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PAKMVRLE HBRAJ I>, l'XI'1 ll Pom J La lt I Kati tim ?? ' HAY. ll L> (OB XX I I.,aa , II.. ol thc Ilium, liol thou royal pi reepectful named i chaim in dui : ul the tllltll -(..Ullala aiisw, i Bert hot, en.I li. couipli-tmii a i Child ot cai nest son ul en th ii ls mit lalxil t,,.. Ila. iml tl- ut mania outer** Shall it lowei lu hil [unction thal does noi - a corni in m> ' BRYAN'S MtOHIBITI XX in Jenniuga ll lloti - " I \a ill not 'Im. handle1 luto an anta, and i in ih. likest lae, but I will nt tn ms nelghboi >a.11 shall i,oi. Bonal |'i"liil.iliiiii is i ional ami moa! now ii among nun Let all hhmI t ami all church meui drink ni all (oin M t Bryan's pei prohibition parts aud Iiie i i- It'll lo Ult' -ll|t|'!ill ul <l I ll ll ls Ul <l - . ami as thc IO Illili.! ii and Hie liquor problem ?ell ta lu-!..). all men would ? . in othei branches ol lia ?-?in ibal nu it al all ls thal il i- iiiimt'ii-cly profitable. drinkera and church member* who drink can unite 1" accomplish thal, and all men will abandon tin liquor- a- rata run Bom sinking slii|is. hil into m of thc >-iii whet hei.ot prohibition pi iml we do nay with perfect confidence that i' io will the Bryan white haime! ol | ' ' furthei cms,.hmil ni to tin Battled im -lion ami thal tem. m tbe truant, highett! ? will |trc\ ml the country t' ft i he Mllllll'.ll til lt m ix taajr, the answer to the moal momen lon- i|ueatlon ol the daj ami it I- w ith moderate drlnl i thc I hristian iltnikfi-lo-i.t the so liitloii ami tl - il , . is splendid leadei xx ill you follow lum Inlier w ith hun may on otliei I'Ueal i -solute ly iit-lil lin- lime real > .lo a.- lie i- doing. XX ill y.lo il xx t are told thal h. have gout back to nominal condition-. now that Un Con i nil "i eil. Why become abnormal .Ml Iel lite i. >i ii lint lt c- III the fi.tun Ignort I , ' launs ,,| all cities iioin which iii ml.ame it -hall not be die thiel that hotel rates ahould imi i-i i n-t 'I i deliver p. it ol Ihe li In ? I lu Norfolk I m. i kc < .invention thal il w aa thi \ Ictlm of li) -teni. I lie nam. Ililli pu rel > woman s .|:-ca-e ami so lu Un' Itt certainly n hui on thc cullinia. ?'Ilolllll e I ami nhl liol Int alli ll sll.ll i eu they meei io rend. then may we indeed ' intiiiw. il Mi Byrd aa though in- a opinion from the beni h ai ? follow" ad enunciated thi of Democrat ? dupateli ot Bryan was mentioned nx hat - D rong n iii, our broth. .-tale I. , ??ll,. I'" lit I Ih: lui '.'I'll I' etea I'hi ida Hil*. ni thea, i faith in his I io righi tin Bryan's - hysterical 1 t', nu lh\ lu..Un a. hen III ol Hie Koanokt imi worklui suit ... mil oin w Ith - . i XImicIi ltd ll "mv ? ll Daniel i shoul U || ,11 a -| a-i ? h 'le 'im the ..,.i.