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FAKim Ml I HBH U ?' AN INDI Pl J 1. M a mouth ? V . hun. ll 'l lu 1 ?' 1 I I ? lui I iiistruiii"iis lulu V ill.) the Uar| ma. ? Hie opening fut I hean nm ie had Ihe i - md ih.ii i'? ll"! lust uni' S.-iiai"! ; veli Aim rica I l-l, il lol I , lilli, . lung powei alum cudi i Ihi I in- j in baud and i- faultles* inly liv. up t" ii- promises wi w much to dread from it* i.I ni power, tu! vi witii i knowledge "I ii- |?aal jun. ta j, I., lin- neg roes vi a ?bapet ' ?1 coursi "V I ail, ,n with a ''w lum) Iii- ri aral Judge stare* him full iu the face Us pf) si,|, : , t Uni lill "barrel d it ha* ? >n I- rbi ay .lanie- -,ii,,..|, i , mau, ot Nt . oin alni on the lii-i i foi the Vice I',, 11.- is multi-mil I luein '"ililli a\ lilla' ll" . 9uu free md pemli nt Amer? ican iii,." ii - maude ol theil rt li gone I" hoarse not from annuling foi I'aft bul fur hui lng hu the mantel I'lii ami il Hie I '? it will be due lo simple n ?? i- >i. seline anti eommon luv all v Xml nuw nil imii- lead i" I Ami ii I- a many ol the I'eniotiiil- ..I the nation, hut univ l\o journey*bemaile iii nafetj uni when the einl <?mnrs m ij ni "hon Hill - Uitil.V is certain. I he dom ha* been left w nh open hy Hie Itepubl < siiiiuli mit ll is up l" ii- ?? I" youl lt Hooker Washington r.-iiiuuls Ihe - Unit Hie '"th anni'.. .iii ol John Rrown app nhl remind tia- whit that mil n -i' ?? \ hu limn n, w ii1. Of fol IOU ,,( \ ll "innl vv ilh killie timI mm, ami hent nu mini.a mi inMum i lion, and that Un > were promptly ar tented, .lemnc I I l.'.iW I 'I lu- Supreme * ourl "t \ eil tliivvii ol.on- I s titi.. ? ii I iiuraday Insi i tn till (ll a cult imlyes from rn hlch ap| i I In liivvia '"uris must la badly i Utan half the tim folk Virginian Pilot. I- il abauluU j i tain thal Hie Supreme ( 'oil11 is I ? > the (ireuii Judges alway* wrong Nellhel litigants, imr lawyer* mn the gubord id Kielli "I Un I um - I >i lirtt.ii w iitit-.- from t'bii member ni Hie i llndiug inuit wnh u: w.uihl be ifni' I-. gotten tut enough in politii called i lim i <?! hun avoid getting ie- bul i i" lt th, i uul thi' will nilly bi I lenin, itu v hu Hie nevi lew months Mr. Ko ii nut be i out Uoiii Mm. li ihe ' i"i the mountain top, , ?Ide, Hw s|,-. per, i | when - leave ,.: Iiuii \, what in ? ol I III" Ilia _ ll ls - , talking would the ? l loot I (IV Un I' lil Ililli I pay I v lt w.mill nearly - it would ?"?'?' "' - a , ? .III Hie ahull is ' all the ?ii "in wh led min uim oi thirty i would ? i cotton ll hulk ? mis iii Hie all,Ul - .; ,? i uni linn iii the \, i v .1 w . inn I lie. What ', "ll lill- pilli ti lillie le Ihe pttlieie- Itv ,i -univ "I wealth ? 'I \llse in I uni a i- ami demand tan pl a j > miltie Iii uni ,' I'., lu,: , I'minise || in a ? I only uni-Ii i .,1 pai im well w milli -kill un Hie i" coiiventiou* go in the :!