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FARaflVILL! li \\ rMM.l-lMM S I SI I I. Il - ' - STE A Hows - - ? ? If ii lu du ? aiitiiiif thi :tuil n Ullala,: REHUKL - - ' - I - .lu-t why Mr . ? - - - ul Mi. Rrj Rm I I Till I" apeak Britta ? - - c.| il noi - - ? In r the : - blaekmi i .. ? - . I III till- IC-l . ; a the a. ipi Hu- unwritt. ' ' Hill \ fllflnl of a reatauran 'Ul .ll lllllt I lol lilli, ll a ul. i who lu Ol 111.' lip Ml i- much a- L .. linn, inuit- or give Impudence Intenal . in Hit' li ; ? ? .nil li bat id burdens ' ? . mu stale MOllSt ? nt slave , i the Lii.ri fl tip* i aught ut tis over uni hia ' i iliaii MW. WATTERSON. brillli ? 3 and emp ? * > was <l* li\ t Hooker Wi ?.ly in rhetoric mut rou ? tlatlllt I HllC a i - ll.ilk . ,' l acre ii ii bi ned to Li ? ictical use \ Mell Lilli lill nf fort! made Roo igue im tlnu ii I - ? i 11^'. - ul the Nor .rttul tn hi- rat-e th helpful or - - i uplifting, t \ in-aiilt thc liviiii: Soi I well-Ill ah worshl er lt . "Ill win. Bl % then iiotln Ida, ? lill v ? a . ,i grandfatti a ? ititUtiOO t.i t'llllltl - ?. prolitiil dei ls that ll ?..t in it* e ed I ai : ict, but that Anti u hal a tlc ;lull Hil and the negro faro ? A ,\ itti rson -peaka i ll 1 "a ?l I ? t a ''cn Hi iv deed an a thc prolili l he tift-.jiinte i Lincoln would rn I alli amen.linen * - bett r Ilia a. who has maile -linly nf his 11fe . il hu! ls redden - a well select ?? ii it ;,' open a ar ol te. lt i> thi when hast luged nml Boanda their hirth. come nut o ii -in.' the people througl - -Imnhl take ii. : sinful prac Mu.iitnrKs in lin. lest i .- lin- tlnril boo I'llin-tun. ol Prince nty. I n 17'..n, ni hia i wen? na. Johnston left lo .nicy t i Kentucky. Petersburg, 111 mic ni .: Ibb arising : ,-,:,,I linn ol Ken tie*. The party travelled ? I from Petersburg l> Kelly's u here < 'harlestmi a iwha river. i they chartered a igh tn hold half a lilli Un? it was their plan i ia' it convenient the Kentucky sida aa traders thi a i lim. at lliat ?-I frte i"i,.- a- the I tba currant. ? i mlle in width for .1 ii here the Ohio iwn white running along thc ni -mus in ba tnk ii i -in men, > ni Indians growth. The , | - a i>y thc I lillian*. ?a ? killed, a .- captured - ning men nf ' - burnt ut the kiaki uni. ". er lo . t. wlm turn eaptive had n rough He boped tn al ott w hen the Indians I I - -i ere fa? ith Hie el' n that there should < i men on hand, -mn tm ' dghtfonrard : sugared 'lump tort nf journal and When tl ? adj tn leave tba river, they ", ,1 US holy t ia u 11 mir* I ie .lilli? an'I niel ni a lied. ituie bera I In nilli ill.I lill Ilil? li 1 - lil -Ul, J oh na ton drive ? cn* ' ha ba would uni time ami Invariably : Hie ..Kier -nie ..I ii tier. ' lo Ihe ?.'! diversion of the Indiana wbolaugl Immoderately al the difficulties li w hied they had brought me a ith t unmanageable animal. - .Innis a .-mild ni English. Thi playing a gama nf card Bey." I itch player had a chip every card In Ins hami at ihi tba game Tbe man w ho Inst had Milmiit to a severe switching ol I nose, a lick i..i each ehlp In ins opj neut s hand. There waa a penalty i mni Ing a muscle "f the fact the punishment, t m one oceaali .liihiis: creep i Lian Old man lying asleep on I ground ami bury bia tomahawk the nhl man- hark, un Incident u hu ? ti. -urpri-e nobody. I dian* hated surveyors and nothtn angered Hiern mora lhan tn come upi blazed trees. i ? ?red Ish II-! mi? all baa nil. Illa! su? lk the alli an' kt, Lt, L. lela th. They called Johnston "Kel lim Indiana premed him into -< ? r carrying a heavy Ink' ITm 'mn Hie hutt end. Suddenly I let thc log .Imp. ami tlnv ' l -iloiiiiilt-s* have killctl him instantly ""'I tbe log bad not fallen on them. Win they could Kpcak they swore in ema English at Keti'ssel". 