--l com | ' RD leal li ai Hie ni the ? -. lilith. lt min 1 .ot on . .,i xii, Kimnm veil -ll, - lent*. Ih* n nu,I loyal, At till 'lill -n\ - ? I -lui Hiing m life is i measured by this tesl M i i if., land - I i a bi lilian) . lae he sue - niling ri- ins wife the -I woman among all Hie \ un i an xx e sioo.1 once Ul llU'llt Ul lill icu iimi wt wera bow* nore Utan human Itu i woman, the mod dow ami the ?lui.hen ol the household thc hear! ol ihe \al ii tenderest ay in* nih xv RM ? ICTIOH. In his it'lli ' I lark ? flit ge ,-,mullein emeiil i ll IcildetIC) towan! it ail o' il the nation when I liamma* powei ol a , - ol so mu,-li un 1 - lill- |?,|,||| (lion li..ui? ui.I adla liles lillg I'OWi I of Hie ? uni is worth a-iIj niora Utan the punishing powei ol Hie criminal ?aauii lt is iii lim- with the highes! Ami Hie Justice ilue-i i -i . lon io Ibis ancient .ired and peculiai powei and pei I Bl [Mill should trifle with it in plat tum promises ls folly, thal Ihe) ?hould endaugei ii ls mad HIS KM) WAS PEACB. tin President u M a reception In the Kx position's I'empleol Music, An endlesa lineol t.iiiiii'er- lilcii liu-t tin- ? 11.? i where lu a chance ? lu- hand rn lu"1 .IcKiiiltiy stooped lo pel a little child i- hil up io him by its mother. ? turned lo greet the nexl pei .ni in thc line l in- "nexl in hue" . "iini' man w hose righi ii si was handkerchief. As the ll willi a smile ol welcome lelilout lu- hand two Hashes ul ll.lim hand kerchie! the ? I I lu- Presideni tumbled backward against those u au -i lum. I he assassin rm A ii ircllisl hail rm clianee to eaC i| t I lt ? I lilli a 11 -.- < I ! 11 a -a | . I Ile lilli ii I ton him lit ..nilli probabl) l,, "in to ? Un mortall) w<. imletl , ? 'I ? l i-l hurl ? lo: ' McKinley tough I ni.mplainlugly ? , nile all the natl.>n w ailed Billi I l|'t-M||o||s (Una I ,| llsclcs-, idoned. XX uh no treuioi iifin awaited Ihe ml. I Iii.iii.holli th.- long ordeal ol '.'oily li ? i.e was h, soften I iii thc -hock lo his un alni ile Xi thc las! ne w diapered io ? ? ii his death i...I. v Mi? lli he .lone. noi 0111* \ X lli'i- .ml his 1st word Mrs, Cleveland Insisted thal hei -heil li us baud s|,md,1 bc II ried without pomp 01 ceremony, lo ilil? li! President I loose veil wa? il, ia.1 v said "be ll/.en ami I w mil -, um music, imi |,.i ide 1-1 lui., iii the ml ? ntl) caught I -he ls 11 a ,1 Inline niihl rule this , tl not . ? Hie .num.' you ii to know 1' which I Ihe n, .,, Hu lap ol Ihe ' 1 couveiiient - .'i tl w il faculty 1:1 banking < Xml 11 - thal Mrs I nil lint luis ml would have remained on the nh. Mu- Induced hun to make li 1, aii.-iiii- 1,1 ba , , . ? ? . Uah I'Cllil, ' ? t 'glori thc I'1 ?mini national content, ti Republicanism cai 1 led i" ii- i-i-t ? ti lo reconstruction .lays, ami no ..lute mau ami no decent ck nulli sh,,ul.I .leslie th's \, <a modal. <l ' \ I w hen I lilt And Mi I alt I- io be >i Hm Boanoke I ? Ililli llNllll CU' ' " ' I ll HM hiK eaiull'lali Xl i lioosca ell ??? orklug" lune m Hie W ; prohlblllui tba laiui Now fol the i.mitten ol liotiflca* tioii, ami then the Icllei-o! acceptant** hui the "bam I' a Al ls kepi on lap all Hie lim. i, nu me i" wuk l..i H..' i mal kima ii ann ii,,w don't you know lin wont hurl a hall >>f Ita hi \|,l, ?" ni,,I yet ? inn - ? ..mum. rd life Insurance Do Hie norn panie* lolali the rulea ol height uni weigh! In Hie big xx hal oi Mitchell aa Brj au - run xx e would pu h ' I"' I t-iniel. bul n at I 'en wt Bad roads coal nu,re than railroads c.ii l am- l lispatch. Vnd j -i pulling i the mud, oi sticking In it. dumping mil. the rut* and pajing Ihe tax. . rta anson will second the nomination ol xii Brj an and ii may l'i- depended un that lie will do ii In approved Virginia style, it will noi ni effort either, inn i fi Mr. Hryan lyi In Hie < nmiimnei, timi the Bepubllcan Convention wenl back on the policies "t a Bepublican Been going back on Hie i..