Newspaper Page Text
PARttVILLS HERALD, iNINlH ' la \ I ? a lll-lil lt Ami yet all that's alni t .tn eruoi Val ll it bc true that ? ie lo put tali: alli Ht I ll" nil Filli| , ibould be abli r to men and i rene >?? men perl - ? aili'" SS Ililli .Illili - Xml uni! 'I ? - ? ' ' be tba ? ' ' th I OUR MILITIA. National t)ua ' olly iii Hie city <i . i plans foi the U-tw r "f nm militia, ii "' ' fol attei hII tin plo i- linne ile I -ii" j ann- ul tin , niau upon regulars ami battle in, ss tin "raffl*?d oontl i I Jackson with "a<|Ulnel ? las- Unlit- I'S might) shocki nf battle lusl ll ulan -aa confidently ming future is felt. . ll again be ?? ? I untrained bul , i citizen a, No h Preatdents ?I, Madlaon, ami Yan Koren ?. I the main eleni miiitit," iel . thoughtful citizens ; ia. conaidei and promote said, "whal the ? the militia , atated in a fess waihi-. a.ailis ba- done for the ? !oii| nilly in mans ! ? ??! "i patriots amt re glory of Hie flag." - kiiiism mt i I.'.idea that "the ? ? ry able - ind Un- district nt - -I mai. declared bis I a . WhO IS ? - : an forty* rm ,| . ides the militia I Itali i - ?h..| the "re , in,inlier ol nrgaii sn hy the iiupec nv officers in the . a : - of Ibis il officers and ' artilery, ll. ma* il irtillery, try, I,s*;h hospital corps, corps 1 im :- - ?iiilitary duty were l I 821 Ihe gov ?' 'IIHIKI iii ilntenance of tin sud Hint :u.| only I . Ipped but shall iii VI If of | I thal "militarism , i dreaded by all al when it i- re? al i laina alone is train* . :- and furnishing u cannot be t"" that .mr militia and propel Ij - I arms tile's j I Mate ami " tn the as of thn-e who - I a ng of true soldiers. B . that Car- e .- i 0,000, " a like amount rep irted multi lying "u inuch - --neill. - that it i- feared the ;-i the next , more chan - shall run up hill- tl : i may fight until Hu : ? u fall a bug ?. ? note thal the Kepub* rtrengtli fb to -how ss a ri i kt a - desirable, ilnted ... .ile. Even '" : watching. And .'.,' ..'?? not to Im ilrr.t ol linty by Ihe ly i hos. ling mal-oontenta ^n . minority a a.i,mst ealth thi m ft) MGHT RIDERS." Intereol in -tint. ' is of Ken ainl reati with sse Hint written on a> ? ca t tolei tte tbe ii any ol > I iii'iii are _iscn to <;( ss learned tin been doing sn i h.iss ii a- "Night t? I .In thi- diabolical and ,*,, : ? 'lark, while |,n timer- are lr on i iofa and ii- ' \-.,i ss,- are furtbei '"' I in many in-lances they ?"? truat. We eo* h la>r the trutli of it, ami ""' mill, from one l,,e ilni'iiinrs tn tbe col- H>'" in- ol the Washington Herald aKe stive 'nR ? lited. '"" -il may the organization '"v ij between P?* n ? ? 'is ci- ni td,, 'un ase been ' '?" an.i deapica ? destructive In the ex- ^or own "i Hopkins*ille, w'' lid IS I le-1 L'S I such has been ?'"?a i ssmk of deal rut -Isle has -^ n vs ith the a rmi - | : i ? ? ? ictories " "? - s upon the fanners '''" "i the Blah ? . should do, ami 1 ? i rid ki ind who M*n* . ss r? ? I R r.. ail Un : I.mi mile lunn. - - - I < / //Ss Ik HON FRANCIS RINKS I i ismia s i I MIK Kl in To thu Vnturs of thi! fourth CMfres siniiail District of \lrqiiii.i. \\ Mhlngton, I> ? lt ha- not escaped youl attention that Mr. Robert 1'urnbull ba- Issued a circular lellt-r, seeking support fur ididacy foi ? (ingress, and al tempting to aacertaiu