'I; vi , blgh sp.nt tn (heir brelhre who mareil with laughter." AIL Johnaton became luapected of try in ipe, they ballad bim at night Lt -ales lying him up securely. As the approached their villages he began t think there was m. hope nf his LL line day a Mingo Indian i greatly perturbed because he had kill od a Wyandotte ami was ui furnish a substitute, according to cu* tom. The party of Shawnees promi* ed to let thc Mingo lime Johnston f" thc fulfilment of the law . but Ihey re considered. He would have been com pellet! to marry the relict ol I Wyandotte. Johnston -au this intel ? siinn woman later on she w old. Finally a French trader ransom ed Johnston, who came baek to Vii Kima by way nf Detroit, S Schenectady, Albany and Sea < ongreai wai In session In Xew Ynrk at the time ami President W ash ington nave an audience to the young man snatched from Ihi Arrived in llanover county John? ston fi.ninl one nt his brolhi ?? hail niven him up for lost. " I "I nu own hones lo the neighborhood ol m.v mother's dwelling In the county id Prince Edward. I feared tin 'lueiict's to an aged and affectionate mother, which il rn a- my dulj fully tn avoid, might rc-ult from press mik into lui pretence without ] ? Intimation. My arrangi maile in such a manner thal I n ile t? the house ufa friend, Mr. Milli son, in the evening, three miles di* taut. He kindly communicated to my mother by let ht the prospect ol nu ?peedy arrival at home, and i her to prepare foi it the next d a "Even the study ila vest ran hastily fruin thc field >>f labor, Borne of a hom caught me in their arm* ami wepl whilst nther- fell upon their km returned thank- lo Heaven Nt my deliverance." Mr. Johnston s narrative, an extra? ordinary book, waa published In N'ew York in |sl'7. The Kiiilil Ko.-i(l To Florida, Cuba, lexas, Mexico, Arizona, < lallfornia and Pacilii pnint.s .-southern Railway. lam rate-, convenient schedules, through trains, dining ears, .lian ii Pullmans. lures Blond, Shin Diseases, ECKM, Greatest lilnuil Purifier Free. Ifyour blood is impure, thln,dlaeas ed, bot or full of humora, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncli - mil' -lire-, scrofula, et /ema. Itching, rialnga and Lump-, iwelliugs oi up eratniK Borea, scabby, pimply skin. ulcers, Lune pains, catarrh, rliciiina tisin, ,,r any mood <>r -km dlaease, take I'...tanic Blood Balm B. B. B. Boon - heal, arbes anti pam- Stop and thc I'I.nhI is made pure ami rich Druggists or by expreaafl pei large Little. Sample free by writting Bl.I Balm Co., Atlanta, (ia. IL IL IL la especially adviaed fm chronic, deep seated cases ni blood nr skin dist ss it eure* after all else fails. I Nov. __-l-yr Wi- air show injr OH NEW LINE SPRING HAWES HATS Eclipse Shirl ! V. Price & Co celebrated tailor made cloth? ing N. B. Ison. ii ? i1 kim lAdwiy Mihi Fifth t SUNSHINE MAWK Will "Sunshine .uni Shado or "People I Have Met' - , m., V ? I nesda PILES tjet Immediate relief fi Dr. Shoop'i M.-atle Ointm Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. ? of tbe Quality is always our first consideration. Grass an I Clover Seeds. Seed Cits. Seed Potatoes. Cow Peas. Sop Beni" ni Seeds. Wood's Drnsript've Catalogue T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEOSMEff. - Rchnicnd, Ya Livery And Sales Stables. ^tfrERY-STA I t ike thi- nu' ai the public thal : h my Lit Bl AT ALL HOURS luir-i - , hired -miai'le price*. Prompt at* tentio i earnestly solicit youl ? - old T. W. VAUGHAN RETIRED BUSINESS MAN FAVORS NEW THEORY E. H. Lambert, of Everett, Massachusetts, Believes Stomach the Seat of Life. Our- of the mont. Interest inc state merits matie recently concerning Um ninth discu >. thai rer tba country .luring thi Ly E. H Lambert a retlti borne ll at ILr> Pram la Stria t. Et Mr. Lambert baa ? in con? nel don ?nh <'""per anil In - 1 an ar i out this m.'in Cooper, in which hued thal stoma, b trou directly reaponalbla for moat 111 Ha areal that, althongh hia riie.lit inc did nothing hut pet tl nih in sound condition, it wonld, In niany eases, remove kidney and liv. r troulile and various other ailment. - ned from this that, the | was the main cause of ikkni Mated that the tBi with his medicines was due I to this frni "I am now fully convinced that this theory is correct, and bellera has a really remarkable medicine, judging from my own experiei "I have beta a bick man for Ave was told hy I ? I h.ivo I - ?ronhlo i after Di and her - t ? 