| HI \ eilis nml ."inl gel I ni fl king habit. Aa yd we have handled noi.f ihe money anil Ihe emergency ls upon us In lull force. Hui may heit was m.t Intended togo l-i'.\.I thc limit- "I lin XX all -II.a I w ail hu nu i im- oi xi i. Brj rm - daughters has i..en iii hi-iiu'i looking niter Hie ar? rangements oi thc Convention hall Whynot lake advantage "t the ah sence ol Hu- Kooaevell family and make In peet lou ol Hie XX lille Hons, Itu daj - i.L't' Hu- in i-i" churches ol < hit-ago win- crowded with excited bruthen in black prob the nomination ofMr.Taft, aud noa ire organl "i.mel" is doing ;.I wink nml early In Hi.- eau Ami m..* an ..I.I "Heb ' im- broken lulu cabinet circlea President Boone veil lia- named < len, w right, ol I'en ,s success, ,r ol -MK III*. I all ld- belongs io lighting stuck ami i imue than dn ,|'liei I Ilia leone ul ihe lianda.? things ot the ? ii administration xx e un-- i lllmaii from i he nea spa had something io say thai attracted attention. Ile must hmrj up, gel well and come home. Chere's work waiting foi lum, anti he iliu-1 lie -mc Dial tile "pitch fork" i-n t expoaed t" Hu- weat ht i t io lu- ruaty. xx, need noi laj loo much sirens on ihe difference* prevailing lu Bepuh Hean lank-. I hey ale lu-a-i cai neil to the pulls, Demoerata diflei !.**>. ami : iain beaded enough io have il ? nit to Hie laal 'l,ifh. I in-' - alts wile al least all captains, ami the tun - ii rn- ni present-da) I lei.irat* I lu. 'lui Hie i - -ional C.ii i tlii-s which was uncle at Boanoke would indicate thal we an already iu Hu- mldal ol Hu uatorial light, xx >? <'mn t kn,,.a -,, much about the oilier dietrich* bul -,, im a- the Fourth i- concerned thej an X| nilli lo a niau Am! noa fiim- a xealous prubi iiiiioiiist exclaiming, "Ihi- natiun is prohibition, lei ui claim our ..wu." xx imt ia Uti lt adel eau bc found than in the pei.min of Judge xx m. Hod es xiniiii. who Im-,]been a life Im listen! ami peraistenl prohibitionist, l here i- time yet i" i all a national aiolui'iiioii convention, Melecl Allan* a a- I he I neel um pince Him' Hie Lan iel io the breeze a ith Hie name alone 'luhlazoued thereon, aud "beard Hie lon iii his ilcii, Hie Dooglata in ll i mil. Pu ref j xv Babington, clots Hu 0,11011 saloon-ol New X mk I it\ 'llicago "illy ami let ami ?arlh rmi', w ilh glad ai claim ulX illl|S llf Jllllll K,llllllll|lll lilllltilllltlll. ?? I ii lad, Un- businea* "I li*. Ing i-, r.nilow s i, clamation on Ihe ? 'tench I ,"\ ci nun ul, <lull wm k, ami I -?? little "l pag tn phllosophj , I ol < hii-lian pain tuc. a- I if| nentl) ll eli to the hunk of ill he Use- of this World li.'l'-c lung e. un ,i io mc -i .I.. Hal ainl unproli ta? le, bul I have worried along like a ,oiii ..ul huiac in ri m.ul coach, bj mt ol habit and a hip cord, ami -hail t la-t .lie m the iiaces running Hie mic dui "Ile ls |,,,i holiest too unsuspicious, ,.. deficient in cunning I would aa ?"ii ic...mmemI -mil a man to a ha? ul tal,lc ami a gang "I ihai per-, a- lo -t ai in an\ isaemblj in ?? xi.