the sentiment ol thc I'i-trict. lin- d maiiil u|Miti me st I ginnim; of the seas lon nt Congress, would ordinarily seem t" be ui-: able. In addition, my mosl Inten e thought is jii-t iio.s glveu lo upon a matter "I -ti n to the country at la I bavealreadj malle l to the vari ra in the District dutton, which I hope ssill cause the country to consider seiy carefully thc preponderance of Hie Executive In our economic ails - \- it svill be Impossible mr rne to oommunlcate directly ss uh ni ?tituenta, I take the liberty .u making [hi- public statement in order thal lue prominence maj be given to Ihe 'aft that I am a candidati lion, a- il that I propose at the | nut- to make known my aspirations Many reader-nf tin- paper ssill re thal I was active In ; oil 11(4 in times ss hen it re I ni real -nine sacrifice tu take such a tami. Others, I hope, will hat I base been uniformly attentive ml courteous to all constituents eajiiiriin. rforine I al Wash ngton. That any gentleman should have he right to a-pire to the position ahieh I now bold, I 'lo not dens Al !ie same linn , I from numerous persons of ' ration, justify me in believing that ie I >i-1ni-t ha- no Intention o' ng ita unanimous action ra recently ' Vi rs truly sun rs, ti- Rives Labmiti h. M. i. Uh Va. District. Instead of pi.'king at tile gosern lent fur what it ha- done lin el tyatem, Inatead of introd ?solutions demanding Inquiry into ie legality of clear! ng-houee cert I tl nive w iiiiin ?ne , Inatead "i hammering nt Mi nrtelyou foi ]?'-- ilaritj favoritism in rel Nt \s .a situation as H nairn- Till* an and Haily ba VC done the 11 .its iii Coogreae ought to gel logethei , id demand a correction nf the cur ncy system which lends '" make ii mctal panics m ire ire |uent a id is Uiaii they would be uudei a >?? >ni lass-. crats iou ld aim al cinstruottve criticism icy -h,Mihi aerie nn a sound plan of Heney reform ami puah it vigorous What tba country wanta le relief un currency famine- iii the future, it mere ilestructise criticism "f what is been done by a frantic g cut to -top I hein ni Hu- past Nt Ik Landmark. S'u-llile in the last deg I Ut ls I he Stale banks a-k the lt I i appoint a State bank exam I ielr records ara clean and they an t afraid of inspection. Living -pieiou they base nothing to ir. Secretary Taft seems to have given ivernor Hughea a knock down on I fl rat round In the Governor's own ile I Ina must base been a surprise bis excellency as ii ssa- without ubi to us. The voice of Taft b- t the nd of Rooaevelt, rho United Male- alraadj | ass out are pension money year bj in all the other nation- nf the earth ninnis) and yet the suggestion ls St P ila aa '.s a he: Ilia 1 Ff I hai ? pei mir I ss i. -In he. x -eti"ii-l\ made thal the govern* s';1 nt shall Inaugurate a evil pension ?"" tem And then may fnilnw an old "." ipanahm, and eventually Wuh* .?" ton may be recognized a- Ihe ft ther ol all of ii- to WHOM care and e we may gai for pocket money, 11" ket kniVM, -hoe-, hals, s,nts, WI mils, vehicles tn rule to them Im eh f"i goodies" fair oin n-tmas stockinge, ss hen in fait and ruth what we base the right to a k and to expeet i- nearly enough li which to make our mada in January a- thev are now in MVell a--erl- with i-onli N that 'his man," Taft, will lie r, but though president we en't luflleteul faith in his prophet en toili-turb u- in a posiliaiii long e a-siinied, amt that -bee will i.e th.