-. .'uni why noi instruct them in ta obey linil,tn nml lhere should i.e no m I.ocral should w ant i" lie a 'in laui the thi I'' i.tnt Impelen* division. ll Hu meis nt Kentucky ? in with Ultu \ ii ll'l liol i! is well Unit Un- limul- "I hmthei h ? en lu.'ken. "I luie .lui-' ,- ian ly i-uoted bf lillie uld friend, now that you are ii. It was howe, i, 'V.'l I" lp Hie Useless .'Hui loul-llio:,: nk V..Isou'a pei, un,| U,,. :-? keep a well in the public eve. I III ?av..ik ami,| !?? ap, ul,and im doubl ii is. \\ ,? h, ? - i" w rilera ani workmen, io |icii and pict i'urnbull ? llghtei uni a bet lei 'fellow,' but lie ha* elise tn know when he lia* "enough." ,' tl Ml tune, and i' -<> he will I the tl n ls h. 'ii. alike multi thin'.:- in Hie .-onih, ic king. Vii v not mike ,,! il a prov ii, mi *? I iiele .l.,i in charge'.' 11ue be real bul will liol smite \\ hy Un- talk annul "guarding thc la! "Ill Illili'. - l0Ok Will > Itu* spode** purity ??! Un ermine* ? lati<,rin protet lion \\. are simply nk ol Ihe liv r beal foUl iei'i-liilis ..I ui highes) tribunal. sunnis I,ni anyhow, I iiihi k ami I.m n-paliil Ugh) ll mil. Ihe I'Uentloll -a mi-t non i- 'i- you lum.' mi v mn gramma i iwn tu Hill ul New \ mk. wailed until he lie country liefore \\:?tii- .1 in take III ?Ws tu Un polelilali ,,| I ow eolossiil I- Hie tin . Mill Hie Hil While (lovernoi Hughe* is lighting unlit is in, aged iiiiu i is conduct u| ti.ii in the ?" ti < iv N mk u uh ll a, Un- lieutenant* he could 111 ii ii in I Xml lu- |, u rpi i-f is lu ip up the in-'iii all auinmer, Verily r world inti-i lie getting bettei lin ? new. li i- saul thal Un farmer* >>! Amen tin record ? crop "I the ages. Let them ami demand !'.n?i lils ovel wilt .| the flin! - ! 1.lillis 1 -: i .1 Ile I lull I I i ul ii mir I the geuuiui ii mot-racy about it, ie ol Hu ; nt Utan any \ a rte ty that i, I he va : come io un? it. unction look* way ?lilllie hu lin- I'lt-iii au v Well Ull? man who tiles to saint linn ' ? ?? VS hile Doune by thal louie D li ll vie mav th, fur Hie i'. hut n pl, le. - i un lui tra res lu I t ri; iv at I ll bl -,111 ll l.i-l wi! uni' M lum Vin \ ? Pl I ran. finn I'liul I a, I . -- Ille. A I , \ I hil ROI v i hil U ll Hie I hui- lu-, Dei.ii '" " ! I' would in "li? 's \\,- ion i iati.iw w hat we would du will.i Hu Sunday l??ue ol I he I in lt ia I eerie** In l .'iimviilt Herald \\e thank Hie Herald foi ii- kindly reference, but we think it ba* gotten ll I- .ni il v ralbi i I han on >t- new - lilli I In- I um - -Disputed pride* il-elt I uni'- I h-pnl.ii i hal - "h. ' mi leading nen - i-iiiiiei. i i- I,, i.ii beal Democrat \" linne running ifli i Huckncr Nu linne lt ,1 ,-i Hryan ii leadt i and v aoclamatinu l rue out worthy brother gue* on hi suv thing ; incl pies,' "dcm ii trap and such like, but Un- ID - iisiif .i- Den we knuw lt mean* mst what ii -ivs ? that there wa* room In Richmond hu a morning Democratic papt non we wont Viiothei llubernatorial announce? ment I lu* Uiue fmin old Alex? io.I ut Hie person "ie. - t ainu ,\.,r i- Iii a dark lim se. having won hi- -pm- ;i- legislator. Mi l Hy son, ii is Mid, will I to ie main where lie ia Hld In fan have Hie place l"i th' Mann will give nd ' alon ??