ? i ,i DO NOT KNOW WHAT CAUSES SICKNE Modern People Have Many Names for Si Di-seases, According to New Belief. I on ono II becom L. T. ?tty that t of life and all health dependent upon lt. Mr. i -.sith re i !?? of his I and i .in the I: "1 am why div : it. ll) adlUon.' ? more I I ViT I :::. They are oe. They don't I matter with th. m. I ha ? th thou? in, and another Idney trouble, an" ? rn, or heart troiihle, or lune I M my had t, for most of ' limes. A plaint ls 'all run il tho time,' or 'no "I know po?lllrc1r that every blt of this chronic ill l h trouble, and nothing - N'f?- D mach in Might) .. with a lon. That ls why m: icine 1 s m un sands I : so, and thc number la growl Arno. nt converts - Cooper lr. Edgar L. 1 Mr. I Jiu il.i ha_ this to s the su!. "I have suffered with st? ars. I was nc enough to be in bed, but Just fe t troubl fi lt tin '1, would f In the morning feeling as Un ant to bed. ta'as troubled with dizzy ;tood for any length of tl lave a dull pain in tho lower p. ny back. I i bing te ? elna's of medicine, but nothing "I had about Riven tip all ho; I ? aiih again, heard so much of Coo] ? try his medicine. I toni ottlft of his Now Discovery and reatly surprised at the nlned 12 pounds In a few week in now eat anything T vs ke a now man. I cheerfully rr ,end this medicine to all sun*, ?nm stomach trouble " It is worth anvono's time, who li ijoylnpr pood health, io loam of ooper's wonderful prennraMnns ro -ellina in large quanti Cook Stoves RANGES HEATERS Duvall, Son & Co. The Largest ' And Best ' Charl s Miller Walsh . lufacturer, ? Va. M.iM i.A\ Iv llon. ? For That Xmas Fruit Cake i ii. CHAPPELL^ MORE and select the NECESSARIES. the : malilc jui ppro |ili.iti- p: nhl .uni yoting. Chappell. !j Begin Now , Today?At Once ( that will mn I Beautiful Pocket Savings BanK in FIRST NATIONAL BANK Farmville, Va. J PILES (,ct Immediate relief from f*. HO.U Ointment i s.i H UK ONE THINC u e diatinctlj aim al in thia ry customer ss klloSS - ll-, ? | a thal this ia Pur 'iiiality Ju n.a We'd -leal rather knoss n a- I -tull', than ' ll- .' - e -S lo l|U bul il Wc -i ll Hie lieut ill i im him, Dil -i ... niii SIIOKS, l i H h il ss.- intend il tu Lc N. B. Davidson. Mani..ii Pa! ??nt-. Livery And Sales Stables. I: ihi- method to Inform thc pu I .I ic that in cn 11 .-ct ion ss ilh my . VT ALL l [< >? IR. - may be lured I'toinpt at? tention gi ven all order* and the herd -..licit your patronaj -tan.I, Fourth -t rt. at. I'la. ? W. VAUGHAN BUIL'ING MATERIAL GIVEN AWAY . '.lils forum and tin .It-reI hui YOUR ITEM. ii dantl) on hand l linds. . 'ARMVILLE ITG, CO. l.\ n . I \i:- I Ai'l- lill N'< i and ri.i \ I ^ t)F uooiM Things That You Should Know. ? : ..ii vs ith oni i KIM ll ill till ll thc irkct. I t li io s.'iK in) me in I lliok ta iV. Paulett St Son li! t K PKIK TUSH I"'Nh Al I UK HERALD JOH OF . *A RMVILLR, ss line Start The New r Right AMERICAN FENCE ? (;<)()!> FENCE f BM* radow thou l*s ara 5? PAULETTA BUGG'S. to Mr. Hinds, ay on DON'T FORGET rsa it bad ;et up .d as PULVERIZED FLOUR ON THE HARKET. ?. and If I vould If all rrlblo Stoki ?? Davidson. ? every, luxe, in FURNITURE .Vi'((..VANS. UNDERTAKING. : liing shment. i aol i i <. s. . C C COWAN. tics. |K! Of when t one waa feel cnm f< Lr i,ii ho .I-. Ten standard'1 value i it our aStore . will tell you the particulars, of - great introductory offer of the San:;*J Chemical Laboratory Company ANDERSON DRUG STORE. * >Ta I e I'ii?'I j e|e-' i>. moat i roiupl ? ?!? efm DIRECTORS li .1 I < . - 111 S \|i .1 I.. l-l I ll I ?f ? I.Il; ; [MK DEI'i ?ITS. e|e To MIXED PAINT AT COST .. '?' ; k 1 i.ia:. va. REMEMBER . and tulls The American National Life Insurance Co. lt ss ll COND CHILDHOOD ITS POLICtLS ARE G VRLAND Mi:; G tgenti l A l:\l\TI.I.K, VA We Are Ready to nos ALL NEW GOODS. Chas. Bugg uk Son.