- i:. publican nomi ami will Le elected ton ulah--- I',. locrata of tbe nation 'Vet logethei ?taj together. iere i- no rea-mi under the -un "lld not do tin- " ," thing but will t' ? e will nevai - a -ilk hat even if he aleut. Ile will heser. then feel weight of one. Senator Halley , Blt. lt turns j hat be pi I w ith laigt-r eta. I ( I Ulai lill -a ' : the UH'" and humane III limit Anil I. -.inns that it will liol ? WI: i- Mr. Wall, uni all "f Ile burch and iriiT foi listinct < I them 'I.apt ll a ilatform a! .-lilli h.- field. I hal : untie irgeofa rand and important industry should e loo int t ' l ? ol the ay. Mn-i unalloyed delights are tinrsl The in lint. ' Ktion. ? I hits ipidity ? taj. 1 Iii- .vniiiiin sn s - Hint Ullin should not Lui to tiv .lia E. I'iiiLli..m's Vegetable iliipnllliil its she did. Mi - \ ' ., Denver, < iikliam: 'I was practically an in ir-, oi ii by the al ad inpiiuii'l and ? ilth, i ng as did ss ith I n pound.*1 ..CTS FOR SICK WOMEN. a K. link n's Vi tn roots and hei ndard III.!-]' m. il Who li : with ! i, fibroid ? jodie i -lluVs ii ' i,.li/./:i iv don'l | lr-. Plnkhnni Invites nil -irk mell i<? write her for Advice. ? hil- thousand ilth. --, l.s mn, ll #? L :hooi Books n SUPIM The plata to buy tin'm nml every? thing needful for thc children al . . anal I mal I happell s ft HUMAN RACE AFFLICTED WITH QUEER DISEASE Cooper Says Internal Parasites Cause Much Suffering; Everywhere. The following remarkable statement Ul hs La, T i'lHllST. ? lon s, im h baa i ? I throughout niiy during his (juantltiea "lt la now a well known fat f that r l have Introduced my New I of peo* 1 : ? ?s the nature te, and were . onaequently until I explained i had anea that . bumed ol explain and what 'it them In tl ? ;.-?? B ?' li BM . ?' ld I VI II ar ta nt. of all < bruni. ' i niihle, or what ls 1 noss ti as a 'rundown' condition, ls \n Individual mas i ,ffei f. Ith nil" of theaa t;rc_t .al uni be u vs arc ul it. "Contrary to general bcli?f, the ap patlte is mit greatl] Increa ??! il only hetaim. i in aa-'iilar. Then teallag of Calntaeaa. however, and a gnawing Lfl ti" i ll of tim a ll "People afflicted with one of th. . parasites are nervous anti tl.-; Their dib f ot lau guor, and they Ure very easily. Lat k of enerby and ambition affect th.- body, and the inlnd bal OOM dull ai glak. 'I'"- mt ino: ? good, ami itu.- eyesight is generally ponier. ' The N'ew Discovery, in freeing atom* a. li and bowels of all Impui to be fatal to almost immediately expels them fruin tho system. I vs tah lo a who has the ? retah I with my preparation, that th' i cause for alarm in the matter, and that it will as a rub- mean a restoration to good health.'' The Cooper medicinal are a boon to stomach Bufferers. We Kell them. ?H. C. Crute a Co. When Filling Prescriptions We give our undivided attention to the matter in hand; that's the safe w.i\, iihI we are nothing if not safe. We dispense nothing bul drugs of known purity . . Unit when human life hangs in the balance It'i a bad tune to Ize bj using "Cheap" material- ami 'trusting to luck fol .