-,,iUiI a* I mighl sup|H.-,,i ii. ? willi my ow.shutout-, l live Hy im m., friends, lin> art il Hies i IS be J "id nil lili? an estimation.' " I cai' lia wm ld IOU III not Le pu ll bibed How a-, in Un? iv - ,,| i aesai Ol Nfl,nelia.Inc/. , bj Bonaparte maj not be as good au -iiuinciii n- .-iii.i thoae iy rants, I '-. ina mimi nil lUCh contemplation- I h- lo il tin it my sell to ll un w lu.-e . -I ia-li-. eui i- k "Putdown parly spirit! I'll! I little : on the -pillow - tail ami ni will Infallibly catch him. Non ill put down pilly -pint w hen yon it down whiskey drinking, ami Hui iii be when the (iraak calamia i ani I "i war, Ihe linn ot lin- . I- ine\ Ital not haw millaa turfs on a targa -cale " ?My faith lian heen greatly eon* uit'l ny Um inli.lel writers I have i I think such WOUM he lite nt upon anj one w ho h , t nh ma - Men maj au'.., he pl, nu I.Cl Hg wi ?ii,, mi X aa ll lal tra ?Im A Ih. u-ly a-ams| om faith, ol n.-i lill J ll. ' ll " nat I wouhl ' ? an,I I In a, un,' . i not, Ihi i lu suv io il,cm In tba leach ol ?Indeed I ha ? a- iii \ -i- a ? ii rn ? I , lam. lit, ? ill li (ed III' ? ls pelhi.p- lill ih, proofi "f ihai aiithciiliiitj latter, i -h.mill blimll) re lcd Hu ??Mj niau ii ol Hu- momeii ? pi i-c "I."ti -; ' ? n -pi cl ' he "i.n people ul I ll ,-Ialt - "XX lien youl h ttl ?ill the horn called, 'Blue 11 ?-1 can sustain a ith compos - e i ll W illl Hull lill' li .in-,I ol Hu- lunn, i w hoiii ll has hedi Ill) lot lt course "i mj iinj - hare not yet * endure Hie ".iii,aii|.Iii"i , mud' .1 nu n, H hom io call my friends, and I ?.ii lou bad terms a Uh the win ld lei in) "W ii -a li 'i ??XX hal mei.i ol the < 'onfi ' moie mi the - lie g.I I han mm nt .li. uh il lanils beyond Ihe < >hio, then and imw almost Hu- n I lom oin- gran! a worded, ami tey un iliiiimi* hhi, a* ;? lal ions, ii.un th, ,oi,.,ii iiene ii- '? it wa* forbidden | lu ii-, and thereb) the romula) lani ol Incurable animu cm beta ctn ihai greal uni ural nhl... I un uol - j hu the ha ' Xii ? i I lind I oil- Iii mc not repn dud "I om fellow iiuii I. hdeil, j el I hale in ? - done nu- au, m honi I ma tl, in thoiiis'iit oi deed, ll 1 could li' . I w "nd reine lo -omi- retreat, tai from Hu world, am! pa-* Hie remainder ol mj ? lusa io meditation and yat Hill a runty "Implicitly, ihcn. will I Ihroa mj sell upon 111- mere) - \,,i mj ititi I blue be ilone, ? I. un i.c a sinner. 'Help, Lunl,ui l |m i lah.1 Ami now, mj friend, ii aBei uipse* "i i li ul ni) i harden my heart, w Inch una - as melted a ix, il I should be t ii the 'beni,' and I : tn ul ui) womilla, how much i touched ia ?I his | indoiie condition llii- lia- iiishcil upon my mimi ? h. n have Ihoughl ul ol Hu ."i'l - ? 