> cordial web.e i.i the race Hank, foi w ith lum ii i eiuphallcally true, Ihe "more the mei w uti the "imi' and Ihe anti salomi folk* on he ha* Hie poa ei- and Univ ard, no long in pri s.harnell willi complicity III Hie muriel ol Kentucky-'* <;.iverii" intoned by Hie preaenl I or, w Im i? a Republican, li I thal he has gone ovei the record, willi painstaking care, dec., bul Hus bl* Dcmooralic predeceanoi did, and no pardon came until a Republican ? "? Cllpied the chan w e see Hil, f.-ieiiily anti ii tlepeiiils altogether on Mini! depend*. ? ni the judge and the |ury, lin i iel I* mankind i- a cab Republicans ami Democrats tl i Re i lat us hope Ihey are all honest. lu his speech naming Mr. I .--ri. Mr, Burton uaed Ibe following len lenee: "They have noi been satisfied thal the Temple ol Prosperity should lie alone by ihe iewi l- ol Hie fortunate ami ihe opulenta hut have i ibal i -lill ni.around in iiiipines which commemorate Ihe enforcement ol eveu-han?!ed and the maintenance "i thal opportunity n hlch spreads ho| hlessing even to thehumbleal home." Ami it i- ninia I in ii- ihai any Rt - pul.Hean "I ordinary renae and in the a modem day history, and In ?peaking ol anolliei Republican ihould have ille Unblushing lilnuil.-iv I. lliuuil -inh i -enlenee Hilo Ihe lull face ol broad opeu day 11 Repu bli ?anisin itanil? fol one I li i in? ti I othei Unlit:- il i- fol Hu f< a .he many and Uk- brnadi ?lamps ami -lilli- il han mair mi the ? me-ni history i- timi ol favor, lo be plutocrat! rather than i>. the peo .le. Hie high rathei (han ihe hum lie, the castle rather than ti.a bin, - rathei than Un- weak. ni i Hu rion - tongue ihould iis,s| I., ullei -in-li a -eui' lr. Crviin Nm cr .Siiiiikiis Nr linns Ht; IiIiiih ur Drink. li is hui n -tum !,, nola boa much i! an llUiglll mu- eau get Into a man's eal ehaiaiiel through the unOOIIMCioUl es Uni', uv "I Iii- associate*. Ami with io one ia thia more clearly Illustrated hun willi NNilliani Jennlllgl I'.ivan he Hryan* belong to whal Ihey fall : . I nun i- I lui, iii w Iiuii Ihe aoO al iiie in Normal cent* i I itel iii the July Di I I \ 'brough the n\ mill ihey hold month* y lueetliig* at Hie home* .1 the mt iii ti-, liny come in Hie morning some Iii -I rong ami -lav Hil timk tinily I I Iheie - -pi> ni Hu- lineal diiinei you ever I ami li died aiul I pie- mun e ani ru-laul ami lillipilli!, ani all I he riki - Hie . 111, - mil ii.iu-ew ive* eau liml ni Ibe ctnik* i he women folk*, when Ihey le tloiie ut Hie kileheii. galhel roll lld IC pal lot Blot e W lilt Hull sew mir h- Hryan bringa perbap* Hie night tint- -he i- making hu her buaband, iiie Stockings lunn the html darning hankel I he men gel .mt Hie bal ii ami imoke ami talk ul Ihe line ul alfalfa -uni Hu- ie-l I mi l"U ol ? I lui- i Inly Un i. i- mu' among em vv hu due.n 1 le |Uil- Ilia! -ihi! I). ? nien ta I stimulus, -i mit- J nile says ni proud commendation ..I >? leading light ni Hie community, A I s thal much hillel ii lin n l.i thal Ile neve! -in,,!,,.