'Heine." We w , tines to all v. of them. il c ' OWL BRAND SPECIAL PLANT GUANO IN 100 LB BAGS AT PAULETTA BUGG'S HON Fi: \N< I- RIVES LA88ITKR I MUD ATI 1..H IIK-LLKt llt.N III IKXIIKKSS in tim Voters ol the Fourth bongres* District nf Virginia. Washington, l? < . 11 bai -ur attention that Mr. Hubert turnbull has issued I a circular letter, seeking support fur "tiaiaey fm Congress, tem pt ii ueiit ol Hid. I inand ii|kiii me at thc be? ginning of Hu- session ol < i would ordinarily seem lo ba unreason? able. In addition, my most Intense thought is ju-l univ given to debate upon a mailer nt serious concern to the country ai i a li iiiiilcd to the \ari ? r- ill the I?i-.t ilutlon, which I ho| titr\ It.11--1>ler very carefully the preponderance ol tbe a niir economic nil i As it will be Impossible tor ma lo cum munica te directly with my con liberty of making this public statement In order due prominence may be given to tatt that I am a i-unli'ln luau Bi tl that I at thc p tune In make kim w ii my aspirin Many readeri "f this paper ?il member thal I was active In H eratie politlca iii times vi hen i i-uired some aacriflce to take aut aland, others, I hope, will r that I lune hcen uniformly attet and courteous to all constitu re<] ni ring buaineaa performe i al w Ington. That any gentleman should 1 tba righi to aspire to the posl vi bich I now bold, I do DOt deny. lune, letter- already rec ed from numen - of cnn eralinn, in-tily mc iii belle*, imf I the |ii?tiitt ha- un nile..timi ol re sinif it- unanlmoui action -.. reci i Very truly . PH V Ni I- Hill- I. \s,| | M(. M. U. Uh Va. Hlsii WHAT! Ves, tbe AMERICAN NATIONAL LIFE 1X81 KAN" ECOMPAX. i.i A RAXTKE8 a dividend of 10 percent, tbe 2nd year, l. i*r cent. . ir, I") percent, the 4th year and 20 percent, the 5th year mi \l\\ andHIUHL. attractive \NM tLIHVIDEXDpollcica, and what may be earned above the Ol ARAXTEED amouuts, will dd in an ADDITIONAL dividend. Write or call on ua tor tact. ami figure-t. GARLAND & MARTIN GENERAL AGENTS ?t- ii i i, Va. ) When Filling Prescription: \ We give our undivided attention to lilt- mutter in hand; that's thc safe way, uni wv are nothing if not safe. w e iL-pt ns,- nothing but di mrs ol kuown purity holding that when human life hangi In the balance It'i a bad tune to economise by using "cheap" materials and --trustitix to luck" fur in Important matter ami worth y mr m..S.1 terloui thought. ANDERSON DRUG COMPANY Farmville, Va. ESTABLISHED 1867. CAPITAL. SURPLUS and PROFITS ASSETS il 20,000.00 i5SO.000.00 Planters Bank of Farmville FARMVILLE, VA. il President. W. P, Vi ikablk,I Babier. W aaident. w uk ki: .-...ii. \ tor fnriv years this hank has Leen known an the UibraltBI ?. Dgth* merchants, farmers and ludit Iduali w hose buslneaa ii accepts mi the mnsi liberal terms p" DIRECTORS: ,_ i J. Walk bb A. E. Cballb H. C. Cbdti 'I' S. W. PAC! H. E. Wam W. I (I.IKK Foreign Exchange issued to all parts of the World We have a solid CAR LOAD -OF I UH? Bickford & Huffman Co's. U CELEBRATED Farmers' Favorite GRAIN DRILLS lt will be to your interest to sw and ,imine our stock before buying H. E. BARROW & CO. timi Al ell bal vet itu The Famous A. B. C. Bre. THE BIGGEST LO.\F ON THE MABI duality as well as Quantity. . Chas. Bugs & Son, _SOLE AGENTS. DONT F^ORGEf PULVERIZED HOUR ON THE MARKET. Stokes & Davidson. i<\ I IIIXi'i IN FIRaNITt IRE ATC 'O'tVAN'S. IM)KRTAKI.\(;. W.- are licensed t-inli.-iliin . ii,;: Iv found in .1 I'IK'S iblishmeit -hue I'h C. C COWAN CITIZENS STATE HANK Farmville, I ii.i iv Pn ? I'tei'l. K. W. liri ,, ?!, Ul'! mir lei nt- - " ; i ? . *!? - at tent ion tu ill cum iii ii - II. K III! DIRECTORS l - .il" LIBI-KAI. INTI.h'I-.S'l I".I!' ' ' MIXED PAINT AT CO ' WHAT BETTER OR MORL OPiUATE FOR A XMAS GIFT Than ,i MORRIS CHAIR ot things in thc linc offurnitun imIuUiw low-pi ' "l'xa* inc thc iii.inv .-ii rocker would b ' ? ?\'^n(i(*' ? DOY NE, Ihe Furniture Man.