111? |>? i xiiei binding ij iimi sacretl rite shuuld . ivercouie me, should I be Induced i" "i-.'t-i in some unhappy lunn thal liol) bligation, I slunl'lci tu Hunk ul it "My deal sh there la oi then Hollier, better um iii li then re all believe, w hal is ii imt m a be iiii-miicil in 11 mil hovel, lultl ai w i'l, unmindful ; the rich inheritauct ol an imperish le palace, ni a hlch .lal en-.' XX e a,a,ll".. ? : ilh our lip-, hut not w Uh uni e lack ' - unlj niau I evei knew well. iti approached closelj whom I did ni discover lube unhappy, are sin ire belies 'i- "l Hie ? I >m|m I, and cou* ?rm Hu n is tbe nature "i ian eau permit, lo itt precepts I'here t.Ij three "i i1 " I ani iu, dil al . ,11 "I xx c y, imi I feel thi langai mil un-. ,.i a ut - tci.-.l nhl..un nature i" be soBeni d iat ii is esaeiitial lo mj comfort hen. ' well a i" ni\ inline well ii ilh.ate and cherish feelings ul ill toward* all mankind, i" :ailis| tm yf || I lim,I i lnr'.'l\ lin.' all UIJ ? in ni ? it a human being thal I would hurl ii were in mj 'lower, u pilli "Howe 'a greal Ihe <? il uf I lu ii i m ia be, a ho i- io nell ll ? ho l-l mi mi-hi as .. i ll altai ? iii n pucket pi lui nish them Hil,1,nut In Ilium,-. I he man w In, un , eau ilialgi euemle> bj Iryl ? rj hotly I' shuulil ls il liol Hutt om -li,ml'1 mugil tin- a lind un- to knock ami Ihump iii- bead un~t, tli-pui m's i.pinion hiiim ami dhow im; andi rowd , io ililli! from lum a. ia itbei i ?ir opinion so have you; don'I fall o the emu of supi j w ill ai moil Im lunn . io match the color "i Ih X car youl ow ii color in Bpi! ul or weather 11 co-is the mt* ami inc-,,pile len inm-s tba uhlc I., shuffle and iw i-t lhan it - Inn,. uml. , min. !,, . - a woman iii-! Un,lc Ij ti ly, Hu it corn for : ? I I b < >!iii?. ?j t-H-B-BH M '" ,11 lum - ? ? ? ' -? ? [ R i FLYLESS COMFORT VILLE MR. INVEST :or the Benefit of Youi Family . 11. ?. 11 tin' \ I/if** in 1 ..iii|i 11 HI PER < I -, I GI rVRAN Nih 11.1 I ' ; Iii' tl,11.1 ' tin Imi; |"'i iml ( & Martin i(.Mil lil VIKI.IU,. fi We Have lt. folder rwi ? I wine -KT Irs SELL YOU Dill.,Il, Son & Co. I xi : 1 li I1 ' HOY i Richardson ?//<*. 1.1 VJ.14 Y And AT ALL I I r. W WAUGH I Ll CROQUET HAMMOCKS Chappell Kennedy's Laxative lough Syrup Relieves C .1 ir, by working them out the system throu ?althy action of the bowels. Reliev by cleansing the ,ucous membranes of the throat, chest id bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE- WEAK KIDNEYS Trj Wilts Kidnej md Bladder Fills Sure snd Sala WOOD'S SEEDS Cow Peas WOrth millions of dollar* Sm for .1 tenet Dtp; Sow aller drain (nips; Sm .il I asl Murta inti ni (urn: Sou on yen Vai-anl anil Inciilli.a.rd I.mils. Cow Poa-.. Cerman Valid. Sorghums. Late T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, : Richmond. Va. Watches, Cit .vi'lry Repair I will IERBERT W. DREW ' ll X| Xis I I. "mi FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST COMPANY .ND DEPOSITS $1 100.06 IF YOU . j PERFECTION j BLUE FLAME OIL i j COOK STOVES ( ( PAULETT & BUGG + ?-W -*. ??-"*-???? + ????*??-??-???*-??:*??"??*-??.??-???--???! ?-*?_.?*,*> ED ?!-*"|?atB C. M. WALKER'S SONS. NATIONAL BANKS . lt)!' lill' I Ullt'tl Stitt 1.1 I G ivernmenl ? . it .ir ,| Ital. paid in - dcpartm iRST NATIONAL BANK farmville:. va. D APITAL. SURPLUS AN TS $120,000.00 Bank of Farmville ' VILLE, VA al i >ei h )srr vaults ?; : BEER I iir;rHf?r? frtt-sli .ali' THEM j MKOFVA* : ll'! Bullit-' The Virginia Brewing Co. ? FURNITURE ATC < )WAYS. i 'X1)KRTAKIX(>. I I I .IV,-"). C. C. COWAN