- ,,"1 chi at s. elden) i doa true thal he iel Lake- a ililli, e. el V political i np iel llndiug hi* glass turned down. Sore Hipp lae. Any mot hei w hu hai had .vp, ? lb thiatllntressing ailment will i.e kliu'-i Ihai I ian. maa lei by apply lug < ham beria in's ",,ii a- I he ' lilli i- done nurs U ip. il nil ,i uh a -ult .ililli I't e allow ma.- the halie to nu rat Many ll na I li ll I-e- u-e tliis sala e w lld Ix- I nils I "i -ale Iv I lie NN ui-hm \ui|"l I- Ihe beal laiti'W n piepiinil uni i i- offered to the people hiday foi -|M|,si'i ul Huhe, s|. mn -hun i trouble Kodol digi t- all i ?.. ?< I -. , mt io lake li i- mid A S i'i.i;-"\ Dm ii I ... liza ? I, pla nil -h. got tua !,, a list Iimr krui. I v on w ani e.'ish hu _\ inn ann, price, no limey price, bul ii! ill- worth, ami waul lo -,-11 eklj i oniii ihe poaitlon tn handle Am making a ipedalty nf large ile-, have eii-linuel- hu any nulli u Hie pi ?. most of them i-lt I '??-! JOII liol ill is- I sell. I.I-t them w Uh N\ m. NV. .I.tek-un, \ A NN . li. U. I iii iii 11.1 :i iHon, Manager rjouthaide 1 Sun! Inn ii I. mal my, I -i' in ,11, Va bone i" apl. Buckien's Arnica Salve Wins. nu ni,.ure.ut Kural Hunte i. < loeb* l.-l . aa ille- ' I hail 'I I,ll.I s,,r,. i.Ihe I Miepol hiv lout ami emil.I nothing thal would heal it until lulled l".in-isi?-11 - Arnica - I tv i"i un bj tilt 'im. a perfect "Hold uml.i L'u.r uide at white Mon jud tba ""i Hui lu? lu hu una don mu lu Rul sui hun lu-l liesa ami lite. hum Wh" htxa Hu? ies Wh" ttl pu A i W lill will t "I.l.n.k?" ls His N.inii:. determined who Un- iii ? l.le I" . all h rn f.v 'hi "('lack" would lie a iiilsnoinei and lo lose ins identity Vb. I 1 Utily' Johnson McKinney and '( I tin. I'he age i- in , ami emleiiiii . a I i hu Clack I by pu. ? hal he ,i"(-sl| I,,w ' ha* yet to I "I w.ll nigh m .1 . I Ul uni.' I he ililli ul w uili a loinat" plan! in Ihe rion th hop ami | mire Hu hui "I 'I i VA aleillll" Ila I. w hen ll,t u ann .lav - ,,: , mouth " i- tenderly transplanted i" th. ..I ninl lu ll.,lieu, I,h...n. tomah* ground, m.! ,, I lluWilli' ihat nature alway i he hunted him-* a laming ami h.i ply Hie Victoria a ami Clio v ieloria would ii ,i- lillipilli, deli he planned and p. H. clad largei one w iib the corni anec Ihai he Would lie : ply liol only Hu- .nm bill wallis ,,; ton lisineli .1- Well NN anting i nen wi ii. stand -all-in i iv m. other* he ha* planned one "t ' ami vv ill sunn lia?>e stand uni liio-l eon- pli i lier* a I (IdenHy claims w ill lie ilu l'i -t i- i ind ol I lu we w ho n py iiuiie prelenI.- hu He uni relaxation gammon and drafts, and his ki ? kindle n ith new lu hen he ? ellis his eumpetiliir Ht ? lil-l Bl Sun I' .ai? lie singing and i 'II "I -"im mv li ii."is li uili .