-I-an important matter ami worth y mr mool serious ?ht. ANDERSON DRUG COMPANY Farmville, Va. SPRING KI NF: OF WHITE GOODS \.,-.s ri ady for Inspection. \\ e nie exceptional assortment and sviihi range ol pattern- than eser before. Itarred and striped Linen HU 11 td .'uni < 'becked I lim il ie- ami Muslins, Plain ami Striped Rep, Plain and Kancj Batiste, P etc. mported novelties in va? riety and abundance. Visit our store SPRING 19W lon hess -ty le- Hres- (iingliHIiis Popular prices, 10, l.1.. ami 1 N. B. Davidson. Mas dai 1. ti Patterns IO centa. i-i mutt I Yt .11 a ,ui make provision j for your declining yens liv ing part <?( j your earnings. Begin Now Torlay-At Once If you w .-int something will make you save call .it mir bank and we will loan you :i Beautiful Pocket Savings Bank Carrj one a month and rn- \ ourself. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Farmville, Va. he Largest nd Best -quipped plant in the State diaries Miller Walsh ?,i ai i'd Manufacturer, ?-buri*, Va. ?'.ms. POMBH, ilRAVB i Hlall. . .s ? -. . - r, Anent. Farmvillr, Va. I i .-ht Hai- on III- Hack ' ai* Ncr-* .,-rvaa and la like ? mr bark taraj application* I Vi-w. Va. ? -an OrtwCo ItEY-KlDNlYCOM ' akas Kidneys and Bladder Right BIM'ING MATERIAL GIVEN AWAY Aa your lumbar merchants sse ask pay only foroiirt-xjaerien.e ami the sen ice rendered our patrons Ly always having YOUR ITEM. We keep oonatantly on hami flooring, -ninl.', saab, d blinds, et.-., enough for many boo FARMVILLE MFC. CO. oilers 1 W l-.\ IN N B NH- IXI'KIMIM I ami PLENTY OF UOODH Things That You Should Know. We hast- opened up a -los e -tull? in connection with our pi one We hast- the largest line ol .-loses.-I., i Ranges, Heating and oil siose- evei shown In Ihe 'its. NN e are the agents foi the cale Lrate.l < oles ami Wilson Original lint Itlast Stoses. ? y are the Lest and moat iiiimieal beating stoves on the market. Every one guam It ia to jrour intereal to coma in and look user mir stock befon chasing. S.W. Paulet. St Son im Stove K i ??? SPECIALSALE of WAGONS. We hast- mi html -. High Wheel Mitchell u agoua, bought sometime a^o when wagons wen- much cbeapei than Ihey -ie now. I" < them out sm- aa'ii-i Hiern at Hi euell for running gt only. They sa mild COSl in nih nu,re than this hy the ear load ir sae had lo Inn them today, and are real tuirgsiii st the pru-e. I'trui- -li? ll at tin- pries. ? sn iii-h Bodies an '-ir? ed. PAULETT & BUGG is'. K WM rt PBI NI I Ntl DOHf I AT THI HERALD joh oh. ICE. KAKMVII.LE. P"lflPa?-l ' Big Crops \ Mean Bi| U?. 'I ? m i Vi (U ? The Famous A. B. C. Bread TEE BIGGEST LO.vF ON T K MARKET duality as well as Quantity Chas. Bugg & Son, _SOLE AGENTS. ~ooWY FORGET PULVERIZED MOUR ON THE MARKET. ?ni ul it. _Stokes & Davidson._ EVERY1 !ll.\ FURNITURE AT COWAN1 . .'.>_? >ERTAKIN<. .Vc are licenser] embalm ug usual, ly found in a FIRST-CLASS undi Store I"- ess , ' H. L. I las Itu . C. C. COWAN tV_ CITIZENS STATE mv ilk'. t?u i Jk J* attention !?> all DIRECTORS 'I* 11. I I: S ? . .1.1.1 \ V LIBERAL INTEREST MAID ON TIMI- hl-I'oSITS. M ?0 -,N..- > ..,' >s.^r .... --_> g-a-f- **-*-*-- o ;'-> * REMEMBER ii, at fully rhe American National Life Insurance Co. I; ss ii SECOND CHILDHOOD ITS POLICIES ARE GARLAND** M \l< I l\. General Agent! '?.III! ^ v MIXED PAINT AT COST WALKER FA I ri il, fii ll. rtt \