( the lillie. Ile say* Ilia! line iii lin li numil.I lie ..nil I lin up foi dead, inti i n I hnik a- i: ined in lesli, In ms "bom to tl l latia "After di* ire foi chronic ?digestion, ami ---eliding u ci two uiidred dolla mc mc - much g.i a- Di 'ills. I e.Mi-ii, i them Hie lienl pills wi Mild.' h rites ll l Nv -fi", ul In \ < -,,;,| stiiriimi AMce. mum men is mv lug lo I ai- are brough! up I li lintaketi knit I ni - nml lu i iilii-i'l'.i- i" v. hat Ihe.V mi-ill lo nike Iht ?aeh In leal plan, nml t ia \ ai i: , ami nu. ie helli I III- nat',lal Billi I Ighl Ililli uni lui shitulil vv lah lu -- well ed uta ted and implished and ii i- a ml takt iml ami uart - . M Ull , foi the homet* i . '.', ill-! at lill haili-, ii Hu- contrary ? Hm -Uer peil"lli|i'i| ll l ll' 'I lt' i ii lillie i hal i di nled si i iu-i.iIs hu Uni! il iii pm t them nome "I tin iv lal ii then a ? uld be mon ni marring. - Milli - < I- should lie - Iliple hull-el, idler, h i tIii-iii Hil Hill a I W lill lilt' 1 housekeep.-, ll ililli l al. w inn they ire ma 11 ni lin Uhle III BlUpl Uiein-.i>. i- lu Hu ll iimi-laiiei?-, uni ni lliii liillmi's My. her fani i v el w e i" ? i"| " ,'- all the <pi lillie- ne. .1, ll ?ai wuik ni training up human lie* I un,haul v w ilh lu i riiihInn i in sollie i- I ul a fiori ty. I h< ??I take ii.u- "I ihe family el iiiiii ni limo la Wife hui he H ill Ihai .filth I steady hand; thal behind theil Ibei - it aha h. L'uieiii. and i '.x iii II lill ll nat ll, Hiul Hill He .one upon Un.u resist I he ol hi i i ii he would lie ti nh Ibe falhei ??! family . he mu i liol ilium ll will auswei in lum io come in once lu a w bile i" mi Kv haul antill rily Ile -i ie Hu companion, the I ,ii,lil, n ll all I't'iiel" . Ibii i- '?' , einalla heart *' i ami you i from bitter* ani corrosion in rough i emili ct- aud disapi ointmenl ol a- Ihe daily en Hms allow- bimaell Hine foi re* i foi Hie play ol Ibe >lo In- all. (ilmi- vv ill In . Ished mon anni ami I.otlv. Ulan one ha- u en all ihe time mi Hu ' "I . ' I lt. M l\ St Him lu hi!i!|i H.iltir UM. Coming. -lil e. m*tl '" ' "'?' ' Intel I n OT 7 -a /; OF C/_ c O co O ? o & o o o (T) CD o 0) H c l\) Ol o mn & Lcstourgeon ll\ ROOFI '? H).V1 la 1 ll VI i- ? COMFORT FARMVILLE MFG I ( mi BI) C M nz ONITOR FLOUR PULVERIZED DIGESTIB1 ELIMIN \ 1 i I) ? okes & Davidson ill f)( i ? - Richardson & Craik. L-ivrntY And Sales Stables AT ALL liol r W. VAUGHAN. - CROQUET HAMMOCKS Chappell Kennedy's Laxative 'ough Syrup Relieves Cell:, by working them out the aystem thr ugh a c.; I althj act: g the icous membranes of the throat, chest j bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugair" ;hildren Like It* For BACKACHE- WEAK KIDNEYS Trj lilts Kidney md Bladder Pilli- Sure and Safe WOOD'S SEEDS Cow Peas tri- worth min of dollars mu lor | Im Sow afti Sim ul I asl Morilug .il (urn: Shh on >our V.-icuit -mil Inniltiulrd I.unls. - Peas. .rd Pot-ton* on Clo . Wood's Crop Si T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, : Richmond. V.i. y Watches, Clo. la*, or dry N ? .RBERT W. DR1 . -V* DOLPIHIACON ACADEMY , ,, *?? ?' *! i. ** Us I OPERA HOUSE THE PASSION PLAY ,"' .\ni MONDAY, JUNE 29th. i u Deln r Jiloving Picture Co. +?-*??? ???***-?.?. I ?yew ! aiSM ? -H..rpr_Mr J ? a ! I ' , I I I I WI --'"mmM I , I I \ I I -?+? .. + ?-***_..? ***-*-.?-a|- ?-*--?..? UST RECEIVED vi. WALKER'aS SONS. ? OUR Li ? ' ; FRANK MILLER RICHMOND. IM 1 . i I i A ; ;?' 11 ALL PvJi L QUARTS | nu | i.ti | ixl ? PIAIS ? ii and 1,1, fl SUD